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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1900, p. 7

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YO)UR_ PROPIII WEIGHT. Prof lÇnleygave the followîag tabe o w',ata f Ull-grown man slialdwe iandl how bis weight W4ghtLýý, 151 pouads, made up thua: Musýiesa theîr appurtenances, 68 piond; l.eitoa, 24 pouuds; skin, .10 1-2 pounds; fat, 28 pounds; braie, 3 pounds; thoraoGic visoera, 31 1-2 pounids; abàomLnal viscara, il pouads; blood whii-l wauld drain fromn body, 7 pounds., This maan iauglit to consume per diem; ISý, ef1;seak, 5,43t1 gra. ns; bread,, 6,- Uë, 3us; miik, 7,000 grains; piotatoes, 3,OOii, 'krins.; butter, 600 graina; water, 22,900 graine. JLRi h, should beat 75 fimes a min-. ute, and lie should breathe 15 times a minna lu4 zcura lia would vitdate L,55 cubic feet of pure air fo the ex- teat of 1 per cent; a man, therefors, of thse weiglit mentioned ouglit to haýve 800 meubie f eca of wel] ventilated ~Hwudthrow off hy the skia 18 oun<os of iv fer, DU0 graina of solid mttfri, and 4C0 grains of carbonic aod every ý21 hours, and his total ioss dur- tâc 114 houris would lie six tpounds uf wa L4er, aad- a, Little over two, pounds of Gtllier matter. THIE MOON 0F MARS. The, inhabitants ai the planot Mars -if there are any-witness every niglit a spectacle the like of which ftle as- trnmrtell us, may lie seen no- aise in the universe. They have a moon thaf rises la the west snd a ets in the east, and that goes blirougli ai ts phaseýs Lu a single night. 'fois moon, %vhiqh is caiied t'nooos, le oaly about aeiiles ia diameter, and is less than 4,000J m'aes distant from Mars. Prof. H-ail, who d'scovered it and' it -onliriiýnDeimos, la 1877, found thtif revolves aroundfIte planet la 7 hourd and 38 minues, snd as the laneL itse.If rotates in 24 hours and 7 mantes the moon makes a little moeihanj flirce revolutions while the more-ý ýs rotatiag once. If le fis rap- Id mIotion, fliat gives Phiobos ifs unique distiniction, It moves toward the east, t.he direýction ii which Mars rotates, but, Lt gosso fasb that it disappears below the asteru horilzon and reap-, pears ab love tiUe western flires times wite MUars is turuing over one time. Tins Lho MaLrians have a new moon, a crescent moon, a haîf moon, a gb boue màoon,, a full moon and a new moon again ail in one night.t In the case of the earth and ifs mooni the conditions are reversed. The carbt turne over on its own axis abouti 27 (limes whfla fias enou il going around it once. Thep motion ofi cd la loward the east,,but the more rapid mnovemenît of flic earth makes the mnoon appear to lie moving toward fh li wes That lb le really going east-i word ls slioxn hy its rieing from 45 to 50 minutes later every nigit and by Abe daily change of ifs position the stars. JIS'" A-,,OTHER CUP 0F TEAý A case- d2ss reported the other day <of a New York woman who for over thirty yeàrs had -been ln fhe habit of drinking five quarts of strong blackV tea daily, and who as a consequence fbecame almoat blind. Seeing in a medical journal that the drinking of te.s was fast ssuming tie proportions of a craze, a doctor9 wliose, specially le asres was con- eulted. " le if frue," the physician was ask-t ed, " that people drink more tea than iesgood for them? l" I slould fhink if le," was the. re-i ply. "I1 have> patients wlio assure meU tint the. tea drinkieg they are coin- p'clled to undergo while poying af tuer- noon calîs, frequentiy amounting ta a dozen cups in a few hours, lias re-D sulted ia the contraction of a habitt tliey are now quite unabie f0 give up. "la thi, outpatient departument of the huspituol with which I amn conneet-e scu tac '- - fîpur is getîu i as commun- as fie gin rîppler. I hal one under mny notice a few days ego, a pon womnaa. She trereca as if aie lad tfie ogLieanal derlareal Ihat, al- thouglh , kIew tînt if was the tea thal lîal wvrked lien nerves, she coulal no r-or-, give up tho habit tia thie habituai druakard conlal foneswear alcoliol. "Tbie umrbere of aneemir anal dys-L peptir oma anal white, puay-fared chilaýji-enanrmîngly on the increoso. 