If ~ 'f Glass Fruit jars at NichLoils'. About DJrug; Stores. Tanglefoot Fiy paper tNcol' ______________________________________________Granite preserving ketties at Nich- ORiS'. Drink Salada Tea. For sale only_ at Ther arehunredsof easos wy itpay to uy rugsandCawker & Tait's.-1 Ther ar hudres ofreaonswhyit ays o by Dugsand Lovers of good tea should test Salada. Druggist's Stuidries at our store. These reasons are so well known For sale at Cawker & Tait's. to mostof the citizens of West Durham that it is not necessary to Try Freeland's $1 der doz photos. repeat"tjiemi.' They are certainly ail right. An experience of ovar 20 y ears behind a drug"counter bias taught Let us- hope that the really hot us Sme hing tht ca ony b gaied y exerince.We nowweather is well over for' 1900. us sme hins tat au nlybe gine byexpriece.We now New subscribers can get THEp STATES where to purchase the best. We know when to purchase, we know MIAN to end Of 1900 for 85 cents. the best wlien we see it and we buy in large quantities at best Rev. W. J. Joiliffe, B. C. L., is enjoy- prices. ing a brief va cation at Cobourg. Ever seap f kowldgewe aveis ued or he eneit f or .Farm stock in the United States in- Sver scap f kuwlege e hae i usd fo th beefitof ur rea-ed $216,000,000 in vaine in 1899. customers and iu order to give, stili better service, about a year ago Mr. Thos. Mutton offers his confort- we gave Mr. E. Morley Cawker, Phm. B., a partnership in the able new house and splendid gardon for * busi1ness, so that our customers have the benefit of the services of 2 sale. eléoperly qualified chemists at ail times. Chi's hatching plentif tlivat Tait & Co's. photo gallery every one iu a dozen We do not play at our business. It requires and receives our good. undividled attention and best energy. We have uo time to talk or Silver, Lowe and Centre streets are even think about the people's business. Our one objeet la to serve now a credit to the taste of the Streets the publie in the best possible way and suppiy them with goods a Committe. littie botter and at prices î little lower if possible. Sewing machines for sale on easy terms of payment at Rickard's Bow- Wp, bave a stock that we are proud of. Everything usuallv manville. fouud lu an up-to-date store eau be sccured from us and everyoue Parasols of ahl kinds seing off at kunows that when the naine STOTT & JURY is on au article the reduced prices at Couch, Johnston and qnality la guarauteed. We appreciate your patronage and con- Cyemns Sta1ntly aim to give you stili better service, Cawker & Tait are supplyinz Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda every day at u Port Bowmanviiie. S O T & U fl"IJNETTA" the New Herb Compound 'STOT & JUY, yfor Biood, Liver and iKidneys 25c. at E, . CAWVKER, Phm. B. The Druggists and Opticians. Toie's new Drug store. Children's Print and Pique dresses 1JIîý1 eoi piz- C'V -'- ei Johnston & Cryderman's. Teas are advancing because of the A >~I1iII~IJ lTA I1TI ~1r ~China war. Buv -a stock now, The TAIL! L%L4 VVAIX.IN ... Mason Co. give best values5. S White Blouses at and under cost Drice. Go0 to Toronto Fair, learn ail you eau and bring home Ail coiored blouses at haif-price at your knowvledge. But learu before you go, that Vou wjll .