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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1897, p. 5

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A or ~About Trusses - By Those Who Know., The uliversal opinion of tli> se iYho have tried the Sinità Silver Truss is tha t tbare is no truss on the narket equal to it. It is Easy. It is Light. $t is Guararteed, Otheris iiitate but none equal it. Sttt &L-J ury, .Ageâts for Bowmanville. N. B.-Private nomn for flttingF. We hiave nover met ýMLh a case that we iexnnot bld satislacborily; and many cases bave been ptrfectly cured by Ibis mnodern lu'. ention. Cail and see iL. BOWMANVTLLJ, MARi. 10, 1897. Our cyceliig Coiumn. Thc Cycle and itotor Worid says lu eerne te the nev tubingueluli Ceutaur (K. O. S.) vheels (e kind Stott &. Jury sou,) "It inot too mudlito say thiat ou account of this innovation Ilie Centaur machine (T,. O. S.) is entitled to le considered the machine of the show ~secially wlien we ioflecl that bthe mach- ne is one o! tle most theoretically per- fect cycles built." The New Jerseycourts in a test case *sclared that bicycle riders ha-xo the ý,%me riglls on the streots and boulivards 93 any common vehicle. R. J, MDCredy (critic for "English veylist) lu speakin~o le igo 'Seorchers, (the whee Stett & Jury seil) ýays:-We bave nover ridden a sweoter / e'itnning wlieol, and it is simply a marvel 0f case'in uphuli riding. Those who are waîling for Japanese Ubeels miay le iuterested ln knowiug , Iat the oulÏput o! the largost factory lu Iois,' Japan amonts t0 about '100 ,wbeeis a yoar. fStott & Jury are sbowiug one o! bthe Ilbost liaudsome Bicycles we bave ever ~een. See il lu their wiudow. A London autbority states that Bir- liingbam and Coveutry alone givo cmn- floyment 10 33,000 pople lu their Cycle izdustries. If von waut a first class second baud %Vheol cali at Stott & Jury's. Watch auy hlf-dozen cyciists as they Pass, anîd y ou will sec tbat five o! theni ,do not kuow how 10 pedal properly. If they lad but a slight kuowlýedge o! the proper method o! foot motion, witb the eame oxpenditure o! power, tley could aecomplisb far greater results. From Athietie 2News-"I saw a prac- tical lest o! the now tubiug whicb bas just boen iutroducod by tle Ceutaur Co. as against the same gauge o! D tubing. A lenglh o! k Àeh -'.as placod nlu mm or a cou ple o! b oc ks, about 18 luches apari aud Mr. Mairde, wbo weigbs about 15 etone, jumped ou the middle o! eacb. TIhe D tube was lent do-wn 10 the floor, wvhereas the fluled piece was not deflect- ed bal! au inc fromn the straighl line.~ "I have not leen a]togetber lu favor of 1il -ar, but-1 1. way Mr. C. WT Local and Otherwise. Cartwright council on inside page. Sec the C. P. R. movement ni Ricb- ard's. Miss Anale bellynr is visitiug- in Toronto. Miss Little o! Clarke 15 guest of Mrs. Geo. Pearson. Mr. A. J. Saunders,Toronto,was home ever Sundny. Mr. Garnet Trewia bas boen laid np wiih lonsilitis. Mr. Wm. Hzelyar, Cobourg-, visited at home last, week. Miss Aggie Noobes, Torouto, is guesi o! tic Misses Diagman. Mr. H. Duusiow, Blacksiock, was guesl ut Mr. Isaac Tabb's ovor Sunday. Mrs. Jos. Ruelottom was visitiug Mr and Mrs, D). Whiitney, Port Perry, re- ceutly. Tic sermon in this paper by Rev. Dr. Talma go is n capital eue. Don'tfail 10 rend lb. Mr. Arthur Runuals and Miss B. Oke e! Weicomc, lave boan visiting frieads in town. Bargains in hardware sound new iu Bowmanville. Ail can g-et 11cm ai J B. Martyn's. Wlicre can yen flnd aibeter exposition o! nexi Suaday's S. S. lesson Ilan 16 in this paper ? Men's and Boys' Over Cents selling off ai vcry iow pricos at Coudh, John sIen & Crydermun 's. Dees your eyes require medical iront- ment ? Cail ut