Spring iI .i siglit. Wall Paper Cheaper than ever Season. No excuse for shabby1 ing rooms now. this look- You can have silver or gold papers, at old kzitchen paper prices. A nice silver decorated paper for Ccts. A goid for l0cts. An extra large stock to select frorn. If you can't corne yourself, send for sam- ples, stating kind of rooms. Crokinole again in stock. P. Trebilcock, The Arcade, Town Hall Block. enitadin ffid<tonu BOWMAXVILLE, APIRIL 15, 1896. Dr. Frank Warren is mentioned as a McCarthv candidate in South Ontario. The Grand Board of the Patrons of Iudustry met in Toronto on Friday to arrange for the coming Dominion polit ical canipaign. Potatoes are said to be se plentiful and cheap lin New York state that farm- ers are using themn for fuel as they make a hot and steady tire. Mr. D'Altou McCarthy's political or- ganizer lias been in South Ontario and Ws Northumberland hunti'o- p can- didates aud takiug notes of tLe oliti- cal outlook. We have notl eard whether lie interviewed Bro Under- wood at Orono or flot. A travelling correspondent for tho Toronto Telegram writes that journal from Cobourg that the N. P. is no long- er a name to conjure with, as everybody seems to feel the pinch of povýerty. Farm land, hoe says, is almost unsale- able, tar-n produce was never so low andeveninthedarkdays ofl1878inToron- to, I did not se se many standing about the street corners as 1 have seen here in Cobourg to-day. Wheu these are the facts it is wéll to try to convince people that they are growiug rich by the aid o an act of Parliameut. WIESTIERN BAYK OF CANADA. The 14th annal meeting of the share- holders of the Western Bank of Canada was held at the head office, Oshawa, on Wednesday, the Sth iust, The report of the directors is a short and imost satis factory one, as even a cursory glance at its contents wviil show It is one of the most flourishing institutions in the town and this is largely owing to the thor- ono'h business caýacty of the manager T.I. McMillan,Esq. The Shareholders are to be congratnlated on the wax- in which their interests are conserved by the Manager and Directers. While there lias been wide spread business de- pression, the Western Bank lias cou- luded one of the most successful vears lu its existence. The net profits of the saine ameunt te $39,600.10 out of whicli a divideud of seveu per cent. per annum was paid. The Rost now stands at $15- 000 or about 28 per cent of the paid up capital. The samne judgment lias mark- ed tlie care of the Bank's business in its branches at the head office. There have been no severe lesses during the year, showing the judicions manner in which the business is couducted. Jnd.- iug by the report, the Western Bank stands on as firm a basis, and is as well uianaged, as any of our monetary institutions-Reformer. Two years ago Mr. W7. R. Meredith retirod from the leadership of the Con- servative party in the Legisature, and new lis successor, Mr.- G. i. Marter, has resigned, aud Law3er J. H. Whitney succeeds hlm after an unanimous nom- ination. But Sir Oliver Mowat goes on leading the liberals. The Orange Sentinel has tbe follew- ing complimentary sentences in refer- once to the Ontarlo, Legisiature : "No oue can speud any cousiderable fine lu the conmittee rooms that tbe real work of legisiation is donie-withe i t being im- p ressed with the idea that tikis province has a legisiature te bc prend1 of. There are a few sdbemers, but the -reat ma- Jtritv of members-Liberals, &onservat- ive or Patron-are mon not onlv of in- tegrity but of ability and experieuce, and whose eue desire is te couscientions- ly discharge the duties they are called po toperfrm The work ýof law rnakiug is lu safe bauds." Good enougli. ENGLISH LETTER. Mi-SsCOUwRîCE MEurs sEVEIAL INTER- E5STIEG PIERSONýAGES AND IIRARS, SEES AND TIIINKS MUniT ABOUT DEVON- S1111E IiANNERS AND GUSTOMýSÇ WnîCn- 511E SENDS TO CANADA IFOR DELEOTA- TIeN OP "STATESMANZ"RERADERS. DEAR STATE5MAN.