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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Sep 1898, p. 6

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i.- r The Canadian statesan. BOWMANVILLE, SEPT. 28, 1898. i(Prom Toronto Glbe.), LTHIS' CERTIFICATI3 Briègs Forth a Story. We, the uadersigned, certif y tisaitihe health Bilkey bas for moulus - ______ bec n deterioratiug, Iand tisai ho is Dow U- enffring treni savea nervous prostration, [ana urgetiy requires immediate and prolongea rosi. J. W. MoLaugmin, MD., A. Beiih, MD., L. Holand Raid, ai..Be. THIS INTERVIEW TELLS IT. A reporter catiad on the Býey. R. A. Biikey, rocher St. Jehn's (Episcopat) Ohurcb, Bewueanvila, Otario, dnring s, charch function, and on congratuilatiug hlm on the great change for the boter ia bis appoaauce, the roverend gentleman said, Il tai due etireiy te Dr. Wads Blood and Nerve Pilla. #11 uffred for over three years from f exteme nerveuinama, weakuiess and pros- talien, and could net obtain relief, A few months ago il becamne oaiy tee ap- p aretuthia exireme nervous prostration hadet iu, as 1 ot flash aad appetite rapidiy. Three et 0cr tour medical n prononuced me je urgent ueed of immedi- aie and pmlouged test la order le huila up my niervona syitem, giving me a certifi- cale te ihat affect. About ibis lime, by p ure accident, Dr. Ward'a Bieod and oerve Pilla were breugisi te my notice. 1 decided te try themn, and on doing me a decided change fer lhebbtter tooek. place ai oece. I bave ince continnad takiug the pilla, with cent inuodl and marked bene- fi and ir rvernent. My appetite bas returned. I am gainirmg la fiesh steadity, and my generat bealth is now good. Furtber, I arn ure 1aI these, resuts are due te lime actieu et Dr. Ward'a Bbood and Nerve Pille, and I have every confidence that tbey wiil do for othersai that tbey have doue for me." tDr. Wris sdend gerve F111,re sold etSC"5. per bo B imetr$' u, a!gi si.o zaldo reueiptf) pie, b; the [r. Ward Co,, 71 sctlsireei. Toonto. Boîk of [â fomauaeafre. MONEY TOLOANI $100,000. y large suai o mo basbeen placediln my baud bya pivaa prso for iivetmient, on approvedloans on1 farai secirit for a teriof Viive or Ten y crs,11aIl -2 per centt luterest will becsk dp yabeyarly Satisfae- tory conditions for repaysnent will be arranged .B.SIMPSON, Solieitor, Bowmanville. rated Oct. 15, 'C4. 4 -tf. The Leadig SPeCialiSiS Of Anierica 20 YEARS IN' DETROIT, 250,000_CUREU. WECURE E MISSIONS'ý Ilothng eau bac or demoýaizing to ge r middle-a -, d inen fLan the lIres- once of these *nightly loss. hey of isg ucsandaw"shoetai fs mpteais. They unfit a mac for b'usina£ss mariad'> lite ad socia apne.N-atter whethsr causadby eil hbit">e ouh netural waaknass or sexual egeesses, 0cr NwMet'od Traatment Will eSitiveiy NO CURE- NO PAl Reader, you noed helo Early abuse or later excasses may bave weakened yen j .ýxosure may bave dseased you. You a tsafa tilt euréd. OurNew Method k 'wilcreYou. Ion ruenorisk Young lVTn-You are pa'le, feaebeý' iuad haggard; nervozie, irritable and ex- citable. Yoc become frgetful, moroe and dec3pond-,nt; blotebes and Phil. sunken eyes, vwrinkled face, skpin ferai and (downcat coutena7Cce rrea th2 blight c oreitne WECUREVI& COCELE7 NO mater bow serious or ae a bc e.or how long yoe ny bave1had it,0c NEW INETHOD TIREAi îBNT 1wil cure il. The "wormy reins" rtura bý their normal condition anid ienca tb( sexual o rgasrceiva proper nocrish- ý ment. The organs beccme Vita'lixd, al î u1nuatural drains or les -ssicease and manly powars return. -No temporary beeft. but a permanent cure .1s1red. NO CURE, NO PAY. NO OPERA- TIO NECESSARI. NO DETEN- 7'o TION FROM BUSINESS. We Ireat aud cre'l GLEET, EMISTOd OTNC STRICTUTRE. AIOELJsM NAL LOSSES, ]3LADD IEl>AIND ID- NEY diseases. CONSULTIATION bFREE, BOOKS FE.CHARGES MODERATE. If xLfable toe all write fora UETIN ]LANIC forHM iTlEAIENT. KENNE.DY& KERGAN, AAx TALE I POIRVELICR .5 L lÇs-e iaseeese'-j a s te c Ii'oo. le ueiepanSic retts - rsirs es ViaNîrin ideor renne, sud Eta m san tef td- uiesor