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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1896, p. 8

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SKNDISEASES Instantly REL!EVED the GREAT .'deDci: FEi4auwErry&SoNs, i, ig Edvwardst., Lendo .liRsspDua & Ei.CoaR., :ole Prop3., Bestonr, U. S. A. BOWMANVILLE, APIRIL 15,1t869. NEWCASTLE. Mc. Davidi Arnott lias'been quite ill. Mrs. Jolhn Douglas lins beenu indispos- cd. Mrs. Isaac Selby lisas had iîîflamma tioîî, Miss Belle 1-ooper is home frona Toc- onto. Mr. Norman Brent is visiting in toien. Mr. Geo. Douglas visteti in Lindsay Gooti Fciday. Miss Vina I-lensiinga, Toronto, isitet here receusly. Miss Dora Gibsot iileti Miss Ettie Lawi, Sunday. Mr. Murray Eilheck, Toron to, was hiome for Easter. Mr. Carney, Toronto, visitecd Mr. R. Barffett, receutly. Mr. John Bemflew lias nioveti into Mr. Chas. Alliu's house. Miss Editîs Orchard, Orono, spent Rasterholdays at hsome, Mrt. M. Argali lias moi-et on the facmi which hie bas purchiaseti. Mr. Vr'nnc'c, icillisu ta vtsiticig lit daugliter, Mrs. S. Mason. Special Easter sesvice sieeisel inilsSt. George's churcli ou Suniday. Miss Clara Hedges, Pickerig, visited at Mr. Hetiges durir g Easter. Mrs. Marks and son, Winnipeg, are visiting Mr. 'W. T. Bot athan. Miss Minnie Souch, Bo-wmiani-ille, lias been gucst of Mci. T. Ellisot. 'Mr, S. Wîlmot lias returneti fcom an extentieti tour thcougli Eur ope. Mr. Thos. Binghamn. insucauce agent, Bowmnanvîlle, was int toin Frîday. Mr. \Walter Molon, tonsorial acsist, lias gone to Linsdsay to a situation. Miss E. Wilkinsoni, Torosnto. was guest of Mrs. W. Mclutoslt Easter, Mc. Ilanlaîs Parker lias talen a pos- ition ini the Teisperancebrass baud Miss Ethel Copelanti of Denîhîl Ladies' Colo.e, Oshiawa, spent Bastes ut home. Mr, ani Ms. Black, Miiaiît, as n'uests of Mc. Joh n Uglow during P'aster, Mr. Horace Wriglht, IQ sgton, speut Faster with his brother Mcï. Charles Wriglst. Mr. -Walter aud Ml-o, Dennisor, Toc- onto, visiteti at Mr. J. K. Alci a Easter Sundai-. Miss Carnie anti Anrulo Grose of On- tario Ladies Collegge, Wliitby.. was hiome for Easter. Mr. Williani W. Tauîiblvst, MA. anti fanuily, Wiîitby.. visitoti pI Mr. A. Ferg- uson's ceceuîtl.y. Drive out the im purities fcorp. yotir 'blooti îvth Ilood's Sarsaîîacilla ai dtiîus ai oidthtia tireti, laîg nid feelinrg anti even serions illness. Yon hardly realize that it is niedicisie, when taking Cartes 's Little Liver Pis: they are very small ; ne bat effects ; al troubles fromi torniti lix er are relie-eti by their use. Mcs. G. B. Plutt. Pieton, tise corces- l ndiing secretary of tihe Women's Msssîonary society of Bay of Quinte conference, delivereti a lecture lu the Methîodist chîurch Sunday evening. NOrTIxC HUFNTS -OUT CoIsLik.e tîgisI boots. Cocus are vecy surali ai- fa!,.,, but apply to them a pair of tiglit boots ail other concecus of ie siutk into insignificance. Tiuzhf boots anti Fit- fîS' Cocu Extractor (the great anti only suce cure for cocus)may go togeth- er, anti comfort will lie thîir partuier: but dou't fail to use Pitnam's Corn Ex- tractor. Frautis, cheap, poisonous anti dangecous substitutes, are in the mnar- ket. Bewace of thien. Pntnam's Pain- less Cocu Extractor. Poison & Co., proprietors, Kingstoni. On Mouday îîight a large number of the frientis of Mr. anti Mrs. John Hil1 gatheceti at their home on Beaver St. to celebrate the fil tieth aranixersary of their weddiug. An excellent supper was serveti aftec w hieh the eornpany was cahoedtSuoctier anti Mc.'T. Do uglas