'-i G3ood black mare for sale theap. Sec Miss Bvwater, Toronto, is guest at Notices of Birth1sMarriages and Deaths advt. Mr. H. Mollon's. 50 cents; wheu imarriage licenses are obtained or fuguerai notices printed at Mr. W. Alexander lias been visiting Miss Ma y, St. Thomas, is- g -test' of this office, insertion free. iToot.Mrs. A. McCready. BORN.î Mrs. John Pierce, Chicago, Ill., is Mr. John Joblin, Oshawa, spcnt Sun- 6îea.-Near Enniskillen, Feb. 8, the wife ofMr. gusto Ms.M D ilias'PelUMey .-IIi ofa n ll Fet7 tewf ter, Mrs. (Dr.) Jeffers, Lindsay. Sunday witli lier parents. of Mr. Norman Plummer, of a soie. C1AýRgs-In Oshawa, Feb. 5, the wife of Mr Wm. Steers lias been appointed Mr. Ed., Thompson, Port Hope, spent Mr. R. W. Chambers, of a daughter. Police Magistrate for Lindsay. Sunday with friends in town. Rowa -In Pi'kering, Feb. 8, the wyife of To N~he~en essCu roadJ~fe::~n Maor Philip J.Rowe, of ason. 1 A L Le II llIIJI,,,ha Notethechage n MesrsCouh, r. R Orand J llfreds Aniton 'LAWSON,-Tn Verulam, Jan. 25, the wife ofMr. 9Furs of ail kinds selling off at a big Mr. Robert Kerr lias been elected Branoo o.ANTON.-In Oshawa,Feb. 4, tre wife ofFred them to look for a perfect service at our man 's. P;îe and Cream Social at Maple Grove lien Joie, of a son. M a llit o b ars. u t an & H o pu n a ry T urM ay , Jf an 23.R eserve the dJsa n ewate. heh wfroiree, ~butthe a it e i du e e t t (Le LnIe~Le. -L-l.i a, na r- -SKON- ONIN.- nFe .2, ai r-sidenee'7r price on ecketnghear edof rcre pis Ôn tces via Dr. C. B. -fiarnden, Bowmanville,was nobn he îîe's fatter, Coluinbus,byRev.E.I1fn G e tC ar ýgeG oc is North Bay r Chicago. guest at the Simpson House, Tliursday. Oshiawa R. T. of T's visited Excelsior second daughter of 1ev. E. A. Tronkin, andGeo Wt rcsa aydw sasil ute n North Bay o Chicago. Lindsay Post. Councit last niglit and had an enjoyab1e Jackson, J. P., of Seugog, îhpie wydw i tl ute n hayea vriet of Sylvester Bros., Lindsay, shipped 15 tinie., e e JAcK5oN-LOELS.-At Agincourt, Feb. 8,uem n. Seue h ara1 caayed faar mpemntaorth r . abodToooof h by 1ev. J. A. iiruwn, assisteil by 1Rev. MAlx. ue et euetegoeybra Wehca oaso frn mlmet frth r F TaZo,,Trot, ste e M aig, William Jackson, Alexander, Mian.,gr er lieair cnenigNorth West, last week. boot and shoe clerk lu the West Fnd and Jean, oiily danghier of tirhettae William whule they last. itrtr co erng Rev. J., H. Barnett preached lis tare- lieuse. PlIcîtL WILsoN.-In Harmony, Feh 5, b the advantages of our well sermon to the cengregation of Mr. Charlie and Will Goheen, Pontv- Rev.J. J. Liddy, m. A., assisted by Rev. J4* (J. Canaian Norh W stTrinity church Sunday evening. pool, were recent guests ef their uncle fDalngo ndMssd MWloniaroy CaainNrh est tpays yen te deal with Nichoîls and Mr. C. Goheen. Thfre is no btter nerve-tner than a irst rate cof w-hich Is free to alilinter- it pays' iNîholls te have yo e pal with Tlierû were seven funegals reported D .Tere s our be Mcha nd vetn a a ustat cona ese. al n gtpa-hlm, a rule that works both ways._ at the Union Cemetery, Oshawa, on fTOWNOur-In DarlingionJava(Base Line) Feb. n.na Richrd mit, seemkerOriliahasTueday Fe. ~Aliee Brimacombe, beloved wif e of James tion of soothing and stimulating qualities, which keeps tclr.fallen heir te $117,000 by the death of The A. 0. F's ef Oshawa intend viSit- Townis, aged 30 Y tarit. one up for the business of tlie day. And its aroma wil' ticularsa ~~~his brother -in -law, in Columbus, Ohio. in-,' the A. O. F's of Bowmanville titis WULCi.