______________________________________________________________________________________________ ts The Galladian Statesilan ay~ T k An Elgisi Page, Forty-EigL istClamuNpapr asy tic Op erate is imublisbedAre foatures pecuýliaýr 1 Ioi s iSrall lu EVEIIY WEDNESDAY MORZNING, Sizo, tseee fiîn hrn As onle rsUýý AT TE OFIrCE 26 STATESY1AN BLOCK, KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONT., BY M. AX AES, Edîtor & Proprietor. aubîcrïption$1.50 pr annuin, or 51.00 if peil strictly in Rdaynce. ADVERTISING RATES Transient Advertieiug. Ten Cents pur Lino, finIt insertion; Five Cents pur Lino uatit sub- sequent insertion. CONTRACI RATES. BIZEFADVRTISMENT TIMES INSERTED. i1h 5mths 6mths 1 Y r. One Columu.....$20 00 $40 $60 100 Haîf Columu........13 00> 26 40 60 Q uarter Columu. S 800> 16 26 40 BigistClu ...5 00 10 16 26 Twenty-five Lino ...4 50 9 12 ý18 Twety inès.......... 4 00 6 8 13 Pifteen Lines.......... 3 50 5 7 50 12 Teu Lines.......... 2 0 4 50 6 50 il Fîve Lineg........125 3 501 61 10 Thse ebove are cntîset rates, anti apply only te reg, ulr buinessadvertisers. Changes of cotract advurtisements muet b handei iot later that one o'clock on Saturday -th i awillbu strictly enforced. Paaiahadvertisumunts amoug newe items 10e a 'ino ueacbh insertion. Birtb.q, 25e; Marriage sud Deatlis, 50c. Displayed advertlsemeuts are measpred by a cale of solid. nouparil sud so charged. Ordes s for discontinuing afivertisements must be in writtug, otherwise thse. publisher 'will not be responsible. No paper will buie topped ntil al arruarages are paid, excet at tbe option of thse publisher. A peet office notice 10 discontinue is not sufficient. Double regular rates are cbarged duriug Yrs -1., April and May and October, November ealTrebrfor display advertising flot con- tracted for by thse year, 411i kinda of Job Priutiug doue wth neatns and despateis sud on reasonable terme. Thse effice îs.âuppîed. itb a great -varity of tbe latuit sud most' fasbionable styles of type. Business notices in local or uewse eclumus first insertion 10 cents pur lhue Noupareil; 5 cents pur fUe eacis subseuuent insertion, Notices of meut- nsOf auy klud at wieh an admission feu le Ilrged or a collection is taken muet be paid for. AUl communications eboulfi bu addressed, M. A. JAMES, Bowmanville.Ont PIYBLISHER'S NOTIIE. Tait STATESMAN la mailed reguiarly to its subseribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and al arrears are paid in full. Subscription 81.50 per annum. If paid'in adv-ince $1.00 par annum. A. E. MeLAUGHLIN, Barister, Solicitor and Couvuyacer. Offce- Bleakley Bock, King atuet Bwmnauville. Meney 10bn arurasonablu rates. 48-lyr, OR. J. C. MITCHELL, M EMBER 0FCOLLEGE0F PHYSICIANS sud Surgeons, Ouîario,Coroner, et,, Residence. Enniskillun. 74 D, BUTRKE SIMPSON, J3 ARRISTEP., SOLICITOR, etc. MORRIS' BLOCK, up-stairs*, ing Smreet, Bowman ville. Solicitor for tise Ontario Banki Private nmoneys ioaned at lowe.st rates. ROBERT YOUNG, V. S. 0 FFICE EN WEST DURHIAM NEWS Block, here bimseuf or is assistant willl befoundfrol S a. m. to 9p. m. igitelles t résidence, drcecthy opposite Drill Shed. Calle by teleUraph or llephon wilreceive prompt at- tention, 171 - yr. RPEATE, TAILOR Genticmen'sClothes made to Order. NEW TAILOR SHOF. rbu undersigued who bas buen carrylng on thse tailoring business lu connection witb Masou's Dry Goods Store for a number of years lkas comuucned business for