f I IaI<e the z3est Gives prompt, relief in Bronchitis, Asthma, Cou ghs and Colds, and cures in a re- markably short time. If you sufer witli corns or callused skin use ffigginbotham's Corn Cure., It will give you immediate relief and remove thie trouble without paring or eutting. Cream of Witeh ilazel for tlie skin and complexion, prepared by BOWMANVILLE That when I i Holiday Gifi I look at our I g ing Cabinets. Rattan Iac r hisadR SFaney Tables and Jardir SCarpet Sweepers. Writi SCases and a large line of many other articles suital SAND SEE THEMU. -ris. Furniture Dealer. îý0WMANV1LLE. JAN, 31, 1900. r CLAUE UNION. Mrs P'. D. MeConnachie bas bad * pneumf-nia..- ,Mrs. John Panker bas iviiurace placed lu ber bouse... Messrs Robort Alin and Lutber Fox scld two fine drive rs te Messrs. Cowan - 'avdon -.. esss. Robent Alin, SPolard and Aldin Parker aîtenlded f'~ ~,r--races... Mr Luttier r.x is rf'cevring frein erysipolas .. î'i erl)ert P-uten, Meaford, is visit- hsg is moîher Ars. RegeÈ Rowe. A CARD. We, the uindersigned, do beroby agre îL e fnnd the monoy on a twenty-five teint bottie et Dr. Wills' Eneiish Pis, ïf aut er using tbreo-fourths et contents of botte, ilhey do net relieve constipa- lion andbeadache. We aise guaranîco tour botties will permanontiy cure tbe moest obstinate case of constipation. Sat- bsactioti or ne puy wben Wiils'Pilis are used. Stott & Jury, chemist, Bewmauville. J 'Higginbotham &.Son, chemist, Bow - %&v1 .2-4w AN TIOC H. Mr. Robent Coatbam calied on triends bore recýently,-... Miss Kato Waddel aulo sister vlsitedin Port Hope.... Mr. ark visitod is sister, Mrs. J. S. Rob- rson last week ... - Miss Cooper and _ýsamTIlenrv vieaitod aI Mr. Thomp- -s iecntiy. -.. Mrs. T. G. Waddeih :rii Sîî'di' -ek ln Orono .. ..Mr. !"l mrs. James 6'untor entertained a - :er ot their fiends Fiday week.. ,'liss Maggîe Stewart, Sixth Line, -xs-lt "lCfasweii recenîy.... hJohn 1ý X _ewcasthe, visited at MIcLeod 's Saturdav week .... Mrs, omî Waddoll ha,,, been waiting ou Mrs. T)MCîaci, whe is very iii. J. HICCINBOTHAM & SON, Chemisîs and Druggists. I ýooki ,ocker Rocke nere' -lng 1 Ohildi )le fo ng for your ¶ you takea s, including, -s. Ladies' Writ-éW rs and Tables. Stands. Bissel )esks and Book ren's Chairs, and i r gif ts. CALL IRIS, tP-At- TAUNTON. On Friday ovoning a sioighload etf about twenty Oshawa Higb Schooi bey7s and girls, accompanied their csîeemcd schoolmate, Miss Flossie Armstrong,»~I hoer coinfortabie home bore. where Ihey weie itost beartty welcomed by Mn. and Mrs, Armstrong, The party was delaved by the scancity et snew, but ahi kept thoîr spirits -up and thougbt theyv had an intenesting ride. An iuviting supper was preparcd in the most dainlv fashion and was tboroukbiiy enjo- co and appnociated .by ail af ter whicb the rest et the evenbng was speut in games and music When Ihev deparled, al shared iu heurlily thanking Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and Miss Floigsie for a most enJoyable evoning. TUSE DEATIS BABGE. 18 Spared te Many a Home, Because Dr. Agnew 's Cure for Heart Neyer Falts to cure Heant Disease-Relief in 80 Minutes. The pahi et death bas hovered over many diseused beant. leoking for the hast fiieker et the candie, and Dr. Ag- new's Cure for thie Heant bas stepped between the patient and the grim hand andnursed the sufferer back te perfect and pernianent bealth. Thos. PetIne, et Ayhmer, Que., bad heant disease fer fivo y cars, was unablo te work. The docters gave hum np te die many a lime Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heurt gave hlm relief lu thrty minutes, and four httles cured hlm. Sold by J. Higgin- bothain & Son. OSHAWA. Messrs. E. Feit and A. E. Henry woro at London ttendiug