A FOUR 4f H AE ISWEDL hAN uNE Rey alStAEipi. LiErpoILl- T e Albrt Satdap o., Mn- ILe l, M inrea t uc e MOLNREL NEEC Nuiniilan. .th May, Daylight. .Sth May, 2p.ni. ParMas... l5thMay, " 16 May, 9 a. nm. 'laia 22 May, " 22 May, p2~s 2aiori 9 May, 3luMY", 2p. i 5Lurn Ja S une. 5 June, 2 p. Nuiin 12 Julie, 13 June 9 . nm. Faisan i9une, 41, June, l.n. 'Car agiinian 26 fn un, 2p ni Cal1ifoýria 3 July, 4 JuIy, 9 a. ni. i inrentian, lst cabin only, Carthaginian, 2nd !aIl oniy. 1Do not eall at Rimouski or toville. RATES 0F PASSAGE. ByParisian and California-Liverpool and bonllonderry-ist fabin. $5250, sOO. $870. '80; return, $105, $114,' $133, $152. Sud Cabini, (inelnd- Ln ondon) $36.25. Steer*age--Liverpool,Derry, iiJlifast, Glasgow,Loudon-$823.50. -!'NuIdan e-,--L:11-iini st Cabin, $5250 ndii;return $10, $14.i120 Fy, Numidiali or Carthaginian, Sud Cabin (in- clading London), $34. 1y Numidian, steerage, $22.50. Epestrains froni Toronto on the Friday Moriî.,g arrive at Montreal 6 sainie evenliig. passengers can go on board ai once. For tic.kets and every informnatlon ap- plî to Allan Line Agent. Buwnianvllle OF TUE United Counties of. Northumberland and Du rharn. In thUe rnafte, ý bf Mé Ëgtiae Of Jo7seh (lemens late of the t>nh~ ofDarlington, in County Of Dttr- Iram, farmier, dsceased. ~'ctîe4o is hereby given pursuant to chapter 110 36 iRnSO. S. 0. 1887 (and aniendin<z Acts) thlit al persous having dlaims agalust the estate uf JOSEPU CLEMEN S laie of liaittwnship ut Darlington, county c2f Durbhaln, fanmer, deceased, who died on or 1 bot 'the 7th day of February, 1897, are re- ~ured lu deli ver or send by post prepaid, on ~ eoeTHE lth DAY OF MA , 1897. te le Ani A Clemens, of Bowmanville, une of t Slnhethsi5!trairices of the said estateI qhi snne,a ddresses and descriptions and full statoinn uwriting containiig fulparticulars ut thir dailms, and nature of securities5if any) hNedbytiseni duly C-ertidied agaist "state ut (le- ceasedî! And tisai atter the said date the ad- niluisýtrajtrices -will proceed te distribute the aïs aing the parties entitied thereto, liav. tn rgad uiy to tise clainis ut whjchtlsey <shih avec, t ce. Da islip 1ý2a ay of April. 1897 N OR 0R . G A UD , ANNIE A. CLEMENS,l-Administratrices IDA CLEMES S, slliior for administratrie. no caft thini ut sout si=»»~ soeturIdeas; th'e niay bring yon wealt4 hueJ R ! WDIIEIIIiTRN &% 00. Patent Att2Oý asv. Wshiatu. D. C-. fr their 8,500 Pr5ze fé -sdlite iio s ne vntions waited. - 0 EARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, DESIONS, Aisvuse sdna sketch and description maY <îickly asisert ain, fre, whether an invention ls piutiaily pteitable. IemtnunicatiuuiS Strietly runiidentiuil. Udyl eetsecy fer securung patentS in Amerie. e have a Wasbington office. Patents taise through Munla-C receive opecial ntiee in the SCIENTIFIC AMERIGAN, teeautifuli' illutrated. larget circulation 01 any scientifisu journal, weekiy, ternis 83.00 a Year; i0six munithe. Specimen copies ansd HANsD OS. ON 5 PATIENTS sent free. Addres rr 'MUNN & CO., 361 Broadway. New York. A QUALIFLED WARRANT. Wii younwarrant tiione matchses nut to go osa inla ahigis wind? aaked the ýmnswlo was going hunting. AUI uf 'em but une, said the dealer. finlal Whieh une uf 'em ia it I 'Tis alst une utfcourse. G1TESSED RIGHT. This wiil be the