UPAEFU-CO FORING rrrT~ 1~ (~T~ < ~ ~ ~'-q rable. I shAll stay ulth lher-until Shte' Millm CHATE TXXVT -nninud. Stiejvp h hrns rm uis -ts taing, anti th."dntthnZ I3RAKFST-UPER.ButGergi eihe ca't icwnnt sy ~ar cofesio. J isnny xbejhowhe izh ex t te hiDoran Dorop tew Wh ' gûer tO oPraîo3 o diesîo 'ly osewadu hrogt w ssfill airy sittin in th ueIougig-har V~te sie-~e~rie o ~Usetetd Cnn. N. HAt T eartapn mXV-e" ie sas, t png, how, lie ai the to suc an-oneCls tachriaugd mscbevoly nfession.Its srony dhendleorhilertereare a teaa Doîan drop .flfartytlvoedhser~ewhchais'~ enilBut aoriw ithrce.an oiwt impas- thin ased omer, and iverdi ne ault-one ,"Poor Eseick!"the saeys, ockhaing ,r 1 ed ly aCý "Plcaton t, rnI t unersandby oursilncegbaben fortten-, 11embaswta neyer de- ly; an lE con cts, that neiiss sv oco' hpl. i n a'M h'I enu En oveainme?" Weila, oit simn liew lhe tr she laves dl owne rsa life butin yiour earce \ '.\ l .jnitbasobs usensrgotth arte basn ndvet te- 3 1, lst 0Von r iocbe rat inlis. In is on un , peu1. I canoses by yotriace that the Presence!" miL t ntnagenugh50reistnvrrteneuC ' opi' Jhave been cberishing for aneOIAPTER X"e, htshadyfirItiV.-gn elsean fudrdin~sibse aladies are sayxs Branscombe; "you, at least, shonidfl ot aIl extracted front the fond beca ~Odgaondu ray airarl, wheres- many iveeks lias been a vain one. For- "Love Set me up an nîgn, when J grew pt be the ancen say it, as you ara msnslis aftbkepin.iVe rstves-capeforitt'iv me for tmaubing ynu; anti believe van n a position ta declare J was alive and E 'wtthaureblootiei a a pronsri nnorifhb!Jsahn erOw f that my heiglit, lave lironglt me bearý ty alaf-paat twelve this morn-= fras..-"iviSevie a~tt"shrank fronm forlgetm e cu nd vr"vys ery nag .50yu were, says Clarissa,= ade Simfply with boiànwater or mUliEnlgmeynoutnvr **ig. 'hMonly in paekets. by G4o~s labslled th il,: return my love.- "Tise heart ni love is witli a thousand. "terribhy alive-but Oýonanacesnb- Nviii strengthen tise digestion andi male JÂU5rS FPPS &*i Ce., floinssopaillie Ce, Again lbe presses lier handte tabis lips; p.ercewil eue nifrneneyer jpapa iate ye, asanene s E' t fifky cents tatry it an the poorest ~as~ iedo~,. nglan1 and she, turning her face slow1y ta knowS. £rom tnwn tn-day,-somie painfully nid uronewisitrs nafwe Lis, looks up at hlm. lIer late tears boS oks, I mean,-and has net been founti - For sale by Dzuggîsts, ait gm-eal stores or sent posti w re but a summer sower, anti have «' lic rose aye w crs the silent thoriiisince.' I am certain hie xii be discov- fadd wy laig otrcsast' at heart, ereti anme day burieti benleath anelent ~ ~ fatird away, leaving na traces as tbey Anti neyer yet miglit pain for lave de- tomes; perbaps, indeeti, it xiii be hs 111111U1Ill!IIlIIIIl.lIiIIJIllII ________passeti. part." day. IVili you two forgive me if I go____ - -"But I didn't mean one word nf ai -Treinch, ta, sec if it is yet time ta dig imu" WED NESDAY, MARCIs2), 1896 Éit See sy, aiveiy, ietting hier \Nben Mrs. Retimond, nexE mornig, They forgive lier; and presently find GRAINS 0F tG0LD. 151t.J.jC IIITEHEL, fahi one more ovr lier eyst matie axvare of Geargie's engagement Lthe.