GRAND -tRUNK RAILWAY, 1erodeln BOWMANvILIE STATION. GOING EAST. GOING WEST. Express...8 37 a.. m. 1 Express .... 5 23 a. m "Epes..10 19 a.m. Local ..... 8 37 ý Pasenger .... 3 O, p. ssenger.. 2 25 p. mu Loeai ....614a pr. "Express.. . 7 40 "lapreai.. . 10 34 "Daily. STOTT & JURY 9jsan Ticket ~gents. ABOUT 1.,ý WE UAD I9 SOAPS. Finest Cas tile 3 for 5 cents. Finest Swiss 3uttermilk 3 for 20 ets. Finest Eng7lisi Soaps 10 cents ecd. Baby's Own ýaps 10 cents oach. Tar Soap, 90a ieal Soap, Cucumber Soap, &c.7, &c. at lowe st prices. STOCTT & JUL)RY, Thý Druggists & Opticians. Stott & Juxry ire iaving a big run on their Soda Wter fils year. Their fiavors are exedlent and travellers say they do not getas goadi Soda Water any wliere ou the hiae. VOU FEET? Sweaty ? Sore ? Swollen ? Sour ? Aching ? Tired ? Foot Elrn is giving great satisfac- it ad th e price is anly 25 cents a package., E, R. DuNNETT, Hamilton, says. i arn surprised at the rapid cure it effeets. B. S. BARNARD, Toranto, Says: It is coling and refreshing ta sore foot. A LADY, 16 9 John St., Toronto, suys: I have found Foot Elrn an invalu- able rornedy for tender feet. EN.Bun.ju, Ossington Ave. Toronto Say$. Foot Elrn is a great bDon for those with tender foot, ho naw bas ease for the first time lu years. STOTT & J URY, Sale Agents for the Dominion. Br mail te ;auy address 25 cents. The Spectacle frames we seli as gold nre fiie finest quality and bouglit fnam .auîd gnaranteed by fie most roliabie manufacturens on fie continent; but thize does not prevent aur seling them ut Iower prices than aay othen dealer lu towa. We bny in large quantifies aiidlcarry a langer stock than ail othert dealerslunf own combined and have the alyPost Graduate Optician lu thec Conuty -wha tests eyes free of charge. STOTT & JURY, Tie Druggists & Opticians. Tins at 13c, 35c, 70e, $1.40. S5tott & Jury, Sole Agents for Bowmanvllle i BOWMANVILLE, JULY 22, 1896 Local and Otherwise. Buy steamship tickets to or from Eng- land from M. *.JAMES. Murdochi keeps 'iuýlines of field and garden seeds. Se&d- (vt. Citizens, use our own letter box lu STATESMAN office front door. Mr. Peter c li as sold about 15 tons Brantfor iJre twine. Do not fail to read Thos. Siater 's ad- vertisement on inside page for men. Buy your Clover and Timothy seed from Cawker & Tait, Bowmanville. Blouse Silks fromn 15c per yard and up at Candi Jolinston & Cryderman's. Young men or old shouid not fal to read Thos. Siater's advertisement on inside page. Don't forget the sale of clieap Dry- goods now going on at Condi Joinston &Cryderman's. Several young people fromn town at - tended Maple (irove pidule at Burk 's Beach on Friday. Bowmanville Rubber Co. is applving for a charter and -etting iuta shape for beginning operations here, The Band gave their first open air concert on tlie baud stand Frîday niglit ta the deliglit of niany citizens. The much needed rain came Sunday niglit and refreslied the thirsty parclied earth and languishing vegetation. Farmers, get your machinery and implements put in good order at East End Fouudry, Bowmanville. See advt. Tlie Dominion Organ and Piano Factorv was too busy fillin- orders for musicali instruments to -close up for civic holiday. Telephone