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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1900, p. 8

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Gi- 'v es rmtreli efin and Colds, ndcres in a re- ma1rk1aî-bly sor t Qe Tley Cure So Well Peopie Are Giad To . TeILi The Pulblic Wollld Doubt Only For Local Testimolly Freely Offered in1 Every Place Where Dr. Pîtdlier's Baokache KÎdlley Tablets Are Kllowll, Juo. S. Rundie, dealer la carrnages hurness, Bowmanville, says;-'. I bave beon botbered for tihe pust twenty yeurs more or less. with liver and kidaoy troubles, together witis constipation. I trieti muny oliser prepurations which aiways upset my stomucli ant i sd me 13ET H E SDA. Mrs. T. F. James, Misses May iand Jane Biekeli visited their uncle, Mr. Edward Wilkins Thia, pale and neyons people require Miiier's Compound Iron Puis. MAPLE GROVE. Mr. S. Snowden bas brougbht home a fine yonng tborougbbred Durham from Pickeri'g..z.-. Mr. W. C, Frank bas re- sumed his studies at the BibSle Training JnstituteToronto.. .. Mr. and Mis. R. R. Stevens are visitinoe friends near Sutton.... Miýss Addie dole isiitn relatives lu East Whitby. That tired, languid, feeling and duli. headuche is verv disagreeable. Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pis before retiring, and vou will flnd relief. They neyer fail to do good. HAMPTON. Visitors: Miss Kate EFlliott, nowman. ENNISKILLEN. -Mr, W. W. Noble, Whitevale, is a weekLly visitor just now..Our young people are having lots of sport on the ice this winter and especially this week as the skating is good since last freeze. Tbey bave a comfortabie shack with a stove in it on one side of the pond .. 11ev R. M. Phalen,B. A., wvill deliver a lecture on 'The Boers and the War in South Africa" ln the Presbyterian church Wednesdar evening Jan. 3lst at 7 80 P. M. Silver collection in aid of Manse f und. advt. ExAmnZE TEE TONGUE-The skilled physician reads your oondition by a glance at your tounge. If it Rs coated and you have a bitter taste lun our moutb lu the rnorning be knows your liver is torpid and sluggish and pres- cribes the use of Dr. Cbase's Kidney- Liver Pis. They cure biliousness, stomucb troubles, and ail liver and kîdnev disorders. One pili a dose, 25e. a box. At ail dealers. T H E MASOCo BOWMIANVILLE. Stoc-taîng Sale- -Every Item a Bal gain. GROCERIES.. .. Primrose and Trilby Soap, roguhar 5e bars now 6 for 25e ; Japan Tea reguhar 25e for 15e; Museatel Raisins, reguhar 121c for 10e; Brock'8 Bird Seeti, regular 10c, 3 for 25c; Art Baking Powder, regular 25e now 15e; Finnun lluddies in tin, regular 15e for 12e; Seilbig's Extruet l3eof, regulur 40e now 30c; Nonsuch Stove Polish, regular 15e now 10c; ( ,ýk shine Pipe Varnisb, reguhar 10e now 8e; Dinner Plates, Stone Cinýa, sre- gular 70e doz now 55e; Japan Teapots, regular 35e for 25e. I n S x ~ - a ~u.l t'~9~'l1'.uî ~ "-'-'e Slo Vrsie ,.Fancy Arm Chairs and Rockers, Ladies' Writ- ' g ing Cabinets. Rattan Rockers and Tables. Fancy Tables and Jardinere Stands. BisseIl Carpe t Sweepers. Writing Desks and Book $ Cases and a large line of Children's Chairs, and Smany other articles suitable for gifts. CALL AND SEE THEM. DII S Furniture Dealer. BOWMANVILLE. NEWCASTLE. _______________________ Mrs. John Douglas is 11i.... Ono' of Mr. Thos. Quinlun's chiltiren bas scur- BowMANVILLE, JAN.. 24, 1900, let fever . .. .Chas. Wiimot and wif e, CreditI Forklk, visited Mrs. Thorn.... Miss Doîsmore is attendîng'Normai SIXTH LINE. School ut Toronto. . .. Miss Lena Clarke and Misi Cassie Castîcînun visited ut Miss Anie Din-agmu, Bowmunville, Councilior Doug-las.Surprise