~6 *Being a rnodest littie book wichel :and Proudfoot, of a certain party IV' *need of a bath. Mr. Footfriend has lef t us, a f ew 4quick distribution, to folks wio are t( $6.00 for a pair of $3.00 If yon are qualified, ...... : please cal1, or write, and get on1e from- i -te 1recounts the cdiscovery, by Messrs. Footfriend' Aho lives in a fine house but is rnuch in v copies free for too poor to pay 4, '~WAP~ ~ - Agency==John Hellyar,B0Wmanville., before making youjr next purehase of Tea, that CEYLON TEA is put up in Lead Paekets and guaranteedi strietly pure. From Grocers'25c, 40c, 50c, 60c. H. P. ECKARDT & -CO. TORONTO, 'WROLESALE AGENTS. WeAre. .. 't For Hard Tfimes In the Furniture Line. YOU CAN'T FflEL POOR when you see our goods and. prices. Values were neyer so marvelously low a-,- riglit now. The completeness of our stock guarantees everybody perfect satisfaction. Corne and see the choice selections of honest qualities and learn why sensible,econ- omical people prefer to spend their money with us. Our prices wilI more than please you,our fine quialty will clear away your last doubt. There is no law against paying big prices, but it isn't sensible. À-ou -will trade with us simply because you canniiot duplicate the goods at prices So low. Seeing is believing. Give us a cali andweil be pleased to show goods and give prices. EYLDi, WILLIMIS & SON, BoNvmANvirLE. Undertakers and Furif ure Dealers. BOW ANVLLE NO. 2, 196. Tle Metlidists f Kirby, wlo for some BOWMNVILE, NV. 2, 186. inie past have been împroving their lirc, eld their combiuied re-openmng NEWTONVILLE. services andannivcrsary lust Sunduy and Menday. The weatlier was ail thut Mehday niglit at Il o'clock the resi- conld be desired and the Snnday ser- dence and snrgery of Dr. J. B. Olver, vices were very wellI ttended. ircuit was burued. Tlie major p art cf lis istrRv.WH.Aasnd . furuiture n-as savcd by t he willino' T. Lewis, prcached loquent practical bauds ef bis fell-ow nsen 1I sermons, affernoon and cvcning. Men- Yervdisearenig t th dotorheday, the nnual churcli feu was held. very disbe1urteuicgmte tlce do1pctr ie Tie beautiful evening and iugatlieriug having1 rece 500conmenced practicecn dspagcd success. Affer supper here. Israne Zo heleseirhefloing prograni was given, Duet, flie Guardian. Miss James and Mr. Goard; Chairman's A CR.YiNG EvIL.-Every crying cvii Speech, Rev. Adamis; Vocal Solo, Mr. should be promptly removed. Sick Gourd; Recitation, Mr. F. Trebilcock; headuche is a cryiug cvii affecfing Son,, Mr.C. G. Armstrong; Address tliousands cf Cunadians, whieh cuit Mr.t. Moment; Duet, MissJames and easily be removcd by the use cf Bur- Mr, Gourd- Addrcss, Rev. Lewis; Sole, dock Bioed Bitters, the bcst Ikuown Miss M. ïames ; So, Mr. J. Gourd. stouuach, liver and bowel regulutor und The singing cf Miss M. James and Mr. cure for sick heudache froni whatever J. Gourd cf Bewmnanville, wus the best cause'arisîng. heard lu Kirby foruny a day, especial mention being made cf the "Bird Song" SOLINA. by thc lady soloist. Mr. C. G. Arm- strong, Orono, sang better than usual, Mr. Thos. Baker lias sold seme thoro- if sucli a thing could'be, and, ut last, bred Shropslires te Mr. R. Mller, gave the audience a simple and killing Brougliam .... ,Miss Gourd, Bowmunville explunat ion cf hi'ý williuguess te siug ut lias returned home... .Mr. and Mrs. sncb gutlierings. Mr. R. Moment's un- John Adamis, Port Perry, visited ut Mr. drcss on "ais was in,ýtructive and Thos. Puscoes recent1y .... Master N'or- practical, and the other speeches and man S. B. and Miss Ê. Se phie James, rcttoswr elrcie lo l visted ut Roseluudvuie Dairy Fanm together tlic unniversary, owing te fine Sunday. ... . Mr. Russel Rey'nolds lias re- weather, the deteirminutien cf tlie ladies turuO t Scrboo... Mn JoephRey and trustees, and the hearty ce-eperu- tuned o sawa, vis.tedMr Joeph Rey- f ion cf the people ut large, n-as a greaf nolds recentîy. success, the proceeds amouuting te HIIDDEN FcErs-Among thec many $0.0 foes te bumnan beuilh and liappiness SAPE. SURE, PAIuunIMS.