c - ~TL~ M~IiTh tntnni.-n dssolution of the Triple Alliance, and ai i'fl~~1- .i; jf UUdidlI SJdtsmia1i serions menace to the stability of tho monarehy ftitl. Ila serident that ùYt~ ~ ~WFD'N ESDAY, APR IL 15, Jsu6. sucb a possihility in teared on the con- - tinent, and that a second deteat of the, L Italian ans wounld be decmad fatal to c. - X.OTES ANI) COMM1ENTS. oxisting arrangements for the îîrotee- 5Qi O Ilion ut the peace of Europe, andI noces- t'lN Te Raines Excise bill adopted hy Ciho sitate a genoral recasting of alliances.j MinXr eiltrebsaosdbt The danger lies nut in any iack of hrav- t ropposition in many quarters, both ery on the part ai Che Italian troops,hnt ters oft"nune iis asg~ in Cheo fact tbat they mnst. aiways ho o -- - I--- a'.---0v- al îtetrubls- auutf th-quosinbeoffet ofasoeovrwhlmingly outnambored hy mon 'i iia-ad ofct-if rItetysiem nlc e-fwho areamong the fiorcest of figiters lic 'unes fees aie graded accurdittg to PP h rpo ne yterhls n - 50J Ot? cs- as ico r i it, tbe rates for Newe York City-j sho are, so to spieak, hoan w itia arts in 1 Itheir bauds. loing qS00 for overy place wbere liquar is sold tobLedatant on tbe proes, neoftai idtmey n Jicadciie 'Iyet C IenîeTTrLICES PThtn $5900for overy place w bore h htuti (ii a b mn Cml at ntr tablel oky hert" r $tOin, crtici-s lccypublishod ta an ac- oîiiîtp cvcyticrthiscîitiuîîcgcalî sold. For Eroolnteoesar 1 slcrec i tordera nof t toicli antI $100; for Buftalo, $500 and $301oa ittuutaCntttoso saiGna P.e litrd egictae tie bana ad aa dwnCo$0 frntrit t-,-'Oraage Fre-, Plate ot the Transvaal, andco in owthey$10 for urcar-Jr mainiCles, on-third ufthte net revoeu-outribuited by Mr. Jamos Bryco, the troua liconse feos la oacb Case I eia1g iolka hro h reiu paid juta tbe state troanury, andI uN-- Conîmuoahýlh.' ta tbo Avril nuinber Aobfhewui it'aausipieea aiLt hidfntrbtottenonnaiy ta (Y, Iheo'rum. Tbhe rpielaof the soL 3lr frouaibis distre-odcg coip1kiit c -nt h f hecnta - i4t toi: tutely iheir goudas-. dees coi r-cd iybich itla Jodrivod. Auy une paying ch" Orangte Fre' Platce îay b" pasced aver ttc-u, ncd tfLue won lce try thta i ii1- t -îîîina-oc a mom'nt, in viow af the snaporiar -lestclpiiancileisuitiwvstii.a tex andI ubeycng thmO c a ~y sllliuo - m uca,- ftc"Haladr Commun- they iuii ou t lie illia ta out to-'to. lnt saluons canniot Le opened sithin 200 uora Buet a ter al sicliledfo iacacio coli n a' imy tonithe north ufthtbVaael River. aur witbin tihesanie distance af the Eoii aecna st fhe stoai noar atdaoliag noias be onsnt or 'cJouiof eunionily, white a h an is the barn nf an mccv lises tar bre Ic voeîe twa-tbirds attf eown'rs ut cil sact, ctine information han beenlîhorto ai-l wec nitaîce our granttiyat. Orplatintbidns auticd l-ih i'- uat nuattainablo cancerning the lu- whîle cth-'rs do bof., Orpltr t bidnsi biie- Alngýa1 erlto fteeeaie e-saie Lse ITTas LantR tîgtPIcas are very anwti] onses are prahibited, an-S aiea the sar l reta u h ieuieiitlIie auJ eryasyta akeOce or two pilin nia'ý-eotofliqnor on Sunday, oxopt lu hatolseujdialdprtatsiîL Gr a dosec They are srriciiy segetabie caîd (,uiet fwic ro Ct r.