ONTARIO BA NKRIWARR EN SURPRISES 111E BOERSI Bowuanvllle Ageucy. DEPOSITS s eceived lu Saviogs Bankr Department aud Ilerest allowed at current rates. Notice of ltbdrawal not uecessary. Ail deposits payable zn demaud EXCHANGE dought and sold sud Drafts issuod opon Europe Vnited Atates and Canada, also Gold, Silver aud eýnîted States Greeubacks bought and îold COLL ECTION~S Fromnptly made at current rates upon ail parts -if Great Britain, the Uitited States aud the Do- inînion of Canada. Telegraph Transfers l lade for large or tmal sures on ail parts of anada. This ls eeially advautageonsto per- sons living lu Mau obi or the North-West, il riakes the funds available at once at the place gf paymient. For other nartteu1ars eall atthe bank. A. J. MOCLELLÂN, OEO. MeGILL, Aecountart Manager NIl Hands Ag'reab'le....m Mrs. X.-I say, John, I arn going to stop baking altoçether. We can get at LUTTRELL'S, Bowmanville,such good Bread and, Buns, and Pies, and Cakes, and Mr. X.-A11 right, Sarah, don't' tel me any more. It will no doubt be the best plan for the winter anyway. Alex. Luttreli. Baker and Confectioner,Bowmanville Telephione 97. Bat don't forget that J. S. Rundle leads both in price anîd quality in' Single Hlarness, homv-made, rubber or nickel trimmed. Also Team Harness, Hlorse Blankets, wool, ker- mey or jute, lined or unlined; lRed river Robes, rubber interlined or without and last but flot least Our Palmnerston Cutters second, to none for style and quality. Everybody welcome at JOHN S. RUNDLE'S. Hlarness Emporiumt, One door Eat of L. Morris' Furniture Store, Bowman- ville EPPSu COODA1 GRATEFUL COM FORTIN G1 Distinguished everywhere for delicacy of flavor sup- erior quality- and> nu-' tXitive properties., Spec-. ially grateful and cornfor- tii'g to the niervous and dyspeptie. Sold only In Ilb. tins, labeliecl JAMES EPPS & CO., LtcI., Horn- oeopathic Chemists, Lon- don, England. BREAKFAST SUPPEF From Portland Froin Halifax Noon.5,p.n, urniian.....17 to Liver pool direct olfr l an.... 20 Jeul.21 ýanî etîtan.." 31 10 Liver'pool direct. Piana.. *Feb 10 Feb il 14ATES OP PASSAGE. First cabin, $50 and upwards. Rturu $100,00 and upwards. Second CabIn $3, Steerage $2350 hy Numidian $22.50. Lanreution cardes firat cablu ooiy. State ni Nebraska, from New York to Glas- tow, Dec 28t, 9 a M, Jan 25th noon, Mar lat For ticket@ and every Information ap. ply toe 1îlan Line Areut. Bo'vmanvllle, WII N TED - SEVERAL BRIGHTl aend honlesi persons ta re present us ai Niiaiagers lu thisansd close by ceunîtes. Salar*y heOnayear and experses. Straight, boue fide no more,n baes salary. Position permauent. Our references, any lank in auy town. itlsI mainly ofitce work conucted et home. Refer- re.Enclose self addreesedstamped envelope F EOMiINNCOMIÂN Y, Dapt 3, Chicago. 39 4m. î >rtead bd 5 . e olme g~e soleeie, ofMuscalGes enttmetai. path. e.cou ;e:vrttabie treuey of the worid e opu. ~r et bosuiul cngePrime, 1il nts, Po21 et 'We give lii bQautifal Heavy oroid se tr 1,2 ed Drecet rr eeiitng oaiy onesn ne iD.lyiios ai tUeoCOca O at esn ad peao %ig e , i-eu 11,,Write, and me vili i end the o5)01a QXp ;siped moL tm, returmithepqncy, and Weatoecefürvard *e So s etâ44, f e@ .e Inen Duoley Ce., ox Fofflouto. Ont.' And is Now in Possession of Spion Kop-Strong Resistance by the Enemy-Gen. Woodgate Killed in the Battle-Long List of Dead and Wounded-"'Acvance" the Jnly Order, METUIUEN'S VIGOROIJS ATTACE. the Acion Hornes mati. A lytito bat- A depath frm Mdde Rivr sys.tory co-opemeco t nsu le'othen lai- A tesplolfrot Mtiter ive soa:tories anti Maxima. Cctatuly île fine -A vigorous reconnaissance îlthan-as n-as effective, causing tle euemy sern- matie last night ongagedtihti enenty's oua basses. Tic Booms, ion-oves', clung cannon on tie kopjes anti bighiauda. - tespemately in thiin norks, front nhîcl Tic British Liglit Infcniry adivancedi thcy are oaly being vory sbon-y dri'Nn. -To-day the enemy Icreti tîcîr gunst sameti n extou deti ontio to potoci. O oftenen, ntnctg afan île capînreti là- bal! battomy O o! o-îzers, n-hicli poucudena n-E hralmpnel. Our casual- sniftly took e position On the boIt Itics to-day wene lettea ostien tînse facing tIe kopjos. o!f,ýestertiay. 