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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1896, p. 1

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lit i j s TEIRMS :-$1.50 PER ANNum. OUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST; THE WORLD AETERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Pro-prietor. NEW SERIEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1896. VOLUME XLII. No. 28. rom To=Day= Wil seil off the balance of their Ladies' COATS and CAPES, at exactly They arc also selling off a lot of Dress Goods for 25c. worth from 40c. to 75c. They are also showing a big range of Ladies' Parasols specially good value, imported direct from the makers in Englaud. Ladies' Blouse Silks, a fine assortment in al5l qualities, pure. Silk for 25c. A beautiful lîne of Japanese Silk for 30C. Ladies' Print Blouses,perfect fit ting, made by Williams, Green & Foine-no better value anywhere. Grocers' Due Bills taken as cash. BOWMAN VILLE. Fore Good, Bakî*ng USE, Pu re Leaf Lard Rele rendered, sweet as nul, nie andc gratiny, could not tell il from home rendered, will cost you no more than Compound Lard, Baking Powder That gives satisfaction-FOREST CITY, that's the kind, we-have sold hundreds of pou nds and have yet to hear of une complaint. Iu 1 lb tins only 20c. FOR SALE BY Y oung & eo Grocers, China Hall. BowmANviLLE. STAN DARD, runs 550 feet to IL, at 7 cents. ABSOLUTELY PURE, 780 feet to lb., at 9 cents. GO)LD MEDAL, runs 800 feet to lb., at 10 cents. Wahhlington Lodge Nlo. 19, S. O. E., Bow- manville, wil mn a GRAND EXCURSION ON- THURSDAY, JULY l6th By special train to Kîngston and Steamer Haro, lu 1000 Isianfi Park sud Alexandria Bay, Roing tbrough the Canadian chanuel. and raturning through the American chan- nal,seaîng averythine ut intarast in the trip, This will be oneaout he moet enj oyabla tripe cf the season, gîving axcuriiouîsls the enlire afternoun on thes4e beautiful waters and ne- turning house in good tume the same aven- ing. The Haro, is une uf the finest boats on the route, lizbted througbout oy Eleclnicity sud bas aiso a powerful search lighl. The saloon and stataroome are luxuriauîh found- ad sud the Cuisina is uuexceli.Sd. lu ondan to give averyone a chance te go the following cheap ratts b ave beau arranged: Port iJuion Dunbarton Pickering Whitby Oshawa Darliu4unn Bowmanville Newcastle Newtonville Port Hope Cebonrg Fare $2,25 2 20 2 20 2 10 2 00 1 95 1 95 1 90 1 90 1 7à 1 7, Children $1.15 1 10 i10 100S 1 00 1 00 95 95 90 85 Tume 6 45. 6 55 7 0 7 14 7 24 7 37' 7 43 7 53 81il 8 25 840 Arriving at ]Kingston, 11:30 a.m. Le av ing there tu return about 7 Take yonr Lunch Basket and go. Tickets are good to raturn on anv ordin. ary train on the 17th. J., H. H, Jury, Ticket Agent, Bowmanvjlle. F. R. DUNeAbi, Secretary, Bowmanvuli e, Ont.1 Blood PoLsoned ln Droadful Condition TliI Hoodlg Sarsaparilla Cured. After Typhoid Fever the svatem is ne' Duly left ina adbit. the blood is often pOi51- of discase, as ixi the ' IlMy case bas been sv.ý I have suffered so mucà-a, nn ought to tell bow 1 bave been curad by Onny two bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Four years ago 1 bad typhoid f ever-was slck about f orty days--aud barely pulled througb with health about ruined. The affects of poisonad blood manifested themn- salves in dreadfuni ulcera. They prevented my returning to work, and for tbree years 1 was able to labur only a few days at 4 tima, The sures discharged continuous1y so that I had to keep themn bandagad. 