The Increasingd, Sale 5.OF SOUVElNIRS~ made with AEPLAT- BD OVEINS over ordinary stoves is positive preof that they are the greatest, the best and niost useful stoves in Canada. One in your home would save you much time, labor and fuel, They are easy to buy. Cail and sec theni at Repairs for ail kinds of Stoves promptly suppiied. Telephone No. 66. Opposite Ontario Bank, Bowrnanville. BOWMANVILLE. DEC. 18, 1896.j WATCR THIS WEEK. As annonnced we send out a remit- tance lank and addressed envelope lu this week's paper. Watch for them and as soon as couvenient send along yonr order for 1897. Our ncw clnbbing- terms arc pnblishcd this week. When two STATESMANS (ene new name) are or- dered by one person we make some fur- ther reductions. Write or ask; for price of anyepper or magazine not lu the list. e represent one of thc largest subscription agencies lu thc worid MUNICIPAL MATTERS. County couneil matters are receivingt so much attention that township affairs ' are scarcely thought of. Dariington conneil is flo likely to undergo much ,change uniess nnexpected opposition turus up. Electors seem very weli sat- isfied with the preseut couil. hence are net iikeiy to chauge tried mnen for 'new aspirants. Mr. Pascoe bas con- scnted to acccpt thceiReeveship if the 4electors so wish, se that the next co-un- cil wiil-iikely be: Reeve-Thos. Pascoe;, lst Deputy-Reeve----L. M. Courtice; 2nd ' Deput -Reeve-A. E. Ciemeuns; Coun-1 cillr-R.' Foster. The enlyncw names't mentionied to us for the other councillori are Messrs. T. Baker and J. J. Smith. Maple Grove and H-aînpton sections thiuk they shonid have n representative and both contain eligible mon if need- ed. The nominations are ou Mouday Dec. '28sa ti ne do0(101bt by 1that timne ther e wiiil e a oed co of candidates, DARLINGTON COUNCIL. Town Hall, Hampton, Dec. 15, 189t3. Council met pursnant to'-statute. Members g1l present, minutes read and confirmed. Mr. Alian Truli' asked to have R-. B. Mitchell and Williirn Allan notified to move their fn ces off the road. Clerk of Manvers asked for $8, half cost of werk on boundary uine. Refes-red te Mr. Ciemens. M. S. Bancroft wrote lu reference.'te lis Irotiier's Innrai ex penses. L. K. Murton wroeil refer- ence te uine between lots 30 and 31, con. 4. Tenders were received te furnisht hemlock piauk,froni S. Trevail, Geo. A. Stephens, W. Swain and Thos. Brima- combe, laid ever. Treasurer snlmitted bis annuai statement of accounts ; ex- .amiued, appreved and ordcred te le pubiished. Mr. Poster having bndlt a bridge and covered another largýe oeeinuhis Division, involviiig the pur- ,chase of 8$50.91 extra road material, the Treasurer urus instructed te transfer said ameunt from Mr. Postcr's account to generai township acceunt. Accounts gassed - R. Wiudatt, sundries, $17.50 Samuel Aliin, 88 loads of gravel $4.40; L. M. Courtice, 45 loads of gravel $225 J. H. Reid, fencing gravel pit, $4.40 Dr. Mitchell, Mcd. att. on Ind'ts,$17.50 Dr. Potier, certiicate of lunacy, $5.75 Drs., McLaughllu & Beith, do, $13.0 John Potier, taking patient te Asylin,i ~1860; H. 'g e3 leads gravel 15e; e'orge Argue, sheep damsages $400; Eber Millson, 53 iads of gravel $424 and lu fav'gr of thc Trustees of tIhe sever- al Schoi sections, and in laver of thec Members of thc Councl for attendanceS and milage, and aise in the laver of the l Townshi pofficers, pursuant te the pro-r visions of thc By-laws iu that Ichaîf. Adjourned te regýular time eft meeting. R. WINDATT, T'. C. CLUB RATES, 1897.S THE-.STATEsmA-; anti aiy one of tise ftloiw î publieations ait e undermentioniet club rates- STÂTESMAN. one oli and one uew subs.