,tacles. a el Thceo s, no place in the Colutry wheýre you can got such good valuei in Spectacles as at our store. 1ýýt you get the services of the only Post Graduate inI the Country free.ot ail charge. 2nd you got the largest.stock of Spectacles ln the Country to select f rom. 3rd. we bu.y direct from faet- ory andI can save you from 125 to 50 per cent on ail kinds of Spectacles and Eye G lasses. Stott, & J ury. 'ho Dnuggists antidpicaS, Bcw- uffle. shawa and L=dsv CUT- PRICES AT STOIT & JURY'S. Stokey Fly P aper, 4 single sheets 5c. Xhaels Ointment ..«............. 50C. Litle tiler Pills, 2 boxes ......... 25c. Burdock Bitters and llood's Sar .... 75c. Stot& Jury's Sarsaparilla ........ 60c. (Gta ranteed better and stronger than othiers.) Corn Cure, best in the market ...15e. Gluaranteed Pure Laking Powder. .15c. Toflet Soaps, 5c, Se, lOc cakes for ... 5c. Sqpong-es, fine large ones .......... 15C. Sponges, exý,tra quality........... 25c. Âkhwago Bitters, 5 boxes .......... $1. W1ison's Root Beer, make 5 gallonslOc. Tooth Brushes, ;5c, 10c, 15e, and 25c. SPECIAL BARGAENS. We have a large quantity of Glass Stoppered Botties worth fromt 15e to 80e saeh, suitable for Ammonia Essensea, &e,, &c., choice for 10e eaeh. lber Paint Best i Canada 5e a qt. Ready Mixed Paints for ail purposes 35c. These paints are guaranteed to covor more and to last longer than other maltes. Stott & J ury.. GRAND ;FRIJNK RAILWAY. BowM-IîtNvirLE STATION. GoîNG EAST. GOîrçG WEST. Epressa.... 831 a. m. 1 Expres... 5 23a. m *Express .... 10 16 a. m. j Local ...8 18- Passenger . .. 29 p.m. 1 Passenger.. 1'35 p. mn Local.... 642 p. M.It Express... 4.3 p.rin. 'lDxpre*#.. . ii os Express.. . 5 00 I DaiUy. t-Snndatys only. STOTT & JjrRY. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE. AUG, 3i, 1898. le buLys 2 Lead Pen cils at Niehoils'. 9 cakes Buttermilk Soap 25e Nichoils'. Mr. Bragg advortises seed Fall wheat Miss MeDoweli bas returned from a viit to Toronto. Mr. R. W. James is visiting relatives and frionda lu i Western Ontario. School rulers, pons,ink,slates,peneils, axercise books, seribblers, cheap at Nieholis'. Miss Jutil a Tapp who bas been guest of Mi1ss Mliteheil has returned to Roeh- e6ter, N,. Y. Misses Loule and Etta Thomas,Peter- boro, were gue sts at Mr. J S. Rundl&'s ovor suinday.V Dental oftlea in Bowmanville wii be closed on Friday afternoonatiuring Juiy andf August. tf. MsAretotMiss Aikin, Itîdian. apolia md l,and M Wi l hi s sD. Fairbairn sp eiitunday at Mr~. J. B. Fairbairn's. Messrs. Pn and Fred Trebileock atrrived home from Brantford Friday nig lit on thieGarden Cty without be- tnig iost. Mr. John L. Mason, wifo and daugh- ti-e, Daveiiport, Iowa, who have beren guests of his mothýer,Mrs.S.Mason, have rettured c eAlor. and Mr Fred Mason and wif e and Mr.Rueben Mason Miss E. E.Hayevraft,assistant oditres of TusSTTMAMisses Mosetta and L.Sophla Jameï,s, daught ers of the edi ,h_ eune rma excoeding- I njoyable driving tour through On- tro county taking lun the principal twns and villages. Ladies having fuis to be repaired 6bould leave them now or as soon as possible with Markus Mayer, the Fur- rier, Bowmanville, înstead of waitîng ithe rush begins lu the Fali. ie suppiles fur for m3atching and what la neeesaryý for proper repairs. .A large unî.ber attondod the League weeting Monday evening. Mr. J. S. Rundie presided in the absence of Mr. L .Courtiee, president. 