subscribers may now have cannection with Mr. Peter Murdock's (McArthur residence) Connection St. by calling up No.38. Prints for 7e wortli10ec; Sateens for 1212e wortli 20e ; Sateenis for 15e wortli 25c;- Ging-bims worth 25e for 15e at Couch Johuston & Cryderman's. Mrs. Letitia Youmans, the once fam- ans temperance advocate, died inf Toronto on Saturday and was interred at Picton. Slie had reached lier 7Otli year. Farrners, buy good reliable Binder< Twine. J. B. Martyn soUls tlie Blue Ribbon and Red Cap brands reeom- mended by The Massey Ilarris Co. as the rnost reliable, Buy a Sewing machine fromn Rickard, Jeweller. Prices riglit ;-euough saved by buying from hlm ta buy sugar and tea for mîontlis for quite a farnily. A $55.00 machine for $25.00.-Call. To get relief fromn indigestion,billons ness, constipation or torpid liver without disturbing the stomach or purging tlie bowels, take a few doses ofnCarter 's2 Lîte Liver Plls, they will please you. Mr. W. Creeper, Hampton, says one1 of the orders in Council wlich Lord Aberdeen refusod to sign was one to superannuate Ez. Gifford.tlie Great r Tortheru Stage driver-Ez. stili fixes f bis eý e on tlie Northi star and drives on. Several citizens went ta Torontoe Fridav ou the Eurydzee. She liadç beon to Belleville witli the Torontoa delegates ta the Masonie Grand Iodge and took on excursiouists bore' wlen returuing at the 50c round trip rate. It was a cliarming day for a sail up the E Lake. W. H1. Cndnev, Port Burwell, Ont., savs. "I was affiicted. with Rlieumatismn aiÏcd tried ail cures. I did not get relief until 1 triod Mîller's Compound Iran Plus, and before I had finislied two boxes I was completely cured, and now feel like a different man, " Only 25c. per box. Strangers. and visitors lu the town wll find T. N. Riekard always pleased f to have tim eall even if tliey do notr wish to purcliase. Yon 'will be treateds witb as much grace as if yon were a regular customer. All are served alike and goods sliipped to any part of tlie h countr37. Wliat miglit have been a senfous I1 accident occurred at the whiarf ou Fnl- t] day. McMurtry's liack teamn rau away narrowl 'y escaping tlirowing Glover's ti 'bus into the waten betweeu the piers. b The ruuaways were stopped by Mr. b Richard Hughes before they reaclied f, Rag Castle corner. i Tlie S. O. E. excursion to 1000Islands civic holiday was well patronized and C ail enjoyed a deliýgltful outing. Those g wbo saw the St. Lawrence scenery for E the flnst time were clianmed. Thie man- o agin umitedeserve muci credit d frtlie completeness of arrangements. ii It was a financiai snccess, A base bail match was played on tlie t( drill shed grounids Civie holiday be- 6 tween the home teamn and Cobourg. It a wvas a verv one sided affair and our Il pou ess tliey'll zay ess bo mazed, etc. Iti [f aur eomps. eau get it into type witi- tE ont fear of being made subjects for aunIhb insane asylum it will appeur next Ipi week; also anoiler installment of Miss pi Dourtice's letter. û] 0-bhltIren Ciy fier q EXCURSION TO TRIE FALLS. Editor James lias confidence that thie pople of tliis district, as lu aill is form. or excursions, will appreciate bis efforts ta pravide the very best facilities pos- sible for a day's pîcasure on the water. If is a big venture ta charter a fioating palace ie thie new steamer "Columbi- an" of the Richielien and Ontaria Navi- gation Co's Lino, acknowledged ta be decidediy fie most magnificent steamer 1thaf ever raut an excursion frnt Nanti-shore ports. 