and GOOD eknded l VALUES. unsatisfactory LITTLF. LIVER PILLS flot Carters, we seli them for 20e per box, but as good a pili as ever was made. We are selliig thern under our own name and guarautee at 2 BOXES FOR 25c. COMPOUND tHON TONLO TABLÉTS for tired, worn ont nrea genieral blood and brain buider, Not a. Datent medicine * =smade lu the fiuest eherical iabratory lu Canada and this is the only Bowmanville Prug Store where you cau bny them for 53 OTS W. C. Tole, Phm. B5. 2 Doors East of Post Office, Phono 49. Bowmauville. Notice to Creditors.ý In the -Matter of the Est ate of WIL LL4M THIOMALS LOCKHÂRT, late of the vcillage of -Nwcastle, inJ thes Ceunty of Durhame and Pro e- i nce of Ontario, Grain Dale r, deceased, u'he earric'l oic business under thes nante and style Of1 Lockhart Brother. NOTICE is herebv gi-cen pursuant te the _proyisions of R.S.O., 1897, ehapter 129, that ail crediters and other persons haviug cdaims aant the estate of WILLIAM THIOMAS LOCèlHl IA IT, lat e <f tile vi Il fgecNe w - as-ilte, in the County cf Dnham, Gýrain Dealer. de- ceased, who dicil on or abot the 4tti day cf Joue, 1900, or against Lockhart Bros,, who carl-led on business ini said village ofNeweastle, are recîuired on or before the FIFTEENTII DAY 0F SEPTEMBER, 1900, t;0 seod Iby Post prepald or deliver te the Toronto General Ti-usts Corporation, exectors of the l't will and testament of William Thomas Lockhart, de- ceased, ai Toronto, their naines, addresscs and1 deseri tiens and a full staiemenrt oS th cir daims preperly veriied and the natur e of the securit- les if any held by thema. And lmmedtatly ater the fiftee,th day of September, 1900, the sald executers wili proceed te distribule the assets oc the saiSdcceased ameng the persons enttled thereto, having regard oniy te the dlaims cf whilh îhey then shahl have hiS notice; and the saiS executers wili not be lhable for the said estate or a ny p art thereof te any persen or pcr,"ons of whesý -dlaim or eiaints they shall nt then have baS notice. EVAN H. McLEAN, of the village of New- ý,astle, solicitor herein for the 'loreisto General Tdrus~ts Corporation, execotors cf the estate of BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 22, 1900. What a tunny man the fellow is who writes te the papers about the political outlook ln West Durham. Ris know ledge of the situation is as obscure as his personality. What bosh ho does write, tealie sure. The farmers of this conîîty are perfectl 'y satisfied with Mr. Beith, a mi&n who has brenglit more monev ie the riding for herses than any other man living. Ho is recogrnizad ut Ottawa as the best autherity of live stelk matters lu the lieuse. Men with such practical knowledge of the agri cultural neae are noue tee nnrnerous iu Parliatuont yot. The Toronto World's pelitical fore- casts are re«d wth great interest and raise mauy a smile, It said last week that Mr, Th@rnton will cerne eut "as a straight Coumrvative," and conludes with "B3ut Iieith is a riguty popular man in West Durham.'! Yes, Mr. Worl, yen struek it righit in yonr con- clusien . Yon can depend on Rebert Beith. Ho is alwavs "straight" and selid. You know whore te find hîrn everything. The yearsuer his am- bitions dou't change hin. 1He has doue a great deal for the farmers of West Durham and is busy every workiug day attending tthein interests stili. ing Canladian apples basofd upon a fair and intelligent reýtrospectlivevew coitpled with what wo do know of the crop prospects? This is a large ques-i tjin, :and yet it has au easy auswve, , if mon i111but Liston to fqats. lu 1896 much the sarne as they are to-day; that is, wo had thor-nî a very large crop. But England aud the Continent had the smaloest apple crop ever known ; and one prorineut old country man lu the business said lu the, Fruitmen's Guide" if I remomber right: that 1 there was not enongh steamers to carry applos to glut the markets" when wo ail kuow that when once the deluge of apples got undor way lu 1896, that with the pos- sible exception of two to threo weeks iu January, 1897, there was une contiuued glut, and theo givon average for Liver- pool for the season, for the best Cana dian apples (and raeoileet the sampie of 1896 was g-ood) was iess than nine shillings, aud the best Canadian winter apples bought at 25e and 83)e a barre] to farmors, dâid uot pay oxponlers, and the lossos of 1896-7 were genoral, scarce- ly a firm daing to say they came ont ien. That being se. undor-the, favor- »aOlo conditions thýat Englaud was short what show is thore this season when, if advanco reports be true, Eugland to- day has the finost appie crop pr:spects of the last ton years ? put as in 1896-7 Boston port kept up almost a continuons volley oS from thirt.ý to sixty thonsand barrels a week to Liverpool, what will happen this yoar wheu, uuless reports lie, Boston port alono can and will bombard Liver- pool harder than ever? Why is this possible? Weli, we ail know that taken on the whole soason, the Boston ocoan rates are f ully an average of ene shili- in.