DNER 0FLGTIN. cburniug lot thesrk be firm andt OITIIOQIJ'E N W us rgn bu h er10 . eve-n and do not leave off ni h D., wer sabihdte famous rpor- 1jer I»fIY ~ # O~ h aî, ut ter bas come. Th& butter should celin furnaces aI Kinig te Ohiu. in the Te ersns f aditintlvly ervus ___________ gatbered in a wov(oden bunl and poineOf KLeang Sy, whe,-re ail the Io(itietvl evu quickly worked over to dissolveth1e! beýit china la stili mad(e, employing sesîteogaiatothe seasu'-'j several thousand oprators. to neaomal fe prorf TO AETE HE A.sait and eliminate the buttermilk. oftl ý , pro fThon Lt should receive its final work- Silk is said to have been discove-red eppx hei,ýon, if nt of actual daily ter-! Shoýep have au advantage over ms ~ald ae hn-i ieo rdrs.Perhps n arra of eassringfarm animais by virtue of the mark- ing var. A fo diGRrfusNofcol aruen ii t able qualities of the carcassa sdi water sliauld next be added to help dEYLON OEEN TEA the Emprressesofng-Chinc ae ber acIs or Phisphalagmn xi dissulve the sait and to get the but-, Same flavor; as japan, onW mura d elicos a h mrse fCiahv rd tuuib uch omfort . to tbpse m7ho wo. Wbýen ivool is Lu fair demiind i er jin shipe for packing. The main. roared and fed siIk-wvorms as an live in coïn,,tant foar of death hy at reasaniablac priros it should psy foriaueet eln h oon n Ughnin; bt reentreprtupo th kap f te seep wth uteei point in mixing the butter is to maka lgL th g subjeot by roeserHenory uof the teeincfstmente, ad oitimtee a Lof gond consistency for putting la TIIE FUTURE 8G IllI' 1wesving the silk. In the gardons of th ttebjars.feLtoshonrylofnttehapwor'ked itbe palace et Pekin is a littie forest Uijuted ,:;S'ates Weather Bureau puts lit tie profit additional. If the wo îuni o ogo h al riswl ETNDT E H 9ýEAE f-larytos n nteocso the marie1 r in qncb a way as to show1 will do Ibis whyi should a farmer askl vrtnln rte~l riswl ETNDT ETESQMKRo ubrytes n nteocso cut the globules, thus making il AND CLOTHIER 0F Tarý WORLD. of an annal festival, the Enapress, >ow unreasonahie is their fear. Itj for more? Sometimes the cry 15i bky Butte r should ho worked over with the principal ladies of her court, >appars theat the total number of heard'thit wool doies not pay. What tatm rtre o about 60 de- ~eth h lgbuig n heTiitd a oat y hi gnealy a hta ra. prtu fThe ChIn.eeAre, the Inventere or 7VarioînS gather mulberry laves for the worms. deýý Ois ýy lightnin In the Unted is meat by thisgeneraley e thita'iieesluSChina C linaOicheaphe thatatevennthh ,Statioa! La year was five hundred audcertain gond profit from the wool! - tli, mlpowdïer Wîie .AU FIrt UseiI uniforms of the soldiers are made of ~?l~yw. That ivas more than alone caunot be made eacha year over WAS IT WORTUt IT f l â(bna. . ,~n~a, yt t i lsa ha nn-tuthsu abveexpusa. ve ifW 01 The nearegt telegraph station was 50 "Fifty years from n ow Cinawill One of the most notable of the arts th ~inherof thaose who lost their dones nit piy iu Ibis way the sh"ýep'miles away. Between that and the be a great 'mauufactuing ý,,cnuntry," vntdythChneiashe a- livi-b l riiay accidents during the, cou ha made to pay. If the w oni seat of battise, t he oountry w as simply saidi Prof. W. J. MécGee. 1er preseut ufacturs of gunpoîwdor. The date of 9sÀame priod; sud a glauce at the num- will bring in onough-to paiy for the hiîo-nbdh odn fueeoy r ~~~~~~cnycob, 0f eahsamngthoe hofolo kof f beshepantth Ltees, territory will be gridiroueýd with rail- the discovery la wholly in doubt, but io tth rfistat.ol rendering it a task fraugbt witb road.s;ber deposits of coal whicb arae~Irc oo the famous traveler, who the ses, othose, evn, xvbo prsue auy anger and difficulty, tu cnnvey intel- said to be vast, will ho conatributing v--tsdtefrEa ntetitet ont of a nium-ber of other familiar