1"Fsghtîng legan about siil un--tic, Thù guna n-cme unlimibeneti ant inl morning, anti coutinnati until dusk, actoun wn-hua a coupleofo minutes o!f but tîcro las beon notiing like a gels- île tinte thoy lalteti. oral engagement. Tiere n-as su.ncng anti incessant "The naval big gun'd aassieti front slielliug bei-cen thc lowitzrsaanti Peigieten's drift l ineellî t le Boer twc- Boom guns iu bloofs lu ticbila. 'positions." The British lc-ng-range guns sup- pc-nîed tle lon-lîzers. 'fie firng lest- CANADIANS IN ACTION. cd froint '5.5i-o 7.3i> p-m. The Booms n-ere faccng a stnong sun- A tiespatcl front ViceionLa, B.C., soya: set, andti his seemnedti hinder their -Word neaclati bere lusi night lIat ntamsntansliip. Thougi iley alielleti irivate J. W. Joues, o! lhe f inet Brit- lotI tle infantny anti artiilery they -iiCimiucnign !îeCn lit nobotiy. sCoubacnignoftea- The encnty's bas, f any, is unknon-n. adieu force, hati ben kille inLu action The infcntry n-emenitlin soeiug dis- ai Dorers fart. tance o! tic Booms' mrendies. TIey n-ere Joncs iLao gratinote, o! West Point, w tic cuti deep, anti lauket in-th santi. alîhiougi o! Scottsà birtli, anti eue o! Tliey n-ere sinongîy ocoupieti. île best-knowa mLing men o! Van- BUJLLER'S ESTIMATED STRENG-TU. The foroos under Gen. Euller's comt- mand, iucluding Geu. hito's forooes, et Ladysmitli, number nearly 40,000 couvex, "Black Jues be'ing lis coom- mun titie. HOLD S PION KQP, A despaîdli front 8pearman's Camp men. 1 saYs:-"C-en. Wairren'a troc-ps lastý TIe followiug la the list of gener- night o(cnpiod Spion kop, surprisiug ais woa'king cnnjoiutly in the move- th2' smaii garrison, wlto f led.,, ment for the relief o! Ladysmith :- "It lIas beau held by us ail day, Natai Field EForce_, Ladysmith. though we were lieavily attacked, es- Fourtli Division-Geiral Sir George pecialiy by a very auuoying sboli fire. White commandiug. 1 "1 fear our casualties are consider- Ledysrith's Relief Force, elle, and I have te ,nform you with Genrai Sir Redvcrs -Butler coin- regret tînt Geu. Wocgate was dan- mondiug. .gerously xounded. neoc iisin-Lieut-G-enerell Sir "G-eu. Warren la o! the opino lv C. F. Clery. lie lias rendered tIc cnemy's position Second -Brigade-Major-G-encrai H. J-. untenabie, Hiloyard. G. "Thle men are splendid." Fuurtli Brigade-Major-General N. G Lyttleton. 'fhird Division-5tI Brigade-Major- LONG CASUIJLTY LIST. Generai A. F. Hart., A despatci' front London says :-.No- SaLxt riae-ao-Gura ,thiug cen yet le added te tic brie! Fifth Division-Major-G-encrai Sirj news of Genrai Warreu's succesa, Chaules Warren. lwhih bas brouglit intense relief te Eleveutir Brigade - Maýjor-Gencrai Great Britain, A foin speak of the Xoodgate.î laciuding the iglit lattalions of tle psiiiytitti rtihmyl n Fîf thli vi-lon he bes now six brigades, able t-o retaiu wiat îliey hatve an0bard-. nnrnleriug 24 lattalions. Admtting îlY won iu view, of the '-very annoyiug lthaeci battalion stands oniy 1900 aboli fire" moutioued lunGenrai But- .trong. iedlicuoucy of 2,400 underlosd the total war streugtli of 21,000 ita al os'cspatch, and, tiat the bll may lut mode up with thc large drafts for b ave to ho retaken, Lut, assumiug that île lattaions o! the Ladysmitî ~gar- tic position 15 permauentiy hled, and rison. ÉabrG-n lat tIc Boers are driven fron thei re- In tts mnnerGen.Bnlier'É forre, mainder of the plateau rîominaîed by may be sumntarized ae, follows:- Spion kop, tItare la n llu -ion 1 capoc - Jnfantry. . . 