1 Sic called ut Port Bon vmanville on tic way ta Montreal tic otlicr evcning and Mn. MeClelian assures us she 18 tie finesf excursion steamer ou the laies. Ho says sice is so large and heavy tiat a rougi sou yul nat trouble lier, Per- sans wli aran afruid ta go ou smaller bouts may risi a trip an tic "Columbi- an" witi perfect case and safefy. No fear of sou sickaess on bier. Just thînk of lier immense proportians-capacity for 1200 passeng ors and conld carry 1400 if crowded. Sic is a . twin-screw propeller, hulIt ou muci fie saine pria. ciple as au ocoan steamer. Why, it is almost wviontli lalf flic pnice of a ticket te sec tirougli sncb a mag- nificent bout. Tic fare ta Qucenston or Lewistou is only $1,00; tic extra 25e. is for ruilway fare ta the Falls. W e are pleased ta receive assurances fronm severai of aur lest ecizcns that they will patranize this excursion be- cause they waat a trip on tits splendid steamer. \Ve have nover yct on any excursion wc liave managed disappoint- cd tic public and we eau witi un bound- cd confidence solleit thein patronage for this one on Tuesday next ta Niagara Falls. Anather sncb desirable appor- tnnity muy nat ho afforded.t Reitd M. Mayer's advt. Ho is sellinga ail bats very cieap. Have yon seen tic beautiful bamboa furuture ut L. Marris'? Read Wm. T. Fisi & Son's advertise ment of Fanm Lands for sale. Window siades and curtain pales ia great variety ut L. Morris'. Ail sizes. Parasols of ail kinds selling off ut cast price ut CouciJainston & Cryderman's.h Crepons lu Pale Shades warti 50e selling for 25e ut Couci Jobaston & Cry- t( derman 's, An abituary of thc late Mrs. W. Ax- e fard, Mapie Grave, appeans la tice Guardian. Big stock of Panlor Suites at L. Morris' ail nowest desigas. A pleasune ta show g-oods. Cail.n Kalamazoa, Mich., is fumons for ccl- g ery. Sec Thos. Slater's advertisement on inside page. Mn. Cea. Freelaud and punty have ý itcbed ticir tcnt au the wesf side nean 'Iraser's cubîn. i We shail be most thankfnl if more people will sond us persanals and ather items of local ncws.t Sec fie Dness Gaods wici Concb loinston & Crydermun arc sellinig off ut 25e wanti from 40e ta 75e, Salem Hurvesf Home Festival wil libe T held on Sunday and Monday August 30 and 31. Panticulars luten. 'T Sait is deuti ta the urmy worm. A Pi ridge af sait arouud a field yuil sauve it 0 front ficir ravages, we arc t old(, c Miss Caurtice's Englisi Letton( a ppeur- ed on page 7 (iaside) of lstwoei's STATESMAN;,alSa reports of BowmýIianviile and Carfwright Councils. Mn. (ico. C. Haines cut is wrist very b badly lu udjnsting a machine in is planing factoî-y andlias been cumrying si fis arm la a siing for several duys. Plows fitfed iviti new mould boards M and hundies; crcsfiugs for Clinrehes, Galieries, Hanse tops and acier rail- fo ings ut East End Fndry, Bowmanville. ai FAnîîERS,-Buy goad reliabi e Binder hi 1?winc. J. B. Murtyn souls fie Bine re