f ir Br"ushes., Wc are getting ready for stock- taking- andI must dlean oui a lot of odd uines. Caîl and sec the reductions wc arc making. 25e Brushes fer 15c. A nice Uine in seliti Rosewood back 75c. Ebony from 75e up. STOTT & JURY. Thîs is another fine that we are offering aI big reductiens-some 25e uines aI 5c and 10e each. We have a veryý large assorîment anti must dlean ont ail odd lines before stock taking, Feb. Ist. STOTT & JURY., Toilet Soaps. Wý are offering 700 cakes of Toilet Soap which is, good value at from 5e to 10e a cake. You get your choice, 8 for 10c. A chance vou shouldflot miss. STOTT & JURY. ezough Syrp The oldest and most reliable Cough Syrup in the market is ealled "Excelsior " Many families, bave iIeed it for 20 years and noth- in- will cure a cougli or cold qieker. Sold in Bowmaâville only by STOTT &JURY. YOur, We test i t free of charge and our prices on Spectacles in steel and ,Told will be "found lo.wer thau )uexpeet. STOTT & JURY. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. , . BowmANviLiS STATioSI. GOîsci EAST. IeOINGWEST» ET' pressa... 31 a. M. 1 *Express . 5 23 a. m *Express .... 1M 19 a. m. Local... 8 18 ,asne.. 40 p.m. Passenger.. 1 35'P. m Local6 5lp.m.i t Express.-.. 4.31 p. m. bExpress. 1103 I Express,. . 7389 « Dai~.t Sundays only. STOTT & JuRY. Town Agents BOWMANVILLE. JAN. 11, 1899. Nicholis always selîs eheap. Join île procession and go te Niclols'. Note Mr. Tod's unique new advertise- ment. Curiain Foies in great variety at L. Morris'. Try Nichoîls' for writing paper and Was sud changeable weatlier ever kinown before ? Geod tet ýze ai ibis une o' year Thie Illustrate& ýuff8le Express. Methodists own about hall the tewn and enl y one in tie Coun il. "I1f yen'soecii in The llustrated Bul alo Ex-,press it's wetî readîng." Some cerrespondents seem net te have rcad our instruction,, tote 1cmthe last twe w eeks. 1' MI.A. jamines is a geni for the Christian Guardian, Christian Herald andLadies' Horne Jouirnal. Tucsday Jan. 21;, is the date of the Clorai Union concert for îhe benefit e! tie Home for the Aged in town. Couh, Joînston & Cryderman are showing, somie beautiful gcods in Lad- ies' Fu.r 1Bas, Capes, and, Fur Lined Miss Wellington, Brighiton, and Mrs. Isaac and son, Bowmanv~ile,are spend- lng- a short vacation witl Miss.MeCaus land and other friends.-Pickening News. A pie anid ream social under the ans- ý ices of Ebenezer Epwortl Leagne will e held on Friday eveninig, Jan. 1811. A good program will be given by local and outside talent. -Admission 15c. Paterfamiliàs,,sit down with yrou famiiy and taik over what newspapers and àoher publications 'yen want for 1899. Wheta '.ou decide place your order for aIl with TEEr STATESMAN.'Our clnbbing rates are lcswest. Couh, Jolinston & Crydermian are stliislowiug a big assortmeni of Lad- ies' stylish and perfect-fit ting Coats, ,jth Gegînan and Canadian. No iady- 'laihu ere seeing iheir stock, rnici is Iihe flnest collection of New tOS 6in tlie1s4,ceunties. The veeîir î198was uncemmonl y event fw Inluthe Unýited Sýtates, and il put tIc 14&àdiiig newspapens on iheir mettle. One paper liht spufendîdly "ro)se te the occasion" 'ýwas, The Illnstrated Buif- talo Expressý. A!wa11 sgod it was nyerZbtter than ai present. Vasoî& ew daii mx~s ydaniagedhy îlhe fretuhet last Wed- *4e-dry. The ice bloclked the clud eian-. u.cl andI a new ene was formcd farther west causillg the ice te stike thr3- dam andI wasl otithe soft part of i t he - *froz(en crosvn fel i n akinc a blg, il eÏb , For tin and granite ware go 10 Nie- holls'. Mr. E. Kerr recently visited his par- ents aI Millbrook. 