party visitedfr1 enis bore recetly ... M r. j. aud danco ut Mi. Thos llRatcliff's Fr1- Dewell is improving in beath .... .Mrs. day week.....Mr. ani Mrs, L. B. David. fumes Bell , Dunsford, is visiting ut Mr. son entertuinied Friduy evening week fohn Stewart's . .. .The School it seems also Mr. and Mis. Jas. Fisher ..,.Geo, is progrossing well under the new Cowing wiii work for Mr. Robt. John- toucher, \Viii Bennet.... Messrs Robt. ston, Nowtonviile. ... Mr. andi Mrs, Oco. Morton and John Hamilton visitet i Rukard entertaineti a number of their friends bere .. .. Mr. Robt. McGrath, vouag frientis recently ... Mrs, Luther Ottawa, spent Christmas bolida3 s ut Argali, Oshuwa, wiil spent the winter home_. Mr. Robert Morton bas mGved in Ottawu, Mr. Arguli having secured his humn from the soutb farm to tie a situation lu a large miii ut Hull,.. homestoati .... Miss Mubel Morgan Miss Rundie is guest of lber cousin Miss visiteti ut Mr. Wm. Caswei's, 5tb lino, Gertie Pearco. ... Mr. Rd. and Miss Ciara Symonis, Lindsay, are visitinL- THÂT THiRoBBII'TG bEADAiR,-WO11ld relatives bore. Miss Bro wn, visiteti ickly louve you, if you used Dr.King's ut Mr, Jacob Cobbledick's recently. ew Life Pis. Tbonsands of sufferers Miss Maud Clemence is slow ecvr- have proveti their matcbless merit for in froin lber sevoro iliness ..Miss Sick and Nervous Head.aches. They Menzies is very 111 ut Toronto hospital. ruake pure blood anti strong nerves and .... Mm, anti Mrs. J. M. Cobbledick and build up your heaib Easy to take. Try Olive visited Kirby friends Sundu... them. Only 25e. .io)ney back if not Messrs. Albert Darcb, Anthony Olcott, cd. Sold-byStot nd Jury,Drugrgists. Frank Gourd, and Thos. 1-. Elienor, Bowmanviiio, wero in town Sunday.... ANTIOCH. Rev. Geo. B. MeILeoti is visiting in Eastern Onturlo. .. Mr. S. Scobeli spent Sunday ut bis home lu Bowman- Miss White, Sixth Lino, was recent ville. Hie is weil liked here,. ... Miss E. i uest ut Mr. A. A. Gumosby's .. .. Misses Coucb recently visited ut ber home lu Kate IRtherford and Mav Vinson were CIa rke .. . .Searlet foyer is lu the village guests of Miss Beatrice Foster .. .. Mrs ... A sieigb loati of young mon came MeiNeil, Manvers, is visiting ber daug h- clown from Bowmnanyille to the rink ter,... -Messrs Waldemar bunter and Tedyeeig . isMr l D. Cowan wero recent guests of the etosday evoirng.. ..Ms Mry Allian M'isses Colville's . .. Miss Lillilun Gains- eenetin ebrnmurentis... vea one sy entertainedia number of her young meng ý~mn utended Royal Templars' opene frientis ut "Maple Avenue" on Friday couacil ut Bowmanville Tuesday ove- week, wbeu a cbamming ovening was nn ..Tefnrlo r m speiit lu games andi other amusements. ning. TefnrioMrWm . .. M. hos Wadel vsitdbis old Lk who died very suddenl-v Sunday, finJonih..Mr. TJos. Wadeliie d was beiti lu St. George's church Tues- ried Jhn mit.... M. Js. adday afternoon Roy. Canon Farncombf kill is ioading a car witb pucked hay. preuchesi a very -impressive sermon, Mi8s Aggie Sommerville wus guest The romains were sutorroti ut the Eug-, lier unele, Mr. John Waddeli, Orono. lish Churcb Cemtery. H1e louves twor Mrs. T. W. Underwood andi son sons andl two dagters to mounn ist Visited bier mother Mrs. Coiville, Bow- loqss.. Mr. Jas. Lycett bus openoti a manville ...Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cobble- lou.ncfoc toe *ick, ofT bre W'vuows -s'ere guests or Mr. David Walsh .... Mr. Wesie y Blewett visiteti M. Solomon R-ami... .Mr. anti Mus George Waddeli enter- tuineti a large numbor of their youag frieus s t a veiy pleusant puriy on Tuesday week-.. Mi. Jas. buater sold bis fat stock ut 5c per lb A CARD-. W'Ve, the undersigneti, do beîeby ugree to refunti the. money on a twenty five cent bottie of Dr. Wilis' Eariisi Puis, if utor usi gtbiee-f ourtbs of contents of hottlc. shce do not relies e constipa- bour boties wil permusueiycure thue most oaiuocase ni constipabson Sut- isfaction or iio puy w1le il's'PUIS aue useti. Sînît & Jurs , cîsemnist,B'n-auile J ' m, thsamI&'Son, ec, iielt, Bow 24w Tisenmost efetive ekin pnrsfyiuag .±'sd beaurîlîi ) in fslute world, as Weillas t "i s-' ' ,-s.-t f oi toitet, bath, and nul F-rl.L tj iLe'. aIthe Cause of bad coia~ v us, d, iuough bande, falliiîg su naowble'sislie's, via., tl'-elogged, irîaminA mci, ovrwark-ed, or alag- gisli PoRES. So h-ue"heei the .o,ld, POTrTtlt.ANDS C.COR, I'05.S'Ru .W te Have e .aatfui Cmpeionss, fr exzmuteferscad hadand other skin eruptions, and piles lu three to five nights, 35 cents. Sold by J. Hig. ginbotham & S~on. TAUNTON. Wednesday evening, 17tF, about 60 of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, A. Lander' friends comprising bis neighbors, some distant intimate fricnds and Zion choir assembled at-their residence to give them a send off previous to their leav- ing tbis section wbere tbey bave ived continuously from youth np, to engage lu the hardware business la Oshawa.... After the visitors had ail urrived and were comfortably settled, Mr. A. E. H-enry, P. M., Reeve of East Whitby, was voted to the chair, whichi position he filled very acceptabiv Âfter a few appropriate remarks, bidding Mr. anc Mrs. Lander compose themselves as the intentions of the assembly were not misehiievous la their nlature, he cailed on Mr. M. J. Gibs9)n, who read an ad- dress expressing the esteem lu wbici they« are heid, and sorrow at their de- parture; presentifig tho.m with an ele- gant upbolstered easy chair anda heautifult rocker. Mr. Lander made ai appropriate repiv thanking bis friends for this manifestation of esteem, etc. Suitabie short speeches folio wed, Messrs. John Davis, W~m, Batty, Vý. J. Lang- muid, choirmuster of Zion choir, R. J, Luke. Kedron, B, \ItLersilil,Hlârmon*v, and others taking part. Thbi part of the proceedinigs was brou.-ht to a close by singing 'Thev are joliy good fel- iows" and the Ilationai Anthoem. A very riceoi'n arranged and bounteous tea was servcd and the rest of the evening was speat with chat,,music, games, etc. Tho cornpany broke up at a seas- onable hour, baving spent a verv en- joyable evening. LIFE'S A BLANK. Witbont IHearing -Catarrb Induces Deafness- Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder Gives Quick Relief. W. Ernest Louis , of West Flamboro, was s0 bad witb Chronie Catarrb that bis bearing seemed permanently im- paired. Doctors treuted, specialists tortured for five months, but his hear- ing grew worse. He was recomoended to try Dr, Agnew's Catari bal Powder One application great relief anda couple of botties cured hlm permanent- ly. SolId by J . Higginbotham & Son. M1T. VERNON. Mr. E. Milson is a law student at Mr. J. F. Griersou 's, Barrister, Oshawa.,.. Mr. Jas, eallie Sr., qiiietly pussed away in his 94th year, being the oldest resideut lu Ibis section. The remains were interred at Bowmanville. Mr. Geo. Wilbur's yon ngest chiid died quite suddenly .... Mr. E. Annis is suffering from an attack of inflammatory rbeum- atism .. .. Mr, W. Oke's youngest ehild bas scarlet fever,.... Mr. W. Cryder- munis coaflned to the bouse, being- troubled witb sciatica ...Mr. S. Bush bas moved into this section ...Visit- ors: Mr. L Annis, Mr. J Langmaid. Ebenezer, at Mr. E. Annis; Mr. L: Bradiey and bride ut Maple Corners; Mr. A. Secor, Toronto, Messrs