the Grand Cbap- ton et Royal Ancb Musons, represenling Pentaipha Cbaptor, No.' 28, et Oshawa.. ...Miss Nettie Nerîheoto, accompani- ed by ho,? cousin, Mr. Frank Con, lias returued from a tour months visit among friends in Ohie,.... Mn, J. E. Hawkins bas purchased the Leok bome- stead on Centre street, . -Messrs Ciffe Mari- aud Thos. Kennedy bave secured empheymcnt with a carniage manufac- turer ut Kempîville, N. S . - -.Newhy eiocted Fhower Mission officers ac Hon. Pros., Mns-. Talbot; Pros., Miss SvYkes; Sec., Miss McGregor; Asst. Sec, Miss Eva Gibbs; Trous., Miss L King. The youne ladies have deiverexi 603 bouquet's during thé pasi six months... We EtThe Oshawa baud have eiected the toi- Wo-t W Fa , owinig officens for 1900-.--Pres ,Capt. J ri- ish and sustain us, F. Gnirsen: isI Vice pros,, Wim. Rai- moi ested and assimila- flan; 2nd Vice Pros., IH. Fostor; Sec J, -r - i do Ibis. Iu etb9r H. Kirb.v; Treas., Thes. Bonnetta: 's"~ te loo iment centainod in Management Commitee-Mcssrs Geo. ois, rated bv Ibe digest- Lawrence, W. IviLeun, and R. David- the waste materiais son - oc by tiaO blooxi ta _____ ly. XVe beiievo the iIMISERIN 5A lH0SPITAL. - .om ~- -reai benefit wbich Rieumatism Made Lfe a Birdeýi,i Sanî derive frein Hood's American Utieumatie Cure Lifted If-A in the tact that tbis Permanent Cure. -ood digestion and The lite et John E. Smith, et Amusa - .î-. blooxi. Il rosieres Wood Hospital, StToms was one 'i lswich <onvért long round et misený, is se ýifflhc'ted ut which gives the wîtfl riletiusatisîs. t' .9i l' OrT Ii Sand muscles. it of curens without mx t, Aflor iha, dyspepsia, sait- having, taken liait a ho South ~,pinîphles and erup- American Rhe-Lmnatiec ,iie xcfoundx rieumatistm and aIt groal relief, and four bothe.- cunel hi m o , thoir qnrighn lu im- pernîanentiy,. Soîxi by J. fligginbotham pure bioodl & Son. Substitultion Îs the Frand of the Day. Homfe Druggists '«111 Not Try To Substitute Anything for Dr. Pitcher' s Baokadlie Kidney Tablets Becanse They Know About the Local Test iIloRy of people in Bolmanvîlle 1Cured by the MVedcine David Darch, barness and suddier, Bowmunvihhe, says;- 'I tako great pleasuro in recoinmendbng Dr.Pitcber's Buokache Kidne y Tablets 10 anyoe suffoshing trom backache, kîdncy trouble, siuggislînoss et the bewehs, or bilions- ness. I have always had mono or- less Irouffte, and wbon I gelthie bottie et tablets at Stott & Jury's dnug store, I had a uasty cutting pain right across mv back; the bowehs were bound np, and the wator bad. I 100k about oe ball! the hetle and the pain disappeuncd tegether with ah oîbher troubles. I have had ne returu et the pain, or oîh- or symltoms as yct, and teed streng and wehl. I bave tried other medicines witlseut any robotf; conseqnentiy foot like strougiy nocommending Ibese tub lts to ahi who suifer as 1 did." P. H1. Vance, Accuntant, Bowman- vile says;-"I have great pieusure in being able te stato thut I have used Dr Pitcler's Backacho Khdney Tablets, with very salisfaclony results, and 1 strengiy recommondauuv eue snffering frein Ibis diseuse te give Ihein a trial. I amn sure tbey wili find beneficiai and tasting resuits." COURTICE. Mes srs I. Gay and sens have coin pieted a flue nesideuce fer Mn. J. D. Storie, Manager et the Maleabie Iren Works, Osbuwa,..The D. U. C. Ce., bave had thoîr unnuai meeting for hir- iug drawens we nndenstand, and the routes bave been icI sutisfactorilv and the managers are heeking eut for the largest muke ta the Co's history. Mn. J. W. Fotberingbam the hnstiing, wide- awako, withal geniai und accommodaI- ing maker, bas boon re-enguged fer the prosenî year. J. W. nndcrstunds bis business hnd attends ta il properiy. Our butter is seling ton 