1ev. J. J. RSýÏave an hnur's very interesting taluion lhis-,vacaton rambles on bis wliéeI. It was humorous, pathetie, dramatic, instructive and Irish. Ris ,Rudience certainiv onjoved it imnionselv Mr. Jas. Goard sang Where islleaveîn? aind Mr. Jules Normapnr sang the.Bav of Biscay and being rn r»urousl.ý oncored sagone of lis own (ompositions entiti- ed"Chip n,"a beautifualiy çtchy song that a very appropriateorhecas iu, I must be a popular air whlenever eung as he sang it. Seeti wheat, or aale-see advt. 100 page Seribbler le at Nichoils'. 10e buys 100 Siate Pencils at Nichoils'. Engagement Rings at Rickard's are supurb. Curtain Poles lu great variety at L Morris'. Mr. R. B. Androw was home ovor Sunday. Slates, Seribblers, Penis, cheap at Nichoils'. M. Mayer is seling all linos of straw hats at ceat. TheMisses Russei,Berin,are visiting frientinluto wu. Mr. E. Dibbs,Toronto, visited fri endis lu, town recently. Miss Nellie G. Biekeli is visiting hor brother at Oshawa, Evory living creature la benefitted wlth a change of diet. lio la the wise man who soos the de- mand and caters to it. Town Council meets Mond,%y ight. Flag pins of every description at Rickard's. ' jSee 'Gardon City' advt. about three trips a week to the Exhibition, Single fare from Toronto to Bowman- ville Fair on Friday, Sept. l6th. Prof. T. llevs andi wife. Toronto,were recent guests of Mr. A. J. Hook. Mrs. MeDoweil wiil seli hier thoro-bred Jersey cow due to calîre in Octob or. Buy a ring wheu yen corne te Bow- manvilie Fair from T. N. RiekardI. .Citizens, attend the Piebiscite organ- ization meeting to-night in Tempiars' Hail. Miss Allie Scott, MeCaul St.,Toronto, is visiting Miss Winnie J ones at Or chard Farm. Messrs. Chas. Keith, Frank Pethick andi Stewart Morrison have gone to Clevelandi, O. Miss Jessie Buekier, Seaforth, is vis- iting lher uncle, Mr. James Knioht, Msrs, r. j. ±Mamnâg. 23visi iug 'I or- onto friends tais week Mr. Frank Allen, ]Rigetown, visiteti bis parents here iast wook. Mr. W. L. Allen. Couneillor, Peter- boro, was homo this week. Mr. Willie Ives, Toronto, has beon visiting at Mr. J. B. Martyn's. Mr. Bort Dale, Toronto, bas been holitiaying at South Darlington. Mr. and Mrs. John Perey were recent guesta of Mr. Levi Annis, Ebonezer. Miss Lammiman, Woodstock, has been visitiug Mrs. Mitchell, Centre St. Dawson's Golden Cbaff la the best Eall wheat. See W. J . Bragg's ativt. Mrs. Ranti Miss Ada Thempsou-,Port Hope, are guesta of Mrs. W. B. Couch. Mr. Arch. Terwillager, East Whltby, wasin town'Monday anti gave us a caîl. One of the best farrns ln Clarke la for sale or retit. Read Mrs. Carscatiden's ativt. Mr. Thomas and Miss Bassett have been for a trip on the upper Lakes te Duluth. Mr. andi Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Exeter, s p nt a f ew tiays recently with Mr. F.J. Mnning. Mr. W. S. Colvin anti wife, Omaha, Neb., recently visiteti their cousin, Mrs. F. J. Manning. Mr. anti Mrs. R. S. Pollard, Preston, have been vistlug his uncle, Mr. W. E. Poliarti, Salem. The Misses Ciemens are advertising their splendid 100 acre farm near Salem to ront. See ativt. Miss Alice Hamm, Orono, spent the past woek with hier friend, Miss Miidred Stewart, Goeorge St. Rev. H. S.Mattbews andi family,New- market ,have returneti from summering lu Muskoka.