You want Scott's Emul-, Sion. If you ask you-rdrui-Lg- îstf or, it and gel it-you cari truEstthat mani. But il he offeir you "lsometiîing just as gioc," lie will do thc same -,vteri your doctor writes a prescription for which ii wants to get a EspecialI Cfeet - play thc lmre of ife arid death for the sak(- f a penny or two more pr'fit. Yom can'i irus/t told man. Get xvhat you as -c for, anid pay for, whether' t is Scott's Emul- riori or --alytlîmg elsc. Icr & BowN in., levie, Ont. bor- sud &.ou 1.-PAN-S Th-emodern stand- Sardl Family Medi- cineý Cures the cornnon every-day - jus (fhumanity. z L (10l1E ail da 'a f the Binod on N~ervee. Eben. nîatiem aýn d Li 'ain. Female Ilegalator, Blood e abçX.Lug'tt e 5whou Ful saniple box, soc. P 1t D.]r. rlEontrdIitediciie Co.. f3roclaville. Ont- t C Y ETS,et. leor nforuiat'on and fr- ll.a,nimc ivrite to MUN& CO., 861 'auaaNEW Yoni. (>'uest burentf 'r te,,z:n±a P;àt flOtin Antqerica. Evea-y nt "' ttaken ontvut h l, sbrought befor, ftIe1 poty a notice g1ven lree ut charge Inte Lare"tc'nulttluof ail, Fiiýttipr pper fOn the man hou S o eiMot h Weekiy @3.406 a BREAD AND' BAKINQO Thle Staff o Lire anld thel a, ~ HOT WORK AND LONG IIOURS. Poactical bakers are on, exposed to extriome of temperature that it is not oirprising thaï 'hey often sufer from kidney and other trou- bles. In many cases their work at night con- elles theon in a heated atmosphere for hours, from which they sally forth through the cold ight air to their well-earned rest. ?4r. George Roberts, baker for Mrs. S, Ranahan, 257 Dunda-- treet, gives us the lllowing facts: -I have suffed so much for the paat fourteen years with kidney disease ehat it gives me pleaoure to tell of my changed condition for the better. 1 had fearful pain in tiseback-, .id rigit side; thse urine was Ted irn color -with a reddish sticky, sediment, with brick, dust deposit. At imes evere pain, in the region of the bladder, causing me great sufering and discomfort. Appetite very poor, and much troubled with oleeplessness at oîght. 1 feit tired and worn out ail thse time. \Vork becaone a drodgery;, it xvao an effcrt to do any- thing. 1 n'as 10w opirited and discouraged. Hearing of Doans Pls 1I ntton Mr W. T. Strongs drug store, Lontdon, Ont., and gat one box. Froon thee tart dose 1 coon- menced to improve, and non' my back and Fide are aIl right; the urine is natural in color; the sediment has disappeared ; I have non pain of any kind; rest well; appetite bas retui-ned; 1 arn strongor and better iu every way;, for the first time in rnany years 1 non' feel that life is worth living. Doans Kidney Palso bave cured me of my lbong standing complaint, and I arn pleased to ackr.owledge wbat they have doue for me. I have not taken more thantwn boxes of thse pub sand the resuit is as 1 have tated. Previously on thisI had tried nearly every kidney rernedy, but until 1 took Doana lUà experaenced oct thse siZhtest relief. FOR SALE BY STOTT & JURY MAS-.A RE-CORD 40-YEARSýOF UCCS IT. I15 A SURE CURE ..DIAPPHoEA . DYENTERY4 CeLIo , GRAM PS- CHOLERA INFANrU m ft,d tri *U~mm1R 4OI.PLAINTrs Talk for Fublicatioll. But it is Not a Disgrace to be S.ick. Yet Ssme Suifer in Silence and Will Not Even Speak on the Subjeet to Their Physician- A Foolish Modesty HEALTH ANO STRENCTH'DAN BE RESTORED NoËthtisolast amnng tisentany valu- bhIsopital agan give Dr. Williams' Pink able services Dr. Williamts' Pink Pis Pilla a fair trial, 1 knoiw tisey will beîp have rendered to sufierin a oon, la you." 1 falhawed lie-r advice, and alter that ni tiding iem ovorgtise critical taking four boxes tise flowing ubsolute- period, cnntnencing at middlo age,cnnt- l'y sioppe. Itank thse pis for somne monîy knawn as tise change ai lufe. t inte longer antI ny isoaltis was f ullyi It sOaiten happons that at tisis clint- resiored, antI since tista I1 have beon acteric wonten relapse lato a stage