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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1897, p. 7

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THE INSIPID RELIGION qELIANCE REV. DR. TA'L-MAGE WOULD ABOLISH Lo~nI anld SaVrngs GOfpanly THAT HUMDRUM SORT. O t f Onaro The Great DisIfe Wolild <live lih 1a Its steedj a Rligil)&of ut'rlglstnless ail' î4OaRPORATED UNDER CHAPTESle 1 , R. S. O0, 1887 Spha-4i kas'iIkly spirtituihtY Tàlai Ma, sb il% se Every whs'ýr<'. I3OWMANVILLE LOCAL BOARD. 1Wýaehingtou, Jan. 17.-This mare- - îang's discourse xvas caicalatei [te DIRECTORS: deepen t-li fenelings of gooti reselvesý, M, 4, J ÂMBS, t)ýo,...............PtS)55r anti, in "Htindtimm Abolisheti," Dr. (Rsltisx =u 'reprietOr CxANsAs ~tAT-%USM. 3 H. JURY, %E ... ir 1 esS .... Taimage lu a sermon froca t-ha taxi, ( iuggist.) H. Chronicies, ix, 9: "Of spices great P AVIDSO ............ SEOBAcsuraav endance; neithar w-as i-haro any <Pýila ipat Publia 9ehoal.) aW.S.McKOWÂiN,Esq ... LOCALaAGENT&Tiç.As sucb spice as t-ha Quesu of Shea gave gssss.MACDOUGALL & JOItES. SOsierroas King Soio1mon,-' electritfian bis beanons. (Bquity Chambers, T'oronto.) Wbat- is t-bat building oui yoniter OHIN GAIYD . anti.........ator.7AT.., gltteriug lu ths sun? Haye you not 1, -41L eqts fr 'b osdja4ae ~- heard? it is t-ha Hanse of t-ha Forest of talhe Sarebary R. D. D)Ax'lep, of Leanen. King Sctemen has jusi fren -hen ilinfrmlio my ie ccotaiken te it lits bride, the princese of Egypt. Yen sea t-li pilars of tlie pan- tico, aud a grant towan adenneti nitli eue thousani shieltis et golti, iung an IMPARTS thn onisitia of t-ha ioner-tive bundrati Beauty to tha 'Teti, of t-be shieldns ot igani mhbmnfrtured Fragrance ta thse Breati, at- Sloma's anaer, fixe huntireti xven Anti t-at raay, heashful cler capturad tv David, is tatier, lu bat- t.-e -o -hapro usedb xetle i ie. See ion 1ihey blaze in the noon- B-O-OM- prnaucady eixetebmisday sun!1 lTe Perfect Tot Powder. Scomon gees np t-ha ivery staire cf _____________________ is t-liona, Letn-een t-nel-ce lions lu statuary, sud site don-n on, the back ot tegolden hall, tic heani of the bronze -- breass turcd ton'srd t-ho people. The * ~famll aud attendants of the 1,ing are se many t-bat the caierers ofthdi pal- on tLlF biil n r ace hava t-o pro-ite ovony day ana 5Taavat'.aeQeienh s 1 ss untiret sheep and thirteen axes, Le- ettls, ec.lIC SItP' e a-c'âdreFs' sites t-ebn irts aut the venisen. I1 eo.l.Dr.HoirOMeS 'e c Briill. ntheas t-he stampiug aud pawnig of four __ theousandt tins herses lu t-ha royal sia- I-T I L?__ hes. There n-ena important oficiais _ w ho bani charge of the n-ak of gati- ering t-bn siran' andi the banlny for these liorses. King Seloimen n-se an ____l aaiÈiser, tradition says, anti ce to ta taesa ride oui ai tiaybreak; 'aud n-heu, W5E M AKE~ in bis nwbite apparel, hohinti the csifi- est herses of ail tho realus, anti follaxýv-1 Sew e et h3 maounued archers in urile, ase the ca7s1cade tiasheti 't-hrligh the Pine ~ sireets cf Jerusalein, I Suppose it n-as Ail Sizea frin 1 In. to 9.4 tI. Ales scmeihiug n-avil getting up ai fi-caj tonetIoss. o'clock in t-le morniag t-o lock ai. ',:RlRM T.ÂDIfl as n t lik oue o t eI0 ý [ nin, C kings cf t-ho preseni day-cran-net ico- THE ON P LIT rirL Lacîiîy. Ai the spienni o milise pal-. 