aînin ýi tO , e let1 heirmsa..1e t'e iso cos- c f ~ocer ~stoinacli e'imnlte theliver ud reg ist teboitelg LiErtsi fthey uriycrd vho snfterf n iis dsresn complaint; bt fortnnatel'IVt1!1"[.g d5ncs do& fot end li"re, and tlose who o',n.etrythim wil l ind tl'eso 1103e pill,tvatlein':i,10m--many ways that iOe t 1ill ý, il ng to du m ith0uatthexýl. vo maitane of s ,viiv -oýtfiatb re 1,wlcere ile otethrs do 1ot. CiPTER' i, 'FTi i îE 1IT PILLaSare rory sinal anC very easy i ýt Ia , Cee ortwo,,.piis îsi a dosra, They ar i-,etiy getaleanC,ddo nt grpoor purge", lbt LU hirgnl Sti' please alvbo ose tIn. ll t2et flve for $1. Aold evrwero sn y al 91fY~i] ifEHRULE 01 MFS1 Ne huilenes, 110 cyclones, no thunde torms, no drouth, ne fatînre. OALIFORN lA! Matcbless and inarvelous. Bleven thousapd acres $12.50 per acre. Ninoty-six bundred a res $12.50 acr. Twenty-six hundred acres $10.00 per acre. Sixteon hnndred acres $13.0O po- acre. Twelvo hundred acres, Seven hundred acres, Six v hcndred acres, Three hunded and twenty acres Any other qantity down te ton acres. Olivesý, oranges, Nectejues, Figs. Lêmons, Almonds, G;rapes and ail other fruits grown in a cmuntry whûre SUJMN1ER EEIGNS SIJPIE3IEt riefor particulars. ADDRESS, K. E. KELLEY, WILLOWS, CAL' FOR TWENTY-SIX YEARS. THE COOK S BEST FREND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. ONTARIO BANK sintinunes fo do a General Banking Business Bowmanvxlle Agency. lUilOSITS Meclvd Ia Savlngs Bank Departnient and on -1lland Interest ailowed et carrent rates. No notloeofwithdrawai necessary. li deposits payable on demand, EXCHÂNGE 8,nightand ,ioid and Draftsissued upon EnropO ni ted States and Canada,aloo d,Sllerand UiJcted Statess reenbacitsbouught and sold. COLLECTIONS Vroamptly made et current rates upon ail part of Great lIriltain. the United States an~ the Telegraph, Traiisfers Made for largo or small sums on ail pirt or Canada. Thus la especiaiiy advanitigeouî ta yersor.s living in Manioba or the North,,vest, Itmake's the f ands avaiabte at once at the place ef payoîent.. Other particulars cali at the bank. . .FORTT, WiO. lloGI1LL ~-Pain!. You know what it is if you've hbad Rheumatjsrn1 Sciéatica cir N euralgia. Relief? Templeton's Pink PTLowders give it quick- Sold in Bomnanville by Stett & Jury. ICYC LESî iÇ~ KENWOOD,RA1BLERCRESCENT, SCRAW FORD and SPECIALS. N5EW AND SECOND-HAND. ',.We sell es'eryçvhere. Getônrpricesalndsavemoney. ' / Catalogue Free. T. W. BOYD & SON, i683 Notre-Daine St., tlontreat ~~ W~ho e bnk wwiwu-rn t .mesimple Pýrote t FourWideas hg mybring you wealth,. Wrie OHNWEDERUR&CO0., Patent Ater. lt0neye, Washinton, n.c.oCrtheir Ui810priaS Offer aad~~~~ Ilie w ude netions wanted. GREATEST LITERARY AUITHORITY. Mr. Andrew Lang, perbaps thle great- e8t living authority on iitenary mat- ters, is a tali, spare, dark mran, has a broad forehead, brown gyes and an amnple lower jaw. He is oxtromely deli- cate and nervoas. Fishing, as every one lcyows, is bis hobby, and, in the bu- ananeness of bis beart, hOeinvariahly tbrows back into the water whatever f1sh-he catches. THE FIRST QUALIFICATION. Young Barlow lias selected bis vo- cýation. Wliat is his choice ? He bae decided to hocome 'a p oet. :Nonsenfe I Nhait qualifications bas olie b ai one very' imprtant qualificaltion. Nm it. Au, asured ince.De The Canadian