- oc.Jhson&Cyemus Save n1iney if you do not empty your peeket lu the Fakir's The body of young Marshall, who was cash'tiîs There is nothing sold lu Toronto at Fair Time §,: drowned off the steamer North King &.Aug. 7th, has been fouud near Glenoraà that there is more deception used lu makiug' the sale of _411- Tait & Co. have a fine Iine of fra mes thaýn Watches and Jewelry. t la not boasting to say that Pi,- suitable f or photograqhs etc, at verv you caui purchase from Riekard of Bowmanville, GENUINE low prices. Cail and see their frames. GOODS for leas mouey. Even city jewelers try to catch the ae No need to set a hieu to get Chic's, go piilic wi th what they cali la special watch," -which is ' Z to Tait & Co. for them-they are fine, really very ordiuary works with no mauufacturer's naine ~Te aepcuetae o aeto 4~In the Methodist church Sunday 1ev, upoi Lt. They rely ou their naine to seil it and thus they Vît J. H. Barnett wiIi preach in the mmcm- obtalu front you three times as much money as they should. 1 ing and 1ev. Wmn. Jolliffe in the even- This is only one resort-there are mauy. So beware, ~iug. for men, very clever ones too, have been fooled, Riekard 4 The South Ward:Sabbath School held trad wih gnuin goda urchsed W4~their annuai picuic at the Lake Friday isprpaedfoyu&_ aftemnoon and had a very pleasant again before the raise lu price for cash and will soul you ~tm.r below Toronto prices. Samne price-to ail at this store. dite The steamer North King made m i fas'trtip Thursdav from Charlotte i T N RM K Jeweier and =Coourg in three heurs and.fifty-five B0wsIAx;ui y Optician. 51 "minutes, elleOne smiics at the efforts of some up- 1 M z & Mý V.'I ~j4b 1 1;1-.4?ý_«ýAk -, pish Toronto citizens to keep their 4' ~ ~ ~ ~ names lu the society columna of the newvspaper. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. Farm for sale or te rent. See ad. Your neighbor is praisiug the uew Sewiug machine supplies at Rickard's, Bakin g Powder she bought for 10c. per -- 1b. at Toie's nexv Drug store. Why net BOWMAnNv,11E, STATION. See T, N. Rickard's advt.in anether give it a trial? GOLNG EÂ&ST. GON WEST. colum. The namne Tait & Ce. on a photo Exprs ,'.>S 31 a.mn. 1 ExpreSS.. 5 15 a M Wouderfut Carboiic disinfectiug seat' vouches for its quality , as for its dur- -Eprs. e ar. 1 Local.s 15 S c, at Nicholîs'. abîlity, ask your ueighbors. Our repu. ~aegr..3 241 ,m.1 Passenger..i140 P. M, Little Liver Pilis 2 boxes 25e at Tole's tatien la the best. Loca.....5!Si p. Express.. 7 42 0 t£ îe ý3. !("z I New Drug Store. Every direCtor of West Durham Agri- icy ..14 I M. A. James is Government issuer cuiturai Society consider himseif a cein- r ( except Suniday. ef Marriage Liceuses.mieeeeutedso tigteak * u sonly. 11 Ladies Whitewean at reduced prices the Fail fair a success. STOTT & JLRy. Town Agents at Couch, Johunston & Cryderman's. Cawker & Tait are placîng a sample ___________________________ A couple of second hand sewing of Salada Tea ln every home lu the machines for ýsale at a bargain at Rick- town this week. Cali at their store and ~ ~ <"~ ard's. get a -- or 1 lb. package. The Callaulal The best Vinegars made in Canada The Mc MLaughlin Carniage Ce., and ___________________________and imported Malt Vinegars lu stock at the Coulthard, Scott Ce., Oshawa, have BOWMANVILLE. AUG. 22, 1900O, the Mason Co's. each been awarded a sîlver medai ou Mulins and Giughams worth from 15e their exhibits at the Paris Exposition. te 25e seiing off at 10e at Couch, Johns- Mrs. Seymour, widow of the late Hon. 11wrse for sae-See advt. ton & Cryderman's. Benjamin- Sevmour, Port Hope, died See the Granite preserving kettles at New and Styiish Mateniai for Men's Aug. 16th at Toronto Island aged 91 Nicflcbs'. Suits at the Mason Ce. Direct importa- vears frein paral.ysis. The remiains Great values lu Ciothiug at the Mason tiens fnem the British market. 