-In Darlinglon, Foe. il, William stmlt1h peie0 nyra ofelvr O TArihur7 infntsn0 ila ST T h GwnKet&C..woeal Wdesay veig ge oth.adarIWlhlb.1 Coffees at other prices,but none so good as our best. & JURY. croc ery establishment, Toronto, was Mrs Paul Grant, Rochester, N. Y., IBET-nDrngoeb1,Lwi destroyed by fire Friday nîglit. Loss attended the funeral et lier mother, Gimbleit, aged ilvLaris $175,000. Mrs. G. Russell, on Monday. MANN.-In Oshawa, Feb. 6, Robert Frederick Stott &Jury will give away te the first Mr. Win. Parkinson, Toronto, wilî Mann, aged 13 years. 40 people calling at their store a fr7ee conduct the services in Trinity Congre heloved wlfe of Mr. John Lawson aged 29 years. sample ef Dr. Marchaux's Cure for sere gatienal church next Sunday. ,xoorAGII. At Cambray, Feb. 4,Geo Haggith, flt>WMANVILLE. throat.' Seeadvt. inside. Mr. Fred. Osborne and Mr. Byron aged 78 years, Black Dress Gods-a beautiful Osbor~ne lef t laat week for Winnipeg, ALN A Emus"Nwate ee 0 Fakuny H. Walbridge, beloved wiie 0f JamesK. range in al qualities Up tethe flnest Man .,after aleasant vitit with relatives Allen. aged 53 years, ods imported just received at Coudh, here. SHAND,-In East Whiiby, Feb.7,JamesShand, oh lnston & Cryderman's. The banquet ef the Old Durhiam aged 91 years. Nls hw millinerbas sold lier LBeys, in Toroate wîll lieclield Tupsday, GOARD.-In Bowmanvllle, at residene fMrà%T T WT Am l i s mu Q ~~~~~. .Pinch, e, . ilim rr, oar E IILIIU P stok t Mesrs Hady Co, W11o are Feb. 28 net Friday as etated ln our last agedi ears , s.Sn1ev WilliamUNE- C ul. .isss SSnhoawy Wilr, moving te more commodieus premises, issue. nAaîaGarofetrielet.vu1 I~ 3I next door west of the Big 20. The collections and suliscriptions i ROUTLi'.-At Brookin Feb. 3 ThomastRout * j1 hea soe susi tht ad t S. JmesMetodit 1crl, ged 78 yesrs. A n'ative oi Bradworthy, if yen want te her oe u]i htado 13. ae etoitcu , virEnglànd, will do vou geed caîl at T. N. Rickard's Montreal. will be taken lin the Meth- H.&TcH.-At Whitby, Foeb. 4, Roma Hazel Jewellry store, hear tle music boxes lie odist church next Sabliath Irene, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. F. N O T blas for sale and ferm yeur <)Wfloplnion. Mr. E Carswell, Oshawa, the p6pular Hatch, aged 12 yearge, 6 mntnes. Ther la e beter ue tan tie rs- tmpernce ectuerhs ben le130i BoEN.-In Clarke, F'eb, 7, Nelson llowen,P o u a Thèr fs o beter ime hànthe"res temerane lcturrba bee lecurilg aad 7dye7s. P 0earsa. eut te inake yeur Marmalade. Wehave in Cartwright, Hie organized a Sens- PELLOW.-ln Oshawa, Feb. 8, James Pellew, the finest assortmnt ef oranges at bet- ef Temperance Ledge at Loto». aged 51 yea rs. tout PriceS.