-ri net tripe or purge, 1Lit ly their gouGleaca- i w iti moia, or in ruants occupii'd ùb othe tutwhib 'esdntKroori Pleaee il who use theat. Lit vicint à nst as2lus5eigchu brr front-teba flic for $1. Sold overywliore, or sent by n. ts cub bin tus4-re Ofl-,Tuzr2 MDIilZ 00., iTîw Yok. scie:ati ail cxîstiug lirens"s aete- Mr. Bryce noonts ta have bud Lofono ~ inct'Ld on Jane 30), Ciabotider L 'ghlm a 'upy ai the Graatwl or tondu- à giron the ight ta reCover fauta the ity ieËllwo h ot fia e - Ibe o mnoy paid toc Cie unexpired erna public, aduoptLedtanFobruary, 1858, ta- B [YU TEBhM ru is huoensc. Ail excise lbardls ara ihatlrby x2lsv u RIALMS O FROST OI molishcd, aud lu hir stîad a scato- ot perfect record ut subscqunnl end monts cund additions, W o may say ut Na Witricie, noncycion"s, nthua cl e ar ofcu,00,aissiane a rotieseut al'onl htaredml Etorut-. non droutih, nfa recs a 500 athtento,'anLasaautriprccopsd CALiI'RNIA! 2îatdtîPý,ss und iarvelotin. tinaucki cîrketc a- axJ"00-co3 - - onc tat a emÈito'pai aneusdmee Eloscu tuhousnclacere$12.50 pr acte. uilagnsa iherai- salaries. 'b } Thee.icr"e usl'una r N Y-ts ix hutsdred aei $12.50 acre. - -ae TIwency-siv hurcdacres $10.09 pýr -acre, penalties four vialation outh-chouawardinars' lav-,altcinh thebO uSitu'tian- SixtPe a Ludru J acr _a 313M00per acre. Twotvrc o e iihu a i'ouo', a fine iaici hsp eOif essi ota btdotacres', CrnLadred ccreý, Six 1I huad cd acres, '[bren buudrcd anJ tu-cunti îwico Cth- cuai ai a Il-eus"for One' year, cl.,Praclicails' the lreaaofet1Ch' acre,. -Anl ther qoails' J own ru ton 'h nbAcia ouhi nuiatri acres. Oîtive, Grau-s'on, Nectalue,, Fur t1: Sounhuutent for une l nia, or Luth- - Lioout-, ASitucibi. GOopc'anauJ iiutiter truiefrta' tittet-btiapytforor a a Î - - > Il r ,ail legisIatire authority hein"- vont gcowe lna - ints ai cLerc ieun, afine, ot nat mure. tIan $500, lecolin the Fiant V uiksraed, Nihieh at pro- SIMER REUIIýS SI§ IIE.or inipahouineat for iat nitre thau a seul coïs:n4-n uftCwents-toroermeos, Wýrite for mi-riucaro. year, andi tortoittare ut iiceu-es aldde- i Whonaust ho ovra30 ecra ts s'-"andl Anass, lpivai t ougciwalfor tir e yars. i - o ssisded prapenîs'. 'The mottera Ka E ~{LLEr Iare oiectIc fur tua ,o ers, auJ uone-hait WYLLOWScAL 'cihile it laadut evoen L-y lt5 ciP-retire annuels' ; Nie nias' auJ Cthat 1eas'h ______________patients Cbet Chie bilban, seule'ectellet futhliasdistricts lutQe ubiohthe Tran t,,- ourTeeth Are verys' n o ii provisions, aud tbsut it al iî 're,"%Nise-' raiis JiviJddacluran ut equai nu- yen at edmiuinlOred, lt migbt e'teivels' re- bea cf iaembers. lia panna ot color i, Proacave thomiN] wT lL------ ---t1tricti "mi rogulcte cth' liqiatrai lCta-pable- ut volis'or oet bing voted CIce',i thon! 1 0r Do p R isl urged hat iltetnds Ca produce ivils for, uanis' Ib(hae,'persnno an Le ciL- THC~ PERl-ECT Nt- than thosc Nivhici it hs deigneýd ctt the Fiant VulkcrmAa~ who are f AilDuggiîo.TooTS n o Dnz, ta mittgi-ttc. it i cautmtded for Oiex ce- t ocf tout' Protetant churcia. Druggsts.tipi", Chat Ciao diversion ta Ch" state By Ëta' Gaunde', vi (A? citizentahu lius FOR% TWENTY-SIX iVEARS. utfart -tird ai Che --oanr raclcec'reacheS tho us" ut 21 eo acl h o foos ta eu'quitl' -i, thCxe resul frage: LiaiChue cprovinion han sb sub- rii~ auide. a l paufleoxpeuditurcofaI squ"aC euactmeuts i-'u greats' ne- the t'auos'Ys rtr aCa +î,aJstricteS lu reg'ardS luimmigrnsna.,, lian theCiaolbO" mtat ouîd tae thiie sosaofutimtm.reuln; ut Presenit nu 1 for iCh' ecuisive bet'fit oftche commun- p'rsan comuy ito Checontry' eau cli -ucmtram,7h;Iciait in J 2rtNwed. ILtita tain feu chlecotal ri.ht util alter a urged aie hat C'theaoinoficlua etx-llCPernod ç0f uiNNOiNt' s'or. 