himseuf at is roome Ring St. wet, wbere bu is prupared 10 malte geutsasd boys sirs in ail tbe latest styles, sud aI lowest prices. For Ibose wbowis to order suite, ho will carry a full liue of sample in ail tbe newest patterns. Geve hlma a cal J. T. ALLUN, Fashiouable Taîlor. BOWMANYILLE BICYCLE Gene'ral REPAIR SHOP. W. FISHWIG-, Practloai lïlhnst, Tool Maker, Lods and Gunsmith, Special Machinery for bandliug Bicycle Ru- paring ln ail ils brancises, sud all Fine Machin- CYOLST8.Haveyour wbuels put lu trire by a tisorougly practical machinisî. Bicycles, Lawu mowers, Suwiug machines, Cloeks, Typewriters, Rifles, Cutlery, Locks, Electrie Blle, Dental sud Surgical Instruments. Safu Locke, Iron, Steel sud Brais work of al kiwis, MARKET BUILDING, Iowmanville eontinues 10 do a General Baukiug Business ai BoWlnanvilu Agency. S1DEPOSITS reepîved in Savinga Bank Departmeîît sud au interest alowed aI entrent rates. Notice of witbdrau'al necesssry. Ail deposite payabi udeadEXCHANGE Boigt sud sold su d Drafts issened u în Europ Usîted Statesud Canada, also Gol, Sivena an Ulnited State Greeny&aeks bougist sud sold Prmtymade at corent rates upon ail parts ofrtBritain, tise United States sudtise Do. mi fCanads. Telegraph Transfers map for lange or saal sures on ail parts of C& uta. Tis else eially advar tsgeous to pur- speme living in Manitoba or tise North- Wet, it maketise fnnds available at once ortise place ftpsymeRt. For otisur partictulans eaul attise bank. SA. MCOrLELLÂt, GUO. McGILL,' AccouiitO5*$ Dyanager, said: 1'You never kno OU bave takucua L jî1till itis alI overY 256.C. I. Hood & Co-, pI Proprîctors. LowelI, Mass; Who onuit iAto t4alu wstli Hood * ýýf&5L)L p&L* HINDOO R7Mr' PEODUME ' rU BV R~sus ls 8 d Made are cli~~~ Me f leae.FiigMmi ~< Pareis. îseheense, ighL FEt- sinsmec ausdb Ptabss ie paaesi st on hane NO.ig y .i nsggs vigo n izo eMEDYC5 rk orCtc'o Is d u if ST esoTT&JrY, CbutMnhoinoudDor )ng. i Si COndense from the Nt ews.)ci îOseW-QANT VILNLE.A O, u M il, are, T rpCtN . svai t- ýý.1oinat FMrY., Wmpr. Chaswl's.. .or .Mrqpis AdairteaURche isreund rm sier homldyl tBwmnilendi.okn BWl. Mr. Row ,ard Wa 24hbas8g8n fMissyNew Yrorki, Nare visit le father Mr. W. Laon., ..r.iserb hli, Orat ono, isîtedanr. O. Sott ecnt ]y. Hood's Pills are the~ favorite family cathartic. Easy to take, easy to oper- ate. 25e. S. S. NO. 9, CLARKE. Pu pil who p assed the Entrance : Ed-' na Barr'ball, Sherwood W. Brunt, Mary C. Squair. To Jun. IlI. Chas. Wood. To Juni. II. Iza Sharpe, Lorne Brunt, Elma Keat, ilerman Darlsy, Stanley Pointon. To Pt. Il. Gorden Bowen, Olive Gibson, Asa Gibson, Orma Sharpe, Minnie Darby, Eva Swancott. AGNEs W'OpmDE, teacher. The testimonials in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla are written by lionest people wlso want yo* to know what it lias doue for them. SIXTH 141NE Mr. James Henry received a severe k-ié;k from olie of bis herses recenty.... Mn. Hugis MeMulon, Toronto, is visit-, ing bis nepbew, Mn. Frank Morgn.... Mn. and Mrs. Gilbank, Toronto, visited Mn. R. Meton, sr., recently . .. .Scheol ha re-opened witli- Miss Cehbiedick lu chiarge. .... -M msrs Alf Henry, Ed. 