-CAWKEIL & TAIT. Mr.,VVm. Werden is spending a few GA NN- At the family reside afed Miss V. . Percyand Mr W S. Mc-,weeks ~ ~ prepaatcy1 Jati. 27, aged 7J years,James-A. OfnJe" c __ Nr ~ 1,- -....- et r t atner of Mrs, Serîiger, wife of Rev. Prof. y - % J %J m aO UJ. 11 z. owan represent tle Local Union ai a a trio te Manitoba 'and R=nyRierScrîmger Ir D Montreal, and brother of the special m~eeting ef the C E. and E.L.Q.E, District. where lie intends te reside for laie Mrs-. W Rcenwiek, Bowmanville. secleties at Cbug hrdv oetm.M*zwiiqG. -At Holland. Man., Jan. 25 Helen Coberg.Tlurday se£e tme.Stuart McKenzie, beloved wife of Frank Mac- Tohae ou eescae- Mr. Robent BeitI, M. P., lias been ne- Miss ManIha Smith will give an ad- cicg. ýr0 hae you eyescare-eleeted a director ef the Clydesdale dress to young ladies on "Reading and HE.AD.-III Prince Albert, Feb. 3 Mincie R S o e fully tested at our store Herse Association,.lie was aise elect- Studv ln their relation te health"' in th ead eldest daughter of John aud Mary Acu to re by the nly Po~ Grad-ed delegatete Ottawa Exhibition. Royal Templars' Hall, Th ursday atter- , eard, aged 28 years. BoklFb ,Mr a te Optc nlyo t he kinds .-W.Estw'ood is prepared io de al noon at 4.15Mrs. Freeland wil i pre- L'-tPrince Alb88 e rlFb,1,R.S uate ptican i thekind of ag Carpet weavîing at is r - d. disin -re. ladies wel- AMTr Armstrong, agd87 ear., ,Mr Cu ry irplcsaesidâee, King ;ît. East, Bowxnanville at i e uryAmtrnae 7yas Coutry Ou prcesaremoderate pries. Good work guaran- The Ladies' Aid et the Methodist WOODWÂu--in East Whitby, Feb. 4, John lower than tihe lowest teed. 7.4w*- dcurci will Igive a social ai the resî odadae8 Tsyea-.t rools e.4.Ca.riga and yeni get your money To be healtly, 'wealthv and wise, Rise dence of Mr. J. M.Jenesa, on Xednes- native of Farcham, Surrey, Eng.,aged 77 years. eary i th monin. tk&pënt ofex' day evening, Jan ?q. Convevances Pîaacn.-In Chicago, Ill., Feb. 9,John Pierce, e u 0 0 0 0 0 back, if we fail te give ercisean ecthtyeux elotfis are wiII leave the chtlrch at 7 'clock. Ad aged 76 years. lenterred ai Bowneanville. yen a perfect fit. Solid wasled with Nicholîs' Big 5c bar ot mission 15c. A pleasant eveflng 15i RUSSELL.-InBowmanv'llle, Feb 10 Annie . Gold Frames a speciîalty. ,M'AJms Bowmanville, is Govern prMsed. aSitB reet aged 73 years.____________________________ ment Issuen et Mariage Licenses for ing île Canadian Viavi Ce., of'lonente, <; STOTT & JURY. the County et Durham, dning business will.speak te ladies ef Bowmanville on BOWMANVILLid MARKETS XDheurs ai office, ai lis resideuce Centre- "Waste and Repain Foeds" in the, Vruggists and Opticians.t., ai-n----t.Royai Tem )lans' Hall onFna- i orreetedb) J.ilcMilurtryeach Tue8day RevJ.H. unulMAisrtn-p. m. All welcome. Amssion free. i i GRAND RUNK RILWAY. ed tront Kingston and occupied lis own Persous wanting information about the FeR 10lb. ... 1 91 te $2 2ý GRAND RUNK RILWAY. pulpit lu St Paul's churci Salibati Viavi .Movement please eau ai Miss WH8IAT, Fa!!, bush... 0<)0 0 70 mernng nd Rv. n. Knnaiu u ry's, Wellington St., any atternoon ' S i'ii 0. 00 0 70 BowMirA.sv..STATION. the evenîng. bef&re 3 o'clock.il GORE -te .... O0 00nilo072 Geu«i EAST. GOeING WEST. The Primary ciass efthîe Metliodist TORONTo BREAD.