1 neyer cjvhal la the mtter withE (hem. (ludoYen drnîk su mach tea' isay îja question. ' A cup ai teuslivns meup an,' le fhe genoral Tii. dowUrfornLaquestion alla net de- noünne, tflic se of tou, but ils abuse. A eap oftn about au baur andal lf sita'r 1lch hodes"nibod as "cea- foriag analhefra" but il sbou!d niot redoec, or aI moal t'ao eresaîfl ones". 2Ahovo al (ou shoulal not .le taltuen on anerpty stomaci. HME POISONING. It le veryv desrable Chaf fhe con-t dilous adrwhicli focal may liecomet îeý iuîeus saourlar redoive murs prac- tI,;1 coasidersrlon than they do A ýv11*telown physicialias cailed at- i, : ý oao t some glarng defectus la rIe at,ýîo of focal s' oreroares, whiih une %1tîialias' of atnt ionu- An,1...-._n à&o Just as the lighitbuoy is a signai S of dan er tosailors, an dthe red jiiht to railway iimen, so lias nature eq uip- ~ pd idividluals with dangrer sig-nais z~ of one kind or another when their pulysical condition is not quite riglit. It may simply be a tired feelingc, a sliglit cold,weakness of the muscles, fiekie appetite or sorne other sig- slighit at first-which--indicates that your condition is not a healthy one. If the danger signal is not heeded, serious re- suits will follow and a complete collapse mnay occur. In uine cases ont of ten the direct cause of the trouble is impoverishied hi ood, or weak nerves. You need somnething to brace yon up -to make your blood rîch and your nerves strong. -Dr. Wil.- liams'Pink)Pis is the only mecicine that can dIo this promptiy and effectively. They strengtlhen ftrm first dose to iast. Mr. John Siddons, London, Ont., says :-'I can speak most favorably of the virtue of Dr. Wiiliatns* Pink Pis. They prov'e invaluable in strengthen. ing and toning Up the systean wliendebilitatedi. Ravang used thein for sorne time past 1 can speak most favor.rbly of their beneficial resuits. As an invig- orator of the constitution thev are ail that they claan to be." Soid by al dealers or post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.5o, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockvilie. L PtifluER:pS. Lsaving Jadia, in 1813, siter two terns, ~1ENRAn jORi r~unnn 18 or nearly eiglit yesrs, as commander- in-chl , at a farewell banquet ia Cal- cutta lie strongly urged upon al ohi HE IS BR1ILLIANT, MODEST AND IN- cars tlie necassity for showing sym- TREPID AT ALL TIMEIiS, p.stly wi'h soldi ýrs and ttaeir famli's, and of giving '-ffep-f (o orders la a Lb- Net a PollueeBlotc, ue Kecr or ftise mai al sud in'elligent spirit. Wlihoii "Tounony Alainsu" andt Ris On flie samne o casion lie sbowed his swyarthy Âitil sAi y sivear fl.auy a faitl!in l bis systom hy saying that if Font uorfientri'ahp aa l itdaiaîi t me of trial abould ever came lir very t., lu.,credIt. INIIIA COULD REST SECURE Few military men have socomplote- not oniy on lier troopa, lber forts and Ly won the admiration of their foi- lier guns, but on theloyally of lier iowors as lias Field Marshal Lord foundatories and fhe affection of lier Frederick Sleigii Robertus, who sailed subj'-cts. Hie always gave fie cred't of tala victorias (o the men under lis yesterday irumn En.