1înterred lu Port Hope. C.See ad. Do net forget the p)rize ,Rickard la The Methodist church has arranged Plvl2don Court wjli be held at Bow. givin,- at Bowmanvilie tair. If yen for a grand sacred concert and ongan Manilie Sept. 24. will eaul at his store hie wiii explain. recitai on Sept 18 for which the services M.1~ A. Jamnes is Goverumnent issuer ot A goed time te leave your order ton aef Mr. and Mrs. Harny M. Bliglit et ;tdrige Licenses. perfect fittiug suit of chothes now that Trnohv enscrd i h .~.'s atrpretceas bstmaksthe rush of the spriug trade is over. at date in yeur mind.1 Me' aepo[Co. etmks Coucli, Johnston & Cryderman's. E. Foster, of North Verulam, signed Se themt at the MasonCo Mr. Frier, Rochester, who mauaged his naine for $50 te a chnnch snbsenir-- ReUv. A L. Adlam, Janetviiie, 's con- theî appie evaperater at tire corner eftotin list. H1e refused te pay it, was sued dci a twoe eek;s' camp meeting in Church and Division Sta hlast year, was and a verdict was given against hlm. a icgrena htvlae ntw atwe.H a odott The Judge declaned a Dame on a sub- Mrs Jrvna htvlae ntw awe.1e has solid eut tetheacription ist was as binding as a prom- *i.3tf s as Moreas oreue heMr. R. Warren. sr oe 1 . . . h.aa t hs ben -ur --eaure Ahi the bi-ains are not lu the chties, 1iMu-ry note. 1 Bu PERSONAL. Miss Effie Woods, Toronto, is yisiting /"M Miss Pollard, Saleme. TîtE STATESMAN invit's al i sraesto con- Missi Spariing, Toronto, la guest et nature, the arrivai and departure (;f gueýsts, the ________________________________________________ movements of weil know oie, business Miss Cale, Toronto, la visiting hier mec, etc. eSend ns a postal cad r drop a note mother who hias been quite ill. in our office letter box. Miss llaggith la visiting tfriends lu Mn. and Mrs. John Orr, Toronto, are Toronto.1 visiting at Mn. J. B. Mitchell's (fT Mr. Fred Grant, Toronce, was lu Miss Helena Coates, Toronto, la GUU ILA is known at a glance. tewn iaSt week. guesteof Mrs. J. N. MeDengali. Miss Newhy Muir is visiting triends Mn, Norman Jolliffe has become a lu Stratford. member et the Methediat choir. Miss Lily Butt is visiting her grand. nAATopoRcetr .. mother, Mrs. S. Rice. la visitiug at Mn. W. Dingman's. Miss Ethel Manning, Tý1oronto, is Miss Poilard, Charlotte, N. Y., la visiting friends in teivu. visitîug Mr. W. E. Poilard, Saleme. Miss Mayer, Buffalo, N. Yý,, l visiting Mn. andi Mrs. Thes. Moyes have,-gene hier uncie. Mn. M. Mayer. te Manitoba ton a couple et montha. Miss Mentie Curtis, Port Hope, la Dr. L. B. Power., Port Hope, was guest of Miss Neihie Wiliiamlis guest et Mn. R. Beilli, M. P., Tuesday.___________________________ Miss Lillian MeLean netunneti to hier ýMrs. R. Crago aînd Miss Ruhy aire achool at Pontypool Mouday. visitiug triands in Whitby andi Picker- MasGO E n odTa eahueepr eu Mns. W. H. Dustan and famaily have iug. en ODTAadGo ea oahueepr en been camping au Lake Suo.Mn. M. H. Odeil, Toronto, was guest et lis niev-e Mrs. J. B. Mitchell iast Miss Logan. London, la visitiug lier week. cousin Miss ililda Logan, Salem Mr. B. 0. Jehuston, Strattord, las Country Scleols opened iast Monday.ben istgatM.SS. rag, Town anllHigh