Rilibon and Red Cap brands recom- mended iby Tic Massey Harris Ca. asM lie most reliallie. bE Mn. Coranelius McGarragal, fareman ix, fon Dr. Hillien, lud flic thumb af bis Pl rigit band girdled ta fthohoutes~ bya rml ope witi wlhie hevas leadug a t cait beiind tic buggy. Mn. Rolit. Beifli, M. P., neceatly sold h( is fancy canniage team of H-ackneys tea LMontreal firm ut a big pnice. Mn. 0o Sam. Gi took thim ta Montrulwierc pC ;iey were gneatly admined. Citizens, don't 'wait fa sec if wc mon- n tion your guesf lu aur Personul columut but haud ia tic item an use aur letton- sp box in fie office door. Always stafe gi nill name and uddness and wha visif-M ing. w m Canadiaus liave won tic Kolapore ci Cup ut Bisley and tic $400 prize that. goes witi it. Lieut, W. C. King of 1 I Bowmanviiie and Pte. W. D. Campbl c of Oshawa, bath of the 45ti Batt., have done somte good shootiug aad won an rnany pnizes. î A memonlul service haviag nef ereuce to ticIllfe and deati of fie late MrS, ha ductar of lieut andcod Fibre Chamois i( ialsa durable, liglit and pliable sa fiat th prýesenceG of a layer orf iftîrongi a cof is nover felt savrc by flic profec- w, ion if gives, fram a noarinig gale or iey ae tmperuture. As its thorangli worfiteA as long since becu proved fiere is no at ossible chance cf disappointmient in R. preparing ta cujay fie health1fiil iwarmî St th it aiways provides. ed 1 efor ci ptcasure trip îrrouglite flcloi evri the SLi. Lw-ecce te Mentreel au( ,ih friands cfNapierlcl,Qne. Thcy likets froru Mn. John MoýlCiellan, ager cîreIen, & Ontarro Navigation Ce. Mir. F. H. Doirbin, business manage rvncw lPning-Co., anti son Master R irrcf Peerno, gavç Tr STATESMA etiesdy. n.Robt. Fair cf ili cernpaIed tîrn antiw-as guest cf E len man tire evýenirîg. They w-ero on s )un aroundt Lake Onrioi anti wene to, 1 Toronto by Principal Fessenden and R. ennier. B. A.. of tire Collegiate taf, Mn. E. H. D. Hall, Q. C., anti twa 'ornemmen. They wenc camnfcrtably ai tihe Bennett House PERSONAL. We invit e ail aur neaders to ccctnî clumîr arrivai and departune cfg menti cf weltknoivtr people, busines Senti a postal candto TeHEtrzSTATEF note tinon offie letten box et ringi Mn. Joe Maynard isin town ?,gain Miss Cliristie, Montreal, is visitinu Shaw' Mn. and Mrs. S' Bannett, Uxbn dg Ci-vie holiday. Mn. Blake Mattliews, Cobourg, m Ci-vie holiday. Rev. E. B. Barries is spendcing a fe Bloomngt on, 111. Miss Mena Berth cf Whitby is quit, Peter Mundoci's. Miss Lenra Hbbs cf Oshiawa, frierids in tîewn. Miss Et a iiggott cf Detroit, Midi. thc isses Perey. Miss Ethel Morris is spcrîcirîg a f e Toronto andi tire West. Miss Ethel Trebilcock is visitiri Tornoeartd Brantford. Miss Rula Sylvester, Lindsay, is cent, ,Mrs. Tele, lgin st. Mn. and ixrs. H. H. Saurteens, T. visiing Mn. Jas. Saundens. Mr. Clas. Collactt cf Pont Pennj guesi cf Miss Fierentee May er. Mn. aird Mrs. Jas. N. Fairbainni have lieerr s ting frisrds liene. Mn. Frank Peatris visiting et liet wlieeled fron Grandi Rapicds, Michi Mr. J. A. Kerr, w-ife and family, et Mns. Arueur's, Scugog street. Miss -Nellie anti Mr. Joe PollanciOr ah Mn. P. Trebileock's, Surîday.' Miss FEmmar-Cha.mbrers cf Lindsay ut Mrs. '[lis. Celw-ill's Qucen st. Mayor