ac- Imrade iu many other ways. The Iambs ie cmlioso ospranu otefe'vi dtefrEsinhehrenh \\aios iLl also bo reassuriug. bould thon represont clear profit, Simmra of the "Daiiy News," almost suppiy of the world, sud the produnts cerau qisoeh pol: «Te But becajuse the chance of beug suadafter the ewo has seen its best' before the hattle xas over sud xxheul of her iron mine illgvr akttmeaswt lsiglgt strick iby igb2tuiug is roally 50 smaldays of usfuiness there is aiways h a htvcoy a elwti ca lu snb com oi-n maSetîîning aud peaLa of thunder." At -that umn reauon for neglecting wise pro- market for ber. Hoere La anotiher pro-, th, grasp of the British, saddled up bis build machine shopasu td sips, sudnlu erio th exos ivewsubstancevwas cutiores. Professor Henry lay fit that lanont cormmonly countod in horst, aud, piacing his'despatches lu tcertain linos of inu11trial activity, Prom China knowledgs of the art was %peeial stress upon the danger of wire for the ost of the ewe-is figured up hisboit, rode awày. wbere haudwork is indispensable, she carried to the Byzantines, who were o eiuexhich, ho says, ual. nuiy at so0 much a year, sud the price re- 1 Au bour afterwardis Stuhhs of the' wili be pre-eminent. It s(eerus t me the first to employ guupowder lu war- 1rnmprii the ifeo f the laundress, but ceived for it bardiy seeras tbpsy for 'WD ily Telegraph' led lis horse ouI not at ail uuiikely that Chnaà may befre enuianger the îhous to whbld they are tha keeping. iasd roda hard afier tle "Daiiy News" the shoomaker and clothiier of the attachedý(, A dozen persons were kill- Oue must, lu order to be fair with correspondent. wnrid hait a centuryhboucs-. ed i:sat year \vhile remnoving clothes the Sheep, figure out the different The son beat dowu fierceiy, soeming i " There is ont anytbiug theý Chinese fom sudlio or standing near thoru profits frnm the woel, the iambesud lu concentraite ail ira hbeat upo)n can ont do if thbey are told how to ~iga hndr atr nsd a nuru- the mnutton. lb is a punir yoar, lu- Stubhs. Knnwing full weil that the 'do it. Left ta theruseIves ths-hy wnuld lr of bouiýýssauppiied with hIbm were doed, when the wool cannot Ibe made coutry was alive witb marauding have n industrial future. Theý Chinose s £et on fire, toi pay for the bep of the sheep, and bauds of Boers, ho kept a bright 1lok- 1 brain la not up to an apprecGiation ofI E 4cetdppular expressions aiw ays w th prices as they are ýow it canouot, as his horse galopdaogle nutilpora;L rsntko EVENTS IIAY C0fl~ AND 00, but the high shuudard o~ quaBty wtlI aIwyq remettlia i C' u , . C»i d' t nover varles. ln Lead PuGeoket 25; 30, 40, 50 asnd SoUj ALONE IN LONDON. DRIVINGTU Y. Chichens are soid alive lu Buenos Soelettee That Ciape for Evei.ybOdy Sa"' Ayres by bawlkezs, who carry Ibem Eskhnos III4 hullanS. f rcm bouse to bouse Lu wickar crates It la a popular falisoy that for the swung over the back of s herse. Ait f reroudiess strauger, London la an eerie, peddling is doune by mon ou heraebacîk lu'eiy place. Richard Jefferies gave or on foot. Turkeys are dri%,en permanent expression te, Ibis feeling throtrghthe strtets by poddiers. YýoU wbeu le doscribed bis tragie sud mad- citiose the tudkey you waut fruru tii. dening ýsolititude amid the seething ylou. n h wewilctùitli crowdIs of the City. *î cu The trouble wîth the friendiesse How's>This ? stranger La that ho noýver goesatle We offer One Huudred Dollars Reward foi right way tb discover friends. A eux- case of Catarrh t bat caunot be cured b$ 1 lai's Catarrh Curs. ýsnry dlp loto the Lnindon Dirsctory F. J. CHENRY & 00., Props, Toledo, 0. shoýuld serve to convins hlm that We the uudersigned, have known F. J. Chensy for the aset l years sud believe htra ,~h;~h,-i~I~ lx ±h anas Iperfectly honorabe lu ail busine9s transeot.