Statesman .WEDNESDAY, J UNE 24,I 896. ,VO TES A2YDi COMMEETS. The resources efthile Russian empire were drew-n upon te give spîcudor te bhe corciuatien ceromonial, wbieh ciii ho remeutbercd f0Asthe Most 'mpcji exehibition of impenial grandeur auJ magnificence , te century bas w-t- nessed. Iu neo tber country sacre Rs- sa, in wblichlte sixtee-nthi and flic nincteentli centurieos bleud, could susili e cemmngling et antique cereaztousel and modern pageantry, et culture and berbanist, lie possible. Ihe tenremen- les ropcaoted thiose of rnediaecrai cor, but the ponp and cincumstancc ha=gi notieceted that efthfe great Gcrutau and Englisb imprial festivals et the pre- sent day. Grandeur of proportions lu alw-ays imposing, and a spectacle on flic scalo of fiat lu flic old Russien capital appeals strongly to the imagina- tion ot a worldesily atfneccod iy nanli and show-.'Rut penbapa ftle mols pro- tound impression whici it ievos upen the thinking mnd is the magnitude et Rus:ia, aundftle immense power hbld by tlie yotng man into wboso bauds lias passod its ewfal sceptre, anl heavy ibathe bas hbsitated to take it up. Hoc i ciiiho lse fliat pow n, c he near- est approali fo whloliilu ibat of the Pope, and wliat ciii be fie ettert et bis roigu upen Russin and fie Wonild? Wîll lhobcweak or gtnong, lîberal or tyraunicel ? j t 'Littleen ho known of a prince lale- ly corle f0 a flirone, and especialhy a despétic, ibrone involvlug a constant iiability to deaili. The sudden arcos- Sien et responsibility and neléase tnom restreint and nepressien inevitably de- velepa qualities the pssession et whicli ceas not hotore suspected. The quahi- ties ot a sovoneigu are not ahways, nor even fnequently, indicated hy tho ,seofo the prince. Whet the character et the now czar will ho, will net ho fuhly kuowu until lic las learned bis, part; thougli that, like bis tether, ho. wiii ho conscmenlions, witb a profouud tic- lief lu bis divine appointment to nule, and bis responsibility te God, ingy ho e,icpected. That lie will prove mCte then ordinery is also probable, the tend- ency of the Rcimanoffs heing te exag- goetef hein position, cvery ruling member of tbbc lise thus far baviug been separate fro aci chihen. As ho bas travelied -%ideiy arid bas hoon cdu- oated for ruling rallier thon for sel- dienship, liecannoýt ho, as soute et bis houa hbave hoen, ignorant oethflicin- f luerice and effect of lihoral ideas. An elective coancil, witlf consultative poci- ors- oriîy. but deliberating in public, w ouid nemedy many of the ovils in ]Russie, wbich grow ïrtaluly out et the inabiiity of the oppresed te nuake them- selves beard. - he czar knows by the exemple eft Gemany ihat the geveru- mont may ho criticised aud certait poccers ho, given a penliament w ibnIcut j ffeebing bis position as thieunclal- lcnged bead of the stato. lte must knoxv, tee, that the struggle hotweer the Rernaneffe and flie Nihulisis cari ni' go on forevor, and tEat ho is free' now le tny concessions whicb may brin i i. to au end than ecer bis fatier was, An act, whieb wrýould bring che educai- ed le bis side wouid deprive th ichiist propa'glanda of is motive, aud rally 5<c stnong 2a force, about flic tiroet&s te insane blie personal liberty et its ce- coupant. But a, young soýveneigu dono'e give up pocwer readily, and ibus