Notes andi Comments. For -everalreaâoons careful attention ihojuld be given to the article entitlad -àThe Japanese View cf the Situation," ,which is ontributed by "A Japanese IDiplomat" ta the August number of the North American lteview. In the f iret place, Japan bas taken a leading part in ýt[becapture of Tientsin, and le furniehing a larger contingent ta the expedition againt Pekin than le any other treaty Power. To the sacri- fices thuas madle by ber will rightfully be prcportioned the part taken by Japan in tbe solution ofi the probleis wbicb will preeent themiselves after tbe relief of the legations bas been accomplished. Having accepted and aven solicited the Mikado's generous and probably decisive cooperatin h Wetern Powers cannet, vvith any show of decency, ref use te hlm a large rneazute ai influence in the future regulation ai Chinoee affairs, It is, therefore, important to learn what Japan's attitude will bo, and, for tbat reason, oie bave uoted with interest the views exprassed by "A Japanese Diplomat," wbo muei know the drift cf Public opinion lu bis country, and abould thus 'be able ta foreeast the intentions'of bis Governmeni. Japan la apposed ta any f urther mutilation cf China's territorial integriiy d whiie exauting reparation for I5pyaeti.. juries and guarantees agisar- petition of sncb wrongs, eiesfo ta weaken but ta setrengtben the su- Prome auLbariiy in tbe Middle King- dora, 0 as bc qualify it hetter for the maintenance oi internai peace and order and the enforcement of treaty obligations. The course pursued by Japan during ber late war witb China shows ibat tho programme now outlined by "A Japanese Diplomat" bcd then already been adopted by the Tokio authorities. No one doubte that, aiter the capture: Of Port Arthur and Weibaiwei, the ksys cai the Gulf af Pechili, the Jap- aneecould bave taken Pekin, and tii bheY would bave done, bad they wisbed ta undertake the stupendous task of Substituting a Japanese for a Man- Chu dynagsty in China. The Japanese, hoer, were too well acquainied wlth Chinese histary ta underrate the diii iculby af sncbl an enterprise. They knew that suceess. while, perbaps, abtainable, woula !nvoivea an outpour oi blood and troasure for many years, and tbat the resources af Japan, as yet undeveoed, hgt be strained severoly lve process. onsequent-. ly, the To-kia <lplomatilts cbecked order. 1 1 h ler.Iti, in tru.tb, the anly in- strument at baud. Let ibat be re- jected and China will undergo for a ertain period the process of violent diiniegration ta whicb cie lias been repeatedly subjected; she will be split up Into a number of separate King- domas or prîncipalîties, whicb, citer a more or lacs brief terr aifindepend- ence and intestine war, will has again consolida ted into a sIngle uuiiied Em- pire. The ulmost ibat couid be ac- camplished under tiue "apherA of in- f luence" plan would be fur a parti- calar ioreign pawer ta [cite under its protection the roder ai a particular coastwlse province and belp hlm to make bead against bis neigbbors. No co.mmercial privileges couid be assur- ed beyond the bau.uds ai the province ini question, and the probable ont- come ai a state oainlterprovincial h.tility would ha that the ioreign Powvers would 3aaner or later ho drawu, tiireugb their relations ta thir proteges, into war witb eune an- other. Tbis "A Japanese Diplemat" foresees, and that is wby, while do- manding thai due ameuds shall ha mnale for the ireatoient cf the foreign legations, and ibat guarantees for btter protection hereafier shall ho given, ho protests against aoy f ur- ther mutilatiom ai China's national domain and agaiosi auy moasures