-s"Ives alone. *Metlpasesnyrcg;uik long lashes fl nemr vrle y s eDorian Jranscombe, lier curiosity andtetliesrsnee lg;ulk DR.J. C 31TC1EL,"'[len syhat titi you mean?" demanda excitement knows no bounds. For "la it ail true, I xvander?"sasys Dnr- Ebose oi the bady, they are increased Ily VPFL4 fPRE ()I OU 'V' S' fAýiIle u tsam proaî iptecOnce sais aliteraiiy stmuck dumb xith ian, suer a lirne panse. lea d- repetirion, approveti of by rietaat -.--SarQ7eons. Onitarlo, Cb1o'ner. etc. amazemnent. Tf at Dorian xxbn is heir b ler liant, ant ius ioaking tiown at strengriseneti by enjoyment.-CnltaP. O8i'aadl5eider'e.Itnisklle. 7, "Qetetbeconrary ai thougsb" enan earhtiam, shouiti have fixeti lis CIr aiti a tdeep fond smile thatE le- Libraries are tiese aines subersail "N-nE quite,-withb lesitation. affections upon lier governesa, seema ns eiras sthe deep love oi lis heart. tise relies af tiseacetsitfuii A.j MoLAREN DENTISTi "A't heat, Ehat somte day you wilhi beVrs. Redmonti like a gay continuation "Quite truc; at least, I hope Sn," truc virtue, anti that sithout delusian 243 Yonge St., TORONTO. My vife?" of tise "Arabian Niglits' Entertain- with ais answering smile. l'len, "I am or imposture, are preserveti anti repos- i'frst-lass $10 Set of Teeth for $ii -N-a hogte ments." When alie recavers lier breatis, se glati you are going ta marry me," shead ac. "Wehh, you caur b aum xie,'aiter tise first great shock ta biernler- says, iithout tise faintest idea ai shy- 1 have tram the lieginning, anti I J> BI'UKE l, M Y.uBancombe pro mty."a vous system, shie laya down the ine',- neas; "more giadti lan I can tell. you. hope J shal ta tise ceti, pursue ta the says LTfr. BLanscOmb,, promMtly. "aays-uiable saock as eis mentiing, anti says as Ever ince-since 1 I as Ici r ahane, I utmmst of my jutigment antiabilities oCKI. i 't eairsCIn Tre'st. ~liug, tiarling, put me ont oi my misery, iOlhow5s rGoria reyuqit uehave batl no ancbelonging ta me,-tbat anc areatiyfine oi conduct for the gond bittli]tor for the "OnMytirnaBanskqise rny own; anti now I nf the great whoIe.-Waahingbon. ~ Ontari anlc andiSay what I1uatt YOU ta Say." lue meant lE? Young mn, 1 iys aeyu.Yuxii lxy efonder Ait leingshlavc their laxys;Ute Deity ____ Wch te, e." Se ieath aya mn1tugawtlot -actly oaime than ai anybody chs lutise wori, lias lEs lavis, tise materiai vioriti las itâ IIIOWI. V6IIMu, V. S. promise soi tly, shyly, but without the knowing wliy,-more especialhy gîter a won't yoi?"lassprriteîgcshveier tiance, as I have bceen toit.". Sesearelyaxas sas sawns, santri nelisghaw s haventhesi O~FFICE ]IN THE WEST DURHALVi faintest toucli ai any ticeper, tenderer "J arn quitEssure," says Georgu.tSisacu elyaxos sseak as n anbslwMneqiu INees Block, m here hirnasîf or assisitant ernotion. HIal Dorian been anc tegree fluahing liothy. She lias suffîcient self ",ï1Iy tariing, ni course 1 shahl. I1w Take heeti oi jestung; many have leen mt eesle und e.rîîcc .i 9posi. iti tet alis less iu love witb lier, lie couti have love ta rentier Ehis doubt very unpal- couti you ask me sucb a question? Ant inemd by it. Jr is liard ta jest antinet s einc.diilopsieDilSe.ai satabie a. re,, yuiv e"somectimes jeer, ton; whicli oftentimes 1' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11i Seergio eehn îlrclspaa adyfi"it oieVl aE si omiething that is nrtaltagetiser re- i"ýLove 3'ou? Ycs, I suppose an; 1 sinka deeper Vlan xas rutentietior ex- sueoo lI-r is, lie is radiant, lu a vcry seventis mate imom enivy creeps imm Mrs. Reti-don't knos,"--witb teciticti lesitatian. pected.