'Stew'art, Win. Cobblcdick, Will Cooney ând Newton Cobbledick 'have gene Co Manitoba.' That tircd lauguîd feeling, and indis- positionto effort of an *y sort wili hoe rap- idly renoved by tise use of Miller's Con- pound lron Pilis. EN TERPRISE, Miss EditI Allen was taken suddenly ill while visiting ai Dr. Lapp's, Pout.v- pool .. .. Miss Nontiscotl, Fenelon Fulls, i$ visiting lier uncle Mn. Win Netheote ...Miss Ross, Toronto, is visitiug' Mn. Samuel Melley,.. .. Mr. Bort Notheott lias gene te Manitoba. . .. Mm. and Mrs. Geo. Smith have licou very il. Mn. Smith is in lis 98th yer . . .. Mn. Geo. Allin cauglit eue of lis fingers lu the lover mili wbile lhreshing t Mn. Moi- vin Powers'. III was weak, scareelv able te wulk about, easilv woried,und quite discour- aged,Miller's Cnimpound Iron Pilla rai) idîF bronght about a change. I nover feît btter in ny life than 1 do now," tiil is frequently leard. CLARKE UNION. Misa Jeweii hs to ho congratulated ou the good showing of lier pupils ut the promotion exaninations, ah bing suc- cessful ... . Mr. Illio. Corii, Darling- ton, recently visited Mrm. A. Parker *.. Mr. William Patterson lad a fine colt break lis log. The, animïal bad to ho kiled,... - Miss Florence Rcùid, Orono, visited tise Misses Berry roeMtly. Mm. Norman Allun la recevering from cmumps. . .. MWs Robert Tliompson re- contly gave a cildren s party in'houer of 4or litîle niece Will positively cure aick leadache and preveut ils roturn. Carters Little Liver Pillas. Thtis is not talk but truth. One pila dose. Se advertisement, Small pill i aal dose, amali price. KENDALL. Messrs. S. Scott, G. A. Jumieson and J. Bryson ieft luet week for N. W. T.. .HenryBros.,-6thliune, sold recently te* Mr. Murray, Toronto, a 'fancy driver for a good sum. . .. Mr. Ralph Henry's littie boy, Harvey, las in a very fair wuy te recovery from a painful ilînes.. Mrs. Cann, Port Hope, lias been visit- ing lier daughter, Mr%. W. J. Cooper, Sixth Lne .... Miss Eliza J. Fallis, To- onte, is stayingin our village ... . Ken- dall citizens have deciared Tuesday 28 of August as Civic holiday and wiil pic- nie at Rice Lake .. .. Miss Harris Who resided witli ler mother, Mrs.,Quantil, was apparently in lier tîsuai good health on Monduy when she sat down. A few minutes after she expired. Anxlos N otiiers fi i. Low'Dro. Synmsp beet niedicinle 50 expeh wnermâ. Chldren Ilke tt-ýworîns dou't. Thee lown und viliage dvers witheut exception use tle Diamon"d Dyes in prefenencete alolliËens, because they give the moat brillilunt, pure and unfud- iug colora te all varietios of materials. Hundreds of endors from these coun- try dycra are filied every week hy the manufacturera of Diumend Dyes. There are greut possibilitios for sucis work in ah amaîl purishes, and the statemont juat made may influence many wbo are seekiug for a plan te increuse their revenuie. There une goed dollars lu Diamnond Dyes. A FINE FELLOW le rmuy h, but if ho tolas you Ihat any preparution lui the world is us good uas Putnam's 1P; inles Cern Extruetor thtul le udvice. Imitations only prove thie value of Put- inm's Paitileas Coriu Ext racler. See signiature on ac botîle of Polson & Ce. Gel Putnamn's. bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletch- er, if they would guard the heatl of lhiechiîdren, Parents and mothers, iu parlucular, ouiglt to carefully exam- ine thse Castoria advertisements wlich have been appearing- in this paper, and to rememnberiliat theé wrupper of everx' bottle of geýnuine Custoria bears thîe fac-simile signature of Chas. Hl. Fletchi- er, under whose supervision it lias beeni manufactured continously for over ehir ty yearb,-PJiila. Bulletin. '~ 7 to $10 a, Week ls one eau do tise work. Wu waut reliab e Sfamilies in every localty 10 islp us manufactuire Children's- Toques, Gaunt- lets and Bicycle Dcggings for tLe trade,t byanwprocess. Nocaveigocx perseuco required. Stuady work, good psy, whole or spare ime. ert to-day. Addres, THE CO-OPERATIrvE RiTThT11i Go., 15 Leader Loue, Toront.. 