' ANTIO0CH. Se wting M acbines.,. Miss liggns of 'lara, visited r. W' 1 Nriil uarantee i'tutt,ireeeiïtly,.,.Mr ILoiLtte has tlà,a y luey Cure recovered froi la grippe. rs. Soin ct al ofr k90 e centrville and son. Sandy, ave returiied, * c aUfor~s f kdne home froi Litndsav ..Mr. Jallie.- Wad There ar iany kinds of Sewing Machines, but where, purchasing cmn nd 11ICt acen(ih mlsonatredaiig , M. E. Iet a new machine you should by ail means get the ve ry best-This is the A inysseInsances the kind 1 seil. Bèh' isae alled on ber sister, Mrs. Tlhos. Wal'-e, For Tailors' and Dressmakers',use, our Machines have no equal.A the dlseaee la scern- recently .Wr. Waldetnar limiter j, Prices reasonable, termis made to suit the purchaser. Fll gurtee Mrdena ti islA.dsoe'aIyV jka n guaanee i~~200 to M .BweOoo wih vey achine. Intending purchasers should. cali and We wlll2i2IYz ,t Th Hall visited atMWr .Ncto' orwit psalcreadagnveryc rud.Bstmc inestigfr ale, W t rtendo.. i o. Coatham iK hatlji or taostal and ieoT oMUýNYON. aiog homeomM r s' ter-cd -aen aotnë.Bstc hie frd.cdrprbsdfo r B , a v~Ia ude te Hea!th . .1.I.cl ev l have a beautiful Six-Octave Piano-Case Organ for sale, a big bar- amÏeisisvt free. 1505 Ârreb et.. Phila. W.Jh Robertson bas heen cultn z, ain.- New supplies of Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Pure Paris Greenfoder for Mr. \Vin Benniett r. . Castoria isfo Ifat n Cidr.Csoia1a and best varieties of Turnip Seed. I J1 TYîr~~MLeod visitcd bis brother ecnly ariess sfbÉ.titùtatefo. r Co ,i are goi, .p and Soothing Syrups. It icontains neither Opium, I litry lhott Jra ___________OOO Morphine nor other Narcotlc substance. It is Pleasant.' HAMPTON. ~MsOelrcie noag rm Its guarantee !S thirty years, use 1Y Milin! o ____~tI ~iaêi~u ~'4~'454 l er daugter, Ms. F. W. Stutt,Califor Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ________________________________nia. wbicb weighêd 12 oz. ... Mr H-. D. ~ BWMAVILI~,FER 15 189.Sawý er, Staliope, isvi'siîcng at Mr. 0. nss Castoria cures IDiarrhoea and WindCollc. Castori.- 'A e Y ua s nIo s s L LScott'$.. .. Mrs. Jefferv wbo bas been relieves Teethingo ubecrsCntpto.n ËGu1 i0lP visitinglber dau-lhîer, Nirs. Jas. Ricl ruls uesCntpto n j' ard 's, bas returned te Toronto... r. Flattulency. Castoria assimilates' the Food, regniates jAlex. Stalker, Burton, visited bis molli- the Stomacli and Bowels of Infants and Chidren, giving f S i ?er wbo is % ery il.... The A. 0. U. W. o a .will hold an "at home" earlv ln Marcb healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the ClhUdren's toORFsUREKi:.. Mr 'We,. Thoriiton shipped a car- Plainacea-The Mother's Friend. CROOED CEEKoad os and ca ttie toPeterboro and W"_ '17ronto.Mr. estern0gden lias fai- -~ ' N If ou rc yu cn vey ~ Those on the sick list arc: M ss l, len bieir to a nice foirtun trough theCatraCaor. greatly enhance their value ReîdMiss E~thel Milisoni and MrJ.Iian xiii of bis uncie, the late Edwin La ' ton Csot aa xeln mdcn o Csoi 5anwi dpe acude by a judicious use of cock ...Miss.;ý,anston Maitoba. bas . . ..Clarke Towîsbi p (Jouiicil wili COUl- ofhilsgdrect ontheaerpatdlild me that I recommend it as superior te any pre- lU ~~~~~~~~been vîsiting lier cousins, the Misses pel transient traders te paY 850 for the ofisgo fetuonterejde. cription known to nie., Robinson ...Miss Amna David4on, Piec pflvilege of tra'iing witbin its bordiers DR. G. C. OSGOOo, Lcwell, Mais. IL. A. ARcHE.R, .