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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1897, p. 2

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Sice Ieadache and r@leve a1 the troubles Ina! et a bilions siate of the systein. sich as Dlzzhî111ess, Naurea. Driwsiness, nisirrs atter ealing.pain in thée Side, &C. Whîle thleir uioqt ..arkable success bas been showu ia curiug REadache, yet CiAsnni's LîrrLs Livra PILas are equally vallable in Constipaion. citring and proventing ibis annoving coniflaint. wille they aise crrre<-i ail disorders ofrtti@, atirnutate the liver and regulaLe the bow-oea. Xven if they only cured Ache they would be lu ast pricelesa to thone who suifer from this di-,siressile cOmplaint, but fortunately thieir gooilness does not end hère, and these iwbto once try them in silfnd those ltile pille vahiable in so nanyu waYs thAt the wliflt be willing to do withoist thern. utatralsicir head te thsé basas of se many fe that here Is whert we sosie our gren oat . Our pilla cure il while otiiers do not. eÀanus's aLrrrTLvi Pîua Lare verY amaS) id very easy te aite. one or two pilla niaku *k dose. They are stslctly vegetable and d. ;~i gripe or purge4 but by their gentie action plase ail wheo se them. In vials at 25 cents; ove for $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by mail ONTARIO BAàK eoetines ta do a General Banktng Business Bowmanville.Agency. DEPOSITS The Canadian Statesman IED)NF$DAY, MARCli 10, 1897. A0OTL8AVI)COMlMENTS. Th~e f riction'between France and Eng- land caused by the remarks of Sir Mich- ael Hicks-Beach, in the Ilouse of Cein- mons, about Egypt. has proved less ser- ious than might have been expected, As chancellor of the exchequer, Sir Mi- chael, who, last year, stated that thé Soudan expedition, w ould cost British taxpayers nioth«ing, had in now asking for nearly 84,000,000 to cover its ex- penses. to make some éxDlanation. In doing so. he commented sharply upon the action of thé Mîxéd Court of Ap- pénis in ordering the returns of thé money advanced by Egypt from thé Egyptian reservé fund to pay the cost of the expedition, and announced that the authority of the court to thus in- terfere would be inquiréd into. H1e de- clared that Great Britain was detér- minéd to take Khartoum, and emplia- sized the fact that when she had made up her mind as to the proper îîolicy to pursue w ith respect te Egypt, she would not hé, worried out of it by any diffi- culty about money. As there bas been no doubt at any trne that Enigiand would rémain in Egypt, and would push up thé Nue te tbe lakés, the sting of the speech lay in its aggressive tone, which seemed purposely calculated to irritate Frencb susceptibilities, always keenly alive in any matter involving the British occupation of Egypt. As Mr. Morley pointed out, it amounted to a direct challenge to France, and giv- en during the pregress of negotia- tions for the solution of the Turkish difficulty, in w hich the Co opération of France and Russia is indispensable, 1 On thé other hand, if he proves a wýeak cof moral proportion, anrI resérve their man, and gives'larger powers to, thé main énergies for duty. cabinet, thé diffusion of authority. thé fact that there is nio sirong muan 1Here th;- man xvbo persistent]y pains among the ministérs wiih an absolute: Cristians by epeýling thé, naine of right of control, xiii inevitably we-ak,- God witU a lîttie g joins handa with en the administration and in thé end mninisters cif the 1gospel la -calling at- thé whole state. An autocrat shoýuld teation te thai lack o? moral propor- govern himself or through a seond tion lui pléasuré-seekîctg w~lich la de- self, for the geod o? an auiocracy dis- basing thé higher life of our genera- appéars xvhen govérnmént la throuigh tion. Amnusement men imusi andought a cabinet or commnittée, thé évil of ht, to have, la thé rush aad roar o? liv- thé irresponsibiliiy of thosé giving or- ing thére must hé a restfu] pause in dérs, alone rémaining. Thé shah hbas, whicli thé worker can ,find that recréa- howevér. shown much skill in sélectî,Lng tien whicb wil fit hlm for renéwed ac- bis cabinet, the' minister of foreign a?