aiselge Ps-ventIosnt u s omptCion La e ain tiae. Thir tisa shows immediate sues-ove- meut snd affecte a CURE wbieee ail other fail In- bave u nhavng th sanue Ajax TableIs. Tier cred thousaudosud will cure you. We sive a pop- tiv wrlten goarautEatOeff8cta cc 5e lO a Oach case or reon te mne. risWVi60 pe pacagem or sx plaes (fultreaimeat) o0*.0.a f--AJAX MEBEDY ý For satelle Bommauvilla by STOTT & JURY Drggists. TH E Can do no more for you ln the way of comfortable beds and good moeals titan te FRANKLIN HOIJSE, at Dates and Larnod Ss. Eateà are $1.50 te $2.00 per' day, American plan. Wood- ward and Jefferson Aves. are en!y a Ilek away,, wth cars te ail parts of 1h. city. lelct'ccmoain e wieelmen. fi. H. JAMES & SONW Proprietor, _ ates and Larned Sta., ]Detroit, Xicis. 100 ~ ï MUIIISMISERYO Dr. Talmage Discourses on the Dangers of Excessive Wealth. The Uselessness of the Giant--The Service of the Commonplace ---they Whlo Do the World's Work--The Wasfihiugten, Sept. 25.-Freai a pas- sage ut Soripture 'Miat prebably ne ether clergyman ever preached treai Rey. Dr. Taimage lu Ibis discoarse sets forih a trutb vcry appr:upriate fer limese, wbe bave unimcaitby ambition tom greet weat or fume. The toxtisle1. Chreuicleà xx, 6, 7: "A man et great stature, wboiofling- era and tees wore tour and twenty, six on ach baud and six ou ecd foot, and ho aise iras the sen et a giant. But, irben hoe defied Isruel, Jonathan, lime sou et ShImneg David's, brother, siew hlm." Malformation pbotegraiied, sud fer whimt reasou? Did nol Ibis passiage slip by mîstuke hal e b iacred Soriptures, as sometiaici a paragruph utteriy obuioxi- oui o e .editer gels imb bis uewsxsaper during bis absence? hIsnet Ibis Scr'iptur- ut errata? No, po-, thero hi uothing hàp- hazard about th. Bible. This passage ot Sceipture iras as cortuiuiy iutendod te bi put lu lime Bible as the verse, "Iunlime be)giuuning Qed createdth limebavens and the ,tim." or "Qed se levefi lýe wertd that ho gave bis ouiy beotten Son." And Ieclect Ilter my taxite-day ho- cause i lu Im.arged with practicai and Iremeudous mieaning. By lime people ef Ged lime Philistinues hed beau couquerod, with tise exceptioeaet a feir giauts. The race ef giants Ismestlyextinci, I am gbud te say. There le ne use fer glauts noir except te eniarge tbe luceme et museunis. But limera irere muny oet tiem lu olden ies. Goliath was, actordiing te lthe Bibis, 1l foot 4Y2 luches bigh, or, if yen deuabi tbis, the tamous Pliny de- duares that ai CreIe bv au ea'tbqcake a monument was broken open, disceverhug lime' romains eft'a giant 46 cubits long, or 69 f est hmgh. Se, wbetber yen tuke sacred or profane bistory, yen mcii coe te tise conclusion thal ibere weie in teese limes cases of bumnaa altitude mousîreni and mppulliig. David sad smmasbed theo uaîoftet eet tbese glants, but there iree iree giants limai theDavidean wars haJi net yel mb- dued, and oeeoe thcm stands lu my taxI. Ho iras net ouby of Alpine stature, but bud a suruli ni digits. To lime erdin- amy fingers was auuexed an additieumt fin gem, and the foot bad aise a suporfieus addendum. He had 24 lemmninationi to bauds and foot. wbere others bave 20. Il iras nol lime oLiy instance efthIe kind. Tavernier, thimeaeund irriter, says that the Emperor of Java had a son eudowed wltm lie saine number et extremnities. «Volestiustise poe, had mix linkzera on eaoh baud. Maupertuis, lu bis celabrated lettera, speaki eft tio tamilles near Berlin ç1mhbarly equippod et baud and foot. Ait of which I eau believa, for I bave seen twe cases of lime saine physicat super- mbundaace. But Ibis giaul t lime toit ia lu halll'e, aud us David, the strbpling irarrior, bac! ttsaatched oeegiaul, .the0 nophair ef David ulays Ibis merister of my %exi, and thora ho lies a! 1er lhe baIlle lu Qalh, a dead giani. Bis stature did net save hlm, and bis suisarfuoxis append. ices etflband and. foet did Let 'suva im. Rime prohabitity wae that, ln the batte bis sixtb lfinger ou 'bis baud made him clumsy in tlie usG of bis irapon, and bis ilixte e