-Giobe. Hou. S. H. Blake, Mrý. Blake, anti daughter Mas. Moss have returneti home from Europe.-Globe. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. IDale, 5 Wellesley Ave., Toronto, were receut guests of Mr. Ira Pearce, Base Lino. Anvthing' r. N. Riekard tolla iste be .depended upon. Thereforo that ia just the place te buy a sewing miachi!ne. M r.ai dMas. J. R. 1-1 Jury anti fam- ily have been te Montreal and down the St Lawrence to Quebee for holitiays. Rev. J J. Rae preacheti for 1ev. C. Parker, Napanee, andi Bey. Mr. Elliott, Kingston, during bis tour tiown East, Miss Ethel Man nitg,, wbo bas been gucît of Mrs. M. LMcLaughlin la now visiting Port Hope frieuds -Liudsay Post. Bowmanville anti Daaington Town- ship Sabbatb Sebtuol Assocýiation will bolti their convention in Bowmanvilie this fli! Master Hownrd Jollow, yoingest son of à1a. Lewis Jollowv,is Ihom'e froma two months euting- at graatdmother Rus- sellas, Biairton. Mrs. John Scott, Aima, anti Mrs. Richard Scott anti daiighter, Elorence, Toronto, x isiteti at Nlr.Jolthn Clenîienee's Sbaw's, reeentiy. Mr. W. E. Allen, J.P , has gneto St. John, N. B., for a month's holiday anti wili probably niake a tonr of the Maritine Provinces. Bowmanville Fair, Sept. 16. Throw awav that wateh.yuu patrclrased from the "Gent who calloti witb a made up yaru" and buy one fromn T. N. Rickard. ,Mr. H. Boulier, tbe aecommodating general agent of the Alan Steamship Line, Toronto, la reeuperating at tbe seaside, Mr. J. J. Tompsoui, his as- sistant, will manage the business until bis neturu. Lient-Col. Sam Hughes, M. P., Linti say, wlth severai otber gentlemen, have gene to the oast lope of the Rock 'y Mountains. Col. Hughes visit ia lu conneetien wîth mining matters. anti hoe will not returu until the enti of October. Persons fanding lest articles are le gaily bounti to restore them to the ôw- ner If kuowu. To holti them or seerete them la nuder the new criminal code rogardoti as theft anti punishable ac- eortirngly. A reward canuot suceess- fully be demandeti. In a private communication from our former townsmau, Mr.John D.Keuchie, Tononto, hoe says : That re-union of the "Olti Beys" on Aug. 8, was oeeof the brightost days in myexisýtence. Every- eue was tielighted with the day anti is features. To you beiongs the credit of its luception. 1ev. J. J. Rue returneti Saturday from his vacation outing down East anti eccupieti his own pulpit Sundav [proaching two capital sermons te very largo cengrogatiens. Miss Nellie Sauntiers sang veny appropriate solo lu the merning anti Miss Florree Crang, A. T. C. M., sang- "The Coming-of the King" at nigbt, both being mueh appre- ciateti. Mr. Jules Norman again 'as- sisteti the choir andt tok se ne solo parts lu the authems. The iltiro so-rviee was BORN. Wmx.-I Bwmanville, Aug. 24, the wdf e cf Mr. WmVi. Wb"ite, of a daughter AYE nBowmeanville, Aug. 24, the wife cf Mr. Gec, Payne, of e son, MARRIED. DAN',IELL-LovEKiN -At Stanbornton, N. H. 1! .1, bv Rev. E. H. Might, Mr. Frarnk Hi. 3DansieII cf Franklin Fells, N. H., and Miss Alice M.Lovekin et Newcastle. A1SUTON-MARTiN.