of bath strang andI active, I believe Dr. chronia invalidism andth ie actual dan- Williamts' Pink Pilla are a bhessing ta gor ta life vrhiicis attends tise change woOTOOf.' is sa great tisat a medicine avbicis can lie rebietI upaon ta carry tise systeintaven titis dangeraus tinte, la notbing îess Mrs. A. C. Fitche.i -,wites :-"I take than a ife-saving invention. What Dr. ibis appontasity nifiisankleI you fan Williamts' Pink Pilîs will do for womeo tise greai benefit I have receîved front4 ai this change ai lufe is shown in a Dr. Williamts' Pinks Pilîs ila ta criticalj caereoted la tise Dewsbury (Eag>) perit5d knnsvn as tise change ofi lie I Cisronicl. h I is tisiai ofM.s. ]enjarn-- had saffered for years front kidney in Smith, wbo lives ai Hanoven sîreet, troubles, andtI iis I suppose was tise Dewsbury. Tise change of lii e had lof commencement oi tise change. Thon 1i bier w eak and moiseable, witls constant was uttaked wiiis spolIa of dizzines pains, dizziness and sisorinesai brouth md weakness, acýcompanied wiiis pains On tle sighîest exertion, togeiber with In tise back, wisicb rvomI lasi for' cismonic rheumatism la tiselisead and weeks ai a tinte, antI fram wisich I cYea. Tise pain in bier bead was ton would nat get more ihan an boum arn acate for words. Si a t n sleep eith- twn's sloop ai nigis., A fniend wisa iad or ly day or nilist, and ber agony svas successfinlly used Dr. Williamts' Pik ut tintes sa great tbXt ih took îwo 1sio- Pilîs le a similan emergeacy urged me pie ta hald hon in lied. A skilful don- ta mtisnth. Tise resuit was tisai tisey ton was caîbet in.ubut na gond. "-My broughi me saiels' tîrougis. tiis cniticali chsecks woald aweîî ap as bg as saua- peiod, andI I ant ugain enjpyingi cens," said Mrs. Smiths," my eyea were perfect heetis, and take pleasure in e- as ed as lire and there was nu gettiig contrending Pink Pills a t iose similar- id ai tise pains la the head. I suifer- )1s' SlstutiOtd.a Pd also front a sluggisis' liver nd weak c iseari, and ai tintes my eyesight was 11ev. DavidI Forbes, massianars', ai so laid tisai abjects heome me seented Poplar Dale, Algoma, w mtes:- 1I feel but dim sisadows, antI thons wus noue thai I svou:d lie remise a nmy'daty di(]d ni my iniends wisro looked for restar- 1 no write ta let s'on kaow th-- wonl- atioa ta scaltis. 1 saw an accouai in a derfuI benefit denoved by a s'ouag lady0 aowspuper ni a cure sinilar to mine Miss Mary Marin, tise young lady me-p tismongistise use of Dr. Williamts' Pink fered to, was taken sick iwo yeans ugo, Pis, andI my isband astged me ta ms' and aIl tise medical ieaiteni she un- tisen. Before two boxes were used the dama ont proved ni an avuol, Vostang Pains began ta disappear as if by ma- île fumils' in nty capacits' as missionars',a gic, and the cotinued use oi th iselis1 saw witb sorrnw tisai sainte-Y or a litile mare tisan a manîl las loifitiîing was done to avert tise pmogmess me enjas'ing as gond iealtis as ever ni bier trouble, sise would net lie long1 1 isad in nay life. 1 considem Dr. Wil- for this xvold. Sise was pale, almosne liants' Plisk Pilîs a blessing, andI as 1 lode~ antI subject ta ail tise dis- knwibene are tlousaads oi wanten imessineg' symptonts wisicis accompaayY wha suifer la silence front troubles bav- anaemia antI bing tise victim tan a leg tise sante origin as mine. I ant ealy grave. I arged tise urents to ms' grateful enougis for wlat they have Dr. Wi"ýiarns' Piuk Pilîs. {bey acted up-' dons fan me ta tell my stars' in tise on my advice, andI I amr ejiced ta say hope tisaissone suifering sisier mas' lietisai they lave fubby andI entirels' e- yitiaîs elped, and s'ou bave full per- stoned ber - elth, and iiratîe mass'- msion irta puluss htI aet lleeked girl ai to-day you woubd aot voo, wislch stateme t 1 an ovenified recognoze tise lava'id oi a shortfloue lie- youwhich tateent ca be eriiedfore. Tise