reati an addcess anti Mrs. S. Souch pre- senitet Mr. anti Mrs. Hlli with a purse of golti amountiug to about $40.Mr. Hil11 in a few well chosen wor's feeling- ly replieti to thena. The whole company ilion joineti in siuging "Blest lie the tie that buîîds," after w'hich short speeches were given by Messrs. T. Ellison, J, Couison, J. Iiglow, W. Souci anti Dr. Faruconîi. The pacty atijouruset to the paclor -where a flrst class prograni of siîîging was rendereti in which the followiug took part: Miss Minnie Souch of Bowimauville, Miss Auurile Douglas, INecastle, anCdVMessrsa. bouci Brus. sunt W. Picitard. The conînîttce which nuas conîposeti of 'irs. S. Soneli, anti Messrs. T. Ellison, T. Douglas ant IlH. Heu- îiîîygs deserve great praise for the ati- nmirable arrang<,ements. A SHAME"Fît PlACTr'l .Maux' tootîs prepacafions contulu substances that speedily desti 'ov the enaniui, ,aistidbeauntv of the feelli. For this reas)on she great- est care slîould lie exercise lu the select- T E lç West Lebanon, N. H. Dartmouth Piofessors CaIIed I luIcurabla But Hood's Sarsaparilla Perfecti Iy Cured A Frlghtful Ulcer Conquerede' 'In 1886 a uîtile soi-e gatliered on =y left ankie whicb aoon became painf ul and broke open, discbarging freeiy. Tihe family physician tsi-met h an ulcer, corn- mnnly known as ans nid man's soi-e, due ta the poor state of my blond. The doctor's treatment did not seena ta beneflt me as the sore spread ta the size of a saucer. 1 was greaily i-un down by It and liad ta gîte up business. The doctai-s said awing to my advanced aga it was iliefr opinion The E!ore as Incurable. Iu 1888 1 made atripto ibe iaculty at Dsrt- moulli Colege, dietarmined to have the ulcer operatet upon. The sur-geons deemed it inadvisable ta pei-!ormed n operaflon an the aukle, elaiming tbat my advanced age, 78 years, in iseif was a bar- rili, aud that nnly iempnrary relief could. ie given. 1 rami-net tomy home ai West Lebanon discouraged sud disbeartened. 1 was piuiug anar My misfortune wben a frient uret me to give H-oods Sarsaparilla a trial. I bought a hotts, I1liad taken only a part nfi h belore 1 notet a change in~ my case. Tbe si-uption tank on a liealthy spp.arauce. I perse- vered îviib 55-.,3 medi- ï u rc uemy aithlin lu A E caie beep greatly increaset as tha beneficial effects became apparent. 1 tnok six hottles aofitie medl- dune and at the end of that urne tbe sorse H ad Comipletely Heaied, Guiy the scar remainiug as a remainder of tbe sufferiug I bat undergone. The effects of te medicine aras alan bo3nellecial to my whof e systena. f have ntfe an w--ll foi- Yeacs2t Jouît S. CUEIllI, West Ikbanon, New HIampshire. N. B. QBs sure ta get Haod's. FodsPiS 1,eafter-dînxser piliaaî Dr. B3. Brenti s viàltîin utôWlIr Mrs. Merritt visitet ifrieîidm ui town last week. Miss Isa BerîÇ Vxisited at Mrs. J. Greeve's ou Sis daÀy. Miss Gbiio Staynier lias engaged -,ith Miss Wilsoni, Milliner. Mr. Gnlocre Barfett w as Col a busi- ness irip to PForonto last week. Mr. Nornian ilickard, Shaws', speut Sunday with Mr. Walter Douglas. Misses Bertie Richzard anti Maud Cleience vîsiteti frieîsds at Welcoane. Mr. iRobt. Burfett lias isurchaseti the Windsor Blocke andi wil erect tise large stores. Miss Wilcox5, late teacher lu Dernill Luties' College, liass ben gueat of Miss Ethel Copeland. Mrs. Jonatihatn Awde of Murshalltow n U. S. A., is visitîng lier father Mr. Hen- Mc, Saînuel Rickaîti deli eced a fine horse tii Port H1ope on Suturday which lie solti for a gooti figure. Mr. Wesley Bat rett gave ait interest- inZ report of the conv ention recently h, d il Belleillie at the League Mon- day night. Bey. Peter Adidison of Toronto, a for- mer pastor, will ýreach in the Metho- dist churcli aext liuîîday inocning anti Rev. Dr. Marvits os South Darlitigtois ln the evenig. Mrs. D., says: "For vears 1 have been rnervous andt weakly. 