E , e e 17 e'L.3 4, e o e e e e e E> e e e e e e .4 ~owr ýNVI v tit lat ave arîedw u uxe uiY 1u~tU A m ong ýmany uLsel t îngs Vwe fhave: Pure Li,-nýen Tray Cloths at 50e,60,e,1125 Pure LMen Sidleboardi Go-v ers 2e50 5, $.~ 1-ure Linen Table Covers $1 25.$2,2.5, 450. Che il.-1e TatJe Lovers at .50e, $ 1,25 and $2.50 eaeh. Faniey, Quilts at $1 00, $1.50, 1$1.75, $2 00 and $2.25 eaeh. Table Linen, 64 inehes wide, bleaehed or ha1,f bleached, special at 50e a yd. Neyer in the history of the firm have they clone as large a business in Furs as they are doing.this y ear. Our stock is ully assorted and we have a big choice of, Grey Lamb Goods in Caps, Muiffs, Ruif s, and Collars at very 1low prices. Caperines in ail qualities from $3.50 to $35.00 each. Sable Ruiffs at $8.- 0, $9.00 and $10.00 eaeh. Persian.Lamb Caps and Gauntiets both.MLens andLadies. Clothng. From ilow until Xmas this will be a very busy department. ,Men's Heavy-Double- Breasteci Suits worth $.0fr$.0eaeh.- Men's-Fine Beaver Overcoats, ail sizes, in blue and blaek, with silk- -0 ]0 ý I S q(ý'li 15,1S20,oz25ca3e pand 40eladchiea t ah 20 o~e Fne coch mbo idere Hadk5c, $1e00an 1.25enter pair 10 dzen adis' lemsinhellPtre Leainn Hadercit 0.ah 12 bir hoee on.Sawn aKid PreJhinn Hakereg.iie0for$3S.510. 5p18,r20,o2s' 30rand 4B alwoesok haysleý. -- -- - - __n_ of KieGlvwes at 75 e, $1. r0ind $125 erpair Bsa eal o rict he Nexuvii itT oreekns.oge heBo Y . N I -'4 I 1i e 1 unannum 0 ý lýki 1