01 SLE.D ST. E.. aSe anti rotinue n-ere aclipseni ly bS os'nixrV ATM'MCCi ~ 'IRONTO. intellectual pow-er. WhY, ho seemeni to kun- exeryihing. Ho n-as the tiret great naturalist the nont aven st-c. Paacocks tram Iuths stnuiied the bia- - t saliie avalla, sud apes cliaiteroni lu the tracs, sud tiser stalked the nanke anti U"'M- thero xero aquanýi-luns n-db: toreigu tisi p "~ , asd nith tereigu hirds; anti tradition say~s t-hase birds n-ena se xvel tamatd ihai Solomeon migit xvaLk dean a rose t-be City ation the chatoný of 'Ï thair wn ge as they hoveneti anti tilt- ted about hico. More t-han t-is, lie bat a greai repu- WXLL URE n EELEVE atieon fer the conunudrumes anti ititles 'INDIGESTION, , ITTÉRI Qe ON , that ha manie anti guesseni. Ho anti JAUNIJBCE,ý IIEÂSZ - Ring riiram, bis neighbor, ustit te sit ACIDIT'< Or-TRI by the heurs anti ask riles, oaci ana SALT MOENI, -STOMACH, payung lu mouay if ho, coulnî nt anen-er t1EARTBUEN, VSYNESS O2TRI~ on guess the riddle. The Solemnonic C.AEADÀCE, SKN nsvy visiieni ahI the xvorlt sut the BILIOUSNJESS, DIZZINESS. sailors, of course, talkoi .about the YSPEPSIA, DBOP$Y yeath et t-hein king, anti about the AAdOo ,i0 ei f~ dlss5Wý rititles sud enigmnas that ha manie sud -T îesna, 5T00A04 e t n; and the nonýs cpreat i niil Rnowan So Quca Baîkis, anay off sont-h. beard of 13WLS1on. itant saut inesengrs nicýha fa-c nid- dese that- she nonîti Iho te bave Solo- mon salve, anti n ton- puzzles, whiih sie n-oui-i like t-o bave bu tinti out. Sie g1îMi1 N a eo. sent, amcug otfier thiugc, te King TORONTO. Solomon, a tLiamenti n-lie a hale se smal fiats a needie coti net pentrate it, ssking Lim te ibreadt hat dismont. -Anni Solomeon teck a worm and put it ai t-ha opeuing in tlie diamonni, anti R1P'ANhe ina m cran-tati tbrough, the tireaci -a geblet te Selemaon, askincg lhin ta f ili it xiii natar chat dud not pourï Tuemodm sand irom thle sky andti hat titi not rush1 The oder stad- ot ram t-bn eartb; anti immetiiat-elyi LI ad amly Mei- Soommes puit a slave ou the back of s ard amiy M di- swift c hrse sud galponi hlm arount i ansd arounni t-he park until-, tic bouse2 rune : CUres the n-as uigh lexbaunati, and trom. tie par- spiration of t-be heorse the geblat n-as1 common every-day fi lied. 8She also sent King Solomon fi-ce1 > hunirat girls in bey's drese, xondering ilis f hum nity.if lie coulti lie soute eueugb te tint iEsof iumnit.cnt abs tiacaption. Immetiintoly Solo-' mca n-heu he mn- thoco wvssb chiri ~~fl faces, kuen- frein the n-ay t-bey ap- jiieni the ns er Ihat i n-as ail a cbeat.i o 4~'~i~Queeu Baikis t-as 50 ploaset xiii the scut-onees of Solomon, that shi sait: "l'Il jusn go sud seeham for my-1 sel-F.' Yontier in. cemes-the cavalcade -horses anti drometiaries, chariots sud 1 -.- ______ ______ -.chaioteere, jingiing harnese sud dlat- CHAGE F -ternrg ooefs, anti lazin-g shields sud 'l CAG OFHEART. flyiag cusigis anti clapping cymbale, 'fe- place i. satu.raietý n-tb the por- - ppessiarly sbapet, the pari t tic kuIl 118e a spaniete On cool rautains. It is5 ýWiich cntaine t-ha brain being largo an apening et opaline gaies. It is a 0 raiativeiy t-o t-ha face, n-bile t-be face collection Of spicos. Wouini t-o Cati t-bata n-as smal, They 'hat other peculiar- n-e n-ena as n-les in taking spices of 81 ities, among n-lic -as the rudiment- Our Divine King as Queen Baikis n-asn amy or uutieveIopýqsîj condition efthie n-ise in takiug the spins te the esnibly y third mnolar, or lisai ginten tooti. The Solemon 1 Wbat many et us mosi nosdt:t dotor hehiaves thiat- the tirsi mon ori- se t-o hava t-be humnim drivan ont et Y inatet in Asia. o ur lite, anti the