fer tie necc c'zer bas gLiven littie evidence et liber- ah l'andenuies. The impression ini Rus- sar is, that ho is less severe than li; father and Dlot se pronouricedly S1ev. But the fonces et reaction are strong in the empire, and unles e ie a e mail et original cigadter,, ho w iii hounable "e emancipate libuseif f rom thle amd- Jutions wjaireb delermineci the reLgn 01 bis predecessors. Tic Russlari auLot cnacy resta on the khyalty et thte enmy and the iefote epeasants ibet ihe emperor, nught te ho absohute, the histerydîthteicempire,* sliocing that lie more aizecqute 'ho is the les-- op- pressive are the agents -who Oxecute his cviii. Many of the moef compebeul and lihoral mon n hRuijsia, moerover, docabt, wbether order eau ho maintain- cd, on the vest empire beld together, wibhout a cential, absotlute.liead, ahle to, crash out ail opposition. ThonS seouts littie probability,, fbereforc, thai bis raie cdli greaily lucrease the liberty of fhe, Reian peelie, on thal bis internai policy cviii differ mater- ially frein it t b is faiber. On flie othor baud there la god reason te hoý_- lieve ibhat ho cviiinef prdcre a N ai lord and a disiarber ofthile armed peace of Europe. lýis traiig, h:'s physical weakness and sirong Gorman syra- pethies will diminisb the niskaofet cn- flirt. 1MoreoeWer, the Europe of to- day is not tlht of a genenration ag7o the wihi tof soerigoscenthng for iless. The ojessui r elne changes on the'- na,,p, bttemi b.-nence of tibe statu, u n i r .serve tien oit pence. Bj uing b, Vis a .pQIwers teý advauce the-se Jcal 1would coctibute enormoushy te ilsîÉ weifare ot Ru-sieandethewoi .and se far as bis public utierance: and official acta dýsclose bis purposes, 1îbeéy are reaseurng. MONEY SAVED, Cook-"Wbat shahl we bave t o; Brding-ouse Xeeper-"Not muci ,ouf anytbiug, Ibe boardens on'thoin condlition h', caf onib.We had bah- 1ery nce pies, f ci diunry. ' I I I YOUNGi FOLKS. AT lIED TIM. When the Bantam children's work is doue, They go to bed, with the big round ýsUn. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, ali said, ýHurrying, scurrying home to bed I No nigbigowns to don, no shoes te un- lace, They're a queer littIe, dear littie hare- footed. race. Eleven, Lwelve, thirteen, all said, Sleeping a baker's dozen ahod I Good-night, chiekies, plea.sant dreams, deaxs; Corne, Mdbher Bantam, hush the:r fears. Tuck [hem up in thoir feather-bed! Eleven, twelve, thirteen, ail said, ADVICE FOR GIRLS. Dear girls, y ou Who are t±ink:ing of soon iaunching 30u bark touton the sea of courtship and matrimoU.ý, let me give you a word of courisel hofore you ombark. We Lake it for granted that you Will not attempt ibis voyage until you have urrived ai the proper ago, say f rom eighteen to t-wenty-five years. We ad- mit that we are living in a fast age. Littîle girls four teen and fiftoon 3 oars of age dreoss 'n the beigbt of fashion, keep company, go to parties, get mar- riod. ai sixteen, and settie dow,,n to a life of misery, wben tbey sbould ho under their mother's caro, going to sehool, learning- housebold duties at bome, developing body and mind, and thus preparing for a file of, usefulness and Crue bappiness. -Girls, don'i do ilt. Devote the earl)7 years to the developraent of your mid, laying up a rich store of knowýleodge,, forming healtby