Rickard's,Jewellcr and Optican, lie wil tell yen. Heavy rain feil mouday aigut and Tuesday swelling- île sireams and driviug away sleighing. Letter No. 2 !rom our travelling cor- respoudent, Mr. Tlius. Hoar, 16 te baud und will appear next week. Msss Ena Trelilcocb is utonding Ontario Ladies' Colege,Wlitly, tabiug n special musical course. ,Mrs. R. Cherry bas gene te Schenec- tady, N. Y-, tb atteud ber daugîter, Miss Carnie Cherry, who bas typhoid foyer. Do yen wnnt a borne in town ? Tic Holaud residence, King SI.E., is new for sale ou very, very rensoualle terms. AsI M. A. James for particulars. Jusi opened ont a lot e! uow wite and grey Cotions, special value, ai Couci, Jolustea & Crydorman's. A !ow vcry fine Pur Capes, specially selecied tuis season, la ahi the intesi stylos, wiil be soid ai an unusual sacri- fice price, at M. Mnyor's. Be! ore yen buy a scwing machine sec what yen are getting iu tic way e! weuriug maleriai. Buy tlie best, calli and seo tle mules Rickard lias fer sale. Do your !rieuds cul yen prend le- cause Ven do net notice ibem on lhe street? Cali on Rickard ud find eut if tic fanli is net la eyesigit, no charge for lesting. The Commitîce o! tie Cl orai Union bas decided tînt îhe Society wili net mcci again until reqnosted te do se ly the President. Members wilI pIeuse take notice. Chas. Heni, Bowmanvilie, Car penter and Contracter. Repairing- nently and 5promptly donc. Orders le! t ut Heal Bros. cash g-odes, wiil receive prompt attention. ltf. Mm. Wm. Redmoad's sale o! Short boras ou Tuesdny, MareoIE 1, at NMiii- -brook, Ontario, afferds an opportunitv te parties t0 g-et animais o! mcii. Cata- logue on application. Tie balance o! Ibis season's styles in F edoma 's and 511ff Has-ail roliabie *makes- and a gencrai lino o! gont's furishiugs will le offered ai a whole- *sale price qt M. Mnyer's ilat and genl's !unisliîag-store, Bowmanville. r' A preg-mam o! inleresb will le given 1Wednosday niglit in tlise RoyalTemplars fHall unde îleans p ides o! Clyde Camp S. O. S&, te Wbldh the public wilil c corded n roui Scotch weldeme. Come -fma yer lame an' ha' a lit minIh. 8 o 'dock shair,p. Mr. W.*lslpwus eciplent o! a scomfortuble arm chair from tle W.C.T. U. at Ibeir rodent At Home in lt Methodist Clincl. Mms. T. Heur ila ineai speecli uddressed lim and Mrs. S tMasea made the preseutation for kiuc 5services te lie Society. Miss M. Mosetta James sang ai a reital la Frances Hall, Ontario Ladies' Celege, Whitby, Monday eveninu. and aI a concert la Medcal st.clsureh, Oshawa, Tuesday nigît. Miss Tillev acempanted ber at the latter. Mr. L. -T. Cortilce aise assisted lu the progmuam 0wilh a reudiug. e Mr. M. J. A. James e! THE STATEiJ MAN dstaff was ai Washington, D. C., attend- eing île inaugural ceremenios o! Pros- eideni W. McKinley. His report wiil a2ppear nexl weeb. The Mail and Empire d-aims te le lie only Canadinsi n ewspnpem haviag îtseown representativE T Miss Ida Shaw is home. Miss E. McClellan is home from Tor- onto. Mr. T.E.Hligginbotlam spent Suuday at Milton wilb bis brotber. Almost cverything lu hardware is now fouud at J. B. Martyu's. M. A. James, Issuer o! Marriage Licenses, Bowmanville. Would you see a splendid hiardware store ? Sec J. B. Mrtyn's. BoonL, la hardware ? Yes aI J. B, Marlyn's. Cali and gel bargains. STATESMAN and Weebly Globe, $1.50. West Durham readers can gel no boîter value. We are roceiving a great many orders for THE SrTATSMrŽi and TIc Weebly Globe aI $1.50.1 A lot o! new Tronserings and new1 Suitings just received ut CQucb, John- slon & Cryderman's. Mr. Jas. Berry aud family, Euniskil- len, bave moved imb bowu, occupyiug Mr. John Varcoe's bouse. East-End Hardware store is going t0 lend lu lest linos o! shel! and