hjimndmc out ot aur t chiIlren Cry fot religion. The American and Englisb and Scottish cburch will dial of, hum- drum unless there bc a change. An editor from Sari Francisco a f ew weeks ago wrote Me Saying lia was getting upý for bis papar a symposium frein many clergymen discussing among othar thiugs, "Why do flot people go to church?' and hea wantad suy opin- ion and 1 gave it in ona sentence: Peo- pie, do net go ta church hacause they cýannot stand the humýrd-ru-m. The fact is that most people have Sa mmxli hum- drum. lu their worldly calling that tliay do not want to have added the hum- drum cf religion. We need in ail aur sermons and exhortations aud sangs and prayers more of wliat Queen Bal- kis brougbt ta Solomon, namaly, more spice. The fact ils that the dluties aud cares of t'his life, conlgta us from. tima to time, are stupid aften, and insane, and intalerabie. Here are men uho have been bartering and negatiating, climbing, pounffing, liammering for tw!euty years, forty years. fifty yaars. one great long drudgeryhlas theilr lifa been. Their faces anxioas, their f eel- ings benumbed, their days monotonous. What ils necessary ta brighten up that man's life, and ta swasten that acid disposition, and ta put sparkle ia the man's spirit? 'The spicery of lioly religion. Why, if Letween the lasses of lifa thera dashed a gleam, cf an eternal gain; if hetwenn the Letrayals of life there came the giaami of udy- ing friandship of Christ; if in duli times in business vie fouud ministering spirits fi3 ing ta and fro in auir office, and store, and shops, everyday lifa, iustead of beiug a stû,pid monotone, vould Le a glaonos inspiration, pendu- lumiug batween calm satisfaction and high capture. Hlow an'y noman kaaps liousewithout the religion cf Christ ta hlelp be-r is a iuystery ta me. To have to spend t'he greater part cf oue's 11fe, as many nomen do, in pauuiug for the meals, fin stitching garmotnts chat w ili scen Le reut again, and deploring break- agas, aud aupervising tarty sutordin- s tes, and driviug off dust that soon agafin wiul setine, and doiug the s.'te theg iday inu and day out, andi year, in aud year eut', untI their hair silvers, snd thbe back scoops, sud the specta- cles crawvl to the eye2s, and the grave breaks open under the thiln sol-e of the shoes-,h,, Lt is a long monatony! But îvhen Christ cornes to the drawing roun, andi coines ta the kfichen sd ctmes to the nursery, and cames ta the dwelling, then bow cbeery liecomes aîl womanly duities. She, is nover siono nowiv Marcha gets týhrouigh fretting aud joiùns MVary et the feet cf Jesus. Ail day long Deborahi is happy ha- cause she cau Lapidoth; Hannah, because she. can make a coat for young Samuel; MLriam, hecause. she caun watcli her infant brocher; Rachel, becruise she can halpl ber father wator the stock; the \vidow of Sereplta, lie- causa the croisa nof iiohis liing ro- plenisheti. 0O woin.a, laving in your pantry a neet cf boxes containiug aill kfinds cf condiments, why 'have you non tried in your haart anti life the spicery oif our holy religion ? "Martlia MI.,ha.! thlinu art caretfut andi troubled about lnay things, but one thing is ueedf'ul, sud Mary hlt chosea that gooni part wlifich shahl not be takan away fromi lier." I mnust coufess that a gre:an ieai, cf the, religion of tis day is uttorly in- sfipiti. fheNe i's 'othing piquant or eievating about ht. Men and women go arounni 'Eunmyi,-g psalms ina, miner key, snd cuýtivatîng nmelancholy, and