c-n-- 'a ÏEAK, DISEASED ME Cures Guaranteod or No Pay YON rMIDDLE-.AGED M. may have been the vitim of Self Abw bhen voung. Later Excesses or exroc r to hl)1ood diseaEes may have complhai tt1 ok.onfeel the symptome tahn over yen. . oe dread the future rwî-, iu onkaow yanar not a man oeti-s texoaly., Whyý not liecured in lime iid avoiu the sad experience of otherwrt. ofh t p-e iee. 0ur NEWXVML 1<I 1'iÂMNT WILL CURE YOU Ab i I ALL ELSE FAILS. Emissions, Variooccez an~d Syphilis Cured t?- W. M. MILLERj. W. M. MILLER j3efore Trealment Atter Treatmeut .At the age er 15 1 comuaenced to rda S my healtb. Lofer on as "ON4E OP T'iIE? BO YS" 1 contracteti a serions blooi do-sease, -SYPHILIS. 1 was weak and nervees, 1 desceondent, 3 plpes, sonken ev es, -h ne cains. olcers,h air 1Eces-, sors tongue aud month, drains tn urine, varicocil-t wa'- a wreck. I was in thse lait stags s hen a frsend recommentied Dra. Kenne Jy &; itergaci. A dozen otnier doctors hati lailed in ccrng me. Drs. Kennedy & Ker2an onred me in a few weeks hy their New' Method'Treatment. I woold warn somilar diseesed men to heware of Medical Pc-cool-. 'Ihev are reTiable honest and ski liaiý phyelcians." ?' W.M. MlLLEI. CONSULTATION FREE. WVe treat andl curne Var1co-ý see yphiis, Emssioss billty, Unnatural DIsclcaricies, Kijdney and Bladder 9 s. eaébes. 17 VEARS IN MICHIGAOJ 200,000 CIJRED No cure, 1%0 pay. WrIte oe 8uetlion Blank for H m Treatnent. Bo leks _V r e CoflUltatOflFree. Dz M NNEDY&K S Ne. 148 Shelby .St. 7IE 1C QUC X LY. -rte to-day for our eautfulill.stratcd iiookon Patents and thc faocttng ory of a peer Inventer who made 2 O.0Send use a rougie sketch or modal ot yetcr inccntion and woe wil prernptly t! yevn FE.i if h is neorand probFabi y patecîtable. Nc Lumbug, Ilonest ServIce. Specialty: Tougipce-e re.jected l other hands and foreigeý s Iptca eRferences: Honor- able :. - ztertlaume, prop. of "La Presse," H-aoroable, D, A. Ross, *,ho ieading news- tpers.Taks Exprpss Compantes & Cliente in ay local ty. Ail Patents sccured trongie ae ,ialynotce,1 nover30cesaes TIeoly fr e rdut Eateesi 1Is Doino trasatictpe eetbuin exducveb. ttontoc tc.s pap 'yr CURES CULM CHOLERA, CHOLERA- AdilSUFOMER COMPLAINTS el 5I~ChUdvenco or Adults. nenwud aeshoutiet, b ut --Puul's quieêt dignity bore cernes out. If n'as unlautaul te psunish a Roeman citizen witboaf formai conviction, anti aven thon Le couiti not ha lecoui4gk-d. "Loche han otten Ead oppertunity te show Loîv mach Latter Gentlos hehavedti t- ward the Gospel than tEe Jews. Blere (chap. 23. 253-29) ho ýsets the spirits of 1 iCI re n 0ry fo r fiESUri4DÂY SCI-OOL. INTERNATIONAL LESSON, OCT. 10. 17-3Q. 4Goldene text, R1 Peter, 4 . 16. Verse 17. This la the Eeginniug et the third great divisionofet Jaui'a address teaflue exciteti mob at Jer- (usatena. 'W boa Iw as cýorne again to ,Iemnsalem. Corne again atter threa years, Gal. 1. 18, uhich Pui bore passas over Lu silence. t lvas in a france. A condition lun wLeL his seul seerneti te sot indepeudentiy of the body. Peut w'as espoc-mally sensi- tive te Gsils Prom, ftue spiritual exorid, anti, as Professer B.orawell Enshotv,, Lis lite mighit Le,otudieti as a reoord ' et successive drearna, revolations utnt frances. 