$i.59S Weekly Globe-----------------------1..... Montreal Witness--------------------.....1.75 Weekly Mail and Empire-------------1... .,50 Fà rr and Fireside-------------------.....1.50 Western Advertiser------------------....1.75 The Onardian-----------------------.....2. .00t Ladies' Home Journal----------------.....0.o Toronto Daiiy Star--------------------....2 Af Cbristian Herald...................... 2.25p Faxniy lHerald andWeekly Stair,witbi preiin.i.s0 rarrning----------------------------....... 18 Fasmers' Advocate------------------......0i Breciiers' Gazette ......................2.00 Toronto The Delineator. .........................0 GOdOY 's Magazine .......... ........... 2.00 Munsey's-------------------------.00 Cosmnopolitan ......................... .00 MeClures ................. 2.00 Saturday Night. ..... ....... ............ 2.50 Methodist Magazine ..................... .00 Detroit Free Pres....... ........... 2.00 Evening Globe.......................... 4.ff We ean take orders for 30o00 other newspapers and magazînes-Ameriean,Canadlan, or Brtisb. Orders must be sent witb the money te M. A. ,JAmzs, Bowmanville, Ontario. West End House, i 0. M. CAWKER. Another year has rolled around and C. M. Cawrker is stili fouud lu lis p lace, ieading the list of Christmas display of adi kinds of meats. such as Beef, Lamb, Pork and cured meats of ail kinds. A specialty made ln curing hiamts and rendering lard which is second te none, also the choicest Poultry that cati be procured. He pays cashi for al lis stock and that meaus lhe has the. best' choice and bis customers wlll have the benefit. There will'be on exhibition 2' heifers f.ed bv William Werry, Soliîa, 1 heifer fed by Peter Werry, Tyrone, 1 heifer fed bv XWin. Bennetit, Ciarke, :i heifer by William Trewin, Haydon, 2 heifers by* James Thompsou, Hampton, several iambs fed by Mr. J. H. Werry, Tyrone, and C. MI Cawker. besîdes pork, etc. Cash paid for hides and skins. Thanking yon for past favors, ^hoping for a continuance. of saine and wish4ing yen ail a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.C.M* A KR FARIXE41 S'INSTITUTE. INTELLESTING MEETINGS AT ORNOo. Verv interesting meetings were heid in the town hall, Orono, Weduesdav' afteruoon and e"ening under the aus- pices of West Durham FIýarmers' Insti- tute. Mr. W. C. Blackburu, Vice Pres- ident for Clarkie, presided. He opened the meeting with a neat speech, dweli - ing ou the objqct, alîn aud practical beutett of Institute meetings for farm- ers,freferred to the excellent delegations visiting us fromntfinie to timie, their knowledge and practicai abilit.v to lead, and lustruticluii the varions subjects re- lating vo o'rdlrlhife. 1He much regretted tiiîe absence of Mr. M. A. James, Bowmianville, the President, who was prevented through iilniess from being preseut, and called ou Mr. H. C. Hoar, the secretary. who read an admirable address prepared bY Mr. J.ames for deiivery at this meeting ou "Some Discouragements which Imeet Farmers and How to Overcome Thcmt" Mr. Gco. Harcourt, B., S. A., Toronto, gave a profitable address on "-Recent Experiments in Sheep-feeding," slow- ing the varions inethods usuall y practic cd and referred to experiment tables as the resuit of research and practice at theExperîmentai Farm, Guelph. This table