.~~. T. N. Rcad Jewefler, Watchmak- -~er, agent for Raymn n Wlî - r-' i S Seing Machines, DoZenTea Spoons, J..1/<.41'12c41.. F a ' p 1.25, as lst prize for Gent's Shirt and _________________Collar; and Berry Spoop value 75c, as P-'V2nd prize. Efforts Being Made to Surpass any tobuchers Bdoatio James Dempster, Gananoque $5 for F ormer Exhibition. Ist and 2nd prizes for 1yearol Grade The W. R. Brock Comnpany, Toronto, Sick iTenclache and relieve al the trubleo nel. New Attractions Being Provided-Band of 48th $5 as Ist prize for Single Road or Carri- dent to a billous state of the system, auch au age H-orse, flot enitire, in harness, under Lizziness,.'ausea. Drowiness Distras fter }khl15sn1gdGa- oçetat nhtî4hands. en ting, Pain in the Bide, &o. hile theOirmno8t Hihadr n ge - adCoc ta ih, renaritable succeus a b beeu showa in curing a rzs PbleShossR' Bennett & Sons, $5 as lst prize for -$1 50.00 in SPecialPie-uli eol ingle Road or Carniage horse, flot en- to C mpet fo TwoBeatifu Unon Jckstire,1 15ý bands and over. toC m ee oIw eatflUno ak (To be continued) lleadarli, Yet CÀItTER'LIm Lrv PLMPLA ______ are , ýiIy vhiabgirien by Dr. I{oskin, Toronto-Bicycle Races ar WvaualeInCostpaio, urngTRE PLEBISâCITE ------ t) correct ail disrders of thé ,tomch, sl the liver and reguiate the bowelu. rey only oured Ah hywould b almot ps'iclem ,otlkfos. who sufer from. this dfstressng compiaint* but fort unately their goodneuu doees ot end hLz-a, and those who once try them wll find thesa litte pillse valuable ln so many was thmt they' will not hé willing tW do rîtlhout thema. but afW 811ail sUt ead Is thé bave cf Se mexles that lhera luwhoee we make or great boast. Our pilla cure l while others de not. CARTRs LrTLE Lsvza imLLe are very email and very eesy to take. Oua or two illimaire a dose. Tbey are strctly vegetmb e and do not gripe ci, purge, but by thelr gentin action leage al wlio use them. vi&la at 25 cents; vo lor $. Sold eyrwý or sent by mail. MURRAY LANMAN'S PLORIDA WATER AND ENDURINQ OP ALL ILL U6IU,£ERFUMERS 186 BENERAL DEALES. Disordered KNffidneys,, F, ybaps tbey're the soùrce of your ill hethLl and you don't know it. Here's how you can tel: If you have Back Ache or Lam.e Back. If you have Puffiness under the Eyes or Swelling of the. Feet. If your Urine contâins Sediment of anly kind or is Hi1gh Colored and Seanty. If' you have Coated Tongue and Nasty Taste in the Mouth. If you have Dizzy S pells, Headaches, Bad Dreams,- Feel Duli, Drowsy, IWeak and Nervous. 1 hen you have Kidney Complai nt. The sooner you start taking OOAN'S KIflNEY PILLS the more quickly xii your heal-th return. They've, cured thou.. ands of cases of kîd- ney trouble during the past year. If you are a ,sufferer they cati Book that tells al A about Doan's Kidny y _ Puis sent free to any 4 Th1eDoan Kidney PHIl tACM Co., Toronto, Ont. THECOOKSBES'T R a F. IEND -LA RaE--T AI-F 1 M CAY -e 0 DAL Every anl pJ~TED should haveoe ILI' y frau emer-1 "vt a AUWRENO ce., luffto. MouTqE*L MTLYSY SEC Write for au r întercsting booko "lvent- ors Help'" ;ani - Ho w yoi iarc swýindied."1 Send us a r-ough ýl:etohb or mcdel of ycsr invention or improvcei' ,t a-,d we wiil tel yon treour opinionaai 10 W hether ih le probably p iti'eb]c. Wd pic-1 e a specialty of applicattonzs rc ie' c3 a!Ï1othcer hands. Highest refernae.