-A trial shipment BAIm Ibs, No. 1 .. 0 45 'Il 06 . &Y kresa . 88 .~xrs... , 5 18 a. -i Sabbath School enjoyed a pleasant tîme of Fancy Bread manutactuned -at G. il l fi2.>26 0b Fearsger...8401 .m. Passenger.. 1 85 p. m ai île durcI Satunday atternoon lu-WstnsMde BaeyTrno ..O25 O8 Local. 36 51P.. t Express... 4.31 p.m. stead et ihlraDnual leigli-ide. Thiev w'îlercevdTuidl(omerw Two rowed 0 25 et 0 45 ifge à *B t Sund10ayllEpieÉs.. o9ly. mrr tme. 'ymernnng ai île Central. This ender ASwiel......00 019 1108 f SExpres...o "l ada . y ~will blie oet ofHome-~made Eureka ". ..O00 l 029 Il_ Srerr & Juav. Town Agents À serions fine occurred atRoland, Man, and Patent Brown Breads and those ig..... 0 05 _____on_____________ Feli. 911 liv which anumber et mer- wîo desine,,a flst-lass table article bPCKAT mla.e.e...bus. 00,'9e" O 75 chants lese places et business and stock. should net fail te try a loat et this tam- CEanaian ByeauPis.. 069 fi O 75 C. W.,JoIns, cardiage maker, formerîr eus linead. Same price as endinary Il LMummley le O 0oilO055 et Hampton, is euenetf te untortunate commonbread. F. J. MANN'lIÇG. I mli victima. . "SÔll" O o0:: O57]Profits Not Considered. BO MAVIL. EB 1,159. Tw regh tansla acllsin t J. K. McCullocil (if NWinnipeg, the et Blue, fi Ô 17 O 55 BOW ANVLLE FE. 5, 89 Pick feigthttpaintiadaydel sid trafi.champion akater utfUî-worIld, will give BUTTER, best table, lP lb.. 0O00Ofi O 14 Ie eniigue aud seveal ceaswe d a u anexhibitien oft speed a id taîîcy skating EGas, P doz ........... 0O00 0 16 M ut R du e S o k CatwigltCouncil ou, an inside page.îy damaged. Conducter Kelly oethîe a l9B.muil iI nStra 0An~ehih( m.nO A columu et bocals on an inside page. Little York train was seriously injured. eveuîng, Feb. 2àth. The Toronto Globe Hay per ten.........5 0<) "6 Ou pa. correspondence on an inside Ail othens escapeci unhunt.,l open movs: F nw ocnsiti areyfnISS EVA LIJTTRELL Corne Iar1y anid Get Misses Veal & Medland wl pnupmaeîvasonadpeseîl Cutain Poies in gneat variety at L an eutîrely new stock et Millinerv ~jl aiera mucli more ilan the close and aIsp e toilen n rg ndpin Morris'. Hlorsey Blok-big conier store. First- intricatework tlat is sown bv most the ppils.7' I~ t.~ C hmso The Ripest Pl ws aa ne pae.ote'Cuni eeto customers' immediateîv atter Opeuiugs. stilts and leaping*ever five fleur liarnels MISS ETHEL MORRIS, a niepe.Futher paticulans later. lu a row were new featunes, lis long ARTIST. Insruetios givenin PAINTING IàFNotice te our Country Friends,-Butter and EgsO Mr. Blake McMurtry, Toronto, speut Brandli No. 15, Jut enlie, A. O. F , is jumping being a marvelions pertormi- ln Oil, Water Color acdChina. Sletching and Sunday ai home. e oynquite a boom just 1n1)w. -Lasi antn fo atr. IN npemsstr painti_____________________ ng t us aure.icopea5.mss f Tyrone and Carke cornespendence meeting nigît 8 candidates were iii- _____a ___remua____________ Grecers' Due Bis taken, as cash. Packing cases for sale. on au luside page. ated aud four more propositions received Miss C. Minnie Werry, Tyrone, las, and more te tollow. Beys -admitied DANGERS REAL AND FANCIED. IHORSE FOR SALE.