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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1897, p. 8

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4 T4he Bran.tferd,. Red Birds Arene her Easy Running, Beauty and Strength. Patronized by their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen. We keep a supply of Lamps, Belis, Whistles, Cyclom- eters, Luggage Carriers, Cement, Patching Rubber, iPumps, Grips, Oilers, Clips, Oil, &c. J.E îgînot ha Son. BOWMAN VILLE. Chemists and Druggists.1 BOWMANVILLE,'JUNE ',),f897. HAYDON. Mr. Berry, Bethesda, àddres,,sed the League Sunclay evening weelk.... An- niv'ersary July lst ..Mrs. Conley and Miss E. Washington, Bethian,,Visited their parnts recently..Miss Ethel MeNeil has been indîsposed. Do flot despair of during your sick headache when you can so easily obtain Carter's Little Liver Pis. Tfiey will eff ect a promýpt and permanent cure. Their action is mild and natural. TYRONE. Revs. Finley'and J. J. ilice supplied for the pastors on this circuit Sunday, . ..Visitors:-Mr. and Mrs. L. A. J. Short, Courtice ; Miss Campbell,Haydon A grand Union Picei h talked of for the '22nd ..Citizens and farmers g'en erallyr are engaged in repairing Rer Majest- 's hig-hways .... A goodly nuner were at Bowmanville on Sali- bath from this vieinity. To get relief fromi indigestion,bilions- ness, co nstipatîon or torpid lîver with- ont ILturbiig' tbe stornacli or purging the bowels, take a few doses of Carter's Little Liyer Pis, they will please you. SOLINA. SPROVIDENCE. The S. S. Anniversery aili beheld as fcllovs: Ou Sunday June 20, sermons av Ili e preeched by Rev. R. Taylor, Neavrastie, at 2.30 P. M. and 7 P. Mn. Col1lection etc.-àOn Mon. day Jue ilst thc services aili be resumed et 2.30 p.m when the schelems aili furnisb a programn cfý Reiations siugiii etc , alsc addresses by 3ev. G;. W. MeCoil, Nî. John Moment, B. A., Orono, and circuitmlnisters. Teeaili beserved from 4o'ciockp. m. Tickets 25c, ebidren 15. A. C.- ilson, Pastor; Russel Smale, secretary, WhatffHood's Sarsaparilla lias doue for others it will also do for you. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures ail blood diseuses. MAPLE GROVE. Mr. John Sharpe is iii wîth rheuma- tism .... Mrs, Philip Tyler lias been vis- iting in Hiope.... .Visitors -Mr.Stanlev Pickup, Millbrook ; Mrs. Thos. Gourd, Peterboro ; Mr. Mrs.and Miss Hudgins, Claremont, and Niss Edith Kirby,Osha- wa.,. ..A number of Ministers have beau clling on old friends here during conference. That tired. lunguid feeling and duli headnche is very disugreeable. Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pis before retiring, and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. EBENEZER. The unniversury services of'Ebenezer Subbath Schooi commeece next Sunday when R-ev. W. H. Adams of Orono will preach at 10:30 a. m., 2.30 and 7 p. rn. On Mondav a program will be given by the school at 2 p. m. with addresses by Rev's C. Parker and R. A. Burriss, B. A., and others. Tea served from 4 o'clock. Tickets 25ic., chiîdren 15c. G. week;1 mias. values With the crowds who came to our Special Sale last more goods went ont than in 4ny week since Christ-. We believe that the