Loscorche w-as in Pont Hope ah the meeting cf Ceurîry officiais. Misa Bertie Fratnof W liutby, spc wiih lien sister, Airs. Tites. Osbornie. Mxiiss New-by Muir and Mc 51er Fre, visiticg ai Mn. H. Gale's, Ceiborc e, Messrs. Jas. Gallon and Jas MaeDi cage, Ii., w-ere in tcw-c oven Stindcy. Mn, anti Mns. C. M. Caw-ken have trp te Western Ontario and Michigan Mr. Aif. Higgicbhim, druggist and rvife are vrsetrng bis brother ý enr Miss 'iicie Joues visitetilet Mn. in Orotc w-hile Mn. Williamrs w-as aw Miss Olga Williams, Erîniskiller visiticg lien friend, Miss Ida May Treý Mrs. J. Brewcn andi Mr. ccd Mns. J. Oshrawa, wcre guests at Mn. J. MeWe Misses Nellie nnittain and Bec visrtiug ai Mn. H. C. Brittain's, Struth Miss Haynes cf Rochester, N. Y., i sen sisten, AMrs. Geo. C. Haines, Chute Mrs. Relit. Cherry is cri an cxteid( ler sens anrd daughterCarrie,at Seline( Mn. Frank MaeDowell, w-if e acd son. eo, are visiting lits fatîrer, Rev.D. C. -,%A Mn. Fred -W. Coch is icking iwo-,v earned liolidays campingg ct Pont Bov Masters Burton and New ton Taylor cng two w-eeks cf their seheel e acatie va. Mr. James Cry derman, Hampton, of lis sori Mr.- J. H. Crydermair, cv( weele. Mrs. W. Y. Brihtaic, and fcmily, 'h guests an hier fathler's, Mr, Levi Menr treet. Mr. Nisbit Moffatt, cf the Bank cf Berlin, w-ife arrd eiild are guests of M Pr 0wen. Mr. John Foster andi son Fred, atr brother Robert's funerci, et Little 1 centîy. Mn. W. W. Tamblyn, M. A., ls ex trrglish Grammer citlihe Education U lis year. EditoiRESheppar-d reached Toron [ay P.ften a bricf visit te bisi family France-. Mrs, T. Hoar anti Mrs. W. W.Allin T. U. delegates te flic Prohibition Cou Mis E. Basseft and son and Miss - orocto a re stayilg et Mn. T. Basse Rex'. Forbes Stilîman is siayicg ai [rdnc sw-bile takicg Rev. C. Pal Mrs. 1)Da,î Ti ebt, Ceeur, i v iseer ixîns W CI lmwlie is ývcr Miss G1levýer ieligliteti the lanerm te hiod i,(ist cioncli Sucday clelEh ceautiful solo. Bn. E. . Tilley, w-li is pnesiding a partimenfal e_,amtccatioics et Pont Hc unday ut homne. Miss Birîcey, Osliawa, antd Mn. aud i -noat, Hampton, w-ere neeîrt guests c Mittrieticere st. Miss Emtiy A. Countic sails fnom for Cainada te mcrnew (July 28) ors1 stcamer Laurentian. Dr. J. W. Brniîcombe cf Marlon, 1 [las aucual vis toeMrn. J. N. Kiveia rlatives in West tDurliam. Misses Stella Masorn, Mande Wnig Muin, Evelice Manning, cuti Clana N been visiticg fnierrds in Toonto. Mrs. Geo, Pin4ott of Detot, Mich..' %Irs. J. K. Galbiraitih. Her many fi pleaset t sec lier lccking se w-ell. Mn. Robt. H. Sylvester, Lindsay',Iraý [riglantito set uprmow-ers and blecelci tere by Sylvester Bros' Mfg., Ge. Miss Hilda M. Logan, Bow-macville, ome alter e isifireg lier ocle.,'An. W.' id etlien frierîts.