death ot me, laugis- el tise frontier humorist as ho gailopesi away wth another man's horse. Tise event showed tisai the gifi of pro- PisecY Was bis. TO BE MODEST. She-Heow sisuuld a. Sung woman litt baus' dress ? iH-She etisulsi lftt il a ultile oves 'to eet. r' 111E SU1NIAY SCHOOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, MAY 16. P'aît] Preaelng te thse Gettiles," As-Is 14: S1-eS2. Goldena 'ext. At VI: 4. ?RI4CICAL NOTES. Verse 11. Wisen tise people snwwnbai Paul baS desi. Fox ~tise bacgound oft this tucidusisi e ie eintrodi,-,tory paragraps. Tlise apesties hasi hein driven by persecutieei te seseote ton-ns ia. Lycaoisia and ai eue oft tlem, Ly- aira, Paul baS curesi a cripple. Tiey it teS uip tbois výoices. lantumubtucus oxciement. Tihe speech et LÀycacmnia. WViai tia'native dialecet fbtis district n-as isacnt certainly 'kaýcwn. Tise peo- ple wxare skia toes stancient Ass-yrisains. Apparently Luke'a purpose in moisn- tis;.ing tise "spetcofetLycaomîu" ' a te shew that tise aposi les diS net un- dersînitise inference draixa by tise peuple, sacs prosbably recognizesi f at tise huila tes le slùugistesred ivore sac- rifsices mapde to Ühetuselves. 'fhis sub- siantiates Whiat bas ieen already saiS cuersn-îning tise nature andi purpose of tise miiracle ofst tnguts at Peuhecost. Tslsat gitt dots net seem to bave been înanycase dependedupon bythe apea- hies tes assisi tbem n lu reacing to ftselnea.TLbe goda are corne dçiwis to us. Jupiter and Mercstry baS ho- fore wanderesi from éisaven, tirough Plisygiut ansiaeligisborlng provinces, se tisese barbarous natives hehievei, sand it n-as naulusal fer hm te, suppose Usai tisey baS corne again. In tise lite- nes est mien. Jupiter xvua suppusesi te b2, able to asýsum1e amy'fers ho chose, aued baS corne. tethe esath ai dittesent timas sums a bull, as a sn'um, ia. shuiivers of guIS sind "inthse likiene,-sof estmn." 12. They culleS Barsuabas, Jupiter. "Banna-b s,"uays Clirysoshem, «'seema ho bave been a peson, ut anble pre-, seuce anS benring."' Paul, 3lercurius., Or [Vercury, tise messenuger ofthtie gois, n-li was a pattera est humais eio-i qlurpe. Tkbe renesu four tisis identiti- talion is given; hocause 'die was tise chiotf speaker, or "leader -of tise dis- usisi"Pasal's figure -ste may istes froua many alusions was dýelicate andi sligisi.1î M3 Thie prîtat of Jupiter. Ansi tiere- fore the" chiot manisnluthsecommunihy. 'ViFicis nas bat ore heir city. Tise Re- viseS Version ssiys: "-hse temple wae iefore the cbhy." Aitoyrd retains tise olsi- er version ansi explis it, -wbých n-as tise deienaer, or tuatelsry gosi, oet tio city." Brugit exea. tHu1s. Ansigar- landssutetise gaies.'l'o tise deors ut tise ottes court efthtie bouse, nisicis u tou ba -nreatie4 iÈh-lisgariands ite bor- oft1Ibm aosy gusats. '\'ury li,,ely the buIls ansi tisepriffls tibeisisselves aise wvere gariauded, for suris nas tise dus- 14. Tise apustils. Barabas ansi Paul. In tisesa nsoles we bhave au calle tisent adi along, but noie tisait is isatise' tirai pece la lbuiîý text n-bore they are cailesi 4etls. ?aul, hissver, n-as ail along strennous lu bis ciais to b,&an apeelle. See Roui.l1.1;l1 Cor.1, 1; 9. 1; 15, 9,2 Cor. L.1; GaiL1. 1; Co. 1_1; 1 Tis. 1.1; 2 Tira 1. 1; Tiitus 1. 1. B-nabas is cuiteS an ap- oshîs uin utier passages; lCos-9. 5, 6; Gai. 2. 