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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1900, p. 6

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_______ - -AT -_ _ _ Issue FULLY PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE Hr-A9% OFFIE, 183 STL. JAM tSý ST., MONT~iNIF. ÇI[icorporated bv Special Act af the, Parlianipul- f Casn.aa) AUTHRIZE CAPTAL1 IN. 10Y,00 SHARES OF' $100.'EACH. e1 ,OOOOO.OO L'own Can Holci Oui Until the Middle af May. A dsp:,tihi fi Lonidun, Thursdaýi, are water, food, and ammiunition A.the enough tola tunit*l the middle o!ý ,4ay, h> ae ny uon a rsticr uule, the foo nr in miioueiha bran areerbd i dil aîunbut be difcj ofind 1 mre than une A' ceui,ýus, N1wic lasjuat heýen îak- bers 7,25). PRISO1ýERS BlAbLY TREATEb The British Camp jiai Waterval Un- fit for, Hlabitation. Ads tbfroin lu wranl scy Mitchelj l theirl gîneer of the Pre- Loria warLer works, ,uho was eplr by tlie Trainsvai Goveruiment,ba ar- rived bu-re ' ie reports that the Bni- tish prisoners'i camp at Wateryal la unfit for habitation. The accoi- mdtion consiste o! w alI and lean-to. rouf, vWýith woodeà upriglits. The mpa- jorit>' of prisüners are compelîrd to ie in the open. No resident duc- tor ;0 campý bas been provided,, thougli the1e 1--0cases o!fever. Wte r is lc ardnd muddy. Pretoria .syin-1 phirswith p honr ave Lgtven £,I0for jprovidinig theniwitalýi LcoinL- WEPENER 15 RELIE VED. The Boers Are Fleeing Along the LadybranciRoad. London, April 25.-The Wvýlar Office ha issued the following froni Lord Roberts, dated Bloemifontein, April 25, "The enemy retired fromn in front o! Wepener last nigbt, and this Imorning fled nortJa-eastwards' alung the Ladybrand road. "Their nuinber was betveen 4,000 and 5,00V.' CANADIANS IN A FIX. Got la a Tight Place,, But Were Extrîcated. B luenfuntein, April 23.-During the course o! General Aldersons advance on Leeuw kop the OAanadians fouind themlelves in a tight, corner Sundýa> near Dunkersport. The Caada MetdInfantry, sent Lu re-oninoitre thaý 13,uer position, appruache.d w ýitin f tg, undeýr uv er 'o! wbich ll fUoeraýS openLîed a,.uch a btficte on1the Cana-ý dkans that tbecy were anable to at-k terdpt t o retire, until another force of Canadians covered their retrea t b>' threatening the rear o! the I3oer posi- tio0'n. WILL RETREAT TO MOU NTAINS The Lydenburg District Naw Belng Provisioned. The London Tumes" Lorenzo Marques,. correspio&denti saysa t tcredible wit- r neses vuecis,£or, the statemrent that the Bouer Govern.nenC la collectingi emormous quantities o! provisions in the Lyde3yliuTg, distriqt. This lend8 z colour to; the reports thet thc hurgh- ers conteinpl. te, making aýi final standC fleg!e's fouidry ln J ohanne burg la 0 'rdcsg7114 shelîs weeklyb E n o( r a n o u s q u e n i t i e-s o !f i a e l becun mnerdiniJhnebî The necessary deposit having been mnate wlth the Insurance D epartmnî at Ottawa, ibis Company Is licensed to do business thraughiout Canada. There has alreadybeen subscribed $650,000; $I5o,ooo Is reserved'for subscriptlon otside of Canada; and the remaining $200,000o is.naw, affered, at par tô the Can-, adian public, to be paid in full, it having been decided by the Company to make its CASH CAPITAL $1,000,000,00. DIRECT0fl~! PEWIDX)91: HOné.WM. PUGSL.EY, D).C.L., Q.c., M,P.P., St. John, N.B.