-Licdsay Warder. Mn. W. T. Greenaway foremaritcft ificee, Port Hope, rrow eccupies tIse1 psition of Noble Grand cf Durhamc Lc Mir. Tbcs. Conant, cf Cedandale, w-ai ast weekl. He lias a'Strecg Plet for T, rg"l iraTlie Farîrrers' Advocate for Juo Tire Misses Gerfrude ccd Vida B eecdicg thein lrclidays et Toronto ness t ieir cousin Miss Lilian Spal Miss Acutle Hooper returiiedti teF [oîiday accompccted b y Mrss Floreri Ire w-II sperîtitwow-eeksvlsificg-in t ýity. Miss Maliel Tait cf Torornto College scpplyirtg for Miss Eca Trebilceelek ) tire Methodist Ctrurei,wlile alie is li 5w-n ecsr. Mn. Jas. Gilfillan, B. A,, Miss Viola cd frieuti Miss Pattonr et Toronto. Mn. ý A. Gcrusby anrd Miss L'iliau, are goi ng ai Scugog Lake. HlisHocour tnlietteiianf.Govcriior-1 nis beprt pleascd te app)oint M. A. Jacm 'bute ta thii guests, mov( 55s mec, etc ;SAN , drop, ep phtone 52 2Miss AlijE e, wr ci lerc ras in tow-r w- weeks at e RIi et Mn. 55 Vt5jfing Iis guest of ýw weeks irn relatives in visiting lier 'croche, ans 'y liras been of Toronto, rue, lieving Guelphi, are rton,visited ,is riSiiiig clast werk cnt Sur day il Gaie are )uil of Ch!- gene on a c' f Milton- W. Jones' 'ay, r, has been *R. Clitrcli ain's. Jlress are rroy. la guest cf ehi street. led visit ta ctaiy-NY. i,of Toronr naeDow-ell. neeks w-el inrianville. are sperîti rr ut Osha- w-as guesf 'e Surrdey orocto, are is Liberty Commere [ns. W . P. tended lits 'ritain re- camintnrin 'epartirint Ito on Sun- Sat Paris, w-cne W.C. vcrtionr in Sitanklij. att's, 'tem- ct Mns. W. Lrker's pas- F'or Holiday Use We have a very fine assort- ment of fine note papers with envelopes to match 'done up in boxes very pretty, and handy to take with yoU iton your holidays. W.'Tl Allene ilitn,ý br 1BOWMA 'VILLE. Mrr.n ber ilin the a Mnufc+nre ~ ________ QHINGLSAND POSTS FOR SA LE. ldeneic KJ-Any qîiactit,-et No. 1 ccd 2 shingev o îrgectth a o Daaloe ye.aie soCedar pests-Apply te JAs. ,M)o By of Diamod Dyés.Lot 27. Con 7, Dasriengton, or EnfieltI>P.(0. 20 tf t the De- opi, speut IIANTED.-Old Estublisied eviale- Ssale Heuse w-errs eue or tw-o hocest anri LUrS. F. J. Tic iest and most costlm' iagredieuts rrdustrîens representatives for fhrs "cetion. f Mrs. G. anti mutenils are nsed lu tic, munuface Catr pay a inseler about -ul.00 a weel f0 atari Liverpeel turc of Diamond Dyes. No exper-t -__________29,__Brantford, __Ot. thre Allen monts une ever madle wiheheup colons A TD FMA .$1 witi fie viow of iucereasiug flic manu- IIELperWANceIeto ecaît wcre fr cs [cd., is ou facfurer's profits. w-erk lit home. No books on cartvassing. N'a arnd efiier Diumoud Dyes are tic w'orld's stand- cxperece. Bouadi ed fen. No cateh. Senti "lit dua rdsnd wl hol~ep as uci o ma tersamp fer es'rk and partfieula's. E. HERANNÂt, ghd's l dav eva ie cosf mav e. T ic cl oiupaad 213 Southi Sixîli Street, Phiuardelpliia, Pa. 19 3mcs. iguscfimitation dyes sold by some dealers are ~ SRYD--aeoo i t fnover twice made froin the samne grade -rTEFE SRA E .-ane a"h icritis are ofpi,îm-ises lot 4, Ceni. 3, Darlrrrgîec, in Julie rici.areofmut criais, tierefore, tiey vary and a hlcier mestly reti. The ew-ner w-tii prove pra- ts gone thoarune Bt relluble. Diumoîîd Dyes oÂve perty, pey expeuses anti take lier aecay. S. S. as hippeti as ponfect resul s -t hen used by a j~ild B30-,Bo-r3w. ue as flsey do wien liaudled by au individ- returnefi ual of expenionce. (-IOTTAGE TORENT -"Sulamader" .W.Logan, Brio-lt, n rc, ici, fast and unfadlino. VJýcottage se losng oecupiet b y Mn. A. J.Loek- teGieDiainond b vos are thec worîd's favori ehanrKinsg S.,wilynear opoie the Expreas cffiee, fIeetlreýsiblttis Guidesa levely hionorable ____________________ldse-Incire l'on panticulara : J. B. MARiTYN, adge.Bew-manevtllc. 