FRIDAY, N~OV. 20, 1896 DEý. J. C. IIITCEELI,, RN EopBl 0F COLLEGE 0F PHYSICIÂN &Vlad SrgoasOntario, Coroner, etc. offic. ad teid nce. Ennlskillofl. 4 A.,,MoLAREN DENTISI 243 yonge St.. TORONTO. Jixat-c1a5 810 Set Qf Teath er U BtSESOLICITOR, &l. MoF RiS BBL0CE upstairs, King Street. iiO'nan- ville. Solieltor for theo Ontari iBank 14 ae i ~a5eMoUTl4Inse4 i~the lôOWei e ItOfiT. YOUNG, . . f'hýFFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM News Bleck. wliere himseli or assistant will lie found froni Samn. to 9 p.m. Night catlis nt reBidencedirectly op-poite Drili Shied. Calls1 1Y eerph or teiephofle will reCoieiOrm Pt etion191a171.yr R. PATTailor GentlemWeulothlesMade to Order4 J.M.BliIMACOMBE DE1NTIST* OFFICE :-Ilear of Messrs, Iligginbotham & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE C. {AIRNDEN, L. D. S. Graduateoctho Roy&i Coileg0 ental Surgeons. Ontario-. oFrFICE OPPOSITE EXPRSS 0FFIOF' VITALIZIED AIR. Ne-w Tailor Shop, The undersigfled who lias beon carrying on thc tailoring business ta cennection with Meson'B Dry GoOde Store for a numberof years has cooimenced businessfe r himaeaif at lus reidence, King St.,wcst, where ho is propared to make gents and boy@* suite tnalal the lateeit etyles, and at loest prices. For tiioee whe Wieh to order suite, ho wili carry a f utlihue of amples inatt the aewest patteras. Givo him Ca J. T. _ALILIý- Fashienabie Tafior MONEY TO LOAN. $100s,00. A large sum Of money has been placed lu my hands by a private person for investmeflt. On approved Jeans on farm security for a terrm of VIVEt Or TBX yeare, YtvB AND ON£ HALY PRIR CENT itrest wii be aqked payable yoarly, SatisfactorY condttoa for repayaient will bc arranged. D, 1B. SIMPSON. Solicitor. Bowmanville. Dated Oct. Jst. îaO. 4-tf 13VOR SALE OR RENT.-Rouse and JL21ê acres for sale or te rent. stuate on eds bbeeC. Te aro entaie lt bc ches fruit c F l a iOte . ImmoVjaI » ods tesO a ube gtv r. er rt ar appl W.Cue Ig t B wm&.V.leOt 44 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN ESTABLISHED 1851 Il per annure ta adysne, othorwise Suboriptions always payable at the oNco f publication. Âdvertising rate% ules by cou ract, 10 cnte Ver lino, nonpariel , fr3t insert Z~ ôn cente per litneeach subseetint- Setmn.- Locale, 10 conts per ino. M. A. JAMES, Publisher WUAN4TED-SEVERAL FAITITEUL -men or wemee te travel fer responsible estaliisled liuse, in Ontare. Salary $780, pay- able $15 weekly and ex.e. Position per. .-aunt. IReferonca. Eese self-addrossed stamped onvelope. TIIE NATIONAL, Star Buitd iug, Chicago, Ill., U. S. A GENTS WANTINGW PROFIT- .Lable ompioymient dan fied it wth us, as we tave newest RusslSn varteties of Nursery stock. and new seed potates. Saiary or cemmissioni, Write at once fer territery. PELnAM NUiSR CJo, Toronto, Ont. 40-13w Sewer and Culvert Pipes AUl SizeS fLOm 4 On. te 24 I. AIS& connections. WRITE -P PRIoES. THE ONTARIO SLWER PIPE MÙ 60Q,- ADELAID-l ST. E. PATORV AT miMice o)0Nc AN EXCEPTION, AS TJSUAL. liadlbourn My dear feilow. it la ai- wayetcter te bogin at thc bottem cf Vieladder. Ciesaey. Nonsense. flow about when yen are escaping froni a fire? HOUJSEnU"Li. CARE 0F PLANTS IN CELLAR. During the cold wtnter menthe tic great majority of peopleo'have cnIy ilicir ceilars te depead upen for the prO- servatien of ithe plants they are "keep- iag over ;" but if tic cellare are warrn and, inieiligcntiy used, ticre le gener- ally ne difficuity in bridgiag mesi cf the sulumer plants te tic nexi sesn. Ai this peried tic plante arc rcsig, and s hould lie [iven the leasi possible amount of attention. Thé cellar lsaa good store-libuse, lut la will aut root cuttings ner grow ibeaitliy plante. If tbey show an inclination te grow, it la tetter te retard ilin te stirnulate theni. Water spariagiy. and