24cts _ . . M P. W Brooks, Middlegreen, Welling- ton, Englund, xvho bas been spcnding a couple et montbs witb relations eaves ton bis beome on Pcb - rd. We under stand thut Miss E. A. Courtice, Dans- ville, wili uccempauy Mr. Brooks te Enghaud wbcre sho wihl spend somoe lime with friends .... Farmens luibtis vichnitv are bnsv drawing stono te the new McLanghhiu works, Oshawa, whenc thcy nealize geed price for Ibein., bot eue in twonty are troc trom saime 11111e aliment causexi by inaction eftIhe et the liver. Use Carter's Littlo Liven Pils. Theresuit witibe apleasant sur- prise. They give positive relief. WONX HIS CAFE. Doctors Said le Must Die. Bat He RaliteS Under South American Kidney Cure, an.d Diabetes,Was Absohteiy Cured. . A prominont ega L iigbt iii a Cana- diarn\Western Iown tneated and dieted for veans for what the dcltors diagnoed au incurable case ef diabolos, Ho be- come se bad thut Le bad te quit bis practice, othor complications stting in and bis sufierings werc intense. AI- mest us a ast reoet ho Iniexi Sotht Amoîlcan Kidnev Cure, and te blis owii nurpriso, immcdiatelY bogan te impreve, This is over n yearage. Ho continued taking Ibis gncatest etf kidncy specifics, and le day hoe is a weilimari. Sotd by J. Hio-oinbtbain & Son. H AMPTON. Miss Ella Weslaway, Cameren, is visiting bier sister Mrs. J. Claîwrîhy.. ..Miss Maud Chunke is bomne walting on bier moîherN Mns. John Clarke wbo is very iii .... .Mrs. G. Oiver and Mn. J Jol une aiseo unden the dector's cure and Miss Effie Robins bas been confiued te tbe bouse for sevonai weeks... . Miss R. Robbins uud Miss A. Haggith, Bow- manvihie, wero necent guests aI Mn. J.' Rob bins' .... A joint installation efthIe offices-s of Court Simpson I. O. F. Bow- manvilie, and Court Archer I. O. F., Hampton, wihl ho beld in the S. O. E, Hall this Wcdnosday cvciug. An su teresting programe 10 conclude with au oyt'IOr suppen. Evcry member T ake Cuticura Resolvent Because it i3 s0 pure and whiohesome that methers can give it tneely te blîdren et ail ages. Il cools and cleauses the blood, and is et the greatest value lu speediiy curing disfigurng, burnng, scaty humnons, rashes, and irritations, when taken hi con- siection with hot baths ef CUTICURA SeAT, and gentie anintings with CUTICURA, the great skiu cure and puest ot emeollients. SolS throughout the world. POTTER DsuuANO Cah. CoER.,rnpe.BBoton. 'EliswtoCuweBIbibN.'ic,"ke ENNISKILLEY Mt. H.Remmer. Pickering, has been guest et Mr. F. Rogers. P. M ...Mrs. McDoîald,Mrs.Phairiii: Mr.Phairin, jr., Virden, Manitoba, have been gnests et Mrs. Jno.Virtue, sr.,Miss Kate Vir- tue is spending a few weeks ln Toronto ...We are expecting an interesting lecture on "The Boer War" froin Rev. R.M. Phaien, B.A.,this Wednesday ove- uing. . .. The regniar quarterly meeting wlll be held lu the Methedist churchl bore next ,Sabbath ai 10 30 a, m. Sermon by Rev. W. J. Wemtherill, pas- ter. VOLCANlO ERUPTIONs-Are grand, but Shin Eruptioxîs rob lite et joy. Bndklen's Arnica Salve cures them; aise Old,Hnn- n i n g a n d F o y r ' S r e s , U l c e r s . B o i l s , Pelons,' Ceros, Warts, Culs, Bruises, B3urus, Scalds, Chappod Hands, Chil- blains. BesI Pile cure on carth. Drives ont Pains and Aches. Only 25 c. abox, Cure guarauteed. Sold by Stott and Jury, Druggists. KIRBY. Rev. T. W. Leggott, and taînily, were recent guests et Mr. S. M. Bill- ings.,.. The League denated $10 te the Sunday Sehool tunci, and have àhse placod new ventila tors in the basement Miss Morris Irained several ot ber pu- plis for tho program on Friday evening week......Mr. Colo and siser were visiîing Mr. Albert Chapman Saturday week. . .. Mr. Dawson lectured ou Fr1- day evening on "The Man et the 