ý D. Brookl;'n, '. OICK'S R rO RIF E k erîng îs vising lier cousi n, Miss A gie.. Wbiie Mr. F Wi. fWiliamson a ___ Fergson Mi fompson, Port Hlop& cbepping avwav the ice nt the Gr!s-ml Itwllnrchhelodspoen- nT ,n 1week witlî ber sister,Mrs fCoom. bis feet fiew u Pand lhe tool a coid HE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE 0F .LL.VIIUIL.ILJCJIUUiOSe0 B. Milison....rvr T Coucb bas returned bathb..Mr. Robt. Cowan bas the con the hide, glosa the coat, raise from visitîng T is fatlie.r and mother wbo tract for a two- etore- brick residence the spirit and put on flesh and muscle amazingly. are ill at P ort Pervy... Miss Tena Fer for Mr. Roddy Coi weIi between Clarkeý 011e package is worth dozen ofso-called condition powders. ~guison spent Suîîda «v at bore.... Miss and Hoe.... Mr. John Jackson return e HattieReid who attended the funeral of ed the assessment roll te the Council at j 50 Cents a Package. Trial Size, 25 Cents. be cousin. Miss Elv ad îsrtr isatssin>vngciet< i h r5:;f,, MLES& M Aent, Mntril- DIK C." ropietî ed to Millrook. . Mrs, R. Graham, taxes with the exceptioni off 810.77,-$2 00 LEMNý MLE OAons otel, DO G, rpilr Port Britain. bas beeni visiting ber fath cf wbieb was do- tax. Oîîiy once bas o e~ e~ li er, r J. Farrow ..Mr. E. H1arness this record ~eî broken whven Mr. H1. visited at Mr. S. Knight's Moulton in 1891 collected every, cent A P A S O V R V A P R FOI90VER F114TY* VEALS. _____ MreWinsiow's Sathingtiyrup bas been used hy TaCNARCMAV SMaYSRrNWvn~0- ~~r ~i millions of mothers or their children whital1A teething if disfirea ni!iŽt nC ' - 1 'M'- ~ y~'*your rest b1'a sick cbIlt 'iffer-in; and cryinà wttb the pain of cuttipp teeFh send at, once ail get a bitte of Mis. , h bom,ý' Soathing Syrnp for Cildren Teething. nIL w relieve the po We, the un dersigned, do hereby agree MAO= **%ittie sufferer at-nnce. Depend upon itmater there is n mistake aboutit. Ii ores Diarrhoea te refund the mney on a twentv five ~~.G reat lus~ ~~~~~~~~r nitstesaahaCbwlcres Wînd Cent bottie cf Dr. Wilo' Enzuii PilIs, . ............. c. lc softens tbe uins, reduc-s inflammation, if after using three fourths of contents anvs tone an energy toibe whole Sstm Until further'notice SPOT CAI Ar N0 A tra t g nslows' ot iSrpfrid, fotlh-Y1 O elv osia Ar N w Atr cig eig is pleasant ta the tasýte and la the ie- tion andheadacbe. ' Ve also guarantee le' 51 ied elsree aciption.f nue of the aidest and hast female four bottie,4 wil permanerîtlY cure the M will buy rs md elsree Pubil FILiIIL1.JII nuse i heUntoataesil Pu lc A t n ije Prieî5ea bottle. Satd by aildrnggists hra. b- Most obstinate case off colîstipatïon. Sat- Goal at the following prieus: ont the woîid. Be sure and ask for Mis. Ni isfaction o opywe il'il r But the mest important bill is the DOLLAR BILL. For this bill we are S3LOWS' Soothing Syrup. used. qrnoCalaùszathbr uo rpared te, give the public better value than ever before. NEWTON VILLE. stott & Jury, chomist, Bowmanville. $4.75 per ton; delivered to any part Il For Ordered Cltbing we carry a tasty and up-to-date lune of 2-4wHggnobm ocbm~,B of town $5.25. Twed, ege adWostd, t nie jst~ac1yecnwihquality. of Mr. and Mss Henry and MissEllenor manville. M_____hnde ti oa o 24w G rai ..wes cgsadWrtdapresjs xcl vnwi1fNewcastie kere gl.ests of MissBertha Hvn ado bsCa o 4c We av jstreeivd nw himet off Dress Goods, Prints, HaITowell. recently. ... Mr. Geo. Han- secutive years and aimost ail ether kînds B o s s n ' t a o d fo v r a a n u d y w a ,an d cock, P ort H ope, w as recent gues t off Y O E at tim es w e can recom m end it as both best Lades Boues ad Sra God fr ver dy nC Sndy is father.... %liss Nlazzie Gray New-whesa bavt and cheapest. Oui shed capacity beîng I $he pfices will sel them. - cstie. visited friends bore..'..Mr.Adam , Death woes&,h etis beinoesfiin o h upl fti eto h in l Groceries we carry onfly the best geeds and will always be feunid Preston, Winnipeg, was gnest off Col. reaped ail over tlis fair Dominion ba S s *in o h upl fti eto h fui asrtet fai ne n uli emn-alprcd agan Fuheee' î..yo, -Mr uhes again cîlterel this ittie commuîîitx and public can dependon aways getting clean, il fly. sotetofallle n uledm visited at BIac ýstock, recentlv . ...Mr. beo-ne aw&Y oeeof oui most bîgbiy Wd dry ceai. and M is. R. A Bell, off tîîe station, on- esteerned inhabtlitanrtq Mrs. J. M utton . si h at W r rp rd t a We aise carry Crockery, Machine Oil, Paint Oul, Paints,Axle'Grease, tertained a numnber off friends Fridav Decea -ed ad býeeîii i for severan ee A'W oodps o r reae t a 1?eceWie, aisBinerTwne Field and Garden Seeds, and Patent nght week ... . A number of theOrangè- and untii a few davs ago bier frîeids the very highest maiket price fer ail kinds Fec ie alBne wnmen atiended the cotinty meeting at eîîtertained strong biopes offlber recovery ________ of GRAIN AN D SEEDS deiivered at our- Medicines in fulll hue.BîctckatTes,..i.wH. OnS'unday at înidnigbt lber sufferingsb storebousas corner King and George Sts., We ent skyentebetee bt skye teinesigteReid is atti3nîtin-,, LegAsîative duties in came te an, end. The sorrowing bus or at Port Darlîngton. iloronto.... Mr. and Mirs. John Caswell band whose 4nxiet 'v through tbde0k5 SALT-coarso, fin'e and dairy id bags and Miss Ma, -ie Caswcli visitodMr.W. off su..pense bas been touching to bebold and barrels, aise Retsof Rock Sait for .Ii UI~~~~~* ~Ovens . .Mrs. John Caswell is vi, î-itin for the beioved life inchibv cti n ossia~snbu ubr friends at Canton nh is ene e eton, t Le Lath, Shiîîgles, Sash,"Doors, etc., in stock HAPTN.s.. npathy et aiT in bis cru-hing boreave and made te ordor Inspection invited HAMPTON._________________________mon______et. Most off Mis. Mntton's famil and satidfaction