- Vc»-PRrÇsmNst:[H.J. BEEMER, Esq., Director Quebec, Montmorency and Charlevoix Railway Company, Montreal. hon. J. D. ROLLAND,- Presideut Rolland Paper Company, Ltd ; Director Banque d'Hîochela, MontreaL, WM. H IOLITR, q., C Of Meàssr, Kount'ze Bras., Bankeraî, N'ew York, Messrs. JIATTON & McLENNAN, Monti This Company cammenced the business ai fire insurance on May i5th, i899, and bas already re- ceived inpremiums, after deducting alîchargesfor re-insurances, rebates, etc., over $î6o, upou w.ýhich the lbas ratio bas been butL nominal. 'u Its Shareholders cousist of many of the moat prominent and succesaful business men ini the sae Dominion, and the Company la enjayinggreat sh rsaI advantages thereby, because ai their influence, anrd the business tbcy contr. ol o'. Tfhe preminnis on Canadian business have oil kuI QI always shown aregular and steady increase, as per the following1 table, covering the precedi ng ten years : î8go, - $- 5,8.16,071-0o 1895, -- $6943,382.oo i891, - 6,I68,7î6.OO 1 896,P .7,075,850.00 0892,- - 6p512p327.oo 1897,) -7e,157,662.00 1893, - . 6,793,595-00 1898,. 7,349,666.00 1894,- - 6,711,369-00 1 89P . 8,125,498.00 The auccesa ai the iwo principal Canadian Companiies, ibe -Western " and the " British Ameica " o! Toronto, la well known, and their record for reg-ularly paying substantial dividends, wbîle ai the sanie time xnreasing their assets, bas kept the market values oftheir stocks far abovepr Trhe market v alue theibmstocks of!'the BiîhConpanies doing bucsiniess ïÀin this country average over 8oo7'o; and thse average of the Americ-an ccomIpanies operating flu Can-ada is 263,11 Thedided paid b y the latter average i 5.337%, whilm thse average dIividenadS of tise 1n 1lish Zcompanies are ewven higher. The aýsets ii Canada oci al h crpaU es engeged In tLhe busines ai fire insurance have increased during ibm past ten yeara, as followa:4 C. J. BOOTHt, Esq.,, P'reàidenit Canad(a Atlantic 'Railway CompTauy, Ottawa. EDWVARD P. 11ATC11, Esq, (od&Taylo)r) D Y Goods, New York. JAMES TALCOTr, Esq., D-ry Gouda, Commission, New York; t>ireciorBank af the Madhattan Company; Director Trust Company of Newv -ork, UNiTED STATrES TrRUSTEES: AS IEIUOHES, Es3q, 0f Me-srs. Carter, Htighes & Dwight, Co-unselors-at-Law. New 7e RODOLPHE AUDETTE, Esq.9 0f'Messrs. Thibauttdea Frères & Cie, WholeéÉle Dry Gooda, Montreal and Que.-bec. Presideni La Banque Nationiale. JAMES A. WRIGH-T, Esq., 0f Linde-British Reirigeration Company, Montreal., THOS. A. 'TEMPLE, Esq., 0f NMesars. TI<o. A. Temple & Sons,Ine insurance, VALENTINE P. SNYDER. Esq,, rk, Pre-sidenlt Western National Bank, New Vork. SOLICITORS: Messrs. BARWICK, AYLESWORTH & WRIGHT, Toronto. bscribers to this stock to the1 extent o re entitled, to a rebate of 20% on'ail pren ince on their property placed in, this corn Assets, December 318t, 1888,- - $11,731,P19.91 December 3 1st, 1898,- - 2o,684,785-30 Increase in ten years,-- $ 8,953,26s-39 Trhe total fire assets of these companies, (excluding the ife assets of the corporations combining life with fire insurance) advanced during the sanie period b>' nearly $5o,coo,ooo.oo ; and iu addition to 'the acquisition'of this enormous suni, large divideuds have been regtilarly paid to the shareholders. Owing to better fire protectin appliances and water qtipplýy, auperioý,r construction of:uidinsand a morecaeuinec- ion thereof, the i- erceiitage of fires conine-,ý,d to the buildiigs lu whjîch 'bey orin.ated smaed to the to-tal numlber o-f fires, bas wti the past few years greatly increaseýd. The danger of confiagrationt lhas thierefore been mauch lessened, and