'b tl a ie' Lords wau1, Ls' Cekiag awus' local Sacoul Vulk5r-sad is nul a, socond chaî-t sup arviston avenCtho gratitg ai li'ensen, ta-r 'ntahlia-' orinaurys eus' uoft ti"terni, TF{ ~ O ~ (S B E TC F W N h-ave citize ut iiýith ut t hia powero a su- i ut a m "Cro appena g a C o e leg i,-a- I ccstt putataglut-sutt g-cett aepropea. It waanover in'eddt rtii Chor n-'glatariood. '[b'chieo ujon- bave nuhnlanliah powecr, Lu-C iasoanis' lin is, hoîver, chat it pnets courai utf aiha oces'sion tlu Chu Sema ads ut ONT.ARIO BANK Che tiquer raitic OutChe state inCaioh te.Uladro en imgns Laaîds afaa'singlee tt' oexcse cOluïm oi-c -tramn ciîizenbip. enrottatiesto do a Cenrai B3anlcn u s nesa1 si-aeu, ta le-'ppainted Ls' tia"gove-o-io)r, Ecuatitilïe Ageucy. adwt power ta s"t"ci a largei nuni 'TLe administration as welh as the i-OIS uror f subondiuat'n, andSo atends-ta1-prapu os -aal f in inîrustod toanauExi- fteci-ret te Sav l an ok 1)narltt't and oncroate a truug polo mai naachine. ina jcoul ivoCan, i onsing utfffanr mem- CisîSflittOrOtitlOw teurrent rate- "(t d'oSit ta chargod h"at tiae uasureaein-LrLsioCa-Peint '[ero- notice o iiitlldratNi atneosay. Ail deposiia .ile- bse Peiet TePei peyb,,ýli3on dernad, tram t antI pushod Ciraugh ciao logis- dent mn oh. ed for tise years hy tLe EXCJÂNE laCune xi Chia abject lu view, undlthat vwhale Lady ut cilions. la case ut Lis î,,enandalctaaa)ratSiSSCdnpRcrtioi fiant anim iniportat et foot iih -doali, di-missai, or unabihity to act, bis ~~~~~~~~~~8 u" -- l--.O- te1 tnaî1ct aont Ciao saluons inca9 polictitan'Oe f'i-ia hrIeu L ietmm eision. 'Tbis convention hann, so boca ratifieS by the Scuato, auJ Cie Canadien gavernmo.L insint thut it is QCINSY. heing- hLd back aunu Dpmuliealis'nuni Qutns' is an inflammation ufttco tn- lifi"d hs' hat body, an intenue ishich, nil, attended bs' pus formation-u abs- if rue, musC retient dincrodit tapon teCEie es. nation. '[ho, laCter has cuttended for Tiae anset ot quirns' is like Chat utf urbicnatian tCa the Venozuelan dispute, au ordinars' sore hroat-pain auJdsoro anS e s'tChaataa-i its Senate it is refus- nons, uggraratod bOs iNlloNiag and ingý lu aLide bs' the reanîts ai arbitra-i telkiag-, a saoiling outChu glands ut Lion, ahen Cie juds'nacu-t ai an inter- chu thraet, anS rodonsof Cie ateteta national tribunal is adverse Ca itsehi. bshl. 'This is a meut ds-edtbeposition tCv Qu- e pculiarits' ai ite dioeane ia Chat niatulain, anS une certain votl unis' t ilaupc coa tmaek the, smteon injure Ciao cause ai enitraion, but thýýech s'îan about che saet' s asunn;musc presiiJeofaithu nation,, und as pegîunt caamanîs' ia cheo mre changeable ai Ciao itadomaits' lathi-, case "annat l:e I-NJyhorairoptiug auJ toftunîta.e ovadod, Chu TniltedStPatm'she-îtce haul cli'Cuaptrtnetucaosn natifs'theLtr Inoat, aIonce. tiroat bl mnofaicolS compresses, Cho inflammîatton mes' aiton Le chockad a- la an artcleoan itatîhea Aanoltdpub-is nst i lshL inoueof hc',-n.