18. Suos hlm. Jesus. Sea the oneuc- tien wicls verses 8 andt 14. Got thce quîickly eut e ai- ralem. Leave thce Joua, whe will net receive tha Gospel, ati go te ehE, Goztllt's. Fiul nover seecus tealisve undeestooti îhy Goti sr-nt hlm on ibis errai. lIe the cati he, hceiievEl dhinsalf te, ho peculiarly lit- ted te ceavince thce Joua'setfthe truth. Orticnary peoein Lu eutires neay ti- riva. n lttle, comcfort Daim. fLic aant et iaammony bete ae2 Paul s judgiort of Lis ce-n jpr r -lles andtihte caAl ofe Proviicîce. bey wiIl not ee. v thy testtocy.Tht thousantis ef thfbm did reeivai the testiny t' o.he et postios la plain Prom th w ortis o f James tna ctes 21. 20. l 1 aid. Hjere;Pauihegias a mev- erecit argument with the Lord. fhore is cci the slightest dishelief ici God, nec epposifien te Gol's purpose. Hic attitude is nef un".'ike thst et Gideen wben lie askol for the aigu of the Pleece. fHewals fullIof confidence in the ppower anti love of Goti, but a littie ateaiti et nistakiag hie saown eeotins anti feelings for Godes voice. They know that I imprisouati anti Leat. i2aut's craolty te the Christians befome hias nscouvertati was tLe cause et bitter anti humabte reflectionis te hie dyiung day. But thora was at leasf eue comfor. in if as hoe fbenght if over. They coulti never donhi asthey recalied i Li virulence that Lie w-as sinaire in persecutiag Christ Lana. If they gran.t that. avili fhey net grant Lis sin--erity iLuchange; cf conviction. anti wili they net liston te Lis rea- sons for tEe, change'. In every syna- gogue. Thera viere ta Jerusatene syýna- gogues for aiment every class etfefr- aigu-hem Jeu a. '1hey a11 aningleti to- gerber in the rituol service et the temple, Lut ýwhea fbay mot to tqIlk ever Goi's word anti engagssd icn pray- er if;n'as nerassoryi that people talk- ing o111e language shoalti meot tegethor a ndi just cas thora are toi uncieu Soedisb Methodist caiurches, anti Gemain Methodiet churches, anti Italtan anti French Methotiat charches, as w'ell as thosa ini nhirch the worship Le perforunetiin our owvn. mother tongue, se in Jerasa- hem thora were ai augegnes te suit the nýeatis et ail classes et the foreigný-bra& population. They osera al lloHrews anti flacy al Lad couac Issunedtge et thein- den-t I1abrota- language, 'but Poreigu- born, Jeu, s telke 'Che besigues. efthe, people they liveti aîmeug. 'TEena that heiheweot on thee. TEie earliesf Christians, xho bclieweed in the Mes- sia'bhship of J esua hetore the deutE cf Stepeen. 20. Blooti tear. sshed. To Lis ting' day Paul nild mnover forget the pic- fum et that w hte,.aceti youg man, fàlling entier the, stores and exciainu- ing, "Lord, ley neftElle ;sin te the--irý cha!rgeý," '[bat prayer n-as et' fareti for hum, for be aisa wae standing hýy. 21. lHe said! unioi me, Depisrt. Pui in thbs mevereconaverse wifL tEe Lecrd la a' motiet fer ns. In, every difticuit passage Lu lite, lvbnn we do net know whis t ha dlo, ashouidti tatk n-ifh Get as a man tulks, nith bis triend, hring-, iag hefceohlm car vemy l-,est judg- ment,, anti urgLng if w itE eh thej Percei f bat n-a bave, and, watching fer hiaý de,- cisietn; thie lun our day i os e-inias givan' byp an! impress on the mind, auti ofteni by tEe deveppnf cfetoyants., But ai-ai a <aur course la disftincty mamrke eut fer usisf wne, ashiGoti's guiti- absace. 'I nuill Oic4 teu far Lence ente tle, Gen fit" - U 'te thîs peint ha hati ,suppressedt1ithuthatet word. 22. Lîiteti np fltir voicas. 