9. Jiames, thtý brother efthlie Lord -%vs not Oas eï of 'ithe estlé. Gai... l isn CSilvassus ansi' Tianothous seem te bec a,'Jei, i Tiess. 2. 6, an nu uR&n. 16.7, ansi 2 Cr. 8. 23. - luS l tu-sadadepÊinha thieNý-orS hasi û, n-lir sense, ihun tisat wiih non' de- fume 1h.Theyrent tiseir c.othes. Luise h-n otb.estat, sow displeasure. Hasi linaxong lise pesopie. "Spsang furbis asmothoUsei--u.tudeý." Probably, tiey n-ose ini5ilo the bouse n-bon tise priests Nvitis, tise b.llsaippruaohei. Csy- insg out. %isligaloud nS t beir excihe- ment. 15. Sire. "Men."-,Wish" do ye Ihese tilairgsaf lofo ouisba la your besavi- or 1" !We naWo are mien. Noh goda, 0f lice passions N-itsis yen. Ansi tiserefore hbasvissig Lise infirmities. Preact untu seiu. RBevised Ver- sion. "briîng yoss goos i hisilg.-Tisai yo sisoulsi lturinn frein thoso vanities. Tisese, vain goda. "A.n idol la notising," n-rote Paul atiernassis. Unestise living Gesd. Tise Omnipotent, Omnis- cient, Etesrnal; tise Kreaior ot ai ahinges. 16. Soe Actbs 17. 30, anS Rom. 3. 25, 26. Ail s-tin. Ail isessea naionas. 17. 1Ra lefus ne iimself witse'i wit- naskses. Better testimeny lisais any fable appeamanceocf Jupit'er. Se lcun. 1. 19, 20. i did goosij It la la iarmony witis tisetacts that wel galber froua other sourcmes cocneruing tise SiO5i- ,ity ansi Sryness oft Iliis sýegion tisai tise tirait eviiece Paul c itesoesthtie gooclasoisf Gui is that isel gaive us sain froaiseaven. Tise Lycauniaus, ac- coîrdinsg te Strabo, sufferesi greahiy trona scarcity of waler. 18. Scarce sestraineil hhey tise peuple. Witis iard woerk tisoy quietes tise on- thsusiasunost idolahtry. Tise Lystrans n-aere nec roadily Scslasiesi, but soori i assed froni tise fanslicism ot reverence te iat et hatred. Tisis is true tsi hsoumastnature. 19. Certain ien-s frounAisiiocb and icuninin. One. eft1tus"traits ot ancient lite titiat &seoineah fuist range l.u.n is tise nideepreLad hensiency hotra. Froua Aniocis ansi Iconumi. ViserTc4 P1aix/s beat n-rk hbhen Sont ansi hua bithecet persee-aitieus endured. Wisu nersssaiisd tise peopý.,e. Peuple n-bu wre proverbiîa.lytrii ansi easily persuade. Stoned Puni. Not as a legai puaisis- ment, icwefver, as Jnsmîgisi bave doue, but ihey turneS on iba vidly us a msob. Dren- iiaiout oet us city. Dra.- gedoSt ehiis crirpset, as tisey believesi. Siuppoeing bi" haS beon deasi. "Once n-as I sto)nesi." 2 Cor. 11. 25. W1itis Ibis Jie stisc àegal moisieS ut etonîng n-as au presorisiesi tiat escape trdna d.ealla n-a-enet possîbýe. r20. Tise diýscipLesý. Tise 'disciples" useationaeil lu conaéction mvitla se vry tsty n-est in tise main newv Os sysris-peupla n-hobi n- itiln a ten- neeks beenon- vinced bv Paum's reasonia.g ansithe isoiy Jiivisg ains itracles ut butlaapostils.. esp-eciaiiy as a blow troni a sthbne ,Ywould beh likely to sisan. andi occasion thse appeslance of deatis." Protessor Biradley thinils tisai verse 19 inimnates Plaanily is-aI h was net dead, but sup- pesthai tise rapidiiy ot hies ecový ory makogs i probable tisat bis recov- ery wss miraculous, snd suggesis that tise scars recoives i athis turne are tisose, rofasseS to by Paul in Gai. 6. 17. lie departesi witit Darnaýbas te Derbe. is whis hhe laberesi spparontly wihhcsut apposition. 