1Mrs. Washington is visiting Mrs. Waller, Markham. Mrs. Denike, Havelock, is guest at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. Fur Caperines, Ruffs, Gauntiets, Coats, etc., at M. Mayer's., Mr. Fred Osborne, Winnipeg-,'Man.., is home at Mr. W. H. Osborne's. Mr. Geo. Parent, Walkerville, spent thie holidays at Mr. Geo. C.baines'. 1 Miss Mabel Barrett is in Toronto, 'at- tending the wedding of lier cousin. Miss Bertha Jones, Orono. was recent guest cf ber cousin, Miss Winnie Joues. Mr. Frank Joblin, Ciesarea, was ri Mr. A. E. Smitlieram, traveller for Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ce., Lowel, Mass., gave us a eau ycsterday. He is a wide- a-wake business man and looks wel after the frm's interests. Mn. W. R, Knight is attending the Ontario Pouitry Show, hl inlthe Pavilion of tle Horticultural Gardens, Toronto, at which show lie is exhibiting twenty-six pair of fancy chieken. -Coudh, .1oînston & Cryderman have epened out a big stock of men's and boys' overcoats in freezes and beavers in ail sizes and qualities. These ceats are weli made and specially geod value. At Toronto's civie inaugural, Rcv. Prof. Clark, as Cîaplain,read from the Song of-Solomon and Romans 181h, the passages refenring te rulers and citizens and led in prayer. WIy sheuld net our town council have a ehaplain and de votional exercises in starting, the new year's business ? Miss Martha Smith, B. E., represent- ing tle Canadian Viavi Company of Torýonto will addness the ladies of Bow- manville on "A Nervous Weman" in tle IRoval Templar's Hall on Friday at 3 p. mi'AIl welcome. Admission -free Miss Smith las taken rocmns with the Misses Henný, NWelington st, and would be pleascd te receive lier old friends on Saturday afternoon, New officens Court Pride of Ontario No, 6000, A. O. F.. PCR,L. Jollow ; CR C, Ccx, sr.; SCR, T. H. Sîte; SeeyJ. N. MeDougali , Treas, J. Saunders ; SW. W. Painton; JW, T. Legg;- SB, H. Dilling ; J B, J. Lyle. jr ; Musical Direetor, J. Saunders ; Medical Officer, Dr. A. Beitli Correspondent, Wni. Paiîîten. These were duly installed Jan. 4th, by Bro. J. T. Hooper, PCR ; 1.0. assisted by Bro. T. H. Knight,I. W. Branel Pride of Dunh am, No. 15, Ju- venile, A. O F., new officers : C R, C. Cox,sr.'; SCR.T.H, Knight; Sec., W Painion; Treas, J. Saunders; SW. J. Dickinson - JWH. Creeper; SB, H. Varcoe ; J)B, N.Allen. This is agrew- inp branc llthe A.O.F. Any boy of sonnd lealtli and good habits frem 5 te 17 years o! age may beconue a member. Copies cf tIc mies may be had from any of the abovi, officens.. Parents hav- ing beys between iliese ages should gel a ce y of îhe rules, read thcm carefuliy andhand in their proposition. during this month. The a.nnual meeting eft tIc Local Brandi of the Bib-'c Society was held Thursgday evening in the Methodisi chrcî, and afier short addresses by Mr. Jas. Gilfillaîs, B. X~, Mr. P. Trebilcock, and Re-v. Wm. Jolliffe the folowing offleers were re electeiI:ý President - Jas Glfillen, 9. A,;, Vire Presiçent- Thog. Patfflon; Ss-t.y-.Trebil- reck; Trc@tsurtr-H.. C, Tait. Cern- rmitteEý-Thos. Tod, {G.E. MaIyîard, »J.- IL H Jury, Dlr. Brimacoxabe. The cit- bu.en.s will shiortlybeie an)OFpportuui- See free offeor tili Jan. 14. Mr. A. W. Foley was in Cobourg on business last Tliursday. Miss Mabel Grig g is taking a course at the Buisne ss College, Toronto. Tlie members of 9St. Paul's church will hold their annual congregational meeting on Thursday niglit. The Methodist will hold a meeting of ail ïthe members and adherents ou Thursday evening, Junuary 19. Sacrament was dispensed in St.Paul's Presbyterian dhurci Sunday morning te a large number of communicants, Wherever you go you find The Illus- trated Buffalo Express. It is pcpular everywliere and il deserves ils popu- larity. Mr. Arthur Humber umpired the Osh awa-Whitby hockey match on Whitbv, IT uuiuitt t5rtj 1 110 It iV 1 Ytou ilSUE cessor in the present Board. The Council of 1899 consists of R. R. Loseombe, Mayor, and -T. H. Spry, Capt. W. C. King, Arduie Tait, J. B. Mitchel, John McMurtry, and John K. Galbraith, coun tillors. Florence, Nightinoeale LodgeNo. 