e _ t ____ TERMS :-$1.50 PEu ANNum. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY'FIRST; THEVORLD AFTEPWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEw SERIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRIO, -WEDNESDAY, JUJLY 22, 1896. VOLUIME XLII. No. 30. U000s From This Date. Ail Parasols wiil be soldI at eost price. A lot of Prints worth from 10e to 12-e for 7û. Fancy Sateeuis worth 20e recluced to 124-e. Faney Sateens worth 25e redueed to 15c. Crépon Prints worth 15e reduced to 10c. Anderson's Scotch Ginghams worth 25c redueed to 15c. A lot of Dress G-oods worth from 40e to 75e ail redueed to 25c. Pale Blue, Pink and Nile Green Crepons worth 50ec redueed to 25e. Best ail Wool Freneh Delains rectueed to 12-e. zii. Tuorrnas -UJenucnt Eos'mndae, Boston. Ile:Cotki Nùt 1Live Was wisat friends said, but Chronlc Eczema. Seuh a tes5tk'on!al as we g.ve below fevm medicines ean produce. It li eeof thousý ands posseessd by Ilood'a Sarsaparili'a, and proves the merit of this inedicine. Beliable, hone.st, industrions, la what al Bay of Mr. Bennett. Re bas been engaged as gas-fitter in Boston for 35 Yeats, witb Tarbeil, 111. Washington street,1 and Me. Kinney, Was;ington st., opp. Boylston. 0O. 1. Hoed & Co., Lowell, Mass.: IlGentlemen: -1 am anly doing what la tust when I tell volnntariiy what Ilood'a Sarapria asdoue forme. I kZow lb Ezsvcd My LIfe. "A year &go la s inter, a fter expoâure to szorins, I cauglit a severe cold, a! ter which cionl:'c eczema arpeared on tht cal! of =y le:*t le, and spread ail over my louer 11mb fi-arn knea te anki-e, and thse tching and burniug was son ethinig au- fui. .Added te t1is lias a severe pain, seoringly iu the boue. At last it became se that I bail '0 give rBp work and was unable to a nel-. had ta hava sny kg baandaeed a!l i ueî:m@ and f requesit rha'zig- es of the clollis. For niine months 1 sat witb =y lag resàng iu a chair. Ol, t as rendftil! ririends said13 coald nat Elive long. In aU 1 had stnmieetphysicians, ali ta na purp03e Ws vc.Ikrsu the merls0 F-ood's Se:-3aarenlia s a1 ail, soie iam 1 ý-- LalCrusadens meet WVednlesday JI29hat 3 o'clock ..Stacor Bros. have ý(j commenced layinig brick 'on Mr. W._ J Brooks' nlew honte ..Mr. and Mns Cas Langruaid xisjted friends at Bîolnrecentlv.... .Recent visitons: Mn. Go. H. Iloparth, B. A., nufe and ta,ýiv mi).\hitl1wY Miss Gracie Hi-av of Toron-to Messs Jasý and A. S.Goard,i Bon aiwillMr1. W.R-î,.ndleCotirtce;l M- llet and Mfiss Moore, H-ay-don Mr. . Sortridge. Kedron; -Miss Pearl PacNonwcastle ; Master Willio THopon -ampton; Miss Edith Bur- d1iekhochlester, N. Y., Miss Bessie Nod,l7'i Tononto,..Master Edgar au issM. A..anid Julia H. 