oniy l such quantity as te keep the plants froni dryiag; and la case of very tender plants, it le betier te, depend on bencitos ratier than tic celiar botioni, as a very litile dampace will ofica cause rail- dew. Ilowýevor, h la well te remember that ten tumes as maay cellar plants die f rom over-caro as fromn negieci. And yet amateur floriculturisis and gardeners persisi in watering and stii- ulating ther plants, without consider- iag tiatdormant roots cannot remain wei wiiliout roitiag, and that tiese desiring sleep groew irritable wicn kepi awakc. Wien corne of tic plante die iiey wonder, and tien redouble their dendly watering and care-taking. And tie strauge, pari of hlt icir incred- ulity as te ticir agency in the rnin. 1 rexnember tiat'my oîwn f irst wiater as an amateur cellar floricalturisi cane- ced me th less cf moeo ilan two tlieu- Band clioice ýyouag plants, and yct it was 1.ears tefore I would confess te myscîf ihai I iad been cuipably care- fui. Tic kreat secret of kecpiag a mis. cellaneous collection of plants la a ccl- lar le la tryiag te promote resi, rath- er tian retard it. f.a tic case of moet lulliens plants. wvater siould be with- icld eniircly; hydrangeas, otakea and Thomas Hogg, ail alces, and acarly al large tub plants-raliber trocs, orange and ieoin trece, palme, azalcas, and tic iike-may lie waiered once or twice, as the soul gets vcry dry; goraninims and tegonias and fuschias nced very littie water excepi wlicn they are in smali pote; then the soil should net te aliowed te fget quite dust dry. But it la alwayc liciter te err on tic side of drynese tliaa ef tee mnihmoieture. Large geraninine, indced, miay have the diri sbaken from ticir reete and thon lie lvng in banches te tic rafiers or put la barrels, and se long as ticermots arc kepi dry sud away f romt currents of air, iic-y are ail right. Late ia the wîntor incet of tic Plants wili wake aud begia te scnd eut tiny green shoots; if tlicy have been Stimulated this will occar tee eanly,aaid the shoots wili te f rail and finaliy die; but if a judîcious course ef rctarding lias beca practisod, they can geaeraily te put outeide la tume te save this new grewtli. USEFUL RECIPES. German Coffce Cake-To two cups of wvarm. watex &done cake of dry ycasi (previously soaked) or one smail cnp of liore-made. ycast and fleur enougi tei make moderatoly tick spoage wheu well licaten; set in a warin place te risc over niglit. In tic merning heat iliree cups et new milk, remove fremn tic tire, put la eue cet fo cucp ef but- ter, add mixture te tic spcnge; aise one cup of sagar, une tablespeen oaci et Sali, cinnamon, xtutmeg and lemen exiracitet suit tic taste. Ranead wel] jute, a loaf and set te risc in a warrm toniperaturo; when ligit, knead again and set te risc; tica when ligit put in sliallow pans about an inci thick and ict risc tili liglit. Moisica wiili mik and eprinkie wiih sugar juci lie- tfore placing in thce vea., Petato Pie.-Potate pie may lie made by linîag pie tins with ordinary pie crust and filiing -wih masied potatoes seaeoaed witi a litile fried <mien and enTamer savery, Put on an upper omest, and bake frcm iwcnty te thiriy min- utes. Serve hot. 1A Delicieus Home-Marie Candy.- Tiree glassfuis of graaaiaied sugar,ene and ene-liaif glaset nie et milk, butter tic size of om eigg, eue haîf cake of baker's clinolsie; bail until it hardons in tic water, reniove from the fire, and beat until it tegias te sugar; pour lie l uitered pans, aud score like caramels. SAVING LABÔS BUT NOT HEALTU. Ticre la a mania in tic air for doing eaci thing in tic shortesi possible urne wltb tic leasi expeaditure of thouglit and effort. We look lack aitich slow and laborieus proceeses ear grand- moihers ucd la preparing food as we de ilpea tic stage coach, whici