cripplad bis gail. Beimeld lise presîmate and matfermed glant efthlie texl: "A mao! greai stature, whiose fungami and tees irere four and twonty, sij- ou eacb baud aad six on epch fent, and ha aise iras the son of a giaut, But wran ho defied Israei, Jonathman, lime see o! Shîmea, David's brotber, slew hlm. " Behold bow superfliiis are a bind- rance raiber tha a belp! Inl ail the. bailles ut Quis Ibai day there was net a imue with ordiaary stature limai ias net baller off than tbis phrsicul cuiesity et xny taxi. A dvsarf on the rigisi Bide mu strenger than a giaut onutlisewreng side, and ail lime body and mimd aud astate and epnorrunity ihat yen caunot uise fer Qed and lime boîttemnieut oft lime wurld are a $imthlb inger aud a sixli 10e and a terrible bindrance. Tise mest o! lime good doue in the wsrid, anid t1110 ,most oet limse mim wu lime bailles for lime rîgisi are, dnr neoplo. Cuculthelimelngots of Iheir rigmi baud, and lhay have juil five-ne more and ne lais. Oue Dr. Duif ameug mis- sienaries, but 3d000 mtssienurlas limai would tlti ou lbsy bave oniy commou oudeirmosit. Oue Florence Nighinîlgale le nurse the sick lu cousphcous places, but 10,000 woemen mime are juil as goed nurses, ibeugb neyer hourd eto. Tise 1S-wamnp Auget" mas a big gunIbelha dumiug lime civit mur made a big noise, but musets ot omdinary calibre aud shll et ordlnary boit did lim eaxecutien. Presi- dent Tyler anud bis Cabinet go dewe lime Potoînue eue day te exîmorimnt with lime "Peucemakar,"e> agroat iron gun limai iras le affrigbt with ils thander fomeige navies. Rime ganuekr teuchesit off, and àl expiedes anti teaves Cabinet Minislers dead ounlime dock, write et thai lime, aU np mnd demn our cousIs, weme cannon ot emdinamy bore, able ote h ie daeuse et the nation and ready ut thme lirsitenoch te wakeu te duty. Rime ourse efthlie world i big glaus. Atter tbe paliticiaus, irbo b!mve mude ail lime noise, ge home bourse from oengmy discussion on lime aveulug ef lime flrai Monday in '-e;vember, lime ucîl day the neople, witm lieaient ballets, *Ili settle everytbing an-I saIlle il migimt, &,million efthlie irite slbps et palier ebey drop making about as mach noise as lthe are m ines uplaie upron uud simees tashieried on a rougis mut by a sheemaker ut thaeud of lime iune, okinz babies tbt are te be tbe Martin LAlmarxs, andi thme Faradacys aond lime Ecisous and tise Bismateks and lime Giadsîenaes andl the Waahlugtens andth ie Qoorge Whiteflieds of lime ftute. Tise longer I livo t.,ae more 1 lîke commea foiku. Rhoy do lime morlds work, hcaring lime iorld's bardons, ivaep- lng lime wments sympatimies, carvinglime momd's consolation. Amoug lamyomu mes sea nuse up a Butas Cimete or a 'Wiiam Wirt or a Samuel L. Southurd, but society monld go te pioces le-merroir if Ibeme mera net ibousands er cemmn iamyems te see tIsaI men anal men gel lhiai rigimis. A Valentino Mott or a Wil- lard' Patkeâr isas up emineut lu the meticla rfsiu but mimai an unlimht- ed smeap -irulti pneumoniâ andtidpim- limonla and scarlel foyer have ln lime wemid If It mere net fer 10,000 ceusenr doctorl The- old niv sicMau in bis zig, driving np lime lanae!flime fammhmioasuor ridiug on horsoback, bis modicinies lu the saddlehags, arriviug ounlima ninlh day ef tise foyer, and comhng iu te tae, old efthlie puliseofethlie ptient, wb'ibleh famiiy, pale miii anxiety, and teoking ou and waling for his decision ini regard tatem patient, and bearlng hlm say, "Tbauk Qed, I have mmtered tise case; hie lu geiiing weitl" excites hn me au admiration 'quite equat te lime mention efth lim ames et the, great niët-oplitau declers et the. pat or lime illustrionis liv- ing menoet lie presoul, Yot wlial do e ae in att departaientsW People net satihsfed .witb erdlnary smimea o! work and odnary duies. Inislead o! trylug la ueo wbat tbey ceauIoe iib e baud et ive ingera, they meut sýx. la- stead et usuai endemment ef 20 manaul andl pedal addenda, tbey waui 24. A oer- laie amuunt of mueuey fer iliveihood, mund fer lime supply eft tise whem w, beave beb 'ind us