habits, and estahlish- Sinig a noble character. Wben 3011 are .ready to consider the subjinct of matri- Smony, ho. wise in the se1ection of 3 our .eompany. Accept attentions f romn none .but the pure and noble, whose charactor you knowv to ho boyond reproacb. Rav- ing accopted tbe attentions of sucl a 1one, show hlm thai you respect .i u .a gentleman and demand from bim a jlady's rights and privileges. Be cour- teous, modest and dignified. Afccept no other company whiie receiving his a t- tentions. If hoe wisbes to visit you ai Byour borne, permit him to do so in the cday or early evening, wben it w iii ho convenieni for 3 ou, but don 't f ollow -that pernicious practice of sitting up -laie ai nigbt. It is not only useless -but injurious, affecting hotb health and -cbaracter. e If you do ýnot care for your escort and wis to ho f reeo of bis company tell hinm so. Don't flirt. Trifling -with the -affections of another is one of the mosi despicable things of wbicb 3 oung peoý- Ilf, on gilo-nirary', yon peoeive in nyour hoart, a sentiment reaching f ar - heyond regard, ho not lu haste to re- Sveal it . -Don't Wear, 30u1 heart up- *, on youx sleeve." You know "lire ho- ngets like," and if lie is the companiol ýintended for- you lie will soon dsoe 1-a like sentiment in bis oywn heart, and will flot ho- slow in making ifknot 1Don'itbrow yourself into bis- armisan i- deciaro you are bis forever, on the fi)rst ýsigu Of affection f rom him. Ris love It might be cbanged into disgust. You have probahly hourd the old story of 1- the man espying a brigbt, roc cherry st in a tree. He reacbod to pluck it, ýnwben the cherry fell down into his biand. Ilo knew by ibis that it wa - worthless and nccording tbrew ik away ýr Be not in haste to marry. Cousider ,g well hefore 011 enter an alliance trouý wbich dea lb only can fre.e you. Don't * marry for a home. You will ho disap- - pointed if you do. Marry only for love, st for love is the only thing Chat cau bring to ruc peace and- j03 into a home. , Don't mnar-ry to koop froin heiug tcbv 0 dreaded y01 blessed. thing, an old xaid, -- As a genera . 1tbing, I thiuk the girl wýhc lives an "old, old maid," if sho is truE to b"rself, and lives cap to bier privi- logs, ii enoymore true poace and ,ph ppiness and ho of more use 10 the Wworld Chan bier seemingly more fortcun- aie sîster Who Cooki the marriage vw r- whien in bier teons. S- In conclusion, girS., lot tis do oui ibest, and make the greatest possihh use of our adraniages and opportunti Éies. If we haveinfluence land xv. ail ýghave L a greater or less ori.ent), lt ilus ho. sure to wield it on the side of rigb. o know not what greaa ci fLu" you bave over youx gen tlemen 1-friends. Ilien use it wiso'y. L'et tis 1 'ceuse c±ig gratify vanity and sel- fisb desiros, and use our charms, sirengtb, intellect, our al!,lu pushing ,forward the great hall of civilization iand Cbrisiianity. ODMI. we JOE'S GARDEN. Il Papa," said Joe, ai the breakfast rtable one morning, "bori can 1 ouri -- oe ony1" ions, and ibai was only Lal for the rest of bis gardon plante.d to earhy cab- bage and tomatoes brocagbt hlm ten dollars more. " And ail my, own," sali littie Joe, as ho gazed at thle shining treasure. )r "«Now, Joe," said bLis Para, "iob musi give one-tenthii of tis f0 God 5h ibrougli you Sundtay Hholfr