-JUSt W114 Dyspepsia and Constipation are tw lu yen need if v oR are troubied by a cing nemies greatl,,,te be feared. With B, cerns. Pntnam's Painless Cern Ex- B, B. te drive theun eut of the syste'u,trceatsitisny.fuakse lienever,no danger may be antîcipated, rcoatsith wy m-eio as every dosebrings tho sufferer a long sore spots, arts speeffily, remi O\ing the stop farther on the rond te perfect worst cerrn, utn enty-four heurs. Ceq1th wd q ar'tb~ d P, ernianent Piutnanm's Cern Extractor, the only sure cure, coril c- -z- BLACKSTOCK. Thursday eveniug the C. E. of the Presbyterian churchf held their annual meeting wneni fully 100 were present. The secretary reportýed, after revising the roll, 38 activeý and 13 associate meni- bers The treasurer liad a balance of 56 cents on hand. The new officers ci- ected are: Pres.--Mr. D)avid Johnston; lst Vice-Pres.-Mr. James Williamnson; 2ud do.-Miss Maud Hlues; Se'y- Miss Emma Beacock; Cor. Sec'y Miss Eva ilolmes; Treasurer-Mr." David Milne. After business was disposed of cake and coffee were served to ail hy the young people. ... . Last Sunday 1eýv. R. M. Phalen came near meeting1 withi serions trouble. While returniing from Enniskillen to Blackstock, after the moruing service lie eucountered a crazy cow which some men were driving sonth. The cow was parcially blinded by a piece of bagging and aise liobbled. Yet she made a vicions cbarge at Mr. Phalen's ri-~ when a few yards away from lier. 'Ihis se friglitenied the herse tliat lieturned from the road-way like a flash, and in doing se upset the cart. Gospel, lap robe, whip, hialter shank, cusliion, etc., were spread by the road- side, while the herse rau off ivithi the rig. The cart was badly broken, but Mr. Phalen and the herse escaped sca th- less. . .. The annual bible societY me1et- îug was held lu tlie Methodist ch trch Wednesdav evening when 11ev. Dr. Lambly of Brookli gave the address ....Prof." llodge, ventrîloqust, gave a concert lu the town bail Saturday ni.h...... Mr., Rd. Riches lias moved frein the post office block te Moore Bres.' bouse ..Mr. Byron Grahiam is putting a new fence reund his lot... Mrs. Bailey has lett the Commercial hetel and new lives witliher son Fred. Yenu may eat cheap food and net be seriously bhurt by it; but yen cannot take clieap medicines without positive injury., If yen use any substitute for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, yen do se at the peril of your health, perhaýs of veur, 11f e. Inqist on liaving Ayer s, and ne, other. NEWCASTLE. Misses Odie, Lena and Minta Warren visited at K1irby on Sunday .. .. Mr. S., Wilmot has secured a satisfactory settiemeut with the Insurance cempauy for "Belmnout" tire .. .. Methodists ex- pect te raise $75 next Suuday 'as a thank off ering.