-tand on the flunol- command. tur Castie f0 take supreme command Oaa of lis naines among ftho people othfe British forces la Sont h Afi no. whio honorcd hlm oniy secýond fa (heur Fewer sf111 are fie commanders who sovâreiga lan(lie parade on the occa- sion of lier diamond jubiles, two and lave enjoyed so large a measure of a hlt years ago, is fliat of the "soi- Cloir soldiers' love as that which fthc diers' general." No mititary leader ie Ee.glish and Indian armies long ago Eagland stands higlier la the hearte gave f0 "Bobs," -Little Bobs," or of fie Britisli nation, and lan(lie jodg- Lament of Europeun crities hie ability "Bobsy," as luie l various1y Iknown n ranlis wifli or abovjý (laI of Lord Wol- Iheir terma of endearmeat. seIey, biLs commander la chief. This feeling forrfChoir hero is almast Ait or pass&ag tîrough Eton and (bat of a family for ifs head. Tiers Sandhiurst, Frederick Roberts, thon aincteen years old, ohtaiaed hie first le somnefhing patriarchal about if. commission as a second lieutenant la "Tommy," ie lie Briton or Indian, flic Bengal artillery, on December 12, dearly loves a hbero, but wlien lie Lads 1851. Goiug et once'-to Indi's, lie a mon wi.o combines moral and phy- learned from bis faf ler murli about Afglianistan and the campaign sical courage og a higli order with, brI- brougl whlch General Sir Abrahamn liancy, dauli and modesby sud a keea Robert s bad jusf passed, fboreby lay- porsonal regard for flic comforî of the ing fie foundafian aiflhe knowledge man la fie ranks, "Tommly" stiaight- whicl lie ltf r put to sucli goad use. way uli Clwn ad wrshps.Andlie He soon eiterward obfsined a staff way all don ad wrshps.Andhaeppoinfmenf, sud, discovoring the lis basa doing that bfore "Bobs' for value oi Hindustani, set fo work (o loi1 tisemany years. acquirs the language with tlie assid- Wif b. nover a fallure in hie record, uous. tlhorougliness cbs.raoferistic oi Lord RoboLs lias many a foat of a Hlisdoings.1 Hewent tirougli the mntiny la 1857 generaiahip and individual braveny to and 1858, fore fie siege and capture his credif. Tînt for which ho, is most of Delhi fo (ho relief of Lucknow, fumous ie hie mardli from Kabul fa winniag di 'f nntion fhrcughbis cour-. Ile relief of Kandahar iu 188i), white age aad ahlif y. Three liorses were shZot under hlm durîeg flie ram- Engla.nd was on frateroka of un- l peign. xiety as f0 has safety. Oc f ihelbls At KIoiia gle won thie Victoria us hîmeeli tint le found his advancs Cross. R' lbad jusf stvsd a native of- tCn Kabul, in the previous yonr, o far i ier's lufe when lie saw fwo Sepoys more dif-icult iask. ILiS succes,f ai carrying off thle colors. Dasbing sites' tliem, lie slow onue, and. seizing tho muvement of a body comprisinig scout standard, brouglifif bock la triumph. ton Ifloasand fgiters - Brti suadflie would have losf lis life lad not indian-eight fhousand camp fo.'Iow- a muaket missed fîre while ifs muzzle araundîwefy-lre hudre heseswas pressed againsf bis body. ers nd Ëent-t-ïxeehunded oxs laInone onibils arliesefengagements, and gun muics taroug li i.uit, L03- while aiding drivers fo limier up a tile telrîîory in tiree weeks, wirli fhe gun, he wus loas of only oas British soidier and a SHOT NEAR THE SPINE, ozann atives, la considered by com- sud the w ound was flot morts] only ie. patent trafics Cle Inostu remarkable ac cause a leathera pondh which had slip- ped around f0 hJis liack, received the neevemeatu of ifs akiLd in modern force of (ho impact.Hleft flic mu- times. A speci bronze star was giv- tiny us a brevet major and withiaa an to sari of the mea participafiug in mcdo] witb (lires riaspes. the, mxLUla 1859 h. married Miss Bewsaa fie marci. daugliter oi Captain Bexva, of flchev lisa rapidit y complately jaifiled the, enty-tliird regimeet. She entored enemny inliis en country, and saabl- fliorouglily into his wonk, and lier ad Robierts lu udaaaister sympatby lias gîeatly aided hlm. This ~i. ~S~u~BLUWI lady and fwo daugliters eow comprise jbis