-At the resi dence cf the bride's parents, East Wbitby, by Rev. J. Whit- lkWedniesday. Angusi 24, Mr.Fred Ashton, Enfield anti Miss Mary Mertin, only dangliter of Mr. Gee. Martin. MARQus-HILLxnAY. -At Brcoklin, Aug. 24, býy Rev. Dr. Lambly, M. A., Wm. Jas. Marquis I f St. Cloud, Minn., fermerly et Picker1% ,and LLilian Beatrice, second deugliter of Daniel HldaEsq., Brookln. MurNAy-STEvErs.-On Aug. 24, ai the resi- deuce cf the bride's father, by 4ev. J. S. I. Wisn B. D., Mark Moore Munday and Miss iberta, Beatrice, youngest daugliter of Jacob Stevens, Esq., ail of Maple Grove, Southi Dar- lington. DIED. JAME-At oborg, Aug 23, Mary Rowe, EAST.-At Gorp's Landing Aug. 18, Mary Hetiges, beloved wife of Wm. East, ageti 86 PRÂTýT -At Cobourg, Ang. 26, John R. Pratt, aiged- 53 years. -MARCEAU.-At Napierville, Que., Aug.27,Mrs. Juliius A. Marceau, ef consumption, ageti 36 yers. PASSD tETo HEST. 1 9~SMITT -At Newî )wn, Exeter, Eng. 1 i: Senti, July 13,1898, of stricture, Mr. Wm. 1 ýj4 1-. Smith, ageti 38 years. Clerk fer 23 1 y5 ears iu London «anti Sonth Western R<ailway effices. iS Cai' -At Tcwnsend, Stralion, Corn- Y4< wall, Englanti, Aug. S. 1898, of pneu- 1 + moria, Jliza Oke blcoveti wife of Mr. 1 Reuben Cory, ageâ385 years. 1 OKE.-At Holsworthy, Devon, Eng-1 SaniAngust 15, 1898, trom rupture ofr1 bieeâ vessel, Mary Elizabeth, eM. ti1 ý wieof Ma. Thos. Oke, ageti 34years. 1 Three firSt-cousins et the Editor ef the SSTATESMAI9. Lake Siie U'ottage. South Durlington Rarveat Home Fes- tival at Ebenezer, Sept. ilth anti i2th. Partieulars next week.. Dou't nogleet that nasty cough. Dr. Wooti's NorwaY Pine Syrup eau dùroit. LBeat couzh nemedy matie. 11ev. J. H. Turubuil, M. A., has re- turneti from vacation anti preacheti twe excellent sermons laat Suuday. Mr. G. H. Lintou'a new résidene la nearing completion anti is among the fineat resi4ences lu Orono village. Mn. Geo. E. Gilfillan, Bowmanvlle, calleti on Lindsay fniends. Ho was gueat at the Simpson House.-Pest. Mrs. Montgomery; Mr. anti Mrs. W. Lunnes, Jr., Toronto, were receut guests at Mr. C. M. Cawker's, Nerway ottage. Mrs. C. Lawry anti chiltinen, Hamil- ton, who have been visiting Mr. J. H. Cryderman anti other relatives have re- turueti home. Mr. anti Mas. A. S. Vogt,ehildren anti servant, Toronto, have been guesta of hier father Mr. Gee. MeGll, Manager of Ontario Bank. Mr' Kimbail Morrison, Moentgomery, Alabama, la home aften 4 yeaas'. absence. Ho heltis a geoti position lu the nailway office down there. 11ev. J. J. Rao wili draw some lessenas fnomn the Spanish-American war lu bis sermon next Suudav night. Special music anti special collection. Miss Evelyn Manning, who bas been guost of Miss Jennie Gross, bas re- turnet t Bowmanville, ufter eujoying a pleasant visit.--ýintisay Post.' Miss Leah Chaplin who bas just ro- turneti from Western Ontario anti broth- er William were guests Suutiay at Mr. C. M. Cawken's, Norway Cottage. Mr. A. Tamblyn, Orono, has soldti t Mr. Crawford, New Mexico, all of his this seaseîî's Shropshire rani lambs at $10 each It pays te raise geeti stock. Mr. Chas., Tamblyn of Oreno writes homo from Carrol, Man., that James Elliott, formerly of Kendail.li as the fiuest crop of grain lho bas seen eut there. Mrs. (bey.) W. Preston anti grand- tiaughttir, Miss Vivian Mcoesait, Port Lumbton, anti daugbter Mrs. Ecroyti of Sarnia are guests ef Mas. S. Caudier, King St. 11ev. J. H. Barn ett, Bowmau Olile, Pa id Ma. anti Mrs. John Leslie a visit oit Mentiay. Mn Barrnett is a native ef Baliybav, Jaclanti,,anti of course was lu ebiltihooti a pluymate of Ma. Lesiie's.