20-hf. t ige to Why Go To The City For rec Plant-fiCOLT ASTRAY.-Struyed front Lot ily 15. _2 1, Cclir. 9, Dnltiigteii, about lirsf ereek ins aines are -l r Jcly, e general pupose lay tilly nisingrie e Junetroîril a a a ~years,"iowheritie ef cycs a «reat dccl. In- fuio KK 1 ;cîraicn leadicgt rce r ierl be rewardeti, Rochiester, HA.WIaaîÀý,SEiii ien 2 f. ce Battlre And camde homo disgUsted wîth yonr fi Flow er ~OW LOST.- A red and white coiv 4 purciase mhen yon eau get splendid C yeans old. slit , l lfr cen, duc te cinîve i af Mutsie middle cf Jurr'e,'s"e ai cd frcm let 29, Cen 3, Pari- crgannist cabinets lu Bowmanville for ingteor. cerly ut Juire. Informationr leadnig hao cutidayiug uer rcceve.ry wil bc rew-cndcd. R. E. Oîcez 1 ailUrla $2 .00 Per Doz. lt 5BFDrirîcemnvlcp 27w )ingamp Wok tat illnotfade and is 1 1,,. N. 20. Dci ingfors, holding secd an iv cii acotvs ix cvs mccr. ird el,îss cerf dccce dulies te cemmeu cccalter n iCouncil 'selidie s for kliaidcertofr et li ean. Appli- esEitge r e cplase yonr friends. A good cirateî etn.tAtrgsary by August Mc.rnirgc sure ta P1 scat. 8. iitcs W. L-A"iîc cc, ScJca. ,comnpîetecm likeness guarantoed. Solina, Ont. 6t thc teacli lingteri. hisoffr i god fr J -ve ee-of ren 'ing freon thus part eft s, Midi., cersnmtny, tcixîrde-isigied will so lichevwhole > - Rev. T. D. î! fcti ietthe real estaea w-nîcti y Iimi Sic iS a 3o icayj. Bee'mmnele. Reaseîeable terme may ire mcd- Inwona-f n-iet! mueinttîfthe urchase menîey. W. 3Il [nieJe- Picture rames alw'ays on iand. Ie. 26-4w-. rov incial JOHN CHAPLIN.-Bowmauylille, derl- 'cîtificate Drop lu any time. rin ruit andtiruamental Trees et ail kinds. ýsus0 witt Dont place yonn ticr n ntîl yenu have seen me. -r- ~ T ~ r! Nonetnt the icst et stock will bie solti. AIl r. Lewisstoe hk w-lh" sold i t tbe low-est possible prie n a ven TAIT C .andgnansanteed truc teriace. Box58, Bewman- SBartîchi, vle. 49-t. ýs t War- Bo-, MNANVILLB. nr by the IIANTED.-Tlircc General Agents froci To r sWr for,,a hock c f Conuites;,also 5 centvassers n(I îeanc ey 1&j IUIUIo! 081 ,for eccliA i, . tiîg ccd ficie w-lia et tri wlro nep- likes tc have in lier lieuse a gacti singiug en- r eia.l ngîrta w-,ill ulck. Can aise employ any, for tic uitile feathsereti sorrgstcrs' tunefnîl sec cnet ladies e.tb(ein orsn Ihomes. TpE BRAD- ecelodies brigirten macy a lieme. To kcep thie LES GARaNt SON -_sTCe., Ltd., 49 Richimond St. 1business bn-J in Song Ïaud beaiuty use flic eleanîcîf and ti fWest, Toronto, Ont. 1- s c11 Iluntriteus food in ie mankef. Ask your grecer )t A. Tre- or druggist for BROCR S BIRD SERD. In ire Alinn each 10e i llipkh. there is a 5e cake cf BIRD F ARM FOR SALE-A first cluss funma -yocd ex- TBFAT mucli appreciafed by Bird Facees. -V to 125 aires or 145aceres situateti in the ilove we'tli S-cc-c & JuRa', drcggist, Bow-manvillc, luE Townsheip cf E ast M"hifby, Isitan. lats 15 ccd t welenere MCMcURY rs'v Cer, Bow-manville, A. NecHaaS, 16 oanflic Base Line, about 1ý miles fnom tJOshawa Fancy Goods,Bew-mauville, TEE MASi N Co., Station, 2 miles fnom Wliutby anti 60 refis frein ici, Boss'.Bew-mauviîle, Cxec'rcsn & TAnt, Bowineievillc, tire seheol bouse. Lange rcemy