2ý)th., Century." ...Mrs. J. Miller spont Thursday, Jan 18 at lber tathier's Mr H Powers. it being the latter's birthday. A RESIDENT PiiysiciAN-That's whiat yen could rightly caîl Dr. Vois Stan's Pineapple Tabiets-fer atter ail how few are tho famiiy compiaints Ibat can- net be reached and treated direcîly throngh the sîomacb. These wonder fu alittie physicia ns- 60 efthtem lu a box-35 cents- heai ail sîomach disor- ders lu ohd or young-incipient cases or chronic cases-tbey are pure and palatabie. ______ SOLINA. Contest aI Divisieon is quite interest- ing, 13 bcbng initiated Friday night and four the precoding wee'. and more te follow . ... Mr. Herbert Reynoids et Quebec Province bas been visiting his parents and cailing on friends bore,.. Mr. John Cen, Courtice, visited bis parents reccntly. ,... Mr. T. Baker, at- tended the Connty Ceuncil hast week.. .Mrs- Wm. Lammiman gave a nico party te ber young lady triends. ... Mr. S. Sbortridge bias beo-n quiteunwel... Mrs. James A. Werry, Riverside Heuse, was At Home te friends Satnrday hast when a pleasaut social evoning was on- joed and se was the rabbit pie. Editor James did net know ilt rom chieken. 0f course it was made atter the Englisb st,'N-e and was prenounced deicios .... The special services con- ducted by Li ev. Il. Thomas have 'been a great blossing, sevorailiho tds et familles havîng began a botter lite and quite a number et )-oung persons tee.. .Mr. Jno. VauNest receivori a bad blow iin the face trom a pieceofo timbor hast week. . .. Mr. Ed. Milsen is takinZ a course in iaw ai Mr. H. E. Merphy's haw office, Oshawa, instead et Mr. J.F. Grierson as annonnced lu hast issue. PHYSîciANS PRESCRnBE IT It bas becomo quite common for phYsicians te pros- cribo Dr. Chase's Norvo Food for patients who are run dewu by the rav- ages et chrenic disease. They recog- nizo ln il a resterative et inestimable wiorIh in wblch are fouùd the vory cie- mients et nature required te -tuild up the system and formi new fiesh and muscle. Ils revitaizing action on norves and bloodplaces it beyond_ the rcach et riv- ais as an absolute cure for diseases et the norvos and hieod. 50 cents a box. ORONO. Miss Sarah Tourjee and Mrs. Samu'i Bowent are sick .. .. Mr. Orn Walter lias moved te Orillia from Osbawa ..Mr. Walter Renwick, Port Hope. vlslted frieuds bre ... Mnr. Palmer, Kendall, visiîed bier son Mr. Robent Cewan .... Rilda, 3oung daughteneof Mrs. A. Hoen- ry, is sick ... . Miss Rutherford, Kirbv, is guost et ber uousins the Misses Ruth- erford,... Miss Emrma Kirk, Toronto, is visiting ber sister Mrs. Thomas Vinson ...Miss Jones bas been guost of Miss Aima Wahkoer, Port Hope... Mr. and .Mrs. Wmn. Colvihie ontertained, a largo party of triends Friday ovoning weeok.. 1 .The Bachelors oftthe village gave an AI Homo lu the Town Hall, Friday cvcning. The lady patronosses wcro: Mrs. Wm. Coivihie, Mrs. W. S. Gamsby MIrs C. G. Armstrong and Mrs. Joncs. ,Commitîe- Messrs. Thos. Cowan, Waldemar Hunter, Joseph Pethard and 1W. L. Long, .., Alderman Beamish and wife, Port Hope, vislted ber faîber, Mr, Wmn. Ballagh, Sunday week ....- The annual A. O. U. W. -'At Homo," willi h hod lnthe Towu Hall Friday, refreshînents and a pleasaut social ovc nling was spent ...Coon MLean, Bewmanville, spent Saturdav and Suri- day wlth friends bre.... .Rev. M. E. Wilson, B. A., was îîoî able 10 tako the service Surday ovening ou acceunt et sicknoss. Ris sermon on the Trans- vaal is theretoe postponpd titi noxt Sundav .... A great manv were disap pointed on account o! Miss Brackbill not ceming te gfive lier înissieuary lec- ture. a--. THE îMASON-00. BOWMAN VILLE. 