- Pickering News. The manly form of a weli known West Ditrh)am boy, 'tr. Chas A.Burden, Instruetor lu Pbvsical Exercises lu tbe Univeasity of Oregon, Euzene City,Ore., bias been soon ln bis native town for a few days while hoe is visitlng bis fathea, Ma. S. Buadon. Tyrone Methedi3ts have matie a happy bit for a Labor Day célebration lu providing a ebieken pie dinuer. Soniehow on ether people will go farth- or to eat chieke'n pie than anv other eti- rble. The ladies eut there know bow te make them right, too.1 Now that outsiders- are barreti from showing in classes L. M. N. O. ladies of West Durham sheuti make a hig- ex- hbhit at the Fair. The rule prohibiting articles that have recoiveti prizes bof co is net lu foce ow. Show overything geoti yeu'vo got, olti or uew. Kingston hase bail toam met with terrible tiofeat at the banda of the Bow- ruanville team Eiday-1i te 8. A Sbep- bord, Toronto, assisteti the homo team anti the famous Reauden piteheti fer Kingston. Cari Kent umpîreti the game witb bis well kuown fairuesa. G. Upper Canada Sketches," by Mr. Thos. Conant, Oshawa, is in progresa of publication anti will ahertly appear iu paint, anti will neotioubt be reati witb lîstereat, espeeîally by the early aettlers of this part'of the-countny. It la sure te bc valuable us a bisterical production Mr. Ebor Xriox's rearience, Liberty st., was huriiet I ontiay morning, anti mucb of th e contents destroyeti. The tire englue tiid net got there pnemptly, Glover's ,bus team beîng uit the station. The firat ceuh te duty for tbe uew steam- er was a sati cemmentaay ou our boast- edtirie protection if the R holo truth were tolti. The twe beautiful Dominion Union Jacks 'donuteti by Dr.Johu Hoskin,Q.C. for the two bestappearing sebeols are neceivoti anti thoy are roui hantiseme fiaga, one worth $9, the othea $6. They are botter than was expectoti, the lang- eat boing lolft long anti Slft wide. Tou- chons get yeur sehoels la marching' entier, Mr Robent Beith, M P., Bowmau- ville, was iu Stratfocati ecently anïd pua- ebaseti a fine team of carniage herses, one&from Mr. W. W. Ballantyne the ethor frem Mn. Josep'h Walsh. Mn. Beîth, who is a well known breeder cf canniage herses, will exhibit thîs now pair at the Toronto Industrial. It la saiti that the pnice paiti for the team la $500. -Beacon. i a - Quaty Talks, 01 6, a Most every eue wil take a little, fl euting this month and lunch gCoods P IYI ~ will bocluntiemand and these days wheu se much trashy geeds are on ilî îýi ' Ï . Il. , 1 the mnarket disguised with the name cf Bangains, it matew eue ask where eau we buy reliabie geods at reasen- able prices? We have a reputation for high class gotis which we menu te mention and geetis beuglit from us that are net as reemmentieti are cheerfully exchanged or money refundeti. PICKLES. F1511. SOUPS. Evaporated Herse