1 took one dollar's worth of Miller's Com- pountiIron Pis, sud amt now quite well anti stroug. TYLSIERABLEFR DS Some Dealers Substitute Cheap and Worthless Dyes. Wlien the Popular Bianiont Dyes are Âsked For, The great popflarity of Diamond Dyes lias resultet inlu îasy worthless iihtations-adulterateti anti cheapina- terials-that are bouglit bv somne er- chants at a ve-Y Io w price ; anti for the purpose of very large profits, these dealers urge thýeir customers to buy these weak 'aîsd worthless substitutes. The substitution of conamon dyes for the wonder-workîng Diaînond DYes is one of the grossest frauda noie being- wochzed, on the ladies of Canada. Be - ware of the dealer wlho tries to inice von to take the comînon dyes thsat give hiîn large profits.* DiainutiDyes are fs om two to three times as strong- as any of the imitation dyes. The best muterials that science eau produce are uiset inl the inanufac- turc of Diansonti Dyes,aud you get Your money's wortls wlîen you buv then popular îraier it Cartscigrt Mc.Johu Ford- crs ia fneri-q took place ou Tucsdavj April 7tli. Shec eaves a hlabsli ai idfour clîdléreir .... Misa Addie Fergîsanu la, VecvSie1.Mr. I. Icwiu, Beachi, wlsile afleudirlirite tuerai of lis daugliccc, Mca. John. Forder -was ta,,keni very sick, but lis ecovirg .... Mr. lohin Stewart via- ited bis brottror . Auex. Stewart.B er. Johr Ciltoi.D., iisicds tue tng to inrrî sot lie..M.liSCowr iris skie.. .M. Joslph Taylor visitcd Osaaaist week. .. Mc. 1, ic bert Prust, Buct1etono so'ulrsclînnI teseler, spîSit hii' lidays .5 home.. Mc.lisrî Creciuis ie alao NIM. Whrie...Mr. Rolir. IBruec and Misa Lettie. Mcece w cccunited nii1fse oly bonda ni matrîmnny on W cdnesday April Rth at thie Methndiat paronuage. TO THE PUBLICTOCo Mr, Jamnes Ford, W iigliam, vislted oid iiri- uaitaruces bere isat week ..cII, Gibso11r! tOpt w as a recnt guest oflija brother Mr. J. C. Gib- son.... Mr. J. 0. Short lias relurud. t, the. west having mnade a satisfactory disposition of proporty bore ...Te At 1-omae of thre Womnans Msoia Society -,as postporred until Tues- day ns cniîsg April 21. Interesting anit instruct- iv e proganir' elk tadt rcwIJtn' 1 refr "its Ail inivite ci..Bowîinanville Con club spent à, very pleasant lime wttl our club Siturday, the score: J. Marin 15, A. Gay 12, S.S. Brooks il, W. Dustan il, A. Benniett il, Morseliead Il, J.W.v Brooks 9), Colville 7. Seconfimateh: A. Gay 12' Dustani 12, Maini il, S. Brooks 9, J. W. Brooks 6, Co1l 111e 6, Bennett 6, Morselhead 4 ...Messrs. Roberts adF Gay captnred a wild goose last week...Mr. Russell Langmaid blas returneli froux Indiarc Territory wher e li las spent the witer, lookir, like a brave Wcsterner. ORONO. Mca. Petine, Guelphi l guest of lier brother, Mc-. R. Foster ..Mr. Rolit. Ard, au olli and iveli kniow n resident ton Clarke, lied Saturday moru- ing. lHe bild een iii pour liealtli for see time but died quite suddenly ... . Miss fils spent Easser holidays )vltl lier fienli, Miss Cooper ..Miss Lilllaii Uainsby eîîrertîiîîcd a iiurber of lier friends Friday eveiîîig ...Mrs. J. McArtliur of Miinneapolis, ]iiiin., is viiting lier fatiier, Mrc. Horace Montori.... Master Geor-te Gilfillan, Bowmaniisl1e w as l tonî ovrir