J. and M Secor. Scarboro, Mrs. J, ilealie and son, Port Hoover, Mr. andi Mrs. G. Healie, Cartwright, at Mrs. J. G. Heatlie's; Miss E Woodley at Mr, J. Garfats: Mr. and Mrs. J. Hepburn, Mr. J. MeCuilougb, Entield, ut Mr. H. Abrcsbam's; Mr. and Mrs. J. White, Providence, ut NMr. W. Soucb's, Miss Fioss Heddon ut. home; Master James Aîînis ut hume; Mr. andi Mrs. Luke, Oshawa, ut Mr. J. J. Smith's; Miss Over !and, Enniskilien, ut Mr. C. Rog-ers.... Mr- anti Mis. John Pascoe and. daugh- ter have roturncd home af ter a pleasunt visit withi frionds ln Dakota, tbey speak in giowiîîg of ,5nithat country Dow . Miss Maria Rogers is home again atter a.proiecgýed x isit with friends un C'hicago and Western Ontario looking mach imprnved lu beatlth... Misses hlyrtie-ar J Mav Milloihave resumed studv u a i ville b lee Master WiX ie Peursý, Port Fer ry, with rela- tives ...r T F. i\Iillsou i,, improving in heaith 1- 0c ,r home ..,.One of the most active mon cougs-a l ods, brouchitis. croup, o0 wo know for bis ugo is oui oid friend, ustbmu and sore tbroat. It is found Mr. John Finlay uow lu bis 86tb yeur.. la aine- teatbs of the homes of Ibis - .A stormv aigbt and i c v roads was country. 25 cents a bottie. Family against the sucuess of our Farmers' In- size 60 cents, stitute meeting. The plncky secretary was on banti, however- TYRONE. AN ENTERPRISiNG FiRm.-There are Sfew men more witie'uwuke anti enter- Mr. anti Mrs. Thos. anti Miss Mubel Sprising than Stott and Jury wbo spame Binghum, Bowmaaviile, were recont Le10 pains to secure the best of overtbing g-uesLs of Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Bingbam. u, n their lino for their many customers. ..Dvso fT sicesn ou Oe Tbev now have the agency for Dr alit members. The programs are -King's New DiscoverY, wiîich surely vr ytrsig . h drs ie ýcures Consumption, Cougbs and Coids. inryheiuterchStia..Tu evues g ises ýe hisis he ondrfu leedytl)tus Brackbiil was weli worth bearing. -now producîng so ncb excitemeat ail Mnch of the information given wus on- over the country, by ils may sturtiag tirely new ad other fuels witb which cures. It absoiutely cures Asthnîa,Bronu- we wore toîerabîy well ucqueinted i-e 7chitis, Nausea, anti ail affections of the gardin' the celestial kingdom recoiveti ~ Thout Cbst ntiLnns. ou un estan indelibie impression comiîng fromt ~it before buyig, by culiing ut the ubove tise lips of an ey e witness The agonies d Ding Stcre' an d get a trial Bottie Free, of foot-binding were matie teîribly re- e or regulu-r si. e for 50c. and $1.00. Guar- alistiè by the gifteti speaker from buav- teed 10 cure -),ni ce refun'Iet. ing in ber possession and on exhibition before tise audience one of those exquis- hORONO. iteiy lin y bits of toiture culieti a shoe, woruu by a Chinese lady of forty. Not - Ms.Joh Kvel vsittibersitorutoniy bas Miss Bruckbill a gracions MrNewton iell.. i Fruser Literis tpreseaco, a persuasive, well modulateti n tending Guelph Dairy sehoni. . ... grs voiebtsebsas h up nc sGriffan, Columbus, is' visitiag frientis of cliiacbisg familier truths *with un- boe M.Tou oupa ,,_ questionablo argument, a ra >re coimbin- lia, , l iiiMiPTterasulic,,e.ation of qualities wbhi fli er not only Bruce Bell, ste J M.for teuching putientiy tihe benighted B Bell., basfrrviboopor frionti n foreigners but ulso for uppoaring before vistet bi unle i. . Ioop ' nlightenetimnaunti women of lber visitd hi uncl Mr.IL Ioopau...Mr.uativeln. We anticipato unother Thos. Keut is snfforing- fi-oui consum p- pieusunit \isi t from this devoted Chuis- etion of the bruin. .Miss Florenuce tian lady oie her furlough