and valuable information is to be found in last vear's report of Fartners' Institutes. Much c nquiry and remarks and testimony followcd from many prominent farmners including Messrs. W. C. Blackburn, A. Tambuy, J. R. Cote, P. Wcrry, J. M. J oness and. F Aluin in reference to the feeding of rape, rve, corn, ineai and grain of var- ions kinds and milk, cailiug ont a lively and profitable discussion Editor R. F. Holterman of the Bee Jonrnal, Lectnrer on the Prhsicipies and Science of Bec-Keeping at the 0. A. C., Gnelph, spolie interestîn.-iv on "Bes in Relation to Plant Life." Maux- questions wverc asked and mnch iuterest manifestcd bv the numnerons keepers of becs lu this' locality and an active and livelv discussion 'on becs, hoticy care. etc., ensued. Editor Harcourt of "Farmingý" told H-ow to retalu moisture lu the soil," describing thc natural process of mois- turc lunsregard to plant life, thc re- sources of nîoisture and the vainc of knowledge of these things, advising much surface cuitivation lu drY seasons. At the evcning session a o-oodivnum- ber gathered and discussion was cou- tinuled on moisture and how to retain These facts were stated: The best way is to cultivate mueh, not too deep-a surface skimt enough; destroY the wceds1 for those are pumping the water front thle soif; feeding weeds is not profitable or growing weeds net verv beneficiai. Mr. Holterman discnssed "Poultrv on thc Farm,"' the various breeds and their advocates, differetut kiuds of food, Meat rilk and meai, with vaIuable bint for the ponltry keeper. 11ev. W. H. Adams expr essed the lu- terest hie felt lu thc discussions and Mr., Harcourt toid of "Leakages on the farm," making a grand plea for intelli- gent and economicai investigation and systcm. lu feediug and geucral mana.-e- meut of thc farm. Mr Juo. Dave, Leskard, paid atrib- utc to the speakers and referred to our business: 'Wc grow too mnch grain and not cneugh stock." Discussion fol- lowed lv Messrs. Blackburn, Werry. Tamblvn, ilunter, Thoruton, Reeve Riekard, Halliday, Billing-s and many others. One of thc lest meetings ever held lu this village was now euded at wbxch better attendance and a more go initerest was apparent. Zhît enc 1~U W-e inîvite ail ontrea-ýders to contrîbute te)isis coltimu. arrivai and deisarture of guesîs, move ments of weilktsown people, business men, etc. Send a pestai tard to THz STATESMAN, drop,- note lu our office letter box or ring np phone 5-2. Mr. W. Jouses, Chtathîam, le visiting relatives lu tewis. Miss Muriel Bickeil, Toronto, is guest at Mr. .C.Tait's, Miss Ettie Batten, Orono, la guest of Miss Aufie Berry. Miss Etbei Teskey, Pfeton, is visitisîg Miss Ena Trebiicoek. Mr. Jas. Rendue, Darlingtois, xisited Linsdsay friende recetstly - -Mr. T. H. Everson, Oshawa, liase gotie te Eîg- and on business. Capt. A. W. Crawford of tlise'M aeassa" was lu towxl-ss tsIvseU. Mr. Norman C. F. Rmlutde, Hlaydon, was gtîest of Di-. R. Young Snnday. Mr. _Wmu. Todgliarn, Toironto, la visitisîg bis soc., Mr. Walter Todgliam. Mr. D. B. Simpson, barrister, atteudeti Couty Court at Cobourg mest week. Mrs. Geo. Jolilbas retuî-ued front visitiisg ber sister, Mrs. FI. Houper. Oronio. Mr-. Je-se Truit, Souths Darlitîpton, was lis Litndsay onbusitiess reetstly. Mr. D. Tyr eman,Toî-on to.fornierly of Leskard favored us with a rail Monday. Rev. andsCMrs, E. E. Howard, Hampton, Were guieste of Mrs. J. Hliggînbotbam. Miss Eva Wtt-tU las isiting. ler