-lis reievs, If au sucia na'asur-'s are tekea, Ch', à1r Jon Blle gas hattheE-nýýlshpain i0 litis' ta grai more nevorU, lIn.JohnBales' as' tha Cio Eol 'h eiooing- oward the car aifciao nide ai' people, as AmuiS dfonS th'cn, -- aca fccd;swlhaxig-boomn litlu alaeads' cannpicuus ifor senious'sa a nd eS mre rpaint cl, auJ robotf is unis'ou- staanuuusneas, Luit nucfor itli uepertonc-ai Os'tîe Lurscius' ai Chu nb-i an amriaI-ilits' -'This le a cuml uiscoson bs'Chu incisinî ofuthciaophyni- _'rýocol: nci anceuat. fcssa'a.anS viaie i u" J unt hocou ouîig people ai robunt healiaar codaS hat it in abhila-ntre, it la, use- theutusi cantuon sufonons tram quna- tuba1 inlusîýratin..- ciao sigui;cot- te fo tuihe ruasun n rhapn, chat Chus' Matthae ArnulJ'ns coi-mina tua',lf hiare uone3t apusad directîs' au untar- I a1 rable N. 'aLer conditoas. auvrid it tabho suree t all il;tuant bLu 1I augiat.ta Os kronua ahtrmnchia cn bs' the suoeln"ss anSdliat ut a rm- 1 - ICadune ta aai b atia-kttof qut'. 1 1'Tho troulitsuaulîs'aours m tinn"uila naul et a CN5 nuLle and isI -'-oopiethat ar-a alauads' olanr-'ul, or tbacare avbo gise up seitini aima t CO -ano d u ujanita orecu-iri .-actackn afi muant-1 calons. '[ha old"n Annald, b cd niisCrr ino. _Mens' ai tioeattacha are ut ~ ~ ~ Y Rub0ceu nîeJa' t- Teanu'h u rnsitons'; others are ut lIo n'aas mîîdaubtes(l3 ae groat edùlu-goatur sevurïts', ormnantiog luin upulted conditon ai chu tonnsZkana catur, Ont hl a a-nfan fauta illtcstnutiug as follicular iaîasilîctis, whilb samu ut- Phutuab- th-'ont-'s out nwotn',c cnS teLcks i aucunS tt h' noveratocm, aviicia lîglt. [boy5Cs Chai f02'NN tli ia endte ed aiti the fornation aofniai aunvenrabe eS eclnîaîlci fsc a ihmn ciao subsance ai îLe cosl- own eneabl an eclesastcalfis hýquînsv saru hroun. knackod duan a g-n'at gswky bliai- Persans ariose connuls are ulajst heuS ina porsinteS lu makina n enrnsîvllen, anS uttea tromblesamo, shoulSt adjective cg-ne-' aith a umas-culine nana use e Julys gang-le ai same mid anti- saPtio i un. '[bu tiroat shauld, Pro- tn Vir.-il. Whethcr Chat sta-ry s true tae î cgalnt calS unSdamp scinda, Out or nul, Cia immartal stars' utfao-lihthti, neck musc not Le dobilîc acod Os' the scinal lite waitccn bOs' Hus'bes shai ,-ý contant waang-ai a mmii Ion. R1 O' eioa Iluîaed tt Proteon lanTai îLe fna ram ettiug chtR.b etoilsrate teahouiS tî-'igarousis' adhern i ta, wmaln nrinnhiffea-rr-,i a-d.O 1i-.A -... ,i- r hat ai the Soti Aicaa RapublieCa I rosu]Lt in Che practicati effacement outhcia FEA ISH execotlve andtIhCL"vintual Omnipotence of tic, represontative assambîs' As a W<ATER BRINKING FOR TYPHOUS. matter ai tact, boweven, Cha loihtue Wator drâîkiug in typhoid forer is hs nut becornce the predaminaut pow- aoc a naw S'Uggetian. Tht, importance, or. Nat unly the pre-ýnut ox:ecuive, ai nuhjecting the tissues to au inter- Presidoui Kruger, axia sineo 1881 Las rial Luth %as ,broàgiat pranineutîs' ta beau twCale re-elected, but aisa bis pro- Cho nalice oftChe profession lis M. De- decossars, President Burgers antI Preni- Lave, of Parts, abo yen p'rhups Che dent Pretorlun, Lare beau the ruhiug' fiant to ai stemeatize Cils maoeai troat- terces in the politics 0f choir country, ment. '[ha retoteat Iis eminent Chus shawlag haw Chu qualities afi mdi- pbysicia consistsalamant ouchusivels'oai vidral men pr"vail uvar the anutral ivaten drninig. "I mako My jPatients