cal- culated to damage irreparahly the prestige of the Mancbu rulers in the eyes of their, Chinese subjecia. Wbat is likely ta be the effect oi the umurder cf King Humbert I. ou the fore&gn relations and the internal pcî- tics af the Kingdom ai Italy 'i If it were as true af Italy, as b. ls ai Eng- land, that the Sovereigu reigos, but d.oes net govern, the deatb of the bead cf the State, ueiighr have no ap- preciable resulis, either from an in- ternational or from a politicel pint af viow. Were Queeu Victoria ta die to-morrow, neithor Great Britain's foreigu relations nor the comparative strength ai, the Conservative and Lib- eral partia "s wauld be affected an iots. The Queen bas nover identifîed ber- self with eitber cf the great political parties, nor cen it ho said that any alliance between England and a for- eign State bas been mainly upheld by ber personal influence. No sucb role of self-effacement bas been played by Ring Humbert 1. in Italy during the lasi twenty-two years, ner, iudeed, would sncb a role have been possible iu a country f0 most ai whese inhai it- enta Constitutional goverument was a novelry, white, lu the oyes of a large fraction, it was a bateful usurpation. Besot as was the Hbuse ai Savoy by It is a difficeit pesition et home and the hcsilitY ai the ,na t ives. The a treubleid outîceit abroad which con- area cd Ibe appareutly irtpen.ding front the young Prince ai Naples, vbo warfare i-, approaximately 80 by 100 bas ucw bacoe King oaiitaly Lunder mil;-ý eilu Logth._ It is extremnely the titlecf Victur Emmanuel 111. He anaios and much more diifi- is said ta, have been highly educated colÈ,t than [ho Tu.-eia or Laing's nek ou the scientifie as well as the classi- districtsý. cal side, bat w o knciw not whetber Here, ccrdngo the latest Bri- tb mf i,trnn, Cen. IBotha bas hoe pessosses much native acuteaess abaut 1,03maýn and from 50 1o 90 of intellec.t or mach strongtb of w iii. gun. We know that lho has had no epper- tunity ci evirucing bravery on the bat- GEJN. GASELEE'S REPORT. tlefiold, as bas bis grandfather and bis idthoir. Me kkuaw that lhe bas badi British Crrîed leîst Ue of' Do- nc, pelitical oxporionce, althougbhle 1 fea lu Fine Stylee about ta becoma the occupant cf alAdsac rmLna cs:T. thrcne ta wbicb political expertuýessa s Britisb ýcverumeLndoreceived from indispensable. -Neithear bas ho Chefoo, General Gaselo's 1brief de- strenigthanied bimseli by a uratrimen- spatches ai recent date doscribing the lal alliance witb the daugbter cf a capture ai Pietsaug and Yangrsung. great rcling heuso. IHis consort is a Ho scys the Japaneso Udislodged the Princescf Nionùenegro; a fae.i whiob ouiemy from Peitsang lu gallaut style. if b. have auy signîfiîcance, suggosnts Describing the figbting ai Yaugtsung, that hoe m.ay ha impelled tao Vin1ce Goueral Gaseleo sa s: ey mpathy for Resala rather than for, Austria and Germany. Iu that case, " Aiter ascertaining that tbe euomy' ho m.ay ombracoe the viows of thase or- held the reilway embanikoent, we ratio Itahian politiciens who prefer the weut fcrward for the attack, xiii the Franco-Riusiaii Loague ta the Triple -Ameri car.s on aur rigbt and the Rus- Alac.'bat xsay danger liesq. The assassinatian ai Ring lumbert L. may sian battalion on aur extreme lef, well ho regardeil as an avent big with Aiter a rapidadvauce ai uearly threa Wiil Use Force if Necessary to Prevent lus Escap., -=He Wants Peace. of Republicnnshostile f0 the rmon- archical sysbem, and of Secialists eager ta demoiish the oxiStiug Struc- ture of society, and, above ail, when thege sections of the Left ahovied thoemselves willing ta conspire with the adherents