'Wei-v; ar isiting fiends at Port Per-y,Man-_ LLKINDS of Conglis, Ticklui, fleigDistreszYng. Obstinate or meerslight ca v ield to tihe sooth- ing, healing eft et3 ofWood's Nonway PnSy-o. 1 rie 25c., ail dmugst TYRONE. heaninual Harvest Homne of Tynone ehurnc!li will be held on Sept. 7and 8. Ro.Dr. Workman of Toonto will peciSundav morning and evening and ýlecture on Mondlay evening, suli- et:"Germans- and the Gerians." Pa:irticalans inter,..Misses Jean Tod andi EdualiRing, Bowmnnville, visited Mis Jesi Bighm... issM.Welch is iitn Oshaw;ýa friends. T'le fun- eralý, of Mn. Jas. Moore on Moudav -was verv ý larg-el.v attended. 11ev. Williami Kpnne-)r, a-formerf .astor land Ihighly o s. teemd fion ofMn.Mooescoiduet- ed the burial services. Friends and ac- qnî,jaîices fnom nean and fan wena rsetota py the last tnihute of re- spctt the wonthy aid resident.... e oralfarns are dutting harleî .. Mri, L Moses and chldi-en and Mrs. Brow and datnghter, Grand Rapids, Mil ;, are gnests of Mrs. Waltens; Mn. an~r.J. M. and Miîss Minniie Joness, 'ML. Arinour, Mns. Reld, Miss Annie Reid,' Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Maitii, Burnt River; Mdiss Mag-eMar- tin,.. Tomoto; Mn. and Mns. and Mis Lo'ýîie Lent, Courtic. Mi-.Richard Ha,,koy hns tvphioid fto\n".'._S. 0. E. mari-ehý1 in a body ta chuneli next Sab- bat e enngwhen Pcv. N. D. Di-, Bl ktoclk, ils ta pi-oach for thom.n S -eia cecion ln aid of Chair Musical Fnî. ..Thneýshino--is in inross... Rý- ,ex Wm. TIKenner Prince Albt,suxe' ENTRANCE EXflhlNATIO1NS. BOWMAI13VIVLLE. Marks requlred ta pasll, 422. (Girls.) Naine, School. Teacher. Marks A -l -1i ,i> 1 Town Mr-. Davidsan 619) CleiisHa esDai'lingtoii.iss Campbýeii aG- Cree)er,Gertie 10 Mr-. Gioat 487 Cuirtis. Ethel 18 Miss Cempcll49 Cr, !iir, iu.Ad, le Mr. Gimt 71 F I , 1 U îx'nr î 0 Fi-si,1 loi-ence 18 MîS5Camepbell .2 (jif cdLli TLu'tn Mi. Dgvidson 4813 ii rtLylit 16 DrlonMi. Sileil 42,3 GUI, Jant (' Towu, M. I Ddion4f, luley, Mande .4635 T-leMatbel 55- 1-ta, 'n'i5, Pvfli, 9SUa -Uni-iton.Mr- Sinale 139 Hoskin, 'Alite, Towr,- Mr. Da-,îdseni 499 Ta rvis, Le, 470 .Iewel titelima "519 Rh.g,, Ethel 631. Lyle, Agneus '425 Mauinig, sxn " 454 313 r-i , 31, en '535 Morr-is, Wnne481 iIeLitiglhi,J. 18 Darliuo-ton,Miss CamýpOell, 474 MtSoriey, Adeýlaide, Towun, Mr-. jaVidSon 442 Osbor-ne, Pearl 1 D.xlinigtotn, Miss Dodds 51 Otton, May 1 " Il 4-'; Power, W inite 3 Mi-. AllUn 413 Elekai C, Ex a 1l Miss Dodds 477 Rickard Lileo 3 Il 470 ltuiile. FE. Meule, 10 Miss Ci-eba 501- 5xuÉ'ers, Ainfle Towii, tiTi. Davidson 521 Sinelali-, Floreiue Il Il 4513 Skinner, Etliel 18 Daringaton Miss Camnpbell 488 Srnale, Lilliaii, 5 Sf. MeDoîîslcl508 Sy mous, Neda 9 Mr-. Smale 480 VaiCarna, Edica, 3 D. llngtun , Mii. Allun 424 Vaiistone, Ida May, Tlownî, i