afler we have departed Ibis, ite, lu imsportant, fer me bave the hest aulhorily 'for sayiug, "Hie tisaI provid.ohh net tom bia owu, sud especiatiy Ihese of, bis omu bonsahold, ha more than au lnfldel," but the~ large and tabulons smmo for whicim mauy ilruggle, If eblaiuod, wenid ho a indrano. mimher Iban un ad- vasntage. Rime auxieties and unnoyances oft lime mmose asIates bave beceme ploîberi eau ouly bho bld by those wbo pessesi tiom. Il miil ho a gond thlng wmiis, tbrough yeu n ustry and presperity, yen cou omu lime bouse lu wbich yealibve. But suppose yen owu 50 housas and yen bave ail these renia le colleciad al Ibosa tenants te pt5ase. Suppose yen bave branched ont lu business sacmsses untit 11u almof;t every directioen yeubaveLevest monls. Tise ire bell rings ut niglim; yen rush upîlarîs le loek oui et lbe mmdoir te sae leI himuapy eof>our mitls. YEpidemilo o7f crime ceaies. and liere are embazzle' meulsaund ahscendlug ln ait directions, and yen meider wbtber any o! yeux hookkoepers wili Drove recreanl. A punie strikea lime finacbut ertd, and yen are like a heu under a sky fuît et bamku and lrying, wilb auxhous ctuck le gel yotir ovegro-Nu chiekeus safetyunuder wlng, A fter a certain stage et succesheu been reucbed yen bave te trust se meuy im- portant ibingu te o1mrs liai yen are api te hecoe, e mepreyoy et eiers, and yen are swiudtad and defrauded, and lime anxiety yen bad ou yeum brow irimn yen more eunbng yeur fit 1,000 lu net equaltat the unxiety ou 'your breir nom liaI yen have iwon youm $ulli,OOl. The trouble wilim sncb a ou, Is, ho lu spread ouit ike thme untortujnute oeeIl My taxit. Yen bave more ingerqanud toes iban yen knew wmmi te de vith. Rmonly more uisetul; 24 are a bimhderiug spr fi li ty Disraei unys Itha alKng o! Pelaud abdlcatedbhis thimoie and1joluesi tise pee- pie and becaume a porter te carry bardonsb. And saine eue askod him wimy lý ied lse. and ho repliad: ", *Upen my houer, geutie- .mon, lime iead miicis I cuit off vmus by tam bouvier limna theoone yoe e ame carry. Rime meighiîestI h but a struw wbea ceai- parad tei that melghtimt alder mi"h I iabomed. I have slopl mare in four nigimis limue1I-have driring ail ny reigu. I begia te live afld le ho a king nyseif. ElacI mimeai yen cheese. As tormein, I amnse mail il irould bc maduesu te ratura le court. " "Well," aya somebody, "sncb ever- loaded prions ougimi ta ha pitied,. for lieir worrmaeuts are meut, and Ibeir lu- semuhu and Ibir nervous proiAlmtion are genine.' I reply liai Ibey could gel id et the hothar-somie sunrlus by givlng it away. If e man lbus more hieses than ho eaua carry mitheut vexaulear, lot iilmdrap a tee ofihom. If bis estate is se greel ho canet maisage iithiet geltiug nervoas dyspepsia tmom huvllîg tee much, let hlm divido mith ztioso wime bhave nervens dyspepsiri becuase tiey canel Loi enougis. Ne, tbey guard ibeir suIxt inger wih more cure than tisey, did lime original live. Timay go iimpiug uts miai liey cail gent and kuov nett liat, like lthe giant ef my taxi, lhey a lamued by ,a superfineus tee. A twof et teiby ciaritios bleed timouves eofthIis inaucial oheaitî and mouetumy pletimema, but îny et thieni bang on te the inderiug super- !fiity tilt deutim, and thoýn, as liey are compeiied le give lima mouey up anyhoir in ibir lait -mît and testamnent they generously give somre o! Il totem Lord, expectlng, ne denhl, lia iehomli teel Vaery maich ohligod tleie. Rimumk Qed thet once in avahilàe me have at Paet'r Cooper, mime, owniug an interestinlutlie iren werks at Trenton, aiti te Mm. Lester. 11I de dot foot quile easy ubeut the amnI me are makiug. Worklug ander oeeoet ur patenits,ire hb-aveemeuepoly iiimseemi te nme semi-eîbiug mroug. Everybody bas te came te as.,fer il, and me are makîug meuey tee tait." Se they reducud lima price, and Ibis while our pimlautimmpisi 'was building Cooper lu- stiInta, uviicb mothers a hundred insti- laies et kinduesu ad nercy ail er lime iand. But thme momd badl te wail 5,800 ycars fer Peter Cooper! I in glad for lime bemevoleul insitiu- tiens limhai gel a iogucy frein mouniris duriug timir lite more as stlugy as deatb, but Whooii. their lest ýwllt andi tesamuent beslymedimousey on bespilals and mis- tsionary sooieties, but fer such lostaýtoits I h ave ne respect. Tiuoy mould have taken evk' ien ore miatr torise the-a 1i ;ney ceuniPr -n 29y iur Ou.Ne.