af the Papacy, who deaired ta restore the indopondooce of the States of the Church, it became evidant that the Sovereign wauld have ta exorcise persanal vigilance and activity under the penalty of witues- sing the -,hipwreck cf bis dynasty and of Italian unity. Thus it came topas that, feir semc years, King Humbert I. has made no secret ai hîs determi- natio tasupport the Moderato e Lf in ail lawful ways, and, last year, e- even transcendod the strict letter cf bis rlghts by authoriziug the Pelloux Iîinistry te suspend thoso provisicwîý of the Statto, or Constitution, which guarantee the liberty of public meet- ing and the freedom of the press. The susp unsien as inteudcd ta ho o'uly tempcýrary, and King Huombert, ne, doubt, teck for grantod that it would ho sanctioned hy the Chamber of Dpaties on thae ressombling cf that body. lu that oxpoectation he was disappointed, and the dissolution af Parliament. ta wiich ho thon had recocrso, ivas foilowed bv the loction af a (hamber even leas favorahly d,pc,d tovvard the Sovoreigu than was is predocessor. BOTA'SLAST STAND. HaS 1,000 SyIin and 90 Gnns ilaa DflutCounfry. A dapicti f î;(raomLndon, ecys :-The Laficf disaiifrointPretoria gives the latest usC'OucenuiuIg the move- manie a Gon De Wet, and ii carnies Gea.Hantr, vile eueving nathinl the OranIgeRfiver Cclo;ny, mot ith iiop-. pisition frein! Cen. Olivier, sauti ai Heiliron, and tbo-uagbh itlastated that ho caused [hiiBies taretire, ih cees netseom Î[bat hé inilicied a damaging defeat. Gens. Baller and èrenci have joined forceas senih of Wanderfantein, Gen. Btais neponted te ha holding Beflastinluuansiderable saingrb rocdy t- ýoul e-st the Britishafi dance. It is stateil [bat hie bas plenty ai enginos and. rolling stock ready te transport bis gnnsand mon eastwcrd aleug the 'railroad w1hea neceaaary. The oounriry wheno tie Boers are n-ow pniePanjing t to ikie whatislesup- peisel ta ha ,ýthein lasi stand il% tie Býinhanton district, tiey having, ht is sai, abaiýndoned Lydenbour.- owilng te E-Pi ESIENT SIFYN DFAD While 111, Tried to Reach Kruger, But Perished en Route-=-Badly Wounded ini Recent Flght. A despatch from London says: that ho learns he died on the road The Lorenzo Marques correspondent jw hile trying te reach President Kru- cf the Daily Mail says a report em- ger. He wvas previonsly reporteýd to hc anating from the office ai Mr* pot, very ill, but the correspondent says Consul ai the Transvaal states that hef is ýiuformed that he died from the Presden Stynof he r - effecti, cf a severe wound. H1e states, PreidntStynofth Oange Ilreie however, that the details are nlot au- State, is dead. The correspondent adds thenticated. WILL RISK EVERYTIIING. Britain Prepared te Put Ferward Al A deepatcf f rom, London, says- as On ae 'ireerotib, Frein Tado-isae Speaking at a Primnro,-e League meet:5. 14) RIv,'r galaLon'. in'g ta day, Mr. St. Johin Drodricit, Par- A despatcb' frein River du Loup liamentary Secretary of the Fo reigu wharf, says -The yacht St. Francois, Office, referring te the lauding of owned by Jacques Foslter, of Si. Brîtlsh trceps ai Shanghai, said the Simneon, Ch arlevoix county, wbile oua Govern-sent wais prepared tao land pleasure trip from Tadonsac ta River ioce, if necess.ary, for the protection du Loup thIs afierno-on, -,vas caugit in, of Britisba livýes a.nd interesis, adding, a equail abouti3 o'clock and was cep,- signiificantiy:-"WVe al knew that ne mi z If WEVii-IE SAVEid aedtroie . A dempatc4h from London says:.