1 The' aunual meeting of Durham District Division, Sons of Temperance, wili ho held at Hampton ou Saturday Feb. îO,1900,f or purposes ot turîheriug the cause of Temporance. Nomination ainu eloctioti of officers for current year will take place. Bro. W. B. Burgoyne, G. W., P. wili, be ln attendane, Moruing session begins at 10 o'clock. la the evcning a public meeting will be hcld at 7.30 P. M. whcu a good lime is expected. Everv- body is invited le attend. Collection taken. A. L, PASCOR, D. W. P., SILAs WERRY, Dist. Scribe. The Canadian Almanac for 1900. This national publication, in whicii for 53 vears The Copp, Clark Co. Lim- ited, of Toronto, have supplied Cana- dians, and the oulside world as well, wiIh just about ail that is worth kuow- lng coîîcerning Ibis country, is tbis year presentod lu an imposing volume of four hundred pages of carefully compressed and closely printed linfor- mation about Canadian industries and institutions, and every matter of commercial and industrial interest. The Ilistorical Diary for the year is of particular interest, giving ln an in- credibiy smali space all the 'principal events of this verY importanît year A unique feature of the now Almanac is a list of Titled-Canadians. with tlîoir rank and orders. This is the first lime that such a iist has been compiled, and may bo considered as the beginning of a Canadian De Brett. CertainlY the Canadian Aimanac is growing largor and more complote every year, until it is now difficult to sec wbere it could be added to or improved. '!'lho price how ever, stili remains as lu the past years, 25 cents. ,,A HEART AS STURDY AS AN OAK." But wiiat about the biood whîch the boart must pump at the rate of 70 times a minue? If the heart is to ho sturdy and the norves strong this blood must ho rich aud pure Hood 's Sarsaparila makes sturdy hearîs because it makes good blood. Il gives 10 mon and women strength, confidence, courage and endurance. Cartwright AgricultuLral Society. The annuai meeting of this Society was held at the Secretary's office, Backstock, Jan. 10th, and was tairly weii attended. The tolowing were ehocted for the ensuing year: President-Jas. Coates, Shirley. lst Vice President-J. Campbell; Jan- etville. 2nd Vice President-Thomas A. Wright, Blackstock. Secretary-Jas. Parr, Biackstock. Treasurer-Robt. Phil p, Cadmus, Anditors-Wesley Mountjoy, JohnL H. Devitt. Directors---Nolson Marlow, Wesley Mountjoy, John WiÈight, G.L. McLaugh- lin, Andrew Devîtt. Anson Taylor, Jas. Malcolmn, J. H. Devitt. T1he inancial statement was ai foli- 0ws: Heceips-Balance from last 3ear, $8.24; Legislative grant, $118.00; Mem- pers' subseriptions, $ t41. .00 admissions te show, $170 Q-totai $437 21. Dishursements-Prizes paid, awartied in 1898, $It. 15: prizes- paid, awarded ln 1899, $286 86; paid fuor ail other purposes et the society, 891.55-total, $393.69. Balance ou baud, $14,58 Unpaid and other accounts amountlng te about (some of which aceounts have net yet beois rendercd $25. NO BIGHT TO UGNEss.-The woman who is lovely lu face, form and temper will always hîave friends, but one- who would ho attractive, must lzeep lier health. If she 15 wveak, sickly and al ru down, she w 111 be nervous and irrit- able. If she bas constipation or kidiîey trouble, lier impure biood *iii cause pimples, bloîches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electrie Bitters is the best medicine lu the world te reg ulate sîomach, liver and kidneys and te purity the bhood. lt gives slrong nerves, bright eNes, smeoth, veivetv 5kin, rich complexion. It wmil make a geod look- ing, cbarming woman et kt run-down invalid. Only 5'c. at Stott and ýJury's Drug Store. TRE DETROIT FREE PRESS. liere is the greatest bargaf n we have ever ofered you. The STATESMAN and 0W L N the Twice-a-week Detroit Free Press both papers one ) car and the Free Press- year book and Encý cIoj.a.