buildings, main lr St. F. NIC11OLSON & BROCK, 81 Coiberne st.. Terert'e barnc 9x36ftf, pleuty cf fruit, sou dcay 10cm, ai- f Detroi- 1 YT tegenlier eule cf the best grain farurs oarte icake Detoît ________________________________ Shore; 1se his anti Stones. About 10 acres of r MAFi w-ood, 75 acres in pcstcre anti fresh ocetieti. Islndi arms elasy; nrst plowingdonc. Fer furilier de nt~ Af'~'~' pply te A Acia, Oshaw-a, 37-if et c th IIANTED-A Man ta seli Canadian er fth ti 500 wntdu i almp- Y anti U. S. grow-n trees, bcnny plants, rases tesi Pcb 2,0 l bs. îatda h o hnnbs, hetiges, ornameirtal trees, anti seetipoila- ut a call tan Wallon Milîs by 1sf of Jnly f o cs, for the oilyuurseryhavingtesting orcîarfi5 cat hvto nCaaa.W yen tIse becefit cf ocrnex- :ýx-Mayor whici 1 will puy thc higiest prîces penlence, sO yenr success is guananteet.i. f yen - bicyle lu re non earntng $50 per menili anti expenses, reYjeie inpud fis Township. Farmers %vrite ns i auce for partienlars. Liberal coin- i Mn. . wil find iftae their lnterest ta 500 nmissions paiti pari time men. Farmers' sons Instituteshoultioo into ibis! I pays betier flairck. k rtrme befare selig. ID. TAYLoR, Pro- lng on ftne f arm, anti offens c chance fer prôot. quarter- prieor. 19_3 mas . ion.Appla ..w- anti get choie of territôny STNVz WJLalNGcer, Toronto, Canaa. ,hl-W j e~LEMONSIaLEMONS* ig We have bought heavy in Lemons )f and to more thoroughly advertise ou increasing trade, are going to, give you the pnivilege for one week to buY* Slemons usually sold at 20c for 13Sc per doz. A fuil une of Gamper's Supplies always on hand wliich we are off erîng Sat close prices. llighest price paid for ail Farm Produce. eaiwker & Tait.zl'l' D OWMANVILLE. Miss Pollie Yomng is visifing fiectis at Pent Penny. Miss Meggie Young is vistting frientis et Pon- fypoci, Miss Efliel A. Ferris, Lindsay, is visiting West Durlitam relatives. Mrs. M. Pcrter has licen visfticg lier sîster, Mrs. Jas. Pcllard. Mn. B. Clialmers, Pehethoro, is visifing Mns. R. J. Shiaw-,lier sisten. Mrs.Tleis.Brodie anti Miss Nan ManningLinti- say, are visiiing ti tew-n. Miss Fan Ellicer is viaiting her sisten, Mrs. J. Bart on, Emnriskilcn. Mn, D. B. Simpsone is away w-tl a flsliug and camcping party on flic nefliern lakes. Miss Lizzie Warren, Toronto Junction, is visiting ai Mns. Arenoun's, Scugog st. Mr. J. Harvey, wifc ccd soc George, of East Liverpool, Ohio, are et Mn. Lockharf's, Mns. D. Pollard anti Mrs. L. M. Couîile, Courtice, w-cnc reccrtf guesta cf tise Misses Pew-- tir. Mis. James Tein anti daughier Ma ggie et Toreontc are visiiiîrg ci Mnr. j. Cryderman's, Beecli Avenue. Mn. E. Downeylha ving cousipiceti lhis second year's course successfutly ai Chicago eea Clge is sprcrdirrg vacation cf Mari.., Lu ir n Dr. B. Brimacombe's effiee.' Master Frank Nosw-orlhy, LiudsaJy w-en finîtY pic-a silver metal-for thceliesi et nfi MC. A. Camnpai Strîrgeen Poinit. Bow-manvillc I sentis eut rsacy sucli geet boys. 01WE. SecTV. Tu Darliirgtea on Saturday, Jcly 1th, Arrn Slute, agcdi7 yeers SaîcirNe.-Pascd into resf ahHlaytioc, orn Sun- day, July sPth, Ehetia Sophria Broc.dheloveti sife cf Mi. F. T. Slerrrer, B. A Oshilaw-a, aed 33 ycars, 9 montirs. The Ilost Costly IVaterials