- ..Miss Mny Rincli is back lu lier place as ergaist in tlie Metliodist churcli after a long and sev- ere illuess, ... Our young people took lu Clarke fowl supper last week,. . ..Mr. Norman Jenuings, Bowmanville, was lu tewn Monday... For the second tîme this year the mot-office liere lias been robbeéd. On 1 ridF vy niglit thieves Ïwalked lu tlie front door of Mr. Bots- Fford's store in wliicli the postoffice is sit- Suated and took some stamps and about - '25 wortli of clothiug .....Miss Minnie tLovekin is indispesed .. .. Miss Mabel Clemence sange very nicely Straub's "The Lord is C&acions" lu thie Method- ist churcli Sunday eveniug.. . _ Miss N,,el- lie Eldrido-e and Mr. L. Barrett speut Suniday atY'kirby .. .. Mr. W. T. Allen of rthe Big 20 was in towu Suuday .... Mr. ,W. Jewell lias moved on Mr. Wrighlt- sson Foster's farm. . .. Mr. llenry Frigg lias the coutract for cleaning the bricks for tlie store wliicli Mr. Geo. Eilbeck vill erect next spring. . .. Mr. B. Wil- met is learinoe to ride a wlieel.... Messrs. F. Litire and Alf. Benett, Or. eue, are attending Newcastle HIgli Scliool .... On Tuesday morniug at un teurly heur fire destreyed the dwelliug Ief Mr. F. Wulden, the lieuse and ail "its contents being totally destroycd. 7Tlie origen of the fire is net kuown. There is un insurance on the building>s andcontents te the amount of $1000. Tlie new etgine rendered geod service lui protecting 'the snrronndiug hntld- iugs. This is the fifth lire in this muni- cipality this year. 'i le deusity eof 1smoke uwokýehis son, wio was sleeping in an upper room, and calinig tuis efather, wbo was asleep below, they botli suurrowlv escaped suffocation, cscuping ,with euiy a few clothes on, Thle citi- tzenls witli the new hund engine were oinstrumentai lu saviug the residence and burn of Mr. Josephi CQul"on ud Mr. P. Mangau's On elling. The wind carid arepieces of burnin -sinles igitin2 te dwelling ef Ï r. Enocli Holmes on Miil street, tu e blocks 0a way ,.. .. Dr. Theomas P. Purcliard et i New York is dead. With bis n i,,fe lie speint lus acation here lust ,sumer. Ris father-ilu Jiiw, Mr. Saniucl Wilmut, c j ent to ewo- or1, ý Mo(lay te attend the fe&nerul. SFor Cougis, SColds, Bron- clutisy Sore 7 Sthroat, etc. 1ýii ItIR, ATSOII & .,POecTs, MAPLE GIIOVE. Mr. S. Snowden's n-ccd sale netted ui about $750,... .Mr. A. W. Foiey uas acceptcd a situation us centractiug agent for the Page Pence Ce .. .. Messrs. John Crumb, sr. and jr , refurned Saturday with fn-o fine deer. ...MSiss ilinie Tyler, Toronto, is home .... Mr. Wmi. Ccx7lias been 'te Orillia . .,.Mrs. Philip and Miss Minnie Tyler spent Sundav ut Port Bewmanville .... Divis- ion contegt resulted favorable te the brotliers by 7 marks, ... Open meeting next Tuesduy eveuiug censisting cf choice selections from. the contest, everybody wclcome.... Mr. W.Jeffery's g~oose is a wonder. She laid 6 double yolk, 2 small eggs and 50 ordinury eggs the pust summer. Mrs. M. says:- "My daugliter n-us pale, ianguid and unuble te stand any exertion. Miller's Compound Iron Pilîs made lier streng und gave lier celer, 50 deses, 25 cents. TYRONE. Miss Berta and Mr, Arthiur Brent, "lGruylunds", are visifing Millbreok frieuds ..Wednesduy Mrs. Wuitcrs and faurily attendeC' the funerul cf lier littie grand-daugl ier ut Courtice.... Attend the circuit social ut lethesda Thunksgiving Day, refresbniieuîts for body and niind are being ampiy provid- ed ... Mr. Thos. Wiliams, sr., lute cf Acton, is visiting liere prier te vlsiting bis son Frederie ut Cuuuiigfon, . . Mr. Edgar W. Aluin, Bownunville, prenci- ed un earnest sermon here Sulibafli evun.That the yeung man lias stedy erve n-us eviniccd hy bis cool- liess when a bird starting up fromn some wliere circled round and round the lieads cf the n-orshippers for several moments, and as if te aid lu the gener- ai enchuntmcut, flic heavy chandelier directl y lu front cf himn- as seen