24,000 i lt1 the gravity o£ thec ask iuivolved lu Cavalry ...........200 .cnvdring the twelxc or fifteeu miles Art iioery. -. , 2,200 sefaracsng the blli sud the ,Eï fg-neers . .400 Boer lunos outsdc Lartysoalîli. Thcle Add White's Force ,M9000 s complote ignorance bore as to îhe -- abiiiîty c-tthe tBoèr tetobot'alîtreinforce- Gran Totl 3980 meouts, and us toi wlietîer they have Gran Totl . . 3,800 prepured e second lineofo!defence. TlIes ignorance prevents auy forccast o! the BOERS SHOOT ENGLISHMEN. operatrtous. T.he critics côntinue to bld A despateh -front Lonudon, eya: thel public to propare, f or a longu cas- Thre Enlismen vhohadreceiYted ualty, list, tiey atta-ching' the.tuliest T _eeEnlihmn. i ldsîgnifiçance îte G-tu-ral Enlier s intima- passes autirizin-g thent to romain un tion. No fu,1 1,..- i .c -... , i ITells the story. When your head aches. and you feel billons, consti- pftted, and out of tune, with your stomacb sour and no.appetlte, mat bnya package of SAnd taIre a dose, from 1 to 4 pis. Yeu will be surprised at how easily they wili do their work, cur Our headache and billousuess, ruethe liver and maIre yon feel happy again. 25 cnts 0id byail medicine dealers. ActünriHolmes were with the Imperial Light Horse, Natal Carbineers, and sixty men of the Mounted Rifles. BOERS PLINDER THE DEAD. A despatoh f rom London says:-The Mauser's builet, is no doubt a very humane one and infliuited somne wonderful wounds. Some of the builets, ho says, took extraordiuary courses. A man was shot in the head, the builet came out of hiasaide, and he 15 doing weii. An officer was shot in the lef t breast, the bullet oame out iow down the back, a'nd ho, was waiking about On Sunday last, and -said lie teit noth- ing wrong with hlm. The Boers treated our wounded Weil, and, ln fact, did not takýe them prisoners, as they said they couid not, be bothered with thom. They took two' wounded colonels, as they like colonels,! and'would prefer one,-with a titie, but' they rified their pockets and went for bread in the haversacks with greîed. 1 don't think they t'eu be getting mucli bread ncw. They aiso stripped 'our dead, of ail ciothing, for they have no, Pimflco behind tbem, and officers' breeches were bighiy treasured. FRENdI CO UÉ1J TAKE COLESE URG. A despateli from London says :-Geun.1 French, with the'utmost deibe ration and the greatest caution, la drawing lis lines moree ciosely around the B3oer position. Every day lie tiglitens the net, greatly to the alarm, and uneasi- ness of the enemy. The Boers bave made severai attacks on our outposta. The tacties of tbese engagements are a repatition of those empioyed atq Majuba hhbld, but everywhere they have been pluckily repulsed. The Boers have been out-gener.&iied in this region. Iu-ý dividuais frequently desert to ouri uines. T.ht latest arrivais say that the Boer strength la now 7,0W0. Tbreo week,- ago tboy were roinforced by 1,- COI mon from Ladysmith and 600 from Magersfontein. The centre of their position appears to ho at Colesh'rg junction.- Their lines of communi- catiov are strougiy protected to Nor- val'-- pont, whilo they stili command the road 'o Coiosberg and the Wag- on brigalk. Geo. Fiench's position, as viewed from Colo aýý kop, isaa greait semi-aircie. The Boer kojos are- iower, then ours, and are commanded by neir guna. Oui -lyddite shela have apparent- [y silenced the Bo2r artillery for gond anA ail. Gen. French couid undoubtedly taIre Colesberg, which la îwo.' miles away, at any tiutne ho, pleased, but he haoý re- fraîned hitherto front bombardîng the town beeau.