~,. and iougit up isaîff et euaven md ltlil - your possession imero e ou 1k? Qe Gd?,Are yen ursalaItisese qroanilegs euti et rameau tou or b unere lma înnusy triagaiust yeurself are net se mnny valves te eelelgal citizens uat 2 per cent, a montb Ine miaI patm or rigbseeousaess b or misaIniltea oplinn anti~~~~~~~~~ ge cre" o ap nipalt fsin bave yen set it demv? Whierehvvbe ynveltaacopiig arnpots.a J cey tîeti lenhis rrîianderhave yen ieft the mark e! yeur footsteps? disposition liai dure3s noîtventilato itueif trai 1pes. hcy11ed n hisword 0 1orAmidthelmapetrifacliens in lime rocks on Qed, on 01mrs, en yonr "ircumstuncoi? 60 yeais lunlime presence et ofuppalling haeim ,nfon h ak o h eto Cari yen net ied soeabtter business suffering and wmaI anti makie noeoffortes v enonilm mrse iefo ttÉ.a fadingftuait aveu wilb yoisoelf? tom tibir relia!. Rima chariies tsnbbirdseand boucle o! ihouands et yerirs age. Ryrpnacrfrn eeoain puople, re l h"al o-n tthue'Ani ot eu rae uIai te ooe epi ul lcation - auyihiug but grown- tenBe. 'rley are going te do tisani.Tisaetof eax lifetimo, anti those yen made 50 nlres probabilty msta fsc uel i er g r as plain as tisose made la ing. lus it li by a donation 10 benavlahemt,'bataIsort y#aaher, ail tem spaîili- mcethea tieu te atone tom bhis lifalîmna ed for lime judgigusnt day. Oh. lime foot! Faeuh iu the Invisible World. closefistedueus tha hiaîmuait am mît try fre me tbe autobiograpmy o! yeur foot Te gel tima hast tnjoynient freni ecrtbly te break tise mli by provlug lia iliea imahelime yen svep1sed ont oethlie thhngs, me neet i faithinm 1sthe invisible olti mari mags snito6 or crd'zy, andthie crutile untiltoledey, and 1 mil 1e1l yeum menti, TisaI unseen realini incindes lime axpee ofethlie litigation "wý11 about exact ciaacter noir and wmiai are yen-r seul et Ced andi, tie £rîcitils nmns. louve mta he iawyer's hands what mus pi-ogpecte te eementite cognse. b,1.t s e trua oeletbe, for liesboirs mariat !r tihe Bible socieiy. 0O ye over g nat as thBlet ost, es uetunus, ar h e sepliysical cuti spiitual morlis welghla.I, sueceasul business nmca. c3aniliItim atofesteach! i ud thlat y aeuse Twiapres tfils icha unlu- whthler ibis sermson reaeb 'Ç'>ur car or dee1thatmeut tesbooimors. I aira d-vro TeoIiglf s eJ ýor ve, etmeMU tatffYe aecreusa ev ueu eof! Godi, antif O yon Ovs, ot e sy lmaIIf en ireluge! l hrSmaWom'n lu riyairy raboultlisevoual te us tise ce-aspieus mrve1tu a' eut nrogtrated w1th manxioties etbout kecjsbug or @aOtig lthem renenosfortunes 1 appeamanceofethlia bad. 'Andtihle onseovin naitures. Tho meut accumuledfll ____________ efliJied ber imnd wltmbhortes andti liofeself -kueirletige i Qod-kaemledoee. eau teil yen how yen eau do more ti get your hoalth back ance your spmirite raised than by drinkiug gallons ef bad tastlng 'W'ter ai Saratoga, Hamiburg or Carlsbad -give te Qed, bumaulty and the Bible 10 per cent. of ail your inconie, and it wi alte a new muan of yen, and from restless walkiug of the floor at uight you shahl have eght houri' îleep wilhout the holp of bromide of potassium and frein ne appatite ynu Ywill hardiy ha able te walt fer your regular meats, and yo*k wan check willtiflt i, and when yen die the bless-ngs of these who but for yon wvould have perisbed will bloom ail Seor your grave. Perhaps smaef en ouwilt take tis aclvice, but the most of you wilt mot. And you wîll tr'y te cure your swolen band by gettir.g on il more flngers, and your rheumnatic foot by gtting on it more tees, and there will ho a sigh ef relief whD yen are gene eut et the world , and when over your remainsthie minister tacites the worda, "Blessed are the dead wbo die iu the' Lord, " porions wht have keen appreciatien if the ludi- crocs will h&rdiy ho able ta keep Ibeir faces straight. But wbctber in that direction my words do geed or net, I am anxieus that ail wbe have only ordluary equipaient ho lhankful fur 'what they have and rightly onxploy it. I tbink yen ail have, figurativoiy as well as iiterally, fingersenough. Do net long fer- Wnder- ,ming aaperfluitles. 