trend ai Chu constitutional machinons' drink," ho suysa nd tacs' musC Le kept of gororument. pretts' busy in atondhag ta Chiarns- Undor Chr- dLeision ai Cie Perng nyngprocosa; for thos' are noquireS ta sou tribunnalla Augîtst, l893ý h' Unit- tako tram tire to six quarts ai auCun odSbPites -%vas Joalud a protectira or dails', whicia auîS amouat t c oht properîs' rîght lu Chu. seul bords ire- aunces every inox. auonling Cie Paibluttf isiends, i Hon- Tho a'nicer Las for mas' yeans fol- tn as sou usido thaeCire mile lirmit. laaed the prantîce ai haviag bis pat- Furtermre, t ws orere to ayients drink tram oaa haIftota iNN-thrds Ennlhmmor, itiras rdend tapuy ila glass of ivaLor hoaLrhs, wbou awake. duma.y o taiisha seniors for abstea- IL is, sometaînos, hoNver, impassible ta' lion tram nealins'- urng Chu arbitra- ioduon patients ta drink a l1argo quan- Lion, anS ta, do sn paumptîs', indomnity Ltcs'aatan , lacasas bu ahicia che for Instonacli la Jtlated, Chu patient is, aton y' ossofcath otsde hepe- maLle toaaIsaab waaer sa rapidîs'. lu luS ai arbitration ta b-'na-le Cie nuL- Chose casas tic introduction otfaiator bs' jeof at inner negatiations. '[he, Je- Ciao rectum proses a satisfactonys' uL- unsion was as a pao stitute oruavter clinking. Ot course, a asoptod caadi roj ifÉCiao Patienaisuhsisca chiotîs' tpona taacted anS Jaugerons contention, auJ diet ai chin gruel, fruit joiinos, or km as a triumph ferrCiao nttiomeut ut ta- mdmhCaouitnt utf iquld thun tornatianal difforeucos, b3 u'--bitration, caken mas' Le smbtra-'ted irom. îLe and n 194 eertar Grsha ener-quantits' ai iatea numed. 'Tha import- auJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i lu191 rtns aaa ed rIanc îni tCaget inCa Che systeni. ed $425000 ta Groat nCua la inaamonandau ont ut it, a suffiomoat amonat ai ai ail damiages soatsaine-d under thenul- Nacoer ta promunt the accumuaetion ut in- hi Canadfian saeaesBaicheUit- ptaînains anJ oina aithin Ciae oLd3y- cd 7Stetes Sonate Je-'liaed ta natifs'h Caltions ai atea drinkiag duos not i hevoakon Cia heurt, but an the cuntnary. prapunal, auJ hast s'ear Pa treais'-%as oncOurageýs itsaction, Os' muincainiug aig-a-' by Socretars' Obues'auJ the Eni- tealmeo blond. It itiso aida the, Lis raniterprvidxi-fo th apoilnt- actio Ciathelivea, the kidnîn %and 1mb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~-i anitapairs'taCacioskia; antI lis'paamutncîu vapura- ment ofaccomisnion co assena tie dam Lion ftanathu skta, ita bavera CLe tom- as'--'s, in accardance -StîLte Pario de- ï peaure. bec La geb na cFull -1us11le box SOC. j id P ttoniiditnre Co..]SCille Ont. FitgSexuni ,1Strengih la aid or yoang m c beuikyacdponmcetlycured bj'meîta ealtl ly, sturcus stsie. bafféers front.. AND ALL WASTIENG DlISA Shciwlt to me fer adylce. 1 have becen lose etud Otfr macy yeaaa of the aubjeci cf w eeknoaa lîi mec, tactila Kwas a snfferamyscifË. Tcbs it et thc aid of eider mou or repotable physicteanesIo! -",s tigcted tha atîbjecîde-epis' and dîscovnred c sim5£ple, biai oaairccakabty sceosful remeds' thet coca- pieiely corcd me and mils' eclarged rme tra a "Ihru,';ei,siunted ceadition to catral stiregbn .is..Iuu vr nceai e nleu bu h.ItP escihtrîtO nbaesadv one need beatate ta toriteme a s clomoctin are laeld sîncily cutideciteil. I meud îLie reoipe'ni