ýia for l9U0 W o' nw h is a u p for onlY$1.73. rfho Twice a-week Freeyer aond is lu pTeftcirtion yeut. We1 Press is couceded by alilto be a first ei ganisnprftcodinyt.W elass. leading new,.papýer. Remember, uNo. xx alWire-n s ong as common ot. 9.ag by taking advantage of thisi combina- o x .ei sstoga omnN.9 tion, vou get 52 copies of TUiE STATES- Over 500,000 farmers using Page fencing. MAN and loicoie of The Fre reshey nld it to be the best and cheapest. copiheFr e s Press ya okfr10, Send for our new pricelist. for oniy $1 75. The Free Press yearTHPAEWR NCCO(T. book and Encyclopoedia for 19i0 is over WALKERVILLE, ONT. 550 pages and good paper binding. It contai ns a correct, concise and coniplete report of the events of 1899. As a book of reference it bas no equal. ThLer e is not a useiess page in it. A practical BUIIKETON. educator and hand book of bucyclo- piedic information on subjcct,statistical, NOTE BYTHTE EDITOR.-We have receiv officiai, historical, political and agricul- ed a budget of news from a new corres- tural ; likewise a booki of religilons tact, pondent at Burketon, but there are too 1, , and general practicai directions en many "cuts" and " take offs" lu it to be me cvery day affairs. A copy of this book acceptable for our columls. We are ; will be sent to ail taking advantage of very particular in this matter. Our :(4 Kf~&1iS~ tbis offer. The book is now publisbed. mission is not to make sport of ohr Do flot delav, but take adIvantage of or te publisb, "puns" and "jokes" at -, SPBAV IN CURE this liberal offer. which wc make for a other peoples expense. Send us news* linnted time onlv by special arrange- and we will gladiv publish it alwa% s.. Co ments with the publishers. Remember ..The G N. W. telegraph office is re we send both papers a fuit vear and the moved to Mr. Cowan's store.... Miss: book for only $1.75. Adress M. A. Wallace, Toronto, is guest NfIdr. 1) ý JAMES, Bowmanville, Ont. King, Burketou ..... .... Great rush: on ln the blacksmith shop last week.. - " a His LirE WAS SAVED.- Mr. J. E, Mr. Jimes Gallagher is bu3 ing hogs:AETL : Lilly, a promineut citizen of Hannibal, * ORTH , T..o çn Mo., lately had amonderful deliverance Countes' Council yNotes. $5TIMa: from afrighitful deatb. la telling of il Warden Geo. Spence was elected on 1- a elri iesei r' ~or cî,en ,oor o yott.. lie says: -1 wets taken wiith T) phoid the Sth ballot. Mr Trebilcock seconded 13-a, o'. sCo., N'. TD., M-rc 19, 1888. l'ever, that rau into Pneumonia. My the nomination (if Mr. Geo Mitchell. : orls-laco u;-Koi Snnfrd n lunga became hardened. I was se weak Mr. T. Bakerwas chairman ef the strik : rnm-, ..d 1 $12ootd5for h-,, ,h 1offered for $75 I couldn't even sit up in bed. INothing in,- coin mittee, also oý the commjuittee to : bf b- pwill ed toi o y.. book -dS eepts for: helped me. I cxpected to seon di et enquire loto the Treasurer's bonds 0: .y .ý V,1RA9ýKSMITH. Consuimptionl, wheu I heard of Dr Mr. W. Biekard is chairman of finance a Orondin, . ., tM-o Ur.6, '8. Klng's New Disco very.- Oue bottle gave committee, Mr. P. Trebi'lc;ofo School I-: ï great relief. 1 continueci to use it, and Comnmittee and Mtr T Smale ot County nabo BokIhtrlO.a se now arn well and strong. I can't say teo Propertv. Mr. T Baker isalso inember: oserî;xee.nroîoraortiteajt muchihi its praise." This morvellous of Ibis committee. Messrs Bakzer and : no ondooh,4bookooooootoit-nOiefros modicine is the sure.st and quickest cure Trebilcock are alse on thc Finance . qpIt is an absoouteiy reliabie remédy for Spais, « lu tbe world for ail Tbroat and Lung Cern. Alr. J H. Devitt is on the Legw SpIi sPIL,c«rbo, libgbones,ege. Removethebisnehan a 1 car. Ilriro, $l; nia for $5. An a liniment4 'Trouble. Piegular sizos 50 cents and lation and roads and bridge commnitFee 0ffor famnili useft as no @quai. Ask your druggist 1.00. Trial botties f ree aI tot aidMr rebilceck mnade the motion 10 r Ç e '.fookr N oLSSÀ EF, adrOns4"A Trent iseeonthe; Jury's Drug Store; every bottle guar- gant $2uO to the National Patriotie LDR. B. J. KENDALL. CO., ENOSBURG FALLS, VT. anteed. Fuud which was adopted. 