- tivity. Evéry young man shouldhave fairs having been for many yéars arn- bis favorite pastime-his basehali, focot- bassador at thé Porte, and se conlver- hall, golf or cycling-bn<t il shouid bu saut with Enropean affairs and metLýh- kept in its place aitd net hé allowed ods, thé minister cf war a provincial te hecomé, thé of lifé. Main- governor and close studéat cf military taining stréngth cof body and mind ln matiers, and so on. Thé expériment vigor is a duty, but it is a duty wbich xiii hé watchéd wiib intéresi, though eughti évér te hé suberdinatéd te oth- as wé havé indîcatéd is success may er and higher dties-dutiés te our hé douhiful. spiritual self, te our fellox.vks,, and te, our God. To empliasize, amusement as lLaté-St accouis cf thé plaguel i thé chief concera cf lifé is te sel our W%ýestern Judin show that saitaryt sc- irthright for a mess cf pottage, and ene, thongh able te dimiiish thé numb- ýte réneunce tbhe crown o? mnnhood for ér o? victims cf thé diséasé, canmeot thé sénsueus gratifications of a,,mère- check its spread. Mit has aiready become l animal existenre. firmly séatéd in Karachi,. thé gréat sist- er port o? Bombay, lu cPoona, thé Mali- Thée power cf cleaýsure ever a man's ratta capital, and lu many amaller life tests thé height cf his moral sta- places, and thé flight o?, thé thre. Se lýong as il is servant, plea- panic-sirickéa people into other towas sure cbeers, helps and strénkihens him, and thé country is certain te carry it hut thé, monment it bécomes bis master) still fat thr. Thé exodus fromi Bombay lhé drifts ieoa chaos cf character bas réduced thé population more than whîch eau meani noihing but confusion oee bal?, and in thé failureé of thon- for bis finen seénsihilities and ship- ougb clé'axising by water io',rernédy la- wreck for thýý idéals which sheone heforé sanitary conditions, thé expediency cf him ila ble nohiesi moeds. Rée nly is isolatinig thé, city, and. évea of résoriing free whom thé truth makes free. Thé te thé uisual sanitary agent in Asiatic slave cf pleasure is impnisoned in a culies, Purification hy fireï'ig ' heing dis- narre;vink ceil xvhich net only shuts cus3ed. The~ discovery that théeaniallér eut the light cf béaven, but ultimately dornesiic animais, rats and éivén anis crushes the seul mieo despair and surfer frein thé, pestilence, and; se dif-deth wîtra. bsgiei Wye 1! Magasine and Reiuorl u GucLer journalism. CarnilipFlamyma- I--,tt- arc,te tentt os.T l . -- or orî~ nno,.~ uîs,î~ ui v mîd~~d lili' ~<" ~"~"tm: " r 1 t îiîîp hyt Cpi Si tL~- - ~ F~~ . éTe-1 I~14Z Il 5~---I-Ot1-'--l.n1---lrwl L e.-t--JiIeLé - ______________________________________________________ _______________________________-__------____----- Literary Notes. Harper's 'Weekiy fer March 3 will conin an important review of the ad- ministration of Présidlent Cleveland by the editor, Henry Loornis Nelson. Thé doublepdge illustration by W. T. Peters wilI give a bird's eye view of Wa- ington as it wiil ap;pear on thé, occas- ion of thé, inauguration of Président- eleci McKinley. For rnany years Harper's Weekly bas held a hi*gh place as a record of the vital affairs of thé world, as a periodi- cal cf genuine literary quality and as a umedium of outspoken, unbiased and ex- pert 'opinion on every subject of pub- lic importance. W ithout losing in viger it bas of laie assurnec an even finer quality as literature. its centri- butors include such writers a-, Carl Schurz, Henry Jamecs, Mary E. Wil- kins, and W. fD. owells. and among uts pictorial featzires are thbe admir- able 'political cartoons of W. A. Rog- ers, coniinuing the, feature that has in the past exerted an influence now bistorical, and illustrationis by W. T. Smedley, T. de Thulstrup, Peter New- ell, A. B. Frost, and otb'ers of conspi- cuious menit. A4 firsi prize of *500 and a number of simaller prizes bave been off ered by The Centuy Co., publishers of The Cen- tury Dictionary and Cyclopedia, for the best answers to a hundred and fifty questions covering a broad range o? in- formation. A esample question.-which is easier than some o? t hemi, is as fol- lows: What is the approximate differ- ence in altitude between the lofiiesi Alpine summit and the bed of the greatest depression in the Mediierra- nean basin? An addiiional prize o? 8500 is offered to any one whio can answer 90 per cent. of the questions from any ten publisbed w orks of re- référence other than ýThe Century Oic- tionary and Cyckàpedia. The Nortb American Rev iew for Marcb; contains a timely and élaborato paper on Thë, Fagnine lin ndia from thée pen of Sir Edwin Arnold. Thé thorough and long lamiiiarity of Sir Edwin w itb East Indian affairsanad customis renders hlm a bigh auiherity upon this Wmportant subjeot. and its You caric go on losing flesh under ordinary con- ditions without the knowl- edge that something is wroig, either with diges- tionî or nutrition. If the brain and nerves are flot fed, they can't work. the blood is flot well supplied, it can't travel on its life ,ourney through the body. Wasting is 'tearing down; Scott's Emulsion is building,, up. Its first action is to im- prove digestion, create an ap- petite and supply needed nu.- trition. Book free. SCOTT & BOWNE, Bellevile, Onit. SG1VC The olniy food tethai wilI buiid! L>aL)y up a weak cons- a titution gradu- e> C'hance ally but surely is 1êý au rnlscientific and hgty -ý1i,t ~ritivc preparation for infants,* < -c1iic-rtc children and invalids 8 KER itcavr - & aCoI., PROPRICTOé. ýj

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