people are well pleased with l offered. The Special Grocerg Purc hase Came in for very general attention; the bulk of theseý goods are ail sold,' many lines being entirely cleared. I3argain Sale Prices will continue on any goods left of' this special Grocery purchase until ail are sold. Speciaii Jubilcee Novelties in Jewe1ryr Dept., Ready-made Clothing Sales were very heavy particu- larly on Saturday. Some of the Bargain lines in this Dept. also were cleared out but some are left and the cut price will be continued until al vre gone. A few of the special $2.76S Blue Serge Suits Ieft, a fine suit for the hot weather. Thé- Black Worsted C. & VT. are in great demand. New arrivais this week. r '~~~~~~- - - - - - ----q - - - - - r ' , . . . to place in your home, we have and our prices are so low you car without it. Il and See the newest designs in ail kinds of]1 are always welcome, UAN VILLE, IUndertaker a&nd FiLmriure De& There are many kinds of Sewinig Mahines, bui a new machine you should by al meaxts get the vie ]'m4Ind1seil. T or Taiors' and. Dressmakers' use, our Machii Pi îees reasouable, terms ruade tQ guit tlk -ptirehAe e"Very machine. fntanding purdiaserashl'ddc ý,i sent postal card and ageut will bec arotiid. Bgït Byno other. Machine ats and repaim ealpplied. have a beautiftul 8x-Octa-ve Pianpcnse Organ gwain. New supplies of Boots and Sihos, Wall ?Paper, an»d best varicties of Turnip Seed. HAMPTO-N. By ~'tsLvhg Fid F'2 ave At the H-aînj Hlaviuîg rocit purehaseý of a wool for tie pri es lhaViîîg suit 11thuir intere cea'ily eau, e, in great variety Maple Grove,F . Joess, ào'manviîl adW. W. Noble, Enniskidlen, at muple imot aff ord to be Corners .... bessrs. 0, W. Soucli and RAPIn HBART BEAT-MrS. Jas. CGrlst, Bienheim, Ont., says. "1 was troubled with rapid beating of the hehrt and a strange sinking feeling. I took Mil- burn's Jleart and Nerve Pis and they have cured me. ThIe heurt 'weakness' Hu niture. You und throbbing, toget4her with the fier- vouslless which it caused, havo com- pletely disappeared, an& I ar n ow strorrg and weli, " DNF1 C.: Visitors :-Hev. G. meculiocl i h-' mond 1-îli' Rev. R. McCulloch, New- ler, >'s Bteek. burg; W4ir. and bMrlh. J. Bryanut, Man-. chester; Mr. Dyer, Oghawa, at Mi. Donald McCulloch's; Rey E. A. Ton-~ kim and son Picton, a# Mr. R. -H.Cainp-. bellis ; Mr. Î). Caimeron, OMtawa, and 21 ~ e $ Miss Carneron~ Torontq, ut Mr. H. e .Camerons.. BvMrTn preached heare Suriday .... Mr. Donald McCullocsh met with rather a serionis accident M&yý 81 w1ille haun i axiure. When un- loading the uines siipuled doïiwn on th& ut whe-e purckasâng wagon tangue and whia reaching for ury best-.--This s t iîernthe horseg ran uway pitching hlm te the gronad. The wagon ran over his leg fracturiun- above *adS below the iîles have 110 (iqllknce. Drs. Mitchell anud Star Were~ tîr, Fll .gdhran'e, ,snmmoned and set the fractttred boue cau. and etgt~ and ha isimproxing nieitly. iAs te tamuehine 0o1 fer *Rie- b*d wounds wr ulsd The anniversarï ifEcmfeld Sabbattl Schooti - for samle,'a big bar, avili Se leld as fleai s: Oms Senday June 13 ut 2 .i sud il.30 p. rn., Rev. J. P. Wilsomn, B. A., ut , Pure Paris Green. Oishawa ill preaeh, uibySbahSehoaol dry June 14, the exemeimes aili 4e resucsaen et 2.30 p. mu., promptlvY, wlaen a prograna wllbc li t, j are aand addresses yBis Wilson, Allen How- ard, Havard, Ronfke ccd îothers. kMoac t4En- field Band. Tes ,wili Pce served froca 4 o'eloek.