thts rensody aboumeis fren es,ît.lita>tnot ci-ý off bat wnite une iitut aonce,, ye;un cjd aiWsta05 tic dci' non, ddOse. Addrne, Uiiimoolriveatasitsttscmn, -st'-, -'-t-' - -~ -- - --1--u '---me-- s, c 'oa a a e--t-c, s-cc Oe' ie coicnstipacion, avb0ch prediapasestorhnu- Uutdttaroakiatbciaî. com.platols Chan Chus' tre îalOa, unS Ca i-n afitlbExocative Council uniRa tebtoto nls lie!1dmn J1O atatu tnln liu±nal omi îtin as v.0 îîas uta anibtan uffio-ns, TÏ-HOMAS SLATER-,, BOX 2058 COLLECTIONS kuop tb'm lan, lu oc-Son hratigiathint wnaw'Lon ontaies place. Of Cia uthon aLon, l'h-' eider 'ArualS diS nC ijosesiaat-lJ Luroguilanis' aaoidod.SStpe faisIalmzoCc Pr oprly mate ai sucre - ininail P t ateuth-umSfi h' ars'ia fn uiers ai the Caunnil, Chace an OifhtaisaveetuecinantI ligiat, baib" üeAt rn>t id'i iiLUnited StuiOa and ' apot~nît h'stuC'e. SOouiJ thin uhangelie i eh se-nlis'tCiaoFiant Vulksrci.adfor heicî ed lu roinfarciag-Chelia strie-tuba --- Do nijîn cianaa.rue, ans' geud aroagiat 'CIa"' bill ernas oai cars, but one, Che Comarand- xiii Cie ira-hunurod Augia-Sa Tcleraph Trauïsfcrs migLI lie arerbalanuad bLs'heLeJgrada- Iut-o s elucted Ls the va-cars oa i Lnrurd, 'au- ictr hn io hna11L" PROFITS OF DIAMOND MINING. lilTade for large or scocll suis on ail t e loPf oitU. n l -n1et Ch erpbi o n niie f h dcto.Adi oiisadTh e [j,,uF caaa hi sepecialis'da tca eLàsupcin tit i io -il ouhl frannhmie u ia dcuu. n a alto aJ'it to noit Fni ie i ler L,- Canad. 'ttis t adetit-g m-i staspcion it hitinstalutS xiiii unie. Al.,iacîutîiug rie Prenident, are eualtion alie thut is thia "cannient 11ui S1aut ài1V od-ce $tt2ia anec poro-i'Itnlivng tin )ilaha aor chu Portua as, ta tliakes tLe fotnd- avaibait hocia az tstrengcb'no.d Is' thoeaachadn adoptod -ottn aataJt doaemaaoaJaruoa"Egls dat isI'L utaAncndatn iusa a-rr~rr p1tiecan t avcai pas'cad Érnuus eot. Cida.tot iao lhe ooth Arica.tiaot-d mneIo picerfpartieutar ci tds -o.secaneia se'Isagc,, auJ nutattend Ca u taCnat ta vote, l inte Vulknraad, and dus'y- JBIYCLEis h iet uALcmat ant. li tho anager. I . _ni tey ary n orrspnd -------_it)DeBrsCooldaedMiansCoin-j UO lc T crudit it. bticutosto'caa'o orsod , pans' sielJod at seara a dean profit ut --- ---- i cce aitb farcigu poimersanauJ tas t SOMETHINO IN '[MAT." Tl,2.4.'ha diamonds ttaen fr-uni high - grade wheel on ____ ___ itaIy s' leoidentis' tu enter tapon a nout-urta on nopeal a panai sentence. Athmie odfr85307.Teex _____________________________ hatcamipalgu n lu Ahsnnilu.IlutCe sentun 0ofai Scati naýquiron nnaninaoun AtU.iie'icaJennitlâq Ont tîni i.l din*sis e fAlîvuel. penses ut operating Che mines for Cheathe Canadian market. ofDpte hgoverumuat j cansetat,aSd sa dosaJcilaratian c<i twuixe moutias, including a libea-l ail- soenIicAmrca (hinkrrth, v,.r n te uliato o n dinaeace Our liberties, aur lave, aur literature,lavcetndeiouanupat Setflomrlof .cas's utfCaoa rts'ota$Ait-h,uS u- l au iuing i eetn i aias'c- rlearniag, ounr nuirpmisiog spiri 1t, io"nrutern ndLenrtinc anare a ut' esgn i nilCICY . 