-e of the non-combe tants, inluding'women and chîldren. REVIVAL 0F FALCONRY. This Long Ne-glecled ol For fSport Agatin StecomliinrPopelar tliitEurope. Few people bave eny idea of the sport whLch the huntors of Europe do- rived, two or three centuries ago, from hunting with hirda. It la not easy to account for the long negleot of thia form of. huntin.g. The oniy part of the Continent where it snrvived as a normal national sport was in Bosnia, whberr the lindowners have neyer ceas- eÀ to fiy thetr falcana at pertridges thet are found for tIent hy pointera. Now that falconry bias begun to re- vive, the Dutcb hawk catchers are un- aIle to tare enougli falcon.s to meet the orders of their Euglish and French patrons. These Dntdl falcona, tak- en when followLng the fliglits of ail kinds of hirds, are the pick of the catchi, but fer more are taken front nests when they are young. ln France tIe goshawk is mudl inl favor and higî fiying falcons are bass in dcmnd than Lu Eugiand and Scotiand. To-day the best establishments of haw'ka and tihe most. enihusiastic foli- lowerfi of the sport are fo.nd in Eng- land and Scotlaud. Thre Hawkiug Club mneeta every spiiung on Salisbury Plain to f ly feicona at rooka. Every- thing la weil doue as lu the days of Jiames I. There may ho from tweivo to twonity faicous, with tue faiconer and bis cert and the mombers on horsehack. Thero is plenty o-f dash anti excitment un the business. Soule- times4 an old and keen falcon la flow. et a rook withia easy reacli, but she doeis not waut the, prey so near et band and so mounts to the vory clonds, tili she sî les another flock, lu- to which she darta like a shonting star. Ridera dash off across the dowu, their eyes fixed upon the liawk and the feicouer shouts "site bas kil[i- ed" when she secs somethiug foUl from the flock. Off dosh the ridera, who have marked the descent of the vie- tim, and soon the bird istae p Later Lu thec year the member---l le f]yiug their faicous et grouse on thse Scotch and Northumberland moora. -Not a few lawks and faicous are now kept in and about London and takei, luto thc country lîy train when tbey are wanted in the field. Thc reason why the goshawk lias become a generai favorite lu France is because of ils superiorit y to the felcon for han king lu a ciosed country antong hedges, trees, plantations and gar- dons It scizos its prey in the air, on the grouzud or even on e tree or bush, witiout besitation, and its edroituess, apeed, courage and quiokuesa of oye are astonishirug. Ltla nexaggera- tion, to aay that the owner of a pro- perty of five or six hundred acres wonld taIre as mudli game, on it with the single goslawk as ho couid kili with a gun. For Infants and CObjidren. nhe fan- similsl slgtatuis evsory CHECKING THE PLAGUE, A tuisIan IDoctor'., Fumuple stayed Ici Rauvagé~s. A Woman s Shoe should be like herseif È -dainty and delicate -yet strong to endure. This is- the King Quality ail over. It's as pretty as a shoe eau be made and yet it doesn't look as though it wa People who don't know it, guess the price sornewhere around $5, and yet it is onlY $3- Ask to see King Quality. es made for a man. 1 Ae.-j Made by J. D. KING CO., Limited, Toronto. TIIEY WOULB NOT SPEAK. 1Literary Notes. SAILED AROIJND THE WORLD TO- The ptublishers cof McCure's Megae GETHER, BUT NEVER SPOKE. zine say that uothing ýelse tliey have -- ever brought out lias attracted such One aye gh 09er'sLIt, Bt SIIIwide attention and such hearty cont- OseSavd iieOites-s Lre Bet Slilrondation as The Life c-f the Master 'Thîy itenualIneel 5Irasersa, asug T. oli by Dr. John Watson, "Ilan Maciaren.A S parate oIips for IlIese Fronà Natal.. A second instalintent wiii eppear in Furet Offîicer Jas. L. Mumford, of the - February nuimber witli five illus-' the British slip Canera, iateiy et the trationa in oor and, many lu blaock Delaware Breakwater aester e voy- I nd white, ail front sp.oial paintinýg* agé f 24 dys roi Ililo intheand drawings by C. K. Linson. Walter age~~~~~~ of24daafot iioii h Wellman wiIl relate lu the Felruary Philippines, tolas a strango story -Of number, the story of anme of bis liard the long mun, When the Canera sailed experiences and atrenge advenureK lu nearly a year ago front Belfast