Schools Sept. Ith. Mrs.,R.L. Gay, Toonuto, hias been Prvdne guest cf ber uaephow Mr. H.ln. Mrs. Jocs La Bi-le and Mn. Oscan La MissLouaMaso hasretunetitnomBelle, Petenhono, are visiting friends inCyonT . a very pleasant visit lu Port Hope. Miss Ida Stephens and niece Miss Mrs. H. Bennett, Toronto,, was gnest Carnie Hawkin are visiting friends at Salada is soldonly iu lead packages at 25c, 30c, 40o~ ef Mrs. F. J. Manning- ever Sunday. Queenst-en. D Miss Electa Goard, Peterbono, has Rev, W. H. Adams and wite. Ciare- .50c and 60c per pound iu green, black and mixed. been visiting-lier uncle, Mr.WmFoley. mont, are enjeying a vacation 'at Kew Miss McDiarmiti, Whithy, la guest Beach, Toronto. If you want a Pure Tea drink SALADA and take et 'Ydiss Ethel King, Port Bowmanviile. Mn. John McPherson, Marahalitewn Messrs. H. B. Rosevean, antiG, N. la., la visîting Mn. Thos. Bingham and. no other, Giddy, Port Hope, wene lu town -iiast othen relatives hene._________________________ week. Miss Ena Trebiicock, organiat et the _ Mns. John Gootiman anti two chidnen Methodist chureh, la visiting Miss - Toronto, are visiting her fathen Mn. I. Mande Pnrtiy, Brighton. Haggitai, -Mn, John Shomon'anti Misses Hattie iA& l tf Mrs. Thos. McKeowu and diaughter, anti Louise Slemeu, Washington, D.C., lfW A I Toronto, visiteti hon sister Mrs. J. T. are guests et Mn. W. Trewin. l VI Ui Hooper. Mn. W. Beith. spent Snnday wltiî Mns G. Detman, Toronto Juiiction, relatives her@, zuest et lis sister Mrs. '-: visiteti ber mothen Mns W. Wnïight W. McKay, Port Bowmaîîviile. reeently. Ms. and Mn. J. R, Lane, Miss ililda Miss Annie and Master Frank Colo, and Master Russell, Faruhate, Que. Oshawa, have been visitiug at 1%r. Jas. have beau guests of Mns. Hauson. MeLean's. The Misses Ellis, Miss Bewhes and Mns. W. H. James and twe c!hildrn, M.Johu Wakeiv,Lindsay, are guests of Malton, are guests et Ms.Thosý.Power, Mn. W. R. Knight's, Lake Shore. New Haven. Mn. and Mns. J. HI. Crsderinau are Misses Etta, Mabel aud Matieine baek tfrom Quebee most entînsiastie h Gilbert, T ronto, have heeauvisitîug even the trip do«wn the St. Lawrence. rltvsen.Miss Nehlie and Floas MacMurtny, IÏ Miss Adeila Doncaster, lot t Satnntiay Toronto, are guosts of thein uncle. Mn. ý, ton New Dundece wlene aIe Wil teach Thos. Fitzgerald, Pont Bowmauville. the ceming tern. Messrs. Garnet Trewiu, Arthunr__________________________ Mn, W. L. Bennett, Napane,has Morris, Pareil Crage and John Slem on, _ been visiting his sisten Mn.. John Washington D. C., are camping at Dr God cea rtha To nopr es r Penkin, Horsey St. Scugog. D yG osceprta oot rcso 11ev, R. Soaberu of St. John's dhurcI Mn. anti Mns. Jos, Craig ant i Iss ony refunded. Not space to quote spent a fow day s' recreation a t Lake Craig, Oshawa, and Miss Cnaîg, Pete-m n Scug-og ast weok. bore, were rocout gucats et Mn, J. B. prices. CALL AN D SEE US. Miss Edith Tailiug, Oshawa, anti Mitchell. Miss Marlon White, Milton, are guesta Messrs. R. Waddeii G. Bryden antidî îîîoîlî rnnuiu lllllO f I at Mn. J. J. Maseuis. H. Sunter et the Queeu City Yachtlf WLUÔlILD i EUN UtlÔ lILL Miss Maggie Cimie las returujeti tClub, Toronto, receetly visitoti Mn. E. trote visiting her uncie, N.George 11. Osborne. ~BwAVLE oIdo eSadr ak Santienson, Coiberue. iMn. James Goard, Jewelhen, wlo ne- BOMNILE etdort tn'r ak -Mn. J. A. MeFeetens, Dainy iolegceutiy removedti t Maphe Crack, N. W. Guelph, paîi his Bowmanvilhe- F 1nd