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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1899, p. 3

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dont te a -3in ~.o' 2iab hanessx i D equally valuabb" l co ;tî Iventing this aunoî ir -,Co2 correct ail isordnniofi'-ci liver asud regu Ld hLowu ~'kMIethey wouoldbc , o,, le uffer from this istresseto, imtely theirgooduessd ,oc9 Vhoocetrythemrili flnÉ *b1e lxso many ways thzt !IUSto cdo without tiscm. , lathe bane of S- insn ,wemake cir great .boasi. COM ur- ont' Oarter's Liftlù, tier Pil < eryeasy b taLe. Ono or, ?eyar strîetiy vegetabl, pugbtby thefr gentse ~sethe. In ialsat 25 ce by druggists everywhere,q CARTER WMEICINjE EPPS'S% ~GRATE F lL Distinguished e for clelicacy of erior qualîty tritîve propert. ially grateful ai tirg tothe ne dyspeptlic. Sc 41b tins, labell E PS& CGo.,1 oeopathic Cher don, England. BR~EAK FASI E PP 's MUR] LANM FLORIDA THE j MOST FRA( MOT REFI AND BNDtUR&NG PERFUMES F, HANOKERCI TOILET BATH. ILL DRUGISIS, FE BENERAL DE M OATHA Tells- How Her Hea There aretoo many w dreadful baeleaches, pi headaclies, who ar ons and run down, w and animation seemi lady who was eured 1 MIUS/U.RNS HEART AN -It S. MaryBordeau, K O nt.,. says -," For som, been afficted .with n general debility. Goir produce a great shortni a tired, exhausted feelij 1 had palpitation and heart, and for months h or .t+-g Uti--,l JToo-- SThe Capadfim R TUROAT ANa LUNDC Lar~ge Bolîts, DAVIS & LAWRE<CI * Propq, Perry Davie .New Yc, ~be ~ i~uz t~it~~ C'LÀ GIRIPPE."I 77,BOWMANVILLE. FEB. 15, 1899. owTTELW NYuilVI. You flrst notice.a shiver, creepy feel- 41_ Loa n tew s. ingallover thebody. This istheGrip à3 MissDinman s vsitng fiens ~Thon cornes that tired, al used-up feel- Mhisstby. s iiin resi ing, dullness in. head, pain in the back of neck and between shoulders, -encrai Hiiifood's PuIspar th e. ist tk ing in body, sorentss of muscles, Mrs. L. E. Nio rden, Deseronto, ba imbs heav.v, breathiiig, ' Dstesafte been guest othermother,Mrs.if.Cherry. filling up sensation lin flroat, short ~MO~ t o vfr _)ni uis Miss Jennie Hhhlier, 'Mlbrook, has quick, congh, fluai watery discliarge dqo o ,#0çct h m mua e tpen eliwn u aUIB been guest of hier uncle, Dr. S. C. from nose, frequent sneezing and mun- oi ju lis owo n~ Uae 4 a The best remedy for scrofula ngofee.Tseaete .erl-4 ier 4aov'arc a mani or a wom an, L:tle ire tis ae Mlle'sUomould Ion lUs 50dosfisymptoms, but there are many others 0il1 . ratiincuigsspr.25 cents. - of which denote poisons 'of flicGrip iewort .f 416e45e6 nte vo 4 stomach'tirulate the Mr. Barber M1. P. P. of Georgetown, lurkzing la thie systern. Without proiper 'ci. Even if theyOfly paper inàanuîacturer lias purchased tlle treatment you are in excellent condi- 1Dlr t eiga psmo Galt IReformer for $8,600. fo for fhe undertaker aeb .1f fm nf f.s f.o bait rheumn and ail eczemat9us con- Go quick-ly to led, and stay there. ae e!i -weath, èjer-vov or run diia s of t pok n nre Jure b M . 