she the course of lis laast year's Arctin ex- had u bord wo yuugmen hopedition. Mr..Weiintan did not reaci had n bord wo yungmen hoth.e-Polo, lut he made important Arc-. although ont enemies in theccoamon' tic discoveries, and lia expedition had ecceptance of the word, stili hed san a difforent experionce lu in p!y import- littie use for onue another that they eut respecta f romay o! îL e edeces- nover exchanged a word. soxs. There will also le an article ly Mr.Mufor sid ha Frncs Car 'u Allcvne.Irolecu i ftier au- o,. Mm. umfrd si w h tt raniCar tîîority ou ail matters portaining to and Louis Piut, as hoe knew thenbld colonîzation, exhibiting through sta- fornteriy been fast. frienda. He seid tisticsanad by description the cont- the!tich youugor, Pitt, apparcutiyhlid parative strongtli of îhe leading pow-. conidéabl raney whte lar, aors et. the prescut tinte lu colonial conideahl mney wlil Clrkai possessions, trade, and administra- tliougli of e well-coouected English tion. famiiy, lad eiected to foliow the trade - o! a me"hiiulst. Tliey lived lu Leeds, Commodore Philip, whOoummauded England, and were inséparable for te Unilei Staes lattiesl)p, "Taxas"' et tIc Intie of Santiago, lias boen years. Disputes, however, became fre- so0 mucli imprcsaed by the rcadiug of quent, and fiualiy tîey stopped apeak- "What a Young Man Ouglit t Know," ing and evoided ecI other as mauch as theat a few days ego hg p] accu a ropy possble.of it lu tic iibrary of- thie Brooklyn Possible.Navy Yard, npon thuefly bef nIwlid It so happened that Clark wes feel- over lis own nutograpli, lie expressed iug nnweii andi dctermincd on a sea tic3 hope tlint "inany sailor mon wili voyage. Ucllie d lots o! friends and pick this book ugu and read it." This little trouble was exparicuced lu se- bok is written ly Syivanus Stail, D. onmng im pasag luticCanra.D.,and issued in Canada ly William Yo uug Pitt's peuple couidn't unider- BriggTrno stand lie estrengentent betwcou the pair and îliey rasolvoti on inunvul Tic, February huiumoer of McCeil's sclieme, n lesa tien sending Pitt hlm- Magazine is justat ehland. It containe soif on the Canera and trustiug tiat iwo fuil-pagoï colored plates and illus- the -close companiousiip euteiled ly trations of patterns of more tienone the limiteti quarters ou the vesse, lsundred oxquisutc fashon designs o! would again restore tue let friand- seesouabie styles, inciuding ladit,ý4' ahip, misses'% ciildmeu's, and infants',tî TR MEETING Publiisied at 50 cents a yeat, by,. tAî ¶11E METINGMoCeli Compan y, 138-146 Weat 'Four- "It wes sîmange meeting," said the toentli street, New York Cd ty,. lu ad- mate, iu relatiug tle curions episode, ditionte the foregoing, we find Use- -"1Ile a great deel about tic mon fui Information - or Uousewives, Tek- andi of the pride wlilchpossessed tietin1cr f eir Plants, PracticaI and, I waited wvitl initerest to sec what Hin.ta, Teclinicai Tris iluCooking transpired. They simpiy pessed eci Clening Glessware, Weigîts anU other on the dock, as thougli ecI ws Mcasnres Used in Cooking. Motlier'a au inaulmate object. Timouglinut ti Columu sud Auswers to UCorrespond- cutire long voyage to the fer East, enta. thoogi we lied ail worked industrinus- ly towerd that end, wc could not briug Iu thc Felb-uery Atlantic .1Iouthly thera tugutherun i., outesrd rs1m-. - ii NOr l îitOre m îoea cu ic he STILL SHELL LADYSMITI. Tire is no argument se effective 'leevufJapsaemea u i et a d d nHitrlutewlidle tle CGrange, Froc State, werecocnt- fighting previosis to tice ttack on erysrnadsol aeba itri lil i meudeeired ou Dec. 25. They refusýet Spuon kop ba yet ,bonu recelved, A despatcb frint Spearman's apa xemple. This was proved enew eariy ng, ut sndhe eenypit utta h rea lsi in figit thoir countrymen, uand were thouo urahday lrings additions. ý,ays :-Tbr-re:x'cas a lcavyi lombard- last aummer, wieu