benvy hardware aI lowesi prices. J.B.Martyn. Persons taking up strny animîs anud neglocting 10 cause the samo 10 bo ad-1 vertised and appraised shal l e lhalle to a fiue of 820. P. M. Haines commilted Wall Lee for trial aI Cobourg for oblainiag money nuder false preteusos from Soo Tong o Bowmanville laundry. Mr. D B Simpson bas boen aopointed Crown officer te take charge of tbe criminal work at the assizes aI Peter- boro 10 le liolden ibis weeb. Have you seen J. B. Marlyn's Ilard-1 ware store since ho gol Mr. VauCamp's big stock?lHe lias a very full store1 now and tbe lest thing 16 the low prices.j Call.1 The regular meeting o! tbc W. C. T. U. wîll ble bld in the primary class room o! îhe Methodisi dhurch, Tuesday, Mardi ltI aI 8 p. m. Ail members please attend. We are stili showing some nice Dress Goods aI greatly reduced prices. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman. Presideut McKinley attended tle M. E. churdli ai Washin ton, on Sunday, the pastor of whidi is 0v, ugh Johni- ston, formerly of Toronto. Bisbop Newman o! Omaha, Neb., preacbed the sermon. If there 18 auythiug wrong with your organ or piano ieI me know and 1I will attend 10 it But dont ici nayo! tbose tramps atiti-tbey do more arm than good. I. also buy and soul Miutng Stocks.JAEsDYI.AN, Big 20, Bow- manville. Hood's Pis cure nausea, sick head- ache, indigestion, biliousaess. Al druggists. 2c Ileroe% of the lieformation. Rev. Alex. MeMillan o! Si. Enoch's dhurci lectnred last night iu the Soutb- side Presbyterian dhurci, Parliament St., Toronto, ou "Heroes o! the Reform- alion," gîving a graphe and minute deciton o! the carly religions lite in dco=a .d rrand up 10 the lime o! the Reformation, especia7ly as ilt was foster- cd and developed lu île old historie ity o! SI. Andrews. Hoe made a tondh- 1ing reterence to the lite and denîl of 1Patrick Hamilton, the first martyr, and bto île introduction o! John Knox mbt Scoltish thoological lite. Tbore was a blarge attendance, and mudli apprecia- lion o! the lecture was shown. This taleuted lecturor will appear for tle firsi lime bofore aBowmanvîlle aud- ience on Monday 1tht insi., in St. -Paul's dhurcI unider auspices e! tle Y. >P. S. C. E., subjeet as above. A brie! musical program beginning aI 8 o'- * dock. 'Admission ly collection at the door. NU. ILOAR' S LETTER. No Oxm. I le!ft y bey-hood home where tic, streets are few and far between some 68 ycnrs ago Low 1 am pensioned off on a smnali salary. I amn mabing the besl use o! il thnt I eau for this worid's hap- pinefs. I have canghl wbaî 15 called tle tramping foyer. Il offecols tle pec- j bos consîderably, but never-the-iess I am laking the medicine and intend tub- ing regular doses for some time. Fol- nary 22nd, 1 look Icave o! Bowmanville for a long tramp, tabing the G. T. R., 10 Chicago înlending 10 romain iu tise city for some days, but the cold was un- beurable. I called on somo Bowmanville bovs and aI île Board o! Trade where the Sbears and bulîs coutrol tbe marbet. -At 4 p. m.I muade sny way to îhe Illinois' -Central Depot and !ound it îhe most beauliful depoi I ever beheld. île ln- dtorior beiug exceedingly lovely. " Al n aboard" was the cry and I was soon on eîle fast express wicb stops enly at the Health-giving Paine's Celery Comon the Best Spring emedy. Mme. Nordica bas lie distinction o! being îhe firsi prima donna bem u the United States. She testifies toilhe woudertul bealil- giv!iug effecîs o!. tle groatesi preduci o! m- ical scieuce-Paine's Col ory Com- pound. Nol since Christine Niisson bas there leen a Marguerite 10 le compared to Nordica's splendid imporsonation. Alllier achieved successes lad for a foussdntion tbe mosl unrelaxing stndy and effort. No eue kuews botter than île applauded prima donna wlit ulscb sovere work meanus 1 the nerves and streagil. The followiug lellor !rom Lillian Nordica 10 Wells & Richardson Co. must le grale!uily rond by lests e! wemen ; "It certainly gives me great plensure btc sti!y tote eealili giviug offects o! Paine's Cclery Compound. 