thaLr ,vorli bas in it more sighs than rapture. We do net deubt their piety. Oh, no. Buc thley are sitting-at a feasc xvhie-ro bthecook lias forgoccon te sesn the foodi. Everything is fiat fin ihai experieuce and lu their con- versation. emancipated fromn sin, sud deaith, andi'hall, anti ou tliirway to' a magnificout heavn they act as thougb cbey n are trudging on toward an'everlasii'ug IButany Bay. Religion dees non saem ce agree w iih them. It seems ta catch iu the wind-pipe sud becoma a tighc strangulation inslaad of au exhilaration. Ail the infidel honiks that biave beaun wrhtteu have niot done so inuch damage ta aur Chris- tianity as lugubricus Christians. Who wauts a religion n-aven out, of the shadows of the, nlght? Why go grovvl- llung on your way te celestial ant.iroue- mient? Comaeout of that cave, andisst do-wn in the warmi ligliht of the Sun cf Riglitec5usnees. Away witt your odes te melanclioly and Harvey's "Medits- thons smeng t-ha, Tems." 1 have te say, aise, ibat wa neoni ta plut munre spi-ceanad enlivenment inour religions tsiaciig; wbether it lie in the, prayer-ureeting, or in the Sahbath sdhool, or in thaie charch. We minis- tes useti more fresh afir andi sushie in our lungs, andi our lionr, anti aur haad. De you n ondar that the w vorld is so far froni lieinlg converteti n you find se uîtile vivacity lu the pulpit sud in the, pan-? We, nant, li-ke the Lerd, ta plant in aur s.-rutons andi ex- hortations more huas of the, fieldi. We n-anc fen-er rletarecal olaberations, anti fen-er sesqudpedalian n ortie; and n-lien ne talk about Èhadoens, n-e do nelt w-ant te say aduubration; andi wheu n-e tialk about sýhad'ows, wve do net n-vant to talle about idiosyncraies; or if a siitcli ii t-ha back, n-e do net ivaut to talik cf. uibago; but, in tbe plafin vernacalar preacli t-bat Gospel whirehpýroposes co make a -Il men hiappy, liones, tories, frac, lu. oher Ix ords, n-e ns t m ore c n am on and lssgii. Lac this 'be su in ail the clfeet depariments of work, to svhich thel Lord cails us. Lac us ho f. 'n Amother n-ny is te go into tliae hbode of the peer lu a manar n-hich nomrs te say: "'Ma býlasseti Lord saut ne. Ha wuas poor Hinisaîf. It is net nore for the gooti that I arn going tu 'an ti do yme" Comniugin ort-he sîni y tahdonyoa.thCoa-igin orthagoodiri the gift n-ill ha as aromnatie, as t-ha Pitcher's Castorla. ispikemeardc on the feet of Christ, and al- -thea bovalinlut-bat alley will ho fra- igr-aût wxviii t-bnspica. _We neeti mare spices sud enliven- ment in aur ehuroh music, Ch4urches sit discussiu.g whbat-han they shah bhave chairs or preceùtone, or organe, or hass-vinlis, or cornets; 1 say take that n-hidi' n-ilhrng out t-he mS-4, lspir- ing music. If wa liad haif as much zeal snd spirit in oui' olirohes as ne bave lin the songe of aux Snhbatli sohoals, it weultinot ho long hefore the whoe earth wauld quake xiiithe coning Goti. Wby, su moet oburclies, 7mue-tontis of the people do not sing, 3or tbay sing se feebiy tihat tlie people at tberr eihows do nec kun they are siugirng. People mouth- sud mamble tha praises cf gati; Lut thora is not 3more than ouneout cf a hundreti nho nakes "a joyfui neige" unto tho Rock cf aur Salvahoen. Somnetimes n-hon the coangnagation f argots itself, and is al absorbod ini the ýgoadness of God, or the glonies of heaven, 1 gai an imita- tio et n-at churcli music xiii heaa budtd eas f rom new, w han the comi;ng generation sha,1 wake Up to is duty. f promise a higi spiritual blessiug te ttnyone n ho vîl1 sing lu the cinrch.1 and n-ha xiii sng se boartily tiat thae people ail around cannaI help but siug Wakp, Up! ail the churohos 'fromn Ban-' ger ta San Francisco, snd acress Cliris- tendon. 