rch Tii sàr PAINE'S CELERY COIVPOUND THE' BEST, RE1VEDY TO-DAY TuT A yT mTTl nI7fT Ti~ In New Brijght sprin~g GCood.ac t4A tua Powers,~ 1\ Fn ' - PAm.. * -Capt.* -Brown -recently took te hiiniself a bride, Miss Anie llawk. They are spending -their hon eymnoen ut bis brother's ut Kincardine .. ..r. Matthew' Tonnants bouse was destroyed by tire recently. The lire brokie outabout ths nicidde cf the dlay and was caused bv a defective stove pipe. The school children assisted in saving the furniture lu the lower part ef the iocase. The dav was on1e cf the stcrmiest cf the w inter and the fa mily w ho are young and nunirous, fouinf shelter fithe school lieuse anldote places about the section. N nuac iRbinson's, (na yonte te night. utY reeve ù)f Cavan wias here recentlv. in the Corner .tore.Mr. John iDe- son has been in wýorse hoalth than usual latcly . .. . Miss Nellie, daugliteofc Mr. Jos. Hourd, Fenelon Falls, is visiting at Mr. G. I.Lit'..Wr A. Tainblyn lias a Shropsbhirc en e that gav e birth'to a Ifiibs Iamb .... Dr. Fish and 'Mr. Win. Parr, Blackstock, wore gnests ut North Ainerican Sunday o e..... MWr. Joe. Ilenr 'y sbîpped tw e curleafis ef vcry fine horses last ,week te Boston, Mass... Mr, James EI]iott, Eelndall, bas gone te the Pacifie C:ast. Dr. John hompson, Omemee., tisi is brother, Mr. Win. Thoîpso recnti.... Mr. and Mrs. 1)aîid-on',d;'-s Roustou, Port Hîle vîsitd 'Wr J. i onevreet. Mr_ H.r1Mbffy Boston, Mass., lertWeîesa in chargecf herses for E xtreme moisture -shows -the re- Be your own doctor. Examine your tangue. It will show yen wl-ether or flot yau are in condition ta stand spring wcather changes. If yau are nlot almost any de- scase rnay strike you down. Get in condition at once by using the lat- est and hest spring medicine S COT T'Sel îidealers. $1.00per fcere Zbottie. Smaïl teasjoo77fut e 'rdose, A Ilkid of mach1inery repaired. Engie rpaiingand_ Mýiii work zý specialty. Agricultural machinery and impie- monts of ail kinds repaired and sold. Sugar Ketties made and kept on hand in three size s. Highest price paid for 01(1 iron i. ex- change for castings or points. Points for ail makes of plows kýept in stockr. Cultivator feet replated and steeled. Stove casntings made te order. E. J. Saunders& Bros, Porter 's old foundry, East End, 13-4w. Bwavle u. BOWMANVILLE. Wlieher ou pant 0 slare e Th oth valuable boafrfar- mestandgard ees everye awby.Mied free. th D. M. eRtpatRY &n teCo,d W1e irsor9plant. qae1ý Chemists and Druggisl By adi ertisersI1mn it that advertisling well d6(b brinig resuits; by busine aviery large class efma are"1 poor inL the midst cf i. e, cf )/» détescf< ) J -I ~~I' rm LMIS, tjro-no;