the chance of a large Ioss disturbing -the average of the year's operations been rendered more remote., The average bass ratio ai ail campanles operat-, in nCnada and the United States during ibm ten yea1s endinýg Decemiber,3rat, 1898, vas 58.22% of iv the net premliiinis eceived; leaving, te dduction ai theepns, and witbout incelud-i ing the immense suilis received as interesi upon investusents, a large mairgin of profit. fl IITISThe' ratio'oai bases to prensinîns received 'in Canada for 1899 was ibm amalîmat for ten yeara,1 the average being 56.02 r. 'The loss ratio'of ihm Ipa.îy. "'Victoria-Montreal- froiniMay î5th, 1899, thedate upon wbich the Company commenced business, to Dec. 315t, of the saine yenr, was onily 15.04%; while the bass ratio, on its, total preminnis irons the date of is startÎing business to the present ie bas not eýxceeded 15 %l ;, showing ibat cvery care bas been exercised in, the sélection of its riaka. Strong corporations in ever>' brancb ai industry have incDom- parable advanitages oVer those of amaîl calibre, and fire insur- ance offers no exception to the general rule. .Wîtb the large cash capital which tiem'"Victoria Itonis'mal" ,wilýlIsave, it will be in an unassailable position, a-id viii b able to Most succesafuallycoupte for buisiness, B>'y lis abilit>' ta spreadl its riaks overa wid1. area, wbich, -74th proiper mnansa - ment, is the essence of the science of! undèrwritsÎng, and vitb ta large income, it will necessaril>',big entirel>' independent eo localî conditions, niake a substanItiali profit year aiter year, ýwith mu.tcb greate2r case and to a muicb gîeaterzxt than woulid be possile for a compan>'ri operating upont a siniler sacle Tîhe connections WhIich the Conipany' basben fOrtunate erionta-t make, are a-id will be to h o!f the greatesi osil benýefit. Tbey w;ii ssist h ta beconseoune thelargesi fire insur- ance companies o! this continent, and enable ht echahg plc ron h trnetfiadlintt44n ~ 's,,, àThe "Victorla-7Montreal " iff, so far as it. is possible to do, abide A 'property owner wrill thus see that, independently of the dividends by the rules. and rates of the Canactian Fire Underwriters' Association, to be paid on the sarwhich there is, every reason to, believe i'Il charging the 'same rates of premium as the companies belonging to the e-lran wfiloear0 rpy tenvsnn4hagemt Board. But, wishes to have the remainlng fifth of its capital held beinargà nd iI -alone' mply rea thein aton theareeme nt the same way as the portion already subscribed for, not Between a few capital- rfre aaoewl nbehmt elziiadto hrtýa ists, but among the solid property ownells of the Dominion; andi asà it desires amount equal to interest. upon his sh.ares at from TEN to TWENTY to obtain as much as possible of the business of this class, which it has PER CENT. per annum, found ta be of great value, it çwill give ta each investor subscrïbing for With the advàrntages above enunmeratec1 -a good busineses already five or more fully paid shares the same privilege that has been. given to its estabîished, the large and'profitable field which is open for itsoperations, présent shareholders, by delivering ta hfni an agreement to allow a *h nf~ence of a superior class of Sharehoîdescneats an rebate, of, 20 % off the regular tariff -rates, on all premiums of policies energy on the part of its directorate and management, and1 a strong covering on his property to the extent of'the full gross une, including financial position, it isbelie-ved that the shares of the " Victoria-Montreale" reinsurance, which this Company can write thereone offer exceptionally good opportunities for investment, 'and that the results This privilege is t0 of five years. thereof will be highly sati-sfaictory. TERMS I 10% paya i allotment; 25% on July Ist; 25% on September Ist; and 25% on November lst. Suberptenlîsts a.