-Puhler. A.A O Theaven af content. mond's heart. Beiug a mother, ahe eau "I arn certain 1 like you vcry, very No bandit fierce, n tyrant mai wîtt A"But yau must promise me faitisini- hartiiy help cantrasEing hier Cusy's machl. Iam quite hiappy wulien xviths pritie, n caverueti lermît rests seli-sat- ECHITET. Plns an i peing. ynyr al ûid am gi for lier gavernesa. Prcsentiy, liaw- that rt? k lut pretent, seek an admirer or suui tîeîa ionssîsiOnge o eauab sen ays Georgie, impressively, ssyiîîg a ever, leing a thîorouglily gond saul, abe etiinio nivatle b, iet.-p. 1nt Lot viarer. and ta sanitary arrangenieîts. linger an his lips. conquers tisese unsxorthy risougists, anti hardîy cames up to tise mark lu Mr. Iu thc pursuit ai knoss istge, ioliosv ~t~<:Gine iBloek. Whîtly 43 i "nkncs'wieu next aIe apeaka lier tone la mill Branscombe's estimation. lE wlierever lE la ta le faunti;lke feru - "Yes, dreadfully unkinti; just think ai heari incas anti boneat congratulation. She las risen, ant i la nv laking up It is thc praduce ai ahi climates, anti like of~m~~ 'i a ail the terrible Ehings you sait,' ant inJdted, she us sincerchy picaseti. The at hlma inquiringîy, wit'h eyes carnest cois ts circulation la flot restricte tel PL iaei, e rsn a naeo le os s I.L1 ±ailor the vay Yeu saidthem. Your eyes were iset tisat Elie future Lady Sartoris is at antileantiful anti deep, but an calti. any particuhar cias.-Coitan. as big aleto0deýex ,as hali crawns, anti you looket rsn ncm n irlis saTbev chili hlm in spire ai bis efforts Clevernes s a sort ai geulus for in- gen~tlemen's lteMd t re.eactly as if yau svouhd like ta est me. thauglit fulai joy ta lier. ta diabelieve ln theur fatal trutblul- strumcutality. It la the brain çi tise ______________________________Do you know, y au remintiet me ai Aunt ', on are a vcry happy anti a very neas. bul ueausceeus smr Elizabeth!" fortunate girl," site says, gravciy. "H277tly, I Vink," le says, viitlianand.qn t aompauleriey wst mogeun "O,1ergeyay Bascmbre "neei3e, EtlL neeili55' ttem at gayety. "Something- els3 ILa anti sense than by bumor.-Coleridge. 13 f hf lI e lias 'rovu rariser jeu- Georgie, in a loxv Eone, but siith perfect VF ' g uel.Goge ,--in1ak L t i ctimte esth unt ghe, e isntiounel.ofetgiew liu I sk.. Experience enables metitiepaseten 1M.1BI IA CO\I praatewhfhly Elizabeth anti lier lu- csnsacnrdi ou u tebuYigeu01 te romeysrdan h tecmo ndbsita leaue iquities îy hs Elme, anti îuîîy unter- happunesa about lier that shouit d o e aetaemarymeietcrtiaatdven I ainmnieesigta htrtr DiXNTIST. stands that ta le compareti xith lier riglirbehong En a Young girl betrOrte seunug' lac tihapyee i ias m at me fll neleta urut a sam'dhy tends ta raise hlm lu bis îeîov- ircshly ta tise Laver ai lier heart. wa un u rblt iaphee sneuwst n poe uaaof?" iusa o ed's estimation. -Of course you do," 'asys Mns. lIed- "el '1 clyo, as iaru l antitie earr fromebeakifrn.t oa