1 ATTRACTIONS Exceliing ail Proviens Years. The Cuba-Amrn ecan War Exitillg Naval and Mlitary Displuys r The Latest, Inveliitions and Novelties Front ail parts of the world. Enîries for Exhibils close Aug. 13h. Cheup Excursion fren everywhere. For Price Listaý, Entry Ferma, Pro- gramsa and ail panticularst, address J.J. WITHROW, Presden. 1 . HILL, NEWTrONVILLE.' v'isited ber brothier, Mr. WV. P Mlliglaln , -Col Hughes and wîfe took iin Theus asland excursion .. .. Mr. Samuitel Arnot visited frienda l ntyoore- cently. . .. Mn. Ab,. McMurtr.y>, Gult,wus ln town recently .. .. Miss Nellie Hlarri- son, Mitchell, is visiling at Mn. Edward Jones'. . .. The Misses White wlio hiave been visiting ai Mr. T. White4s have returned te tlîeir home in Torento.... Nmis Hatie .Jones ha,',,returned from visitingati Bighliten with blersitr Mrs. Brightwell vi1sitedile sister, Mrs, Kiv-el, LeEkard., ..,Mr. Wmi. Wiliiinms bas reîîted a farm in Hope.... Mrs. Put- terson, Kendall, bas been the -nest of Mrs., Arnot,... Miss Mary ilancock and Miss Muggie Beatty hiave returned. from spending vacation at(,intypool.. .Miss Evel', n Loekhart enitertuined a number ef vouug ladies te a fivýe o'clock tes, recently. A-DREA)EI DISA More People are Torturod by the Pang of Rheumatism Than by any Other Cause-Thero is a Cure for il. From the Advertiser, Ilartland, NB. Mný Richard Dixon of Lower Brigh- ton is one of tise moat prosperous and beat kîîown farmers ef Carleton counity N. B., In June 1897, Mr. Dxnwas soized with an attack of nheurnutism. and for six weeks lay abed ,uffering the tortures of this terrible dciseuse. le grew se weuk ithut le wus -unuble, te tur in lied, and b is fnieudfs alim-oat dos- paired of bis recovery. At this stage eue ef his frionds who lad been cuied of tho same diseuse by the use of Dr. Wiliiams' Pînk Pilîs, uirged Mr. DixoIJ te give tbem a trial, which udvice was foliowed. AlmiosI fren the day Mr. Dixon began tise use of île pills an lm- provemeut wus noted - Previonsly lis appetite hud compietelyý failed and the first aigu of returuiîîg healtis was bis frequent feeling of lugr Then the pains begun te leave hlm, and bis strength gnadually returned and aftor uaing about a dozen boxes 'Mr. Dixon -was as weil as he Iîae ever been. To a reporter of the Hurtlund Advortiser, Mr. Dixon suid lie lad ne dloubt bis pro- sent heuitl was duLenotireiy te tise use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla, and since bis recovery he oiccsionially uses a box te wurd off a possible redurreuco of the trouble. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla cure by mak- ing new blood and inigiloratîng ilie nerves, but yeu must gel the geuine always put up in boxes the wrappors around whieh heur the, full Inude mark nume of Dr. Wiliums' Pink Pilla for Pale People '. Do net be pursauded te take any of the pink eolored subatitutes which some unscrupuilouo ,,dealers say are juat tieseaunie. lu case of doubt send direct 10 Dr. Will'ims' Medicine Ce., Brockville, Ont., and the pis wilt be maile d pos't paid utt 10e a box or six boxes for $2.50. ORONO. Mrs. Bert