'Standing ln tho pros-, once of thI-is talion glaut t mny tot and lu ibis post morteai oxamination etf hlm, let as learn bew much better off we are with just ±he usual band, the usuai foot. Yeu have thanked God fer a thousaud tbings, but, I warrant yen neyer thankod hlm fer Iboso two implements et work and locomotion that ne eue but the infi- nite and omnipotent God ceuld have over pieunod or made-the baud and thea foot. Sir Charles Bell was se improssed wlth the woudreus construction ef the humanuhand that whon thoe arl ef Briclgewaier .gave $40,000 for essays on tht3 wisdom and goodues orGed, and ighi books wero wrltten, Sir Chlîes Boit wrete his antère book ou the wisdom and goodness of God as dispiayed lu theo buman band. 'leh 27 boues lu the baud and wrlst wllh cartil.ages and ligaments and phalanges eft he fingers ait made just ready te kuit, te soew, te build up, te pull down, te weave, te write, te plow, te peuud, te whoel, te batt'e, te givo triendiy salutation. The, tipi et ils lingera are so> many tlegraph offices by raasenof etltbir sensitivenoss et touch. The bridges, the tunu3ss, the cîiles ot the whoe earth are the victories et the baud. The bauds are net dnb, but eflon speak as distinotly as the lips, Witii our banda w. >uvite, we ropel, we luvekook, wo on- treat, w, wrlng themin l grief or clap theaninl joy, or spread theai abread lu benediction. The maformatien of the glants baud lu the toit glorifies the usual baud. Fashieued ef God more ex- qiisitely and wondreusly Ihan auy huinan mechauluru that was ever cou- trived, I charge yen te use il fer God and the lifting et the world out ot Ils moral prodicament. Eaiploy il lu the sublime work of gospel bandshaking. Yeu oa ec the band is just made fer that. Four flugers jusl set right te tcucb ynnr neighhnr's band ononue side, andl yanr thumb set se as te clincis Il on tbe other side. By al l is bencs and joints and muscles and cartilages and ligaments the voiceofe nature joins with.tb. voico ef Qed eimnmanding yen te shako bauds. The cuteaýi i as otd as the Bible, any- liew. Tcýin said te Jeholaadab: "I h im ilesat rigbt as my heu.rt is wýitb tile hoart? If, il ho, give me thine baud.", When bauds join lu Christian salutation', a gospel lacticity ibrilis across the palin fream- heurt te beari, and from the shoider et eue te the sheuldir oethie 3ther. Witl b ttlaild and for their encourage.- ment, shako bauds, Wiib Ibe.troublefi in warnîi hearled sympathy, shako bancs. 'Witb the'yeuug ma just ontoring busi- ness and discouraged et the smaîl suies and the large expeases, shako bands. With the cbild wbe la now fri Qed aud started onunuending jeurney, for wbich ho ueeds te galber great supply et slroiugib, and whe eau bardly reach up te yeu now because yeu are se much taller, shako bands. Acrosi cradles and dying beds and, gravas, shako bauds. 'Witb your onemies whe bave doue ail te, detamoe and hurt yen, but whom you cari afford le fergive, shako banda. At the door ef the churches wbere people cema inl,and ai thebo dr et churclias whero people go eut, shako bauds. Let pulpit shako bauds, witb paw.and Sab- bath day shako bauds wîth week day, and eartb shako baridt withbheaven. Oh, the strauge, tise mighiy, the undefiued tho mysterieus,'tho deraaipower ef an bonest bandshaklug! The differeuce between thcse timas and the millouniat tisues la that uew sema shako bauds, but thon ail wilt shako bands, ibroyie aud foot- steel, acrosi snas, nation with nation, Qed and ma. churcis militant and church triunîpbaul. YEa, the malformation e! ibis .talion giants foot glorifies the ordiuary leot, for which 1, tour you bave nover once lhauked Qed. Tha 26 boues o! the foot are the admiration et -Lthe