Tisere la silence betxveen them aiter mont, missing somcething lu lier vosc ta deLtel y "u, saýit ta myh- lant.ehatfo rekn.Toa tis, tisat lasts a full minute,-a lonîg hougli she harthy knovis uviat. "Antid 1)os My-i nyragi hv Ha ole s euusa l irt hre OFFICE --ear of Messrs. timne for lavera freshly matie. syhat we are ta do witliout yau, I can't 01 hMnrys rma.'e aiig's îe; iosas iss a ie sek "WisaE are yosl tbinking oi?" asks conceive, nanc ta sing ta us iu the "WVas that yaur first thouglit?" Hearillsie;,oseta Doruan, presenthy. leuding ta look ten- 'v'ning, anti ue bave got se accusirtru etllis surpriacti anti pl.t bouse; J hld rarben live with cheese anti 1-iigg-inbotliaii & Son's JDrua- tierly inna lier dowuvcast cyca. Peiiapa tentisai." "e, yvcyfis.iTo e o s fgarli, lu a xxintimili, far, than feti on ise la hoping eagerly that she bas leen "e au sElcamte anti sing tV ou yenvnttn eiv e" s Miss ets at achmtakt m nauy Store (don stars), wasting a thanglit'upon liim. ometime," soya Georgie, iit teans Bmaugitan, witî a littie laugi. "Bt f mmcmbouse lu clristendom.Slks Str,(onsar)'Isai neyer have ta teadli tînse ,in ber cyca anti vaice yuldgn lrugia aymnapenne. bamiti lessons again," abse says, uila g Ah, ye,-sometimies. Fliat la just andti enses as I have turing rhe past- BOWM.AN VLLEquirk siglisai reiet. tise bati part ofitl, uvlin anceisas knosvn veek, Yonuvoulti quire undertant. BECOMJNG APRONS. BOW AN IL1 f hoies disappointetl, lie careiuily an 'ahws'.onc daca nt rke. kiur!y Wcll, tisen I tbnuglit bouvgant ut wouldTi Fic tout svomnan shouii, If asewesrs ________________________cauceals lE. Hee mugIs, antidlftngle a ssometimes.' Anti noxvhere cames le to have norhing rota utamus myhwî c pro exqnisite face, kissea lier very gcnrîy. alm oeus rulsbc pnself ail day ln.Anti then J looket ite pos, maketsma letc T1'TIT"ee," lemys mhtîai.mY sbouitiers once more. Dou'V thînk, el D STBJY. you go hom le Sy, eMm. edonatieacfislmldan.t hiuk ofi htisiat you, antd 5se 'lad you bal no 1cr skirtasuitEl a narrnxv pointet or ail about JE; andti tamarroiv Clais just nosv in thc very morniug nfyoun Ehlar vay.Aniteaaealtngcmsvilblvtseiastlo. iie wil odown ta tIe vicarage anti îring ncuv hppnl' ,lu eraihy J ca't hehp .J f eit ow auveet lE uvas tEnknosv Ilbatlcre elblwte-as ic ht lEsy!. J husv'ý een an content xitb y au, fount aomelotiy wio svouhdlhavcenehlok aprous for alender su amen are 5ais0 you u ta Gosaran, wisere you musE-, a it neyer occurredtieVomenothera mgîht atrm nitk asa e nta acbcmn ftcfhraaotts until ;îc are marristid." 'ýatYuto1 fe u n aecr fne eta oebcmngÎ h lns bu h "I shall like Ebat," says Georgie,uvtyo n" neeti neyer trouble about myseif any wvlt aecal nfral csseti with a suveet amile. "Brr r M. Brans-one xvii icaît Carissa" taysGeV orane mare." by ahirring 1V downa aitis imomfour ta combe-" necs ie la e"a~sGage Dityou neyer oc bn f '0 i aravmuaaisimn.A pretty "IVio o saEl a M. Banscmbe" sothngi. iks lie, in a curions toue. apran airer a nexx pattern bas thc f ull- asked Doian. "flon't ynu know my -'ilyuYeu o y sr b "~ ci Ou, a are miite neffs attacheite'VtVie roundeti yokc as nav e? 5ihi do anything for yau. Anti, Geog fYu h o "I a.I isik E a amot he me- na,"-mom tise leginuing aise batl i5)1iasy Gorie vitli a igi.s. uggesteti. In front there aah "f d. 1thik itis lmot th prt- d lir tusnothng n erth"ou u itas ' notlaing ta trouble 3 ou.' gathoretiinto a nammowsv pace authVie tiest name 1 ever lieard,-Dorian "." odctle r tis,-uedohng oui eth yuit Nothing! 