î furr.ihed. mXArýOff .It MAZlON PATE-NT S LCZOS& rXPERaTs Civiltchn S Frinefi radten of the Polýytlechat cSeho'oxl ýcf Egieein. ahei,01 ta Appiid Sie., Lva, rinrit, tmberm Patent Law Asocia)tion AnIqrieaaj Water Workm AsociatioN, wEfoelXaurWr5Asser. r, . st veyê' seelt.nr s ico 5tm'ber an. Beetty cf CliVi Ra7ýgineera "W h YORE~ (0K LIFE 1-WC., moNTr-.ALCUN. I ATLTO BILOINC.. y: i1'*-rzrG, D£U Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains nelther Opium, Mlorphine Mor for Laisad Get-A 1tIe~ edn n Tovt ntepeict îîtk ther Narcotie substance. It is a harmiess substitute the Hlorse Ring to be Introduced-Altogether place on Thursday, Sept. 29th. for Paregorie, Drops,1 Sothing Syrups and Castor Oïl. The formi of the question to be sub- It is Pleasaut. its gnarantee is thirty years' use by it will be a Fal Fair Worth G-oing to See. mitted to the electors of the Dominion Millions of Mothers. Castoria desteoys Worms and Are vou in favor of allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Bownaniville Fair Sept 15 and 16. grounds and back. Style Of dress, etc., the passing of an act Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colio. Castoria reiieves Ail articles and animai must be own- to be optional. Members off a9Il schools prohibiting the im- ed b.v the person enterîng same. competing admitted at 10 ch Tick- portation, maDufac- Teething troubles, cures Censtipation and Flatulency. Ail persons makigentries must beet ill n rbefoeSupt. toalshoosetr tr rsl o prtCastoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomaeh members of the Society for 1898. igonrbfoep.lh. wine, aie. beer. eider The McLaughlin Carniage Co , O)sh- ail other alcoholie and Bowels, giving healthy andl natural sloep. Castoria. Several comptent judges who have awa, $20 for Ist pnize on car rage teami liquors for use as bey- is the Children's Panacea-the ililother's Friend. net judged bere before are to act. inhres S ad n vr h rgs Yes. No. This is the 66th annual exhibition of sumn to be allowed on purchase at r*eg- The persons entitled to vote shallhob atra atra West Durham Agricultural Society. ular retail price of any vehicle manu- those who have the right of tira provin- atr .C soî. The Fair Pnize List is published and factured bytem in place of No. 21.- ti franchises or those who under the "Castoria is au excellent mnedicine for -"Casloria is so well adapted to eidren bas been mailed te ail members for '98. D. Burk Simpson, barrister, solicitor, Dominion franchise act passed last ses- children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that 1 reccmmcnd it as superioir to ary pre- West Durham Pal Pair at Bowman- etc ,for best turnout, open to residenits Sion would have the right to vote in a of its good effect upon their chidren." scription kuown to lue."1 ville. Thursday and Frîday, Sept. 1l15 of West Durham, double and sinigle faderai election. ln general the pro- DR. G. C. ORGOOD, LiwelMaSe. Il. A. A.RCHER, M. D. BrOOkyn, V. Y. and 16. 1equally éligible; consideration ta be Ceoiswili follow thog4e which are Directors must report their sales otc gîven as ta whether exhibît is for far- prescrie in Dominion elections. Re THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F membership tickets to the Serear er's use or town resident, and must turning officers will appoint agents for forthwith. erty be ail the propert of exhîbitor. lst the iias and iias"ta attest eacb Sir OliverMowatLieutenant-Govern- prize, $8; 2nd, $2. poili. Such officers not ta be entitled to or f Otarobas been invited to open Beaver Mfg. Co., Gaît, 50 lbs. HT-er- raîneration. In the absence of sucb orofOnanobagum valued at $6, for hest Durham agents, one elector representing each J theExibtin.hard. J. Hligginbothamn & Son, agents. interest shall be admittad to each booth Reduced railway rates wili bc given Pse Dna &C. 0l.bx to watch the counting of the vote. by the G. T. R. from ail points between ,Pgly, Digma___Co._60__._h Toroto nd Bigbon.of Comfort Soap, valued at $5, for hast 2-year-old grade heifer. Thraug The COULO N»T DRESS ÂLONE. About $150 ln spacial