1;in hhaýrr-- cîaieca honwlng. ehway xv liisncb a fe1oii vfrýorntEe icorth. "KIIhimn,, kili li.1" The lanp-sxge ct bigot my Luncii agea. TI l *rot fb-ct7 ho etlie hultilive, Tha' original ch- rge 1-t h oad broken tEsý l-', rigtga en i inta the courts ef tEto-te oins a paltry at- t-tir te theoir mincis e3Dmpare ti uliL hthis ecintesten fbaf Lbe ai nid put the Cen- tles wheme tlie Joesahoulti ho, amoeng thnï chilidren et Coi. A WELL-KNOWN HOTEL--KEEPER RELATES RIS EXPERIENCE. fie Suffered îlreslîY Irent tlite ' vTroeube a nd td -î.tnlie llsei lee«e aLn Tissuaie %Ih,,e5 (Iettiieg Au. tiy-lser Prom f ho.- Standard, Cornwalti The- carmeLf e L eripregrese l foreti, protracteti anti continuons,, tEe comeetitien fer îsapremacy is in ibenan of ibuýiess must keap rank, if ha wOUAImenýýue uny covatahie mea-- sure or seccass. The n-atchfalness, vigLlaunCe andti IbeghtinLvolveti on Moeirn Fhuperîntondency predeeces a SaIrev strain on the physicaU antisiet- tai powars et moern business meni, anti exposas thani to tEe attua( cf r Certain diseusesl. £onsidering that much dtepentis ou Leafh lunfLis strug,- gleb, t beboovea .tEose wnho n'eotlt Le victoriens, i-o guarti againsi flae tiret aPPreuch of dsue Negleot of ea,1ý' atitment of digestive anti kidey isoder taoffan traughi n-iith dieraata, utdedti t this is tEe unpar-- denabla ý-trtfiing vith heaith Ly experi- menting wifh aM manner otworthis Iice in.Lt Lasirnplly invaluahie to make fthe acquaintance of asauto anti eff-ctive remedy such as Dir. Wýilliams' PiPlLoIS. James Macpherson, botel keoper Ln the village 0of Lancaster, Giengarry eýoulny, bas dona business for anunahr cfyears Lu Lancaster anti baiing -,Ilcessulqy catemetifo tEe patronage et the traveling puE)iie therafome Lsfuvorably kne-evn net or'y utý home tout aiso abroati. lu couver-l safion n-ifb a -nen-spaper reporter L,, enuruerateti cofethie ailtneuntsant bow haen-as cured. About fn-eyeur5ý 119o ho caiti, "na 4y -haidigestive u- puarOatus scerneti te bocorne di5 erdereti. .- om e days I, Crut nueve atotînti, thon again I would heobigeti te go te lied. T trieti-, v- crut thiheos huanitL fudifferent su-- ces. lOccasicnlly I toilt relieaed.Lu ine a daY or tue the, nid eymptonesý n-onld refin i vih a mer-' dopressing affectL . TEs kinti et thing n-ont onï util I becama trosalieot oitE neyki-- neavhich n'as "a very aunoyiu g a- ttloin te nMy suterings. I nas 1reat.- bass, xiih a sensation ot ahOkunessaut thaý steinreb, aîith, intermittent pain ou, thaý sm-II of nmy back. -J1n'as niserahie enough uhen I cousu itedth îe djctor7 n-hie proahly titi me sorno gooti L- causa, 1 fet rehteveti. 'Tiedco' Meedicine n-as faken antilid ircin eheyed, Lut. I titi nefimpreve. jT Lad hourd ofethte tame of Dr. Wlf'nrns' Pink Pills. 31ywiita helia-vatinL hn anti urget]. me te ftry fb-ns. Ine a at f diti ue, fer atter faktcug eue box Iïtit boffor. anti 1 coufinueti faking fý i! 1plz unttl 1I nat cospietely cîcreti., Iis cummecr I bat an attuck oethte sunea coRpIsaints ant I TroundiDr. Wiliaims' Pink Pilla as etveaus hefere, 1Ibutd tbis utivantage, rny knox-ledge nt bellic i he PUIS saveti me tronecoti andtifaions axperimenting sucli as 'I hati undergone previonsly. I mey ty- ý ther udt that botE myscaf antid s Masplerson have tieiveti muchLee t frone the use ot Dr. WihJllars' Piink Pille, anti I eau cordiully rcmat thenu teoifhose n-ho ara suftering snl igarly." 