1 21. Tbey sommreS agaLn tes Lystra, ansd tes lccsium, ansi Ansiiocla. Paul was ntowis eas te bis ownbouse, but, turning f rom it. ho gc-sý, back iote'e plaes vv- whero hh admade, couverts.. The pruibabiiity i-,tIsaI bi& esuemies baS dis- persiusi 50ttheir en homos; ansi ne musitslsvays rememnbes tihul an an- dient city buS non-e cf the ýsyssemauie 'O.rg.aýn-zatxsn ut modiern lite, ansi ùtiai si -sakld ho possîible for Paul te retursa ote tbsscenes est bis persecullesa 'tulut being promptiy reccgnissesi ansi arsesteil by trlose whbt brtS rso recesstly cppcsd hum, as ise wouid suroiy be aaisi nmo.dern conadi- tions. 22. Ccinfismiing tise ofls thtie dis- cipules. Strýengthloisag tisem lu tise faith. Tise follun iing verse spealis ut orda.ning eiders in evesy chaurcis. TDisty ieuheesa compeiled te louve eicis osf th"as places su sadden.iy tisaitise orgasaizatieon, cf i ca.,ssurcis.eost bailnut been couupleted. 1,,xfisirtLugiisohm te cntinue lin tise failla. Very likely tise oppos-ition was stiil grXen$. We ýMust tiruiuig mucis tribulaýtion entes into tise kiragdksm cf GoS. "Msisy trîbula- iuins," %wbeseligisi affiction. endure but for a, momtent, bri ng a tas more exceedinig ansi elernal wveight ot glcLry. TH-E aJRPuT MU EIER. HRISTIANITY OWES MUOR TO RIS ZEAL ANu) ENDURANCE. ]MIS Lite uring il&"Eariy Days o f Meiho 41s5151 (la saada IVas Olte ne910 0 Great îi.reslàlp-Thie Story of One Nowv Essjsyin.g a Ripe 0141 Age. Fsum thae Suimcoo Reformer. Tu the early days et Mtsodisin in Canada thse gospel nas spreasi abroasi in tise la-d by lise active suxertons of thse circuit rider. It reqsaised. a man of ne erdiaary iseaitls ansi stréngts; an. Lron constitution and uuflagging de- termination tu fulfil tise ardueus duties uncumbent un eue who undertouk to preacla salvat ion te is fello-raien,. i was ne easy task tisai ihese mon soi tiseinselves to, but they n ere strong ln the faits and hope of ultimate re-%asi. -Many fou by the n ayside, wisile others strugglesi on, ansi prospered, ansi a few are tes-day onjoying a ripe olS age happy la tise knovledge tisat a lasting renard wiil soon be tisoirs. Most of tisese cîsi timerýs are net nuw engageS ru activa5 c'nurch n-ork but ihe ef DlaceS on tise superannatesi lisc, ansi are nox living a quiet lite in iom o on a farm free fronthtie carescfntise viorsi,tUey an-ait tise cail to corne up isigiser. Rey. Davisi Williamns, ahu lives two miles soutlinest ut Nixon, Ont., la tise townsisip et Windia, Norfolk Coun- t"Nas oeeou thease early days cis- cuit ridera. He Ras a a nuoetvigoreus heallis sud altisongis xitisoutmany ad- vantages lanlise way et eariy educatio.n ho succeeded by dinh of isard, andi con- stant studv in being aditted te tise îuiistryi.'Ho was tise first bora ii tise tirai bouse bulusin Glen Williams neaT Georgetow-n, Ifs. Geo. Kennedy, the feunder utf(Georgetow-n, ho rsg a broth- er utflais mnoises. To-day ho las 70 years olsi and for thae pst 26 yeutrs bas livesi lu tiais coursty. Fts rnany years8 ie isad been a, sufferer froua ikidney andi kindresi tiseases. no tried .all kinssou remedîaes, andi al- tlacugh s<umeiinacs iemporarily reliev- esi ho gradually grslsas ' urelnuil in Ociober 18195 ho n-as striken wiih lias- alyeis. From, ibis ho partially secovor- ed and rocoverei lMs powe rs et speech but aiýs nainS was hadly nreicked, andi lais memory n-as su pour tisai ho coulsi ,uot remember tise name ofthtie person to, whom ho wissesito speak nithout ibsa.kinýg intently for sevesut minutes. Onc day clrivsig tb isurch lie wished to speais of a sueighlar wiso livesi nexite ohlm for twenty years;, but ho. could n«t remitl the naie, for art bous or more, ln addition tu bis meutlitroublie, he hasi intense bodily suttering; pains la thse isasi, acrsa tise forebeasilatise temples andi butiinsi tise ars, arrosa tise loin- es part osf tise skuil LuS in tffse joint «Êt tise necis. IHo iasi greai weakne-s nuS pasins in tise bacs, Lips anmd legs. In tact su munis did is uttor tisai sioep lya aimost an impssibility, and ho feu aw-sy iiiwe.gisl until ho weigised csnly 145 pounsis. By tii lime. Dec. 1895. Le became desýposudent ainsi tot tisai if hie souon diS not obtain relief, ho wuouldsi 50cm bld adieu tetise tbings of 'thIis xvsuid..On tise, 2Oti u Decoemier ho read of a cure in tise Reformer by Dr. Wiim'Pin.k Pis, end besa.g seizesi wîtb a ausiden, linspiratIon ai cunce wrote to Brook- ville for'a supply oft tiat marvellous remedy. Immediate guosi resuits toi- ilowed tissais use ând ho bas improv- ed wcitisestuily dursssg tise past yens. EH as receverosi bis hodily iealth ansi strengtb, us cumparatlvely frise frein pain ansi is% memsry la aearly as gooi sit ovesn-a.s ansi as tiseimprevemeni WEL.L axATO-11iD. Motiser-Ysn sicuisi consent to let b er marry hlm. Tisey have tno isearis- Stisat bout, as eue. 3 Fatbo5z-e, ansi mo mins is nttisu asiogie5 Ihesiist. 1 alaI.enter ne eb- je ±aul. About teHue iNT-S rFOR THE HOUSEHOLD. ppea ai ilis tInsse et year have lest ofisutthi ais irsansi frcshness. If -hieur ma-kcing a pia a teaspoonful of tas- tarto acsi la sprlnicleil ever tise apples if vil 1give tise pie mýore oet tiseflaves et frýeaha greenuapplea. Whiem baising tise spples remove tise cure ans itititise sPaco nis sugar, in wisicis ias be-t mixeS nalttie oftheiaotartaric acid powises. A. tronb7esunie tissuat irritationi or cougis, tise resut et o a ninter colS, la mosi annoying, but a home remedy wilil relieve anS ottentimes curit h -uet tise aid oe t uier medicines. Tise tolloir- iug formula n-as givon isy a physician many years ago, ani bas beeu touaS te be uf greut value: Taise ont-quarter et a Poundsifuttie bet guin arabso, ansi Pour- oves it sa hait a pinI et bot n-ates; cuveranS louve lit until tise gainla dis- suIveS; then ailS une-quartes of a Peund. of Pure n-bite sugar anS a geneous haît gil et strainesi Isnion jasce. Place uhese ingresilents eves tise tireaSd let bisous siniser about ton minutes; thon Peur tise mixture into a boctoe ansi cors. W.ntiing this syrnp a littho w ater niay ho aSsied. Lei aill yuung heuseIz-eepers boas ln mini tiai raie, urder andsiTStem lu al tiigs are indispensable la thse manage- mient cf a n-ed-regulatesi bouseboid. Amuong tise spsizsg blssmse dattodits su(! tulipe are supersedjmg al othersates tise decorsuion ot tasiionahie dinuor ansi lancisheon tables, Silverr tie-ehislders use tiilesin-ithgroxing iulps. Tise flousera vili keep, fresis tes many days At a suip lancisson tise tee creana ansi biscuit g.ac ee se srvesi in maturai tIoe-rs for cups. Tise blessonts tash"n- oSd logeuses n-sis sibbons, tise seat anS stein atiscishei, n-ose laid upon a plate anS serveS bu oaci guesi. Aý benutiful table