-As yon ha-vo donc me the houer et publishiug my fermer letters from Devonshire, I have jotted down a few more incidents lu the hope that a perusal of thema may aff ord soîne pleusure te your mauy readers, severul et whemn are natives et this beautiful English counutry lu wýhich I have spent eue et the pleasante,-i Winters of my life, eujoyiug the friendship and hespitality ef thé perî1de se dear te yonr ewr, heurt. I speut a few weeks very pleasuntly witli friends at Milton Dumarcîl from where 1 wrete my last letter, but have now returned te dear old Bradworthv again. De-von county is divided inte sections called parishes cerresponding te town- shîips lu Canada; but these parishes are net surveyed uccording te any order or system, tuie divid ing linos or boundaries quite trequcutly beiug smull rix'ers wending their course ibis way and tbat tewards the ocoan, and lu ether cases a hedge as croeked as the proverbial ram's berri, therefore flic appearane ef the landscape from a commauding viewresembles a crazy patchwork qult, and the roads are et course just as crooked and irreg-ular us the boundary linos, a mile of realiy straiglit road is the exception. Aîîother very peculiar feature is that e'rery tarm bears a naine and the fields of eyery tarma are niamed and valued separately by the assessor. Your readers may wender how names can be f ound for se muny fields. I gi-vo the names ef a tewfields on Venu Farm, the Earl of Stanbepe's land : Samuel Elliofi's Hill, Great Cross Park, Little Cross Park, West Churdli Park, East Churcli Park, Rusliey Meadow, Marsli, Plantation, Marsh, Plantation Field, Potutoe Close, Great Lakes Field Old Meor, Meadow, Ilutdhing's Plot, kiu- uer's Plot, hload, Nick's Field, Quurry Field, East Aboe Town, West Above Town, Meadow, Homer Close, venu Great Field, Venu Green Meadow, Scruff, West Willies, Orcbard, Home- stead, Pepper Park, Plantation, Gard- en, Ilomestead and Buildings, Green, Plot. Shippeîî Meadow, Mowbay, Build- ings, East Willies, Brandiz Close, North Dowu, Gambudoe Field, Eaver Field, Daiscy Field, Laudord's Fields. Auotber striiuýg peculiarity besides the irregular size etfuflfelds, that is theirlimited area. VernuFarm consists et 95 acres, 17 perches, and tbere, are exactly 50 enclosures, thc largest hein- 8 acres, eue 6 acres, twe 5 acres, one 4 acres,1 and the others ef less dimen- sions down te 6 per-cbes. The tenant ef this farîîî is Mr. John Penhale aîîd lie pays a rentai et £51 or about $248. The parish of Milton Dainareil lies about 6 miles uortb-east etf1-llswortliy and 12 miles seuth trom* Bideford and contains about 4,259- acres. 1 cnjo yed rny sojourn ameng the friends bore ex- ceedingl y mudli and I teid them 1 found them more like our Darlingteu friends than any ethers I bave visited - Our first visit te this puîish -,as madeoee atternoon when a dcliightfui ride ef 4 or 5 miles fremn Bradworthy througli the parishes et Puttord, Habits-Biggingteu aud by live laîîe ends, te tthc hospitable home of Mr. Wma. Asbion, Leo'y Purin, fermerly owned by the Ratteubur.ys. Mrs. Ashion and three intelligent dan-lters soon muade me feel very mucI ut home, and dnring my stay with tlîom 1 visited muuy plaes thut particularly iuterestcd me. Loy House is a quaint aid thaîicled lieuse, qite lare-e and was built proaly _two. or threlînndred veurs bk. imagine flic cnriesity a anadien wouid have in visitiîîg un old tarai like this with its pretty flower gardens.. green hedges, shude trees, etc. Sunday merning ive walked te Mil- ton town, a nule anîd a hlai distant te flic Bible Christian chapel. Nearly al thc people walk te churdli and tbere is scurcely ever a shed for herses. Sbeuld any eue drive flic herse is taken from flie trap te somo ueighber's stable near by . It is a cemmon tbing fer ministers te walk te their appeintmounts and seme go ou horseback. This ciapel is a fine stene building erected about four yeurs ago - The B. Cs have a Igood cause here, a fine pipe ergan, goed choir, etc. One teature ef interest te me about the building was flic stene laid by differeut persons for whidh l tbey paid a guinea or twoecd and flic piso's nunie is eu- grabedupnit. Near