Davidion 488 (Boys.) Bingham, R, 18 Dai-ington, Miss Campbell 457 1laekliuiî, E., 5 Il Mr. MeDonal 435 Cari-,Edxxin, Town, Mn. Dxoidson 573 Fol, -Elh, G13 Deliîigton, Miss Annis 559 Feiiwvtck. Ernest Toxyn, Mr. Davidson 442 Goard , 'm. J. 486 Huait, Harny' 534 Hoo1îer, Herbart " 523 Law, Clande,)30 Darliiigton, Mn. E. Brown 424 Mtheau1ghliti, A., 18 Miss Campbel 'kG1 Mitclie , Fred, Town, Mr-. Davidson 5813; Mitehel RoC .1573 Pearîî, h5arl, 8 liec, F 13, " Prix ate 499 Stex ens,ý Herbert, Hampton, Mr. Grnt 4-1 Taylor, 3orîiîan, Town, Mr. Dasidson. 491 Wetks, Chlas. I , 4133 Werny. Frixk, 10 D.a-liulgtou, Miss Creba 499 Wery, Go. 1-1. 10 423 Miss Ethel Ring utf, mnxheohtained tihe hiig'iestin arsi- ou Entrance and n ierefore thxe xxOuner of tht i4ard's Seiîolarsh1ip of Free Tui- tioci for i-lentyen. Bt. ACDKTOC't. (Boys.) Argue, C. 71 ac ' is Mn. Bi-hard 41 P is, O. 7 Centvrighv M . THilis 457 HoUlis, A. 14 3iariîirsc, 7W17. W.Rlh 411 LaunsingE. 7 Gaita ýrlght M.T.Mills 520 M-lx i.7 511 T1 îxlon \Win. 2 ' Mr.Barclay 441 1-exH. 2 '484 Baking Powder That gives satisfaetion-FOREST CIT, tllat's the kind, we have sold and -,raiiny, eould flot tell it'f rom, hundirecis o! pouncts and. have yet homerenere, wll ost~OU110to hear of one complaint. In 1 lb more thani Compound Lard. tins only 20c. FOR SALE BY You g & eo Grocers, China Hall. àTAÂNDbARDb, runs 550 fèeet tolb., at 7 cents. ABSOLUTELY1 PURE, 750 feet to lb., at 9 cents.1 GOLD MEDAL, runs 800 feet a lb., at 10 cents. Cornpare the above prîces, aiso the number of feet the twine runs to the pound, and you will see that we have the eheaDest anid best twine in the market. We have a full assortmont of ý,Iaç4iie,011 and Thresh- ers'ý Supplies. BOW~,AX ILLp oSrslipamia is s-iplyuspeamaoie.1-1 Haa. 1 I ----:e ' t". ode at-02.Ri- Ibîry 9 }Sy-NETT', 172 Sycamore HOSt. Mnda01 ý. T Jmese Grdn bu. o-El vareeuit 30onMas y OSt. oirudSe.lai-loy, Pi-oidenIt 0,the Mabel Scott Laine Mates 89 Vo belo-1ax fs 0 f the bigli Boston, Mass. TryBeýs -Da'l) Warsted Masntactanrin0ýFlorence ROsail y8re,- loî ,Fn SchooaalEtraluce and Pu"blieSelsool Hd00's eatissidfe.Co.. Vsai-î,U. S.linbeea vstmgMpmr 0An asîg15111Fi-nence Leaving Exnrinations:- Stive âldnsggist. lus îhi, , Mrs. D. Tayor, Camibrian Befihan 550, Clarence Tait 5-3, Ai-villa Bo0VXN t VILLE PUPLIC SCIîcaL LEA-VIXG. _________Waaleu Milis. Warth 549, Warren Pluci 526 b ei-bei-t R 1 Todo-lam, 512. Ethel Mallaîs 5509, Len Maks requineC foi, P. S. L., Centihleate 612. '1: Fusir, s i wa c Ied n 111Entracet 30)1. Notice to Creditors. hv n rens1 r eenl.. ra.Bttrel 5StehuMuLndnv i-07.fln a i - g oît e, Ith atrot he # estate of Thomas Pi- ,Nncsiare visitin- et Mi-. William et41 aeCsis42 uetJardineT S 0Miss Ci-eba 772 P R 1ev, W. R. RÉanch aud Miss Îlig nbabtham 430 Fred Martyn 48, oe, EthIl 6 Annis 765 P tein, late f the Toici of Boqîamî-Ber.