iamîly. - whîchi ended Ite campaigu. Bis tac- Ie 1864) le became a regimeetul cap- tics tien, faken la coaajuucLion xvîfh tain. AfLe quiet administrat*ve worl "lie foresigli'. ana caution cnaractanis- laewon a modal sud clasp ln fie Ure- ttc ofthefia n, nue-C.aian bis tact beyLahi campaign inle 183. inuenaling wîth ail aroun'd hîm, augur e oiedth epe ci nQfLord Na- wei o tofuifîllacuat Q floj ýi1 pe o rgaa oAbyssinia lu 18>8.J Ihepsae wiîci are coa.ting on Lits "k j As asistnquart ermas'er genierali h to tounterialanice the ecLaieie mubli- auperntni bbc rhab, ï-rk lion of fhe ity of the -Boer turc:ý, r om xvaoa the on i re exe sir Hw t 'em .Brtis livcsotare maafienjayant:*oned for lI e srvieos, zial Lord Nu- the prsen-, ar. ipier sele"jad hlmi as fie'bearer of, de- Ina~~~~~ pî0e wr p'îfes wlých annunced the autire Upon -Dis ratu,:ra triEngLand aïteris,,esofte7pdin Tule tLat c.mpaga lie w'ana taiekaci a, the suoceanof fer eapcadcioî, flua e goveKiu'nit.of ludja aab y bociso ut'rmdladeu rvt alinaîs u! ?urliament. The (ueean lieutenant colonel la lhe Roy at Artil- sumifloned hlm a Windsor. The muni- îery. enle fahlmAs a r' w-iard for' bis .»avicca wicli cipaaty I bndonprethp Looh 'i a" pedationary for ýe iu 18721 a asword und tha zredoin of the caty ,sale j ýý'MaaaMltryCjpncio rr ïf --A --- - , ,laWa aiaa lftisv ,nroara 1011iai I Positonof thc paufry ie'a mon. thec ' c0 fi tncal Sot len tus-otedas of mînor im,- trala aids anal coinncÂal b, diosl Ilie auliîcd as a o itnela1875 anal g I c'cvodau ippotert as penraan- p la tar.I com bouses île saue vical wti uf andoÉhan in g#auin a-e-n ulrmîtrgarl.wtfi îîlrthe arairs or anme equally u-1grtei, pniviages, bi nque is oaadres louai ran iralrgnri ;ihtWansd ieudequaLely iighted aridses.'ord Ltora of'nehriliaro v ctalatoel place la flianght gaod au- But that waoely ane epîsoîla ia a nand aif "the unj'aub fora'es u 188, auhfor the purpose. la a grentIlnm- a lrllaiL camner, anal many of (hase a wben lielie 'cio -a î>ajon geaurai o fibi r eos, t heaîn l aali ofoadotb,st uatca r ucgcb-haevie t'teaitie army. 'flen> ln 879, lia rrciveid -~ar leliueaI 'Uig l - nlLui .~ nii ~.aoîsric a the îecommanal of Easaera Afghianistan %v aflen bieg dlrep owîag f0oiaempire waee om,-'rsed ia tic ardusons, omKulaJarn.IXwsufi y ,conÂtrurtion, inisome of flose 1 rfr"lboslyX½cilea-non w-Kb"l 1,okJaouf soon usinrwae Oclisareredoralwore y i aod.lieu flicroutier arience a Uanl Tir- fia t hla inal hgan to afiraa't the gea- atraîabeÏng placeal theneînwifh-j înally rvmaîruflicheIndîsu araoy, bng-orlpbiafafnicicuma- out aay roviasion being mase for car- 1= ulcatnin hc umnt ryîeig Âay 'fhedroppauga £rmrthseng ifta bis precal lîigi effi.îcnr. inl cetbu laca iovni- ta __ - "sîsvina es's a : Moini irs flicuonce his reformnt g Oinin flie waten le rua. One of fthae ...t!w"ýeso oppo.ed te g nerainotionsaut HSFAIU MR'. inequent santes inLa i a sp.a'itoe tin r flar flic)made lire icoh- aDuriasg fhe campaign lie was mention- uoteboi la "defective yard pave- jciorfriffack, anal aven ridicule.B uti , cacglit times0 in the despatches. runt" cnatfigc eaaeo 111tca u aIin ad làes'1v vs- On bis marrh fo Kabul, ln 1879, wii ïmbt tle solt underneati. Not onîy 1,e dUited ly their adoption. la communal of fie Kurua Valley fhe sdI i hs rndereda good Irseal- Muc ofaishi sucrasa as a ceneala force, le fougîf a fiance anal lioody leg graunal for pathogeuir microbes, anal as a bu'lIder wss due aoVo nly toi baIltle ut Pewar Kolal, wianiug a if i o) 'upplies thasercondIitions î'e- is rrmn' ikLb c saguctiare, but ta his billunt vicfory af Chanasai liefore qauLstte for increaseea virulee, 1carseatainch fIte mon n th fe rai-ls. lis capture nof(lie capital. Thouce lie 1 Du N1 i à£ýL _ Iâ.IJTV 1qrmn.fLr f r herfotmn