1Dr. Williams' Finkr Pilla cura ,)y going te the, reetf e lcdiseuse. TEeiy renon- anti builti up thie blonti.anti sfreugfth-n ftenerves, fLua rim tiseae- roua tbe systena. Aveitiiit- tiens hýy hsisfing thaf evory box youj purchaea ha encloset inLua n-raýpper heariugtfEu full trade mark, Dr. -.l- lianes' Pink, Pille for Pale People, A MUCHL ADMîRFI) GIRL. That Mies Goldmick seerna te Le ax-- tuliy popalar w ith the youngmn Popular is ne narne for if!W , d vou kuon-lhem tatLer bus actuallýy got eut a. prinfei ferm.etftieclnation of offers for ber baud? With' ail respect te, the baud thaï ok The Laby Lu ifs cratile carieti, 'Tis thie baud thaf rocks the miners Thiat Juat nain' neeves tflacrieyld the gcvernmeno'e cf the tue ia cen- trast. Paut had said once and again arnong his brethren, 'I arn a Jeu.' 1,e Lad declare-l how bis cors't the bcginning was approeoi by a.e- veut Jeîv in Darnaszcus-. Euft uvaLIs u.cfhing. 'l amn a Je,,ý' bas ne ueight among Jews. New Lu fthe castie of the heathen be says, 'T arn a Roman,'j wvhau et once thongs fly open, chains fait off, of1iîo'ers tremble. andi hostile purpcose.s ccase. The tribune aven grews coufidential anti cempanienable. and talla, hoev wUi a groat Irîce he pur- chaeot his free Romn ciizenship. Luke shows friurnplaut1y how mucli btter it La fer -Paol te lue a Reman amnong thia lcathcen tban tot be a Jéw among bis fe'lo;w-ceuutrymun. Among the fermer thora le respect for iaw and ha- man r1ghts. Amnog the iatt. r rights acreframneetunder foet au-t unbeliev- ing h'treti of the Gospel and ifs iminis- fer have ecurpeti the place et righft eus crder. lsael is fast Lagtoniag te ifs deo."-tifer. The centurion. An officer untiar the (,bief captain or 'tri- bune. 261. ThLs man is a Roman. It ceorne atrange that Pau'Is Word was ýse Prempti'y taken, but very likely more ovessaiti then s lhera repeortet; be-- sides, tie cl-dm cof iLtseif -,as so ~serions thaf the contempatati a-urgng musf ba stooped lt onc-e. AFI cecuected witL tha scouo-ging cf a Broýn -n wou'i bc 9evere. pnihe"On tLe ether b1aud Lf Paua7ts caim was teînd te lai I fase b ueh- Slti Lepunished with deaih. 28. Wtt h a greaf touanobtaineti 1 tEls freetion. Duriag munch ot Be- man lhitbr.v ý1tzenJbip was sa blM s.emelfmes for a amalîl auine tcee se7metirnes at gre.et cuit. Freea Lomu ThLe qaetiea heu Faut cama bho re he'M ba,%isitooested the azufiouariana, lait no oane eau certaiuly aa-ser t. More irtii linTars.s9wou'id nef make hhln free hotu. Ris fther rnay hâve f1lone as this 'oa piin dii. Putrcl-oleod ifý, or if may ha v e ben coutcrre i upon bics fer sOmr'e ServîCe. Ia eltîcer Cas', cithounsbip noulti desaiad tePaui. 29, 10. Str-otghtw.u' thcy dopa'-ted. Jact as qu'ickly ae they co ulti de ro tlit hen avEc Lad beau'about te whip bon ccfasteoel the tlîongs sud rme- letoseti hlm. The cLiet captain --a', aiso afrati. He Lad coeevemv n.a te ferfeifing bis own citizenslaip an;t;i lita, hy the fhenghtloss mistake the cnuindiscovýemet. But ha bout Paul ici the caatl6d becausea ho was stîli an ac'-useet man; aise, Lecanse if w ,onit ha unsae[te t li Laihave, his lil'erfv. Noxf day, cerjnaanding the council te assemble, he breought Paua ieLooe his accusera. Tlhis asa the very ceancil ivhich Lad pased upen Jesus antipas- eti upon Stepheca. _We are not certain thst this was a regular meeting, cf the Sanhedrin. Some etof Le in- cidents indicite that the members of tht body ocare informa ly assena- bled. KidllOy Trouble Cured, F. L. ELLIS. Sheerness ou Sea, Sept. 11, 1897. 