0f cours enot." Ging up ssatbne ut broatier authVe top. This C. HARNDENS, L.1) . "Darling! 1 neyer sbongtist lEa intc Ma dotiV-auhm n-taet 'r, ie(ti ls hantacan it bfas-s bcug euib i he svnalasateethidVothe naine before; but noxv tiar you have thing mare fnivoînus, - "tecllier i ~ u ae irda itei nle ii viil eryVv-hrsVs 6reidnate oftile Royal Collae et ai ltil u'sîei me îy jE. 1 eau isel lEs îeaury. iont arlfen amlebniyait an ugiyand' erusstîy into lier clear uneoanadlousai ssci camner site revers that aprest Surgeous, Ontario. But J tare aay if 1 blad been christen- ifar say i berame lease ten sb.e Yea E su gîatîy ollen1e -e-ouovrtshld adrecti- et Jelisîaphat 1 shouiti, under these mahoayuvllime Iea, tar bw ý p at vut a s"ac n xrtcaole niaccui fIFFICE OPPOSiT EXPRESS OFFICE wucmtncs lin-utEiesm.Cisaindiayu At via vi Ei O"soften beni'u Li- et lu Vhs lack. Wcl heloxv tIeslionl- CIFFCE PPOITEEXPUSSOFFcz ^y illmis Yol Ad wat illthegaz -N ".Su let me tell Yeu 10".' filder-llates thescalars or revers ssci cilumscegang ut theay aine.vicar say?" tv m y"lea sys, sr'arli'-rie-temmninate luia a trap. Tise strapa crs __________________ "Perlisargissa will lnoV cane tenpati an rnn mligon. hesens nh getersai subcefaairi~ h:t scI aViser anti ansfastenedti o the beit bave nue for an long." pr-Jtiemrîg abigoui h iltinn't rhiîak 1am s litL jr".','suithi unter Vhe large houv matie ly tise Sal long? lIow long? By tise bye, style, anti then towards rlie evenuug my tsadisGogsVoixnut ei-,air Lusheti back," se sav-3 nsov- strings. Fise apron, mate of subite N ew l aiIo r S.h.oPperap ieuout;s upoeueCisahEna, eretnw.s-tsgtursrngieber 'aîler otelto; anti n e rveslaeomg pehpssewolnt;s 1spos eCI rg axuay f rom tise caressaing hilu tnt, mushîn, sll mriee rhsa h hiat betten le mamnieti as anon aï. cver aisto h ra es ihatuhrsoigle zilfmriee rlsa h n-he iîudersig.ned whn bias ibean carrying on 5we eau." But Clanissa knows ail about 1V befone locIs" Vo teinoiia psEa. bis othetao iamrsmadn raer, esoiet the railoyiing isincs in ni'ction sylth tlaeutgtau ite,"heiercmnanimes e uth aauori ns astiinlptied, 1. u- e p mushan cufis xviia r ihirT Me~n'aDryGoidemor lc acîmnbrafyess isa Bnouglton; sE uvhlcis tlay lotI anti kisses lier tIssuanti there, sud tells Pci', iti 5ýfi3 mm, tacs not bTc'ta top att a somesyhat coqusttiaa, seime- aes conîneneed tibisirîed 'or hixll! .t bis laughgyy sthongl it wene tise lier sleie la 50glati, ant i t is e veny le,-.as.d xs'en lier sair la once more syhat nïatrony effect ta tesapron. ta esake gent' anti boys' isits un altuse late1t sle tj uEi oli scta hn litcut oalynv enr'îE.order, aseagan slips bier etyief3, anti atla',est pries-i. Fa-' ilose wha "You ernfy me,"sasys Branscombe. liappeusti. fingers intox lis confitingly, anti glane-'A IEMAJIKABLE DOG. wish to orda u, iit5. tia wili carry a buill linsoi "Let me leg yoa wiil rectify such a "H1e came day n hs moring vemy es np sEhlm. "Nauv tel me ai about ampfles nlu il hsoseespittss'cs. Uiva ilamimstake as scion as passible." earîy sud toit mie ail about ilt ," se ," ýPais ys.yntauvcjArmaabeasaiaiesaa- ,a cai".