prizes have Mason Co Depatmental Stores been contrihuted by marchants and 'Brantford Soap Works Co., BntANoaSotian Parmer Tells of RIsP EA S O EVERY \ARAPPER.. others. See liat elsewhere. ford, 630 lb box ot Ivory Bar Soap,. val- Intense Suffering from Rheumnatism CWAU OMAY.7 MRAVéET. fNEW YOK0CTY Teoaur country readers wa say, if you ued at $5, for bast 3-year-oId Dnrhiam and How 11e Pound Relief. have anything worth exhibiting at the heifer. Throu-ah The Mason Co. De-.rmteBigwtrNSnapîa Pair get it ready and enter it. partmental Stores. ri h rdeae,..,nepie Horses entered for the special pnizes John McMurtry, West End Rouse, Such sufering as rbeumatism causes____________________________________ for style and speed will net be allowed ladvy's drass. black or fancy, wvith, lin- the victimn upon wbom it fastens itsalf ta compete in other carniage classes.1 ings, 'ialued ut $L0, for lst prîze on .40 is almost unendurable. Onlv those who writhe uncer its pangs eatimineti Exhibitors wili rojie ver the axcel- lb. crock butter, butter to becomfe prop- joy of oagne whohasbeaufned aomit lent list of special hizes sa generously ertv of donor. troneMn.W . Poas lenhaed m it fRe Thetre will b erantshandap icceudtaen$8lngfo25.enneleateo sed r -W opeain , o ewhaha1he B av r B l oaS l connîbtedbv arhans ad ateas. Levi Mrris, furniture dealer aýna Elm, N S.,, is oea of those who bave race, ladies' race and trick bicycle id - crack butter, butter ta became the haeves it bis dutv ta let others knowbhow iug for which valuabie and suitahie property of donar. a cure caui ha found. Mn. Polkenham prizes will ha given. R. W'orth, hardware mencbaut,a meoat is a farmen, and lilte aiwo oîw hsIL>.U~ n The tîme for, raciving members at chopper valued at $3, as lst pnize for arduans but honorable ca liing, is' sub- $1.00 each for 1898 bas been extanded grade Jersey cow. ject to much expasune. It was this ex ~~£~ ta August 31, aiter which date tickets Robt. Beith, M. P., $5 for hast saddle posuna thiat hrougbt on bis trouble and L I U I U I. . .. wilpositivehy be $200. horsa ridden hy a lady. caused hlm sa much suffering befona hae Vahuable pizas are offenad for style Couch, Johnston & Cryderman, dry was id ofit. Hie says-"in the spring and speed lu the hanse ring-speed as- goods marchanits, $5 lu goods for hast Of 1897 1 contracted rhaumatism. pecially cansitheed-oest twa out of 20 lbs. butter, the samne te bacome the Throug-hout the whaie summar I sufer. We have sold piles of Boots the last five or six weeîks and have Iota thrae, tive tîmas araund the tnack. prprt f the donor. ed fnom eit, and about the first of Octo ber to-dispose ofiyt and very cheap-first-class gaods at very sinail prices. Particulans later. Ntrop ymnCoty saeIpo t becama sa hati that 1 could nat gat My Spring stock is in-imost of it-and we flnd aur shelvyes crowded. The Baud of the 48th Highlaniders, Ntr eieorrontoLyanCa , 1esaaipouot of the bouse. Tha pains wena la- -Toronto, has - beau eugagad fan the pni ConedicionPes, a ant'u1dzan catad in îny hip and back, and what 1 Wa want more room and are bound ta have it, if low &rices have any- second day and evaning of the Pair, D3,le's nditionerPower. al uel at suffered can handly ha exprassed -1 lha- thing to do with it. $3. s 2d pizef~rgenralpurosacarne so hehphess 1 could not dress my- Oui carry a good assortment of'Laýdies' Oxford,colored and black at when thay will gîve ana, of the hast geldinMg on filly; and also as 2nd prize "Ilf without aid. Eyenualthtrbe$1O.MnsCfadCoovnB seedadritdro $14 concerts aven anijoyed liera, on draugbt 1-year-old gelding or filly.spea a y ansa ae r ul1.0. and aadtodvnBlnsee ndrvttd ro 14 Ahi embrs ~ II b adittd oce j Higina~hm &Son agnts timas thase would lose ail fee-ling ndt-$2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Children's Buttan and Blms 25c, 50e, frec on presentation of membenship. The Mason Ca. Departmental Storeý, become uqeless, u Novembel egan 75c, worth 50c, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' ta correspond ticket for 1898 Others xii ha cbarged $5 lu goods for 2-mile race halwien using Dr William's Pink Pîlîs, and in pnices. 