-A c'orrespondent ai the Contrai News wbamwes lately released citer under- going iwo montJaS, captivity at Nooit- gedcht has errived at Durban, Natal, whence ho cables confirming the as- sertion [bat Presidont Kruger wants pence, but says that the fightin4g cyîm- mandants want ta o ntinue the war. They are confident tbat tbey eau ho]d the difficuli Noigedachi country for at leat six mauths. They are not at ail alarmed by the prospective stop- Page ai supplies imported by way ai Delagoa bay, as they have abondance ai provisions, a large part ai whieb are buried. of Wehaiwej and- by a siilar aàggreês-.Tinple Aliauce, e partunersbip w'ib Sivemovman onthepar ofFraceiwuid bave heen valueless, bad, the onite moviet fon te r t cwance! ultilment af piedges depended ou the "'n the soucl iwlstf Crbnets rih have eao for Chinesel agitators tu cauvince thego vi iCbneswihbv rv coestwîse.population tblat their coun- ed qute as unstable in Italy as tbey trY was in danger of whjoiesale dis- are lu Fiance. meanhrment, andl thus ta couvert Asrgdsitna otias, what seemed at first an insignificant Asrgdsitnapatcaso disturbance into a dangerous rehel- Ki'ng Humbert I., like bis faiber, and lion2. Just 8s10h a commotion and np- emen more than bis father, bas been heevel would bave acourred all over caonstreiued by the exigencies ai bis China five yecrs agd but for the cir- tutomkbLpesalyfl. cumnsPeotion and maderatiepn evinced posito emk i pEsnlt ot by [he Japanfslu ibte ternis of peece Sa long as the Chamber ai Deputies acoepted hy tbem et Shimonoseki. was ccmpesed almest exclasively cf1 members layai ta the idea ai nnity What the Jepanese wero willing ta, do thon, tbey will ha willing te do now, citer the foreigu: legations shail haïe been rescuod tbrough the occu- pation ai Petin. Once mare tbey will try to "save the face" of the Manchu dynasty, belleving it the besi attein- able instrument for tbe resioration ai and ta the interegts oi [he Savoy mnarchy, the Savereigu could view wlthaut misgiving the transfer af paowen fromn a dynastije Right under Minghetti toae dynastie Lait under Dupiretis. But, whe-u the Right bh- came virtuelly extinet, and the Leit cama ta include e causidorable number Dr. Chase's Jjrke le the World's Greatest Cure for itchiung 8r kin, Eczema, Sait PRheum and Pls It le ext remeiy doubtf ni if thons ever waes a remedy ibhai was edrsed by auch, an averwbielming mass ai evi- dence as le Dr. Chase's Ojutdment. The remsrkable 8oothing, bealing qualities af Dr. Chi,a sOlinm»nt are a mays- teny ta physiciens, and, thougi 'tbey e Slow tO r mcagnize ment lun any dis- covery, they jein ieartily with people of other cehinge lu eudoraing and e- canmending Dr. Chiae's inimon as the mosi succeseful treatmeut everi devseod for itbcing ekin diseases. RLev. J. A. Baldwin, Baptiit Ministar, Arkoina, Ont., wrîtes: "For aven tweniy years I was e great ouffener f rom itebing and protruding piles. 1 nsed many remedios and 'un- derweuitbree very paini ni aurgical openctions, cil witb'ont obtaining auy permanent benefit. Wbon about te give up lu dempair I aras toild te, use Dr. Cb 0' itmaent and dcl so, fiiýd. ing relif att once. 1 used three boxes, end amn almoot entirely cured. Thei it-cbiug le ail gone, I have advised cibers to uise it, bolielving if wonld cure thi n i it ihcs me.", Yon muai not thinkt iat Dr. Ciasels Olitmeut la fan piles anly, but we meu- t-iOn tii ailment as th'e most dîfficuit [o cure ai aill itching atmn diseeses, sud [ho disease w'hic has nover beau absalntely canuered by any othegr treatment., Amoniag lie alimenta for wbich Dr. Cae's Oint;ment le being nasal by scores ai thousauds ai people with uni- versai successmay ho montionod: Eczenta, sait, rheum, tetier, baby eozema, rasi, barber'a itcb,, eblbains, itcbing eyeiids, ulcers, palisoned f1eshý humne, scalds, no-nos, hliud, itcbing, bleeding and protnnding piles, sud itcbing skin diseases oif every deacri>i flan. Dr. Ghhsse'a Ointimeut la fer sga at ail cdelrma a sntpostplac on receipt ai pirice, 6osby Edmeensop, Pates& Co., Toant,. 