66, 1. 0. 0. F., lias elo-ctet-these officers for 1899: N. G-W. J. Jeffery; V. G-O. Smith; Rec Sec-J Heilvar, jr; Fin. Sec-ll. Rice"; R. S . N. G- W. Jen- ninds; L. S. N. G--N. E. Gould; R. S, V. G.-P. F. Morris; L S. V. G-A C. Cawker; R. S. S-W. M. Joness; L. S. S -W. Osborne; I. G-C. Rice; O G- J. Johinson; Chap--S. B. Scobeli; Or- ganist--W. B. Tapson; P. G-W. Walker; Finance commitee-T.. C Jewell A. Mitc'iel, F. A. Haddy; Trus- tees-T.- Burden, G. C. Haines, J. C. Vanstone. Poor, belipless, hope- ,,.isssický, stnffering, mis- e lbe woman. Sicie le- cause she doesn't know any better. Sicie because ýshe doesn't realiy ienow why. Sick becanse the orÈans that make hier a woman are not properly performing their functions and so are sending nerve umes- sages with aches and pains and distressa au over lier quivering body. SNine-.tenths of women's aicieness cornes Iron.disordercf these special organs. The syniptomes are variou-the cause the sa-me. Headlache, backache, nervousnesa, wake- fuiness, neuralgia and flfty other troubles of wotnen miay nciarly always bie traced di- rectly te feminine weakness or disease. When the meast important organism cf a wonsan's body 16 disordered lier whoie pliysical and mental systetu Sa npset. The oniy way te find cotufont is te cure the réal cause cf the snisery. Local doctors in gen-, eral practice are frequently se hurried and rushed that they treat the symptom and net the disease. They givea wcman medi- cine for Iseadache wben the headache sa due te the reflex action cf the uterine nerves. They maygtve lier good medicine but for the wrong disease. Thonsands cf wemen, afier years of diseotsyagement, have written to Dr. R. V. Pierrce, -of Biffalo, N. Y., and ncw thanie hlm fer their re- ssewed health and bapplne5s. 1or over thirty years Dr. Pierce bas bieen ehief con- sulting physician at the îinvalilds' Iotel and Surgical lnstitute. Tt waq over thlnty yiears age that hie began to uise bis " Faver- ie Prescription'*' in h'8prctîce Tt ii a -edietcedevsd oreotCen- tain kind of dsae-enaedsae.it bntngs cane and iconsteot antid leep. Imt-- etares perfect ieath. Tt flles ont check- hoailS-et.briîteus the erput- 'atm andI suap into the whlmi'bcdy. it i, t'Y x-nost dealer- tin itilici. DcW-tlie any- thing lse. olsels at ane" e»iýlgChjM cl eÏt ha." F'ýouiÉ columns corresp ondence. news, etc,> held over tliinext issue. Bowmanville Hockey Club were de- feated ai Port Hope Monday niglit. Score Il te 1. Mr. Wm. Johins, Kingsley, lowa, is isiting lis brother-in-law, Mr. Thos. Smale, C. C., Providence, and other relatives here., AIl the members of the Bowmanville Choral Ui1ion are requested te attend a practice in the Higli School ou Tues- day evening Jan. 1711. at 8 o'clock. F. H. FROST, PRESIDENT. It is proposed te repeat the Oratorio Ruth for the benefit of the Old Folks Hoeme in the Town Hall, Tuesday Jan. 24th. As Ibis is a worthv object il sliould be liberally patronized.1 Mr. Jas. Gale was presented with the 1- Pnrdy, aged 64 years il years. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, Oorrected by J.l8lclurtry each Tuesday F POE,100 llbs,........$si 95 to 82 2C wHEATÀ; Faîl, bush... 0 0 '1 O 68 t'Spring .... 