lit eftultDiti TERMS :-e1.50 PERH ANNUM. UUB TO WN AND OOUNTY PIRST; THE WORLD ÂFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPopitr NEw--S9,.iEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANIJARY 31, 1900. VOLUME XV.N.5 ColchJohnston & Cyder manl, Bowmanville, Dig ReduIlction 9S We begin the New Year by making, big leductions iii the piiu of ail winter goods especially in ail kinds of made-up gar- ments, boy's suits and cuvercoats; also men's suitsand overcoats. :-Ladires :.Coats-: And more especàilly in Ladies' and Misses' Coats,which from this date, will be sold at greatly reduced prices, as they must be sold before we take stock next montb, and some lines of Dress Goods will be sold at very low prices-some of them at about haif price. The balance of our lEurs will also be sold at clcaring prices. Co,, Johuston & rydmwi .i EROSTFirst Tenor. III 'hfl fhl't ~'AMESGOAiDr SeCond enor?, r- ]First Bas@. [1' HI(NO M, 2 nd Bnas s. Il ddress al -orrespondnc to JAMES *~~~~~1 ,4Y, OrDusninesMngr Lock Box 1jS1, GO ARD, Watch maker, Stationer& Music Dealer BOWMANVILLE. A splendid asserîment o! Violins, j Autoharps, Etc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. NIEW TERM FRORLM JfaNtUAFRY 2 In each dopartmenî o! the Cenltral Bllsiness College, - TORONTO - The largest and streugest seheel in Canada. Our Calendar tells yen why, Write for it. W. H. SHAW, Principal. 0hnnks1ThMnR,1hnn s, For yenr iberal patronage during the holiday season. 000- Wishing, you a Happy New Year I again assure you that we shaîl make it more interesting than ever for you to -deal with us thi'ough 1900., Read our advts through the weeks that follow and you will find out how it can be done. 1T. N. RICKARD, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician, BOWMANVILLE, Olu MothorsfWîvos alld Dailgltersz Thou'jsands of Themn Suifer fromn Nervousness and General Debilît'y. PAINB'S OBLERI COINO UND Strengthens and Tones the System,. It Purifies the Blood and Gives Perfect Digestion. It Brîghtens the Byes and Gîves a Clear anld Soft Comfplexion., No medicine in the world bas ever donc sucli a work for weak nervous, debiliated and suffering- women as Paine's Celery Comnpoutnd. Women of ail ages, owing to their delicate and sensitive organisms, ex- pend more nerve energy than meýn. Their organs require vigorous nerves to insure healthy action It is a fact wor- thy of special notice that suffering from acute nervousness is caused bv weak and inflamed lierves. For such troubles, Paîne's Celery Compound is the truc medieine for nourishing and strengthening the nerve fibres. Weak and rnndown women find in Paine3i' Celery Comnpound a wondrous strength giver and flesh builder. Sleep less and irritable women wheuqe Paiiie's Celery Compound obtain true rost and sweet ref reshhîg sleep, the eyes become lustrous and sparkýing-, and 0-- com- plexion ecar and bright. Eve -v run- down arýd ailing- wom'in shouid, give Paint5's Celery Compound an ir" :,diate trial, it never disappoints. S CRJBt'N 1E R,'S FOR i900 INC LUDES ,p J. AI Barrie's IlTommny and Grizel " (s, rial) Theodore Rosevelt's -1V er Cromwell " (serial) Richard Harding Davis's fiction and special articles. lienry Norman' s T he Russia of to-day. Articles by, Walter A. Wycoff, author of "The Workers." Short stories by Thomas Nelson Page llenry James llenry van Dyke Ernest Seton-Thon-ps,,n Edith Whar, on O. tave Thanet William Allen White Special Articles The Paris Exposition. Fredericklreland's aRýticles on sport and exploration. etHarvard Fifty Years Ago,"1 by