T., la lere visitiug lis mothon anti fiying visit last week. other relatives. a's"'""'- Mns. A. J. Todgham anti Mi.sEhl Ms. W. H. Banbvy anti sisten Miss Totiglat, Toronto, have been výýiiting Bot lytoaeviilgto DENTISTRY. Mns. Walter Todgham. brother Mn. W. IH, Breadi and ethen OrONOSLL .SD .5,L Mesdiames R. Worth anti D. Davis fini uTnne Ilonor Graduate in Deuittry of Toronto Uini-j anti Miss Anvilla Worth are ejyig Mns. John Trick anti Master Alen versity. OFnîcE:-Over Con h, Jolbnston and Lake Scngeg breezes. Phihiips, Toonuto, have been visiting Crydermans store, Bowmanviiie. 15 lyr. Mn. anti Mns. H. Canu anti Mrs. Gay hen daughten M-s. William MeReyueids, AMT ET1aarso o ,__________ et Toronto, lad a delightful 0,,t i nga t "BneekhhilDainy." Fen 6 Dalinton ith 0acessarf-blotd- Lake Seugog ast weuk. Miss Hamilton anti Mns. (Dn) Kitit ings. Capital stock tarin. Apply to JoiîN Mn. S. Edgar- Werry anti Miss LTonie (ueo jeunie Hamilton) et Brooklyn, N. OLLACUTT, Tyront. y ant Ethel VauNest, Solîua, wero gnests .at l iss Taylor et Hope ai-e B3OARD WANTED-Gentleman de 'l i at Lorue Ville, Snnday. visiting Mrs. J. K. Galbraith, Victoria siresto make permanent arrangements for MisesLo atiBlnce rott atiCottage. board and rooms in prvte famiiy where there I Miss Elsie J oblin, Caesana,bha ve beanhaMntI» Ms.Ths.E.B HC, renoobire Or Eofhefbarer.Ad-es. guest3 et the Misses Spry. haegene te Bristol, R. I., whene h .C.crloSiesîNofie Miss Maggie MeFeetens at wiii rejoin lis dramatie Company andi xl'EW HOUSE AND TWO HALF- an ismake prepanatiens ton the comingI acre lots for sale-Frame house, 4 rooms, Ethel Hoopen,1 Tçrone, wene rocent seasou's work. kitchen and pantry, good stoneceilar, newiy guesta fMs .W inesn painted and papered, spienditi fruit garden, 0f rs.W. . lenensn. The Methodist congregatien was Stuate on Simpson Avenue, (Wharf Road.i Mn. E. G. Hart representeti Welling. pleagep te weleome ou Snnday two Will be soid on very reasonable termas. Appiyfo ton Letige, Ne 99. S. O. E., ut Supreme fermer choir members-Mrs.A thu TueswManvii1e1on remisea or to M, . AMS We are preparedfor Grad etie t Wndor as wek. Gregory, Brattord, andi Mis. (Dr.) W. Miss Susie M. Belîman las aecepted A. White, New York City, Mrs. SITUATION WANTED-Bv reliable Shol pe ng wt the pesiticn cf toucher ut S. S. No. .-2, Gregory officiateti at the ergan at single man having good practicai busines colOeig wt Clarke, anti commenceti work Monday. beth senvîees,,in -tle absence of Miss experience, position of trust of any description _bes Mn. B. W4y, Bunsar oethîe Hamý:ilten Trebihcoek. She lhas lest noueo e et hneor wirt octrasfurenishedby.Stat referad- full stock of Ser Asylute, anti Mrs. Way have geýne te olti tme power lu tue manipulation et dressing .J. M. BURNE, Biackstock. 343w Glasgow, Setiauti, for the beneftoet is the instr-ument,' Mrs. White' sang heaith. with tend acceptance a solo a h O SALE-Geuoral purpose horse Exercise Books, Pencis Mrs.S. oloMape Geve as ewnPenmi*tet" at the eveuing service. gooti yeana oid, about 1300 pounds, Souand and Tet oosfrb h town Fniday ton the finat time since oee ight waggon, two sets piatiorra scales, n etBosfrbt Chnitîns. n. olo eep qute eehi STRESCLOED.capacity 1000 tbs, and 2500 Iba , in i-nod work- Chritma. M. Cle eep Taie febl STRESCLOED.ingorder. Fiftyfetedof fence, neariyi new and in health. -- aicteti white. new Kitchener range cook stove. Pubhl iennd n ~ i cri,Ç1 r