Radlsh. French Sardines. Royal Worcester Sauce, ilojz Pickles. Menton Pickles. Tomate Catsup. Tomato Chutney. Can Lobster. Kippered Rerring. an Hatidie. Bleater Paste. Juliene, Muligatanny. EnglishWor-.ester Sauce. Royal Salad DressîDg. Breakfast Bacon and llams eured specially for ottr trade; need ne; commenting upon. To buy once means continuous buying. Goods delivered daily at the Lake. Cawker &calte BowmANviLLE. o o o o o o o 3 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 3' o o o' o o- o- o o o- o- o o o o' o o o o o o Coats.....0' S. W. Mason & Son are showing Ob this week their new Fall and Winter Cjoats and Capes, The latest New York Styles, o elegant in design and. finish' t our usual popular prices. O 0 -We did not carry over a single0 g'arment from last season. O Do flot buy before seeing our, » Ooats, al new, ail natty, ail at popular prices. Also new Dress Goods in end- [ess variety.G Notice to our - counut ry friends.-Butter andG Egg s and Grocers' Due IBills taken as cash, te-One d.oor East of Standard Bank. Da wu iIASON & SON10 13OWMAVILLi wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwvww.w a- a- g,.-,- g,- g,--- g,- g,--- g,--,- g,--- g,-- g,-- g,--,- g,--,- a--. g,--- g,-- g,.--,- g,--,- g,-.-,- g,-,- 4,--,- g,-- g,-,. 4,--~~ g,--,- 4,--~ a-,- g,--,- zz~ g,--,- i a-,- g,--,- 4,--~ g,--,- a-,- 4,-~ g,-- a-- 4,-w a--g, g,--- ~tll Il I i ABABRRyli *auumueu~umm~unmnmwuumeuummumnmmgmwmueggeqggggggjeg.î Iv' Cuentr,%y Schools Open August I 5th. Wve are well prepared'to supply the demand. Our school supplies 'are better than ever. Our blank Scribbler and Exercise books are. especially good. See thembefore yoiu buy. Big 20', BowMAÀNVILLE. W. T, ALLEN. tmflmmuêBmnrnmrnrnmBmmastmmhImêBtrnommam&mBkaaaaaMhaaBaBaaa~rn 11W ~-* g,-- g,-- g,--,- g,--. g,---. g,--,. a--g, g,---. a--g, g,-- g,--,- g,--,- a--,- g,- g,--. g,-- a--g, g,.-,- I g,-,- g,--,- a--g, a-- g,---- g,--,- g,-- g,--... a--. g,--,- g,--. g,-- g,--,- a-- g,--,- g,--,- a--g, g,--,- a--,- g,--,. g,-,- g,--,. a--,- g,--. a--,. g,-- a71-«-1m t! Il 11111 T! TT!!1T111! ITIYTITTIIITITTtITTY 1!! JJYJYTTT!1!Tfl!!~~1 k ~ ~Â~ÂÂ~ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂli~ÂÂÂÂ ~ÂÂÀÀÀt~UÀÀIÀÀ~ - .~ --.,-vwuuuew,,s,~ v~ -1 BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, Corrceted by J.lwolurtry eaeh Tuesday FLOU., 4e 100 lbs........$82 00 to $2 50 WHEART, Eall, bush... 000 1et0 70 Sprin' ,.0 00 il0 70 Red lfe ....0Ole O 75 fi Goosf ...0 00 l0 60 BARLEY, #1 bush, No. i1..0O84 fi O 40 Il e et2 .0 26 0835 le Il et 8 .... 025 il 080 fi ilTwo rowed 0 25 i0 30 OATS, White I .......0 00 0i O25 RYH Il ...... 000 0 45 BUOKWEAT 'Il.. . . O OU0 M O040 PEAN, Binekeve, P bush.. O 60 fi O OU TtCasadiak Beauties.. 60uet 0 0 fiMummey ni 0 0 'e O 50 :1Smail, t 0 0 il O 5( i Bliie, f 0 17 ri O 5j BurrER,,best table, Pl'.. 0O0OUi" O 13 Elaes, #>doz ............. 000 et 0 10 POTATOBS, bush..........O0 00 et O 40 llay perton...... ..4 00 lO 500 li-AIR WORK.-Ladies wishin,- hair .11.donc over,eil et MaS DICKIN80;sorKing E ast, and Cor of Ontario St,Bowmanville. 43- tf iVARRIAGE LICENSES,-M. A JAMEs, Issluer of Marriage Licenses. Residence: Centre Street. S ERVANT WAN TED.- Good general kJservant wanted et once. Apply te Mils. J. H. KvnnI, Concession St., Bo Wmaliville. 