flic otrance is a large stoe=lai by Mrs. (Rev.) F. W. Boumne iho visited Bowmanville a few vears ugo lu memoi-y et Susun Rutten- bury, the frst couvert under flic ministry etfflic late James Thorue and whe atterwarci opeuod flic door oetlber home for the preaching of flice-ospel T ho eld dhapel stili romains anil is occnpied b-v the Board schlofe whidli Mr. Bray'- i,ýY is toucheIr aud lias becu for nny which place we vîsited by tnrning te the lot t from Loy and passing on by White- beare, a distance ef about a mile. Frem those we learned înany particu- lars relativo fo:days long gene by. Iu flic liff le home at ratten Mrs. Saund- ors lias iived ever since she was mur- ried. uoarly fit ty yeurs age. Her lins- baud who was knewn as Tailor Saund- i i I crsdie twe or flirce years ago. This lttie honte lik e mnv anotber lu Deon- shire stands close bjÏ the road witli ne *wndow or doeî- lu front but ail open, ing utflic back inte a pretty little gar- don. This is claracteristicoetmany Eng- lisi people-te livo lu seclusion. The flowers, etc., are net for the pleasure et flic passer-by for if nef t aflic back fliere will prebubl *y ho a higb stone wall or liedge several foot higli uronnd flic gardon. Iu England a tarin honme is spoken et wif h nearly as muel importance us a villae-e ortewn would be in Canada. The long iooked for visit ut Bridetfli honme tbat Grundtfatlier Squires leit for Canada lu 1857 wus aise ealized. This famm is lu a vcry protty situation ever- leoking flicevulley wûihflie Tomridge River dividine- Milton from Newton and its prctty hlIsbcyond. Anether day 'Was mest enjo ably spent on accepfiug an invitation te a little party ont ut Tithicett ut fli home et Mr. and Mrs. Bliglît, Mrs. B.. being flic sister et Mms. Ashton of Loy and et Revs. John and Jubez H1oney. Ou ibis beautitul meru- ing Mr. Ashton alter placing the teack- llug on ftic peîv and hitching ifte the tmap with reins ini baud, accompauied by Miss Ashton, I sot ont for a vcry picasant six-mile drive e-ver hli and dale aleng F'ore St. by Mr. Avre's drap- crsliop, wlio bus snccecded bis tather and gandfather, next coming te Woodford Bridge botel. This we are told stands just as if did many 3-cars ugo kepf lu fairly good rpiruitb ifs thatclied roof ai white wa=s On we proceed flirengli flicpurisb et Newton and ever Thomuhi lieud ineors. This is wliemcen ugef flicbeautiful bracing air and the way made more interosting by tlie appearauce et thc mugpie, phoas- ant and part ridge. B fite by, we have enjoycd flie dainty disluofethte latter in season. Along flic way yen cenid sec flic workmen frimming flic ledges and gathering the clippings lu fagots fer flrewood. Most farmers have tîcir ricks et furze and other wood tu-ots and wlien dry nuake fine fring. ifow- ever we soon corne te Shilling Hili and we are lu siglit of Tithicofi,, a large tarm witlitheflcad time buildings, char- acterisfic etfflic majerity etf tarm sur- reundings in this part. Here as cIse- whcre eue secs net very far distant a group et cottages.,flic homes etfflic workmen. We noticed liere the same as heurs ont flic principle et many oflier places tiat ail eid buildings are fft un- tii tbey crumble te decuv but flic antiq- nitv et those places is what niakes themu se inteî-esting for me. Elnîcv, A. COUnRîcE. Bradwortliy, Lady Day, 1896. CHINA WEDIDING. A pleasaîît time was enjeved at flic resideuice et Mr. John Martin, Boyuîe Wuter Miil, Monday Mardi soth, bv muuy friends and neiglibers. The host and liestess wiere taken entireiy liv sur- prise, bai ing ne-ver got au inkling et wliat their triends wcme doing. Mr. J. T. Pollock, Reeve et Darlingtou, accu- pied the chair and flic tollewing address wus read by Mr. J. J. Smith, Miss Ken- nedy and Mm. N. Byers making the presentutien. .21r. and MIrs. John 2Martn:- iDEAR FaZiErns:-Wr have gathered this even- _ng te onaioaiail imie tegether anti the gu n- il surronntiîngs et your pleasant home on lie occasion of yenr China Wetiding. We desire te congratulate yen on the ar-riva] of thistwentieth annmivrsariy