ninac. Te CFIR A IOLDIN eiz AIrPolsition Psy Prompt. Lik âte 55fkijr$01à eek. Wieqikf, îrtiuluareand furwjela rotr O@ Mns Ie ofW a o Tes Laxative Brome, Quinine Tabtots. Ajl Soi 1 cKlaanon tlock, Torons, One Mn'e Iea of What il drggisas refond the anoney if iii faits ta Cure. e , iW. Qroe's t gaature le onu cdibox. IMle il a. 1 Durham BPrîv,iOrflemosaqC ueal Do you f unk, dear, yon would love teIse Rig. îh .1tiausiisîsîanl tieuth-S~ me any botter if My 'hum Weresane I A M 1 It m'FO& ut.v te BecOltnîaîcl githe other color? I donf kuow, Wlit FR uSHA RI Doedlt-lMagThis e&ils Dio iangUîd & Weary Wboleivale osîiy. Long Distance Teiepho... 120. Even mure Thau la u in 1e'Payne, of Granby, uWILLIAM 8T.0 TrRONTO. CbalMcd for 'TOscan ravu oh u igne Manufacturer. 1 lad lissa a sufforer lke a great msuy et1er -womea witi a diseaso Ps-e. i ~ C e n Getlmn: emore, Jan. 8. Eigit sections et the Paris Uaivsr- cullar (o my sex. I tried everythin.get edou o Forsoe im pet hv~tote- al " to nof 19e will lie devoted i1c,,Id rend or fluikabout ta ielp FrItheN ERIA YEINta the FrSm-fneps1Lae otm o-tehisfory o tereligions o i c u vsgetn as ta ofte oBRs for aeiiyoR twINor ioNS'ct0.0 plated wîiting cocuereiug the monits world, with flie b"iief of ah the inown116'btwsgti orentadf Lokorgntnjuronrndîe. of fhe weil kaawn and vionderful mcd- races of men, pasl and présent." b tter. My condition was terrible-I Montreal, Toronto, Ottbawa, Çf.uebee, icine, fLoacds Kiduey Pille, but was lasing fiesi and color, aud my Moia adfrSle Uhirplugli nýg1L't have falla ! ad 0seae effea a ntli rrdionda were alarmed. 1 consulted a M oh anL dfo le piiQu w'ist 1 nuw toi-m m,, duty. Dur- otro l1 00 CE 09CRMN ADIAEA ing the .smt winter 1 wa.- frecjuently l' loaal aplications,, as (bey canntremischnho oo iis tawn and lh. said i CE 09FRIOLNSÂTieNÂO. lisea'oad i»rtaon of thoe r. Tîcere ta oly onu would neyer gef botter; that 1 wonid fent. On Michigani Centrai, Derola k&Ntaki andui traoubled wti lame bock, ko mudli so wa te cure Seat ss, andatl att by coetItu- - Loon Laeke Rairoadsat ai piaes angiiig trou $2 le $ lliat 1 was minala f fmes 1to sloop ïa s.1'-uiodisa. Diefassaile auged by anlte. always bes sckly sud delicat e, and fiat ce ace se Lamda are Close te Enterpriaing New witýhanut à greal Ideal of pain sud exer- lfa*i-Od. conditioun oeth(le cucous iining o ui edcie oa if leuse ta me .eabieea. Appiet.,adf b bsldn tion. 1 experienced ather gusttacbloa Tubs. 'a iiýa luis tube nlainfisie. iie aeo iteuet e.risnbetrn.Ayt lio. 1oxprin'e oterwel-known ed yeu have a rasbiling qaond or ireperfect Hearing wliaf Dr. Ward's Blond and R. 3M. PIERCEt Agent, W'est Bay City, Micis. sympfe'mns peculîlar fa Kidney trouble. hoartug, anS wbsa Ili ni oatiriyclosed deafnesa or J. W. CURitis, Wlittemore, Mach. t anwaeaflicue wiliEteumtire 1010rontI 5is n'bue tseiuaaseaato ~ Nerve Pilla had dons ,for others I do- l a L m y a r - lt e a d i t p i u a x e a isr k eoth e lsa ( b t s w lo m t hb e - lre n t r d t i s n r . n a anal sont buan ug will lidetatroy e t etrmiaed ta try (boe mysoîf, and ta-. Lha f I ve , 'nF tantly,' w h l o at m y ever;n aie cages out et ton are ea u,e by C%- day 1 w e g li ne hu dred sd forty 8 T A SN P work, sufieriag ngnaiziag pains in fthe tsi-rh, wialh la notbîsa9lbut au infiamed coodi. poucals, while lisions I weighed oniy PrinM. 