is ondoti anti - Pront, Darlington, is vîsitîng ut Mr. S, she leaves for an5tber terni in that Y bamm's.. ..11ev, Mi. Prosser,Castietois, necuilur land. The s) mpatbies of this S visiteti ut Mr. A. A. Gumsbv's.. Miss èommunity anti the chbn rch ut large are SWhite, Keudal, w-as guest of Ms Lii- hors lu this present boni of sorrow, the -liais Gamsby recently ... . Master Cecil sud iuueligeace of ber father's deutb -Allia, bus been quite lU wiîb pueumonsu bing wireti to fier whule bore. A liber- ... Miss Alice Ilurn-m bas secureti a sit- ai offeiing su aid of Mission1wvork China uation in the Sunatoiusa', Gruven- was tukei ataI the close of the serv ice.. hurst ... . Mi. E. Davey bus beess Qnaiteiîv servicesinTroecuh appointed cai-taker of the Pies1 teri- Feb. 4, at 10 80 a. m..... -roseentprcs -an churcli, to succeeti Mi. J. Gibon - of the circuit were well epresenteti k,.Mi. Geo. Boers bus the contreet f or udveni.,orHyufins building the new wureîooms for Mr. R. Snndcav evotunigoutbdn mfsie..ds Beer.. . .Y P S C E aew officers are:. oiv y unu n o us.. Pies., Mr R. Wuddeil; Vice-Pros , Ag,- deorslit tim p fwitvmatln MsSau igie Sommervili; Cor, Sec, Mis. MeKeui. di ttm fwiig ýs The conveners of the differenu commit .. tees are: Adoipb Henry, Mis. WI. Joues The ontput of binder twiao from tise 1 Dr. McElroy, A. Sonmeiville. Ora- King-ston peniteîîtiemy ikat yoar was .ist, Berthau Rut heu ord; Assistants, Kate 500 tons. i Wuddeli anti belene Huner.....A weil The&nublisbeis of MiýC'LURES MAGA- -knowa resident of thîs township, Thos, ziLE say tisat nothing bas attracted booper, paseti awav Jan 10. aged 78 such wide attention anti sncb heart *y years. Deceased who isati charge of commesîdabloîs us "The Lif'u of the Tncker's Grist Mill for fully huif a con- Master," bv Dr. Jobhn McLaren ("Ian tnry, was known by ail witb wbomn ho Maclaren"). A second installament wil came lu contact, for bis uDrigbtaess, appear in the Febiuui-y aumbor with anti ionest iritegity.... Mr. Wm. Me five illustrations lu coior andi many lu Cormack wbo a vear ugo was taken black andt white, ail from special paint- down by la-,-rippe expiieti. Friday iags and drawings bv C. K. Linton. tJ an, 12, ugesi 67. Deceaseti was boran S. S. Mc Clure Co., New York City. un Couuty Cayeu, Ireland inl 1882, ad 3 rs. vs .DOCTORo-Some peor le have came to Canada with bis parents when spent fortunes seoking to, repair the ln- eigbt rears nid. William's Parents rouds of diseuse whicb bave bai origin were among Clarko's eariiest pioneors. la the sirapiest of begisnings-footi fer- Tbey settieti on tbc bomesteati Sixtb mentation anti indigestion-a disorderesi Iqine, 59 years ugo. On tise death. of stomuch-tise money's gone-tise pbvsi-' bis father William came int possession clan bas fuiledti 1 cure-lut Dr. Von] of tise estate anti retaineti it up 10 the Sa's Fine a-pple Tablets have pioveti hour of bis deatb. He was convorted the 11111e "speciulists" ln a tboîusund to Metiuodism wb,-'n a young man and cases-anti a box of 60 of tbem bave has been lu tise Methodist fiiy ever macle a cure-costs just 81 cents. sinco. Service a t the church was con ductesi by the pastor, Roy. T. W. Leg- An unusually large numbor of ilins- -ott, assisteti by 11ev. DeMille anti 1ev. Iations giace tise numbei of THE jA MeKeen. Deceaseti louves two CANADIAN MAGAZINE wbiclu opens brothers andti troo sisteus, besicles a the aew ýear inciuding soverul full- large number of relatives 10 moun a is page miiitary picturos, a aiumber of death. Reýatuves prosent f-omi a dis- pbotogîupiss taken lu auti about Con- tance ut the funeral weie Mi. MeCor- stuntinople. The