words ofaiher grateiull maiSon by ans' oi mas neigisbors." ta me were ibese:- 'WE5 have ta tisanisq --you. Mn. Forbes, for recamntendiag Dr.1 Williams' Pink Pilla. Tises' have saved Mms. Frank Murray, wiso residea aur daagiter's lii e antI we are mareE fleur Ogdensbarg, NY., says, "1 ant gratefual than we cua sas', and freebiy 46 seue ai ~e nd fr mas'years give s'on permission ta sendthIstl testi- resoded near Prescoit, Ont. We maved moniaI, in tiseisope ibat sanmeone in aven bore sometinte ago and have wnrk- similiax circuonstances mas' le benefit- etI tiis farn since. My husbaad s ied.'" work in aOgdensliumg ai bis tracte, that ia atone muson, white ons chul- dren an yeli carry on the fart. Dr. Wibiants' Plisk Pilla are a tonic ..l bave lbo.-n a greai suiferer imom mediciae, enriciing tise 'ood and1 st-ck ieadaoho, wbîcb would geaerally etreagthening tise nerves, tbus reacis- conte on about evoning. andI I wauld igtisermot of diseuse and driving ht lie compietels' posrated, not even ableiomtise sysient. Tisey are bes'ond daubi to ~ ~ l liimbn"r l myeinleans' tise reatest medicine of tise l9tb cen- wa.Teese swul atfraattury, and bave curod ina huadreda ai tweniy-iour hears, and would louve me cases alter ail otiser medicines had fail- le se weak a condition that for das's ed Tise great popularîts' af Dr. WiIý- I could scarceis' drag about tise Insus, liants' Pink Pilla bas causedunc p- 1 have alan lad nonsiderablo spinal boas dealers ta intitate ihem extensrUive-I,_ trouble, tise sharp, dutingz tangues oi iy, amd intending bayera are argod ta paleboe-miteonf oilowing alang Setisai evers' box is enciosed in a mn pine%_andt tatiseback oifnts' ead. wrapper ergtiefalegsrd Have dotoredmuis b i wiiouitise trade mark "Dr. Wlliums' Pik Pilla desired resait. Tise doctor toitI me it for Pale People." Pilla cahared plis., was stuc to tise approaahing chiange ni hut soM in loobse fmmm by tle dazen, ie. 1 beard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla isundred or ou.nce, or taken iront glass for Pale People, andI abso later boaurd of jars, are fraudul'ent imitations andi tise cres tisey had efiected le a nain- sisault alwuys le refused, n matter ber oi pensons persanahîs' knawn ta me, Jraw plausible may lce s tory ai tise1 andti t was tiseir tonies tisai decided iaterestiag dealer offemleg tisent.1 me ta ts' tisent.i got saimeai tise pLil, andI alter 1 batI takea, a few boxes 1 lad noe more ieadaches for sevemal HOW GOLD WAS DEPOSITED. montisa. Tisesuntoermnt' iead isegun ta bave a isp-avy feeling, antI ut tintes 1tld d'au bc Ioorod00ced luto 8toîcso I svas quite dnows', batn pales att- companied it. 1 naw bave more pilla Sueli a Manner as te Dery' fetettoos. and thaugli I've taken nuls' a few i An exiiution ai tise greateei interest feel well again. I do't iisink aay per- tao nineraîogiaîs andI practîcal minens son coald stand it a great wite toalie troubied as 1I was andI stand tise amoant le relation ta tise mach argued queetion oi pale. I know that Pink Pille are as ta how goltI wa aigiaalhy depoeit-. a good medicine and fuals' whai tises' etinl aurbberona quartz la roponted front are represenied tolie. 1 bave recon- tise Imperial Institute ai Edinbungis, mended tisernto sane ai ts' ionda u witis beneficial rosants. Ois, mv s'es 1 ScoIband. J. C. F. JO aton, ai Ado- Tiscy have done wonders for me., I do laide, Anstruhia, wle las givea greai WU: my owsn isousework on tise fart, attention ta île saîjeci, exîliied speci- We bave a dairs' ai twelve caw, andt aoIo-odbern tns i aiten whben tle bcs'i are vemy buss' get- mensa o-odbaig~oe i maiLh, liai flowing set un and alts et'Ot etHi oso thin iI ai te doc nd a maslýl astop you can support mas'daugliser un tisei hi. 'nonthom anI aierstii srf-style ta ivisici saie las been accustonted? 