- el McCready 43 Frances Jes ei (I<'l.uxnjE Hanîipton Mrai- 1 ville, in thue Gounty of Durharnm, vRanch are usoviug ta Eglin *ton" 474, Leonard Fenwick, 473, Oliv e Hon- Ropgens, Ella II Il 72 P ,Shoe make r, deceased, ' ..Mn. and Mrs. T. Efiiott are enjav ni l'o t iiýila 13 Druligton lI.H.She plieus C1321 P Notice is hereby given pursuant to Rex isedin-methe coal l)reezOs af Lake Seua Il 7, rt ipo 41 fl ai~p .5M.. ilii594 E Stattesof îitrio185, Captn 10 .. M. Hsvad Cle inssol o ' .- Smnitli 460,Reuben Cdx 451,Millie Dustan TinlSu J. 16MiI.ni 54E uttrsonltrî,18,Catr11. Sr oadClebssl i rver 49El olo 4,EgrAdam,,' tIi-' .tn, te113 568E Sectionî 56 and arnennding Acts, that ail fan a goad big ..m.... Mr. and Mrs. F. El Jfow~44,Tlioýinl,onA. 16 ' 548 E pesn aii lTmsaiREWINt, esteae theJ. GatetnelTosnlIis~ E dna Hoshin 439, Kathleen Farde4, O ja-ie,1. 4 " Mn. 1HenQoek 536 E sai TOMA TEWN, ecasd. rot atede ThusndIsls x-Allie Murdaif 417. Stear't, M. 113 tr. 1. Snell 535E who diedonr about thse elghth day of CursiÀon Thiimday and repart a SOi-V 011- StairtoniE. 13 ' 534 E May A. D. 1896, are equredt, on or before jovaible tusse and a deliglstfuî trip*'.FEOM 811. 11 TO JE. II. TOTAL MAIRs, 580. Tordiff, E. 16 " 528 E SATPUIDAY TIHE EIG TH DA 0F AUGUST Tho.Mse prig ootar i.s oaiAar51 DulsFece aidnA MissZiis 8 A. D., 1896, ta seuil by post, prepal, or deliver 5SelnTmne r i- Cru di 3,DulsFeco aieA isEAil 8 ho John K. Galbr-aithe, athbis offlee King Street, it;ino reilatives hoee..Miss Laule Elli- 515, Irono Roblin 502, Auna Edsall49,BAUTIL lu the sail Toxwn of Bowmnanvilie, Solicitor for i att is -pendinZ vacation at Millhraok Willie Pmawen 477, Mand Scott 471, May 113icee.Beit 7 Cartwright Mr. T. Miiis 675 P John Thomas Trewin of thesaine place. Enri Beaverton. Tritv Cng 70Wili ustan 459, In vilson.ty. 7 '" 65 eer, the administrai-or of these roperty of u îî ugua ud lu Wto,.7 4 sa,~ deceased, their nines a.n addresses and thouaI Sundav Sclîool picniched et Laite Masan 458, Lottie .amley 55, Mattie Hics3.2 " Mr.Barclay 609 E dlescriptionîs litb fu pariulars of tbeir ciaimis, Elliatt Satunday. .Mn. F., Misses A Parker 454, Aima Sasds 446, Vida Eeacock.ýC. 2" 543 E duly verified, sud the nature of tuieur secnitits, and I. Lewis, Brooklu, s nent Snnday Haines 437, -Eva Wickiett 48, et olues, S. 2 ~ 519 E if aîîy lieli by ibem.48,Lt AnC futher take notice that after thesald th et Mr. W. Ali's .... Miss Bessie Nodon Bennett 423, Annie Tapson 419, Asnnle OltoNO CEN1TRSE. de y of Acîgust A. D.,18!96, the salit admainistrator of Tarante is g-uest et Mr. A. Petos' Wilhum 