0Lvrel I ilfx parts cïff' te id. 1ary wcriï duning fihe ' ew1iCve One Huadred Dollars for ans' one hundmedan ad siglîea pounds,an rg and f8 taesVnovr summer montIla consiste of cheese box cage o afoso(s <ased by câtarrh) 1,hat con 1 aow bave a constitution (liaf ilsliard Lreadfs taesVnovr maktag anad flua required me fou lie nulsbe canreS lsy naTl'a atarrh Cure. Send for f0 beot. 1 have not eufiered any pain Dominion, Cambronsan. seated diving nails. Prev.'ous rc.i inY&00,Toso,~l monîils andl eacnestly hope flot Rateaoftpassage:- Firot Cabin moaupxucdg- Secondl Dr. '.ards Blaod&aCO.NerTelillo.wi.lCabin, $35; Seege, $22.50eaad t2310. to fuiiug Dcdd's Kidney PilLe Sud by Dreaggiîe(e, 75c. Dr ndsBodadNrePlaWl or furîbxer infurioni appiy te local ageuts, on I wiýs ionced. ho look ta fths liali's Flamily Pille; arc the bsf reacli every womtan stifferiuig as DAVID TORRANCE &CO0., enerai Agents, invention ai a machine tf0 ual aid. i7 St. Sacrement St. Muai cii. crvars on, whicb I amred Jack infa 5Oossaen iltay letrtcoe Siecersiy yours, SmoOt. aA Pîncli. Afler tuking one box ai Doald's j WIoaene ofiaa ghtmay lie weak, assMAY COLE, SmmafOn.lil: iz,acturer- Kîdney Pille I found an iTprovemeat Foi' many scestle mounaain' P5ss Price, 50c. per' box, 5 boxes for $2.00, Le y ondtin aalbolor Ilie fa- Whio caunot hear ts peai. af druggists, or if not olitainable o flflng - ihdsix b:>xc-s 1foundalmysef uailiag..e-'..your druggist, maileal ou receîpf of WCom to ToYDESronto inta e 1h.atural way andl Jacki la a Pinc'i MONTREAL HOTEL DIREOTORY. prie by Same. Williamse & Co., Toronto. WL IDVR EIÂL wasa discurded. 1 wus ale tr sitipi nau-p.. Book afInlformation Free. FLATS, Steam Heatod, Steam pawor, rey chair as of oid and driV'euv ln-!Th@oIlBalmoral," FriseBU, An Elovator and ail convgniences, dred onc-and-a ' "kWuurter-iaflk auj'-l inuopa la.ite TRUTH BUILDING, 73 Adelaide St. Wests ciglileon minuse. y rohe aRlI ,otlCaralake, troua. 1adu pTRNO worked fogether, anal if eecessany 6ho R. 5tetion, Molitreat. fieo. Canaee as U.Oip o&ao a testiiy to th-e cure I huve received jHUE~Oî-oig vneTEM S URTO S flir-osgl Do ld's Kidnoy Puis, AVtEN;tUE HOS maill-netel resAven1. In conclusion I wtinld say (hat >,,~__ Dodd's Kldney Pilla area al and even i ST. JiAM ES' ÏÏÜË 1"Pl more thano l claire'd fon there, If Rilway, 3ir.telassComercu-ia Meuse. MoSerniua tlîs is of any hcu"fit ftIc' prerietors apu'mnnRtso~ee la aay way they arý, at liberty tta maie -l aya -How areTEFUL-COMFORTGIRGA use of it as cli y may deem atavisalel. OdLwy-Ha ar yo getg Wislbiig them. contineal autcess, afoeg Young Lawyr-J have one I reueclient, 013 Lawyer - la;lue wealtly? Vsry siucereîy, Young Lawyer-Ho was. BURIIM I3RWY. 1' C 1006.// BEAKFAST-SU PPER. Chocolat. is sf111 used us money lu M.,,t, vo.i- Powajers, etc., have licen V  A iLi LU i) certain parts of flie intarior of South, swarded 100 modales ad Siploreas fon sutasiior OTIYSEMPM-6X4,7 cl sxcellence. Their regular use preVent anfecti- 'sRTiE, lTe good wonaog orde, 7chc Amaerica, as alan are cacoanufa andl jnue dusease. &asyour denler la ubtain toe n edwrig recpc eggs. Acaording ta Prescotl (lihe BPPly itiniolf-s napiain ty about 200 horso power. Price $75 neGrney ' tie Aztacscoaisistel of quille MANC.ESTER T & CO.N, A TORONTO 11, UANT FEED WATER i4EATER-ýX65 lhorse power, faîll of gala] dusL and hugs af chocolat. AOIETB --in~LN,____l good order. Price $25. grains. Befara fieintroduction Of C oin- -Bears Imiportant News 10 Ris Fel- - .-~--- ____ cdke o mtronLieadcope, awera 0f Par5complete SI-EÉT 10w Citîzeus. UNE Ne. 3 STURTEVANT FAN -24 loch, spiks o irn sd cl pa wee ued,11016 ATALOUF inperfect order. Price $2. six "iega drcîreor hualfl. Teasd SPECIAL RATE sixbeig adrahm r hndfl. helCri OSCOUNT. We Toronto, Jan. 5.-li'ne Lesa letter saui] bard i alcl kaowa as the colwnie jarc y~eq usidt îv ope every 0ne ai our realera will ONE No. 4 BUFFALO FAN - 27 loches 'le stili uad le parts5ouJudia anal MUSHEilICSusiprs':" rn3 er l ae higli, upriglit dasclarge, in excelieni jfic inpaeo ci.1Waes et 4 sex, e blico troubîad for four yearswiilli order, Price $35, i5 ithat 1 tholigit was Rlieum'tiLsm-i S. FRSANK WI.ILSON, by some of fie Sout4 Sca, iscusre68 SYong4 St., Ilt r in theuarme. Soon tic stiffese ai'.