1p , dit oltte kiaarecurd b tie X~0Cali in 'our family physican and place ,~w ~f4O r 1 1 /IC1, noteodhereanslthos Dr. McDiarmid has been invited yoursi ne i ae l epee A iel c' iittl iun. tremain anottir yeam as pastor of pecially require most careful attention. a *ty wllc fl ot ba wil Whitby Methiudist 'labernacle. Don't trifle withl t-lt is f00 dely to Bu~aftralsik1ia< If you have catarrh don't dafllywith 'take any risks if you value your life. local relîluiiles, buta purifý and enridli the As an evitlIence' of its fatal effect see e,; thihie~ 1ev. J. B. MeLaren., B3. A., Columbus, ST15M'Sdalcou s.DW L IASP N P L E Our pilla cureit whilo lias entered upontri e nintir year'of a lIe ,iLvr ea * ucetuIL pabtorate of tihe Presbytemian PREE SEEI) FOR FÂRMERS. two pille ineake adse. churcli thr7 oc'îelde not gri~~e or Mr. W. IL Red, M. P.P., West Dutr- Fothpateueasyte ti ff rPA E P O L ati;fonr eSeal webainlas been elocted a member of thre frshv eniaet nraef or sent by maiL ebtaudiug Jruer8 Uommittee of the On- 'rshv enmd oices h ~~ ~ tario Legiàliture. average returns and f0, improve the'~ 1 ~ L. .±4 .. Mm9' î. J. iNeeiands and Mm. D. C. Trew, cemeai and ofler important farm croos m i bc made li~ac~ve and 6fronf*it.n1n en e mcm bers of binusay Lodige; 1. O. O. F., grown in Canada by an annual distri- jbtý tk I " n raî Lltoruepast 25 years, were ecently bution fom flie Experimenial Faimm at theti f l tnirde&l locor and fi T1 a0ued iur D uf puseutesl with V eterans' J ewols. Mms Ge. Wbsfr rceied omdri-Ottawa, of, samples « sped of the best jU m~ e i e u e -s b i'ts n y rc r4 aio e John.eare, ubsarcaivel. Hi remîsies haveT delbeeeneî fimsf stitcsted af tire Ex.4 4110 day of the deatirofffer brother, Mr. and most promising sorts. Tiese vai COMFORTI NGi were intuerrec± here on iSabliatl, perimental Farm and only those whicir CONSTANT FEELING Of LASSITUDE. rverywhere The vimfues of Dm. Chases remedies have proyen fo be the vemy best have N.mPrabrIS.. Leader. flavor sup-. are k iown the wold over and like old beendhosenr fortfins distribution. The, There is scarcelyamCwmn e hl h.uymnn onc pigil J . vede c nwMr ,ies~n~p e Egadatagfesno timnyrsape etou rv tandfreMoses y. Boss, the îrusty agent of A. R. Fulton, dealer in carrnages and frm implements. Tireyears agothe Lnd comifor- oniovr gd2 emwas pud ah n vrypeafo a ' writer.frst nmet Mr. Isoui, and iras stmecl& with the extreme pallor cf bis counlne. lie seemed n fact, ike on- struck by a faiing tree and instantiy been taken f0 have fhe seed la every Isithe deadly grip cf onsumption. Reeently business again brough.t him tothe borne cf îhe-witer, but a temarkable lrvous and kîie% 1 wllci1jppung- wood on011bis instance thoroughly dlean and truc fte change for the bettes' had talien place in the interval. Upon enquiry-h wasa leemed that failing healîl flrst indnced t ild oni-y n grandfathem's famin near Mýaklami. name, and the packages have be en sent Mr. Boss tuogo upon the road as salesmian in the hope that a change of scenewould Le benleficial.' The resuil, how. .s ..d jAMES V. W. Ellis & Co., ooio were me- filrea tlirouhtie mail. Tlose who hv everdid notmeet withhiis expectations. The food hie aie distressed hier, arnd tie weakness and feeling cf lassitd, Ltd'., Hom ported to have bast $i$,000 worti of v nists, Lon- Jewelry and diamonds b)y tfe bumnling eeived sucir samples and grown fileul becamne întensified.