'laamnr ut loftheatr,,yiAfr fancoI vr a-smn-I Cia[ pbli"atifa aia iao unfbsrEnglutI. aoenaaonfer unun forrenot Pe etindsgn A fo nou otn Chtd a bIlaneouitioneta I otine rdariLs olos. 52MeshuaîdMhonand ve cau tapn aaforuu or 8,5if 00. Son-s' iccvediinih ad inquaity I ~ HIIî' p-an'a uniSho contunod, a nundiluns hrCb'r n-ailesChat the Prasident au- pctc nmrosivsaetad~~ natalS hoecpti suedna0coi ald((ttt.OOiWaoiolofeadpron n îehnm't u'wanons'or utonlprofitss orcens iansm' traudgis- Ilol b ataech-'notonî hou. as ' i ipoi0u apublic punis, anS me linS butwnthe Cao hi-gi e îand theîth yarsprofits Cu îLe sana mentian- For particulars write rpa rte ddaio5, a neonicu' Ca Y, ta an-' 'Ce 'scîatMiu issVissniipu. But for Chat mont Jocia-c, O CAEATS tansu a - -itIte a ucutatahi iva inions' Chis iNoudi i iou bo anap- 1 îLdns tte rate ut 25 lper cent. ar - RAEMAIS, -a pelctorate upunAasninasuti pug- tirn luiirreul reI iieu t 1 I~~ ~ ~~~~~ o CINPTNT, N uS1 loea ier 'nint.ýrenLsta sî ji t-hiTthe' 'judiciars' ariginalis'bc bn haut ail.un. a-t spn-Ipr mn yn aS iOc ipsd J, ~J. .LI LLifl Fincmtnairotabokotetc. nnoepte uvirceofutTigre; aahihb un-i-t-i aiofLuigintratua. local ases-arn,111' tariipuih c-ilalf papboutuî-a85,00000ai Cie profiCn.audan Foin o.,ait cndfreocanvab.oksw Van. I a Irt-a-1inoa' excond up Ca Alaka. Do we Luatea gland ODvI NW4rkst hchhsbensbe u qual auna aias set uside as a roserve T rno Olt urealoraecai i'n ents booitneor nil oha vugeer Jenît an tuenty miSeS a Supreina Caunt, con- inreniarion. Shakenpeare, Walter Sat n n-se ncnusaJahasr te paLlie iy acnotuce givn feetofaicharge ilitoe i - n of Chu f Justice Si oOs.urn,'uusnfooruruis hajthinga, Clns asuraing unocbor s'oar's Trnt-a W r aune-t J ne-ChirSof Ciao Aysniniaa l sL ages Thea an' aufr testuci tCu Nepuleo cthe Lutcea ut tf ua- diiuuad in adrance < rnmail u of hluh T raoSf VTr stuC'e. [ho, chauge at poliu saduoeCae-Pon oJp's 'h nrmîetn~ eup, cparing nuithor Mu:n.nrmn tones' iCaili ha seau Chat dianaand mining h a'senaoce ac Conians' anS AnsCra tCS'[iOtitit'ofutthe<'CuvaitCutioan haitt id she SCappod bina? Ils'tîe %nay' t sostmtmuitlu cthe aoscsturahatCa cman-1 Gertico t L "eyjandc- iaid e. tu ta1icomas nbnut as nuar tce aic i k crack- nsid. Spttudidty itutstrateal. cNo telligentiCit theTrll i Ch iacdQIciier'c iaauciitGi-acs tg a p tola s lnything doua lu chiaI-- s_ __ Mac tinuld Le wthlont u.iVWeOkis', $.00 d tau"t C" ioEflnJaSaii eecutive. wianS oftdbaC maSo Ciao ditLunean' Le- Joua antid, ndWatethhaooosFtofaponon 1-i'r Le avarage yield a imudo-afm ei3 cdN' catass, mntaruco A.-ŽccUNaritMi-tw.eta c-ma' andis' -lou itoIai' s lau anh-s' - Lace ___________ ilim En(-o b 0.85 carat ru oaci bS t ia'.'[o ven- a rauvomntuofutAagio-L'gspCan troopa Mn. iins'c points nut sniom" th-t an laieLe buttfon Wellingtonu?-Chiagolu-tge Value ai the diantonds minud wam I Palngigsla e rsv-a e I nta 2s.65 acaat ss'$612 A Ca loesuffocation. bond pour a aoau - at N iuuSD pul i --i' '2S d.acrasyI61. tte ls ddress, wav il mail trial Latîle lu iai', la -iai t ib-d is et slaç tee s ii uî'oa ath- nt .dîiu rs anofut hCe fiscal 'oar Clan cempans' had 3,- p*T F R S,10A EAD T.W ci doxu onapas'i a taterhas G ic BhCluete i-c ".For Over DFîfty Yeaaa." 360,256 lbadS utchas'oau us flouas rnads'- TRNOOT et t ws or-che abiicing pnacess.'