25c; cildran under 12 v ans 15e; sehool hanse and bicy.cle, the latter ta have after taking four boxes hegan ta im- Wewltelou hatesocisnechndveypr Th children supplied witli tickets hy thain inside of track, prove. After using six hoxes the pains, ewltllyu hatesoci nea ndvr p .Te teaclierN 1e. Thos Baker, Soina,ý $2 for 2nd pize and soreness had ail gonae and 1 was reason we do that is because we know. Latest Sprîng stylas now lu Knowingliîow griat iintarast our dis- for Berkshire boar. able ta do a bard dav's work. 1 inteul stock in every lina,' The public is invitedtai inspeet aur stock; no tinguishad f iend Dr-. John 1-okin, Q. Wu,. WtrrY, Solina, 82 as 2nd pize u8iîîga fow more loiesas a precautin- trouble to show gaods-we do At with pleasura. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; f C , of Toronto, takes in the youth of for Lang-e \\Vhlt boin ary measure, and i would earnnstly Shawl Straps, fancy and plain; Drasbîug, the very best that eau be 1West Durhîam and espeially lu educa- McChllan & Ca. lumbar, wood, coal advise thosa sufering fron-. this painful tional mattars, the Fair comrmittea have adginelos1,0 b.cl, vl trouble to give Dr. Wi1liams'.Pink Pulis hoigt Cheap trash dressing is dear, it wil min the boots ît is appli- 1applied bis genenous donation for tbaahe ri eaes ,0 bs ol a-afain'trial and bacad in i ed tai. bentetaftUePulicSehlslu ha nid u eed 20 s2dpiz o te a Dr. Williams' Pink Pihîs cure by go- Rapairing doue in ail its branches iu flrst-class style. Fine work Din-, as stated in aiîolloaïcolumu. aybed amriIoe 2fring to the noat of the fislae.They made aodr uefto osl. Takn ycsoasfrp 1 .Robt. 1Beith, M. P.. ahways ready hast WarrselalHy. '8 franew and build up the hlood, and _fav oordesurengftor oslalle f the anm utinr orp >and auxions te assist liu nîaking Bu)w- bq w uhl aly strangtbau tha nerves, thus driving fvr n lpn o otnac ftetne manill Far suci asby equst Dr. C. Harnden, dantist, $2 for hast dis from the system. Avoici imita- consanted ta exhibit lis Pnîza llackneys lady aquestrienne, supplamented by $1 tions hyissin htae o o D'DAIS on the grounds Fridai aftarnoon-not fnom Society. purebase is enclasad lu a wnapper bear for pizas. Thav wiii inake a ]espect- James Beith, H. M. Customs, $2 as ing the full trade mark, Dr, Williams' Baa lc.Bwavle able borse show'tleam elveas They are 2nd piza lu piano recital. Pink Pilîs for Pale People. _____________Block._____________________________ <now heing ittedl for 'l oronta Industrial. Louis Cornish, jawalhar, pickie cruet, Exposition. valued at $2, as lst prize for original TORONTO'S GlIEÎT EXHIBITION. Ladias',f West Durliamn shoul hîgbly ail painting. Oro a 's o Pappreciate the action of the Dinetors 'R. Bennett & Sons, Bennett Hansef, ADMITTEDLYTHTE MOST VARIED, AT- FREE 'O eDisW r in ýhutting out autside professional ex- $5 as ist pize for single road or ca-iATç N 0PE~~V egie05fa ac o oI~ w hi bitons. nouae Toronîto lady sent in riage honse.do... packages of r qoisîte prnni about50 etrte tenricentsmst each. ieAL*odAyoINTHE abut5 etne cveiagaiot vey S. W. Mason & Son, dry gaods mer- iQEiJA.t. AR IN TEE a,,d - ur ddar p rcù.ps, nuinher in the Ladies'a ad Girls' lasbes chants, $2 la goods ai thein store as ist WORLD - .d f-Southe pefine aO 'S Ha etrne eaws atmed,of course pize for ornaain tin li water q6is otit., me. d e .5 S v r lo. photose vah-ied atr$3, as lete_____________the _________an Savra ahes av aphid orpnzecolonis auy subject. Ou Monday next, Aug. 29th, Cita emrcnWti ndgrneda~O lists, but hy Rule 1 only residents of this dze abne a' Get psiio udniutna 0cunt'casesHL, M, l .Henry, ari-,doe abnt -.Gra Epsiinan- dsralefA oMe Specia , ty Co. 6o Victoria St Toronto N and can. ompthotolasss 1, , R H. at,asist, prize .for Pair opens at Toronto. The arrange-~mpo.