Andrus la visitiug frieuds in Toronto ...Mi>s Nellie lHockin is visiting friends in Linds-ui . .. . Misa Kale Rutherford la visîtino- friends in Bow manvillo.. .. MP dop rybasen shck ... Miss Ed1 i Oriewcastie, la visiting Mr, R. Bel..Charles Doncaster, Bowmunivillo, wus in town Sunday week. .,. . Misa Neltie Henry, Toronto, is visiting ai Mn. G. M. Long's ......Mr. Geo. Cornisis, Taunton, bas been visiting friondahr,.. atrJ. Gould, Port Hope, is vi1siting Mr. Fred. Honey .. .. Miss Minnie E. Hall is visît- iug lier sister, Mrs. J. B. Moal, Toronto. ...Master Robert Thompson, Ormemee, is viaîting lis uncle Mn. Wm. Tiompsou ...Miss R. A. Gifford la vîsiting frienda ut Aun Arbour, NMich .. .. Mrs.W.Heîîry, bas returned home fnom a visit ut Rochester, N. Y.. .. Mrs. Wm Sevmour and yeung sou, are visitinz lier fallien, Mr. WmN. cLeod.. . .Maýster Douglas, eldesi son 0f Dr. Staîkýer, Walken'ton, is visiting bis uncles, Staîker Bros.. Mrs (Dî'.YJarveth and utIle daugisten, Alicia, visited ut Mr, John Carvelh's recently,. Mn',i. and iMns. Jus. N. Fuir- bumn, and familY, Toronto, viaited Mn. J. A. Jerome récenlyl.\ . ... Mn. F. W. Williunîson, and famnilY, have returned from visiting Munvers fripnda ..Lieut. Stuiker, of tise 4-6tIî BuIt., is taking a term ut the Milttary College, London, Ont.... .Dn. Putterson, Port Hope, ac- eonpanied by his mnother and brother Frank, Paris, 0Ontl, receutiy visited bore ...Mr. Newhigging,-, Toront.oand Miss Carnie Beer, Victori a, B.- C., are visiting bier grundmotlier, Mra. -Beer, sr.... . MISS Ellie Kirk is vsligfnienida in Tononto .... Miss Alice Beast and cousin, Misa Laura Allun, have retumned fron a visit te their aunt. Mrs R. J.11owe, Newton- ville .... Miss Minnie Trulilbas returned te lier home in Newmiarket accompanied bv Misa MaggieJeromo . . . .ev. W.. ' ÀAda ms is in the non l1i country spendiug vacation with old friends. Mrgimpson Mrs.Wlusl0ow'8so(,diingSy1qp lias be6n lused by teilliios oiimothers for Ibr lir edrn -sisile teutbipgi. If dieturbefi1 at niefr and boesof your rest by a slc!k child suà~einr suad cr'ylng witb fbe pain of cuttiig tth s e1>d at 0once sudn get a bo f Ms iu w'Sootbtilg _ ru fo C, id~i~etp.I -rll. elie-ce thupoor littlu sufferer atIlouice. 1DepIemlliil-poli it,'q0tersý, there is no mnistake, aboutit, bL cures Diarrboea regulatus the stomacb suad bowels, cures WVinfl Colie, softens tbe, gi une, rudues inflammaition. aud gives toule and energy to tbe wbole systomn. Mre Wnslws Sotbng yrp'or ebldren1 tuebig i puasnttothettesdl ib te pre- crito 0o n of th e ldet sd bet female t botîgu. w od y>ildrggsttbogb SLOWS Sooheug yrup Thc ue b dive reti lSae Mt- ediat. durci in aid of the Sunday Sdliool on the evening of Thursday Auguat 11, b Mliss Emma Poliard of Charlotte, N. 7,entitled "lThere are no Alps", pasa- ed off very pleasantly, 11ev. R. N Adams occupying the chair. Quite a fair number Were present but flot so many as the qnality of the lecture de- served. It was certainly an inspiration bo ai wlo hbard it, set forth in perfecti language and graceful energv, to over- come the mounitains of difflculty and turu them. into a manls of risini higli,ý- er. After a vote of thanks proposed by Rev. I. Snell and seconded b yDr J. C. Mitchell, the meeting closed b singing the American National Anthem. AN EXPLANATION. The reason for the reat popularitv of Hood's Sarsaparilla ,e, i the fact that this medicine