[bts Naun tek- fboehitig 1,audpgea ao a- ý i Y- pl îL te Fi-a ornefthe, yuca Mets îsinr thui e ncoatccountacsunboiag-nanthinladia- lünlb'[ l'aNISI. i --A ta cloria adve tur nSFor seaîej 'lThLsNi ie Las'nlia mouS pusaibuities ,ls. Cd. a hou s, ai- - i - i - o~Lo- ~ ineîls'Ls' Sou.uicu Sati t huaOca11t-a 1s'a'i hougiathCiahas uausuadus' avonageai W'init I Jidu't scus'on anonnd s'es- - an iet oue cn hit t 'uniiilti tS u teSRig-dom ho aoth tcfo tir orciltdren cbîîo 2s. 6d. ea huaS. '[lsis ouîd makthechtoS. - j~-againet the nogus. fiat u .i iiottS~ eaae L ii r' vnu ciio.If dîstora ing- udra ttrualized an ta sighalç ovon I liii 1 j o - ss fnl, ta, hoavovon, <s nuota1e-i ansI- y csen lus'tCiaologisiaturo, thaugit bri kcîif jouroreenos Os' nî c hîl sufmore cLan sËtcd lu Che figues giron I paitNg na.inad a nondt u ued ut cl, far h' I Ha a m' i Alss- oninalîs' tti'Craon or t.e local nerijg a crvrgwitilt. ns-t aLs.Aufat 'a'ansit hwa c i s aJpinig uSICiogb -my-Idan i. nanemnreeefronuts JîumanJn scas'borni"anS Sa it myseli. But an i&uth A iusavenue anS diccc cs wu't stopu'ta tali,-I'n a u a ns. - snia, n - opIlî ly rk-'n, runist b" çc-owtnCtiae. I 'uh[cac te ltii h s ttmnsLi-ao p ucud antI nold ai $l,428,955 ovcr chu W buht'stapI fD~~~~~ oftt~~~~lm-'Jd, unS mont tic-n doSeaI ait jProniJot's caaaîtil neod in'Itconsitantfat - ir-t, Wjishow's Sooihio4 Svtp- a rrou wlnmnh.Wol 'egiI1ti i'hnus -nis'CL tnthih5uil>,NNli a--t- ponsoîi l na ig-eeotutNiith ia i ia tCude nubîg itluiielt Au lacroased prune vaas reneived frsi etr so' n hae ,n - Cc-nincbed la Cia' hAis. It viiiL, ta ac- ict mauanc h"nt anae pniînilesîtt '~~paeunt higia rates îîill I-e tus' main- aSteaUn n 'nioeanu n - cps"[-rn he' a Cke JutCado, lau disncuin'-d bL,-a oiouf Che ingisla- il. ccos 1)nesth j cl- ainea hf the output la ccialîs' neya-ppe-agaC-aputhfnsri < ZOt - fant-,y Tirhaet taam,-Aas'ha fiedtae-ina nrfi aLa-haSt ceLaJ auscrn WrîiC ccS uaphuta. hreitaghe eu iihiita- ouhs u hi oot.sonmae il iunJfictCio toc antstts-Sc -sai -Yn'îattiltauJc'asar' la Chu maipmlation ut au ont- ~~~~o g -iCdo; cS hC Cetb'sînunfnaedI arrai t'tati-yî'utaae.-tututeu,0JOttliari t iMoadn a -, e î ai-th viccons', tigiti ag an Chir uîan Agu" n la S'tctb Ati'a Ai'nominal giie'sîo itc e'enc-'in g synîttior 1 'î omas ~~ - aa grud n enocý y'h atrdhuaS t7-, - h - ýr-aiadactenga; c cn-".uttv-" hu S u fa ontabis' assureS tor onne tin t e aan,j t Og-rund au nunfanîdtus Ci catnrd ntîcroa Cuetimue s la pi aautt l i cOn as-os-a uiamuond sdicato hban purciaeet irîha tlilliu i îneusacl audea ianaranillery, there is1;le r nij tive headS wihrcas inthCaoBritinhi sinna î1 prescriptiotnoi sroni Meoaeenu t i mneap olin.3 Wc rLss -eçt-tcavhc ate a~~~~,Mn r sitroc 't-- cf ii-t'0Feof ilS )OPS cCher, usoutputL'hiof Chhe riiuneesncoptuiAn-a - ntis3c î~tauiioos'ccceSe 5càllee oilSLa ct aCer disestraun Jeetc ould monCataect 'lb' nt, minai huaS anSd theote îîsfs ~I00iaCu aev oca tCi er - withrawos.f SOie fronoAaier. founetucccaiSut byiv e. ssa-hi ia'stewan' [I iincrease ta Che compauyslpro- îibeuo eS'casJ"aor. Br he adcl woar posdtoteth orf. B ur rd %1, 4Th,'[e cyndicameLau-g-lut tic pr-oSant of tha Tcen'gWPlt-Jo n.. i. woud h-n caneintCa power; the O'wndo on amiîWs5.i o'tilcSu. unes frum Juls' 1, 1895. ta lien. 31. 1896. colo tao la , eandI ale acnt -IWFetUwiL, a - îatwo î ear.agr hair ý i>- ."r t' it ungihat 1 I ot hs sto ketir Ühe hauJ iail f , , _,: i b ocît. . A - or thtertthe onebotinof yc'fs a reeo m haïr wsret'-Jto uoii colorCaYrlei~c( ala n.A 00 iM6bai t e use ýStAs' r'sTiair Vizor