- w- S.k Headarce andjrollove ail the troubles bel- 4ot a bilinu)Is state of the system, sucb as Dl~iessNauea.Drowsiness, Disiress after ean:.PinIieS ie, &c. While iheir most iomarkalo suc ia, huebeen shown la curint gpy. prvnîg thîs annoring coinp]a.nt, whlle tly~ crretai dsoer. fte toma'ch. sIute tiheliver and regulat. the bowols. Ntsff thy oniy cnred .te ould be aIniosi priFelé.esutthon but foiunatety ibeir goodeessese noltaend 1w5m hs h ne tsy'hei ill find th= 1.ti plevaubl n unan. ays tha the ii nt be willng te do without thern., Bss5 after aill sicis head w. maire our gra boast. Our pilla cure Il *Wi>e others do not. Ceanrit's LrrrLE Livra POLL. are very sxnal &nd terY easY to taire. One or two pi lle at & dose. TheY are strlctly vegetabie and do net gripe or purge, but by theirgetsato hlaealwo use theni. In vials at 25 cns or . Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. ONTARIO BANK 00ntinues to do a General Banleîng Business Bewmanviile Agency. DEPOSITS E9ecelved in Savinge lBank Department and on calan dinteresi ailowed atourrent rate@.No notice of withdrawal neceeeary. All depeeis payable on devaand EXClitNyE B )nlhtand sold and Draftaissued upon Enrop unt ed States and Canada, aiso Gold, Silver and lunitelStates Green backsbouizht and sebd. 1COLLECTIONS PraonPtîY made at curreos rates apon atil pa, t Of reat Brittain, the United Statae and l eA Doubeblon o ffanada. TelegrtPh Traiisrers Made for large or sinali corne on ail part of Canada., lhis ie especîaliy advaiuîigeaui to persons living in Maniluba or the Northwest, ilmakes the funds available aI, once as the place ut paymenî. Other partieulars cal] at the banir. E.L. FORTT, UEO. McGJLL, Accountant. Manaer. FOR TweNTY-ýSïEVEN YEARS. ER THEL:COOK('SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. The caadîan Statesman food,.aüd W.omuet hve it brougliL chase, if they are net to tarre. The W EDNE.SDAY, J)AN. 27, 1897 government muast, therefoe doa ________a igreat werk iu the distrib:ution PL 'V.QA Vh nnIlfIr VIr fIlod, anti for Ibis purpose musit neit lias in ne w ay elianged bis pclicy, and, tstw hatever the damgers o ne-Litera ryNotes. vent ion, tbey are leas than those-t-- ---1- ting bim to go on w ithot cheGk or I McClures Magazine for Feliruary ceutrol. virill contain a sea poem hy ]Rudyard KiPIîng, illustrateti by Oliver Hierford. iiuîn 2±a.' unnaia~vi', oly accumulate supplies ut grain at Anda mywiasan utea great cýentres,. but arrange te trans- Ot some sort a rising in tbe provinces, Wiuh an orercroerced population etfprt grala to bundreits of thousands a mutiny of the sodiers, or a frel twD lundred millions et peasants whose ut peop:e scattered through thousands massacre by thle MussuJmant1 moh in ennual eupply ut fooit depenis upen a ut villages remoes rom these centres. Constauntinople-xwhice inay cempel the raiftifalil eubject te decide irregularîties, active intervention et the powems, and lt i5lsueritaule, that Initia sbonlit sut- se create thse situation whsich the dip- fer frein treqtut audi destructive tam- As the difficulty ot sncb distribution1 lomatîste assert muet brmng on a Enr- nies. lVfeteooIogical observations bave t5 enoraitits, uwing te thE5 scale onI opean war. If the, hstegrity ut Tumkey iisloseti ne rule ut periuiticity la these 'which it must ha conductod, the aim i tafflures et ainfimtllby wIsieIsseasone et ot the governpent la te Daàve it te the L eb anant, ti otrt e drought cela he' forecast witi eerinty, oritinary cbannals et traite. It inter- moeecue tteaue hc threaten international. peace, wducb can They have, en tIse ethar hand, estab- fores enly wbien th-, grain dealer taises ibe dene, the powers beliere, by itepriv- lisiebd thse fact that the tail 'linover prices beyond the ability et the peopleinthsuanoexlivc l ad elther daticiient or excessive in any s- te pay, or whlen that nbiiity bas ceaasd î9tesla teclsv otoai