- To use his cire words, Le was so weak and nervous, and used up, that Le felt tha't Le "côtld of thie Manitoba Hlotel uWin nipeig. witl came, hiave usually liad at fhe end have dropped dQw* n and gone t0 sleep a»,where" Driving tired hfim andc when at horne te slightest labor about Si. Vitus' Dance apidly cured by of tire second year encugli sced f0 sow a Ibis farm was irlcsome. Hie ias in this Lopeless and discouraged condition wmeca fiend reeommnended Dr. Wîllame @ SU PER iilr'sComouu Irn Plla Cass o lage rea an lafIl manercarefulPink POis. He decided le ryi one box, and before they were gone he found somne benefiL from themMe ithen ~ ~ OA yeams' standing now enjoýÀng ftle best fa >msaoerr ieDmnonhv b ougt four boxes more, and caci week folund an improvement în bis condiftior. His stomach ceased to trouble himt, of healtMras . armerui 0f ang emofbeen graduahy elaig n ifmireeeeling of lassitude troubý-,ledhlm nouwmor, nd Lisabrs were ne longIrksomie. By the ime Le Lad finisheci Ou u rs. W Parkm, wi e ofManagr ofanct 1less productive sorts wîicî tîey __ his fifth box, lis healrh mas fully re anrd, ase ince continued tobe al bad eis cotbavlwardînle ling tire Onfario Bank, Peter boro, dieti verv i yed h trigWrho r 112s ikIitr suddaeniy avtlhem home Feb. 7. She hati have been growing in thre past, witî hi rnsIeseln ot fD.Wlss ikPfs been ilp Wown a couple of hours previons superior variefies possessing' grleater apparlently in good lealth. vigor. I A THar-oldi Dix, Rat Portage, Ont, yisrcino h o.Sd AXA~K writes: I fried B. B.' B. for tIle disease Byin3rucio offli Ho.9idny1111Ii il 89, -19 calleti Prairie Itili. I only fook fîree Fisher, Miniaf cm of Âgriculturc,anothc U. botties anti to my great satisfaction was such d istribution is being made tis~ annrniîi PVMNTED1 Thle Kingston News stafes fIat if is barley, spring wleaf, fieldi peas andi In-iI A. I ' robale hata1~~aîîines bylawwill dian coma andi potatocs. Thesesamples At ail dealers, or direct from the DrI. Williams, Mediciue C, concîl this ý6ar Ifs object wilile be snoly fsewoaply tq Bolvle n, 0cnsabxo i oe W T R commendable. being to prevent men personallly. Lista of names froru socle- ý fron stndig o steetcorersandtie orindividuals Üannot be considered s quirting tobacco juice on fthesidewalks. .and only 01E SAMPLE la al can be_ Osha>wa badly needs such.a law.' clent f0 cach applicant. Appicaion EST A woman wlila wcak, nervous and shoutibe seuitof WM. SAUNDERS, ST - leepless, alid wbo bas colti bandis anti GRANTfetcantfcaîtacJieawî Dîrector of Experimental Farm, Otta- Thc Canadian Home Jouirnal îs pub-OIA A htvTwslpSbahSho s Î person. arte 's L ittle L i r Pil s equal- w a, and i m ay be, s nt, any im e before lis îcti evcrv m onth la the inferesfýýb of of _Sr_ rize tire circulation, remove nervousuéssMar51, atrwic I it iib aainHmsat oe.Tc-- sociafioù hfave four Home DepRtmlenfs Otr l THE anti give stengtî and rest. Mand one, ftNormal th class ilwif Cnadinifsesbortiers Th HI11EF9 Catmgtfwnhpepeseitercoseti,so- fIat ail samples asked for »may Febuarv, issue is wcil up f0 fthc standard Mr. anîd Mrs. Wm Garfat, Port H1ope, an(okmieals ihi l odr OR f tace marked iirvmn so aprn attendedth re funcral of his mother. who OR ar ofihttwie n r cereti lr be sent ouf la good fime for iprvsnaoapret- apgf .. ls c hgiea alruaoî this paper fthc last fcw monflis, andi died bliee Jan. 26h ..Mossrs. îL. K. average sttendance of