'For infaunts "nd liren. An Engli.sh Tory ariny officer w05y died tateiy kft directions that 14 body sboiuld hae cremated a n d U& ashes 'burtedinic a garden by the sid( of his, favorite, dog. The dog w as a Scotch collte Ihat had beeil tau~-gt te bark and gren 1 whenee er -Ur. GILd- stonc's naine w as inentioneti. After t died its master osed te deoocrte the grave wtth prinaroses on LoatiBeacous- fiatd's hirthday. TIv oriid lis bruta £teeting show; Oisr irt-we talg thamas they d tecoYme as star3 wif I gaily glow, Aad oiLÔhcxr~bette dram. "Thatwa ahai iayc -acident youjr beati b)arber ret wti. Yes; btiLt leEdbuies e I jati bis tbatietiupfrthe ek. 1eseily true of Hood's Flls, for no maedi- iie ever Pontained so great Curative power ce 80 sunail space. They are a whoie naedkinc e st, always ready, ai- *IVays effiient, a;ways sat- m sfactery; preVEtaco I or ever, cure ali liver las, eck headache, jaundfce, constipation. etc f2e, .lit only llus lto QwiUsh aod'esu~saparilla o '4? S il Il ENGLISR LETTER. DrAp. SrTATESMAN. My biddiug adieu to mv frîints lu Sciliy breught rnany reficiions oin the past eanti hug-hts ef the future-saducs-i that ticese dear friends wocilti eve- bc seeîi by mie agaiu, pleasure that 1I was turnirig>,te those nearer and denier ones at home. Thevoyage frona Scilly to Pejîzance wes a mest delighîful-oeue. The S. S. L-oeiessemnade, gooti tirne,tbe 5sea being vers- smoeîh and the femper- atm-e the liott"st siesce the asiglit betore 1 left Mentreal. We passoct îhrouigh Cornwall anid Devon by daylîght Ces the Great Western Svstem for Paddingçýonii wlierene arrivedaibeut 4a. cu. Itwoas satit feookat the emblenas of desolatioci in Cornw ait, the sient andi stili mine, once teemhcig with industrious Miners. î iow lot oeescarceiy te ho seeco she- ing aeîy aetivitv, the greater part look- ing like sepulchral monumnents erecteti te mark tho d a th oethe mi in ter- est and the dealh et the race wlso work- cd theni. Where are coos the tecîs cf thousands of Corieli mincis ? ŽNet in Cornwall ;îlot ila England. iscw Zea- lanti. Australia a ted*8outh Africa ecd has is share, -%hilst Cornîwall is deprîv- ed ef lier chile, o-cc. The drlve froua Padi'uton te N je terLa is thie Oj Uh a loN eiy part ef London andti was travelicti wiclst the gicater partcf the r sidecats were asleep. Tihe ,, is ocf weeklh we -e apparent on every hlîad m the cocteaielation ef thct waa, m'crred wL eu passct, ing Hde JPar-k tesec se icna«y poor ovretches lv Lngacsleep coa 'the '-doakoitsîde tua p"t-rk wiîth tic hocco.inawbich te lay their hcads. ici the mid'-î cf 'uch wea]thv anti iina gii- ciitsrccn dhc -s Sleer-ness-on-Sea t isý roi cheti Iroi aLocndon by the L codon <Ithaca and Deverralao casgig caîrs at Sittibou-ile, seven miles dis- cMý h ton cis sctuntedon tle ie l of' ý(wcpart efthe Ceuntîy cf K eut, ant1 i ic scene cf the laniusgCfth AugLes lu tieir firsti nv asions cf the. ccur lThe isie Le about 9 miles in ,,rea est leicg 'th anti 7 miles iu grcatest wvidth. about haîf the size et ont eof eur front townships. The landi aroasid She,1crîesq 15quitefiat anti lear, but a great part ef the isianti is relling landi icmuclo se as the south hiait cf Darlinag- tocs. The populatione cf Sheppelv is est- i;ncted tiab eout -2lc0, ueac-ly 1700 cf whom are said te he in Shccriess. lice other towns are: Min ster bcastiug cf onte et thie oldest charches ii the KLng--Z dem, Eastchnu-eh andi Queeusbury, the latter is also a very elti tewnî cn h lauding place et Qneen Phillippa, tîce Wac-rior Queen ef the warlik e dWarti, whose nainue Ls