gle~~~~~~~ yertruhu Iewoee nta altoethe. Inl the districts wbsvre tIs a puting nexv mon in aubhnrity. Their gle earthrugliutthe whoe o Inia.succees must, hewever, depead upon con- There lui thus always a resarve etf food mass et the penasants ovin or boki lande,v suply in ohi pat o it ara 'biua to ss~e weks a.tsfntorlytherîcîng thse sultan that theur mind me supplyin omapar 'o it ara Wîctth- sstei wrkssatsfatorly,, temade up, andt thet sbeuiitlhe refuse te, may Le drawn upoàa for ose, in the needy grain deniers advaneiug tend te tho lice- comply iviti, or attempt te ervade their districts. It bais been discevereit tu, pie on the str.engtb et their boldingesdmne tertsiswiiaperbtm that winters narked by an excessive At flie sami' finie by Taisiag thia prico eadterfetswl perLfr Constantineple and compel submisssou. snowtall tan tLe IHunalayas are alw ays et grain, tliey fumces thepople te ecen- Atonteefmteh oa fecie foiiowed by dioninislp.eit awmmem ain- jomize, tlic resuit ottan heing. that themsLerpdfoiftp-ula uis fall, genemally Ln Nort'Lemrn Initia, but latter endure la saason et srarcity much mtil h e reapid. f o r th sultaniebt sometimes in ether portions ut th -,groat btter than woiulit(La experteti tromterpret cr.o tm agv peninsulla. Apart frein these tow tacts, their apnent mçourcss. But tbere is te inttame the IMussuliman mole, or te gatlseredti stIsmthe past quarter of a n imany districts et Indsn n large class incite tie a n oitep lsionesiat- century, there Le littie data from w hicb et landî-sas lahorers, wh'o have notbing ence, ftrh a h ueposo bc seasons ut drouglît may Le foreceet, on xf-licb te bormow, anuitwbo ferai th,- will hring nill the arrangements ut the thoug Lt i Lekuuwn that a drougbf, unces must lipelese element la a famine. Su powers te naughut. Tic deteat ut those begun, generally extenda ovor twu or long as th'sy can gA an quarter meal arrangements non wouId be a serions mure years., The. approacli et scarcity fer them4elves andt tlieir familles, they matter, for it wouuii mark ths. tailume can ho determiued only in the year in w iii ding te their hats undt abat their et ail tihe resouréces ot Enropean dîp- ,hici it actally ocunrs, and by a sys- eYes te their impentiing fate. Whenalal lomazy. andt se permit thbi sultan te go tein et observations heginning w itIs the is gone, apatby la sucoeitkit by a sud- on lu bis evil pelcy util fie vemy situ- June rainfail, anit contiauing until the tien burtiof despair, and, as in the tam- ation whicbi Europe is tryiug te avrt, autumu basmatie certain an insufficleat ime of 1866, thousanda ut atarving 'ani whidi, it asserte, will preciffitate suppiy for the winter umops. men, wýomen anui chiltr atie f rom tise greet wa7m. je reacheit. To sulemit their borna lan the vagua hope et finit- a non cheme of retorms nitheat ce- Of tb, extent et the suffering f rom ing ?relief somý2wlim me. To this ciass'emion Leiait it wi L e the mereat drouglif and crep falinre, in the Asiatir muet Le aitti'itthls pourer artiana, the frit liug, anti, unfortnatuely, it is estmm- worid western people have but a faint great cmowti et uncomptents w-ho save atei tàfat Russia la .till unfavorable to conception. Iu the groat droutghtitn fOthullg, anit the class stilile-rwer wbicb active ceerclea. jNortheru China la 187-1878 n9 leixetba13 lires ne une Qkuow-s hoxu, bpr]t whicb I 9,500,001) persous peraahP'd; anti altirough 'liseS ieeilhaloss., ituribg the prescrnt century at ieast no TuIler inmation resperting tIsa suligle fmtmie i la lahlas attalacit thut lit le for these classas chietly thai the tmeaty recently nogotiateit between Rus- magnitiudiciti lîéscimateti that lu thie gevermemnt et Initia is nove puttiug is j ia andit Chna euly brings ont more scor ormor disatos e th kitiEahinery ut met efinto opration over clearly fthe splendid position, for poli- whiub haveocrebten100, a reýgien la northeanJadia,.atheusanti tical, militamy anit commercial purposes 000 andt 20,000,000 lives have been lost. misc long and i tia unitret miles w ide. wihtefre oe a eue That w.hich blwa'l nl 1875 and euiîîminat- That it wiil work se e-ftectiroly that in Ne;,)rtbsman China. Wbetber the trea- in 1877 w-ns the muet proCongeti and destructive, resuPtiog in the death ut 5,500,000 persona. 