re- quired as maay wecks te reaci a given point as tic fast trains te-day consume ;a 11ur.1Th 'Plw- f haile eageprly Judge Peterby-Wliy, 1 doa'it ili sIte las auyting new iu tic way cl an equipage, lias sic t 0f course elie las. I icard lier saî at her party tic other eveuiag tual ber husband had given lier a cart( biancie. flid sic say tint? 1 reckon tint b one et thoise basket phacteas, or per ihap i la eue of those herselees car. niagea. i t 1 1 , ij i D BLESS THE UNION JACKý!" lilibopiliarizeil l'ratses Bitatiî.iTr#eai. nient orfier Colenlles. At a recent 1meeting oetîI' hoeMciio- disi preachers ai New York, Bitciop J. C. Harizell, wio was elected aitich last Gencrai Conterence et the Churci te succeed Bishop Tayler, retircd, as head et tic mlasionary work in Africa, ad- dressed tic preacicrs on tic outlook la is cw field of labor. Tic Bisiep spoke et tic long struggle which lias teen carîed on for hundreds et years by phianthropie sud Chistian people for tic moral, mental, and social cie- vatien oethie negro, and remjnded his licarers thaitich colored man had prov-- cd te te a williaïg and industrieus pu- pli and gratetul for the efforts in hie lichait. 0f tic future et Africa Bishop Hlarizeli satd : - Ila muuai to refer te Af rica as thc 'Dank Continent.' but, in my mind. Af- rica ila un -land et promise, tiecouen- try where ticernlaionary will iin bis grandesi aud greateet victories ha tic future. God, in is wisdoi, lias held ihe veil of snystory, ever Africa aud wiii continue te do se until tic civil- ized nations oan bc entrusted witb uis custedy. We licar a good deal said about the gold and silver question. But, 1 tell yen, thare is 1,200-mile stretci et god-aring rock in Atrica, wiii 83,- 50,0,00 in sigit aiready, wiich wili sctie tic whole rnattcr aud keep tic ratio beiween igoid and ether coin me- tais aitich proer figure."~ 0f tic attittude et Great Britain te- ward ber colonies aud missienarios, tic Bliep speke in warmest cemmonda- tien."Gcd les tic Union Jack !" ho said. "I1 want to sec the troubles lie- tweoa the United States sud Great Bni- tala settled, sud setilcd quickly. May tic day corne cocu wien tlie fiags et tie two nations shall flbat tegeilier frein the sanie staff, whorover thore is a strategic pint beiweca civilisa- tion and liarbarism." AL MESSAGE TO MEN. PReVING THAT TRUE HONESTY AND TRiIIt PHILANTItOPY STILL EXIST. If atîy mau, wio is weak, debilitated, or whoio l suffering f rom any et tie varions troubles resait ingfrern ynthfui four' , e-tcesses or overwork, twil1 takýe heari and write te mie, I will send bjm confidentially and fr-e of charge the plan parsued liv n hicli I was completeiy restored te periect healci and maaiood, afier y.ears cf suffering front Nervous Deblity, Lose et Viger and Organc Weakness. I bave nething te seli and tierefere want ne moeey, but as I kaow tbrough my ewn experieuce iow te sympaibize wîth schdisufferers, I arn glad-te lie able te assisi any feilow-being te a cure. I amn well awareof et iprevaleuce ef quackery, for I jicyseif was deceived and impesed uapen intîl, I nearly lest fati in mankind, but I releice te sav ibat I amn îîew perfectlY wol 1atî&'liapp*y once more and arn desi rous therefere te make thii certain incans of cure known te ail. If Yen will write te me you eau rely upon "hein,- cured and the prend satisfaction etflîaving been et greai service te one la need will lic sufficient reward fer my- trouble. Absolute secrecy assured. Send 5c. scuver te doyen postage and address, Mr. Geo. G Strong, N orth Reckweod, Mici. WHY BEES LIKE NIGHT WORK. Becs pref or te work la tic dark Lie- cause tic action et sunlight upon tic ioney le te cause tic sugar te gran- ulate ont, sud se te cohidify tic wliele mass, ta whIcli condition ih la of no use clhier te themeelves or their ycung.. Pties Cnrcd ln 3 te 6 Nights.