1 Lad six pbysicians at different times, and was given temporary relief, But as soon as I began to work bard the sures would break out agaJin as bad as ever. For weeks at a thne 1 could not get ont ut the bouse, and for over tv-o years 1 could not bear my watgbt on ny rigbt leg and Lad to walk witb a cane. 1 began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla in February, 1894, and in two weeks notlced an iruprovement. The Terrible ItchIng and Eurnlng grew less vanomoiis and filary, and wben 1 Lad taken only two buttlas and usud one, box of Hood' olive Ointment and two boxes of Hood's Plls, the sures Lad al bealed, Ieavin g only scars as à reininder of my dreedful sufferi'ngs. My genaral bod- IIy bealthbas also wonderfully improved. lhad beau rFduced almost to a ekeleton, Irorn 160 to 130 ponndm. wbieb 1 have nuw regalncd. Hood's Sareapar'illa bas ra- itored mny mental bealth also, and 1 cau tbinlc, renie1o ber snd act sas romptlysas ever. Typhold lever ruine minyhbealtli for four VeArs. suld ens? me f3000. Two buttit ,nt Haoda EMartparilla have giveu me hestth and uiew ambition." .E. B Rims,I Sumuu'-râide, Prince Edward Id. Thoroughly Reliable, "Mr. Riamsay la well known ail over this part ufthte Island, and ls thorougbly reliable." DR. J. A. GOURLIE, Drurggst, Summerside, Prince Edward Island. Hood'u True I And! the Ideal sure to get M Lfood's P BoWffl Compare the above prices, also the number of feet the1 General twine runs to the pound, and you will see that we have the eýheapest and best twine in the market. W-'e have a full assortmnent of Machine Oil and Thresh- ers' Supplies. Dustan oarD. Practical qgecta1 Machi p~in il suh ery. sa cai Loeks, tri i fi], s.' ~~w*ilasgiven us tome interesting informa- S oarSaparui1a tio onerning tht old aud well iried institution. M s now 106 years old and is ,not an expeniment but a tried realitv. the fflyItýli embership, o-rer 900,000, meeting. lu 8ý,442 Courts, resis secure lunbte ini- ~ Iod uriiercreati-,ng surplus utfo-rer $70,000,000 ut iclo-rer $29,000,000 is lu, cash aud 1 building up Med!cine. Be sec>urities readilyr available. Tîte ýood's and only HEods. ociety lu Canadaliolds $70.18 for every I3L.eay ubyeasy to 'I.BkO. $100ou insurauce carried by. il, a OUF~ la' ieffect.- rerord possessed by nu tter soeietv lu t1w -woî id. The AÂncient Order of For- ~ esters is ouud wherexver the fiag of iNVILLE BICYCVJL Bntilas,been unfurled. Witit ls beauttitul itual, liberal sick and fuinenal -AND- bt îetiflî, its safe sud sound insurauce REPA R SH P.pan;t ïis a booni to the workiug man 1 Rtlirougliutte wonld. Lasi y)1ear il pidIlout iln1 bebits oc n 9every minute, -ISF1LE-IGH $ od'taddhemgiietsmu 13achinis,Tool Ifaker, Il'h Cour (utees onflistrsi dtîird ek and GosmtWensdye-4y mit àýlufiî1i e (ýFor-est- en<Hal o 'erMcMutv's st 'ore. The ine r liaul'i.n Tcyîl R- t-ncpïluic1sar: aJo Babcock, e beanches, asud alF Mahi-,. R; ".'. Alila, S. C. H.; J. N. M 'DugaU Sec viar ;'. Jollow, H1 ave your wloee 'tutuit, mqT1easunen;J. T. hlooper, T T. Spny, ýy pracisimachinlet. ýs anes Tute. 2-m nieRifles, Cptlenî i, ich Denta aît SuricailInstumens~ Mu Tots. EnEr Pr aWell, MARKT B1LDNG~ mienale wo yealrs. I too(k .Miller's lmpond on. isad uexew felt ýeý,WASTEDýMONEY--- 9 1 ýe 0 NE of the strangest things 0in life is the notion that many people have about Bicy- 'Ù/ cles. They get it inito their 'heads that if a Bicycle is sl * . ~_r less than $100, it is flot a riAble wheei. So they de- -~ - iberately; go down into their -,4 pockets and bring forth the$10 ha cte eler asks Moy was neyer more wantonly wasted. 0z THE CRAWFORD CO., have been manufacturing wheels forÏ1 î15 years, and know what constitutes a flrst-class Cycle. TheY fully guarantee their wheels te give as good resuits as the se ý called high-grade $zoo machines and very much better satisfac- al tion than most of the hig'h-grade wheels on the market. They are strictly up-to-tinte and haýve tfho best workmauiship and themr ~Iand are undoubtedly the best value of any whccl on the flanc ttiau Market wiiiout excep- Stion. The enormous out putof their faetor y enables thora to turu oout a first-class article Sat the lowest possih cost and the purchasergets the bnft SEXAMINE THEMI and PRICE THEM JwilI BUvTY TinH'i!vi Stott & Jury, Agents for West Durham. ., Sub-agcnts wanted in ail parts of thje County. PASCOE ÈCxIC. A verýy pl easant and interesting time was enjoyed