419, Fred Neads 418, Marlon Number af marks obtainable, 1224. x-ii ,1proceed to distribute thce assets af thse said . . Maîîyv people in this viciniyweuid McDaugali 417, Bort Curtis 417, May Fraser, Little 681, Poey Simpson 762, deceaseil, amang the piarties entitleil tiereto,lket go an Editor James' Excursion Dunu 416, John Rowe 4l5,Lncius Halop Catharine Rutherford'697, Annie having regandl oly ta thse eaims of whi te P,- said administrator shail have notice as afore- ta NinTigera Falls noxt Tuesdlay. on 407, Ettie Power 402, Leswis Quick Waddell 779. seul and thai seid administrator il not be 40, 1o Deymau 400, Chanlie Welsh _____________ lhable for thse essens or eny lpart thereof sa dh 88 atlen0e1,i WalRoyha tributeil ho any person or persous of uhose 898, %' %AI rA-ri i 394 Wallae Sha elaim or claidms notice bas not been received by HOTyy ATHER Bj IS LES 892, Fred Grigg 88, Hezel Murdoif 378, sncbdisribuion ESCrawford 366, George W. S. James 866, Dateil ah Bowmanvilie tis wentieth day mMdbtnManno6,MineOcî June, A. D., 1896. ideoMann36,ine lt; JoHx K.GALBAusITIs, And Paine's Celery Compound 361, Annie Lankin 361l, Eddie Jo'hnson 26-4w. Solicitor for sail Administrahot 8a60, Bella Butler 3î)7, Ethel Reynoelds, 'i 353, Seymour Pethiek 886, Jessie Wil-i lims33, v Lmbrt32,Annie Gil- Olance B OWNANYILLE BICYCLE The hot, fiery weather of midsurnrer bort 324. hariO Haddy 316. ODE anoecn e h dfeeo -AND- weak, nons ans. seepless andl nsed III). OP MEEIT. tween the twun-bDar of dlean., pure REP IR SH P.Just et this time, hnlf-well people sufer Allie Xeys, Lottie Cawker Berthea General R P I S ram what is toimed"bt weather blues" 'tsnl enY ora der,f' This meens tineil, wearY feelings,esîd G caroEdg. ery, zeTor, F irera W\. WISJ-LIG--, au opessiohn tht aeelultesa Revnolds, Scinyler Edsall, Dattie WiIl- n Practical 3achinist, Tool Msîker, brdn.Wen hsoniteeio'rluevs" dtaJlIde JhsnEvieFsts I f 1i 1 Lok ndGnsot,'ei'eQ of e erventfore 18adsvays ,allilleCoulter, Melbournes opr Locl nn Gunmibi, geetleeko! envofore an poemSidney Cisrtran, Roy Candier, Deug-las ebadily stnength is et n a-ev ebli. Fraseë, Myre Power, Mae'ic.a- lipcil taccinrytoi iaudin- Bcyle ls IMasy will asic '-%vlsat îeau wedo tisat cugsVm uct nudotî .1 ýf)ècîa1 'Maeiliéry for ilandlin Bicycle Re-jv.- lieale o atesend uss9 IlhVr arh lrldMah' pairing in aillits branches, sud ai Fie Machini- w ai eabelteatndt usns enneth Laing, Creighstnon JE ery. en if ik thr aodubothsam. Loin Allesu, C0ane Quieý, essie CYCLISTS.