rERMS :-S1.50 PER ÂNNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; TIIM WORLD ÂFTERWÂRDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPopitr NEw SER.IES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1900. VOLUJME XV o 5 Bi Su &eryderman fi R. T. Of' T. PIFNIC. !SPEe1IAL PRIZES. The annual union picnîiic of the Coun- Citizens'and others have been very cils of the Ryl Templars f Temper- generous in donating- special prizes for ance of Bowmianville, Port Hope, New- the nileFi s ilb 1s.nb castle and Newtonville was eld onth following report of donations. Friday at Mr. E. DIckev'.s grove, about1 S. H. IReynolds, $5, lst prize for Fat onîe mile south of Newtonville, The Steer. place is very suitable for a g 1athering of C. M Cawker ucer, $2 cash for this kind and between two ndthree sports. liundred people assernbled- and partici- R. Worth, $2 WVhip, brd prize for la iy pated in the pleasures aadsports of the driver. day. Abundance of gn things was Bh$,8dpiefrSdl proyided by the ladies am,.il1 did jus- Jiarn~es Bet, $,3dpiefrSd tiee to the dinner served iii true pienic re Mr. Chester Power nffers a special TYRONE. prize of $12 for the three best colts siredj by his Clvlosdvle stailion, "Ing-ram's Iler," as follows: $5, $4 and $8. W. C, Tole, druggist $250 in goods Visitors - Miss Mande Emmerson, $1.50 for 1stprize and 81 for 2nd prize Nevv York City. at Mr Byron Moore's; for best dozen tea buns, Buns to be %Ir. Buirows, Hainpton, and Mr. Chas. made wit'n 20tn Century Baking Pe-v- Goodman's daughiter at Mr. and Mrs. der sold by W. C. Tole. 0. Stock's; Mr. John Mutton's only W. J. Havcraft, Brooklil, $8 for 2 itb. sister from Chatham, Ont ; Miss Shirle'y butter li1$ rol!s. Butter to become Morrison, Mr. John 'Helivar, sr., Bow- propertv of donor. The unsuccessful manvilie; Miss Ella Wilson, Pickering; butter competing to be donated to Mhe sl Dawson, Peterboro; Miss Bertha Home for Aged and Intirm, Bowman- Blanshard, Whitby College, and Mr. J. ville. Slycombe were recent guests of Mr. -~ r