1,t is flot a matten fpee- once; ht is a mahtar et religlous duty. Oh, fer fifty times more volume cfi seanti. German chorals in German ca-' tietirals surpass ns, anti yei Germany lias receirveti nothing an the hands of Ged companeti with America; anti oaght tha acclaim in Brin to ha, leader'than in Brookelyn? Sof t, long- drawn-out- music, le approuiriata for t-be concert; but Si. John giva.s an ides cf1 the senorous anti resonant cengrega- tional singing appropriate t-or churches xin lieunl listening 'te the temple service cf heaven, lie says: "I beard a great veice, as the voice of a greatn multitude, anti as tlie vuiceocf night y ilinderings. Hailelujali fer the Lord Goti omnipoenat reigneth." Join with me lu a onusade, giving me net only yeur bearts but the mnighny uplifiing cf your voicas, sud 1- hielieve tva eau, through Clrisi's grace, siug tif ty Ilicusanti souls inio ilie kingdomnj cf Christ. Au argument, tboy eau laugh at; a sermon, ahey may talla tiown; buta vasn audience joining lu ans authem, is irresistible. Wonld tliat Que su Baikis would drive al lier spice- laden drometianies ie eout chanci, music. "Nilier xvas thene any sncb spice as the Queen cf Sheba gave King S6lomon,"1. Now rIlwat te -cimpreffl the audieonce xiii the tact that religion is sn-atness.4 anti parfume, anti epikouarti, anti saf- fron, andi cinnainon, anti fraukiaceusa, sud ail swaat spires together.,' "Oh," you say, "I have net lacheni atiît as sucli. I thouglit itn-as a nuisance; it Lad fer me a repuisian; I held my! breath as theugih in-are malodor; 1:I hava: hean appallat i is ativance; 1 have eai, if 1 have any religion ai ail, I wnn te have just as littie of iù as is'possible ta get airougli lite with."- Oh, n-bat a mietake you have madea, my brether. 'fle religion cf Christ is a prasaut anti evalastiig redolence. It counteracis ail trouble. Just Put it on t-he stand besid ilie pillaw ocf ddt- uess. It catches in the curtains, sud parfumes t-ha stifling air. hi sweeteus the calp et bitter madicine, andt irotes s glon- on the- gloom cof the turneni lat- tice. it is a halma for the achiug sida, anti a oati baudaga for the temple stunng witb pain, t lifieti Saamuel Rnth"rnrd into a rex'elry cf spiritual deligt -hile hacn-as lu physical agoni. hLU helpeti Richard Baxter un- tilini, uii minisi of suioba complication of tispases as per'iaps ne other man a-car suffareti, liaen-rote, "The Saiai's Evarlastiug Rosi." Anti h pouneti liglit upon John Bnnyani's tiangeon-tha light et the shining gaie cf ithe shin- iug ciiy. nt his igeetifor rlieuma- Cim, antifor consumnptian; ih le the catholicon 'for 'ail disorders. Yes, ht xiii heal ail yoar sorrows. REPLIES TO THE GALLERY. TieFeiliiy or ms'l.tibetileikasdsitîe lIaeLord raiseristasilor' siienc'lln Pelitical crators ou public platformus are exposed te interruption from ibsîn autiien-es, sant thair success sometimnes dopants apon tie coo1nese anti readiness n-tii nhioh tiey parry uu-"xpecteti thrusts. Amoug lEnglîish statesmen, Mr. Chamberlain bas a remarkahle tfa- oility for silcuciog opponeuts n-ha open fira upon hlm tram the galleries. Oue of bis quiokesi anti hast rots n-as matie n-inthe Home aRia agitation n-as atitls beighi, sud lie xvae chargeti xvth trescbeny, ta bis