-Dr. Aguew's Ointmeat wi'l cure ail cases ot Itching Piles ta frem 3 teo 6nigits. One appltcation brin'gs cocfori. For Bhnd and Bleeding, Pilea it is peerless. Aise cures Teiter, Salt Rheum, Eczemaa, Barber's Iteli, sud al cruptiens et tic skia. 35 cie. For sale by Steit & Jury. -Tic ncw sovea-gored and the bell ekiri seeni te lictic popular designe, Some do net lice tie bell because it la iucliued te "«sag,'" they eay. 10 cts. Cures Constipation sud Liver Ill.-D. ~ue'sLiver ileare tic ms prfec made, sud cure like magie, Sick HeadacieC atiin, Bilions-1 cents a. via'-40 doses. Tlie chief ebject of a peultice la te supply and retain lieat and meisture for t he relief of pain and internai eefge&,ý tien. Other but less frequent uses are for cleaning the surface of foui ulcers and kastening tha remevai of dead tissue, J2eultices are best made of grou.nd flaxseed, but in case thiz is net te be had, bread, corn-meai or hominy may bce substituted, In making a bread peulticethacrus of the leaf should net be used, 'àadit should. be re3nembered that schd a peni- tice quickly becomes sour. When cern- meal or hominy is used, sait slieuid be added te eaeli application, te prevent irritation cf the skia. The greatelst benefit of a poultice cernes frem its heat; therefere care be taken te àppiy it very het. The flnxseed-mea sliouid lie mixed witî boifîing water in a receptacle piac- ed over the fîre, and the mixture shouid lie constantly stirred ustil it is ef about, thie cons&stency ef oatmeai perridge. Thle latter sould then be evenly spread, about hnlf an inch in thicknless. on a warxn cloth, folded in two or three layera. Over tihe surface of the fl1axseed a piece of cheese-lothi, white tarlatan. or a fine carabric baundkerchief should le laid; or, tihese- failing, the surface rnaY lie covered with a. amall quantity ei vaseline or sweet oil. This in ne way interferes witis the action of thie poultice; its object L'a simply te pre- vent lte flaxseed trbam adliering te the Tihe peultice, after being appiied te thie beody, shouJid becevered with aithez oiled silk, fiannel or cetten wadding, se tjiat the lieat nay be retained. As seen as tlhe pouàtice cools, it sheulci be removed and a fresýh ene appiied. In order te reader a peuitict nmere ef- fective la dbninishing or reiieving deep- ipeated pain, as in tihe cheat and abdo- men, mustard may be added te the flux- se1ed. Sucli a penitice is far better, for erdinary purpeses, than'a mustard- Plaster. k t israreiy f ollowed.liyay unpleasant irritation ef the skia. The mustard sheuid net lie added In the f ern ef the poxvder, but sheuld te carefuJiiy rixed witth a smaii amouat of warni water, and tihen thoreughly stirred into, the fiaxseed just befere it ia spread upon thec cLtli The amen of mustard should lie varied accerding te the severity of the pain and the age of the persnl.) The application for muatard ia this forut is particuliariy well suited te chil-dren and eld people wbose skia 15 easiiy irritate'd., ARE DEFORITIES OUTGROWN? It ia a imatter of cemmen observa- tion télat the "be-'Jegs" and "«knock- knees" of young children be ,come ep- pareatiy istraighter as age advaaces, even when ne assistance is given te tlheni. Perhaps it is idue te these facts, or pessibly te a species cof self- delusien, tbat methers se often believe, Pliai their chiidren wiil outgrew many s1ewly increasiag deformities, wnhicli are censequently negiected, te the chiidren's furthler hurt. Certain Idefermiities, "when arrested, will npparently grew less or disappear as the growth of the child increases, until as aduit age is reaoi.ed they may cease toelie noticeable. But even tihengl the ideal of syninetry be a comparai- iveiy low one, a