0O 0) i O 68 t' Red Fife ...0 00 i O 72 Il GOOSE.........0 00"et0062 BARLEY, P bush, No. i1..0O45 fi 0 46 il e il2 .0 26 0 85 et 3t.il 0 25 il0830 111 Two rowed 0 25 if 0 45 OATS, white il....... 0 00"O<27 R i .......0 00 0 51 BUOKWEAT >Il.' .... 0')0 O42 PEAs, Blackeye, V' bush.. 0 69 0t O75 i Canadian Beauties.. 69 et'O 75 fiMummey i 0 00"le0 55 fi Small, il 000 fi0 57 il Blue , 1te 0 47 11 0 55 BUTTER, best table, Pf lb.. 0-00 fi 0 14 Eoos, Pdoz ............. 000 et'0 18 POTATORs. bush.........00O fiO 00 Hay per ton ..........5 f1' il6 00 SHAWL FOUND.-A Ladylg Shawl. Inquire et CRARTRÂRS' Barber Shop. TIAIR V8ORK.-Ladies. wishing liair Â.done over, eau ai M hns DicKNsoN's,X'Ing Eýstaàd Cor of Ontario St,llowmaniville. 48- if F OUNDRY AND MACHINýE SHIOP -VFor sale orrent. Rnown as the Hosken's Foundry-Bowmanville, in runniuig order,good openlingn ppston. Also farma near Map1 Girove forsale abont 108 acres. No reasona,,,le alrfý'or either ofaboverefuised. AddressA.W. CUAWFORD, 419 Carlton St., Toronto, Ont. 1-5w* F. WAIJGH, L.D D. D. -S. BOWMANviLLn. Dental Office in the Rooms above eg Will be at Orono from 9 a. m. t 2 p m., and at Newcastle f rom 2.80 un- tii 7 p m., ou the second and fourth Mfondays of eacli Montli., Gold plates, Crown and Bridg-e work and Painless extraction are specialties. BES ÏTJ10Bi iyàvariiably goes t,) the oeawlth the best brin1 -on1e Wlio bas5 education -special training. Why not qnalify for the besi places going. You have the hlance. The CFNIRRL ýS'INF3 t9[Es TORZONTO opens tihe door to Ptic,,es5 for mNny y-ang nie-n â,esd wumen meach yemr. toerSpnidqu- men, torngh'woka sron saff d Igood Write for prospectus. About. Groceries? Well! Were moclest when vîte Say we can and also, add that We, know as mucli about groceries as any other dealer wve know of. It's a fact, we do. What's more we know how t l f r~ t1 nor'.ritet <cheannd na hf is what the buyinü public want. Corne to us for Clieap Groceries. Corne to us for Good' Groceries, Here are a feW sample prices: Sweet Valencia Oranges 10e a dozen. Messina Lnns 15 cents a dozen. California Prunes 3 ibs. for 25 cents, California Seeded Raisins 10e a lb. 1 Pot Jam 15 cents. 1 Bottle Pickied Cabisage led. Store closes ai 6.30 p.M. Telephone orders promnpt- ly attended te. Higliest pnice paid for al l arm Produce. e7awker S&1Tait. BOWMANVILLE. w < lk, CI, - i Those who appreciate artistie trint- ing should send their orders te THÉ STATESMAN. "Wastes 'neither ils own space nor the reader's time "-The Illustrated Buf - fli Express. Dr. J., W. MeLauglilin lias beeu elce- ted territorial representative of Ontario Medicai Council. Note the change in M. D. Williams & Snn's adv't. Somu handsome furniture offered very cheap. Mr. Jabez Wakelv, Bolton, bas been visiting Mr Rieli Osborne, town uine, and relatives in town. Brn in yonr furs and have tbemn re- paired an made intu la test styles aI M.Maverth îe Furrier. Buy your furs fromn a furrier who un- derstands lis uis, Mayer is that man,,in Bowmauille. See lis advt. Caîl at Concb, Johubton and Cryder- man's for the best pair of Blankets at $2.50 sliown by any bouse in Canada. Mrs Walkey, Lindsav, spent New Year's withbler mother, Mrs, T. Hardy, Zion, Darlington, and with other friends. Mr. Robt.Rowe's sale at Orono is next Saturday, having been pestponed on account of the storm. See sale notice and buis. Do as your neighbor does, use Nicolis' Big 5c., bar of Soap,Ithe largest and best bar of soap in the -market to-day, 6 lbs. for 25c. 1Black 'Dress Goods-a beautiful range in ahl qualities up te the finest goods imported just received ai Coucli, Johnston & Cryderman 's. Practice