-sebave Isu lensrea long timel," asys, laoking as picaseti as thotugh iV "WhgE am I Vn tell u-t a hn Armral aeo aiesgc J. T. -A1,LLElŽ, asys Georqie, sutiteuîy, glancîng ait theise aber ouv liappinesa anti not auother's I am away from yon I arn restleas, mis- ty lias just leen reveaiet. An Irislih FahonbeTalrSUn, thisusalmast siukiug ont ai sigli Se sIc a iscuasing. ogensIrale; xvben uith you, mlone thansastis- setter tog suas tnawing lEs master, Dan- behit Vs slem tis. I'svi' viiata ptyl ass Gorge: iet.1Iknasv that I conntsit fan boums ait Eddy, an eieven-year-olti boy, ona "JE lasn'E besu en minutes," says "anti I dit soeuant ta e ell ou myseif, contentediy uitI tlilautIle liantluin anti-aleigl ove e ieo he ie IMINEY TO LOA . NI . Branscorube, conviction makîng i ie lctamcflwylusbcaynmn"(aan Vta lis lips), "antid e1ledRve, î anmie MO EY TO LO N. toe rilintriedteVowet me Vo Mn. Hasrinsg. aisa know tIgE, if fgate anse wlieiet, 1 jbeiaxvWinnipeg vlu a rninoa Ohnunseusel"sasys Georgie. "I am "lie canît rSlcep; Lie caniesseiliat shoulti gîatîy fnîîasv you tîraugli Vhs air haie. Fitah ' nraie ntani ta- s i o, o 4 *sune it must le quite Vviobans ans nme. Anti yan bat iorbitdsen hlm ta lengtli antiIrsatisoaithse land. fîî et an ay, but uoricing the boy suasnoV $100,000. you came." ine go tEn the vcarage ta ses you V-day. yau uvere tEn dis, or-or forsake me, it on the sleigI netunnedteVaths air liais Ai lange aum of mnouey s'Iau nplsaced ln my As it lias lecuharly onue, Ehis is rath- What chsthon canîti lie ta but ceme uoulti break my heanu. Anti ail this ant i dvet for tise lad anti dnaggc i hm lsalids hy a prix ase persti for invossaîuut, an cm tufficuit ta entame uiI cquanimn- aven anti put lu a gooti time liere? Anti is because I love you.,1 uncanscinus VoeVise surface. Seeing risc ssp'veti basas on ieras SOcuriiy bar a ternu of tY. r~ln o aele titi. We biatquite a splendid time,-"I"la t?"-in a vemy low one. "Daes îboy suas hlpiesa the tog arartedt en drag iivm Or Tisr lyearLs, i5'E ANi)ONE IS AIli' S'ES lngy hvefount lE!" lies agysMiss Peyton, iaugblng: "I eahis' ail that mean being in lovee 'fhe"- Iiim horne, svien lie suas tiscaveret 1y le M N r uIlereiit wili' be uked 1payable year1y. says, uiE anmle regret. lIc is lion- don'V know suiai fus visa Vhe moar in a sEl loue ou-'I naux-1 am neigisisa xhocariedthtie lad taeVise tsaiss~sor eisiiousba rpsmou wllhoe,tiyjpinet. anti bis syca gnow tarIe- tiîglsret about ir. We lotis kept onnrt nue lit lu love witli you." hanse, xherc lie uvas restnredteVo 11e. arrrangeD.d. IMPSON c.Lokng sE limassees uvbat se aayiug pnetty Ehluga about yan ail the "Insb acyumn3ls e"l h xieetts a'sn vr Sallior Bowiuanviii. bas donc, andit longli ignorant ni the tiuîo2,-mare Vlan you riservet, I demnabalri ogyrusEnooe.ietkabtcltniteia VatoS Oct. Ist. 189. 40-tf. v'Y meaning af hs word "lov," knowa Ehnk." paieti ages' y tringtamtia. f exvtysater.abalcl add tisu. Ic ia but hm mrethan lie 'Nnxv, on't spoil lE," asys Georgie; "ecus Jpmmbei papsu-e _____ cames tencanfeas. "i'arn certain 1 teservet it ail, and ti hlen lie uvas leaving me, tiss-1E u nai OW(R SALE OR RENT.