- Tickets 258 ci4s; ciidldreon not mcenbrs cf setieol lac llu the eveminae peeiaihIy Luterestiug Ipro- icm ll bettiat 8j). inu w-Peu flue follcatIngj aveuknowiltaltaIri au-mi t'l part: Micd Mm. W A TE F'reti. Lewailie, aua: heMisscE 'Fc--.r -Myrtie; iMihsLamnbia, MI'sDej. Mssiii ____ day, Mmcs. ddy, aid ýr. Oe. .liIoildai' uton Wohleu ihîs. Balrlh;ils e M .ie 'mS Itertsasv; Mm.Ja1 eived ordený1 a15,; ohdei lue. Teeq CitiSi*en 853Ql. nd 25c. Llarge quantît y Ofai l",TiiEg BE";l-R.--M s s E iliîy Craig, Aluetican Market, Aluionte, Ont-, ay:Iaerve w ltisci wMill con- lanud anYthingý- bet rivmrFo i'lExtraýi tuf 7l" dStrw-,Qrîyfr.- est by gîihir lue Pau paliks iu tlestoix 4' r diarrh<'a9*, few Gdos cuýres-ji me ,of bsovQre diari T.AYLOR "~ ftr other msi1~ ii aId a1ay kp riDl1, 10scaujk' I3EST1, Whitebread, Ont. COURTICE. Vîsitors :-Hev. und Mrs. Liddy uat Mrs. Littiejohns; Rev. I. undt Mrs. Brown at Mr. Jus. Cortice's; Rev, L. Pieips, Miiibrook, ut Mr. J. F. Brook's ... Mr. S. S. Brooks lias gone ta Eng- land on a business trip. .... Mn. and Mns. J. Gibson visited in Hope titis week ... Hev. J. Lidd.y was greeted by a large cangregation on Sunday morning. Mrs. Liddy took part iii the song service.., Preparations are being compieted for the anuiversary aud a large crowd is expected... fia Mondav eveuing after the tea the E. L. wili give an entertaini ment in the churcli. The committee is fortunate lu 'secnring sncb talent as Mesers. F. Trebilcock undt L. T. Courtice town, undt E Brown, Toro»to School oi Pedagogy - Messrs. Paul,-Adams andt P~ H. Punahon, undt Misses Reelen and Everson, Oshawa, besides the best home talent ta render the proffram. Admisson D double tickets 95C. ALWAYS FISET TrRns.-I sxRfereit with severe headuche und losb of appe- tite and I alwuys fait tied. I concludeit ta tny Hood's Sunsapa'niiia and afttr takiug onc bottle my headuche. I cou- - inued takiug it until flow I am neyer troublei t vtheadache and my aplýetite ~is good." LÂuàGARLAND, 247 (lare- muont S, Toronto, Ont. rAtthe present time many manufac- I tuers af crude and aduiterated package dyes are muking Ilvely efforts ta induce the whoiesaie and retail dnugg-ists and ~grocers ta buy their dyes. These common dlyes are quoted ut suci low pricos that some profit-ioving dealers then take care ta seL4 liese n'dulterated dyas ta fie inexperiemced anîd earelcss at the saiue price as the popular undt relable Diareaond Dyes are s'oid for. This iniquitans and deceptive work lias causeit a vast ainount of loss andt trouble te muny in Canada, andi wiIi hcontinue as long as wvoren are foolisi enuita take aun thîng that is offereit ithi ' f bouse dyeing os is ta bea sucý ý_c0%sful andti ouey-saving work, evcny ,women s.iouId sce tint sic gets the tolamenit Dyes as they are the oniy p~ab. aoàaje dïes lu bbc worid. E3LMCK 0'C Take No Risks5 Do Not Foolishly Experiment With Medicines That Have No Standing or Reputation.