siecoration consiste; ut v-ery natusai-looking tuips maie et a t ransparent malerial., îith a green steu tise us six inoises long tastenect ioa vase ufthtie saine duieS, A tiny lgit fus se co acis fion-or. Wisou ar- rangeS around a table la a hesige ut saisiax an S tomas or otites delicato grosi ishicistie tise standards, 1h la a ve-ry attractive ansi unique secoration. Tisese tuilipa are muSe in piais, yoliowx, ansi)i variegatesi rosi aSdyeilon-, andi are aný excellent imitation ofthtie flon-er. 'Many !saeuseieepers pres te maise iuiels tienseives te use in place et niuacareni or these one can hay. Tisaý audels use easily made. Tulce tn-e eggs anS asid a teaspoontul et nousl cleas stock ansi a saliapeental et sait; atilsin as mucla sifttos fleur as the liquis w-ill taite up, maising it a stitt Souglis. Kntad tiis dougis upea tise huard until it la elstio, ansi soft; tise lonzer tise bettes; thon roi it outin thuibmsieet. Bob the shoisI very ligistly iritis fleur, anq let it reusunin a ton- moments te dry sligistîy beture tusning it user into a iuang, close roll. Wltl a thin sbarp kuite cnt the rself ie aisripsa aquarter et an lachi n iiti Louve th iseiceS upountise board tus a couplaetofisours lu d ry; tlaen thoy are sesdy tes ceui ansi serVe us macaroni. Whem preparing mueato use ln aoup ouly, bte soula rut iiiie sïery marron- aresis. Nudela niny he kepi any engtis et time. ,A bieetateait tisai la incineS te ho ai ail toyugla ray ho much improvesi if it is îve'1 ruisheiloves on bots asides n-ils a m-,-ixture utf olive oul ansi vinogas. Att- er ise steak bias bens covereS n-us tuila proparutioh allen- lt te romnain lnaa coul place tn-o os r isohurs before bnuilteg SOME GOOD RECIPES, Huonoy Jumbb.es -Ose hublespoeuful ot butter; hait a cup 'escis otsugas and ilaicis strainosi honey; oee ablespueatal ut creum; une egg, use ieapng tes- spoonful of baisng pen-ser andSdffttii- ont fleur te malie a rather siiff Sougis. Do net suil, but torra istes rings iritis tise tiagers ansi baise as ii.it brenm. Eat n-hile fresis. Little IHoney Cakea.-Creain togetiser a quarter ot a poundoaSis otfibutter ands sugas; asd ibrot-quasiers et a peund ut strainesi boney; a toaspouttul ut ginger, Afl LA1 CONTRADICTION. Uhe Oft-Repeated Statements by Physie clans that Chronic Rheumatism Can- flot be Cured Refuted. by E S Sworn Statements.e Therp inever was a lime when people were suo sceptical in reference tueniodicino as the uieens 'tils nu wonder, for tîseir credulity bns heen playesi upon by tise unrelioblei Aaimns of advertised cure-ails untili doubt S coni snted jno a belief thai ail announce- onents are imagiuary pen pictures Rhon- iiatie sufferers aru oi the clasis whuaie lu »Sie suffersng lias led tîsen to try first uni binig, thlen anlother, until repcated failure, un!)vince thern Il"here le no help for thein.' ho', hear about the startling cures niads y Ke-,otenay, but cannuot overcumne thoesus ,seîon tisat 'lis 111e ailtise rest., Tliey dý ~ksrw cf tihe bidderr powcr i l Tiresne,,, gýredien[" ppculiar lu ihis pre1pratie,ilsnýý sssislses lShelimatisrn-ot o t nb )rge, Ballý7biacka1,nsit5, r sfl oi ;an2ford Aveeiiso sd jIuriu. tets l,î tii luarise trous n Ilsiise edlo'su 14e up wurk iii tise City Qearriea a ibor, diclîarged fruin theise ic ital aw; leassurance l'ey couddob