te slowly elevate itself. ... Miss Emma Werry ably presided ut 'fli orgun on Subbath. . .. Mr. W. Wighit shi pped a curloud cf slieep for markcttbis week.. .Mr. Levi Skinner lias made a large sale cf vaunabie Shiropshiire sbeep te au Amnericun breeder .... Our citizens were starticO Weduesduy mcruing toe er that Fred, J. Penfonnd, son cf Mr. Jos. Peufound. hud quietly breathcd bis iast about 6 o'clock. Deceased liud been snffering fremn lu4g trouble cousequent on an aftack cf pueumonia iasf winter, but ne eue dreamed cf the end bclng se neur. The grief smitfeu family have the sympatby cf ail. The higli moral churucter and lovuble disposition lie evcry displayed endeared huun te al wlio knew hia, Iu bis death flic orders cf Sous cf Temperunce, Sons of Eng- land and Hfome Circle lose a mosf faith- fu ni unabrd-n-orking member. Mr. Benj. Scott, Van Hern; Onf.,suys; "My heurt causefi me greuf uneusiuess, my appetite fuiled, and I becume very weak and disceuraged. Miller's Ccmn- pound Iron Pis made me airiglit; 1 feel n-cll and strong." RE BU ILDIN G The Old and Broken=down House. Keeping the Structure in Good Condition, Filling it With Health, Comfort and H ap pin ess, Wlien a lieuse becomes dilapîdated and bcyond flic pcssibulity cf repain, if is rcmoved te muke reoni for u structure thaf will have strength and permanen- cy. ur bodies, n-len net properly cared for, become frail, weuk und broken- down, aud n-len the work cf rcbuilding is net commenced lu time, deutb snr-eiy dlaims the n-asted and, wern-out frume, and if is removcd ferever. Can n-e rcbuild our wastcd bodies? Yes; flic werk eau be doue even thougli fthc Spark cf 11f c glimmers but fltfully aud fccbly. Thiis work cf rebuilding is donc flirougli fli use cf Paiae's Celery Compound, thuf marveileus medicine whicb bas brou oelt ncw life te 50 many lu flic past. T'Iuis licaven-seut remcdy acf s directly, on flic greut ncrx-ous systeni, giîng,ý new sfreugtli toecvcry nerve, mukes fresh vifalizing blood, increases weiglit, and gives fresli power te every bouc and muscle. CcicryCompou. , if s -easywerk t Grocery Specials. * 1 Domestic Pickles per. bottîs .... ........ l0e Ginggr Snaps 5 ibs fer ................. 25C Cau Cern................... .......... 5c Double Breasted Sack Suifs, a new "ine, very choies patterns in Youth's and Men's, from ........... ............ 6.50 Boy's double breasted Coaf s la 2 or 3 pce. Suifs, fine Wiater Suits, the prices range froun... .................. 2 5m Iten'o Tweed, Fiannel lined work Coats, a very lieavy line, well le worth $2.25, &,r ......................... 1.26 Men's Pants, hair Une et ripe in a gond lieavy Tweed and 11usd.............. 1.95 Gent's Furnishings. Men's beavy ribbed ail wool,Blizzard Sox, reg. 25e, Sturday.............. 20c. léon'$ heavy ail wocl Son 15e a pair. 4 pairs fr............49c. Men's fine ahl wool Periman Sex,20' a Pr. Saturday, 2 pair fr........32c. Msens wool Undsrwear, Scotch Knif, 40c, Saturday, suit for .................' 7ýci Msn's Shirts only, fiesh and Grey, 50c, 2aturday ......................... 37ý'c, Msn'a fine Napa Tan, wool cuf linsd Gloves 65c, for..................... 490. Mena blk and colored Kid Glovos, lined, reg. 75e. Saturday for ............... 50c. Menas extra fine Latindried Shirter, 14, 15, Boy's heavy knit Wooien Gloves, Satur- day a pair............25e. Extra heavy Canadien Tweed,rsg 75e for 55c. Msnas and Boy's Linea Collars, guy style reg. 15c., Saturday oaiy.... *....... toc. Mea's and Boy's ]Rublierine Coliars, any style, reg. 12.c, Satnrday only.... lOc. Sardines per fin......... .............. 