30.tf [S ERVANT WANTED -Good Gen o) ral servant wanted ln a family of four. Good wages. Apply to MCI. J. B. MITCHS.L, Elgin St., Bowmanville. 32. il. -OOM WANTED.-A suitabie roomn hetdand fnrished for two Higli School Studeiits. No board required. Leave addréss eit STATESMAN offli . 35.* 1w, STO LN o.ge security et moderateoatsof Interest. E. MCLAGIIN[ eAlicitor,Bowsn anville,Onit. 16 -6ms. 1~A MFOR SALE OR liENT. 100 F' cres, bcbng Southt hait of Lot 2o, Con., 7, Clarke. Good bunidings, Stone stable, orchlard, good Stream of weter. One mile eest of Ktrby. F.orfurtherrcertieulars afPpy to Mas. JAMES CAESOADDEN, Bowmanville. 35 . tf. SEDFALL WV1EAT FOR SALE - A nntlty or ehoice Dawson's Golden Chafft Whatfo sale, Suitebte for seed. This variety bas given the lergest yield for,5 years l secs sion et the Model Fe.,Guel l i ndlthe vert- ery, whjch fermers Ileud sow. W. J. BRtACG, Lot 2, Con 3, Darlington, Bowmanyille, P. 0. -r_ ýL ,-,T -1 Tb>ICK HOUtSE TO liENT. Thut J"> very desirable brick resirlea ýe anti ground the home cf tbe lare H. S. Manning, cor. Elgin anti oncession Sis., lu the iown cf Bowman- ville. Large gartian anti excellent fruit. Pos- session Sept. ist, For furiher particulars apply te Miss MANNIrNG, 83 Czar St., Teronto. 33-3w* _F AViMEOR SALE OR RENT.-A gooti tarm etf 78 acres, Lot 18, Con. 7, Dar- linglen. Price fer sellinq or reuting moderate. Eltruer applicaticrns consîdered. $50ofe, reut te go on imprevements, Turnp pulper aise for sae. Apply et once tf. ALBERT HANNA Treveller, Peterboro, 2.Sm. FARM TO RENT-1oo Acres, lot 12, j!Conis ligoonwïhare gooti brick dweling goo ou-buidins yongcrehard. welfeneti andin gocti cendlion. Te a re- sponsibie tenaut very favorable terms wtll be gîven. Cenvenient toechurcli anti schooi. Apply to MissFs CLEMEas on the promises or te A. E. CLEMEISS, Tyrone. 35.t. ('UT TRIS OUT anti sendtoi tes witb fs ive cents in sîlver, anti yeu will get by re- turn.mail a gc.den box cf geetis thai wili bring yeu nu more moniey in eue monili, iban any- thing elseiluAmerlea. A. W.RIsNIE, B.C. S. Saleru, Yarmouth, N. S. 32, 13w. 1?AR FORSALE.-75 Acres, Lots 82 24 anti 25, ConRý 6, Darlingten. Gocti state cf cultivatien ; hau d iesi4 soit water; buildings anti fenees lu gooti repir; t, mile frem Solina: tieily mail . Most desirebileetion.ý For terms enqmire et W. A. LAMMIMAN, Selîna. 80 . tf. VALUABLE EARM FOR SALE.- BE TENDER. Sealeti tenders atitresseti te the nudersignel wilhlie recelveti up te the third dIvyvcf September, next, for the porchase of the Soitherly 81 acres, incre or iuss, ci the wvest liaIt ftnlot number 17, lu the isi concessicîs tif th, onhi fDarliig'ton, C.unty of Dur. hem.Sollocd ay lem hüs pro'perty is li ac81oaltStuate one mile westco Town cf T8cwanvile.Leave te ,plcw fcrthwth ; full teeSinltApil niext, The highest or auy tender ot necessarilyaecceptedi. DatetiAugust ît.10.Jeus-e. GALBRAITH, Veodor's So lie- TIýARS FOR SERVJCuE.-Beakshire ..>anti Tamwcrîli boars for service, oni Lot 84 Ceni 3, Clake. Terms $1. D. J. GmBSea,Pro- prietor.20fif. cou1, JIDaîýrlington, Maple Greve. Fee 50e. Pur bretiycn Berlishires anti sows le pig for sale* T. J. COjLE, Buwianivulle. 27 - w. -4 -L Ili ýIfflyr-WrfflUrfi