tic, plagne Iroke cmitdinAgs.lwteerypitesont ibatustic eetiesîad ahînit in thIe markeît place. Genrai Bartou's force, wiolius Ment o! Ladysmith ttus morning. out Lu the village o! Auzop, Turkes- par', of Juiy tic Canera eucouutemed a ,wraitrootus, avecydidosu eq ad holding Chieveley, lad a few kii]ed antibowling sdort littie sbort o! a ty- Tcts aenve o qecib holingChively, ad fe kiledand Tic Boeîrs dit in-e liveiy snipiug tan, a place o! bass tban six huudred ploon. For many days sIc iey on hiem modemn writeTrs, witli tic possible ex- A TERRIBLE ORDEAL. wounded on January 23, whih mdi- and sheliing this merning, but tie iniabîtants. The stomy, as toid îy beam aet thc mercy o! the se. iceptin of G-lbbon. EHe enelyzos ikili- caes un engagement -wýhicUh itierto c.late er ui ev.teTms sarmral H TR.f1 n lal h lmnso hi A despatdli front London seys :-Tiîo latsnit bon mporied. ît was prol-cseiiswtr n ea3. ' to ie, sormekleon, hTE TR.greatuess, and indicaes the metlods assemblage lu Peul Mail ontaude the ally oniy e reconnaissance. - -- -wes fnmnisled ly a Hossi au oîeman Lashed to the rugguug, to preveut îlot onT writers slouid adopi if Wer Ofuice, andti icse privilegedte o- 189 LIVES WERE LOST. Who- iately 'arr'ved et Bomtbay, and being swept ovemboard, île crew su!- hywudsetoaqirte;ect wait inu tie lobbics, sluctauntly dis- G-EN WOODGATE DEAD. wio was aitichevillage when the ont- tfertiterniby andlertorifort tie wld Slye , toacuiJor ti'oreta persed et midigit, a! ton thc final A despaich bas leen! eceuveti front Tilrty-Flve Tovils a tsiJspaaî i5estroyed tsy break occumreti. streemaiug fron ttue yards. Young Pitt GriiSalyEel omaima wor ilt uthig orewouîl e a-<Sperma's amp îot -eu Wod-Flo0041. Tic village o! Anzop ilabaout îwo lad laslied bumself te tie malumasi, a Basis for Litemature, calîs attention nouuced. TIe morulug papers weut tegaie bas su.ccumbed 10ithe wcundsho A despaech froint Tacoma gsays:-Of- lhundred miles frointSamamcaud, sudtClare tier ofteangon scio wti1tn îesOandtept writ wI arel nw- press witl conjectures andi foreeasta eceived un. the attack up-oni Spî)on tucial reports jsist cc-mpleted- give, de- lies lu e bollow o! thiemouriteins et 1sheiter ou tic gratliugs. Wheu île oraily reîgcrded, but affirma tint from o! ail sorts, striving in guesa ont soma- kop. tilils o! terrible itu.undations wlidli de- a heigit c-f more tien eleven tlonsand stomm was ctitls loigît'tic melumasitIent is yet to spring île literature thngfrntSponbp - stmoyod property valued ti a ver six tfoo ts alsoînte secînsion la ni due sudtienly bmoke off close to the dock, of the future ai the lande o! mon who tigfo io o.A despatol front Speerman's Camp, 'ccrryiug Pitt wiil it. shahl develc-ptle self-respect of't1* 'lopogvcphy mails snow titat Spionusays :-TIe boutlecontinues. The lu- milluonu yenu îin okkaldo Province, to lias flighi aone,. lut also to tic, en- "Thc cea was raging lu fumy anti press, anti cstablihliterature, uc-i iy a o stehgatpr fa .rocky !urNLros ocuraoratîecrs iernJapon, un Daemer. Thunty- circling Mountains. Tbere arc places iremeudous wavos swept the wrecketi deuyiug tic nen-spaer, but Iy raïs- faptr siîles higleattedparthe o!sarevetowu.s un tic distructi s! Ishukari the- Boomrs' positions aloug thc Tugela, of the bill, neer îthl îcontre. Tic Boers n-ere tievasaîed. 