5e Good Ba king Powder........ .......... 100 Pure Cream Tertar Baking Powder.....25a Large Size P.ckage Pearline............... 5o Can Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, Pumpkins 3 for -oc. A special purcliase ot Brooms enables us te seil thema at roc, 12C. 15c, 20C, and 25c- Pleaze examine this line and you will find therr 25 per cent. beiow regular prices. Coal Oil Bargains and Sugar Bargains ail day. Special Bargain in Candies and Nuts frorn 7 to '0. Corne with the Crowds to S'il We hold the record for keeping the best line of Cook- ing and fleating Stoves in the County of Durham. We have the Imperial Range (with a steel unbreakable oven), sornething new that will last a lifetime. Also the rnn ed JIHappy Thought Range, Stewart Range, Champion Range and Pearl Range. In Heaters we keep a fulli une of Radiant Homes and Art Sultans-every stove a double heater. Our prices are right. Old stoves taken in exchange. Orders for Stove Repairs promptly attended to. Estimates carefully given on flot Water and flot Air Hleating. BOWýMANVILLE. Dustan & I-bar. Season of 96=907* My stock of FURS includes the latest styles of Coats, Capes, Collars, Ruifs, Mu.ffs, Mitts, Tam O'Shanters, &C., made up in Fine and Medium grades of S. S. Seal, Persian and Grey Lamb, Sable, Mink, .Astrachan., and Opossum. You will find a more complete assortment here, than in any other store in the County. Nearly 40 years experience enables me to select with certainty the best values iu al hues of furs. You caui rely on having any style of Fur Garment remodelled to suit you. I arn paying special attention to the making up of, Ruifs, Gatxntlets and Tam O'Shanters, on short notice.- Don*t delay too lonig, but bring in your repairing now and be prepared for cold weather. 1 For men and youths, I have a conîplete and well selected line of Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc. BOwMAi~ Furriern We seil to more people on Saturday than on any other day of the week. Why people would rather trade on that day is none of our business, we are always glad to see them whenever they corne and we make it a point to have some special values ready for them. Here is what ail who corne will find next Saturday. OCLOTHING READY TO WEAR. Men's Double Breasted Pea Jackets,beavy frize, lieavy liuginps, wel made ....... 95 20 Boy's Overcoats, 24 te 29, several odd lines, witli and witliout Capes, ý,ware 82.75 te $4 00, ne w........... ...... 1 .99 Men's Heavy FrzeUleters, large coilars,, Oxford],Claret, Fawn,&c., reg. $6.50 for 4.99 Meu's Blue and Grey Serge Suito, some odd iais will (lear at ............... 399 DRY GOODB. About 200 yôs Table Linen, 6 patternm, bleaclied and uribleached, worth frein 40e te 60o a yard, your choice for.....330. Fancy blk and red Flanneletts. reRularly sold at 10o and 121C, clice for,........ 7e. Large Linen Towels. very speciai, a pair 25c. 500 yards Plaid Gingham, special, at... 0. , The best heavy ail wool ribbed hose ever shown ia Bowinanville, for full Ladies' size .............................. 25c. Black and Colered l3eaver Cieth,Tweeds, Meltons, &c., at clearing priceg. ÂAother large pureliase cf Ladies' Men- ties, &Il new styles a# hbe ,res; tbese are a lotef trissasoples-.0 Boots & Shoes. Men's Deng. Congress., rez. Carpet Slip-peu, Havy Top Bout, Womnan'd Feif Gaiters, Il Butin. misses hsavy Sehool Bot 6.Deng. Butt. Boot Youth's Heavy Sehool l3eot $1.60 for ... $1.2 0 M5 for... .38 2. 00 for-. 1.50 1.00 for... .70 .85 fer... .50 1.00 for... .70 1.60 for ... 1.00 1.00 tor ... 75