Senator Hoar. .Notable Art Features, The Cromwell Il1ustratiol s, by celebated meric nan SUBSCIIIPTION RATES. STATESMAN t end lo! 1900 $1 0 STATESMAN aud Weekly Globe 1 7 STATESMAN, Globe sud Prcmium 2 0 STATESMAN sud Weekly Mail 1 91 SrATESMAN and Family llerald 1 9 STATESMAN aud Farming (weekly) 1 9( STATESMAN aud Farmer's Advocate 1 9( STATESMAN and Guardigan 2 0( STATESMAN aud Montreal XVitness 1 7e STATUsMAN aud Moutreal Herald 1 7ý STATESMAN sud Western Advcrtiscri 7V STATESîJAN and Breeder's Gazette 2 5( STATESMAN snd Leslie's Weekly 3 5( STATESMÂN sud Toronto World 3 5( STATESMAN sud Daily Globe 4 7V STATESMAN sud Toronto Daîly Star 3 0( STATESMAN aud Evening Globe 8 5( STATESMAN sud Daily Witness 8-0( STATESMAN aud Weekly Sun 1 4C THE TEACItEJ Wïdten for the Star. Wben by the Lord's creatiî c word, Our father from the eartb came for-th, Obex 'd the call-assnmed from dlay tho form, The fairest creature Ibat did earth adoru: Then OmnipotenceSupreme stoop'd low, Condesccuding fer this world below, A being happy like himseif te maIe, Into whose breast s living seul bie breathed; Ail pure sud spetless, perfect, caliu witbin, Whose joy sud peace were tranqul sud serene. But ahi! alas! bow short his bliss! Hlow ira uSient was lis happiuess! The subtie serpent sin, an ingrcss fouud, Around man's precieus seul its cols il wound, Darted te the seul its string, 'Tween God sud man it iutervcned. "Ris flrst estate" our father Adam lost, Ris precieus life bis disebedience cest; And net ou hlm alone was brougbht The peualtv-the deadly stroke, But ail msnkind stili bear its yoke, As seen as dawus on earth the happy meru W7bcn int life Ihere springs a seul ncew-born, Se seen sin enters with maliguant rage Asssails the child c'en lu its tend er age. That ever-livîng principal withiu Inherits at its birth the motister sin; The dawning o! its infant mental vew- crs, The budding of thoso intellectual flexv- crs, Are lainled, blasted, straýing from, their Ged, Inclined te wander dcwn the el1iilroad; It needs s voice by nature kiud, To train ils infant crriug immd; And lcach it wisdoui iu its youtbful days, And guide its mind lu virtue'd plessant ways. 0, houored tcacher o! thc rising race. To lhee perlain the dulies o! thal place; Thine office is te guide its infant heart, T' uufold with care its -inieiiectual part, To so3v with joy the seeds o! kuowiedge briglt, T' inspire its mmnd te intelleclual height, Illuminales with. wisdom's dazzling light. 0! touch with care the priecious germ, Let ne rude haud its beauty barrn. Faithfully Ihine heuor'd trust dis charge, Impart truc' wisdom te thy yontbf nI charge. Reward the diligent sud trusty mind, Encourage timid seuls lu accents kiud: Rouse np the sleepy, dormant seul, Iu ignorance ne more te roll. Le t love sud patience mark thine cvery sot, Be kiud, but flrm-in ail thy ways ex- act. Teacb net sione by precepîs good sud Wise, But let example shinebeferetheir eves: Prepare them for their cailing here be iow. Whate'cr it be, ridli or poer-high or low. Inspire witbiu their seul a patriet's To serve their country, sud their Ged, above. But as thon fitt'st them for their earth's career, Remember that their home shall net be here. The're boru te lIive on earth a few short years, Then leave thîs world with ail ils joys sud cares; To pass into a state of bliss or woe To live lu joy above-or pain below. Then, Oh!. negleet net Ibeir immortai psarts. Implant within their yeung sud tender hearts The seeds o! everlastiua- truth, Wbose bnds shahi fleurish lu their youth, Wbose lives shahl shine with virtue's lustrons rsys, And eund at.lin luinhanpiness zqtheir da.