unuce, Mr-. Tises. Osborne. Wincnipeg, Mass. Mr. Samuel J. Hieuir Y, Ti roue. spent Sunday at lus moiber's, Weliniigton St. Mi-r and MHis. FIS sud Miss Es a lPaseoeSoliiu, visited at Mr. Geo. Joli's seceesly. Mr-. R. T. Siephetis, Saitoun N. W. T., tsbone at Isis fatisers, Mir. Josi. Stepliets'. Mrs (teo. and Miss Joanssa Bielkeli,Toronto, visited Mr. Fred icikeli, Oshawa. Mr. RoUI. Beitli, elest soit of Dr. Beitîs, bas accepted a positioniii tise Ontario Batik. Mliss tatîd Fiesiug atýid Mis's Patterson, Mins- neesota, hsave jeeti visiting ai Biaekstoek. Mr. Ira F. Petiree,Neiw Havetn gave an oyster supiser recrctstly viteil a pie isaiîitime was sîtent. Rer. A. M. Phillipq. B. D.. pastor of Douglas Metlsodist e-ittrci, Mottreal, is deati, aged 50 years. Coi. F. Clubiti w as at Cobourg lait weeik and wss invitel w tiin the-pâlie of ise County Cotsn- cil by Wardets Wade. Mt. J. C. Swait of Toronîto, Past Sopi-ense President, of tise Sons of Eîsglatsd, favored TaiE STÂ-ATLSxAN Witlt a cati Saturday. Messrs. A. Peacock, Iiakstlnek. Cen. Hý Liîons, Crotte, sud J. J. Virtue. Etiekillets, were ai Cobourg oi thte Grttsd Jury ait week. Mrs. W. 1'. and Miss i'tow et, lis. J. H. Hl. Jury, Mrs. J. Gaud, Mrs. F. Roblitt and Mr. W. H. Wiiiiams attenîled theifauerai of tue lte Mr. C. E. Ewiîsg ai Cobourg. Dr. Joint Hoskils, Q. C., Mr-. E. Douglas Ar- motif. Q. C., S. J, Armour, Esq., attd wife; Hi-sais. A. il. Aruttr antd R. G. Armour, tons of Mr. E. il. Armour, ail of Toronsto, aiieîsdcd Mrs. Armours fuineral, Mouday. A largo variety of Cakes always on hand ai Tod's. Cali and inspeci. Wiudow shades and curtain poies at ahl prices at L. Morris'. Sec thc $2.5i fasîcy CuIller RoCker at M.- D. Williams & Sou's for Xmas. Maple Creain, SatUrday, 10c. per ilsat Tod's. Buv your lholiday presents ai *ý'The Pair" euie door west of Express office, Bownaiiville. Choice hune of Ceufectionary frem 5c. per It) fat Tod's Sec those ioveiy carving sets ai "Thc Fair" awav blo v the regniar price. A. N îcno.l',S. Nothiisg- more apprepriate than a nice piece of Furuiture for a Christmas g iftii bi varict.y at L. Morris', Bow inanvihle. M. D. Williams & Son have a tine line of ittan Chairs suitabie for Xmas presents. Yen arc iiîvitcd te cail and sec tîsen. P. Trebilcockç WISH-ES ALL A Cliîsmas and aý He invites il to sce his great display of goods. holiday1 blal Broso Cash Grocers. Have got a very* fine lot of Lemons, Oranges, Candies, Nuts, and Figs, for Christmas. Caîl and seeour goods. The Pfrst of t hese Monthiy Comp)etit1o no wll commence January lot, 1897, and will bocotaîe each month during 1897. àg BCYLESI IVEN FREE As Follows.:jý O 10 First Prizes, $100 Stearns' Bicycle, ..$ 1,000 25 Second " $25 GoWd Watcli. . ____25 laoyoles and, Watohes glron each month. . 1,625 s n i h Total given during par 1897, $19,5O0PP0 R HOW TO OBTAIN TE . JRU LES. 4oMpettor t avç>as mn Snih"J1. EVerýymioiti durisi 1897, Ia tach othe 5 Moap 'Wrapersas tcycancoleti. lit off 1districts, lnîzesiîibsadcstto the tp porion O eachwrap.Tho 2 cotepettorswoesead isth lair- per-hat ortin Cotitfin est nhimbers ai Coupons frons th. fie liet ýadtng t" ENl î(MIN j StwN TIS TOP PeORIONEtrict ia Whicii thes- ressie. viii each SOAWI" ¶hese <aliesi "Con .recietwsinet-r,' op lon,sitsý,dy8rgcts pos" ae e o eneclosed te-tris, Bicycl.vlu ie wth shetofsseron ivhci t' l Te5îetutitoes who m1týen ttext or heprtut ire andde, tedtrtiswiiherslriiah andi the flambes'e opnsr-v.ottS-ooesPt!on, a ldys o îeve brs,.it.23soitos"Iý ,nâ t. aYKLB/ -2. Us-j1i tpdjnn Ics c ilse hebt Toronto. narkect on tse lPes. ~dayefti-sheil msnhdtng 187.Copn taiWrppw top Neft * Jianît rceived too lais for one imenthe scompe. cornrwtthe NCME o f the »ILS. tittion sl l e pi mb othe nex,t TRICeJTCompetitor lives in. :d. C tptir h hanorpeofo naoid sosa ln eireSoksell isoifed. Emîloyec- 'ecs e NO. OF NAME OF DIISTBI9T Lvrhiohrs, Lt&,. and their famailes, arm debarred fitoie DITITwestern Ontario, cenasistingof Counti cvpÏn. iYork, Simese & ail Ceunates W. and . ef these le terwarded te competitors à1 days aller eac olimtpetiiion 2 East'nnar1o. sensitingeOf oueties On- coses. tarie. Mnskeka & atCeunîes E & N.Otlese .Msr.Lee riesId,-tendeavort.e swaed l'ut ittte undersioed that aili o cotlete agre dacepi, 4 rvince or New trnswiek tho award ef Messrs. Lever Brothers, Ltd., as hinal. (b Province of Nova Seottia îsnd Pince EVRBIOS;, Ld., 23 Scott St., Toronto 14un o n zStoves. We hoki the record for kzeepiDng the best line of Cook- ing and Heating Stoves in the County of Durham. We 1-,ave the Imperial Range (with a steel unbreakable oven) something- new that will last a lifetime. Also the renown- ed Happy Thought Range, Stewart Range, ChamesËÈ Ranye land Pearl Range. In Ileaters wýe' keep a fulll hue of Radian Homes and Art Sutans-every stove a double heater. Our prices are ri±-ht. Old stoves taken in exehange. Orders fori Stove Repairs promptly attended to. Estimatcareoully n given on Hot Water and flot Air lleating. 1 %W31ANVILLE. IDustan & I4oar BOWMANVI LLE. la8l w The time is sho'rt 110W before Xmas is on us. but we are prepared to supply your every want in short order. In this list you will find suggestions for Xrnas wants. We cannot put everything down here but we think that in this list you will find something suitable for ai., Xmas, present. Handkerchiefs. Creain Siik Japanese, iuitialed, 1speciai, each .25 Large lack silk, each 1.00 Cream Silk,large slie,brocadeci .50 Colored Si1k, large size, new coleriugs, 50Oe and .65 Coiored Silk, assorted colors .25 Hlemstitehed, fine lawn, ladies .05 Hemstitched, fancy borders, assorted patterns and fast colors, ecdli.05 llemstitehed, pure linen, ladies size .20 Ladies' Kid Gloves. In biaek,tans anddrabs,speeial quality kid, laced 1.00 Hosiery. Ladies Ribbed Cashmere Hose, winter weight, fine quaiity, worth 50c, special per pair .40 Ladies' Fine Cashmere ilose, plain, winter weight, per pr .50 Ladies' hcavy Overstockings, worsted yarn, lest made, .50 Ail sizes ln Children's and Misses Cashmere und heavy wool Hose. Gent's Furnishings. TIES, fancy puif, in cream, delieute shades tinted aud black, satin lined .50 Graduated Derbys in dresden effeets and faney colorings, satin lined .50 The newestKnotin lest qnality silk, satin lined, dresden effects and fancy patterns .50 Bows lu dresden patterns,strips and checks,a very fine collec- tion of, patterns .25 String Tics, the nobby thing, cati le worn cither as a bow or knot, in fancy celors and lest quality silk .25 Graduated Derbys, kuots, in geod quality silk, w-ci l ined and nice patterns, a special ussertnîent .25 Puif Ties,put np oeeil a faney box, extra quality silk .75 Braces, fine quality welbing, patent buekie, worth 40e and 5Oc, for *.251 Shirts, ncw faney fronts and cuffs and white body, dresden effects, cuifs deiaciîed 1 .25 Shirts, fancy fronts and cuifs, cuifs attached, w-hite bodv 1.00 White Dressed Shirts 75c, 90e, 1.25 Cardinal Sweaters, Hockey Club