posi- tiv-ely cures. It!laAmerîca's Greatest Mddicine, and the American people have an abiding confidenice lu its merits They bu ' it and take it for simple as wtàl as serious aliments, confident that it wiil do them g 1ood. When insured property burns, people wonder if it wasn't set on fire. If it was flot insured, tley wonder why some people are so careleas. ARE YOU WEAK AND NERVOUS T The readers of Tirx STATESMAN, Bow- manvijie, Ont., can obtaîn valuable in-. ,formation free of charge by writing to Dr. G. H1. Bobertz, 252 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Only those actuai- ly needing hefp, wlio realize the danger of negleet or improper treatment and wbo want a permanent cure are re- quested to apply. Address as above, naming tlîs paper. 1EWCASTLE UNION RIGIL AND PUBLIC SCIIOOLS. MIDSUMMER PROMOTioi ExAMINATIO NS. Tise following are the namea of the succeseftl pupils in the ý.arious grades in the Public Sehool Department: Sr. Pt. I-Jr, Pt. II--B. Barfett, E. îRutherford, M. Finley, W. Singer: G. Martin. Jr. Pt. II-Sr. Pt. 11-0. Wilmot, R. Taylor, H. Gibson, T. Moise, D. Lang- 1er, H. Wright Jr. II-Sr. Il-C. Pickard, B. Toms, N Parker, W. Eilbeck. Sr. Il-Jr. I11-J. Wright,,E. Barret, .C. Kay, N. McKee, W. lirauli. Jr. I1I-Sr. 11-Ethel Toms. Sr- II-J r. IV-Wm. HunteiS Ilar old Toms, Alan Davidson, Jennie War- ren. Jr. IV-Sr. IV-ilugI ilunter, Rus- sel Pickard, Frank Rickard, Melrose Parker, William McLeod. Sr. IV-Form I I.I. 5-Allan Loch- hart; Iva Rutherford, Garne Toms. lînmediate resuite. Normnai ppetite. Caîn eleep and clear brain. No injections orbadaftereffects. Indisputable tesimouy sent sealed. Addrese THE DIXON CURE CO., 40 Park Ave., Montreal. FIAIHFENTUS. Mr. W. H. Evans, 857J Yonge St., Toronto, cails our attention to, the fact that Faith Fenton, the popular writer and versatile newspaper corresponden t who las attained a reputation second to none in tlsat particular spisere of liter- ary work,isa aBowmanville girl. Faith Foulon occnpied tle saune position on The Empire previons to its ama'gama- tion with The Mail, that "Kit" does on The Mail and Empire now. She is ai present The Globe's correspondent, writing intereating articles in tle You- kon country. Il was lu thse Bo'wman- ville Union Sehool that ale he i ved the beut part of lier education, and tliongh perliaps tmuny will recogýnize lier A sister of Mrs. Abrahiam Lincoln will eontribute t ltre' Magazine f'or se tmdra atcl iving remin- iscen"s andi recollectionis of Mrs. Lin- coln, along ' with passages from i- er let- Ilf.you are tired taking the large old- fashionedgrpn pills, try Carter's Little Liver Pis and take some comn- fort. A man can't stand everything. One pili a dose. Try them,. M.A.James, Bowmanville, is Govern- ment Issuer of Marriage Licenses for 'h ounty of Durhamn, during business. hours at ofice, at bis resideuce Centre- St. Vltas Ianec rapidiy cured by Miletr CoDud IonPis. Cases of years standinig now en ioying thie beat of liealtli as a resuit of takîng them. When in the city recently we visited Toronto's greatest attraction the new Cycloram-a, "Jeruasalem on Llhe Day of the Crucifixin" wlidlis dri wi iiL large numbers of visitors dlail.y. Ail express themselves as -rently pleased with the magnificent and instructive view. veqybody going to Toronto should aviltlemselves of the opportunity of visitinz thie Cyclorama. Open daily fromn 