1 lmuly believe il 10 lbe île lest o! al spriug remedies. " If the winter lias loftIyen weub- and lauguid, Paiue's Celery Cjompouad will restere strougîl te Four nerves, will puri .i he llood and mabe -pou well, Don'tuallow nervons debilily le go ou. Tabe warnîng fmom dyspepsia, nervous lendacîse and sieeplessuess. Guard against thnt iired, plnyed-out feelingl Ibai seeflen appeurs as spring ap proaches. Neurnîgia and rheumaîism-1 -nw!nl ouemes-nsi le conquered.1 Paine's Celery Compound is îhl Recelving NMIy compliments, The Late ilfr. Wickett. Our~ earnest words of congratulation Many citizens of Bowmanville will to Miss Mande Fairbairn on lier success remember the late Mr. Robert Wickett as a musical composer were even more who died ln Toronto Hlospital last week. heartilv endorsed by the Toronto press For about two years lie lias been a in theirý criticismns lot the rendering of great sufferor from kidney trouble and the composition. The Globe in a sharp rheumatism. On the advice of bis critique of the concert says: "Miss uhysician lie was removed from bis Miller made a decided bit, capturing home tu the hospital for special treat- lier audience with a now son-, 'While ment, but lie died a week from the day Baby is Asloop" by Miss Mandàe Fair- he entered there. Ail tliat tbonglit andà bai. Tliis composition is simple, yet SUI could sugo'est to relieve bis suffer- very tuneful and dainty in its musical ing was done, -ut without avail. De- setting, and will doubtless become pop- ceased was in business as butcher in ular."' this toWn somewhere about 8ô years The Toronto World says: At a piano ago; subseqnently be carried on a sim- recital Tuesday evening in Association ilar business in Newcastle. Later lie Hlil, Miss Edith J. Miller, accompanied moved to Illinois andistili later to Dela-« by the composer, sang the celebrated ware where hie engaged in farminz. cradle song, 11Whule Baby is Asleep" by Ten or twelve yoars ago lie returned to Miss Maude Fairbairu of Bowmanville, Canada and settiod in Toronto. lus The song is a new one, and was raptur- funeral whicli was private took place ously received by the audience. Thursday from the famîly residence 156 Toronto Saturday Niirlit says: "Mucli Spruco St., to the Necropolis, Rev. G. interest was feltith de rnllaby compos- K. Adamis offilciating. Besides the f am- cd b Mis MndeFaibain, hic wS ily wliich consists of the boroaved wife; sugfoednsrp by Miss Mad arinw illera their son Mr. A. R. Wickett and wif e,1 Tliis composition ovinces marked talent and daugiere r tMissLra S.cRetth on tlie part of the young composer, its thereWilreaprescet, Mesrs. S. I. Joh construction being musicianly and its adWlimWcet ehw;II.S treatmont tlirougbout very clever and Heard of Hamilton; Mr. Joln Y. Cole of Hampton; Dr. James Bray and wife, effective. 288 Gerrard St;, Mrs. J. A. Manning, Tihe Toronto Mail says:- Miss Maud 17 Garden Ave., Toronto; Mr. M. A. Fairbairn, F. T. C. M., o! Bowmanville, James, Bowmanville; Mr. W. J. Bick- Ont, the author of the charming song cli Mrs. J B. Biekeli, and Miss Batty, "Whle Baby is Asleep" with which Mr. Robt. Warren, Toronto, and num- Miss Edithi J. Miller, A. T. C. M., de- erous other cliurch friends and class- lighted hor audience ln Association mates. The floral tributes were very Hall, on Tnesday ovening, is an lionor beantiful and included very liandsome graduateofo the tlieory and