celors, ail woi 1.25 Socks, beavy black cashmere .25 Socks, fine rilled lack cash- mere, 3 pair for 1.00 Gent's Hemstiicled pure linon IIandkerchief s$2.40 dozý,eaeh .23 Gcnt'spui elinenflundkerehiefs 15 Gent's Cashmere and Silk Mufflers, a fine assortment f rom 25e up. Gent's Kid Gloves lu colors and black,hined and unlined a big assoriment. A Special in Corsets. A splendid néw Corset, 6 hook, made in fine qnaiity sateen, side hook and thorenghly cemfortable, mode to retaîl ai 1.0 We cleaned ont a large quan tity and sdil them for .75 Miscellaneous. Chiidren's white wool1 Boas 25, 30, 35 and 4 .50 Ladies' Golf Jerseys in navy, cardinal and black, fine im- ported goods jusi haîf price 2.00 Robes. We seli thc lest robe lu thc mur- ket, interlined with ruIler, makiug it wind and water preof,' looks as nice as a genuite Buffalo Robe and) costs no more than a Goat Robe, Caîl and examine it. Any of These 25c. Ladies' Silk Elastie Garters, gilt luekies. Ladies' Broaches. Silver Piated Cups. Butter Kuife and Sugar Spoon,triple plate. Pin Trays,several diff erent patterns. Peppers and Salis. Napkîn Rings. 2doz Teaspoons. Pin Cushions. Kuif e, Fork aud Spoon. Boots and Shoes. Ladies' fine dongola Kid Shoes lu nil thc uewest styles, J. D. King Co.nsake,from $1.25 up to 2.00 Ladies' fine c aif Skating Boots,. laced, lu tan, justinl, J. D. King make, worth,$3.OIor 2.00 A splendid range of Children's goods, iu Oxford Shoos, Buiton Boots and Laeed Boots. A full assertment of Rulbers and Overshoes,Ladies,Geni's and Children's. Crockery and China. Fancy Plates, Fancy Cups and Satucers, Vases, Teapots, Chocolate Pots, Fancy Jap- anese Ware, Plates, Pin Trays, Glove Boxes, etc., Dinner, Tea and Bedroom Sets at lowest prices. Lamps. Wc have a fine assoriment of Lumps and Shades, from the small Bcdrooîn Lamp ai 2-5e conîplete, te high staudfiuýî Brass Lamp with shadé, complete for 3.50 Gaudies. Choclote Creaius, Sugar AI- monds,Pepperminis, Conver- sation Lozenges, Royal -Mix- cd, Oriental Mixed, Creamu Mixed, Taffy Relis, etc., al very eheap, also Oranges, Leinons, Nuts,Raisins,Dates, Figs,all new goods and very fine. Groceries. Do yen want Currants, Raisins, Pigs, Lemon Peel, Orange Peel, Citron Peel, Flavoring Extraets, Pure Spices.' Sugars, Baking Powder, Gelatine, Shelled Walnuts,. Shelled Aimouds, Bitter Almonds, Carr's Scotch Biscuits, Chrîstie's Biscuits, Kolona Tea. We are headquariers for the above goeds. Thc lest is always the chea pesi, and we keep nothing but tihe lest, our prices are-right too. Our fruit is al eleaued and free from sienîs,-etc. Ready Made Clothing. We have jusi been euabled to luy ai Manufacinrers' cest price et splendid range of M/en'sReady Mad (le Suits. These Suits were ah mnadle for ibis season's trade and are of a. fine quality,splendidiy trinuned aîi1î( well made ini every partieular. We w-i le baIle te save you froîn $2.00 te $3.00 a suit on these goeds and you w-lu find them excellent quality. Ani ail w-ool Tweed $.i An ahi wool fine dark Oxford Twqed for $7.99, w-orth $12.00, aàftl- a special Suit for $5.00 In Overcoats w-e have île e value shown anywhere. Our $~ Frieze Overcoat las lîad an ul)ipre cedented sale. We have la.d to repeat these uines and the last lot fi, better than ever. Regular $8 coa t f for $6.50. A fine Beaver Coat,velve-t collar, for $10.00. Boys' Kw Panis, ined, for 50e. Men's Tweeýd Vests for 7.5c. HOCbSI Oicc Oildgl 1MPoi Du Faw 111lh IN[ Hosi N ,U9 John McMurtry, 4 ~rI