111 1865-1866 a third et the population et 3,000,0900starvei tot tienthinl Orissan, anti in 1S68-1870 about 1,500,000 ieitfrein w,-nt in Rajputana. Tie famine ut 1861 la tho Northw-est Provinces w-as a hluge caluiznty, anui the Berar Ibruught ut 1873-1874 w-es unPy pro- venteit tmom becemaiag su by lavish ex- penditure on the part ut the Indian gov- erniment. Prier te 'LLe w-ite conqnest famines ot immense dimensions devesta- ted thse peninsula, resulting occasionally la an appallbîg doimation ufthtIe feebler classes ut the population. Tlbesa class- es, numbeming appruxhnatojly 40,000,000, are aiways au noar tarvatiben that a seaeon luit irougit retares tb m at onete extreumitios ot hunger. In the eut days tbe devices for fam- inas relief ia India tierseofthIe usha] Asiatic-sert.' First, tIese hope of the ail louis of lite nl hae averteti is net, te ho expecteit. Aý serious detert et the system la the inaitequato provision matie for impomrting ani t ssriag grain un ýthosa distresseit tracts w-icb are me- mute frem tisa lineofut ailway or rirer higbxxay, andt for wbicb the pstty deni- ers haro no facilitiýes. If is la these tracta that distreuis f irat showa itsest, anti iftibi grain is nul there, a ipeo- plo. may starre wliuie thea carte are go- îng on their jeurney, Il w-as leaving flua wemk te private enterprise izbhaî convertt the, famines la the iNutbw-es Provinces anit Orissa la' 1861 anit 1866 unte appnlling calamxities. Tia muet that can teha hpti, theretere, is a roasonabie measure et auccess. Tse iitresle un a vast craie, andit tougli tIse trougbt bas been soinew-bnt relieveit by roentj) tains, 72,090,000 et people are etill threatened viti dangereus scarcity. To avomt -whoiesnle lossaf et 1hw-ilnecossi- tate an organization as if for a mil-j ty is hatwoen the -tivo governiments, or, as is aliegoti, betvieen thie Pekin gev- emament anti the Russu-Chinsse baak, teundoti a year ugo by the Russian In- ternational bnnk, the ativantage Le the came, the guarautee ýgivanl by tIse Rus- sianu livemumeut .securing te thue lat- ter ahl the gains. Titat tIsa treaty le direct is, honorer, eridelireit by the came taken te save Chinasý prude, thaeeho- ing ne formai cession on lier part of. anything, Rp.si amg merely "per- mittei-t" teextenit ]ber Tans-Siberian raiiway, andt se hOn rpoWer anti influence, te the golf et Peuhili. Sic isË permitteit n itieut qualification te proluug the ril,ay tmem the western fruntier ut Hei-lung-Chang, te Kirin, timat is, tbreugb iw o-thirds of AManuria, unit te protout itf flly by estahlisbhing miii- tary garrisens along flic- lins. As these garrisens anui the tarmitory imimediately about themn mu.st haundor Russian mil- itary lv if ýdis5cipline is te Le mauntain- ,,ince the publication nf nIpiUg's'iBiX buoolt et poemns, The Seven Sees, there as a peuil initerest in hum as a puet, andi particularîy as the poet et the sea. A Great Hotel, which auppears lu the FebTuary Scribner's as the second ar- ticle on The Conduet et Great Busi- nesses, gives sorne asteunding faote as te thips modern development oetoeeoe the oldest busineases in the werid. Ihere are as many emloyees in a great hotel as thers 'are guests; there isaa man xvhose whoile dLty it ie te wind u.scks,; une heati walter 'in a great betei uwvns a yacht and a summer > e- sidence; and hotels have their priva)te blacksmith and paint alieps. Mr. Gotikin lin the February Atlantic Menthly peints out the essentiel dut- terences botwveen ancient and modemn demecracies. Ancieut demecracies were generally saal;. modemn ones are large. 