- less thai' Montreal rates This, coupled with an inland charge whieh, te put it 10w, averages at loast fitteen cents a barnol Iess te sea board, gives the New England States an advantage over Ontario of at least 35e to 40e a harnl; so that te sum up this one side alone Ontario aDpleexpenters are haud- icapped sa Iv, and thus favoraboie rates are enjoyed by onn neighbors. To illu state niy point, onli last week 1 heard two men discnssiug the prospects, and their conclusions were some wbat lîke this :-'ýThe Yankee can pay the farmer 40e for the fruit and got ont even in Liverpool, with an eight shilling aver- age, white the Canuck who lives west lu Ontario, if ho ontl*v pays the farmer 80e a barrel, must have the nine and sixpence average te corne ont evon; and it's folly te think, that when lu 1896 with a good sample and England baro, Canadians dîd not hoid thoir own. but lest rney, oven when bonght of the grower at as low as 30e per barrel, that this year, with the East, West, South and North of the whole continent re- porting- fair to good prospects, that Cana la exporters cau hope te handie one quarter of the crop. Iu 1896 lots of sections in Ontario wîth tens of thons- ands of barrels, nover shipped anv, andl this voar will fiud the same conditions ce;oaUso Thoy >Act nreotly on the Livor es Wall as the Kldýnoys. Pains ln th3e amral of . the back, over the kldneys, are usually due to de. rangements or the kidneys, and dis- appear when the kidneys are set rig-ht. But there are other iinds -of back-. achje, by far the &reater 'pro)portion, that can niever bie reached by treating the kldreys. Pains in the shoulders, the ,centre of the back, and in the sides are cue by a torpid ac- tionl of the liver, and can only be driv- ena out when the liver îs inade healthy and active. To reach the liver, as weIi as thae kid- neys, to set 'hie fllterlng organs in worklng order and to cure every kind of backaehe,, there is but one unfallng remedy, and that 15 Dr. Chase's KId- ney-Lîver Pilis. It Is the only- treat- ment that bas titis direct and combined action on both liver and kidneys, and the only one that positively and per- rnanentl-y cures backache, whether caused 1,y liver or kidreys. Dr. Chases Kiney-Liver PlIls, one Vili a dose, 25 cents a box, at ail deai- ers, or Edmansoni, Bates and Co., To.- ront" FAIR NOTES. Bowmanviile( Fair-Sept. 13-14, Aspienid i-i1st of Special Prizes is being offred. Recuced railiway fare will 'ho given to Bowmauville -Fair. Good extra prizes are being offered for Butter this .-ear.. ion. Dr. Borden, Minister of Militia, will open the Fair, We are lookinoez for a big fail fair. Get your entriol4 ready. Get a Prize List and prepare animais or articles for the Fair. Three Bands have been engaged to furnish music at the Fair. If y ou want a Prize List, write to the secretary, M. A, -ames, Bowmanville. G. T. R. cari-es stock to Sali exhibi- tions for one wqayý rate on certain con- ditions, Teach ors should ]ose no time train- ing thoir sehLiars for the drill and marchîng competîtion. -The merchants oS the town have given generonsly to the Special Prizos for the I air. Theéyaiways do. Last yoar a number cf boys and girls competed for the writing prizè. Let there be more this vear. Every lady in Wýest Durhamn should malte an effort to ,secure a prize lu the Dair'v or D)omestie Science Depart- ments Directors who hiave soid one or more of the tickets issý,ued to them should make returus for, same to the Secretarv eyes best Mon arec reatnres Thousands of busiess men stili spend time and money travelling when they miglit do their business quieker, eheaper, and just as satisfaetorily by Long Distanlce Te1eplione. Ail desirous of exportiug Apples to the home markets wiil be furnished with reliabie infcrmation by writ- ing to Ebeil Jamies Buloading .dToronto Canadian Agent for Messrs. WOODALL & CO., Liverpool, estabiished over 50 years ; Boyd, Barrow& Co.,Giasgow; M. isaacs & Sons,Ltd.,London,and firms in Bris- toi, llamburg and other ports 33-4m Hundsonl Riyer -by Daylight. The Most Charming Inland Water Trip on the American Continent. THE PALACE IRON Sr.EAMERUIS "NEW YORK" and "ALBANY," of the Hudson ]River Day Line, DAILY, EXCEPT SUJNDAY. Leave New York, Desbrosses Street...8 40 a. m. WVest 22nd St., N. IR..0O a. in. *Albany, Hamilton St. ý.....8.30 a. m. Landing at Yonkers, West Point, Newburgh, Pou lakeepsie. lKingston Point, Catskiil and Hodson. VIE ATTRACTIVE TOURIST ROUTE TO THE Catskili Mountains, Saratoga and the Adirondaeks, Hôtel Ch anplain and the Not iwara Falls and Through Tickets sold to Ail Points, Restaurants on main Deck. Orchestra on each Steamer. Send 6c. ln postage for "Summer Book." F. B. lIBBAfin, Gen'1 Passenger Ag't, E. E. OLCOTT, Genil Manager, 31 ti Desbrosses Street Pier, New York. J41eal tios, Cash Grocers. rr-,j#- LIW~, ~ ~W. i11 îl0 l nupuWO-uuv~~[aieno to..-et te wýork when theais h e DMtîe cWpa bXalnL cu, and L Gir1trat :ad h ýouir e nemore, even in thýce t1flg, fr thO 1eexcellent prîzes.l 1 eau say that the Hei uz Compay orloru hope of oetting lest money backAnvux 11mray become a member of E1 Y iL~dj:~ l0e a yd. i iWestEndHouse Big Mid=-Summer Sale ail this, Month. See that'you get some, of these Plums. Following are some of the start- Iing prices: 15' pieces fine Dress Ginghams, splendid patterns, are just opened out. ~We eleared the lot and wl seil 1 7c and 20e Ginghams for 1i 2ce a yd. 5 dozený,Men's good strong Mole- skin Shirts, the 75o Shirts for 50o eaeh. 4 0', p i e c e s dark Flann'elette, specialîat 5c a yard. Sdoz.',Men's Flannelette Shirts at 15e each. 4 doz. Men's fine Gingham Shirts reg. 50c; during this sale 35e. Keep both open for ý at uudian »tattown 1