oficers andi ten- - Mm. J, H Devift, C. C., Wa',rdeno ate mtn hiîiknl mention fIe feast of literarv mient provid, with Muirfon anti A, E. Henrv attendetflcaaedneofsiors thieSe Unlit cdCounties, h-,;givinig him a fhe sort or varicf-y they' would prefera cmpy of fIat po)pulad tnhen'i usierannal metingof tre Gand haptr Carmbu grand reception on his- eunfo niaolith vial tc fteentitleti "A ,,ittie, ,ag Dl"cannof of ic(,, Ari Masoas, în StmaffortidrstranSS eott lsreurt ïtluan srudth aniàb[ tok f hftIe mloif moncv forMissionary purposesl .nuiic~ no Coong.A splendid suppen was aerv- fi oSeti u ts o apdd~ 0fi oMr.r . Joà, lin MoPrnipomv- es h hisinSS saa cd at tfR o \ai Hofel, Blacksfock, fol sort askcti for le exhausteti, some oflier Sfaito ceatisf alo spcur copy . e ouner.. r. Mirtoi as cleteti P riîîiSanitr gefnu erocudh m. JLERS. bv speeches from tire leadueg -godt variety wil le sent la ifs place.- Canatiîan Home Journal Office, Toron- repor-teti to have puriichascd ite rosi- es !leCrsg a ..Ohwr- E EMmcnaf hetownship. Mention TEE STATESMAN. f0. dencecof Mrm Wm. Ilepinstaliorfeti tIc argest number joinine' flie My frienti, lo ok here! von know liow The Perrytown correspondence fo byMsGeBrf Doctor is a nativf etn ch rcl dring fthc year. tire (+uide i)~~~~arlington, a gratinafe of Tononfo Un- Appuascoofo-ioogrraf- --ak aninervous youn wife is, antiN on isGrnTooth svsiigle uiesays: Mr. John McMurtry. i' cflrsho o-hrul reî know ht aCrters trou Pi[lla will me wiosirasnbeen for the past two wecisrîveriif,; ani iceniae ficRo al clwork, no educafionai institution ivehmnow why nof be faim about it sister, Mrs. (nëev.) J. WM. Buniner, Hall- coafincdti f0bed, is progrcssing niceîv. Coliege of Plysicianis, Edin1unir1 seejas fo have a3uinè oigle euofiTon-a anti luy hiem a box? butnHis mcd ical atfendant, Doctor Beatty, Scotianti._On Tues-day affernoon, j', lcCnriBuiesCieg fTrn LMiA Y Brookln bas lad ifs share of ciaths. If ilabecause f lcy improve flic powems says le is a mosf nemarkzable man, with J .3s. fiweidneo e rd' o Isdfeeth D oungtm n andb On Sunday Feb. Sfth lere were four of assimilation fIat Millem's Compountiacntttodieavugrsn 1 parents. "lnl-lonim,'" Miss Aliýeol eywlfietwih ougma ni ilth Came, Back. corpscs: _m. Thos. Rouflcv,,who was Iron Pilîs increase tire number of mcd considers hlm one of flic mosf remanka- u--fer of 'Mu. J.G. Baflanti, 1was un women f0 make tIc daiiy roll for Janu- buniedti IGrove-Side, Mis. Geo. Arm- copuscles anti increasetire weigirt as ble nid constitutions thaf bas evcn came tiinnriaefDrM. cPiiayaeae15 Tsnoolypvs srnwps ueatokplace f0 fIe rapîdly. îînder lis puofe4sional attenton t.Mnilla, in tric presence of abouir. fjfft. tcpplaivo hi lg but shows M c M urfry is a ven ageti m n anti eli g ts, m osfhy relatives of fe couti ac t hetI dem a nti fr tire useful an ti practiral orUnion cemctemy; Mn. Chas. Trigg, who Bowmanvîlhe boys always give a gooti îS t i a e lis 511 irtanantid81Fe priesRv. 