isoilsisi fi issu, lhis systerni 'aas su fr'l of rhesîîoati,,s su power cii cartis could drive it onit;' 1554 visg a i is h omne fur vsc ks uusahs" t1'h Land te uuoutli, 1laving teho t fdi s ife, wbiesî tise 1< sug'. DsýugLtrs eolf bois brcîsglit bsiKootenay. TIsc Lt ffected a ciplete cure. Thîis is nt su trange tisais tiese ery told by Mrs GUi A f fMail Casrrier ilobt. Guy, Dciii Ave iarnitois, ,vise lul r 1er o e ts baLns fo te ~erestoratien of tOcs' soes1 tir ci6 Wiii. lliiilewer lîmbs -were re 'adileu wltls inflamnsatcry r"emti1flli sýouid net put lis ted te othe iL'oor, tut ýigltesl ounch dancsing minense pain, grow- ing gradually wcrso, until bis conîdition' wa'. pititul; A seemed iisey were coing to !ose 1 hlm, wison Kuotenay was used and ilîre boilles cumpietoly cured hini, su tisai ho je geing to school. Tise detailed swurn state- monts of abo7ve cures, with hundrela of otisers, can bc obtainod isy addressing Tise Ryckman Medicine Cou., Hamilton, Ont. If Kootenay is net obtainable of ycnr dealer, sent charges prepaid on receipt of prico, $1.50 per bttie. Send ftoetCiart Book, mnuilei free. ' One bottle lasts «Ever a month. Avege tble Frcpý sirnilating tlefoo( f4g the Stomaclisa ness andiRest.Contains neither OpiudMorphinc nor Minerai. NOT ?NAIRcOTIC. j pke;e Ç,s-Sa a uSmrscsf Apc-lect Remedy for Constipa- tioin, Sour Stoniach,Diarrhôea, n.ess and LOSS 0F SLEEP. :Fac imle Signature of IL EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEF, TFHAT TITHE SIGNATURE IS ON TIE OF EVERY BOTTEI0O t Oastoriut lu put ap la ont-siz. bottles on'iY% i inet sisditabsslk. Doa't sdlow ayone to seli yon anythlng elsa on thse plia, or promis tisi l le "mest au gccd Iland ",will ensrer every pu pose.,, -" Se tisaiYen got 0ASTORI simueon ii 0~7C- WIIi bc pIeased once la Quantity, twiee iai Qualiy and three tilues in Price Who inspect the unequalled assortinent ot Stippers, Rubbers, Trunks, Valises, &o., Ai oui' Store, aS-BEAVER -BL0CK,-ýaBowmnau viI1, BIGGEST STORE, BIG&EST VARIETY, BIGQEST VALUE. ETcrybody invited to cail and sec our rnew tïooî*vïex TRE SIHOJE àllJý a quarter ut a uutuaeg, hait a teaspeea-I9 fui of soda ansioeeandi tisree-quartersi pouads et flous. Bull tii, cultnis ai cookie cuitas nand baise quickiy. These n-ill keep a long lime. HnyPudding.-Beat une cup of) strainesilouoy nils tise yoiýsofettisse saleggs. AdS tisa jiice et hait a lemon, tise boulon n-hites ofthtie eggs tn-o caps utfteur ansi eue amail tea- spounfai ot soda dissolveS ln boiin na- ter. Spread huit an mishtiidin lat-o saalon- pans ansi baise. J3eat up un ogg n-itla mn-e aisespeonfuls ut flour, une et sugas aud threetfioney, ansi udd it to h-e cupa utfihot miisk. Boit till i h ici- ena ansi n-baen cool put isetîveen tise lay- ers. Frost viih an icing made as telI- lon-a; Beill ghegîsr tn--iirds of a cap et sugar, tisroa tablespouafuls oet xaer, ansi a teassiýoatuLLetfleuson -uice, until it n-ilbastioen Nwisu2n usuppesi ite colS n'ater, Taise froua tise lire uni asisitn-e dessert spoonfuls oet isoey; set iii a dîis I of celin-stes ansi stsr consstaahly tli il isa isie tici croua, tison pour quicis- iy on top efthtie calie Tiese rocipes for coii willa iseey are taken trous tise cuntry Geatkenaun. Cîscumbler Pickles.