Stinday .Mr. W in. Hollaiid las liseis idisposea-resuit of tise cecent flre . M iiss Ethiel Tiioiiias, Newcastle, visited Miss Kate Rultrcord titis w eek..Miss Miniiiie Truli roucued on Moiday to Whitby L adies' Collepýe.. . Ai1f. Wallon, Newvcastle, w ci in town Sunlay.Miýiss Henriy Millbrook wliolias been i sitiug Mrs.J. L. Ros' reîiscned hoine Satnrday.2ilesie ii cd iormliaive bee uiet de res alirtrîlu trw n; iew Liase oscaped ... Dr. Wnii. Reith is agaîn lis towîî alter an absenîce ni a few w ecks. $20,000 Fir. Eariy Oit Wedi Psday mocnîing lait ire was diseovecediii tire Truli Biocie in tire reac nf the part ncceulied by Nasli& Law rie. geirerai merci- auts. It was anme lime befoce tue dogmneecoid lie made to bave aiiy cifeet on thie dames and th ire sîrccad an capîdiy tirat soon ail the stores in theeblock wcre an ildi witl samies tliat nntli- ing couiC lie removed fSrom tbeco. Every effort was put for-th to hrevent tire spread nithie ire anrd it was witlî great diffieulty Iliat if waa ke it front the oPposite sileofnitlie treet and thsally cliecked atter darnaging Jolin Millers Block to quite u extent, TheTruil Block~ on wbiclr bhere was n insurance was totally destcoyed wili cîtire contenîts. Sam. Cuttie, Puhlialier ni Tire roino New s, oeceiiied tlie second dlonc and carried rrnly sean in the Atin on hiis i rant. Nasîr & Lawrie -15000 on tlie stock in thelHart- ford; N. F. Hall, mecebanittfaîlor,s1000 arndWmn. Hollaul. barber, n insurance. Tirs damnages on Mc. Millers store were covercdI by inaurance. On tire orposite ide ni the treet liglit damoge was done to tlie iront ni Mc. Wm. Armatr-oiga' liarnesasbnhp, R. Foster's carnage works, Jas. Liton's Bank, and J110. J. Gldîllania, drug store. For anme fime iateiy tlie people liave been liscussing tIliavisabiity nipnrcliasiug a team lire englu e as d ur*ngtde il )gres n cti ti etroug argoî niStawere heard ocaidagint Tire buildings destroyel w iii îrnbably ne ce- Hn worlrman often easa is lunch on the same bencli wlere lac does bis work. - The office maxi r, snatcbes a few min- I - Utes frein his occu- i \~ pation and turns bis ~ __ . dea i itto a dining- table. Neither gets the execcise he needa, neither takes thie proper tinse for eating. It la amal wonder that the digestion nf both gets out of order. Nature works as liard as slie can, but tbere are somte thinga she cannot stand. If a mian gets anme foreign substance jinothe works nf bis watcb, lie doesn't expect tbe watcb to mun until the imipediment is re- moved. nia own digestive system la a mucli mors won derful snd delicate mnechan- ism tban that nf bis watcb, and yet bie neg- lecta ht and abuses it. He lets it get ont of order, sud refuses toelielp il. Iu tbe end bis neglect reacts wîtb terrible force upon bimscîf. Tbe reaction cornes on graluaily, however, so that sometimes lie scarcely sus- pects the cause. The cause of nine-tenths of the sickness of tlie world la coustipation -a condition an comuon tisat four people ouf nf five take it as a matter of course. From this onue cause come indigestion ; disorders of the stomacli, liver sud bidncys; biliousness, beadaches, flatulence, heartbuîin, impîîrity of thec blond and tic serions coplications tUat fnllnw. Tn begin witb, constipation is a little tbing, sud a littie tbing will cure if. Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pelleta are tiniy, sugar- coated granules. Tlîey giv.s to nature juat the littie belp she needa. Tlicy are as gentie as fliey are efficient, aud will per- fectly cure tbe worst cases nofcconstipation. Tbece la nothing in tUe world like fbeinse there eau be nntbiug " j ut as gond."1Tlie druggist who tries te seli ynu sometbiing else bas bis own interest lu view aud not youcs. For a free samnple package of from 4 to 7 doses, addresa World's Diapeusary Medical Association, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Anyf 00esend"usug 31 one-cent siamps to cover cuit 0f u tomsand mailing sruly, wiil recelve free a copy of Dr. Pierces Common Setise Meli- ical Adiser. The expense of produçing thij wonderibl book bas heen pai y the salieof 65e,oao copies at hie regular price. $ ise now been decideli te gîve away eslurtel)' free, au edition of 50,000 copies. Adîress as above. NESTLETON. Mr. WVr. Miriral's sale came nff well.... Aucionaer Swain looka weli ater lis trnp te Englan ... Mr. Jnlin Elsi ards lias moved loto tlie tarilie purclrased froco Mr. W'. Parc-. .Mr. Johis Lane lias leased Mr. Win. Muirbead's farm ...Mr. A. -FI. Veale bias let coutract foc s new store snd dw ellirg.... Mr- R. H. Suppit la pire- pacing to builir a uiew barn sud bouse... Mr. J. H. Hughes sud wvife, Torontn, are vlsiting their unele and ri rirda lue-cc.Tlic Paicou'satNcstic- ton are stili alive; the nihicers for the cnming quarter are: Pres,-Jas Malcolm; Vicc.Pres,-. John Lane; Sec.-Jas Gordon; Treas-Davili Malclm; Guide, Cen Joiruin; Seutiirel. Win Moule; Demcete,-Miss Blanche Proute; Minervat -Miss M. Malcolmn .... Mr. R. Jobhla secured s bloomisîg bride, Mis la isScotni Manveca. Just arrived, a fine lot of Fearman's Star Brand Bacon for Easter trade. If you are wanting any- thing in Garden Seeds give us a eall for they are fresb. Bring us your produce andi get cash or trade for theiu. .1e-.3e .3. 1 e. 1e 1e 14 îe 13..3. 1e 1e 1 LICENSE DISTRICT 0 F WEST DURHAM. TuenLiess 867 Public notice is heceby giveu that a meeting of the Board of License Commissioners for tic Liceuse Dist- rict of West Durham will bc held in tic COUNCIL CHAMBER, BOW.. MANVILLE, ou Thursday, Aprîl 23rd, 1896, AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M., to consider applications for sncb Licenses as have been applied for withiu the said District for thc Liceuse year 1896-7. The total nunaber of Licenses issu- cd lu tic District durng the present year. is 13, viz: Bowmauville 3, Darliigton 2, Cartweright 1, sud 1 six months, Newcastle 2, Clarkc 4, ail Taveru Licenses. The total number appiied for, for the eusuiug year la the sanie, vîz: 13, sud for tic same places. Mca. Mary A. Gleudinuiug ilana applicaut for a liceuse for au Hotel to lie erected ou tic site of the Hotel focmerly kuowu as the "Royal" lu thc village of Newcastle. It is the igit sud privihege of auy ten or more electors of auy polliug suli-dîvision to objeci by petition, or lu anv similar usanîser, to tic graut- îng of any liceuse wiihin 'such sub- division on groundis set forthinl "The Liquor License Act." Auy suci petition mnust be hodgcd with. tic Liceuse lispector not hater tian Saurday, iSth April, 1896, of whiei ail persons iutercstcd xiii picase take notice. ROBT. KNOX, License Inspector. 