1 wl can.s aere- - mgiietJpns aarcnierdrecard-breaking !1escaped from bim, repart that hie j mgnfieu Jaancecaaly charge, urne for a freighit train. 0ets heilb saw Preisident Kruger sîrengîî le now. 7,00 men. whicb redulted in the capture oif ten ~jrtst bc uic e lelt. He was in goed TeBosl h itit bog fieid guns. The Chineso rotroa t was lheaItb and bcd bis eadquarters i bicbThe opers ntae duprctar gin orderly, and tbey loi t but few dead ou ALL WA/NT PEACE. a Wailroad carniage. These officers sey and ho ese sehsdo at do arso 111n the field. Tbe correspondent oai the A-s- ' fhît the waxir LXSo'uth Amrine ab-ad os d d owil ing y Onlythe oreiner Wan to o-1are forced to john the ranke. Cern- sociated Preass couuted 200 dead or;Ol h orinr at oC eguerille lu lis natureý. TheymadnSeek pwo eswu- wauuded Japanese. The Britisbl les tinue the Fight. v ill seutle in ibis country, and say eadat Sarnkand wh a sseunîy waz twotmen killed and a fewwud. A deepatch fram Cape Towvn seys: tihaff many othens will do lilrewise as e taoirneaetbaineh uiraityue-l ed. -Mr. Staowe, the Amnenican Cons-ul-- seau as tbey can get away iron tokteahofnurltad - "The British naval brigade guns and General, wha bas been visiting the SuhAfrica. ti t i hmi ganfgt two big Russian guns bcd a duel with Transvaal, bas returne-d bore. Ho BOERS RELEASE A CAN-,,ADIAN. e.D e' ucesi vdn h the Chînese gunýs, wbicb resuliecl in ail scys that a vasi majarity ai the Boers L-ndon, Aug. 16.-It bas beeu re-Brts ctantbiglrea- encing the latter. The Russians iound want peace. There were anly ten p>rteîd ta the War Office ibat Pie. Brislectanabrglrea- M. T. Th"serfonerl aithe lh cessions ta the Boer's fîghiing force. [ho plains east ef the river iloadod, and Booirs lu the commanda which etticet- M .I itr ýrel fte1t1Socli comnmandoos near Johannes- jeined the main anmy west of it. Eveny ed hie train as he was jaurneying Figld Batteiry, C. A., and wh'bawasl vebicle lu Tien-Tmin is imaressed foran nerth. Ail the reet ware fareiguers. it tkn a nniscsonrb he oers . wdrv i ieBntihnunrf .. tho transport service ai the allies, in-1 ebudng il aggans and nickshaws. drawn by coolies."1 CONSPIRATORS ON, TRIAL. Gxang Who Plolted to Kidnap Roberts Arraigned A despatch fram Pretoria, says:- The trial ai Cordaue, anc ai thé con-j spinators receutly annestod, began Fîday. IL first pleaded gailty, but later withdrew v [at plea. The evi- douce againer hlm D3 vonry strrng. He braxke bis parole and ivas caugit duaeLsaod in a British afiicen's uniianma. The plan ai the conspiration was ta kil the British aficera in Preoana, seize Ge".n. Roberts, aud ta bring juta the dty a commando from Gen. Botba's foerce. 6,ooo BOER HORSES Now Being Useci Against Their 1Former Owners. A doispatch f rom Londau, says- Thje Boon woten andl oblIdren et Jnbanueslburg and elsewbere are ho- ing cmistentiy sent hy train ta the' Boer linos. The British la the Fourieaburg dis- trilct neiglbbaurhoa-d f ound a t housa nd ilorses andl cattie bidde,.n in a gorgeý. lie B3ritisi bave ceptuneil noYw 6,000) Boerhanes,2,000 ai whih are lan the 4lu cecndition, anrl are belag uused COL. HOARE SAPE Only a Few of Bis Men Were Wounded. A dospa lob f rom Landau enys -The Daily Nonsý' Pretonsi correspondent makesýý the surprisiag etateinaut thai Col. Hoaxe's caltimn and cauvey, xvbich w'oro ropurted ta have heon c by rie BRuos et Elands river, i resafe, w