1 iening for tisree an mour maatiss, 1 de- Young suitor-Webl, n; but 1 can termined ta go ta tise iospital again, spothnu l tl awscsli but ioriunateîs' for me an nI'd lads' mouler was accustomed for a gond, au tise cars, wlo noticed mas emaciaield many s'anns afior se married s'au. antI worm condition asked, "wisat ails OltI Geint <ubdued)-Take ber, as' voir, mas' csld?1 ItobtI hon mas'trouble son, andI le happy. antI sie replied, "Before going ta thse ' C $~e C y AORICULTURAL.1. THE C0W STABLE. The tinteis now at isand wýhen thse cnws need stabiing. Negïect to do tliis will resultitnflcertain loss, and as every pound of iniLk lias its ntoney value, it sisould be plain to even the most obtuse that sucis loss should be guarded against as far as possible. Tise natter was brougisi to my mind, says a writer in Country Gentleman, very forcibly one day last week, wisen, during my absence froin home,-tise cows were lief t out in ~a drizzling raineturm. Tisat day's yield of butter fell short just six pounds on tise herd fron t tat tisey isad been mak- ing. So it is not dufficuit for me ta see that it pays to keep cews out ni cold raias, coid winds andI chilIs of every sort. Thse cow stable on many farms needs repairing, if nlot replacing with a new one. Expensive buildings are not a necessity, but warmtis and ventilation are, and must lbe bad if best resuits are to bie expected. Building paper is cheap, andI wiî keep out cold botter tisan mnatched sidinýg. 1t is easiLy appliod (Inside is botter tisen outside, on ac- couai of action of tise weatbýer>, andI in connection witis nails and laths will make a great diiferonoe in tise tempor- giture of thse stab.e4 Common siding autside, and this inside, wbll be suiffi- doent, if properly put on. As ta ventila- tio, tis shouid lbe provided by air- sisafis opening at tise botterm andI top of stable, ta admit fresis andI carry off foui, air. It le somotimes considered tisat tise feed-cisutes are sufficient, but tisey are anly ontlets for foui air and into thse teetI-storage room at tisat. Thse aimoephere sisould be suci tisat no ani- mal odor will be obser~vable on open- ing thse door, and tiis is periectiy pos- sibýle even wisere a considerable number of cows are keptinlethse samne stab.e night and day. Good pure air is just as essential ta tise heairis ni animiais as it is toaisuman beings, As to faston- inlg cows in staijis, after trying several ways, 1. have settled on thesollowillg as comburoing ciseapness, conveniefloe, camiort for tise cow and generaL utility ta a great degree. Eacb. aow lias a stsill to herseif. Where twa c.ccupy oee double stail thse feeding arrangemnents may lie ail right, but tisere les danger nf injury ta udders by one coW stePPiflg upo antisr. I ave seencwsc in ibis very way. It is beiter ta give ech a stail toaberseif, partitions to corne f ar enough ack to do axvay wiih ail danger fron t tis source. lie with cisaini3 about tise necks ta slip on, mron roda verticall1' fasiened ino up- rigisi pieces at one sIde ni manger. Tbis gives fthe cow perfect freedom, witb ber isead. Tise swleglng stanchindos ibis; yet I do not believe it toalie sa comfort- able to thse animaà as tise cisain. Have iwilI have a gond place for ber heati wiseundse lies down. Cernent flooris are no doubt exceLlent, but mine are of plaak, antI have worn for many years. Tbey neyer get wet, are kept weil littered, aiad do not onake buzcses on cow's knees, at loasi in my stables. 