L- in blesîng upon your wrters o i- aay spend as Yocish.Yohaean ed lb andkunjowvits value,adthrfr I de o tbink you will epend itf fooh- ie>hly*." Dear litile reader, do you not thinkj Joe was liappier for baving earned bis Sunday scbool pennies? I do, and 1 hope this story of liff le Joe may lielp some other ittle boy or girl to fry and earn their pennies. If yon cannot earn as mucb as Joe did, you can ern some- tbing, and God wihl always blesa the litile bands and hearts that woirk for Hum. Three 0Great iRemedies ' Sure Specifies for Kidney, Rheu- matie and Stomacli Diseases. -These remedies are not a cure-ail forj ail the ils tiat flesh is beir te. The great South American Kidney Cure dees not cure rbeumatism, non ts it a specitic for indigestion, but no romedy, plis, or pa d'swiil givo relief in the most distressing cases of kidncy trouble as w ili South American Kiduey Cure. Mn. D. J. Locke, of Sherbrooke, Que., sutfered for three years trom kidney trouble, expending in that time $100 on doctor's medicinos. Ho got un relief until ho used South Amenican Kidney Cure, and four hottles Le eRys, cf feot- ed a permanent cure. W heu a remedy is needed for rheu- miaiism, it is very mach needed- and quickhy. William Pegg, of Nonwood, Ont..,ceas nearly douhled cap iih rlieu- rnatismn and suttered ininsely. Tbis ivas in 1893. lie took three botties of South Amenican liheumatie Cure, and now says: "I bave Lad neihbr aches nor pains front rheumatism since that time." When dis"ase effects the digestive or- gans and general debility takes hoid et the system, these cannot ho. removcd unhess the medicine taken gels at the root of the trouble. Southb Amenican Nervîne owes is success ce the fact thaf lb works directly on'the nerve cenures, and remeving the trouble thons it nids thoe53 stem et disease. Banken John Boyen, et Kincandine, wbo suffered frein indigestion for years, was permanent- ly cured h3 the use oft Soth Amenican Nervine. Hc says :-" I have ne hesi- tation in pnoclaiming the vintues efthiis greet nemedy." AUVICE TO YOUNC- MEN. flow 50 succeci l mi tst o Pu0t'a lit leur îleS. OUIRED 0F SOIA.TICA. The Experience of a Bruce Co. Farmer. êurrfll'oro SI .-E-03y Th'ai t M.ocne te bc About is VorL- as Weil as Ever. Frorn tho ,,Walkonfop Teleacepe. During the past f ice yeans* the Icle- scope hala pubhiashed many stetemeuts giving the particuelars et cures trclm the use of Dr. Wilhiapis' Pinki Pilla. Tbey w-ere ail so weh authenticae d as le leacr o e ouit 55 10 thoir complote, trutfhulness, but Lad auy doubt ne- malno'd la st cistage weuld have hoon romoved by a, cure whic-i bas recent- ly corne under our personlai observation. il ma tic case et Mr. Joan Allen, e pro- minou t young tarmen cf thse teic s slip of Greenekl. Mr. Allen is se cadi known in Walkerton arud thé viciuity aýdjoining it, that a brief accý,opaut et bis roally nemarliable recocrery frnm w-at seeued an incurable disoase w-lhi be et iotenest 'te caur readers. lDuring tle car- ly pari t of tie suynmer cf 1895, wbhile cvorking lu the' bush, Mn. Allen was seized with'ccrlat appeaned te Liale ho rheumtic peina in the bac-k and, ,sieulders. Ai firsf Le regerded itas but e pýaffling aicacli. aundfhoughll thai it w-ould disappean in e day or icco. On tiecocetnary, iewever, Le deiiy contined to groinywore and it w-as nul long hotoroeéLiad te gicre up w-ont altegether. From thebac-k the pains shifted te bis niglil leg and hîp w-bore they finaliy aettled aud se com- pletely belpiesa did ho hocoute, t tLe w-as unabie fo do mure than cealli acrosa the room and thon enly with the ýaid of craidies. Of course Lie con- When you arrive in the mi nuing don't sultodih osbtLèa noane"o 0f tiern prepare younself ton wc'k tefore your seced ablo te do bim any good. Peo- epaesdo. pie in speakirig et bms cas.