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Prices of ad- ission: aduitst25)c, dlfdren under 15 Y'ears loc. Between the Union Stationi andci Walker Ilouse, Front st. 1t is 1because tley improve the power of asýsimilation that Miller's Compound Iron Pis cause the red corpusies to multiply and the weight to increase 50 rapidly. The September number of thie Delin- eator is called the Autumnn Announce- ment Number, and lsaiways an import- .ant one on account of the opening of the Autumn business. The contents of the numbeifare of su.cli generai interest that t4heywl attract al tastes, A niew departmnent entitied The Dressmaker îa added îliis month, which la of speciat value. There wiil aiso be foiund a var- iety of briglit and interesting miscel- laneous reading. Delineator Publîsh- ing Co., 33 Ricbmiond St., West, Toron- to, Ont. $1.00 per year, single copies, 15 cents. Pain from indigeastion, dyspepsia,and too liearty eating,ls relieved at once b y takingone of Carter's Little LiverPilla imdately after dinne.r, Don't for- get this. MAIR1ED PEOPLE LIVE LONGESTI Try t sometime. Boy th % Mairrî'eLienufro. Mt. A JAMES, appointed b y the Gov. erument, ISsuer for the County of Durham, and witbproper care wlll last ie-ieand MORAL-Don't remain un- married. Yeu eaiase arrange to have thu edýdiug Cards aud complote outflt printed in ortbodox fashion bv your obliging humble sur vant M. A. JAMES,Issuer of Marriage License ai bis residence 27 Centre St.. or at THE STATES MAN Office, Bowmauville. Auction Sale of valuable Under instructions front the admunstrator of the property of William Martin, deceased,tbure will be offered for sale by public auction by tihe under named auctioneer on Saturday the 27th day of Anguet, 1898, at Bennetts Hotel, lu the village of Newcastle at the heur of 2o'clock p. mn., the followiug valuable f aim lands and promises, containing 160 acres, more, or less, consistimig of the northerly 160 acres of lots 19 anfifOin the Broken Front concession of the township of Clarke. About 110 acres of the farmte a clay loam and balance a sandv loamn of excellent qnai, ad tbe wbole is sald 10 be iu good stat fe ultiva- tien. The property is sitnated about two and eabiha miles fromn the village of Newcastle aud readily accessible thereto by good roads, and le con- viently situated witb regard to eburches and scboole. A stream. runs tbrough the farm, and iu addition tbe premises are well snpplied with a hard water well. Ou tise remises are sald tobe erected tbe fol lowing butildings, frame dwelliug bosmi part il storeys, 25x19, kitchen attached, one storey, 26x19 ; frame barn 64x32, 16 foot poste lesu- to 14x32; pig pen 12x24 ; driving bouse 24xl6. Tbe propurty is said tobe well fenced. Full posein eau bu given ou thse ist day of Sep- tubr next, Turme of Sale :-10% of purchase monuy down and thse balaucu witbtn 30 days from day of sale without intereat ; ibrueefifths of theu purcliase mouey can rumain on morigagu on termis to bu agreed upon.' The po >erty wili bu offurud suis- ject to a resurvu bld. ];nrther conditions wiUl bu made k»a â et time of -sale. For fuller terres aud particulars application may bu made 10 thu administrator Wm. F. Allen, ]Ese., 0f Bowmanville. or to the undersignud solcior aud auctioneer., L. A. W. TOLE, D. 14.SIMm'aOx,Bowmnaunville, Auctioneer. Solicitor for Administrator. Dateld at Bowmauville 6tis Auguet, 1898. 32 . 