iti thoe' exception aio a few mon wbc not&e n'ounided. DEATH FR051 SMALLPOX. Alexalàdr- Cîi s ie e ýlt lIeslial ai o'tcl A despaici inoni Cornwall, Out., scys :-Alexauder Constans, tho young man wbe wcs suiiening from smalîpox in the Isolat hospital, dlod Tbursday. Deceased, wbn was a son'ai Henni Coustans, East Cornwall,, had beau cm- ploed ou the tue Chiefrain. Ho cou- tracted the n-aledy somewbere ont- aide, and wbeu ho Lecama 111 wes put abane ati Coruwel..; The local dc- tors, as sau as tboy discovered tho uct'ure ai bis ailmtent, ai once isolai- ed ta entine famuily, and laten ou coiveyed thoro ail te the contagions dieseo ospitel, where tbey wone giv- en a eeia attendant and nurse. N!ouO ai the other members of the fauytook iboe disease, but ibey xiii ail e ho tapi in quaxrntine for same tinte. 1T1(e boat on wbich the yanng man wseplydbas beau quaren- tined neaIr ueboec. Seerving with the Canadien Artilleny ilu Seuth Afnica, n'as releaseil coma tinia ago and heel axrnîvadet Lorenzo Marques, A MOST TRYING MARCH. Secbswald yesterday. Gen. VIIjoen, witb 800 mon, is direct- ly nortb ai bore. DISGUSTED WITH KRUGER. Gaselee .Says TrooPs Are Sufi'ering GeealPino as BoersAr Severeiy From Heat. Siet ef War. ~~~~~~~~~A despach irmLnosys-1AO ront Cape Town says: A epalchi Alrem slouon 1ys CoinmaIndant Pr rn, b nned Genra StAlredCae, ,ommand-) ei oCnadHne,,Jh ur enba ing the contingent ai troopa mm rie'l hGmaro.H nersi ha lebeai IndIae in China, bas wlred totahle' Govav iedIee.H iy- h sha tjreid ai rie nar, an-clwelcontes lie erumant it frm MetSîv, undon date cfI, Augusi 11, vis Chefia, August 15, as prospect ai Pe 100 The commandant ialbow:- br adds that a naaj îriiy- ai the Boers ara "Arive hee erl ths mornng "dlsusedwith President Kruger." citer c mo-a rtying night manch. lie Mr. Jantes G. Stow e, the Uuînted ircope ai cli nationalities are suifer- States Coasul-Genoral, bas natunned ing severely f rom the heat. Teofice ou era. OulY ten Ecens nana lu the hanse died yesterday iroim sunstroke, pcnty which aiteeki bis train. Tht The onomy is ielîeved ta ho entrenci- nentaindien oi tie commando cas cern- ed nati ai Chaug-Chîa-Wen. Tiare l, p'aise.' i ffaneignens. Mn. Siowýe says ne ,funiber news from the Legations." [tho ntajlicity ai the, Huera desire e General Gaselea sanda piwc eanlien cesai of hostilities. despetcbos nopeeting advicesaelready raceived iy the British Governmeut. TTA-î'-- LEFT 500 DEM). Chinese Sufl'erect Severeiy lu Fighf- - ing af Chang-Chia-Wan. A despaich item BonlîIn scyn :-A despatci roce'vec bore firont Tien-Tein, dated Augnat 14, ancunces that rie allies, bave ceptuneýd Cbang-Ciia-Wan xiii ligit lbas. The Chinese lef t 500 depad on tiefield. Tie romeinder iledt, some ta Tuang-fhau and saine ta Po- Lineh-We Ras Made a Raid Inte thtý Transvaal. A deqpaieh frcîm Pretoria scys:- Liinch-Wa, the Kaifin chief an the western border, bias madle a raid ia thýe Tnansvaal as fer as Pilegesbung, and bas ceptuned e number ai catio lb-a Boirs ara siidta have, beau the Linich. We la neported ta ho iighiing iii a civilizad manuer, and la mtr(,ing the snow-covered passes [bey wýere en- campassed on aU asides and attacked ai eveny stop by fanatical bordes oi Afghans. 0f thai armyà, aniy one wretched individuel, Dr. Brydone, erawled ia oJalalabad ta tei aithe borrar oi that merci. Again, an September 3, 1878, Kabul was tbe scene ai theasssntofo anather Britisb anvoy. 