unatomist. The arch et the foot, fasauoned 'witb a graca and a peise that1 Trajau's arcb or Cou- saidl thi eanîflinge made bers the meat bcautiful. .And enother put ber bend ILu the mountalu brook aund said as the waters dripped off Ithbalir baud was the maoat beantiful. And anether plucked flewers off tise bauk, and under the, bloom ceutcuded that bier baud was the meut attractive. Thon a peer old weman appoared. and, ieeking up -iu ber de- crepitud'e, aîked fer aise. And a weman wbo bad net taken part lu lbth rivalry gave bier aime. And ail the o eo re- solved te, leave te ibis beggar the ques- lion as te whicb ot ail the b auds pre.seut was the most attractive, aud 5h. îaid, "The most beautitut et thora ail h tithe ene thal gave relief to my neeessties." And as sbs se said bier wrinkles and rage and bier docrepitudo and ber body dis- appeared, and lu place Ihereof steed the Christ, wbe long aga, said, " Iuasmuch as ye did il toe of t he toast of these y. dld h unte me." IN THE CZAR'S RICHEST CHéIRCH. Lillau Bell Describes the Famous Mlas at Saint Isaac's ini st. Potersburg. "The fanmons maso beld ou Christmas Evo in the Caihadrai et Saint Isaac waa oue et the most beauiful services I ever attendod," writes Lîlian Bell treai St. Petersburg, Ruia, lu the Ladies' Heme Journal. "In the first place, Salut Isaae's le the richeat ebnurch ln atl Rua- si&. Il bas, tee, the meut wonderful choir, for tbe Czar loves inutsic, and wber- ever in al bis Empire a beautifut volce. la feund, the boy la breughi te St. Peters- burg and educated by the State 10 enter lthe Emper's choir. When we entered the church the service hed beau lu pro- gress fer five heurs. That immense rburcis was paeked te suffocation. la the Graok cburcb every eue stands, ne malter bow long the service, fer there are ne seats. 11By degrmes wve worked our way ieward the space reserved for tha Diplomatie Corps,' whero w. wore inçited te enter. Our wraps wore taken and chairs, wore given te us. W. !ound ourselvas ou the pldftorm wlub lbe priait, juil back of the choir. Wbat Heaveuty veices 1 Wbat woen- dertul veices! Tise bais boids on to lbe lait note,,aud the rumabie and ache et il rollis hrogh 1hos. vaulted domos 1k. lbe tories et au ergan. The lang hairod priest, tee, bad' a weuderfully retenant voice fer iutenlug. Ho pasoed directly by us lu bis gorgeons cletb of' gold voit. monta, as ho went eut." Makiag Bettenholes for Oue'î Rostess. "ýWben yen visit ypnr friendi 'try te pay for vour hourd by bsiisg a heîptul visiter," says Alice H. Peore ln lbe Ladies' Home Journal. "I do net mana that you are te pay lu dollars and cents. Your enterlainer gives te yen tisai wbich canuet ho measurod or handied. 1 knew there la Jey Iu giviug, hopiug tor neîhing lu returu; and a hosteau, if she bhooeeIl the fuliesi sonse, bestows fat more tha.if toed upeu bier guests. She givas te thera free entrace te one ef the most sacruc4 ibrines upen earth-tho home. De net tailt teshow ibat yen are appreciative et lthe efforts made for your c'jSm.crt and pleasure. If yen do ibis lu a sincere and ploaslug way ih wiIt carry you tar in the' geod graces ot your entertilers. Said a friand le me net long since: 'I vieil a great deai-ofien iitheut hope et entertaiuiug xuy trieuds lu raturn. I am nqt brillibaut, but 1 can, muke butteubeles wetl, and I am pretty sure tG discoer tisai thut Isen.retbiuginsy friands disllkî te de' for theaiselves.' New tbe spirl which promptod the lite butteuhDbe maker was botter than the work itsoîf, and both wouid. ho appraciated by any busy hostois.", Rave Patience. To bear your nsurmuriug aud repiuing, l weuid secra that yeu are the. most lu- nocoui ssoul living, and timut il la great in justice tisai yen are net admitled ie the colestiat paradise. Remombar bew. you have offouded Goa, and yen must acknowledgo lits rlghteus -dealing witb you. Cenfesi te Hlm with the bu- Imitity et the predigut sen, ."Father, I bave siuned aguinst Heaven and Thee;" I lsnow bew I am iudehted te Tby jus- tice, but I bave net nmysaif the courage le diachargo the dehi. If il were loftite me, I shouid decqfve, I shouid spare, I sbould hetray myseif. But Thy mercitul baud executes wbai 1 iheutd nover have bcd the, courage te do; lb corrects me in love. Grant aise that I may' endure with paýtience is salutumy correctons. 