~ Paine5s Celery Compouud ThQj Q»ly Medicine That Cure and Btusmes The SIck. laIn matters af kealîli undtlife mnoý or womaan cau affard ta take risks g'r @xperiment fooiishiy. A wrp)ng move, or following the advice af the careless or ignorant, may resuit in serions com- plicationis. This is espeeî'fiuiy tiruc un regard ta the use of mnedittines uiheu people ure in a low coeditioiÉ of hoalti. Wheu the physical pnwers are Impauu- ed. when yon areweuk5 utrvons, Irrit- able, despondent, sleepiess or weighed, dowu wlti thuat duil, unittircit feeling that usuuuiy commences ut this season of the year, Il is wise and prudent ta useq themedieine thu bhas giveru health, 'van and uctivity ta the th!iniaîîds- af %weuk people in the past. This safe, certain anit boulth-giving~ remnedy us Paine's Celee-y Comnpound which is naw 50 exteusivey piwccibed by tie ablest doctans in Ca nada. Tie, indorsers of Paiue's Ceiemy £omn-paund, besides those the andinary walks of lufe, are clergymen, lawyens, judges, mcm-j bers of parliamnent and bunkers, hun- drcds or 'heun it lias reseueti tram s4fiering and deati. Avoid tlicunberlcss liquitimedicines that are worth]ess frain a inedýcal - stautipoint, and that have never gaineti' the sbadawofai aeputation. -Pu+, yo-Lr' faiti iin Paine's Celer y Compound, an à wi,-en yau purclea'.e bhoure von are j sapplieti wiftic eigit article. Sec thiat thc bottie anti box heur the naIsse "PiesCelery Cornpound" andtihti stalk af celenv; fils is the anly gerUnin maie-fie iind tisaittsakes people, w-il. 17' AUCTrON SALI 0P VALIJABLE FARI AND TOWN PROPE] UN DER IJÇ5TUTJCTION5 FrOKM Lus. f1. Fish & 8011, Ba I rhaR offer for sale at Victoria Hai the town of Cobourr, on IÎATURDAY9 JUIN 3RD, lj At rhle haur of One O'eteck in the Afterno<r the foUàowlnmZ lands In six parcels. I.Parts olLots 5aqd6,Cô3n.3, and pllý1'rl 'n Nrhm eri.d fomr fxw y S CurtiS-lB acres more or iesb. A ,geod dcwlllng bouse, outbwlidl»ffl sd ocia eillnt soul, and ndcely sitiiated on tb he s R~esraboqr ilmiles from RHarwýod 2. Parts of lots 7 and 8, Con. 7, To nù 4YaMibon, Co-unty f Nçortrnmtirlan, r' fr owned bi' Latienery Ward-mû le,". A brick dwelltng bouse, gond b âtablea ami outbuildings. A goodrilm cises atarn.emA flîst clags fai r,.,avio, 'çiew of Rire Lake, and sîtuatdi± pr eî from the village of lisrwoç,d. A S. Parts of lots St aud S2,,Conj.,.ow flaldlmnand, Oounty of Nrbmeln iy owmed by R'obert Wilson aud 7JoIhn I lan d-53 acres more or legs. WlIh se ver faili 2 ofng c aatar. À largebrc ing ous""eely new, good neA'bamnsi , sdontbu i~,a good riew s ilu 100 tous.his 18 'q good farm and, iLýj thu main road 1rcnCentreton o b(',r about 4 miles frona t1î lql"iii d -11 Trhe above lam 1, ,ri ch -t;'lod t of' tVation and wi te s'iq is f icï cherches. 4 aa S.E nrsectin13 o Re"l1na N NW*T 0%rs avel wàteî cd. ars tcle i.Alot coîieining car acr e o l.Arge1*'ik bi."in ddwtieonix ziv Fae, itfcuaod~y uat n u1ww TEISOF S ALE.-On e thimicti tnoeî c Senîed ini cash w;iIrhraa thm 1 alaicecfthteheemnyiA ,w î rgaefor ftece1cfJersea i0-1 Wara st, '(fi psesoJo s f 'ance i ic'crcd i ýo ý Purîe rinasmyb S T.r zis cl-onBenes;oýug parng rmfi aiigbsns ~f, 'I c 1al J99 The Mason Go. Wel'«ýel,ý Pleéqi-sed 6 a

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