of yenr nia-riage tiiy. We w-enid aise tiesire that yen sbeid live t e ejey many htappy retuns ofethne saine. The score ot years which bhave passeti since that happy evenlt et your lires, have bren sperit in tEîs locality, Maniy changes have ,taken plaesince then. epilon the face of sectety et a vried chai-acter, some et w1ieb may have cast a sbadoiv et satiness tromn the dgayof theh occorenee te the preseni boni-, anti oth ers tbe iaemery et which il is oui- great pleasure toecontemplate. Frientis have ere andi gene, acquiaintances have bren createti andi renen etianti faces which it is a pieasul:e tei- member, an(] wbîch alway s woi-e asnlebv disappeai-etifi-cm view foi-evei-, tbey ai-e seen ne more in oui- social cîrcles,the stinshîne et theii-presence brightens oui- homes ne longer, but lu the ritst et ail this change yen have gene iu and eut amen gst is, the îleasure we have had iu your socsety, ÎiRe beneftls we bave ieceiveti thi-oogh your presence bave bren as uninter- repteti and as constant as the risinig surn. Wr cannot taille remember withadg-et pr- latien the splendid chai-acter yen have oreie thi-ough these years et intercourse amongst ns. As eltîzens yui ames bave ranketi high lu the social se-de antdi t canuot lie saiti that y ou have ev er tetuseti or tailedt t appreciate, but on al occasions you have seughit only te use te the vry hest advantagethe rigbts anipiivileges et yenr ciiizenship. As neighbors yen bave per- týormred youî- partt je a manner w-ieb it is oui- pfasrete day te remember, yonr duty lu this tldt e o ci li ase 't bren ove- looked by yena. Your chai-acte-s lu this sphere bave hemn mai- eti only by the greatest kindurîs andi most thioughttul considratiolaid wheu dallet iupon te diuîcharge tbe many inmportant offices andt t take upon yeurselt the iesponsiiliities et this relation yen have always sbown youarslf woitby et the higlh esteem in whicbi von arenew helti by se large a nunîhr ofetyeur trlloi eitizens Neither eau wC toi-gem the vry efficient service renderd hy yen in the wei-k et that branch et the chui-ch with whieh yen stand identifieti withiout question, this hs the moît inportant iphere of~ huruan activity. Its benefits air more lasiing. ils intiunees in their tai- reaeding eflecti, ai-e moi-e potent titan titosretfaîîy ceîr relation in iite. The service yen have renderd lie-e cannttutail te hriîîg a very truittîti source trom whlch your chai-aciers have derivei their stirngtit anti ne cannet but thîîîk that thry have Henîry Ward Beecher once lnformed a man wlio came te hlm cemplaining et gloomy and despondent feelings, fIat what ho mest needed was a good catI- artie, nea"ing,et course, suc h a medi- ene asAyer'sCathamtic Pilîs. every dose -beingeffetive. 1VITST BELIEVE HER. Thousan ds of 'Others Haye Made Siflliar Declarations. A LADY COI/PLETE- LY CUREDI She Used Paine's Celery Compound. REMARKABLE INCREASE IN WEIGHT. The Great Spring Medicine for Building up Weak and Sickly People. The surest aud most pssitivo cure lu world for disease is Paines Celery Com- pound. Ih strengtliensand invirates the run-down system, n builds u uikyflesh, tissue, bnand muscle. Neohrmedicine can 50 fully aud qnickly meet the desires of the sick and diseased. It sbould be berne lu mmnd that the seat of disease is in the blood and uer- vos. The peculiar composition of Paine's Celery Compound enables iftot reacli ail the centres where disease is working, and it soon banishes ail pain and trouble. At this season, Faine's Celery Comn- pound is a heaven-sent blessing toeov- eîr nervous, iveak, debilitated and sleepiess mortal. The diseases that bave beld mon and wenuilubendage during the winter, can now be effectu- 11v removed by the use of Faine's Col- erv. Compound, If yeu are trnly and earnestly seek- ing for renewed hiealth and long 'life, lot the example of Mrs. Lloyd lead yen te givo Faine's Celery Compound a fair trial. Yen are certain te reap the same happy results tbat sbe and thonsands of others have experienced. Mrs. Josepli Lloyd. of Gananoque, Ont,, savs: 1-I feel it mny duty te tell yen what Paine's Celery Compound bas doue for me. 1 was alwavs a sufferer frein uer- vous debility add vers' bad headaclies, and feuud it impossible te obtain regu- lar rest and sloep. 