night for tle Choral Union concert in Higli Sehool next Tuesday at 8 o'cloek, sharp. Every member re- quested te attend promptly. Mr. T. Fishleigh umpired tle Hockey match between Cobourg and Port Hope Friday niglit in the former town. Score 6 te 2 in favor of Port Hope. Mr. Thes. MeCulfougli lias gone to Rochester te attend the funerai of, lis only brother, Mr. J. J. MeCullougb,late ly lu charge of Warner's Laborgtory. If you want te hear some music that will do yen goed eall at T. N. Rickard's Jeweilry'store, hear the music boxes lie las for sale and formn youi ewn opiniion. Mrs. Galbraithi and two daughters, Bowmanviile, spent New Year's Day bere with ber'brother and sister, Dr and Miss Willoughby.-Coihorne Ex- press. Remember the lecture by Rev. Dr. Burwash. President of Victoria Univer- sity, in the High Schooi Wedniesday at 8 o'clock. Silver collection te defrav expenses.- Mr.and Mrs.Fred Clemens and family of Oshiawa, Mr. and Miss Rosevear, and Mrs. Alfred Eagleson, two children, Col Srinswere recent guests of Mrs. rink rîiay nignit. Score 3 te 11 in avor of Oshiawa. That weakness peculiar te spri ngtime is net laziness, it indicates the need of toniîfg up. Miller's Compound Iron Pilîs will bring strength and vima in aIl sudh cases. 50Odoses 25 cents. We are pleased te note by thie N or- wicb Gazette Ibat Mr. J. D. Hogarth, son of Mrs. D Hogarth, Solina, Ont., wîli represent Norwich village and township at tle CountyCouncil for 1899. Mrs. Chas. Smithi of Jimies, Ohio, writes: 1 have nsed every remedy for sick headadlie 1 could lear of for the lasI fifteen years,, but Carter's Little Lîver Pilis did me more good than ahl the rest. Rev. Dr. Potts. Toronto, Generai Secret&ry of tle Edlucational Societvy, will preacli in the Methodist dhurch o n Sunday evening next. He is one of Canada's abiest preachers. Go earIy to get a seat. John Barkwell was arrested in Ham- ilcon for stealing $12.25 and tbree(.prom- îssory notes for about $500 fromMr. C.C. Gooda of tle Saivation Army Shelter, Toronto. The money was sewed in the lining, cf lis vest. Mr. Gooda is well-known in Bowmanville. in these davs of sham and misrepre- sentation take lime te think bel ore buy- inz a watdh. Go te Rickard's; he will telyou what will suit yon, as well as )what you are bu 'ving. -He buys right therefore is in a position te sell riglit. Be wise for your goed and see hlm be- fore you Dureîase. The High Sehool Board lias arranged for a course of lectures for the coming winter. commencingon Jan. l111 The Oirst lecturj of 1he series is te be deliver- ed by Dr. N. Burwasî. Fresident cf Victoria College. Subject-Books, their use and abuse. U.I cordialîr in- vited. Silver collection. Gentlemen neecting a new suit or an Overcoat sheuld read Coî,4ch, J olnston & Cryderman's advertisement in this paper. This firm lias always been noted for making np first-clasýs Cloîl- ing-sudh as wonld cost ý25 % more if ordered lrom thc city clothing establish- ments. New officers of Albert Encampment, No. 12, I.O.O.F., are : CPI W. F. Dale; HP, W. Goodwin ; CW, W. Joness; Scribe, W. Jenning-s; Treasurer, L. Morris;, 1W, E. J. Osborne ; OS, Jos, Jeffery; 18, R. Dumas; Guide. W. J Jeffery; Watches, W.Jennings, Arthur Cawker. A. J. Bennett, C. B. 'Ke nt ; ist Guard Tent. G. A Stephens, 2nd ditto John MeIntyre. The Town Council made a pro per stant Monday. all e necessary business being put through inside of an heur. Il is te be hopeti this amicable and business style o! transacting public business will clbaracterize the new council under tIe new order of things. The disturbing ei- ementýofi898 'Poing eut ýo! this 3year's rettiiing from the chair of Lodge Wel- lî1- ngton Tuesday night, a P. P's. jewel. 