ÊI., on Tuesday, May 8th, 1900, and will be cosed at 3 o'clock o.m., on FrIday 16a iItli, 1900, or earlier, therihbig reserved toroecet any application. Siibscriptlons for stock and remittences in payment thereof to be made by cheque. registeored letter, Post Office Order or Express Order to the TORONTO GENERAIJ TRUSTS CORPORATION, Corner Yonge &,Coiborne Sts., Toronto,Ontario, (lie&istrar and Tran efer Agent for Ontario and Western Provinces.) Or to the MONTREAL TRUST & DEPOSI"I' COMPANY,, 1707'Notre Damet, Montreal. (Registrar and Transfer Agent for Quebec and Eastern Provinces.) Offite and residence,olhuTreh St. ,opposte Trinlty Congregational church, Bowmanville. 25, Gm* MISS RVA LUTTRELL 1a epared to give lessons on organ aud fiano at er resideuce, King St.7 MISS ETHEL MORRIS, .AITIST. Instructions given lu PAINTING ca 011, Water Color sud China. Sketching ankt painting from nature. KILN on premises, tir- lng ai noa]a priees..5.6n MISS'REGINA PEROX, Putpil f PrFof.A. S. Vogt,, TorontD, taprpa 'NEW AuiV1'ONVER, resý. Âpply for tenis dtesetc., mt ("U llmnLss iarnsaSliop, kbnýg St. EBvn DE. J. C. IuTc(HE-Lx- M. .Rn.dSitLgcUns, t, 8arrlteî, ohic i C onveyanceêr.Ofce ~1WalayBlok, ing treet, oeavl. et tobn ireasonable rateîi. -l, ROBERT YoIJNG, y. M. o Wtlül ZNi WEST DVEHIM NIIWS Bl~Eeck, where himalf or bil@s.sslta nt viS bsfon4foms.xptos. M. Nibt relli% redence 4, dirci>opposite DrIli Shsed. GOîlby or mk,0"telephona viS rèeeive Droai>pt ai- énu.. - - 71 - yt, LIAIR WORK,-LIadies wishino' hall, ILdone over, eail ai Mas DicKiNsoN s, ln Zats and Cor of Ontario St Rowmanville, 34 MIARRTAGE LICEN4SES,-M. A UN..JÂES, Issuer of Marriage Liceuses, Residence : Centre treet. ý!$e5 .%îv, .oo igood mort- ~~age ~ a eclyaiModerate rates of interest, r. 4111211,2Y ÎILÎN .Soiitor,Bowmnauville,ont 1Ri.PEATE, TAILOR Gentlemen's Clothes made to Order. ai f T0 TuE DEAF>-A ricdeady ie l rcure iE ar Drnma may ve ia r liya DjENTISTRY, 0. HÂRNDEN, L.Di. rduttecf the Royal olegfe of Dental su] gauna, Ontario OFVIC.-Oppesftenaproess offe.. VITALIZED AIR Thse graatest of all lhuman, bnef lti, taat least, without wbâch âu other bMeefit oa b.truiy eujoyed, iîIde HlIS ATMOSPHERE. Ah, ,yes, sighied the girl, ho works in an atmaophiere of art. 1 should thiuk f rom the smell of hbu clothes, her mother anâwered, thal lie works in e.n atmosphere of tobac- co smoke. le successfnlly used monthly by over 1OOqadies. Safe, effectuai. Ladies ask your drutggist for Ceok& Cottn. bot Com- ssiin. Take no other as alll Mixtures, pilla and imitations are dangerons. Frice, No. À, $1. per box*, No. 2, 10 degrees stronger,$S per box. N-o. 1 or 2. mailed on recelpt o! prices ad two I-ceea stama,sThe Cook ÇCamayWindsor, Ovt WNOS. I and 2 8soid aD aecokrinmdeýd by aît Nos. Il2anIsod Ili omnvleby HOI rILLN; lewcatleby DIZ. racM . The late Mtr, Alexander Hall Wil-LE T F R Ti RO . son, shipbuilder, Aberdeen, bas loft E F RT E RO . over £134,223 of estate. S So-Called U. S. Ambulance Corps t Fighting With the Boers. The London Dail>' Mail's Lorenzo The lmprroved Blowerý Marques