%v E.NFIELD. J DARZLINGTON (JOUNCIL. Miss Nellie Alexander was presented TownMlIall, Hlampton, Jan. 27, 1900. ,5with a ncw Dominiion Orgain recently.. onimepusatoadur et ..Miss Jeunie Ashton bas been visiting Conlmepuuatoadur et at Kinsale with Mrs. C. Mackey.... members ail preseut, Mr. Albert E. Mr. Arthur Ormistou's cldest son has Clemens, Reeve, prcsidiug. Minutes scarlet fever ... The Sons of Temper- of statutory meeting- read aud confirm- auce will hold their meetings on Satur- cd. Commuuhmîtions rccieved: asking dav night instead of Tuesday niglit aid for Sick Cbildren's Hnspital, Toron- while thoe revival meetings are on... to, $5.00 granted. From Dr. Rice ask- Mr. J,)bu McCulloeh is prepariug toing a g-rant to Consumptive Sauitarium 1build a large barn this summer. Tronto , fllcd. From D. B. Simpson, ___________Q. C., in reference to suit pouding TYRONE.-Queen vs. Darlington-Reeve was TYRONE.authorised to confer with Mr. Simpson iu arraîîging defeuce, Th,- clerk was Six young gentlemen of the E. L. C. authorised te invite tîenders for the E , engagea in amiable d bate Friday Township printing. 'Mýr. Gallagher eveniug on the much debated themo, sddressed the Counei1 lu reference te War vs Jutempierae as a greater evil. the validitv of the ýocal option by-law Jutemperance as usual was p)ronouuced passed bv the Council claimiug that lis the greater, though we 'are of the solictor informed lm it was illegal aud opinion that in the ages to corne this would certainly be set aside with costs vexed question wiH stili edebatedand unless the Council see fit to Yepeal it f rom differeut stand points. Coffec aud it was decided to take legal advice and cake were furnislîed by the ladies at communicate docision to 'dr, ý: alsagher clo"e of a v'ery iuîeresti"ng evenîng..-. iu îwo weeks. W. J. Roy an-d J. J. Miss F. C. Fraser bas been under mcdj,- Gibson applies for the office of assessor, ical care but is recoveing,-.Messrs., BY-la ivi(u 571.) wasspassed, appointiug F. and A. Gardiner arc pleasuring W. J. Roy at a salary of $90 aud Sam- among friends at l3urnt River despite uel Pollard, collector, at a salaryl o! the chilis o! that northern latitude.... $100. The clerk was instructed to hiave Only one ureaching service hero next notice given for holding- meetings Fcb. Ssbbath owing to quarterîy meeting.. 1Othlu neacli Division for nominations Mrs. Saunders is sloiwly improving... of Pound Keepers, Fonce Vieivers aud: Mr. Richard Davcy has purchased a Psthmasters. John Pye was granted uew span o! colts to replace the heavy permission to cut down esch alternate artillery horses receutly sold by hlm. maple tree lu front of his premises lu Enuiskillcu. The auditors presented NEWCASTLE. their report o! the finances for the past - year which was çatisfactorg andth li w 55 authorised te have saine published Mr. J. H. Middleton hsd ribs frac- i the usual form. Mr. Collarott ap- tured hi' a cow receutly. . . Mr. Dani plied for permission to brush wood on Ilay s irb, b1een over to Rochester, N. Y. rosd sllotwsnice adjoiniug lis place. Re- Rev.