1. oie fiitt ueuainlml m I olg aînin the siie and wsburieti a trie Union cmcterx': anti account 0f fhemselveswircrandcvemfpartisevgo. reweak, nerv- Mr. John Woodward, whiose fanerai At trie annual banq uet of Ontario, Col- anniversary of, lis arrivalinluCanada. Tebiewreagencl 'w adapasi Isise 'lose life, energy fook place f0 tIc Baptiat Burying loge of Pharmacy, Toronto, hast week, Mn. Mc Muufn.Y is a buof hem inilaw of Inimmeti wifh jet'. chiffon ant ilbb gone. Here's & gronti. Ail four were olti people Mm. W. C. Tohe respontiedtifthfe toast 'Mns. Wita. McMarfuy, Bowmaîîvilie. anti canrieti a bouquet 'of white'roses. bywhollv unable f0 witlsfand fhe grippe. "Canada." 11e was also a member of ,Themusicale givcn laTrinifydlinrric ide saithe .romiss Kae MPai. Chlre ofl aw ID~~th hEV IL, ASSM N YT M I anlquet -committec, Vdnéstiav evening wai a 'erV cioy- bIne fonquols, tfnimed citwih ite silk, Imere7ase in weight. ot to ____________________ If you are nervo us or dyspepfic, fry be affair. TIc puozramnsiste0fanti carrieti abouquet of pnk roses.Mm o oicçaei rs rng St., Chatham, Canrter's Little Nerve Pilla. Dvspepsia piano solos anti duels, vcal1 solos ani F. Buf,,lanti, brothier of fIe Initie, auppor-grw e amantIs I have makes you nervous, anti ncrvousncss duels anti claionette solos bv Misses(td thIc goomn, anti Miss Morris playcd belongas to old ae aervonaness antid 44JI,44,s4j,44b makesyou dvspcptic; câblrmone rentiers Luttneil, Glove ani Saundeus, andtifIe wdding mardi. Trie moom was bae g upatairs wonld voit miserable, anti these littIe pilla cure Messrs. Perc.- Hook,, W. C. King -anti preftiti ecoraleti wifh flowers for fIe Prsn adfu reh lt ess of brýatà and, 'g b otI. Thos Buowni. Trieaccotupanîsts. Miss occasion. Af fer tle cercînarthe coin- rsn adfu reh it Sg Î- i4v%. Vick's Illustrateti Mag-zine for Feb- Luttucil, Miss Trcbiicock anti Mr P pan, relireit f0tfe dining room whcre demnands that this increase I flttering cf thp rmary contains s ome useful suggestions Iîook. Mm. Fran.k Squair, Salem, a ricli.rpt awaited them. The bridies.- avee exelensvie beent mee t holdb seay iav nr bmn el on tIecùçlfivafion of garden veg0etables rendeei xeletsrvc 1. _ciingliesents were lipautiful tributes of in Weightsol e ed n <anaca's struitgest Financl In. oh an fisi ahos50hni f keeping trie iveýrin good -workng order. To hie ttomarh. Then follow dizziîicss, headache, il oit a raio- r'Tflrfl j stitutions are soine of the safe- somc lv portrayeilalc eier for caý noe ie eadace yof musacr l ie n eoîs il oît a rai UIYIU I guards offered by the C,O0. Fl Marcir are moaf apring-lîke anti aftrac- tr-sr. ienio entrieas f i e inohlî rooi'. freenrepode't tire, wlefhier dein for ladCiesesspnt1yurs f bi Iil nmedy for aufolutèrpriuar nnr or btte foîks. -Shirt waists in ,eve-Orv loga meei ne whih ata direciy ntI I t-idneyS 17strs1 88 a o of any of the Officei or MemberlS imazinable stvle are illutafateti. T h p esieringtheos ens of r tl wnen iî'j . -.l ea Willim h aicaof vnar AFFECTIONS of the Order, or- addr-es millinerv '.es slow ativance mol do g lepsite eustetreefetie klOtib\y, lipp)1ingîîIof tanýs(fÈrrmedy for aick icuachs. Many t C55 Sd 2 cI for trawhats. wnto ac okhom)e lus been resfc1tod0lapeiasaeut. ' ,a îgorlm.usfheail PeaKi. TFIOS, 1WH IT E, meghsec'y, Bnattd panieti by full woking directionc: discûcerycf tiilgreut acentist, aeptu oeiI~ 01U <loialgcauseil i hyftlîng f rot Stanldard Fashion Co.,32 Wesl1tli St, c5do fr.Aldeaes îc ilns. os le l rs ewliuîhat 0 M~sl E RNST GARTUNG,, -., ï!t,;.

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