deferm.ity ef any nie- ment mugt lbe treated caally if thc body is te lie brought up te thle average stan- dard. The ciiild, like the tree, naust lie takeh in band ea.nly if any natural disiortien la te lic correctedý Poti's disease, a curvainre of the pnedue te an inflammation of lthe joints causing deeay cf Plhe benes cf thie sPinal celuma, and hip disease, due te a similàr conditien of thie hip joint, are anîeng the deforinities which requ.ire treatmuent at the earliest possible nie- meant. "Postural deformities," se caiied, in- cludiag lbw-1egs, kneck-kaceff, flat c'hests, round backs, "siackle" or leese joints and weak feet, are ameng ù'lose for w'hich most can te donc liy surgeons and parents, On tlie other hand, ench deforniiies will he increased. if the weak parts are subjected te strain. Tfiis attitudes prodncing fatigue at weak spots, attitudes induce-d or eacenraged by unconifortable seats or liy defects ef eyesight, are cemmen causes of a want ef physicai symmetry, Nejwly acquired, postural deformitiee For aleby Stit &Jury. lyie n ametcse esimple means teca waitin to socure coe rtiy et eh are binb~by sobscribers at wiicli a meiher or nurse la capable of se great a ruIler." 4c.e. adi.) Sainple eopy (with pattoru -ic lain eiireni tic avr- applyiag; but te tiret evidence et eny Tiai atternoon lie proceeded in etate coupon) sent for 10c. bicstyealt'ogi n medres cfa disclase et the bonue or joints, suci as te tac palace and prescuted tic Shah ligt exurl urrwhlf.e re en. a limp, a draggget eue foot, or a wita, five ciepiants. Tic Chamberlain DEMOREST PUBLISHINC CO.1 ofas etvlvt are aIse iegroed curvatureof et spine slieald receive secmed te regard tac animais with coe, 0FfhAeuNwYS Ban __. el v-- .immediate attention ai tic bands cf s d e ofetsuspicion, but Orientai Pe-110FfhAeuNwYe Relief la Six Hour.-Dliressing Kid- surgee2.ý e liteneass prevents Pie inspection et a nýey and Bl1adder Diseases relieved bu Ie generai. it rnay lic said Pliai I gifi horse le the mont i. and, anyiow, A LIBERAL OFFER.ONLY $3.00 FOR six heure by tic "Seti Amenican Kid- foninittes do net tend te correct tient- tic extra oepliant removed ail deuit.; ney Cure." ThLs new remody is agreat selves. Nature exerts liersecf ha ether "Tiat extra ciephant ccit me £25,' 1HE STATES9MAN surprise sud delight' on accout t uis directions. Hewever, a corrective, force, said tic Consul, la tcliing tic stcry exceeding prom p inl relieving pain thougli in itscif very light, if xigitiy afterwand, "blut I conidered myseif and DEMORE ST' S FAIILY MAGAZINE; in tielilddrkidneys, liack and evory applied, may entirely do away witb tic well ont cf a bad serape aitii bprie. part ofthîe ruinary passage ta male or defenmity, or at least aid îargely la Send Vous Subscnlptions te this Officle. temale. IL relieves reteatioxi et watcn esscing i- "For Over Fîfty Years." sud pain la passing it almost immed-- iateby. If yen want qaick relief and THE HEALTH PRECEPTS.lck'E cure Phi 5yoar remedy. Thc tollowing ten "hygienic aphior- Fer over tf fty yeare Mas. WINSLOW'S avenue$ cf re B0we For sale by Steti & Jury. isme," snid te hcave been framed by tic SOoe'IuîG Sînur lias been used ly mil. Kîdueys and Liver, -Il maklaggreen a-pplesauce, pi laie Dr. Frank H. Haumiton, are gîiven lions cf motiers for tlîeir childron white crrying offi gradtatty. a tew dates, dut tiem iet quartons in thce 'Medical NeMTs" (1) "The test teethiag. If disturbed at night sud Bwth0 weakening the and add tieni otei sauce .iust liefoe taing for tac inside et a man la tic bro ken et your rest by s sick ciild suf- system. il 1 theimpui. remeving tram tic tire. Tiey au ll ueid fahre 2 lse slewnforitig and crying wîth pan etCutting tce ai tic umos t great improvemont te tic sauce. tsdofaore(2Blsdi