1 We Are De ighted. Wîhy ? Beeause of receiving several cases of elothingbought at an unpre- cedently low rate on the 8 from the R. Greene Estate, of London, now iu liquidation. This factory has often had our orders and we know their goods to be second to noue in Canada. We have the saine goods now in many hunes we had before ouly at greatly reduced prices. We are the onily firm in this town who have these goods and who eau seli yoti clothing like this: Best $10 Bine Beaver Overcoat, extra finish, now 87.*5Gc' Whipcord, spring aud fal 6.75 Me's heavy elaret Uisters, a few ouly in this lot . 3.90 Youth's " "2.90 Boy's L2.49 Men's brown, invisible check tweed, ail wool Suts iirfe $6.50, now 5.00 Meu's solid tweed Suits, neat browu check at ouly 4.50 Men's blaek Venetian twill worsted Coat and Vest, striped Pants (black suit.) 9.00 Youth's 32 to 35 inch Tweed Suits lu stronig grey aud brown twills 3.50 Boy's Fauntleroy Suits, fancy new design- 2.00 Boy's fancy braided drill Suits (strong washing suits) 1.00 Quotations from B. Greene Co. speciai purchase. Mention this adv. when wauting these lines. Extra values lu corduroy Vests, browu and drab, at $1.00 and $1.25. A good strong heavy tweed Vest, any size, only 67e. eaeh. A lot of other equally as good bargains are in this lot. Nearly ail of this lot is beiug sold at less than the present regular wholesale prices and that too, riglit in the face of au advanciug market. You can save at ieast 25%0 lu buying here just now. Corne and sec. DRY GOODS--REMNANTS, REMNANTS.,.,- Stoektaking has broughit out a lot of ends. They are u:ow al measured and marked for quick sale. Ends lu Carpets, Oileloths, Dress Goods, Tweeds, Cittonades, Drills, Towellings, Ribbons, Laces, Shirtings, Shaker Flannùls, &c., &c. One of the best times lu the year to buy is now, espeeially wheu we remember that prices are goiug up, up. DJo not torget that our Ladies' Coats are being eleared out at one-haîf price. BOOTS AND'SHOES OdIds and ends here also, some great snaps too. Boots are advauc- ing; buy no w and save money. GROCERIES. Now is the time to buiy your stock of Tea and Sugar for summ.er. We claim to take first place in values and request buyers to get samples and earefully compare our values and judge for yaurselves. Advauces are likely lu these also, lu fact are aimost certain. We have not yet ad- vaneed Coal 011 but look for au advanee any day. ýTH-E MS ____ .%- F - 'Destiny Changed, rhe "Siater Slhoe" is closely watched dur- Èo ~ ing the process of manufacture. Every -shoe - undergees a careful examination after ïcav-- ji ing the.liands of each operator. Trhe slightest flaw in the, léather or work,- j - ~ manship-a stitel i issed-a slip of the knife, only discernible to an expert condemus thle shoe that started toward the 'Siater" goal I I ~~~~to th:e ordiinary, 1itr ih5io ilameless, unwarranted armiy cf fcotwear fj sold to whoever will bu y te Trhe 'Siater Shoe" is rnadý in tw-ei-e shapes, ail leathers, colons, \idths, siz--J . and styles. Lvery pair Goodyear Weit e d, naine and price stamped on thc soIe Iý I $3.50 AND $5.00. JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. -1 ieýWiMeï ,≪.-lSllý-ýe.W=>Pe- W,51 ww 7%f,;ÎN-ýiîv- W« -#kW, -div -0 fl- -ý%é-- ýlk