'Twe years ago I read of v our Paine's Celery Compound, and benglit a bottle of it, After 1I bad used it I found 1 couid get rest and quiet. 1 bave used altegether seven betties and flnd My- self completely cured. "Your medicine purifies the blood and regulates the system; and I would net be without it lu my lieuse if it took my lasi dollar. "Before usine- Paine's Celery Cern- peîdMy weigfit was 01nlY 100 ; now I egb141 peunds. Is this net sufficient î-easen for me te praise the Compounud highl y? '4Before I knew of y'enr valuable mcd- icine 1 was treated by the doctors, but nover received any goed. Five of my1 friends are new usiug your great medi- cine since they bave seen wbat it lias doue for me. "I wish yen te use my statements, as, tliey înay be of encouragement te othors, 1i19 la free fron t te Injurlous coloring. The more yon use of It the bettet Fou Mek IL. vu OZO. E. TUCKETT à SON Co.. LT> , SAMILTON. ONT. West E3nd House. BOWMANVI LLE. 137mu - - 1896 We are sureiy going to get nice weather 110ow, April showers 110w and then perhaps, to bring c,,i the May flowers, but vou can make up your minds that the winter clothing lias got to go and that it is time to buy ,Spring wearing apparel. The question arises, WIIEtE? If you want to save TIME, MONEY and TROUBLE and at the same time get the newest things that are being worn, we would advise you to trade with us. We want your trade. Gàrocery '0D"àep*artment, We have just received into stock 2000 lbs ground 011- cake-a splendid article'for calves. We will give special quotations on large quantities. We also seil the Manitoba Sugar'Feed Meat, for Milch Cows and ilorses, and. in fact ail kinds of animais kept on the farm. The following is one of many testimonials. DEAR SIR : I have used your "New Process Feed" on my horses during the last season and 1 certify that it lias no equal as a feed for homses. Also Muy nephew Mr. A. Jasmin of St. Lanrint, wliolias a large number of cows, finds it an excellent feed to increase the flow of milk, ecd cow giving an increase of a quart more nîilk per'day or about one plut more e't a mi1k- ing. 243 German St, Montreal, Feb. 2, 1896. Yours respcetfully, S. JASMIN, Ail that have used this feed pronounce it a grand thing for inereasing the flow of milk from Cows increasing it from one to two quarts per day. It is put up in1 bags, enough to iast a horse or cow six weeks, the price is 75c per bag.-Try a bag We have a nice lot of Fearman Breakfast Bacon and Srnoked Hams, also fine Leaf Lard in stock, These are A 1 goods. TEAS.-Have you tried our "Kolma" Tea at 40c and 50c per-lb, it is the best in the market. Our 25c Tea is the best value iu the trade. Gentlemen. Try our J. D. King $3.00 Shoe, it is the best fitter, best Wearer, and best looker of them ail. Bicycles. The "DAYTON" still leads as the prettiest model of any Wheel shown, The workmanship is guaranteed and even an unexperienced eye can see that the finish is of a superior order. It pays to get the best. The "Duke" ranks next to the higli grade "Dayton" and at ou r price, $65.00, is an extraordinary cheap wheel. It lias ail the iatest improvements- Wood Rims, Morgan & Wright quick repair tires, barrel hubs, and flrst-class workmanship, throughout, weight 24 pounds, strong, liglit and durable. It carrnes the same guarantee as any high grade ,whieel. Have a look at it. Golf Caps for men 25c for boys 15c. Bicycle Stockings very cheap. Black Sweaters just in, price $1.00. 'Deal at the West End flouse. w an* it ed, pples. Will pay the highest price for good souud fruit. Jouhn stMcMurtry.b We Seli1 Ranisay's Unîcorn IVixed Paiets, Diamond Watt finish, Alabas.tîne,- New eo lors ,and [<ow Prices., Every Package GllaranIteed. Rd.e Worlgthe; Headquarters fer Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. Telephone 66. Opposite Ontario Bank.