violin de- wreaths from the employees of the firm partments of Toronto Conservatory of of Bickell & Wickott, from members of Music, and a young lady of musical the Wickett family and from the Ep- talent and ability. wortli Leagu o! Gerrard St. Method- ist cliroli, and pretty floral offerings Thâe Late, Thos. Tonkin. fromi Mrs. Bickell, Mr. and Mrs. Reid. iRev.MrAdamrs read the 9itliPsalm and Deceased was boru in Cornwall, Eng- afterwards addressed those present land, August, 1809, and emigrated to fromn Matt. 28,' 6, bearmng encouarginoe Canada ln 18-40. Ho flrst located in Col- testimony to the cliristian life anà umibus, and two years after removed to triumpbant death of the departed. Mariposa, then a dense wilderness, and Mrs. Wickett and -dangliter are mov- settled lu the wild woods. Mariposa ing ibis week tol7lQueenSt.,WToronto, was olten flooded witb water, and was where they intend to reside lu future. the home o!f fever and ague, because of Tliey bave the sincerest svmpatliy of its contiguity to lako and river Scngog. their many relatives and friends in this Two years later lie moved to Brooklil district lu their hour of trial. from regard lie had for tlie bealtli o! bis__________________ wife and two children. Ho married, luBON 1846, the widow of the latellugh Camp- B11E-l orNWaSlMrh2dte tonl 183onceorevh o -reid ý1-wif e of Mr. Wm. Coates, of a dauglier. ton,8thconessonherehe esiod ill PATTE.-Ini Oshawa,the wife of Mr.Wm.Patte, the death of bis irst wife in 1891. Since of a son. thon lis residence bas beeni with bis BnowN. -At Whiby, Maiehi nd, tie wlfe of step-son, Mr. i.l1H. Campbell, and -witb Mr. Win. Brown, Station Master, of a daugliter. bis own chidren in Michigan and Ont- KinB.-In Oshawa, Feb.28th, the wtfe of Mr. ario, Ho died Feb. 231h at the home of John H. Kirby, of a son. lis son, Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Milford, and was bnried at Columbus, bis son 0RD. accompanying tlie romains to their last PARKER-In Ne WCagtle, Mari-eh nd, Mary resting place. Ile was alielog Lib- Parker, rellet of the late John Parker, aged 85 oral, who took groat interestin lual the years. poliica isueso! he onnry. Bnjeos.-At Maple Grove Farte, Myrile, on poliicalissus ofthe ounty. H Mardi 4th, David Briggs, aged Slyears, leaves fivo chidren. ail o! whom are iu VICKERY.-Aî Kirkfield, Pcb. lsth, Mrs. Ida Michig'an, oxcept Rov. E. A. Tonkin. L. Bell, aged 33 years, eldesi daugiter of Mr. Deceased was converted to God at the and Mrs. M. E. 'ickery, Oshawa. age o! 14, and for sorte lime lu the eaî-ly NIDER.-At Hartney, Man., Pcb. 23rd,Eliza, of bs chistan I! ewas ho rav- na Niddery, aged 20 years 8 months,8 days, yoars o i hita iewsteta-ol daug-hter of Mr.and Mrs. kdward Nsodery, ellino- companion of the celobrated formerly of Enlield, and gr and-daughter of Mr Bill7Bray. He was for 73 yoars a use- and Mrs. Jas. Goodman, Oshawa. fui and honored member of the Bible FENwicK.-In Toronto ai 25 Brunswick Ave., March 7, Lena M. Ballag'h, belovcd wif e of Mr. Clristian and Melbodîsl churches. Ho Thos. Fenwick. Orono Newsplease copy. relainod bis strenglh and faculties to QLIcK. Tu Bowmanville, on Marei 7, Anu the lasI, visiliug and praving with sov- Ford, beloved wifc of Lewis Quick, aged 66 oral 'iiek peoiple a f'ew days beore bis years 8 monilis. death.MARRIED. 3aking Their Pastor RlappY. COONE WîLCOXý-At Oakland, California. We are pieasod te 500 by the Hamil- ton papers thnt St. Pnul's congregatien bave given their uew p aster, Rev. Neil iMePherson, M. A., B, D., a very pIons- ant and entbusiastic recoptien sinco the formai induction te which we referred lasi weob. The scbeol-room and its ex- teasions had been most tastetully dec- orated by tle members o! the Ladies' association. lu the conter was n large table. toeaocîs corner o! which lung Win. CookeofSan F rancisco, al., end illian A., fth daughtb of E. B. Wtlcox, formerly of Oshawa. O'HÂRÂ-Ssoecsose.