'The new officers were instafled by Bro. P. Hu, D. D. Mr. F. R. Dunham who has been sec- retary of Wellington Lodge No. 19, S. O. E. for five vears -was on Tuesday night, Jan. 3, presented witli a Past President's jewel, having been made an Honorary Past President by virtue of lis long and faithful service. Trinitv Y.P.S.E. will hold. a conun drum art gallery social at Mrs. R.Free- land's, Beecli Ave., on Wednesday,Jan. 25;, fromS8tolp.m. An excellent pro- gram will be given and refreshments served. Silver collection. Dverybodv welcome. D. D. G. M. Geo. Warren and BrQs. Saunders, Jacobi, Parks, Chambers, Jacobi and others from Oshawa visited Albert Encampment Monday night and installed the offleers. Ai oyster sup- per was served ai Thos. Tod's ai ter- wa rds and a pleasant social hour en- joyýed. Avery pleasant surprise awaited Miss Haveraft on Sundav after school whea the girls of the Bible Class that she lias taug ht most acceptably for two years in the Methodist Sabbath Sehool invited hier into their elass room and Miss Susie Beilman read a pre ttily- worded address and Miss Mary Robbs pre.sented lier on behaif of the las with a handsonze morrocco-bound vol- ume of Longfellow's Poems and a unique artistie calendar as tokens of their love and appreciation of lier ser- vices and the kindly interest taken in their spiritual welfare Natices of Blrths, Marriages and Deaths 5>0 cents; when marriage licenses are obtaineti or funerai notices printed at tliis office. insertion free. BORN. CciaR,-Near Enfleld, Jan. 9, the wif e of Mr.,Geo. CJochrane, of a son. P.icHEs.-In Oshawa, Dec. 27th, the wlfe of Mr. Ed. Riches, ol a danghter. IHODG.-In Oshawa, Dec. 28, the wife of Fred iiodge,of a son. MARRIED. BRUCE RiNG-rn Port Perry, Jan. 2,by Rev. J. Whitlock, Air. Robert James Bruce, cari. iwright, and Miss Emma, youngest daug'hter of the MaRe Rueben, Ring, Esq. STRI ONLAND-TAYLOi.-In East Whitby,Jan. 2. by Rev. J. Itodges, B. A., Miss Annie Taylor and Wrn. Sttickland, Toronto. SAMELLS-MALCOLM.-In Cartwright, J1an. 4, by Rev. E. E. Howard, at the residence of D. Malcolm, Esq., the bride's uncle, Mr. James Samelis and Miss Matilda, daughter of the laie John Malceolm, ali of Cartwright. COI'ELAND. On Nov. 8, at Arizona, Mich., Sus-ie Devtt, beloved wife oi J. H. Copeland, fürmerly of East Whiiby. GýILROY.-In Kendal, Jan. 1, Margaret Gilroy, aged 85 years 3 monthe. McLEÂN.-Iu Clarke, Jan. 4, Ain Mchean, mui of thllate Thos. MeLean, aged 85 years. CA&RsoN. Jn Clarkejan.j3,john Carson, aged 80 years. Ail Winter Snaps -in at Cost. 19 Ladies' Coats lef t, these must be sold this month irr'espective of S opportunity. SSEF ITIE REM NT SCOUNTER,., Remnants of everything for almost S nothing. * S.W.IVIASON & SONO ' Popular Dry Go'ods House. BOWMAN VILLE. dorSaadBak E-e zJEWATELRY.-A 'choice selection of Watches, Jewelry, Rings, Plated Goods and Silverware, also Seln Silver Novelties, Everything Pnew arici iatest designs. lines of Stationiary which wilbe iound to be asso"rted and Cheaý"p. A spilndid * e ol lection of WrItigad lMemïovrnda SPECTALTY.-Ail work pjroîîpi] ly doiuemad gîn teed. CALI and seceh. KgSt,BOMNLL.(liosodstn) ;e-- mm . lb-7mwm-we 1 --uest of Mr. %V. j.'i'renoutti. bundav. lu-suai on lu - - ý L- - -- - » OU - - g - q 1% 1- à - r;O C111-ýý;a 1-1 al-LU tAlU L a lu Fori Sale. Mc I iai IMM --L la 1 il L-ý --l Stock taking this month. goods at Bargain prices, p T7-v'ii17 f -iA-r. -1Mz, __L - - - - . ., - - .,zý...z..z. 1 q. 1 - ï! *],... i. -ý+. lit, il, e MIM ldgel;y, jjüg 28, 34fý Pa4à. -1- -n I * * glit ilanadiau ffltýittômabi