articles wisicb these mack, Toronto, bmotbeî of deceaseti- illustrations uccompay are brigbtly and Mm. W. T. Lyness, Buffalo, a niep: writbea. The opening contribution is isew, a cisaiuing story of the North-West by SPÂI's REATST EEO.Mr.R PW. A. F'raser, the Cenadian Kipling, SpAiý,'sGnuAESTNEED-',,r.sRiP.Robert i-arr's stiictures on Canudians Olivie, of Burce-iona, Spain, speats is as bonk-buvers are epliedti 1 by tise winters et Aikeni, S. C. Weakz neuves si -g o i crdfrpien had eauleti sev 'le eains la the back of sixckeus bwhom e coredfrplcn bis beud. Onr.sng lectrie Bitters, Am-D esfeoeTbcey onices groabesî Biood andi Nerve Rem- "SELF PaE-;EVAIOv'-Is thue fîrst law ody, all pain sooeft hlm. Ile savs tisis of Nature " For Ibis reason eveix nuie grand metilcune is what lbts country C 110 8S iI dcsies to hecome Vel. rieeds. Ail America knows thul it cuesThose who have fmnpusre or impo eerished liver anti kidiey 'turouble, purifies tise blood hurn 10 Hood's Sursu-parilua, be- biood,tones Up tbe stomac,strengtliens caue tlsev lknow it wiii enricis antij tise ierves. pubsc vim, -,ignr ant i isw puîifv their blond anti give tbem good )b li eervmscle, neuve anti organ buli lolb bsmdcn u h of île bnd-v. If we-aîc tirécl or ailing 3-o first appearance ci impure blond îR un iee ectl.'. bbteguuatc, oaly ipot top towurti self piosorva n. j 50 cents Solf] h).,Stot a ud Jury, Diung- bood's Pilis curc rick ieatiacise, indi-e giat. 1gestion.k1 \.vuer ..aiJ/l, suJZ..iLILeL, iogudare.'uJu i o. uu; uys- Deaver 'JppountLi Caps, regular $2.25 for 81.75; Boys' Sehool chermetts, leathered speetal for 25e. Men's extra heavy wool fieeced driving mitts, mioleskin palm the best mitt made for 50c. Another shipment of our extra fine special fieeced iined shirts and drawers ail sizes at eaeh 50c. Men's extra fine fieeced lined shirts and drawers, regniar $1.00 line now 75c; mea's extra heavy moieskin shirts, ail sizes, reguiar 75e now 68c; men and boys' bow ties, regular 25c, 2 for 25c; odd lines in men and boys' shirts and drawers at very special clearing prices § 25e and, Up. An extra special order of shirts, fine Canadian and imported tweeds, best linings, first-class tai]oring 811.00. Farmers produce wanted. We have orders. for new laid eggs. TFMA o J The Starnp ol SecuriLy On every " Siater Shoe ", put there. by tUi mai-zers as a gLarantee of w-car valiin - a protec- tion agaiust extortionate profits. Many men wouild rcadiiy pay more 'for a 95 " S'atcr Shoe " were flot the price stamrpcd on ~jthe soie- this stamnp gives the aetuial niarket 1.value of tUhso deter m ned by tUe imanufac- Made in t e Qý foot-model shapeal sizes, widthslates colors and styles. l2verv pai Good- year weited. JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. NEWCASTLE (JOULNCIL. B"RICK IlOUSE, FOR SALE OR J rent-That con ofortable brick bouse on Church St, witb6 rooms andback kitchen,good garden, bard and soft water. Terms very reas- Reeve,-James Parker; Counceilors,- onable. Apply te D. TAYLOR, Hlampton. 49-tf. John Dou'las, James L),cett, Richard __________________ Warren, Geo. II. Joli. 11ev. Canon IBOAR FOR SALE-A Yorkshire Farncomb was appointed Union High white boar one yecar and ten months old, a School Trustee. Officers- for 1900 - splendîdpig of tbe J. E. Bretbour breeding AssesstDr, Frank Gibson; Auditors, Jas. verY. gentis disposition and bas done gooci Fisher, E. H MeLean, at $6 eacb; col- s3ervice (est rc ko nappictin A snap,,to get a good oig. A bigb lasYoung- lector of taxes-George Eilbeck; Dr. pigba been secured to take bis place. Tbank- McNaugliton, Miedical Health Officer. ing my numerous Datrons for past 'zavors and and George Eiibeck member -Board of soliciting acail 10555 wbat stock / ,ve. W 'WEagY,Roselandvale Farm. Solina , . 