'Since September non >~na oîevlaenhm i eko I aeafmr rmt tr.igi olslgeipwr oe Nortli-westn-ard froin.Spion bnp île are holding the corresponding crest luincsthan 17,288 bouses hvbexe0knb tevcler li e oto creep alold perLosTIin fYo itcsttyie led ou ateoylilatycoaed plateau runs graduaîîy up to e great île vaîîey. Iii virîualîy La au arîiîîery oýerged or n-ashed awayt unElokkaldo thderck s o le amonatsde idng10 sgtfebyung Putistii asîctifo le.CeetL mth icse h x spr oftheDraknsbrg. ombrdmet. Te B_ýrsarereplLngalone, while île total damage l la îe.. lu tils seclodeti village the plagnoUl had beau hurt and cossi ti uuntia' Amoudcu Collage lu the Twc,-ntietli4 Geu. Bullcr's iufatry, tb raedli tlie occasionclly anti moviug udr guns Compîcteerotrmillowetn aouIde atieighiy ouiceo! île sxla pr uil oct e.d ccnin suMmut of Spion kop, muai cross a na- wieu iihey are loca tod( IF îhe British, 191)' !rsiung' scinouers anti; other craft I tiet iababeitalts n-cre attacketi, anti "elp was asked, but il was risky tly increasing icugilanideaboraie- tural glacis tîrce-querters o! n mile but seldont firing more tien tirce weme destroyeti on suk durung- thcae oa vrtcs moeifta. I1 give ht. The oiy way wcs for a nosa cof scîniastic andicioit or- wlcat cit 50fetu scpali rotne lc.evere stornt tuuic an-cpu. over île As soc-n as tic non-a o!the ontîreak tan to makebis wey to Pitt anti se- os Whchtntoirieayngtn A acorps o! stnetchetend-t earersa 'Yuigemi cors f trtcer-eaer, aiedJapainese consi December 'Z3 to 25. The reecbeti Samarcand, tIe Russîci ut-cuea ropo to lita, IF w'lýi'l otI o! some o! tle lest yers o! lis lifo Nobody homo seents to know, not by Major Stuart Wontley, lebavet il utotal nuntlero! loves lest la piacedi atorteilgnpiet S.Ptsugcuile rwneot.Tcbavtwtoinycorsodn -tva- eve îl Wt Ofice wli Lrd oI-tiuingsicfiguin a!tonvolnlenin îl9.anti medîcel aid n-ns sent. Thechcief io! thent hesitatet u intai an-fui Cea, cge. 1He beieves l-ct achool anti ris lias dune w, thbils lai-go reinfored- tbbipg ln the, wountictiuntier beavy o h at a ocü Lvn n n hr sn ob u htte01ecussMs vnulyb monts. Six thýousansut oop acwaileti fine. bsarrivai at Cape- Town, ant i sae At 2 o'ciock tic Bocrs naiseti e n-ite BEHEADED BY A TRAIN. o! île gpofnactn ie h veu'nu ntteYlaungtionlu ldthabe colifeo-c ourses muanitycndeutaliy l it tien 600othors la.ve reachedti lere. fa nte unatofahgfbil u eBombay aetihe begiaaning o! 1897e peisheti lad ih oui i coufor Clanr. Charles RichmondiHentierson dis- Military critica are ail hoping that aciloth sities conîlaucti fining. Boîdy or Aliesu 57. SeasmIlI'ekeelBp straite DUaffkmneiepmohylcactuc anfDti r-Hetood, ilece Capa i nci ntigncr-sses grave rnors g nhr ottitshew' gond shaeeof ileso 12»,00have gone to luipG-n bllratiîhyargue ithaT Iccscte ctma nlteiE so.ceededtetoattack tic blague by is ose. cd for a voluintoor to ncke lis n-ay tb iadeaing wirî tie so-caîleti tigeue- a fan- days' n-ait uuay mabe hlm stroug Capt. Roi, o! the; Que's On-n, kilis A tiespaidlifront Toronto seys - The casean-ai tiesperato. Ticen-orsi île test. Clark stepped forward. alu classas,adtihîe ask imposeti upon enough t1 o overconte tthediock. cd, aut cpt. Warden anti Licuta. The mangleti bodiy o!Allen E. unrrtaity neturr in uChina lied eîowu - Theren-as liizlie tinte to bac, for one sorda' science of detecting anti rot- -- ~Smtt anti Dubisson severelyî n-ouud- Meadi nas fourd on 'île G.T.R. trakes no parellel te ils. 'fafter anotier tic chr.outisn-ere pari- eiigsc las BOed-OITQ APDED iotor Leiven began by tolling the ing fest. A nope n-as put anounti - -- uc auss BOERPOSIIQN APTUED. Cap-t. Rycîl, o! the Yorkshires, n-as noar île Toronto Golf Club-bouse, people tbot lie lied conte te stop île Ciarb's waisu ant ile starteti ou 11s! despatcli front Spoarmau's Camp kiloi anti Lieut, Barlowv severeiy 1y County Constable Burns4 Thceguat itlelidnh l -riions mission. MOST AG-ONIZING- .y Tic, fieldi arîiîîery anti a Io- -uniei heati iuy severeti frointhle body ai a medicino tiat n-ould le sure to do: THE RESCUE. I- îon-itzons this norning cieliedth re ~-distance fron t i. Beiweeu thc two jLt. HUc wais met IF tie pbjecion, - h n-as a stupeudous font. Tic saý11dca lb wioi ai-lte AeId andi Sre DUNDONALD'S G-OOD WORIC nere severel orticles o! clothing, cvi-. fantriiar enouglain luIdla, that if ho n-ews rufnuiag Mountains 11gb anti tlroo ettaîàbe, l'oa J'ewn-15uies. e Boer l'e!t front a bopje ou