-Ai the residence of the brtde's brother, Mr. D. B. Simpson, by Ifev.R. A. Silkey, on Mardi 4th, Miss Alicia Simpson, yonest daughter7 of the laie Senator Simpson, and er. W. J O'Ilcra, of tic tirm of If. 'Hara & Co., Toronto. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. -1 Corrected by.T.MolWrtry eaclsThursday world 's truc disease lanisher, ronovater o! tle systom, and a lifo-giver aI Ibis lime o! ibe yeam. Il quickly furnishes, nutriment for tle innumemable nerve fibres; il areuses the erg-ans e! digestion and assimilation te brisber action-,it omables tle wasted body te luild np fiesh and musçte, and dissipates every fearful and apprebensive feeling. Paiue's Celei.y Compound is truly the medicine fer woecuwhea wcaboned and burdened by worb and home cames. It gives t11cm tresî new llood, vlm, ouergy, and activity, and a new bease o!lie Try it, aud wheu you go te yonr denier for Paiue's Celer-v Coin- ponnd, sec ihat yen gel il; neobliher medicine cau tube ils place successfully. Queen T. X. TIOKARDT wislies you all A Happy and Prosperous 1897. Hue tbanks you ail for tlie liberal share o! patronage you have given hlm since lie started business la Bow- manville, and more particularly for that bestowed upon him this holiday season. That il may continue, he 16 prepared 10 gù 0_11giving you good value for every fivecet worth you purehase lu lis store. Altliough lu many manufactures prices are going up ho is completing arrangements by paying cash, by which ho will bce enabled to give you oven bigger hargains than ever. Do not waste your money by negleting to call at thb rellable Huse before you purcbase. T. N. RICRAR Watchmaker, Jeveller and Op- tician, Bowmanville. Ont Two doors east of Standard Bank. A. E, MoLALTGfLIN. Barrisier, Solicitor and Coeveyancer. Office- Bleakley Block, King 'street. Bowmanville. Money te lban ai reasonable rates. 48-lyr, IAIR WORK.-Ladies wishing hair Lwork donec .ali at Ja.î îsaKing .St. West, Bowmanvjlle. T-0YUW-ANT A 1IOME.-Ifyou do cottage cheap and on easy terms. 31-tf. 'WANTED.-Farmers' sons or otlier industrions persons of fair educatton to, whom $75 a monih ta an inducement. I conld also engag a few ladies at thehr homes. T. H. Lcc.TscOrrToronte, Ont. SEED BARLEY AND PEAS -A qnaniy of clean seed Barley, fiirst-class in every respect and about 200 bushels of Golden Vitne rees for sale on lot 17, con. 6, Cartwright. Prices moderate, JOHN LAItE, Nesieton, P. 0. 9-if. S TOCK WAN TED.-Parties baving KJ caves, lanbs, hogs and other fat stock lean stock, mdli cows or any other kind oi farm stock for sale should inform W. R. Rf. CAwcEh, box 189, Bowmanville, 10--sm. W ANTED.-Young women and men or older ones if stili yonng in spirts, of undoubted character,good. ialkers,ambiiiouq and industious can flnd emplyett odcue with.$60 petmonih and ppwaidsiacording to ablliiy. 11Ev. T. S. LIxsCOTT, Toronto, Oni. Ir-'OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.- 11Tha t fine trame dwelling bouse and one- haîf acre of land on which are good siablesmali and large fruits,formcrly occupied. by Mrs.Thos. Barreit, on Ontario St. Terrms very reasonable Apply ai once to J. B. MARIYN, Bowmanville. 9-if. C ORNER BLOCK FORSALE-That %-/3-siorey brick store and dwelling on Cor. Kting aod Silver streets, Bowmanville, opposite the Post Office, will lie sold cxcccdiligly cbcap for cash or on vcry easy icrms of payment. Asffl to Mas. StUIR, Churci Street, nowman- 11-3w"

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