ieW, Teeti send at oece and get a boutle o etth the iavcnted sicep-but thlrice blessled tic Il Mro. Winslow's Seething Syrup " for c amne ktme - re Amenlcan Rieu-matlc Cure, fer Rien- ing. <(3) Lght giv*s a bronzed or tan - g eldit cùf' iis, matisim and Neuraltgia, radicalily cures cler te skia; lut icere ht uprecca tic poor litte eniuferer immnediately. Depend uïes, sega in 1 te 3 days. ies action upon tic tily lu plants tic rose. (4) Tic lives upen lu, mothers, there ie ne misiake abeut Headaches, Di zicesý, systeintle remankable and mysterlous. ot most mca are in tacir own ha-nde, lu. lu cures DiarrhoSa,regulates the Stomi- It remrves ai once the cause and tic and, as a ruIe, the just verdict after adi aud Buwcle, cures Wînd Colij, softetns Heartburn,Consttpa- diecase lmmedfiately disappears. Tic deati weuld be-tele de se. (5) Healti 4 t O u in Dryness of thés tiret dose greati'y icuefits. 75 cents, muaitlicerned-ii eau seldom t na mieSkia, Dropsy, Dim- For sale by Stott & Jury. bought. (6) A change et air Ls lissgivos roue sud euergy te the whote system. îness of Vlsioiaý Ja.ulit valunlile tian a change et cocue. Tic "'Mrs. Winslows Seothiug Syrup " for dce, Salt Rhum, It la caid tant if Noaih's ark iad iad air 's chaagcd eveny tune Plie wind is chidreu teethtng is pbeasant te the taste Erysîpelas, Scroria, te le buili by a compay thoy weuld cilinged. (7) M&d and decaying vcg- sudd jes th prescip àon etfeue e ftte elde»i rltenn of the net have laid thec keci yet; and it may eabes lnaa celer weave sbx anfe sd besutomate phycicias ansd nurses tan q=t Nervotistes ho se. Wiat la mauy mcn'c business is th uppeir dlarnbcl'. (8) Dinh, delauc- "and Generai Debilty* eobody's business. The greatest uings ery, discase and deatiuiaae successive tic UnitedStates. Pricetwenty-tive centsaitecadantl anc ccopllicdby ndîiduai mca.- liaks in tic camie chi-l. (9) Callatheuie a botte. Sold byaldrugoists rhrouLhont eslrcmlît it areen. pilidbyidiamy te very genteei and rompiag vcny tie world. Be sure sud ask for "MRs. te irco hayins ence -- ~~ungenteai, but onelatcsdeteWNowsSoaN Svu" fBRD KBOD Hean Dieas Reievd l 30Mintesother tic substance, cf icaltitul exer- -Dr AgsaesCue fer ic HeaMnutes.cisc. (10)> Girls need icaiti as vmach- Tic sultan et Turkey cf laie lias becu namore than by. hyeau osîr g nnq ie a.iter f utkeme, giveýs perfect relief in ail cases et Or- 1by. iy ol ie uu uue fnceae.T LB U RN 8 GO. ganie or Sympaihctic Heart Disease ebtain it as boys do by runnlag, tum Thc asite come te tic surface is iliai ta 30 minutes, and speedilly effects a liug-by ail serts cf innocent vagraucy. et "Hamid tic Haugman." NO10tT cur. l jea perlse cmey ton Pal- At least once a day girls âioubd have pitation, Siorinese et Breati, Smoticr- iîr ialies akeeofaicdiae ti _______________________in_ mg Spolie, Pain la Loti Side aad ail down. and be turned oose like young 0aFoesu CaanReivdl ingSpil, PininLef Sdeandal 0te 60 Miuutes.-One Short Pnff et THE CAMEL'S FOOT. sympiams et a Diseascd Heani. One du. _________tic breati tlirougli tic Bbower, cap- dose convinces. plied with each botle cf Dr. Agnew's Tic camil's foot is as seti cusiion. pe- For sale by Stoti & Jury. TENANT'S PARADISE. Catarhal Powden, diffuses this Powden culialay well adapted te tic stoues and î~ Tireis . ius laPars ccniedbyover tic, surface et the nasal passages. gravel oven which it is ceustsntly Dean Swift said witi tilth:It i hr sabuei ai cui Painless and deightni te use. itire- waiking. DUring ascingle jonrncy_ uselees for us te attempite reacon ever 50 tenants Who fer 20 yearc have lîeves instaaiiy, and penmauentiy cures uirougi tic Sahara, herses have wnrn a man eut cf s thing lie lias neyer neyer paid auy rent, thc andberd beiug, Catarni, Hay Foyer, Celde, Headaclie, ouitulirce sets et chocs, whib8e Ccami- been reasoned ie." unknown., Sore Throat, Tonsilitis, and Deatuess.e. 