REPORTS OF THE DISTRESS HAVE NOT BEEN EXAGGERATED. Dr. Louis Klopseb, of New Yor~k, just ne- ftrued Fitom ~eesiricken Ina4, 1De- sCi-IiQfs ÂwraI Szeles of suffraa. ousKlopsch, of New York, whoc ;Wn icn [nindia vLsiting the famine- etricke>n districts and inspetino' the BOUSES AND YARDS. oeherc. are so many kinds of poultry bouses that no twýo lersons will agree. [t is like building a dwelling-,house-it dcpends on preference as well as the purýposa. The simplest bouses are the bLast MTfine ,ri~~s ais- 11ýnaIu sameness in the diet. Wben f oo d is properîy preserved In the silo it is more, palatable than w hen fe id n the dry f orm. Tii Ieans that a lems proportion of the food ,will be wasted in feeding. In fact, there should be but littie waste in feeding silage in any instance and in many in- ba~1 ccodensd m a nd this portion, whichhlis supposod to last one mani thirty-six hours, provicd the two frieinds with their only food during two whole days. In one matter they CEYLON OGREEN TEA wcre fortunate; on]y during the days when they were compelled to lic con-. Sýame flavor as japan, onlty more deliciéus, cealed in the Long grasses did tc mmmzmsuffer frein thiret: for ain their ji,ý -à~eIMA.. It never varies. lE Lead Packets. 25, 30, 40, 59 and 00* I - slJ ainuch yet te b3i donc to, prevent many etiifo ,hnsro i h eding th- n t would enosb T îveliliiy Tbree 1[ncies 111gb. I ewater and remained 1 -- ý