1 e \wIs uav - eguari, citer holding ot for seversi clava in [be residency against thc, Amer's revolted troape jyie s campeli- ed, by tbe flning ai rhý,biïbildinigs, to sally forth and perisb wiib bis;--ccrn- panions. It was za avenge this out- rage that Lard Robonts macle bis fam- ans marcb ta Kabul and Kandeblar, The lest serions ctteck upun the iiù~ ai an envoy was that ai a Jepanese fanatic upon Li bang Chang et the close ai the Japan-Chinese war. The manner lu wbich the Japaneae Gaverntent swiitly visited puniali- ment upon the perpetratar, and tihe ample satisfaction aiferod ta the ChV. nase Minister, in a large measure em- phamîzed theo daim af the Japenese to hc cansidered anoni lfte clviiized pow-i ors. GERMANY'IS CONTINGENT, 7,000 Men te Commence Embat4i, atien, on August 31. A dospaici irom Cologne seys : The Celogne Gazette scys the embaik- stion ai the German East Asian er my brigade will hegin an Aug. 31, aed will continue for aigu dnaye. it North Germen Lloyd steamships eand some vessais ai tbe IHambrg-Af-,ý1 ccii line will transport about mou and a great emuunt ai war ws;,. tarie 1. VICERaY YHU-LU ILLED. 'vas One of fie Leaders ln tsnng Fight. A despatich f nomSagai Accordlnig try a native pn ex-Vicenoy of Chili, vies killled tig-hting at Yniug The haughty are awcsthev ai tuer cwn rasi oonoluoioi -Sage. flPJWJ'EB IN A SIJUÂLJJ YACHT CAPSIZ 7D AND ONLY TW0 jThey have ninety guns ai Machado- d.orp The coregpouden t prof esses ta kuaw [bhat wheu Presidont Kruger was et Macàadadodrp ho wantied to leave the ceunt.ry, pleading that bis healtb svas, bail. The military leaders suggestod th-ai Watervalenlden was a desirable amicI healthful place, and tbey jsimul- tenteously providled thé President witb a large guard of houer, who woro instrncted not te lose sight ai hlm day or nigbt. '[Pho leadlers argue f bat the Piosi- dont la responsible for the w ar, and must face the cansequeucos. Tboy will prevent bis fligbt iorcibly if nec- IIISTRJOA IJ~T NU7S \SSASSINATION 0F AMBASSADORS IN ANCIENT TIMdES, -e xVoys fIera lIes m sdo- g hea11. Conniianceor ithoe eneite Si lîh I hey IWeeoAer'odlîed. The oxoltoment ai thoet aýLmenti (bat bas cgitated ibis conntry and Europe conceruing the fanelgui minis- _ns and attaches et Potin recaîls thie tact that iront the must enoient urneà Lie persan ci au ambassader or mini- istoir bas beau beld inviolable- the gniviiege being exiiended ta al 4lh8 pe-sonnel of bis legation ; So -'i wben iriendly relations are J1e beiween bis govornment and the on@ la, wbich ha la acnrediied, ha is givon pasponts te a nne bis safety unil ho shah bhava pased fram ibe limita ai [ho country. Evon ta însuli an ambassador bas a 1- w'aye beau regarded ce a mcci ser1iona international offense, AWLxeuerthe Great destrayiung the City ofci Tnay an that aceount. Sa etnoug, iudeed, l i proeto accarded ta an envoy ai alÀ urjnes, [bat thora are but few instances ai the act- ual compliciîy of a government hoeiu iracod ta outrages upan hbis4sae11riiy. Chief amaug such, ha'wever Wa [ho meïrder of Dr. Do thasie Di [li Minister t-R inudlu1619; bhat ai tie French Envoya a t n in 1799, and iu [bis century ai theBn tiab envoyeataiKabotlun1841 and 1878, respectivoiy. The assassinatian oai Jr. Donisiaux ,ras due principally ta Lis caunoctian wlhbthe TRIAL 0F KING CHARLIES; as one ai the parliamentany coinsù1. A num.ben ai Englisb rayalts had saugit refuge et Tie Hague, and on tho day citer the doctor's arrivai muc- cecded iunlealing hlm a fatal hlaw. lu ibis case the thinly reiled sympa- thy oi the reiguing siadtbodar pro- tectad the murderens fram anresi and punisbmont, thaugh the crime was re- ganded hy ather Princes as even gracier than the oxecutian oa ingfl Chanles. The essassination of the Frenchl en- voysaet Basiadtinl 1799 was ai a par- ticnlarly tneàeberaus ebaracier. War ~P à 1 KAtli-IXS Pi(;HlïiNG.