'e teet are mot even sore. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria., TWELVE HUNDRED W/RECKS. Tiait Waeshe Nuniber for 1896 Accordina teo îl's. Tie statisticai snmrnary et vessele t(,- tally losi, coademned, etc., new pnb- iislied by Lloyd' Register, shows that during 1895 tic grecs reduction la tic effective mercantile marine et tic world amouated te 1,237 veesels et 806,278 tous, exdluding ail vesseis et becs tien 100 toue. 0f this total, 310 vessels ef 372,- 463 tons were steamers, and 927 et 433,- 815 toue werc, sajling vesseIs. These f ig- ures exceed tic average efthti pre- ceding four years by 62 steamers et 81,- 519 tons, and by 55 sailing vessels et 42,940 tons. As regards steamers owned lu the IUnited Kiagdom the returu la aise aliove tie, average, wileo as regards saiiug vessele it is somnewhat belcw. Tic increase lu tic case et tic fermer le due, net te actual wrecks, but te tic large tonnage broken ap, cen- dcmaed, ete. Apart frera sucb cases, tic United Kiagdem steam tonnage- I ici duriag 1895 is onby equal te tic average efthtic int four years, net- withstaadiag tiat siace 1891 tic ton- nage owned lias increased by 1,500,000 ions. Tic isnmmary exhibit-s iuterestlag data as te tic relative frequency et tic different kinds et casuaiity, etc., wiici condinde tic existence et vessels. Sirandinge and kindred casualities. wiici are comprlaed under the term 'wrecked," are mucli tic mcc prolitîc cause et disaster. To scdicasuaities are, atiributable' abent 40 per cent. et tic basses oet itisteamers and saillag vessela. Tic nexi mcst frequent ter- mination of a vessel's career ie by con- demnation, dlanianiling, etc.; 20 per cent, et tic veseels remeved trom tie merchant fleets efthti worid arc ac- ceunted for la tuis mannier. 0f tic remaîulag causes of boss, col- lision is tic mci general for steamers (10 per cent.), and aliandeument at sca, for sailing vesseis (15 per cent). Caýses et aiaudoaed, tenndered, sud mflaing vessels may, perhàpe, lie regarded as frcqncntly more or lese sîilar in the circumstance-set lese. 'If these lie ta- ken collectîveiy, iiey cemprehend 18 per cent. o et tic es eof steamers, and nearly 30 per cent. et tic lesses et sali- iug vessels. Tic percentages hore given airc based on tic prosent return abene, but tic order et frequency et uic ccv- eral classes et casusliuy appears te lbe normal. The retura lias been compiled la encl a nianner as te enabie a. cemparison te ho made betweon tac pereentages et less snffered by oaci efthte principal mer- chant navies et tic wenld. Grenatic h annual boss cf vessels belongiag te tic United Kiugdom appears te lie, it l'3 seen te tonm a very moderate percent- age et tie mercantile marine efthti country, and te compare favcarably wih tic bosses suistalaed by cther ead- ing mnaritime countries. Tic merdiant navies whici exceed a total et 1,000,000 tons are these et tic United Kiagdcrn, lie British coonie, tic United States et Amenica, France, Germany, and Nor- wvay. Of ilioso counniies, tic United Kingdom shows tice mallesi percentage et boss, nameiy, 3 per cent. of tic vos- sels and 2.4 per cent, efthti tonnage ownued; tac, Britsh colonies t ollow, witlt 3.4 per cent, et veesels and 3.7 per cent. et tonnage. As regards steamers, tic percentage et lose fer tic six counries is 2.5, whilc tic percentage for thc Uhnited Kingdom stands ai 2.33. Fer sailiag vessels tic six ceuntries give a percentage et 6.3 as cempared witi 4.5 per cent. for tic United Khngdom. DIPLOMACY'S TRIUMPHI. Ilow a Brtilh Consuîl GEc11.o f an In. convontent Glft. A Consul, Wlio, fer a short timo, ne- prescnted Great Bitain aitich Per- sian Court, icls tiai wien lie