-Lay dise ecun- Lors in geusi brine for tweaiy-toutr heurs tison taise tieni eut ansd scaisi tiso nl equat parts ut vinegar ansi naît5, a brasa hetule is boat, in alternahe layers et pick,eS sud grapaviae leuves, tison vinegur and n aIer oves thie. Let tisoestand uver aigist; tison cake tise vînoguir ansi nasies ansi pour oves aguin; put tielu a jas, ansi pour tiseisot repent this upesatLon frequently for tisree sinys eucsessivey, ai tisenonsfe ibat ie pour off tisa 'elsi vnegas, ansi cuver the pickles n-Ibh fresis vinegas, anS usS sina.l rosi pepp"esu te tashe. Macaroni Eggs.-First malte a tiicis n-lite oauce nii at a plat ut mils, a taslspcontuul eaof.liu butter anS fleur. Seasoiinitla ppper, salit anS a fen- srops ot tarragon viaegar, sur -hile it belle. Cook ocune ii-rg3 maauroni un sa~itnuiste, draui vtry dry, aud Tmax n-us haut tisen-bitea sauce ansi a tes- spuonal ofutchoppeS purabaey. Have reaciy soanie gratesi bas ostague. But- ter a pie-chah, ans inl it place a layer et macaroni ansi sauce, then s layer et the tongue or sa.m. Nuiv, saip caret ully on. te this as many suiv eggs as yeus itisila nil boiS,'and si oo iitis sait ansi pepper. Over tie eggs pince another layes cof gratesi tungue anS f111 up n-us macaroni, rouai ansi behn-een tise eggs, n-hicisho .curotul net to break. Cover tise n-boleiîhtise remainies et tise ,viaite saucLe, Susi a f sui breascrumabs oves ail, baise tilîl tise eggs are set, n-hicS xxii beinl about tive minutes, ansi serve ln tse pie-dial.. Tis dish mray bc v-arieci by grateil cheese beÏng ais tuteil for tse cisoppesi han. KITCHEN APRONS. Mr. Limnciailvises maiking your kit.- chois aprons wif h a ruffle or, thebut- tom. This will stand uu-t a lit ie fulier tisan your dreas sklrt, and eil atch whatevoer you snay drop, or -apili, thiLs protecting ihe dreas slkirt. Tisa, front heof utadresa je often soýiiod because tise apson does noc quite cu v es it.or la drawis tightly acroas it; but thls rut- fIe, will renaedy the motterso effectua!- Iy tisai you will wonder you sd flnot tisink uf it before. HIOLDERS ALWAYS. iHolders always cornes isandy andi any laousekeepor will beo glad ef a set. For tise parier or sitting-roum îboy may lie covered with crazy wurk or silk or vel- vet patchwork. For tise les or cutf on pot tisey sisouls be crutchetosi fromn brigii zepisyr os co.lured cotun. For, tise ironing table, iisey should bo made> of leaiser tops ot sisoos andi covered( with wuullen, patchwork. For tise kitoison, cuver with denimel, bed-iicking or otiser equaily strong matetial tisaI will waah. WONDERFUL. Piles Cures inl 3 ho 6 Nightxs-atching, Burning Skia Diseases Liolieves inL Oaa Day. Dr. Agnew's Olamment i xii Cure nl cases of itcising piles la trumn thre6 hu six nilz.Oae application brings comtcrt. For blind andi bLeading piles. it is peerless. Also cu.res tettor, sait rheu-m, eczema, barbers'itcis, an.d ail eruptioua cf the skin. Relieves lna day. 35 ceit.. For saleo by Stoti & Jury. Mrs. E.tn" udriuitiat yess husisansi can't maet ilas crodilurs." Mira. Wfqote-"I doia't bBlieve he wants tu, especsa.ly." Coie tu ihinaofut h"dollaýrs tu dougis- aRIa" is net sou uneqtil a wager as it ai t irai appears. Tissre, are usines wisen tise dicagisauts are houx el' tian tise dal- StBESI FUR ABLE. USE 11185 FOR 11Mti' USE - - VNnuat.LFO FOR ssc CANADAq SALrAs-sOCIA lION, CINroN, oNTl.7 lý ýIllýýý u