the right, the ti. ently tomn fron thîe bodv by t ho gave tiem thîe meditine hoe woolti give i eiîlbrv infeuîry beepiug up a continiuons rifle -A tespatch front Spearmau's Camp train, htisla upposedti tît Meadi, wîo îiuem tite disease aiso. timnthebaerescuer w-a an-ci front A ieqpllaci front Kingston, Ont, was new agnt, ell ff is tainil. It roquiret i itteen minutes toý tire front gond coverý says:-Detauls cf Lord Duntionaîd'a -sanna gnf ofIstan l n an-er teto iis Doctor Lelven e cc Pdodata stony ono - A lutile ebild o! Thoias Rucher- The Boersabcantionedth le sumnmiC of engagement n-est o o nUîmsoanmetinte'on Suutiey niglit, andti lat once inocuictet hiael! lu tic pros- in accorettuen moTcsmn ncmore fntVictoria stneet, Ptuh' rna thakopjc -hih tieyladbce~ bd- n Ju. 7, ion îl t lie Antee a freight train passeti over lit us le once o! tic eissembly, anti honruo o cue ate roeti.foT c o a-weleti conte -ail-Uic acui, w lci i oJa.1,so lath mrcnley On île track. j bled tle village officiais. Tic exaint--î ub'ri oIwr nosiu.ts s-iciticuecrs uac ing, andt îleBridihtien occupietiit. Cclt gun' titigreat n-ork for tic Bni- Meadi as a Yong mn. Risparents pilid gret affect, lut istili ticheo- "Won oad. fail e est cn-s cul bîtirti, ad ieti ly omrt]y ftinads. i Tlte enony tIen 'tokb shciter behiud. ivt el;111 atPloatloTe-fart ta lce ntiitithefrlnmhat uhatite grc- egrîF.e soty fewadi tonc n-alilon ;the side o! î l kopjm Ati Bos matiea b forta cd ait14Weslerandulae lSt Coroner - pmedcined.aTimiaiscreti1011tigtea a oir uyrg tot o a antibldîle osiionfor oum. Bitis normaecuhfra l-ri as issueti e warrant for an lu- la taken front anolier Intile, o e I ccc ltpr -i e Tliey rometeti lu rIe aflemnoon, île 1kopje, n-Iicl, uaknon-n to eillicr, lad quesi, to tic lelti to-day. jtîr poist 1.ru et Si-lt e ren- axnscd cti tprt tlelr- Brtii iop-igcîape atiltiiue ia previousiy occupieti by c de- - -U--- seti. less. Neither Clark nr Pitlad me- a b s u l o s l e c o s e i m - T h c e t i s , o o! uh e N tar s ie e s . I E V N E N E O-e u s u o i i l a b y s o l i c o v e r u t i c o s c o i s n e s s . T i e y o e : e T c G - - n R b f l ~ s vine.TIc nitil, o couse, on tse ~osi-L~noculateti fronthtIcsaite Intîle prompuiy remox cd in île Brit-si lus- - oaatirecoinendeti bya Thc British ilion occapieti icposi-. tic-,ancut lin tue nedti eir Colt gun SIe-I board iýir-ouitichelopemeu.u il l et ylgte oliptaat -o l eua aig. rss'sal oseeOl ei ioliennyat l.-on île enemy, whlincouiti uni stand H-a ber totier forgiven ihcm? fiaino more 10 sey. If tic doctor celle auî-tiicsne ti:ccove-redabe Btdcines Thecaceua ciles n-ere fen-. cgiastiÊis fimo. Uc-îthin. n!t. I untienstonti oie w-asn fot afraitit s l eiin opeit e ir.cieio oterec'gceguocrtesd aeail -- Teut-tîoe pinoirsn-er laen ibas gone in lise nitl tien. i ~~u~hvcut n ut27 for uhe Dela ware Breckataer, nilh- fraiSxe 2es i fetfbs LT IS SLOW WORK. Tiey fraîernizo-l w iii id2Bitisoi anti t l i wul othutor lad yeu É -- t dhie otien, and Or excess, Menu ,orra, Excessive ueo o shoednosinsofanmoit 1. hndtIen. Sc- cno IF onue tey caune for- acîtià as perfect strongers."1 baco, Opium or cjzimiuilanis. Miailed nu recelpt c Aidesp fro Lý,mdon say:_ Ti.,Britisb tmoopsistlaiyet gea NOT A SPEAKJNG- ONE. nanti, ail wio were yet unattacked y1o ti IF a.,a2ý1 ix 5 n î%ý ,lp dei ail-frnt.'tio. --r Ii -the plague, atidnere inoculatetid ~ -- fffcr. Painpllets r tan'dros t"On, Montay Sir Charles, wrenicutidevra tug fo nte ousied Boers,! j Uoax-Henpeck's wtfc le anuan-fuil T e igun-as alayeti. Tîhr -me iUeilWhoyWood W'oït'sPisal x. it.t îî tc ,' foc enndt nifsleeiîeandevaeryUdr possible w as donc to taicker. Did you ever rot lier? rofehatcs n tý ,s et pn.Joax- Oh, yos; I lave a listening a-occommetifourinys feDotrL-p Boerpoistio. Wet ofSpin ko, ner Te hoiorsof he egageentat qain'anc wit ber. iea apeard. .tGvonilit;Nepecne y .