~~~~~~~~~~~~ -sdb u iiurIfules' CINT0 stffae la cha mues 0f y e gs, o H t T a,7AeadeWtoono ae sl l ars fAbsinia. lun.TPOT, OT heel ostccs el( o JAS. R. ANiIETT, Manaeor. parts of Ilndia caies oi tea and lan- tarigs, and cama, back a little better, 5144J ANSai n ra China piees af silk pas as darrancy. t PULTPIY, BTTEl cs1 APLS,7 a a moderato dninier, but quit us, __ Oxcu s 111 foreie circuiating med- 11u1î, rourttaueî .g liquon altogef hen, sud carefully and ethe PRrDUgnlafedt my diet.b OncedaIlI tgo Th cure areog many ni tic Zulus anal The Uawsoa'1 Comif'is0ionUn, hiled, v aal Ilion flct Onewa wrs tana i, 1Kaf fins. a e ndte h tobews os h Oea. Wsl.Msleo&eibone t. 'Trons, thlion> ven. Hal ta lay off for thrce w'Verka. liavc hal simiir ut lacis at 1le g i ilervala over ainre, oach one wOi-sa lIa Ils pra'dace'ao. Had lesalache Tain in tha smaîl of 16 àiurn / ~~dank, sef ty anal scaIdLag. Bea, sîlae o o t using Dr. Arnold's Engliali Toxia ro t Pille a short tima ago, snd are already Gpp. Sherbourne st., - wondenfuliy inanvd Feel roufïi,___ dent fhoy wrltre me, and 1 elal give (hema the chance sud report. 1 2ilh Class Water Tube Steam bave not f ait so well for yeurs us 1 Soilors, fo5- All Pressures, have rsLnce I hegan usiag your piIllas uis n ul H. LEWIS, Dte n ul 477 Yoega St., Toronto. SEND FOR DE5tlRIPTIVPI CAlIALOGUE. Dr. Arnolata Cuglith TcxnPulls, (bai enly unedtins rToronto Elenînie Ligt'aCio., Limiteai. car rth tat nes disoas eby kliisgthe germa that fol'lnanie Tht Eion Os., Liîted. e te . are solS by ldruggiau t a 5. a box; Sarapis îuGu Th'~ ~sle hM, Il -HarnaCo.. Liauteat. O lie 1e.,un sai puI-pi oe neiptoutprtce,byhy ns MeIjiij) Ttt eil rcha Subeurr 09l.. Ar,oid h.ami ca, Lirnited, Canada LIta. Buildinag, The Wilson Paat5isbtag Co_. faiuie 42 Ming StreeltiWest, Toronto. ' fno ootrse uls eu es okn had to retire to Sherpur cantonments, HISSLING TO APPLAUD. w'here his foresiglit fl.d led f0 the In West Atrica the nat'ves hiss construction of a strongly intrencli- when they are astonished; in the New ed position for .)ust suGii anuorer- ilebrides when the-y seo inyLliing beau gaey. Tioroughout the wlnter he tiful. The Basutos appaud a popular lield the place with a force of 7,C00l, orator in the assembiies by hissing agaînst 10J,000O tierce tribesmen, hlm. Thý J.'panese, again, show their avatng tiie arrivai of re-infûr e- reverence by a hiss. mears, with the aid of whi h lhe promptly recaptured Kabul, and was To Cure Catarrh and Stay Cured ready to mazci to Kandahar wlien the necessity presentod its..Yon, must use the mdost up-to-date From 181 (o 1885 lie was in rom-land most approveci method of treat- mand of the Madras Presidency troops! meut. This can oniy he had iisl Catarr- and bis la tes.t fighting was with the hozone whiîch cures by inhalations and Burmah expedition, ia 1836. Ili was 18 sure to reacif tlic riglit spot. Treat- commander in chiotf of the forces in >ments requiring the use of sprays, In dia f ro.m 1885 to 1893, and tfaer was douches, sou-f s, ointmenïts, are a thing su edd, arglyon is ecomena-of the past, and -the medicated air lion, hy General S.r Georga White, trat'nsP-ree hmal hr now icgard i Laysmri.14 ron langer cor risk Ln using .Catarr- now >--eagaed n Laysmth.hozone. It is bofli pleasant and ef- Since his retura f0 England Lord fective to emp'oy in any case où Jrrit- Roberts lias ton commander of the able Throat, Fetid Breafli, Bronchitis, forces in Irelanrd. HE was raised to Catarrli and Asthma. For sale at al the pesrage as Baron of Kandahar, in druggists. For trial ouffit send 10o, in Afghanistan, and of the city of Water- stamaps bo N. C. POLSON & CO., Box fard in 1892. 