cqtrespondent, telegrapbing Given Fres wi h every box of Dr. Chaso's! the Irish-American brigade, consist- Catarrh Cuire, la the most eff etive ap- ing chef [y of the, members of the so- r n called ambulance corps, le!ft Pretouria k plianceoeve-r dovised ta reach the rmots 0f Sa turda>' under Coil. Blake, af ter being disease. addressed by President kruger. The>' r ~responded tn the addre-s. with an t p Evervyperscu whe han ever Amrca oleg her torejorcatarI knoiws ht h gre-at trouble is ta get the rem,,dy zo BURNEI) AS PULNISHMEINT. tý, h. deslred spot whýeraià cani eal thencrs .drdiaeIl Fr-HueFrom Whieh Calladian, disese romthasystem. This difflculty i entireÎiy Were Fired iJpon. sle but Most effec(tive __ihe' ainar Leeuw kop, blow er, whlch la ta efui eyý]awlt Jg lu eery bos ai Dr. Ch-as'. Caarr uL're. o hih blefligawhtfag Sthe Canad ianaris ere- f ired tapon,- has- dirýct ta the diseaseýcd parts, and through ita aaprsnr 1h. i-llammatian. beauiho 'e bersand Dr. Chase'ï Catarrh Cure a 1;promý,pt aad à Rg*ctively cuars cat er ibm eair pas. C A S T (ý1 H sag, i nakes breaft1ng ire. and easy, re- pressure wbîch caUsý e bedache %a dâiesestoups ibm rimAlmg lu ilme «S or IfU"t4 and Chfidra. und droppinga in 1h. Ibroat, iand eotwîer. acta f-oùi breath. tto-ghyzdpr 25c. a box, blow*r fr#e, a-tal dealtrer. 1 ou BamasosB4T; A Ç.' Terga"o _______________ ELINENTILY P-ESPE CTABL-E. Was the leeture shocking? 1 hear that the lecturer ispoke the naked truth f Oh, no; it xwas clothed in most pro- per language. Littie Li-verjs C A R T E OR IEADAC IL Fa TORIOLIVEW, reLn: ORCNSTIPATiom. FOEraTHE COMPLEXION CURE SLCK HEAPAGME. Ali Dunlop Tires ia xgoo" On macadan3 ýroada- on country roads-oe gýod roads and> bad roads- Dunflop Detachable Tires are safest and casîesi to ride. If you meemi with a mis- hap - a puncture- ten miles from home-" these are theorilytoolsyou need." i The Dunlop TIre Co,. LimtaS, T.outo. Mentresi. Wtiampop St. John. THE BOOK 0F THE IEAR- "The Bow-Iegged Ghost and Other StoriemI Wiha bnro Are You r Just reinember that ail your strength must coine fromn your Ifood. Did you ev-or thinis of that?2 Perhaps your muscles'n.eed more strength, or yournres or perhaps your- stomaoh s weak and canuot digest what you eat. If youi need more stregt 1 f COC-dLver 011 wit H1-ypot- easýIly Clhxed izclf ailfooclsulnto atregth;andtii.hypophos- p)hltes iare tlin boat tonicg for the3 nerves. SCOTT'S EMUL-. SION Ï8 the eatiiept aiid qu.ikest cure for ccuha o!ofev ery kind, adfrail canes of de. bility, -weak uerveu, anlOzuaof la. Try as you may, yo)u caninot escape the weary, worn out. dont-care-to-work feeling tmat accompanies Sprlng weath r, Braini is flot as clear as it ought to be; there ès langruor and fistlessnîess instead of energy and activity. Burdock Bloodi Bitters Ï3 what peopie need this weadher, ht sets thlerbowel>s, and kidneys acting,whrb ai poisons are eliminate-d frorn the systeri ; cleansï the tongue, im1proves the appetite, purifies and enriches the bod MISS MARY J RIHl 1I have used Burdock Bloo4 t Rift2rs as- a sprhig medicin, for threomf years now ami don't thinkl tber. is 1h% equal aniywhere, Wher' Ï fecl drcwey and ,tlr4,>aftdhavA -, .o desiro tota et, 1I rat a bttoff 0 B.J B. - - A QUICcCUR FOR COUiGHS and COLDS Tlie Canadian Remctiy for aul TNEOAT AiD LUND AFFECTIONS Lurge Bott1ss4 25 centa. SDAVIS à LINC ÇO.Nc, uLIit.d, Ps>'ork'P..Ete AV o~-o o Èl

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