0. Heaitb. Standing committees ; Roads _________________ and Bridges, -Douglas,. Lvcctt, Side walks-Warren, JOl Prope;y- Douglas, Jol1. Mro Langiey wjas Notice toCreditors, granted,$5 for keeping Minto 'Castie, Mrs. Robb, indigent. $3. Reeve Parker was granted $15. for service tihe pst In M'e M(itter of the Lstate of ELIZA. y'ear. The coilector. returned bis roll. BE TH ROWE, late of thce town- Treasurer's report sbowed a balance of Asz P of Da rlington, in thce Coýunt'q $528 16. Accounts ordered paid: Thos. of if rham, widow deceased . Ellison' paintinoe and glass 81.75, Me-. Notice js bereby given pursuant ta Ëie Re. Cellan & Co. ti mber, $8.6-3, Chas. Gom- vised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Obapiiter1i",' Section 38, tbat ail persons baviiug celainis me, wcriz 50c, Saml. Cuttie, printing against tbe Estate of tbe said ELIZA BETH $6 50, John Pool, lumber 72c, Mrs. Yar- ROWE, deceased, who died on or about the row, attcnding Mrs. Robo) $1. Municip- N1NT1E DAY OF' OCTOBER, 'A. D.i. 899, are bereby required to deliver at bis office, Ringý ai %Vorld Pool Books, etc.. 82 .78. st., Bowmanville, Ont., or send by post prepaid1 to the undersigned wbo ig Solieitor for Elas CIRTWVRIGIIT COL NCIL. Greenway of the Township of Daîlinuton. afore- laid Fui mer, tbe adniînisji-stor nf the property Statutory meeting Jan. S. Prose nI orbfoeAUIDYTETETDA FEBRUARY, Aý . fI 00, their naines, address, Anson Taylor, Reove, George L. MC- se &nd descriptions and full particulars of their Laughlin,- Robeut Thioinpson and JaS edaIms duiy veruied and ibeý nature ni the secur- R. Be&cock. Co - acillors. W. A. Van- ities (if any) held by tbern. campant Roeut bli weo upotueci And further take notiee that aller the said cam an RoertPhip-wrDaniel n-iishTENTH DAY OF' FEBRUARY A. D.i. 190, the auditors ut $6 oucis.DailEo said adnîinistrator wit prnocsed ta distribute the wus uppoinleti asçessor ut $40. Board assets oi tbe eaid deceased amnng the parties of ilealîli, James Pair, J. P., ivus ep- entitled thereto baNingregard only ta Ibe dlaims of wuicb be bben shall have notice asnd pointeti Dr. Duvidi Archer, Of Poil tbe uatd ami, trtr 0l o esosible Perry, was uppointeti Medical 1-eulth for the assets nf the slaýid estats or any pa~rt Olhier. Mi.Aibul Sink bestiredthereof to any pereon or persons of wbno bis resignabion us Treusurer. Ree e ilune of eucb distribution. rcl oiee h sigoneti orders on bbe Tieasurer us Dated at Bowmanville, this Twenty-c w folio ws. Thos. Davitison, work, $1 50; Day of December A. D. 1899 James Gale, adî'ertisiv'ug Railwuxz By- TjizN K. GAýTrîueîurs. luit, 8201; lohn Tfughes, iusuÏa's'e. w Solicitor for saieAd.îitror $26 62; W. but-as, tees, $26 20; John ________ Hughes, D. R. O., Oxpenses, $S; W. Mc-i A FuuGii-rF'ur, BjluyaxaI,-W i of),ten Laugilin, D. R. O., oxpenses, $11, cause a hor rible Bain, ScalO!,, Cnit or Daniel Engliols, D. R. O., .911, James Biaise. Buckien's Arnica ale h best boimes, IBGaiti of b'.altis, 83; WVm. SIc-' in tise iorld, will ki!'the paj;-in anti LanghinaBoard ni beulth, 8$3; Joluîî proirptiv ieal ilb Cuires Oi îSoreFve Hughes, Board nf H.eulth,8; Indigents: Sores. Ulcers, Bous. Felons, Coruls, ail J. Morrison, ilRigqeitoîs, J Crozier, $1 Skia Ertpionq. BeI Pile cure o eartb. eech. Couiucl ineets first 2donduv in O nIv 2.lbs ., box Cr urued February ut i o'vdock. 'Solti by Stottjan Jury, Dugss -'J I ti r IV. b fi 1- -1 ,

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