1Orono, April 4, 1896, West Durhami. Boiemanville, April 6, 1896. Please uccecpt nyv thanks for vour liberal patronage iu the past. So- liciting yonr liberal sud vulued patronage uow sud lu the future 1 wislî te sax' tint I inteud sturtiug my wîaggous as soon as the coads sud weather pcermit, witi thc samne men except No. 3 w4ici w'as Mr. F. Farrell, anîd will noix li Mr. Arthur Hardy. Our goods, are-lsecond to noue. Prices rigltt, Produce taken righit front your doors at top prices. Ou Slîirtiigs, Cottouades, Teas, Tiuwuîre sud Cutlery are thte best lu tic mar'ket. If you need anythiug -before our niscu conte round, pieuse cali ai our Ware Iluse, No. 32 Outario St., sud I shahlieb pleased to snpply auy- thing iu my lhue. 200 Ibs good featiters for sale. Good younsg horse, 1500 Ilis, souud sud quiet for sale eheap. Wauted: Rugs ,Boucs, Iron,Copper, Brass, etc., 1000 tous lu exciauge for goods. Hoping you wili deal al you eau with me, I remalu, Yours truix', JOHN GRIGG. 11 4% ixi"- ee'b ie- P*t"- 'it"'i- >- >- 24Fit-wà- beal .B.ros.. lacl You don't need to sit on a tack to catch the point, we are emphaiing viz. that we are general headquairters for ahl kinds of hardwcare. If you w'ant satisfactory articles at just about factory prices, wve are the people you are looing for. Catch the point ? We are headquarters for al for Galvanized Iron work sncb trougbing Why we always lead. kinds of Tinware and as roofing and Eav- DIJSTAN & HO AR, Telephone.74. Wellington Buildings, Bowmanville. In Business I-lalf a eentury, * , bas it, and will give you the benefit of it freely. Hie off crs the most varied and select stock, at prices that xviii satisfy ail comers. Sole Agents for' SLATIEWS special pricod SHOES. You cannot -buy these celebrated'Sboes elseWherei Bownianville. Cal ad examine them. We carry a fili. uine of Trunks, Valises, Travelling Bags, etc. We are bound to keep to the front. So, yea may de- pend on aiways finding only the best and new'est goods in 15-2w 1 Our stock. FOR - E_ AND DOYS. We have just received and put into stock this week the laru'est and best shipinent of Men's and Boy's Suits that we have yet received; buyers will find. the choi-2est patterns and best ail round values we have yet shown, particularly in boy's 3 piece suits with short pants. OUR OWN T EEýS We bave had about 40 suits made up froin our own tweeds, both in mien's and boy's 3 piece suits, long or short pants; some of these tweeds are high grade imported goods. We are selling them just as cheap as ordinary ready-made suits and we certainly thin k they will give more wear. See them 110W. At this price we are selling a beautiful Black Worsted suit, coat eut after latest, style, full round skirt, 3 butto' vest to match, and pants iii fancy black stripe, a score of patternls to choose from, OPqLD nltzD %OL CTHPINaIMM We purchased this week at auction in Toronto some Worsted Coaliings at very littie more than half price. These goods had just been taken iout of bond and were stopped while on their way to a firm. who had become bankrupt. This purchase includes Grey and Fawn Worsteds, Black Worsted Pantings, &c. and we very much question if ever equal value were brought into Bowmanville before. DEYUMGOO1DS 3~IS Special for this week. We will mun off ~several hundred of fancy Hdkfs-, lots of Tur-key Ried Hdkfs, Japaiiese Silks, having the appearance of real silk at 90e or $ 1.00. Also the great favorites '1'urkey Blues in fancy pattrens. These hdkfs are worth from 10 to 25e each, we shalH mn them at 5e each and we guarantee you neyer saw snch value in your life. 150 yds of print in ends, some short, some long, worth from 8c to 12-Lc, these ail to, go àt 65c pr yd. First corne, first choice. Something for nothing is unusual, but you will miss il great chance if you do not get some of our haîidsome Graui.' preservirig ketties, tea kettles, &c., as are 110W being givtil away with bahing powders.

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