-, elways emiplos a .0 .spolie Pityingly, ih bein.g geuenally Qui prmpty a 5.0 pm.Be p ompt thougbttihaiLeho id passed trom the in gettiug boute even if ycu are Dot werld et acthvhty, and that lie cvaa pcanbual lu the morniag. doomed te ive and die e oipple. Wc Slinidyouaccdenaii arivela icare free te conteas thet t bis was oun Shoud yu acidntaly rrie itheoccruvie*V et the meiter, end our sur- morning hefore the managers do, Put prise, theretore, eau hc readily imagin- lu yonr trne readi;ng bbc daily pepers ed wben saine feccv wceks ago, ccre sacv or warhiing lie latest ropular songs. Ibis self-saine John Allen driving ilinocgli the toccruou the top et a largEl Wheu you leave lu tieoerilug, bh oaof etgrain. Great, baccever, as was sure, your employers are stili eeorkirig. car surprise et firat, it became stili If they need your services caben yoei'r greater wbiemn ouaniviag et the gniat gene they wiJil appreciate theu- al, em'Iiilho preceeded to jump nimbhy frein more. thes bcd, and tien witb the greaiest ap- more. parent cas" hogan to unlead the beavyr >. Sbould your onaployena beave the of- bags et grain. Curious to know wbet ficee for any lengci ot urne, wnite «taolil was that Lad breught ibis nouoder- your sweetlieart, read. tic racest novel, fui change, ccre tooli the tiret convenient falkta tei proccy typccvnîcor. or oil oppenlunmty ta ask hlm. "Wcll," up your girl on the teoepiorie. Rer said lie in reply, "I arn as w cli a man employons will ho pheased, et course, as I ever cc-s, and I attnibute my cure and lu tbis way you wil kihi two lairds te Dr. Willieas' Pink Pis, and ta with oee lephone. - thngese." Mn. Allen thon gave us If yen den't fool w-cii s'ay et homne, In a very franli manuer, the wiole and take a rosi. *-Your emrpioycrs do stony et bis sickness, aud bis cure, the àe, wliy net y0en? Should you "go doccn chiot poins*of which cao have set forth to the office" you'd bave teacvork. atone. Atten censulfing fwo physi- Reuteihen youn main objeet should clans end findiug ne relief, lie settled ho, t obtuin the groacest arneunt et dow'n to tht- conv;iction that bis case salary for lie loast amutmof wonk. wias a iop'hess eue'.Ho, lest cenfe~ence Should you wi1.-btf transact auy otfi mediein.es, and w-htn it w-as suggest- yocar private business durin tho day ed that hae sbould give Plik Pilla -a trial. slip oui and attend ce if. Ylou wvent hoie t trst ahselutely retused. Rew- lie missed, if you'rc a goed bustier. oven bis fnionds pensisbed and finaily ]Jon't besitato te lie wben you're seli- tee agrot-d te givo thom a trial. Thie ing ge.'ds. X our employons kriew you effeet cvas beyoud bis most sanguine ccould net utten au unirulli, excepi oxpectatioris as ftle Pinki Pills ha3ve where their iriýeests and mrney are dricren accay every trace ot bis pains cencenned, and chat yenu woutld nec, un- and lie is able toge about ils work der any eircumstauces, lie for yoa-roccn as csuel. As miglit ho exp.