~co.B. MLeod B. ., l I'l ferred to Councillor Foster. The mat- itin;j at Halifax, N. S.... .The baud lbas ter of changes in boundaries o! School beguit practise again under the direc- Sections 19 and 2J was considered, the tion of Mr. W. Pickard.... Mrs. Burton, trustees o! each section takin part. Detroit. Micb., attended the funeral o! but no decision arrived at. 11n. Abra- lier brother, Mr. Wm. T. Lake.,. .. Mr. ,,ms laid dlaim for damages donc to Sam. Bonathau, tiusmith, hias bought shepb osliovrTEgtn the Coutie property, sbep sud brick p bvinogeslider. T.o Eodgeron house.,. Mr W. Ilennifick's family aidl otraue $0frrodalw have an attsck o! fover.... Mr. Geo. H.sue Joli's fsmily had a nsrrow escape from The clerkc reported having- sold the suffocation by coal gas. The doctor $1850 debentures issued for school sec- hiada ahot time brinmiug thcm round tion No. 20, to Mr. D. B. Simpson for again..The Grand Trunk is gettiug $1385.91). its share o! accidents lately. The latest Mr. Pollard reported that about $800 pitch lu occurred at Newcsstle station of taxes remain unpaid. It was re- about 4.30 Tbursday afteruoon. A ;olved to receive applications for wor- double lieader freight from Toronto to iug rond machine man and team, sud Montreal, drswu by a standard englue man alone ut next meeting. The Reeve and Mlogul was standinîg lu front o!fivas autborised to grant orders ou the station platforin waitîng te cross a treasuror as folloeîvs: T. Snowden, gravel freigbt from Belleville draw by a big $3.00; J. Trevail, gravel, $1.50; T. J. T. Mogul in charge o! Enzineer Elliot, Cole, ceolar, $0.: J. Hlillier. roadwav to witb C. Hishon as fireman. There lUad gravel pit, $1.; J. Darch. stone$2 ; G A.> evidently beeîî somen buugling about ~tepliens lumber, $100 J. Ross Robert- thc orders, as the enzineer on the wvrsît son, aid 1 to ru~ Hospitl, $5 ; N F. bound train understood hoe was to-c)ssMacnichtan, Co. Treasurer, bal. on at Bowmanville and was coming down Cotinty specisi rates s110.; C. Ilooper, the grade east o! the station at a pretty reeit of!iand for road, $2.; F. L. E Ilis. lively gait and did not notice the stand- and W.- J, Bra4g auditors., $14 ; Oiitari o ing train until il ivas tee late to avert Bank char~ge ou diaft $8 50; S. Poliard the catastrophe. The fireman jumped saiarv as collector $100.; Trustees S. S. and the enginceer stayed with his en- No 20, $1,885.20, proceedsof Debout- gine te rei erse and apply the brakes tures sold. Indioents-NMrs. Staples He jumped just iu titreo te see bis en gine aud Janet Wilsou, $5. each; J Campbell crash ie the standing train wîith th, aud Mrs. Huolge, $1. each; Mrs. Lane usual reslt-3 badly smashied englues, $8.; T. \\ilcux $2. Couicil adjouruci sud cars sud cargo littered over the to Saturday Februsry 21, at 10 ar. track for a ûonsiderable distance. The I. ELI.IOTT JR. fireman. Ilihson, was verv badly cut up Township C]cr about the head snd was- takon te St Michael's Hospital, Toronto. wvhere bue bas since died. The w-'ecking crew frein Bellev-Pl arrived ou bhc scenle the samne ei'ening sud speut ail the uight sud part et the next day iu cleariug away the debris. Statiou-masler Phil- lips ininking probabh- that bis position wss tee ivarm for cem!ert took s quick exit throu-gh a reaîr wilidow. Traffle gees oi as usual at the lime o! writiug sud aIl that is ieft te remind the cein pany o!flthe wredk is the lhree engines very badly lu ueed of repaîrs sud oe namne stràck off the flremeu's lisI... Visiters; Miss Velma Tyler, Maple Grove, guest et Miss Loua *Clarke; Miss Stella Mlasen, Bewmanville; Miss Evie sud Messrs RobI. sud Clev eland Cie meuce, Kirbx; Misses Lottie sud Edith, aînd Mr. Newîton Cebbledick, Clarke. --As is nstal wilh auylhiug under takon by the Epworth League, the par- ler soclial hld at the comfortable rosi dence o! Mr. J. M. Cobbledick, Mouday eveuîng, was a comDiele success. Mr. sud Mrs. Cobbhedick are, model enter- lainers sud everv'one