arriv- ed at Teicran, lie was met outside tic ciiy liy thc Chamberlain et tic Court, wie, in tic name of the Shah, pro- seuited hlm wiii four elepiants. Tic Consul, wiao had enby seen an eepiant tuside a menagorie, was paraiyzed ai hie situation, but ma.aad te express hic iliankg for tic Sliai's great kiad- nes. Atter lie lad been presented and liad assuaned tic dutes et uis office, lis gr-ets officiai burdea was tac carne et liS ciepiants. Relief came ia a tew days, wien tic intimation recoiad hlm tiat the Shah expected a present in return. "Crtaiuly,'" said tic Consul, as a emibe wreathed his face; "I have oul3v ENGLISH BREAKFAST COCOA Pesscsses the fellcwing Distinctive Merite DELICACY 0F FLAVOR. SUPERIORITY IN QUALITy. Urateful and Comforting to i-te Nervous or Dyspeptic. NUTRITIVE QUALITI ES UNRIVALED In Quarter-Pound Tins and Packets. prpre Y dJMES ENPS & CO." [1,0 COOO lIZ81 ~ 8t, [10119011 RIgnor. 41-6m. Purest and Best for Table and Dalny; No adutteration. Neyer Cakes. THOMAS PEATE, Dver an d Clothescleaner Has rerneved is works te the well knewn Eastern lieuse. PRicEs:--For eleaning, dying and beautittiliy pressing an Overcoat 75 cents; Complete Suit $1.50. These prices are net more ilian one hait what yeu wonld have te pay amy other Dye Works, and the work will. lie as geed as can bce donc any- where. 36-4mu. HAVE YOU TASTED It is thc Most Delicieus cf ail Teas SOLD ONLY IN LEAD PACKETS BY Sold by CAWKER & TAIT.__4l-ly. Before Subscribing for a Magazie SEE THE BESI AN UNPARALLELED OFFER. Demosest's Cnt Papes Patternes are tic Most practical oi the cmarket. They arcetfeny size that any ine-ober of a houseiold couid r< - quire. ite ceci coiyof tic MagazDineteprnteîlt a coupon entitling tic cubscribe,-, on puirchaser, te a pattern (worti and regoienly sold ton 35-C.), or any nuniber of aîterus for four cents ech, ite, coeîer I'aekage canpostage. \Vien the vaiue of the patierns te considcred the suiscriber aetîtat- ly gels Demorest's Magazine Free An wiat a Magazine hit s! For 1897 fiwl i more bruitant tihanen hbefore. New maneýl- Ment, yewmetbods, inew ideam-. iEaecb copyj contai'.s an exquîttcreproductionii colons jo-f corne ceiehrated icture by a famous artisl, worthy to adore tiýc waii of thic most reineti boule. Il is aEffmned that DEMOIIEST S i the only complete Famiy Magazinîe piished comn- biîîing ait of te mnost excellent points of itg con- temporaries hesdes havtng ilimuitale features of ils own. IOREST'S is actualiy a Dos- ou Malîgazines ie one. it is a Digest of Cassent Events -Cni IdeaRs for tic hnsy mai' or w .omran,,a 1Revtcw and a Stoelonse Of 'etcs'for ail. Wlies.,niothers. sisters and daugileis can lied exactiy wiat they need to amnse and instruet <hem, aise practical blcps 1t everY dePanIrtl'nt of dornestie and social lite, iIDmi ng tic f urti- islitng andoenamenling of tic home, emineidery bric --bac, artistic anîd fancY work of ail kinds etc., etc.. and suggestions and acivîce reg anding the weli-ieing sud dresstngofthcirownpersons Tic scepe of tic articles for 18.96 and 1897 wil coi-or thc wholc country îtnd tc varicd interests and the articles wili be profusely illustrat-ed. with thae finest engravings, and tri addition it wili poilisi thie lest and purest fiction.- if treats et lcngti Out-of-Door Sports, Ruonte Amusenslents and Enterta nrie n tï il gives a great dcci 0f attenîtion te tic ChUld- ren's Department, and -'Our Girls," and base a l5onthlyhSympostulne by Celebrated people, in wthaedtsensscdimprtn questions of tiheiur of tuterest teulte olden readers - Let us bave yonr sobseiptien ut once.- e get more x choc fer yeur mdiiýy titian it laposs!bieý te secure in any ether magazine. Tlic Magazine for eue ycar $2.00 or for six neontis - - 1.00( (Ov2es 250 diffrent garmietts aie l'