1 bave oif en seen complaints ta tise effecit tsat plank floors made tise, but 1 bave net lad suais a case il n experience of many years. Provide a, drap or trencs<tise lutter le best) ai the backi. Tis mast be aranged in accord- ance witis size ai cows, and is tise great- est poscsible help le keeping cows clean, Have it deep enoorghsa80 î.ey viDI not stand in it, and jusi wide enougis f0 clean ea.sily. Clean it out twice a day, and if possible flushr wiiis water. If mnade af oak peait will well mepay lime antI expease af making; if of ce- rnent aIl the botter. Sente cows are baund to be dimty la spite of ail pro- cautins. Otisens %ilil go freim f aita spring witisaut getting soiled in tisese sta'ls. Sprinkle laand piaster freely about, or rouaid dsi, if you bsave it; eush- em aone le excellent as a deodonîzor antI absorbent. Have plenty af ligisi. Notis- ing le more essential flian this, Cows cannait thrive ia duarkness, non can any otiser animal. Let tise windows bceon tise sentis, if possiblie. A flood of sun- sine in winter wilfl do tise cows gond. Wammati, suonlight, contiortable sta Ils wnd ventilation are a rare combination in a cow stable in winter,and one wisicis cannot, result, otisor thun favorably if pieonty ai good, nutritions food lie sup- plied tise occupants 1 shahl not starf tise exorcise or ne exorcise argument hero, but pereanally 1 do not believe it Js tise, best for any animal ta lie con- fined ta one position f rom i ail ta spring or for sali that tinte. Providebox- stals for eacis animal, antI it is well en- ougis, but stalis are anotiser tblngegon- tirely,, FAC-SIMILE SIGNATUR E iiing th2tomacs arËB w of - F ness and Rest.Con tains neither Opiuidborphine norl4ineral. IS ON THE WRAPPU BOTTLB 0F Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- RonSour Stoîrich,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convuls'ons ,Feverish-a Ç 71 ness and LIO s lEEP. Tac su:mile Signature ofli Castoris I zpt ap in oe-oioo bettles oaly. R 10 fot sold in bulk. Doult allow aniyone to oeil ~j Y O .yon anytbing else CILthe ples, or promniethat ft le "jas o od Pand Ifwill answer every par- FYACT CC PYOF lWR-T.PE r. emlebn FOU SALE hY J.. HIGGINB)JSHAM SON iB0WMAN,'VILLE Furniture and m m House. Furnishings. Our line comprises everything found in a flrst elass, furniture ware room, and believing it only doing justice to our business and that our customers may benetit by it,we have added more varieties to our already large lines, and our prices caihlot be beat. We buy as low as the lowest and are satisfied with smail profits, and you will be eonvinced of thie saine when you have seen our goods and exaînined our prices, Parlor Suites, Sideboards, Bed iRoom Suites Hll Racks, Extension Tables Centre Tables, Lounges, AMattresses, Secretaries, Chairs of every description, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Mirror Glass, Picture and Iloom Mouldings with many otiser lunes you will flnd Iu great variety and at aIl prices at our store Give us a cail when wanting anything In our line and se how welI we ean suit You. oUlNDiEPR T AKIeNGU Special attention given to this department, 130'-VMÂN VILLE, FÉounsall's Bloek Hon>estly made of pure Rý1ubter. 7Thin, Light, Elastic, Stylish, Modelited each Durable. BUSINESS FOR THE WINTER. )t .>tt OiLe I laies t shoe shapes. Farnters une toa neglectiai nif andI Exratc bl overlook mains'important mules whicis Exan th i. al govemin atier industries. For instance an elj it is tis ecamnesi effort ai the mercisant SoId everywhere. They Wear like gron. and tradesmen to have on band a sup- pIs' of gonds wisea tisetre L a demn for tisentand tises' ndeuvor ta lave_________________ tisent sod oui îs'th tiseuth îe pnices wark just ai île urne wben it is usuaIl'yle brongahi abaut lis foretboagbî,pan- foan tisent dealine. But, for tise mait closed aitishe creameries mnd on masi ring andI wnrkiag ta tisai end. Pro- part, fartera don't so forecust Tises' farta. Tiss ress laiton wauld lie veader oaa le pmacared lis'tse ardinars' been tota iinis tInt sncb foretisought pmodaced ai île seuson wisoa mnsi de- mots ofn tilage; aiso, comfartable antI shrewd expediencs' or management manded, andI ut double tise pnice it quarters a cn ho provided ea.siby, b~lut belongs natiser ta iradesmen and not ta inig roulys good quartera, and bylis'gvong cows ta drap thse alves