guaranteed a lui resido hi the neigbborbood except Mrs Y 011WiNlEDmLT Act-on, who came on te visit bier dyiug sister. Another si-;toi*et£I ltr Mrs Tbos. Curtis aitboug-h but-a shoerti; I If Y u w uldavoî th ditauce away wais toc iii at the time off lider sister's death te leave lier home As BOWMÂNvUiwai. Th~Stmac LaflEiso~rrnw with this afflicted familv. ..Au ThttoacDerange- other off ou ifrmner citizens Mr. Frank ***~* A N B ý Mauning was recentiy caiied upon te t1i uunwiiig, n. îakenoii theii Observer. 1-loland, Januait 27tb, 1899 The death off Mis. Manning wbich oc H "ÏIN taken ovel the Grain and- Coal Business iii PiRe'SCeleryGOIlpOllldBallÎsh curred at the residence ofhler fatherTh o v r l c i AI.'v'eiv c iîed on by Messrs.LOCkhd t. os everv Diffiolty and reýsto ve3 ingK came as a sbock te the e)mnt BowmaIvill, la altbou-b a fatal termination. The o r rprdt a u IIETI.IEfralPretHat deceased was a genorai favorite in the o~ o t n h e Bros. 1 m 1)repred jo -aVcolinmu iIQHTinRfacforwberereraisheiiwas Best aI n aml àe nJainl mp raîepund for a ffew w- eXs, wil.without fait carbolic acid instead off g.ixcerine te bis% The Uie States. __ hanish aIl your suf!erings;* voni appe- face tbereby cansinz a 1, ad hur, but neoD tioa c-od agr(iieufura anC family - i.i-ite wilt become natural, yenur Test aind furtherin muv,.,, Mr. Alfred Gardiner Ut as .LJiPutuae-nd aBeaverr iss 1locfi-..îBo*inerwnt ihle. r ual, wa bava1perfected arraiigemant wbare- u n'4 4~sleep wili be refreshing, and yenr food is pondinoth. winer wiîhCobour wecai ant3t'4.raticaIl anC instructive wil ilieib your blood, miakng boue frîends..Miss Hattie Clemens and aI.FA.M n~ HMESuconaconanC muscle, anC veu ealth iii be as Mis. R. Hodge are rocoveriing ffrom tii tEESTATSMA. ILONIdE rugged as ever before. . pneumoni.... Mis. Albert Clemneus, j r., "Iârm iand ciHoxt, is pnblshed sai-ontbliwsa etrôodrn telleso ugiviig vau 2'l l ainbais a yaar, tha wwhlnla CONTAINS BOTH. es eot Ptieiruriasn.h ins f lmî a va lume (if over.5w01 pages,iemg polainaaiuesd bemthrMsDwo. e lthe lattand m(Btrtabii ora-Sarnias bypultion____________ b Z'.1)(1tana ndsienice Can snpplly.' 141 births lu 1898. sýpe l a!rrýeïgernau1t wa msýke for alimit- Daily, by mail e 6 Aurore tas anether dentist in Dr. We are euthorized te effer oui read-' nia folowug thealoffi:Butler, off'L riot. ens, prepaid, a f ree sample t4fa niver- JiHAI)Y .. t -Dailyand-Su"-ay -by alS Ae oo i enpae nA-f Hing r ecat-arrh, -urenbt-or & ~ritable thrnat, influenza, anC snU(1b ATLA wticb s pesauad o ~listiî' ~j i <U50thicat and nasal iseases. There is ne 'lu TnE OTZ Car6nysterv about ('a arîbozone, tholi'-11 * P, sC oer co an- c uiroiut prt1o, z137)lt eaC nhmie cnfdec lnteits effeet is ma-icl.Ointmieits n world. ko~~~Mla plant asUrs sure remledly for iab.scuntrech h sae prs ou d.isortaitaiaeadîutaccfth s beoret~t udm- iws Atm.1a bs budnlysstleuwaaC aeibtuspro C('1' ess BuC'î trm'-) 1'. o ee eoeaî ~ Jthem Lany -ra!i1-K,)14 'raAue btieitrleon scr-e i ietrt v <Ir( TEtUNe or. gurntei 8Solfiby ail î4ruggists. iiJRTRYC oT~L