was made te have a goed lime. Mr. W. J, Rickard, the energetic presidetît, acled as chairman sud auuenuced a vervpleasing pro graim which consisted o! instrumental ii usic given by -Messrs Darch sud M "th, Bowmanville; solo, Miss B. Partons; liecitations by Misses Leua Warren sud Wînîîie Eilbeck. Mr. M. J. Hntel ins.n sang a solo witb bis usual efflcieucy; twofpleasing solos were suug hi' Miss Clara Symous, Cameron, snd Miss Stella Mason, Bowmauî,jlle, the renditions ivere excellent aiii weîre heartily ao>paudeil. A iiumber ef the yonng men frein;Bewiuanville enjuîý cd the cveuing . ... We are pleased that Roi'. Canon Fsrî,comb is agaiti able le cenduot services lu St. George's Chutrch. The members o! lis family who have been ili are rocovering ..Revs. De Mille sud Le.-gott, Orono, oecuipled t1le pulpit lu the Methodist chnrch bore last Snnday very acceplsbly. lu the Methodist Magazine suad Review for February Dr. Chowu con- tributes a Ftrenig paper slowing the absurdities. lime inconsistencies o! se- cal led '"Christianî 5ci(ece." Presîdent Ravmoud wirites ou "XVhy We Are Mtiodisîs." lu ligbler velu ar. the clever serial stury, '-Yonr Little Brt 'lier James," a humerons sketch, "Thec ,ýew Or-gaii," and~ a Twentic-th Cci turv FumaI Sten', "A CostllYCunribti.' The new British Imperialisu,, wbim.h i, .wlding the eumpire mb euoe, is expres- Qed lu a slirring paper 1w Aileyue Jrelaud. Published by William Brigg, Toronto, $2.00Oa ar. ý For internat or external use IIAG YARD'S YELLOW OIL cannot be ex- oelIed as a pain relleving and soothing remedy for all pain. la thc sweetesl season in human life, au it is in Nature geuerally. Il is the lime of promise. As the yonng girl draws near le that uiysleriens lino "Where wemanhood aud girllood meet,1" lier whoie desliny la iu a mneasure being de- termined. How oflen the sweel youug- girl, under the Influence o! the change, wilh-7 ers snd droops like sonie blighted bud. Nature gen- 1 eraliy needs sonie littlo help ai ihîs critical pcnlod, sud this heip .lunils besi form is cen- tained lu Docter- Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It establishes regu- larity, and gives 'f the vigor ofper-'o fect heàlth to the 4 womsnly organs. It contains no al- cohol, neither OPI uni, cocaïne, uer other uarcehic. Miss emmia Lee, of Wiiiiford, Sharp do., Ark.,writes: I was suffeing severeiy and tried several doctos remiedies, bot received oniy very little relief; therefore, t feci it m duty ta write and let other sufferers know what your 'Favorite Pre- scriptiou- n'd«dGoldeo Medicai Discovery 1 and 'Pleasant P'elets' have doue for mne. I toolc eight botules of Favorite Prescription' and. '(Jiden Medicai Discovery,l six viais of the Pellets,' also mne boutle of your 'dompound nxtract of Smart-Weed. As soon as1Ihad takemi the first bottie 1 couid tee that the maedicine was heipiog me. 1 bad disease of internai or- gans with bronchitis and catarrh. 1 aiso used. the local treatment you suggested."1 The sluggish iver dan be cnred by teuse of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet&, Heod's Pis are uon iri itating sud the ouly catitartie 1.3 tale ivith le laIe îvilb llood's Sarsaparilla. Yen bhardl y realize lIaI is mcd icino, when taiking Carter's LittleoLiver Pilîs: tlmeyaîre xe v srnali; iv)ha I efects: ai[ troubles !rurn lerpid l-ven are neiievddI by thîcir tise. Tu ho free frîum sick headache, biliouwý- nos'., constipation, etc., lise Cater's Little Lii or Pilîs Sirictly vegetabie- '1hev gently stiinulate Ktl.civeïaund froc the stomach from bile« L