-ctoýd Mr. pensenal interosi. Allen ie ioud lu bis p -aise eof Pinki Pills. When oeeilutflicestablishmntu lanad-as quite williug t4at the tacts et pnomoced, y eu eau roat essured tiat bis case s-hould ho given publicity, tlene's sornething bacli et it, and if hoping that it migbLt catch fie oye of bramas arid talent w ene couekknred yen semeoste ,ý vbaw as sim-lgPleny ?ffiiýed. weuld Lave been ebesen ce f111 cie cevet-j ed position. , ,i Striko for a "raism"e vcny cirese orRE WANTS OTHERS formenthe, evon if you dont get icTOKNW fie demand ciii serve te remiud yeur T NW employons cf yonr sterling worti. Dean Editon: Change yeun euploy ors about once Pieuse state la youn vaiaed journal, ecery meo years-procide-d yeu are nt ,iai if any suffen t rout Nros-ris De-! clianged in the meanýime. Pcrriapsyou bil'ty, Seminal Weakneass, Leclioe w-n't ho aile te sacre money ïf îou1 Energy aud Ambition, Lest Maniod, do sa, bat yoa ciii avoid being " fiFed,' " Ni gbc Losses- etc., ciii write me in con-ý and incidenially you ciiilu inte course fidence, I1ciii inferm hlm by seaied et -fifleen or twenty ycars, Lacre quite letton, froe ot change, lioveto obiain; a haicli et reccmmendatious tescifying aefetcure. I esk ne mnney, liacing te your "feîtbfui and tnustccrtby sen- apfothin osl.1kowh tsyp- vices,"ec thize with tuose sufferers and ar n nyt _____________ ee gad to, be able te essis thieut. I1 roise abs3lute seenecy and as 1 WRAT AILED lMN? do n5t, et course, celai te expose my- Rentest Barber-Mn., Jenka, 3 ccikuew self eiiter, I do net gicre my nauto. If I nover hoiber my cuacomers atout huying my bair restoneficres, and sacli A GR~EAT MAF OFC IE WORLD. clinga, but I1utust say.te 30U u, nah ceudor, that your hein is disappearing The idea et construcbiing e map of the dneadtui tast. Necv. my Elixir of Lite, c; eld ouneacery lange scaeteLas long if applied in time---" Mn. Jenka (sadly)Pd en-No use, my tîleud L tn favorite une ;cltb geognephicai Nthiig cen stop my bain ceamcrni aend lier ltar-u-d and scentifi- 50cim out but deaili, or divorce. euies Loth at hore-aud abroad.-Some ceur o- ti- - oa gitoJJ1LC t. Dr. Igîiw's iritimplis in Hearf Diseuse Exiled-oe'er-Fifty Members o- thie fouse of foin- mious Tiells ot rîîe Vîrtiies ot Dr. Agnew's Cafarrhil owder. The neme et Dr. Aguow is oeeÉcat desornes te raînl with Jenner, Pasteur and Rottgen in tho geod doue buman- îty. Dneaded as i is hy eveynyee wart diacase bas ne ferrons cviere Dr. A- ne-'s Cure bas hec-orne kueccr. Ms Roadiouse, et Wiliscroft, Ont., lias sai -" Coid scacat would stand ouf lu greýat beads upen my face se intense c;erù the atteeka et ieart disease. I tried mâany nernedies but my lite seemed feted un- tl Dr. .Aguew's Cure for flic Heant he- came linon n te me aud to-day I lime;ý nothiug et thet- errons et this trouble." Il relieves instently, aud sacres mary linos deiiy. It bas heen said that ocerycue -u Canada sufferers, te some exlenb, frein catarrb. Wbetlier the trouble ma in tic air, ýon crec, it is a satisfaction te knowcr iat in Dr. Agnecc's Catarnhal Powedem la the medîcine fliat gicres re- lief lu ton minutes, and bas curcd some of thie worst cases, where deatuiessanad other troubles have foliow-ed flic dis- case. Gec. E. Cascy, Michael Adams, Doneld Wq. Devis, A. Feirbairu, C. P. Ferguson, W. R. Bennelf, sud ail foid suefitty meuthors oi tho Roause of Commnons bave borne testimouy to the effectivenees of this rmey Ask, your druggist for Agnew's rem- oe, sad see fLiat yýou gect thoin and net wýorthlessimtios serieously and en-ýrgetmtaly dise-ussed et &f n inîpocitan ,in e-uztional teng-res whieh met ai Berne. Fer sema ime the preject cra h.