-Black mare Pbeen visiting tieuds ui towni, troim 5 te 17 years et age. The average woman wjli seceam 'S . Wyer l. îlb sl hap pl Suits whicl always suit *len made The Westntinster savs : Theingath terrer at the sight of an innocent littie a TTSÀ fie .w at oud Joustû &Cryermn's erug ii t.Ful' Prsbyenin drcImouse, and then- eomplaceutly sit down dt or hJamestois&lu Terns wee iamSinton, ud eyt einetie 'and sufer in silence with diseases that areF OR SALE-Piano, Happy Thonght, atedinGrasindo ot we ailoude h negtmiaistrv de3troyîng ber youth, ber F RaneRadiant Honie Stove,ýWood Stove, ateninGrndodet the A.O.U. W,.f ete., Neil McPhenson, continues, and ~ beauty,.,her very life. a id somte gousehold furniture. Apply to J. C. Mrs R.Chery ttededthetunrali anew diffienît teo-hltain sitîjaga .-at ai]' She wll uncomplain- VÂ.sroNE, Bowmanville. 7,2w. ets R.e n ewaterRoe tef.Mun We are venv pleased te know that suc- - ingly iesign herself te ceasr laew Mseroe F anthse woes and miseries-0f L .8,O , Bowmisattnviesntely eo omenl oJ.4 f Thoe wo aprciae atisiepnit- 'I - re o b daadd atho- *L v i A 1- new millinerv sîop la te be opened which ilere is litel elaia n en t sdftn os ae TORONTO .cleto tWiigadMroad hortly lu île Corner Store, Hlorsey vegetalile kingdom and includea lealil- Mrs. W. J. Xidder, of Hill Dale Pari, (ecos- Bt ctalyMcure n a. 6 a fi c.Paa loek, by Misses Veai and Medlaud. fI, beautiful and pure tendencies, as thrg deier) Enshngd ifwie:"urn os wei s isasdcond tions e ic e dtiar (a) Td mysef regnar acdun Call àt Coudl, Jolubton and Crydcn- - wllrad"qa ltier Tnecnnpsy. 9gha i Isl~rd rafly(a eernifryuwoman, stenograpegdIAOT AI)COK EAItN a-'afe lebet as'etBlnet atand envirnument ÉAhrthanl disease from bloting aud urlay1i5cly.Iwss froni Fort Il ý,d ia'slforwn by nnpairuse l aad sa t vfaematnofineiac adle ing pecctibiy weaecisday and suf- (b) Telephone foryngù lrkUin SPEC'IALTi.-A!l work promipillydoue and guaran- îawuplie enaîy e or îlsca, e muc Sharp * n ait Clues. I fait Uit Station, Torctoi ~teed Cli ndscehl. tRe \J r lane Onian Ladies'i ss(t dîe () Cil for youýg lay, Telegrapher, Temtrple Il- ~' Xq~îî- wa'guei e hr m ril and spiritual nature. _Teauvn ad.acivd Ilmt epy.I nýowdyui ildiiîg, To"s ' - ~~.' ~) -av.s: "Sel Inowledgei, self-meveence drcin n okwiebtisuo.Pec' o~, ~e . . cDwei ad eltcntaltlsetru ann laiF oîtePesritin.su asofolwe yor1}J'd< h efr Ug ar Sengrphî verSun- ~. teseeregn nwr,". ~if instructions, 1 began toimor ove iýrmmediat, - DoÀEî J-1to tosvîninpwe, n fw y hcalth became excelent. asîd 1 could do ailî This eu h u no'îo idnsgte. io tBVVAVLD El n'&i~~n LadMs hoîO mke a note O-,tic now ourselves tnilv we' must kue ,1suy own work (wc live ou a gnKing f',)A (El! pa£rîs.X eninsue roelya &t ta.outJI-tn&Cryderman t.àOur endowment liy inheritatîce anîd wald an rd e ail conidemntnd hcveoacd ut I esucsmnl l ebr dmitted i ejý qelliug ocff îlhe balauce efthalir tlereby lave île tuestaning point ton aalîreaynfemtadaaeaty ayte aaonf-e Ltdles& côabit ihait prico, dvbpmn.rx'elletae «Te llan. - W. B. SHAW, Pnidra.e< I#ê46l4W#Q4#%W44