perpetuatcd Ln street ancd hetel te this day. Queeuishury bias hias several frame heuses lu it aîcd man-y brick edifices ef great acîtiquity as evL- tiencet b v the dates on the bicildLng;us. SLucherness cs a modern town, the -reut- or paro-cf Lt having been buiit wLtbii the last 30 years. TIhe di VuSiOnS of it are lecaliy kciowin as Maricne Town, MLle Trowni and Blie Town, the latter -being ýthe citi part, and nseur w-ich are situnte th te dock yardl anti gevec-ninent stores andolti ferÎteations. !'le town is on tlhe uorth west ceast ef .e heisianti and has a delig-htfal proiuesil ý ad about 20 teet wii-e en the cea Wall which moius fer abou~.t two mtiles along- - hefronýt cf the tomwn,-lcaviîcg, a tort, at o11ch end, he iea' ftue cas,,Csaîn Peupece-s cf cacun1 cfheto cl ;4e w rked con the most Luipo-oved ncusderci meivthotIs. andi se placoti as te cover and Ï protect the Nore ligfitsLp ctbeut ciid- c-haiinel het-recu Lt and tise Essex shore e)ppesite Hudreds cf people are to bceJ seein u ii walk, it being the recrea- tion groundi, net cnly for the citizecas, ýicut uNe for the nuinereus -vLsitors wbe niow cerne here,hike myself,fer the bene- fit of their Lealth. Ia leokiîeg across the cstuar.v,the beantiful little watering placee,the tewu et Southenti is seen te the left.its pier being quite discernable frein th e ernibankment. Ou the rie-ht i sthe townof Sheeburyuess, thiel ritish Artiîl- ery practice gr-ouud s,the boomino f the cýannon wliich eau be distiuutly hearti fretu lacre. lu the effing you beliold a great maîcy vessels cf ail descriptions eoutiuuouslv passing up acîdi towes. I becotIl eightv at a time andi eveu a huntireti ef ail classes, barges,terpede boats, cruisers, passenger steainbeats, eoasting merchaut beats,' both steami8 andi sailing, ail or ueao-ly ail geiug- te S aund froin that place et trade et' ah nu- tiens, farth er ouin L the tiestanco, Lon- doen. Qut~k S le ~ 5V1 e~ 0 à Having secured t .e services of W. JENNINO S, as tîlesman, we hiave be, un selling ont the balance cf our Summer Stock of Boo1v and Shoes to make roomn foi- Eal mpor-tations. This t a great'opportunity to secure ,-odsatyor wn pr -s As the stock must Le i'educed -e shall offeî- at ont. -J$3000 worth of thes,, goods at ýacri fice pî-iccs. Ail outstanding amonsîuist bcu settied in full by iug. l5th or costs will be incurred, as the present books înlst be squared up. DeDR1, s -B WMA)OVILLE. BEXiVET BLOCK, Now is the time to look arovid and sec if yoîij- f t grai-menit is in proper order and styce. If not, M. Mayer, the Furriet-, is he iniuu ho can do youî' work properiy, cheap and guar-anteed, The latest styles in Hats and Gents' Fuirnishings always on hand. Bring your'furs eariy bel ore -the rush commences. -AYES Practical Furrier. ne5s and kstcoltains neithe oii-' PW0 rph, ne no r hiLneral. O i ~ ~ ~ ~ O E 77 E R YZIT~TR OT Apc-,rfectRllmedyfor Con3£ t rrcss and Lss orSLE Yciue Signaturce o NE w _4EXV ROL .Casteela ije0-, pmt n c.ezeboutles Orly, 1t P7; n fot sola In bnlkIDent illscw anycot te toit )yu anythLgec c~the plea, or prombte tint it u I . > et go d ,d "wll enovor every pur- pose. ~ 8c t~tyen pet CASTOI--. ilLXACT COPYOFWA V I lli I3OWMANVILLE, ONT. E.R. BOUNSALL, manufacturer of ancd Sdealer in Fine Monumental Work of everý de- Sscription, and ail kinds of Cemetery Work. Ail orders prompt]y filled in a satisfac tory nail ner a tid at reasonable prices. i****ore3113 GOUe