than eyer this1 No excuse for shabby look- ing rooms now. You can have silver or gold papers, at old kitchen paper prices. A nice silver decorated paper ýfor 6cts. A gold for lOcts. An extra large stock to select from. If you can't corne yourself, send for sam- pies, stating kind of rooms. Crokinole again in stock. P. Trebilcock, Spring II iglt Wall Paper The second reading of the Manitoba Remedial Bihli as been carried'in the Ilouse of Commons. The division on the arnendment was: Yeas 91, nays 115 being a majority against the proposed six months' oist of 24., The second reading of the bill was carried on a di- vision of: Yeas 112, nays 94, being a ma jority of 18 in favor o& the second reading of the bill. And so ended the 9 reat Manitoba school law debate-a ebate that will make this sixth session of Parliament memorable, and will ai- ways hold a place in the history of Ctaiu- a dian legisiation. NEWCASTLE. Some news came late for astý issue. Division Court meets liere March 31. Mr. T. Douglas lias been indisposed. Mr. John Rickard's son Frank is quite Mi. Miss Trimm, Toronto, ivas guest of Mr. W. Knight. Rev. Mr. Wilson of Baltimore visited in town hast week. Mr. John Mollon, Hampton, visited his father on Monday. Mrs. Sîmmons lias nearly recovered from lier recent ihness. Mr. Donald McLeod lias returned from the logging camp. Mr. T. Taunton, Bowmanvilhe, visit- ed Mr. C. Keat recenth.v. Mr, W. Riekard will erect a large storehouse at the station. Miss Jessie Atkinson visited Miss Minnie Lovekin ast week. Miss Issie Wilson and Miss Maggie Wihmot, have been quite ili. The'busiest citizens liere are the news gleaners. They're hustiers. ,Miss Flo Courtice of Courtice, visite,, Miss Selina Ashton last week. M.D. Hayes will occupy the boeuse BOWMANVII John Hellyar LLE. King, Street. Spri n g and Summer West End House. BQWMANVI LLE. The Palace Boot and Shoe Store. This store continues to lead in West Durham and is commodious, bright and1 attractive, furnished with the best goods of leadingmanufacturers of the Dominion. The Siater special-price shioe, the most popular shoe in Canada, is causing quite a sensation.' See our West win- dow. We also carry a, full lune of the J. D. Kinig Co's goods including their new llygenic Ventilated boots. Jn addition to the above we have an assortment of lower grade work to meet the competition in this liue which has been represented equal to our good Shoes at a much lower price. We are now prepared to meet competition in this uine flot by making patrons believe they are getting what they are not, but by giving f ull value every time., Trunks, Valises, Bags, etc., alwrays in stock. Grocers' due bis, and checks taken as cash. e e * e * e Wite Wear. E are opening irp this week a fine ne-w stoc~k \~T~of Ladies' White Wear, and we have -cp. portioned off the part of our Dry Gýood»s store in the rear of the cash desk, where you will find Miss VÂAuN in charge of the Ladies' Gouods. Jn addition to this complete line of White Wear, -we have also in the, same departmnent Corsets, Ladies' Vest, G (loves, Hosiery, etc.', and we are sure our efforts in this dirvection will please the Ladies of this. district. We Will also show at the same couinte-,r a spLendid line StliAnother A New DepartmentMD: Cheaper Season.