518, Kingston, Ont. -ILS FELLINGS REGARDING THE BOERS. Mr. Pepper-H'ml I've forgotten as WereLor Lioerî silenogliroamchi as you over knew4 Mrs. P,-I Were LordiRertive to l k outknow t, John, You ,always were the need any personal ic ietOQOotmost f orgeLful man I ever saw, bis sense af d.uty, there could lie no doult of it ia bis present command. FOR3 OVER FIPTY YEARS llastily desýpatched to Cape Town as IIRS. W1NSLcOWS SOOTIIING SYRUP has been Governor of Cape Coiony and com- ueed by motherp for thear childreas teething. It4oothes mander of the forces there, he, arr'ved the-child, so: es the uiaaa, allayâ pain, crires wiud just alter the. battie of Majuba Hlii, tl.OSold by all drug.,asts tlrougroutbe wrd. Be when peace bad been declared, "A 8ure and a, k for" Mns. Winlows Sotnaiang 8yrup. peace, alas 1 without honor," lio re- cently said, "to which may lie attri- Hulloali, my boy; you have 'beenpunt- buted the recent state of affairs in the !tingý on weighti Ca't heip if, doctor's Transvaal." Ha was summoned back 'orders. Said 1 was oniy to drink at ta Engtand alter Jess than twenty- 1mea]s. Got to eat sucli, a dooce of a four hours in Cape Town. lot of meals, don't you knowi Ha was created a Miitary Kaîglit of - tlie Grand Cross of the Bath and. ai La Tosoana, lu10û. IACECIA baronet in Jane, 188in recognition of 1 bis distiagnishAd servîi'es in india. 1'fleYou look good enouut et llichepresent compagn bis only goet son was killed at Tugela River, andSeD o hnitaigo nul bis nephew, Colonel Sherstoný, at to f eed? Love is woinkal's whoie sais- Giç'nr'oe. tance, and, naturally, she overlooks less bets ia the game than man does. Hi3 famous charger, the white Arab Vonolel, wbich carried bim from Kabul I" T JL ta Kandahiar, and through the jubile@ j IKEEFES aX'r orMALI' parade, died last year, sbawing to the L EIneizortes anuS ttosstheux. Lst that affection for bim which liho LYEWOOD, Toront. uN5ERAL AGENT. inspires ieverytbing living -that Id-hfail alibrwstn corns lacontct iillihlm.mansion is very ecoesomioal, j1isear. -------May-Extremeiyl Why, they actually have their last winter'a flurs made int UNLIKE ANY OTHER hsa distinct flxar o t wh lich C YLOeTE Lead package.. evexoae 1rnh~aocetiediwauitagrn.25, 10, 40, 50 &600 A most efficient, substitute for cod-liver ou, pleasat to the iaste, iand agreeîng with jhe most sensi- !q tive stomach. Used by physicians _____ in the treat 'ment of ail throat and ami Iung troubles, and - if resuis couint for anything-almost zno lmuýt to the good it can do6 I'- i - Saniéle bottle ùmailed tà any addrees on rooelpt of go I cents to cover postage. Angier Ch,.emîcal Co . "fen i înà Toronto_ Sausage Ca8ing84 ew est Carters COLD CURE loc. Cures in a jlfty. p. Ne Egih ep and Ain- ormanr & Co., Agenta, montresl. erncan Hog t0ig el~l od. at vight, prie. PARK. IBLACK ML k& 00., Toronto. THE DES MOINES INOUBATORBst an cheapast - O0. Rollaad, soie agent foyth.Domh,ou. S,'nd 3,5. ILL Instantly relieve a tiokling oougtI atamp for catalogue. 3 3st. paul Street, Montreal Dr. Braw's omPouod Syrup 0f Llorinc ails Dr ggi-ýts for at-zent by mail on treept Of C tho2ePryerBka,, Rosar 08, Cru. ______________________________Montra______ cifixe, ScaPulars, Brysn Meîna OIaensay, ontral. Religious Pctures, Statuay,"danS breS Ornarnents, EduoadJonal Wo n. Mail orders receive prompt attýa. p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~u» a.U ~~kIîL roceie ia & J5. SAOLiES & Co., Montreai. aj Bug, Rate and'Miee. Sold 1- ail_____________________ Drggats r 381 ýoeeW. Toro,"o-, peremanently Lure# m m ~Catarrh 0ûnte eý; and bladder 8e& o. Writ4 for particulars, The _,_7_ an On tanrit Cure Cu., 1le St. Jm,.tMontreaL.

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