panty ilu1tiesrting Mn. Glatistone. Ha n-asespaakiug ananight ai Birming- ham Lbeoe r aaudience n hioh shon-eti marîy cigo', uf resentment anti anfnieui- linees. When Lie nas lu the mitdle of one cfis sentences hewnas interapteti niib a ebnili, sharply sccunnuateti ut- cry: "Judas! Judas I Judas! Mn. Chamberlain titi nat pause ta finish bis sentence, Hoe mileti, glancati Ie espactahly trueof I hicets Pille, for no inedi. csuae-caer contaiued s0 giest curative pan-r ark ta imaîl space. Tbey are a w bols medicine chesL, aways ready, ai- waye efficient, sîn-sys sat- isfatoi'y; prevent a Col or taxai, cure ail lver flus, stk eihaaaehe, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25('. The ouly lbs tuo laite witb Rood's Sarsapaniki i LD GQLDI W S.-KLMBALL & Co. ROCHEST-ER, NV. Y.. RETAIL EVERYWHeRE I5c. Per, Package. 17 FIRST PRIZE MED,êLS. East nd ra *1 rîD ýe The undersigned desire to thank the farmers 9f West Durbaru for the liberal patronage extended to us during the past season, aLso to remind them that, we are stilil t h e markeL and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOER delivered at our storehouse cor. King, and George streetss., or ab Port Darlington. We have also on hand a large st~ock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Sal t in Bags. Rock Sait fo e ca ttle and'horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we, are prepared to seli Ail kinds of Lumber, Wood and DRY CLEÂN SCREENED C2ý-,L aiways in stock. We invite inspection and guarantee satisfaction. WiIIJ be -7ease one i iQaa-ity, twýýice iii ual and three times la Price Who ia8peet the uneq nailed assortmezat'ot Slippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &e., AI Our Store, su IIEAVER flLOCK,-,eaBownianiîI, BIGGEST STORE, BJG-GEST VARIETY, BJG&TEST VALUE. Ever31bod1y iinvitud to call anid ee our new fiotvîeii ID DV A s :No Man Knows,, the perturbation of spirit a womnui suf- fers in coolcing with a bad s'.ove. Our con tant aimlias been to fnrnish the bcst Q) ~,artiLle possible for the usei'cridcd. 'le ~ d"RE.GAL PERFECTION" 'Z for coal or Wood- fuilfils e ey rqure The audience smileti. Thore a s WALTfER SCO'fT'S CLOSE CALL. popular agitation in ta-cor cf a exvn- Then-orld bat a narren- escape of torm biti, anti Lent Palmerston hati sbown s disposition te o-atie the issue, na-cen haviug kuaxvn a Sir Walter anti nonte commit hiraseif au oee ide Scott." When a tiiy baba ho n-as or the ether. Hies repiy cama nithont ettinl charge et a malt, but t-be giri's a trace of ombarrsssment, butsoihatna nEiuugxhto h oue t-cent a i tme: u lwy er a nEibrh hte h "I xii-" wnted ta go ta najoin hem lover. She The Libomals hegan te cheer wildly. n-as, boxvsver, compelleni ta stay andi "Not-" t-as the nexi n-ont, anti t-ele k a ater tba infant ai Santiy Knson-, Ccusarxmatix'e tcek up the applanse nitb fegrheadt a hrea n a :,eunier-cheen. Tegr eaddhrcag sa 'fTeulyen," concludet the orator, iii eobstacle to eharama-ced, sud attemn-art au innocent emilo on bis face. Then e-c- contessedti -at siae carniet Scot amy oeu agbet, andti bra n-as hoarty Up te the, Craige (under a stmong cheering aven ibhs nily aid1 staissmau's texnpiaioioftheb devil, as sha express- ingenuiîy in Secuning rocognition anti e i it), tully intenting t-o eut his t-hroat appiause trom. eai panty, anti in the n-ith ber seissors and biury hlmi untiar anti saying noting. t-ha moss. ,-iI.i 2932CM312rd

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