'If a sin- ner bas a just indignation againsi bisa- self, lima toast ho eau do Ils te recelve tihe correctien, wbicb ho bas net thse ftriltude The Finishqd Claracter. Thora are, withiu Ihe range ef ovory- ou's lite, precessas et lite which must ha soitary; passages o! duiy wbich throw one absoiutoiy upen bis individuat meral terces, and admit of ne -aid whatever frein another. Alone we muestandsemne- limes; and if our boîter nature is notr e shrinkIe oweaknoss, we muai ake with us the timougim wbich was lme sieugth o! Christ: 'lot I amn net clone, hecause the Father ls witb me." The sense et mIgimi ea moea readily encturate the tender C. HARN.DE,'N, L.D.S. Graduate of the . P al Col1eg, ,o! Den-tal Set geone, Ontario OFFICE.-Opposite Expiess Ofliee. VIl ALIZED Ai], J. M -0B RIMC DENTIST. of Messrs. Higgin- bothain &S~' Drug Store, (Dow'n stairs), BO W MA N V L LIE. <IGI E N A W ÀY A Tbis is NOT a GUESS or PUZZLE SZliSJM A-Lut a STRAIQi-IT BUSIN4ESS propositi AA beautifel Present te everyoue -PF A CONDITIONS: ATo each ueensndn es 2 cents in sihN for 3 mnhs subscription te -EGnTlEP j% ARMR AGAZINE, teinide t,hebau ti ON aey eue 'f lim-e lollovwing prouseets yc Aselect PREE: A bea unfui Queen V A oid Enmmeled Scurï Pin (tht lbeln A fo lady or gentlemnsa) v Pud51$ AKlondike Diamonti Scarl Pn' ,prte A-vulued ut $2;, er 5 Places o!i ll'e ASheot Music (istrumontal andi Vocal) A tl SsI. (A valueol$ for 25c.) A Yoe boould take advantageet ! A T 4ONCE. TH AGenlUeman rarmer1RïI ÂA If.tise b-andsounest Farn agi a, Ail centaine 96 pages preluselv llsta s leoditet i wth a vicw le muaeit uwa Aindespensible visiterto ever-, ru rin A Irructive maid întercsîîng Ate furmers oet every cai 2» DolarVe . Ton(,CeeÙ%s SBrother Joui nnPSbshm nevel fe, t LaIt > aut h!5 .4 HIoveïVuMM Perhaps you baye liad ttbe grippe OT ' a ad COI& ou xnay be iroo'veririg 'from malaria or a slow fever, or possibly sm of the ecl- dren mafe xtgetiag over cthe resýs oc wtoexô. eoug. Are yov r-co,'erkig as#ast as you sbiiid? Bas not t o u r o ld it ou b le 4ei t y o u r blood fui! of impuriks? And>isn't th"athe Wsr j you ke>ep so poorly? Don't delay recovery longer ýbut It wl eov i mpuri- ties from ayvir bMoý.' Wis also a tou& etof îtzn'xse value.,Orro n Awre a itl help at this time Ai Mer by removing ail the~ products Udisea-se from youir biood. uIt Y'our bOweisýare flot t rght, Ayer>s Pilla will make them &oe Send for cnt boa kon Diet ini4onsti- pation. Wopt *opDo'ci*" we have the excîasiv i lO Ofo! oe of the XaO. emirsent yi cias in the Utd Sates. ritO freeyan aeleve a prompt reply, Addie&Iý DFL J. C. ÂYXB . 1 1 -t ýt 1 ý 1 Ever,'hodv like te tati sensationa nemu wbetiser ïti sugood or bad1. THE BANE 0F MANY A \VOMAN'S A Berlin Lady Tells How to Get Rid of It. Doan's Kidney Pis 0 Thý Remet Mns.. Eliza Reiîz, 33 Wellington St., Bamin, Ont., unys, " For feu years 1 hava beau ufflicteti with kidney t ,nd hack trou- bic, suffering grcatîy fre ini dizziness, non- veuse-s, weak eyesight,, lofetsiýep, andi -poit andi an alirnoslconstant tired, \,toak feein nleFeisrunry lmut I gel a bm fIla - idnev Pillu uand received se niuch h "nelit fu-oni t at a I ..eminueti their ue uil I had ftaken tbree boeseu lal, and w-au coniplaîaiy curati. Thoy rermovedaer vestige ef pain,dzzes andi nervouseesuý-, and an- abied ma le gel reuîfui uteop ;se Ibat freai being a ick momènIi uniamnom stneng anti ietI again. Doan'e Kidney P ils arctI1- atemneâly iu lie'world for BrJst's Dsae ibts Dropsy, tiack-ache, Ge'avoý, Sed'ýimeet in tise Urine, andi al Eidney ciiti -- Diseuses. Seld by drcggists, or sentut by-i nCon receipt o! prece, So cents a box or boxes fr $. Rime Dean Kitiney Pil Ce.,, les-nte, Oui.

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