-House andi "I have lecu liappy-quite happy," mare. WelI, iflie tildn't sleep, I tilt, mmytevr ia i a ia - î ares on sle o ta oue.sîtaae ou sheasys awstly.colanns' anmî ~ ati tmeamt. ati tramet ant trem-heketime," eplis sI agan '-itin lie isîiouat, ise uew Concert Hiaà'lFi t bUp-OntIc mn asahis iety ît"aysGgs vn i lt-sde uve bor u-tstht.'fbo' upposi-b 'jmoitedwîlsa magnitlcePt, pupe argas, reg'amdins' ler, puzzîed anti tisappaint- lgtul dilie "She w ihl bho in tiar i that if anytbing aisauIlohappen tinve b' letnciyanti availabie bar pra-e cdt tniy, but earnesrly registernnsa ao. regnuIan mess naw until îfise gers En Vise sspts atiiitaia t _____ 'alOs nenetetisr ie dcta.n iorvov tisat sonner or bter, if f aithial Iolav otrnelndy ta take my placé. I ca't tendins' Vo isspubluie tuty, vio Iddevote daister r esectfultyeeueitinoftahnsee* auaceomplisit, lis will maie lier al leaeliryet." bis àtteuticn maiuly otahle safery of cars'aplictin an aîniarorfo mo, a is ouu, in leant a anasol. j Doian Wilh noV like tIsE,"bils suife. So tisai if Vise w-ie oai acap-j , Oixlî, B1EY,.J. J. HA11E, Ph-i. 1, ]y inta the matter as Vo tel himacif 'moud lias been very gandtoE me, anti Ioa'as'e ln sanie aViser x'essei. Tis nuol Principal tise lave is sul on bis ouv site. In- coultin't bear Va make hem unctuminnt- ioIoi U -rnaîsy af lbp ircisht uej i . A . bluons Ciuunsal Co. Lld., Tonae, Cali, TT PAYS.-it i useless to expectaÉ hongl she wiii eat more than an animali-oncwohaeagd l o j dflesh. The difficulty is the nutriment -ause ber digestion is ont of order. :5 the food produce milk. It will cost 3cow you fiavz and you wiIl get back ;paid on roceipt of M cts. Dick & CO-, P. G. Box 482, MOntreal. THE IRIU 'PH UF L VEI A Happyî Frultfiil [~) il ,\ the GrANDý TRUTHS; thc li Facts; the 0',dSecreta 0 and the New Dïsavr ice of MedicalScic-icc as applied ta Ma'rieti Lifeu, Shculd writc fOr '-"'book, called FR ssw FECT MANHoi-OD' Tar-i11y earnest mnan we will mail one cp [2nt!rey Free, in plain ealed caver. ~A rssfagc fram the quack4."Adrs ERiL MEDICAL CORq Buffalo, ILY The é Dayton" BICYCLE is the finest high - grade wheel on the Canadian market. Perfect in design, in finish and in quality. For particulars write J. & J.> Y -9"ý Toronto. Toronto Safe- Wor1ks, WE MAKE., Sewer and Culvert Piepes Ail NAes fronu 4 lit. te 24 lu. Aise Couenections. WRITEÎFOR PâRICES, TUE ONTARIO SEY[B PIPE CO, 601 RDELAIOE ST. Er.' MAOTORty AT mimico. , ~ NO CURE3 POSIT ITELY~' utý;s, couIxed biy thsee rac5. ,h arnçi ce eî 0 f ua'ith. Yz) ui ud -s"-l 'tc il TlilP.G moNTI t" folic i ai cx.,, toi ed t a eu u :iiis ,aus - Ci 'lv si id. "ot rr brook, 'Sal u i n "fi, neutou ai, tic Luc 2:wv o got weh ui.cl Say uu-ci. ~ n~Q'J5lN MDCfECi),P2947» mw THEM - f5 ~iPtssi~,TOOK SICK 5 ?Just spend bis Four ç Qlarters for a bottie of Dardc~crCkBlood Bitters a~ ll .z5ile Pple do; be- c ase te Ecur-es I3yspepsia, Con- b xl atlcii, Bll'ousness, Sic k su leac'achc, Bat Blood, a-4aill Discases oaitle Stomach, 'tiver, i tîneys, .Qowehs anti Blooti irom 'staomaon P'mple f0 the worst ',crofitlous Some. .. . ...... .