at the residence of Mn. Edward Pascoe, West Whiby, Satur- day June 2Oth, at the aninual Pascoe Pienîc. Older lieads discussed tlie po- liticalquestions of the day and the politi- cal otook, Patrons, Ëeformers and Conservative and Indipendent ail being represeuîed. Young mea enjoyed base- balholding tlie score down îî icely. Foot-bail, quoits and otlie amusements filled in the inter-rais. The eldenly ladies discussed poultr.v raising and otlier general talk. While tlie youn'er ones talked ou raising cliuldrn and modes of training tliem. The maidens played croquet with. tliir young men and promenaded tlie beautfful lane and strolled ilirougli the orchard, enjovini- themselves immensex-. Tea was servel on tlie lawn, the tables liad to be well supponted to carry t elieavy load placed on ithem. AIR d- ample justice. Mn. Taylor was pre;ui on titis anspieloas occasion to pliotograph. the pienickers. The resideuce of Mn. Edward Pascoe affords a fine resort for a large failv gatliering, fine walks and flwn anàd most beautiful and ornameutal shade trees and the old orcliard adjouruing the house Tlie eveuing was speut in music singing retc., by Mr. Chas. Keeler of Oshawa aîid others. Some of those preseni are: Mr. Ed1ward Pascoe wife and family, Mr. John Pascoe wtt e and faimily, Mr. Oliver Pascoe wife and fauuily, Mr. lin Aunis wif e and famnily, Mr. - hoas JPascoe wife and fsmily, Mr, Hl Pascoe wife sud family, Mr. A. L. ?ascoe wife sud family, Mr. Richard Pasece wife aud fsily, Mn. HI. L. Pascoe wife aud family Mr. El! G. Pascue avife and family, Mn. wVill X. Pascoe and wice, Miss E. J. Pascoe, Mr. Corneius Osbor ne wîfea au family, Mrs. El! Osborne, Mr.- John Oshoriie iife aud faiuoly, Mr-.J.A.andMisses Minnie A.- sd Julia H.Werry, Miss Jeunie Oke, Mr. C. Mackey, Mr. C. Keeler, Mn. J. Garrett, Mr. J. sud Miss Elliott, Mr. A. Walters wif e and fai{ Mr. R. Walters wife sud faini y Mrs. waiters, Mn. Tiuk sud wif e, Mrs. H. Walters, Mrs. A. tirew, Mrs Terwillegar and sons, Mr, G. E. Mowbray aud wite, Miss [Holhiday, Mr. Nesbttt, Mr Mcrenrý pedagogne, Mn. Gere1fllson, Miss E.rge,-_ Mrsý. J. Heathe, iss Mina aud Messrs. Fred and Miss Aima lîortf N11. A.Woe. Mnr. 1_E son tf u aiy Mn oekt, 1!J7n4ý M~flc~t THE ONLY ONE 0F ITS KINDO Paine's Celery Compound a Life- Reriewer in Hot Weather. Tliousauds of people feel weaker and more unliealthy durnugtlie summner mouths thau at auy othen time of the vear. Thts is due to tite depressliug and ýWeakeiuglitot w6ather. The weakest systetu miay be fortifled and made* strong- by Paine's Celery Compound, earih's greatesi blessing to suffering litumanity. We quote tlie words of one of Canada%' best physie- !ans - ie savs: "If men and women darng the heated days of summer would use Paine's Celery Compound three or four times a day, they would find their vitalit *y and strengthÏ greatly iucreased, and their dig-estive, organs would be more vigorous and in- better The greaiesi boast of Paine's Celery Comý.poand is, tliat it cures when ail other medicines fail, and it is the only ad1vertised remedv that is regalarly pre-senibeýd by p)hysicians. $70,000,000 ASSESTS. Mr. Jino. Babcock, Chief Ranger of Court Pnide of Ontario No. 6000, A.O.F. Good News Travels as fast as Bad. News spreads quicki 'v, aud wlien a ,good thing- is sound its imenits are soon leaned by ever '-one fan or near. Ths accolants for the fast growiig pop1ular ivY of fibre Chamois as an itenliniuig -wich miakes outdoor wonk possible in aoîy xvather. The fit-st manl who real- izeel its wind and nain proof avarmili quicî7,1y told hîs ftîends s o ltait teLy tàdo migit ejoy t1is inexpeîtsve cmforî. ni olighlt ;In xvi-ght an'w1tho1 T s~sî,;IU nuyi tî4z îa t Park,onut slanîd, WED!EDX cltu" axc~vrthl ot only JTTLY 2.Thce "Eurydi2ýe" lias ee:ceson il1i tIlp l hent- cliartered sud they invite al Jteopie ù,;;!unral licat of the bl,d.