-HFave your s-besls pti rmWx, ut stasnso tesWitïser1idgeBeryl Pemc.v.Olive Osboane,1 by s tisoraughiy piatisai macbiinist.hlie o dou, baîisi tis e c6u-e efthe MblRbnLtiMsnrFe Bicyles.LaunsîoecsStwdig iilns, blues' liv usisg Painie'sCeleny Com- Piu.VlerTei.Mlmc tns n to ardyapbtynl Clck, yp!ntel-$, EBies, Culery, Loeks, n ouîd ana. fexv WOks. Tise jarvel- Eleemnie Belle, Deîtxi -aîîd Suibical iIutrest, C'afe Lo 7,rn te n ncs oko i Ot aitsoiis i etm mu rlie ban uis, know thse differencew-%hcn you use kiicds, ! G 1v; ilitv;1 s- i i tn9ugîi teistise neÏvo-us PRuOMT . I.TO PT. IL. NtIi i cba hbcueAMceusswt MARKET BUILDIG, ntO; i t no l eans the blooads i 3EI Less Labor -We oi nnfoOInJai)" I apsin. Ja sBet, uley Matais, Je, le Gi-eater Consotan B3owmanullle. Isbîsatîds liav eltemslPeine's Celery McDonald, Nova Sbînti, berbert ds Manitoba Flour. Cmpud ehoa ilalin agest lV u g as; Fred Mislid eth radFr ex'ery 1-2 Wrappers sent tholut -ètir oi LopIg p ctviv oula Link MldedOuck Tint. Books f or iDLar.si-aos.,., on ~S-ott St., Torn to I ue Tho undensiguneil koep canstantly or o Tpîet ieta.î n frCafrA-lum1bnIdbyJ kn7,tne.wc n -tei.s.socx :lis rblcociý-Cisi MeS Wrf(rs 1uipap.r-tound book wdl hajsd fat sale, cash 01on. lvi ue antob1)eli-- Cn - i- No. 1 1-ard Whoaî houn aa lest1Cxîi ult,ýt bncc i s .ntî1b r 3patry loun. Barol Sait for sale. ïl 1nn1p1 .,n -a ouls MenîeW ( 42t OC ,ZART BIIS odiin h.unn 31 inpesre inkpGaibras!s n atL'f)~.ii 4 Bowmanville and Newcastle. M blt -llh i'liý ..MlonAmnebis.___________ Us~ Pu re Leaf Lard Kettie rendered, sweet as nut, nice TUESDAY,_JULY 28. Tiesteamlboat "C-olum,,bian," a nsaoenifcstspecinien o, marine i~arefiitecture, costing li er on ners, Sthe ichelieu and Ontario Navi- *gation Co., 812ý5,'000 tn o yeaî-s ago, and the finest excursion boat on Lake Ontario, lias been chartored at a lheaxî guarantee for one trip to Niagara Falls. The Columbian is, atho-u,ýA one of the large- est vesel,, on the great lakes, of very îg-ht draft, mus 18 miles an hoUr, is fitted with incandescent lights, the cab- lus, state roins and genieral fittings aire palatial, carrying 1,200 passengers, the rate is only $1.25 to Nilagara Falls and returu; chidren under 12 voans 75c, leaves Newcastle 6.30, and Bowmanville 7 a, m. Ilotumning leaves Quoonston at 6 and Lewiston 6 ,l0p. in. Excursionists have the privilegoe of going fromi Queenston hv the Eleetric 4L R R., or frorn Len iston by the Gorge R. R. Companv's lne to the Falls. This is the onl y ex- cunsion to the Falls w e expect to run this season and as we had te, giv e a large guarantee to secure this tioating palae ne look to the good peoqle of MWost Durham to talre advantage of this grand opportLiunityte enjov a trip 13 the' Fails on thcehnest boat that e-ver carriled excursion ists fnomn these North-shore ports. Brinz correct change Tickets for sale on whan es morning of excursion next Tuesdav. M. A. JAMES, Manager. JULY EXAMINATIONS.,