3w. 1 rint the. t'a (ntihAwfirk "' nL t-;su()ra 1 l L,=vnu.iu o VU lu 11e 1%j7aU L 1 i a O Ut M Jan it lFi We will go te any p art of Ithetoi county and do stich worký, and gf- aomething durable. Gel yourj grop tuken on thee iawn tký>;su byus and wo wiil give ycý ,omi: fine. Sce sumlples. Have výour tukzen ut studio. The vory bes luteat style-sce our wiudow d- Pietune francs on baud. A chi euhl aud see them. When desir( eau tuke a 2ed persons ut their' &ud givc, - - meitling fine. Co donê fren any pieture. ThazpkL for puot patronage, we romrain,: BOWMANVILLE Iiegnlarnvactin of the uasy to healhl. Laxa-] thke best ocoasioai cal Manager, Toronto;o, eeriue. no Victory Over the Most obstinate forcis of Disease. IMPROVHD IIOMROPATMY Peopisle InAit W*S CILtif Ctd4 y NIa CURES WHEN OTIIERS FAL Âtl. Geo. . , TorMto maa: ut tinies nu ffe,9l utreme pain. 1Iwaxa&W sufferlng trou Ilver treuble whIeh gave Ç cons1derable un.autneua, Âtr uelau a amail vial eaeh o« Miny,nDyp and Llver Cm-Jr a ~now<ehi U sud~~~ leloc gon e tIos ltto RIri Wtg L 1nl Museofllé ZleumaUii eurý eloe iro ails to reo lu nue to three boura aud curesn au e Meuyon' efysppsie cure posltIveiy cures Oit sormacf I i r* el 'toebtroules. 5e.Cola cure prevrL- pu)eumonta ana 1brea1s up * eoldid la few r .=,Pre2ý ý CLyn ~ough Cire Ighto e POce q 25eC soc the a soeletas f grI»ani ait forma Munyori -S ïçdntve e-pelytue an k di dseasO. Price 25re: Munyan'a eMerv. Cure Eato) bui!ds op the systoe. prOý 5t Mmyea H lega ecre êtVys etlaacbein l threO iltes. eL1'5c Qis Qmwe9petIOciures a% Nunycn's 1BlondreeradIC&tes aUl murIljb et te blod. ric.25C. vromei. mup olja Cttarrb, Reme4di ea £XI. Til be for the syfitere. andi tbe Vatezrh Tablets-pric a5.ce n~esd beal the paet Muuyon's Asthme IRemedies relleve tatu t miutee aud cure Peruiamently. VIie M * 'V lim ;, 11ýeraa great tt an mi atik. iç/ entr b t Weç gple.r 'Pteraonal lelters to Prof. WMunvon, .05Areil St.,ý Phi)adelphia. Pa., UJ. S. A., ànswecredý,, ith fre mediceal advice for any disease." 52 " 'Three years ago I wvas tro ubjed .with boils, and tried sceral remedies recommended' by friend-% but they were of no avail, I had I'FFTY-TWVO BOILS in ail, andi found nothing to give me relief utitil 1 tried Burdock Blood Bitters. The first bottie J took made a com- plete cure and proved 50o very satisfactOry that I1 ha11 recýom-, mended B.B.B. to, many, of my friends who have used it wïth good resuits." A. J. MUSTAD, Hyder,11 Man. ~ A GREAT EVENT Canada's Great -' jjjE xposîti9n INDUSTRIAL PAIR- Toronto Aug.2Oto Sept. lOth,1898 Any one trouhled wiîh Bois, Pimples, Rashes, Ulcers, Soltees, on any Chronic or Malignant Skn Di seuse, who wvants a perfect ýue should use oniy CK BITTERS& A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLO. Voey valssabke Remnedy ina ai fiections f thé. THROAT or LUNG ILarge Bottles, 25c. DAVIS,%:'LAWRENCE CO., Limites! pr:op s.cf lery Davis' Palîs-Iiller Wy Give your orders for crayons to ti ling ageants and run a great risk- ing diasatisfled with the resuit, TAIT & CO. will make yon a ýCrayon Portraits for thie same oe inoney and be sure to sutisfyv you. on your guard, when you are teid anty pîiotograpi can be renewed bi who really la ignorant of the rigli ceass. Don't be guiled. Corne Ï t get al auchwork done satiasfactorilj hliapiy. Aise if you contemplate ing your bouse, or otlier building p graphed or stock eltlier, don't be Foolish A. 1 L l &ffl -VI -LJRM 1 9 601 %!MI% j i :