~ crayon drawing, landscp r aie. ments made for this y'ear guarantea SPECIAL AND StJBSTITUTE PRiZs Heal Bras., grocers, parlor lamp that the Exhibition will ha easily tue Manager Tole bas snccaeded admi r- wotb $2, as lst prize for 10 lbs. butter, hast aven beld. The exhîhîts ara af a ahhy lu obtaining a list of special and donar ta have pivilaga of buying bult- great deal botter quality and more van- aiX1)R substitute pnizes. tan at market pnica. Supplemanted ylaMha sulfarte isttm Thedonrsanddoatin.so anas eOcfraru Society. manufacturing, establishments of both The onos an doatios o farasPranceanaîd Great Britain are sending raceived includa the folIowing: J. Hligginbotlîam & Son, druggists, ave r collections of goods especially mad, Dr. John Hoskin, Q. C., Goverument $3 bottla perfume as 1l1st priza for oit o hspree ncue nte en Offiiai Guardian, Toronto, will give a painting, flowers. foeripree n cnifed invtenin f Union Jack woth $8.00 as First Pniza .T le, acattlnpi-rvltianary nature, It wouhd be im- and a Union jack worth $5.00 as Second pants wonth $2.50 as Brd prize on Sad- possible hene ta enumerate the wanderý Pnize to the two Public Sehools lu West, dia hanse. fui attractions that will ha afered, but Durham that are judged as maitng H. C. Tait & Co., Photognaphers, opi they will incelude the famous diving bighest points for BEST APPEARANCE poskteTownH-all,Dozen Cabinet Photos, lks; Mlle. Gertrude and bier1 four mag- AS A SOHOOL accompanied hy teachen - valued at $3, as Ist prize for portrait in nificent lions; Mons. Achille, Philion, No age limit specifled but ail must have Water Colons, spiral, tower and revolving globe artist; attended sehool at least 20 days iu 1898 James Gala, Publisher West Durham ani a wbole anmy of other panformars. . and nlot lass than 12 sebolars and thý NEws, tbrea annual subseiptians ta Týwo great spectacles are ta ha given teacher, must maxcb ,onc across the THE NRws, value $3, as lot pnize fernae, wbîch will ha free hv day, and the ~ "JRTRYC OTEL ___________be________hst collection potatoas. lst pnize for other b7 night. The flrst wil be an il- JRTRYC OTEL hast collection baisms and as Ist pnizae lustratt ,on of neai warfare hy the Royal__________________________________ Man y persons cannottake for hast rag mat. E=~ines of Ha lifax, and Dominion plan odlivr u.M. A. James, publisher CANÂDIÂN Art on f Kngston, and wilh on STATESMAN, three subseiptions t mlpietaepoio fsbaiemns They cannot digest it. STATESMAN for 1899, $8; as 1sf prie for the blo)wing up of bhps, tbestorming 0f besticollection pears; as lst pizfo forts wvith shot and shahl from quick- tuPsets the stomnacli.- 1oibs mangold saed; as lst pize for tea tiing- and Maxim maci guns, Red pot osy.Cros liol.).talwonk, and sa an. At Knowing,,thesc things, we James Mornow, hhacksmith, Bowman. might the i-eat spectacle preseutaed wiîî -have digested the su~ i 1as 3rd prize for ana y ean old inc htude ihboca, bombardmant, I> -____ Scot's mulion of od-galdîng on filly, canniage. -a td sunrendaer af Sanatiago, the sinkingGR N T JamesGoar, wachmakr an jew of th(, Merriinac. the Captive ballaon, AR L %, iv' h a t 1 s