1, the size ot our ceuntry, andt the in- creasinig conaplexity ot modern lite and ot geverumeutal, preblems brings thea greatest danger te aIl. It is deubttul whether the developinent ot adminis- trative capacity in manleind hlas kept pace with the demanits fer it. Esfci- aliy ila there danger te gevemanment wben thse best administrative talent cannot be secured la pelitues. 2, Anethar danger is the old une ot plutocracy. Rich men new have a fondness for power ar in the past. 3, Anothýer graqve danger is the systom ot giving offices te men as rewards, wlicoh prevents ln many cases thse selsution ut the ablest fer the public service. Suk are the fonda- mental and far-reaching dangers te modern democraey. Prosident Gilman tele la detail the history et the a.d- ministration oft*the Peabody Found for t)hirty years shows what other groat benefactuons ut has suggested, andi peints ont the unique wisdoin of the tounder ini se directnlg lis wealth as te produce pýerhaps the hast educaqtionai resuîts eV- er produýed iun the saine perit h y the same amount ot mobpy la the history notable because et the extraordinÏary nature ot the snbjedt. Houghton Mifln& do.,Ne Yrk ilTEMS 0F WTEREST. ~lhee 7e a bsmngapllî aý ri ntr Thirty cîelorad maes and one culureti woman are now pmactising laîv in Chi- cago. The problom ot cheap living bas ticen solveti by the Rer. Miles Grant, of Boston. lis daily diot is ge-anam bread, milk, cheeso, and vegetables, and ho continuas te maintain good healtb at a cost ut 87 cents a -%eek. Stout cans in large numbers iiave fer some time heen conveyed acruis the Prussien border inte Russia. The Czar's officiais at last exaîninsd the ranes,and tound them stutfftd w itb nîbilistic lit- erature, printeit on tissue paper. Columbia Cullege, New,ý York, le te have a gymnasium wbich will cost $500,000. ibere îvill ho a runaiag track one-niath, ef a mile in uircumfemence anit 112 feet wvide. The main roem will mneasure 35 teet luigb, 100 test wide, and 160 test in lengtb. An uncomnmon accident beteli the lit- tie tiaugbtsr of Washington McKinav, ut Sparta, Ohio. Sha Xvas coming trom scbool, holding a peacil in. ber baud, îvheu abs stumbled andi fell. The pou. cil ptjuetrated lier cbost, tuchedth te heart, ande caussd deatb. Whi le. crossing a field la York, Pa., _hjejZe tliora- weresesverai bo--- o u for Xidney Pissas, Blatider anti Urinarl diffiriulties, Lame Back, anti the naînher- lees results of tileorderei Kîinsys is Dean'e Kidnoy Pis.- Be sure te get Doan 'e. 2ri w fit ty cents per box,.lFor sale by We wish we coulcl makze everybody believe that promptness is, plevention; that there should be no de- lay -when you are losingtffshi and when you are pale, espec- ially if a cough be present. The continued use of Scott's Emulsion in the early stages of lung affections does prevent the development of Con- sumption. Your doctor wiIl tell you this is true and we state it without wishing to make any false claims or false promises. Free book tells more on the subjeet. SCOIT & BOWNE, lielevile, Ont. O R '1111 r diessote Blod01 1 ve, heu. rnatism a Cail Pain. FraeRgltr lo Miaker. LargOE o 50(Sr. S11spebo,8. lKianey Pills furet proved ta thq people that 11idney disease le curable. Being the original Kidney remedy in pili form, the, cures they have made, and the lame they iiave attained have opened the way for a hast uf imitations and substitutes, but Ifq ýyhQ WII IvQ beau cuured of lomplaînts th-roagh the tuse of this wôn. elerful medicine, those whose laine back ie uow free from pain, those wïi u iow hava no headaches, those who have, escaped fromi the death grip of Diabetes and 13right'a disease by the- usa of, Doa.n'a are the cnes. whose opinion is valuable. Wluen scores of îuch people corne to5 ward and tell pubiiciy that Doan's Kidriey Pills cureil them atter other means tailed, isl evudent that the only h.