-,. titis district to paricipate ini ths outiug-. iaioaFo N,7o other ports will lie cailed ai so titau the distance xiii be made iu shorter Tlie undersigned keep coustanuly on timet hanusualanduthere will beg-oodac- hand for sale. cash onix-.1 pure.Maulito-ba comimodation. Take vour luncht baskect INo. i1liard Wheau F'loun; also best and your faîuilv for a ni~e day's pleas - pastry lotu-. Barrel Sait for sale. ure. îlot aud cold water supplied ou 42-if LOCKI-ART BItOS. the grouncds. Ail who possibîr eau Bowmlnx'ille and Newcastle. shouild eujoy this outing. Tickets530c.; chîldreu '25c. incladiug- ferry tickets. ATJCTION SALE. No further expeuse atter reaching To-___ ronto to go to the Island. Boat leaves Ti-ubRSDAXY JuLXy Oi-The tunniture Bowmanx'ilie at 7 a. m., reîuruiug and othier liousehiold offerts ut the laie leaes orotoYoge t. har, a 5 MMs W. R. Climie xiii be sold on lte o'leaves Tornop ogeS.wiaf i~ premnises, Cuc B i.lowmanville, lu 0'uuuk shrp.begmÎatlppin. Seebilis. LA.W.ToL,ý III HAVE HAD rheumiatism for years,ý andýNeaxiline is tlie oniy remedy thai lias doue me any good." Su writes Thomas MceGlasliau,North Pclham,July 24, 1890, and lis testimuny is supponied by thousauds ut others who have expen- lence thie wonderfully penetrating aud pain subdutng power of Nerx line-tc greai nerve pain cure. Nerviline is jusi as good to take as to rub on, and is the best family rernedy in thie world. Nerx'iline is sold by, dealers e'erYxx lere. BRigla Sehool "iAt Home." The ieachinoe staff of the lligh Sehool gave an "At hîome," to the pupils and ex-pupils, the members of thc Board, and a few other citizens ou Tuesday exeniug, June 30. The sehool aud grounds xvere beautifully decorated with cx'ergreens and Chinese lanterns, and the baud was in atteudance to add harmony to the scene. A lanrge lumber ut ex-puÎpils were present anâ1 for them it was a happy reunion. An excellent ipoptu program was given consist- in tvcal solos by Misses Freeland. ýMoseila James, and Ethel Trebiicoek readings by MissesRidley and Fenwick (of Turunto;ý) instruninal music b-r Misses Armouir, Hilda Reid, Nellile Hall antd others. Retreshmeuts were served in the Science Roum, and the whole eveniug was s p eut xery enjoyably by ail preseut. The teachers are tb be congraîulaied ou the success of the 4ereception." One Honest Maxa. DEAn EDITOR :-Pleasc iutorm your readers, that if writieu bu coufidentally I xiii mail in a sealed letier, patilculars uf a genuine, honesi home cure, by whict I xvas permaueufly nesiored to lîcalilo and mauly vigur, atter years of suffering from nuenxous debiliiyv, sexual weakrei7s, vight lottes îa-nd wcak eliunken iýpart-s. I was robbed aud swiudled 1bY lie quackýsunutil 1I uearl, loti faitii 'o maukiud, but t iali e-e I aýrn uox w civigOrOUsiandsio, aud xvis-h to make thisý certain mneans!u cure kniowu to ail sufierers. I1av noihingio sel", !,rd wauit no mioney, ut beiug a firm blexe-in tlennl-rentsai brôthcrfhood out imn, I am desirous of helping tlhué umoate to regaho th lein healîli aud happiness, I promnise Nyou perfect seçrecy aud as I do flot wi-1b to expose myscîf efther, picase dns sîmply : P. O. Box 3885' London, OntL. auctioneer. WISDOM! STRENGTH! BEAU TY"! The careful and ecanomical house- keeper displays great ulis(done when she selects as lier standard of colons, the Diamond Dves.. Her wsse expenience leads lier to use the Dsamond Dyes becatîse of their -,reat strengti, as one package lias lie dyeing power of two packzages of the poor imitation makes. A grand characteristic of the Diamond. Dyes is their beaitty of shade and color, anîd they are'alwa.Ns fast, firîn and un- fading. Carefully avoid imitations and vile sabstitutes. There is ne mystery About t ssimpiy a clear, pure, honest sopfor lauudry and household uemade by the muaI approved prouesses, aud beiug tle best, it h-,lte2largest sale lu the world. t smadinluatwiu narfor con- venience sakE, Thsshows The Twin Barfit res Leabo r Greater Comfort. .~. Wapp~s fu paprad hocw-n y. TORONTO AND RETUERN 5 1

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