andI give mlk fartons. Tisons is tise routine ni pro- plenisYa Of 90dfond, tsas cnws wal leb at thbest f5003.of athîe s'eufor pro- dacing in tise summer andI coasamiag keptinhafaîl fltow of ntilk, in cans- fit, nOn the ewes ta lning thisai lamaIs, le isew iter anI i as' urpus e-qacace, tises'ield antI qualits' of tise but- non tise brood saws ta farrow, non tise minth ntriandwif ny rend us', kingten in a dams' tis manuged sur'- paulins' in las'n gswe iwod mai, mrke itwhe redytakngpasses that ni tisose manuged in a bess Pas'tie arter beetino have these re- soucis pnices as are offered ion ht. cansial tanner. salts ta cote abaut, Sucis resabis must No wisiscm n litterd, on tons Young calves, alan piga, tisai mas'amd leclimoagsa about lis speciai cure and Nsoac wtisn e roe ai gond athejad-shoultI le an band, abould lave duls'attention PaidtI thîe atocke with tisai is anc inth prGes ofgOd ad jd-attention. Keep tIent gnowing. Tises' end in view, iciaus management.. Tise farter las wvilil wll pas' inr the bitter attention about as gond chances ta se manage tises' eceuve now. Ewes, ina, which __________ tisi h ma' met Isadvnce pnceshave leen praperby manaaged antI well thatliemay eetthe dvaced rics 1quartened, wlll begia about tle f irstofi aiMTOFBTTR an mains'tisinga lainsis line as tbose nf winier ta drap ilein iambe so ihai île SUiET0 UTR oison industries bave, andtI iis cmulic Iluths wiilbeliemods' lis'Mas'fortise Tise lasi shîpmeni ai butter foi' ibis pretis' ebiectuails daine lis a littie judh- maraket, wisen tiseys' üadbs' bmleg a good season from tise Goverameni dams' pnoce. tatsaions ai PrincAletadnin clous management for that purpose, AntI still îl 'ong ailiher importantHsad eAlet niId wisich mas' be termed iniell1eatual branches is ibat ai tise poabirs' interesi. .euI N.W.T., are on tiseir was' ta f arming, if s'oa ploase. ht is true ihat Thie s'oung pabllets as well as tise seins, Montreal tisa week. Tise quantiîs' ai not~~~~~ evnifre asts ut o ijodicioasly and generonsly fed, mii butter matIe ut Prince Allert during notevey frme ba th tat fr 1goredhowver an haingrooytse season was 27,103 Ils.Tise quantits' doing tisinga jasi aitiste tintetises' wanm quartera, wîl. legin lus'îng usual- matIe ai Iadiar HeadIws3232*l.h sisauld bliedonce, non in île lest manner ly behoe tise bligning of tise rew is expecied ihaitishe qolaltits' matIe ab needed ta insune thse groatsr sactess, s'ean, antI, wien, asila île atiser cases bath Places nexi s'ear willb le about; s'et sente advarutages wZIîbo denived meniioned, île pmices are utthbm lest, double ai tise output ai tse preseni isares'. Bat it le mars espocialis' about AntI tieainlecariys' pning tiesetoubd summen. Among atiher improvemeots business for île win.ten we designa to h0 tise liootl so naong clicks rearing lin th1e butter ratIe oi Canada ihis year spea inle'bid place, fan Inoilers la early aunrter,wsen tises' eis e mare general use îs' creameries To lning about a bine ai business for are eaugemby souglat aiter, antI ai soisoa square boxes as packages for lutter. ibis season tisai wili le more or less fuir pnices. Tisose boxes hlid 56 ls. net, and ,ar prof itMe ameag mains' tiings tisi at M aow it la evident that ibis bine binetI inside wihth lick grease-proof Or might lie mentioned, is ta an, manage ai business, antI aittbat season, tuai ho, parcisraent papen. Tises' occups' less cows as ta have tisen tp b iig ihein ta a vers' greai exieni, ismougisi about space le starage tlaàn tise cononian tub, calves sas' about île bogmning ai tise bs' management to tisai en&. it daca tises' c-t boss,, antI carry tise butter un new s'ean. Thsis wouid bnlng tilk amd net iallow as a maiter oi course le île a ratiser tare acceptable condition ta lutter onsasnd, or le oison wnrds, daims' odinars' routine ai iarmiagp, but must tise coss=mers' sIrops. Pitcher's Castoria, t THAT THE