-inl abeyance, but has recentiy been r"vivcd wiîh encoar- agiug îrose.-fs for ias future execution. Altieugi un have tenmed the sceloea very large one, i my net peniaps ep- pean to e ho a c-len it is siated ibal it is to ho a naturel scel-etfrime-muI- lienth. 'Tbis is oquicraienite te icrly 15 3-4 miles te the inch, w litel, sapp. sing the f-we hEmispliereý, t' be prejected ou tie saute plane, wcouid make thlb.- aep 609 f eet long. "'or Over FiftyYer" Fer ocrer fifty years MEs WiN-saew'a Soîo ic-Svîrplhisbeen ummcd by rnu1 liens c f mothers for their childnen whhle itee; biniz. If disturbed et nigbf and brokeni(,f ypur rosi ly a sic-k child suf- ferinZ aud cryirg wtli pain cf Cuttiug Teeth send et once andI est a botte cf IlMrs, WinsloW's Soechieglc Syrup " for Children Teething. Im viii relieve 1the poon uitIlesillere-riimndiately. Depend if., It.cureDarhgutes the Stoin- adi aud Bowele, eres Wind C,.c ioftetns fie -uins , jýedaces lfan toandI givestoce en nrgy to fhi,,, hoie systein. "Mrts. WnlwaSootbiug S -yrup" for cilî2ren feeibing is pea ath fe faste andI is oprosýcription of ene ot1 l ie oldezi adbest femnale physiciens aud nurses in a boule, Sold býy aIl dru ggiasî througlhouf feworM. 1Be esure ïauJapi, for " "I ectri 1tedi ciners eld ie h solfIe- seeni ro doau \,giod, andi dtenlnd1 tly Aý or's CryPectoral. A ab 'w (,oses ncy troittee as relelt?, an 0e fore I bad finisbed the botte Icwal it'-' ýB owIIaIviII [lldr ANI) MACHINE WohKS. Al kinds of Castings Wmanufaci,re.d, Ail kinds Of Maebinery repairtid. Enle repairhng and Miii work a Agnicuhturah mncbýiinery auJ impie- inents of ail kinds repaired aud sold, Sugar Ketiles, made anid Iepi on_ hand in tbree sizes. Higbest price paid for old iron iu ex- change.for castings5 or points. 1. Points for ail makes of plows kiept in stock. Cultîvabon foot replated aund'.teeled. Steve eastings made te order. E. J. SauAnders-&,Bros, Porter's old foundry, E&asEn. 13-4w. BOcTri~vh decline inay hoc-rre& edIefbic n v z e , ea-I Tjî id i Le brctatsclr tLahignorance ho boyliood ami z~. CI epriy manhoed IaveswagJ'a R ESTORE?à--D i, l buiness, Grvent'ilu spirt. Or uria inetlheds arc unfa1iling. Vrite forgir laci ci PERFIgCT lMANHOOD,"sntfe seaied. FUAL, T cette drmngbs. Cure WVorms, , Par,'ttil, Fethiiig, etc. FItEE SAMPLEto2c dro. 2rice,2ac. Dr. ýadMdcL MUNN & CO., tiBr.,owVA, ,v, twyat Oldest bus-eau for 5etUrlr patentsî,iA one Es ery paten t ke outb y ,us is treuhtb-fr the public by a notice given fresetc-bagetath Largesu cIrcuilatilon ot eg n tii spri worid. SP!e-nOidiy iiseîd oiote maso shouldi Os vil:out t1, Weky 3~ a PoLsnThe 1,i Yié BICYCLE is the finest higli - grade, wheel on the Canadian market. Perfect 'in design, in finish and in quality. For partic.ulars write J.&J. TAYL R, ' Toronto- T or o nto Sa f e 7Vo r , P s J J Y1~ c tl~ y _