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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1901, p. 2

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A Lion.~ -1 eau conceive of nierunian quai- ïty more ficîrdisir la its action 1-ian jcahdusy; and of 1-ie v niions kinds of tisat poisonons power, profession- ai joalousy is tire cruelles t ansd mean- est." A look of horror ivas oun1-be speak- er's face and a sort cul shnddering spasi seemed bu twist bis features as ire spoke. île ivas n coilurbabie mouchant, John Jelly by nie, and iris stout, jolly, good-iooking iVife ivas iitlisuns. Tirey ivero in Sit- zerlmnd, ejoying a wel-carned holi- day afbeî tire rigours of business. Just tien tký.-e wore in compauy witir uther isullday-mauteu'.3 oun 1-e dock of tIse steamer tînit iras plying betweea towns .,n 1-le Lake of Go- nieva. One of tire party, a litcle, drieà-,ij dark man, aroady noborîons for 1-ny- lng 1-o got information un aIl snb- jeccs, scented n stomy, Wel, perhaps 1 eau give you a yarn. Yeu ail know 1 am n manu- facturer and a mercirant luna faim way 0f business. 1 was not alirnys so weii off as I arm at present. Once I irad net a spare hall penny 1-o my anme, yot 1I md in my bond tire idea for tire making and pnttiug ou tire market cof 1ho worid-famous articles I mnufacture now. Ouiy capital was needed for pnbenting and float- ing tire tirings. Capital iras as bard to get lu tire sixtios wmin I mas a yonng man as 11- Is now. I wanted to marry Lucy home. 1 was working at 1-1mb time-don't laugir! Fr'net asiramed of tire fImebin a wild-hemsb show, and my duties were nsainiy bu keep tire animais cloan e - feed 1hem and bu ho generally useful. One 0f tirelilous was Nero, a la- mons blck-beast, doeen nd intelli- gent, but of an uncertain temper. lie mas nover baken ous tour as nsosb of tire otirer animnals wero lan buru, but mas almnys kept at our head- quarters, a ireIl-icuomî sea-side e- sont, whiere he formed une of tire at- tractions of tire permanent menager- ie 1hee R is'tmaluer was a dasling felium, feariess and utteriy caneiess of dan- ger. lis name wms really Smirh, bnt as Smirh does not look very im- posing wirea hild, ho ivas aiways kuown as Signeir Aati, Aati mas mamied, and ho mad a family dependent upon hlm. Rlis wife iras one of t1ho lady riders, and er wnys were of -tic extrava- gant order, therofore it 1-0k ml Anablt's reaily splendid ýerrnings 1-o keep ier suppiied iriti ail se wouid bave. Witls a womnn0f 1-iis kiad 1-ed teo bin Arab's UIce was net of tiere os- lest, and lb was a perpebual rouider te0 me irow 1irecotrived lunkr uelic a iap-oicyair about 1-,iur'lTire danger 0c f iiscliing is aise zestLý o)f 11e to hiuns(I , and wbsn la_1i ir trickýer-y 0f gorgeons ircus gear 'ho entered Nro's cage aîud put tire greaýt benst tlirougir is pa.ces, 1,e iVas as a man intoxicarnd- uîtir n species of stranige phasura. Nero's bricks 1-00k about mn hour and a hall 1to go 1-rougir. île was tire star lion. As a rule wild bemsbs osly leamu tiorougirly one or bwu bricks, but Neru knew a dozen. Arati had n little play 0f twenty minutes'. duration laniis cage, ansd1ho lion liseîf was tire principal ciracter during 1-iis act, Tint was aftem bis bricks had been dniy exibibed. One evening when tirelilon-rooni was crowded as usual, and a mass of inbe,-ested specbnboî-s ivitir breatir- ireid iips wmbclsod Nero perorn is fonts, a catastrophe occurred. Nero h&d beeu sulky. Ainti bad been obliged not only, to use wiips but 1-be b.ot Irons 1-at rferuooa at e- hearsel, muid1ho brute had not for- gotton it. The 1rainer,,litho, gmace- fui, gorgeons, full of quipsanad jokes, eubened iis cage and deligbbed tire folk as usuni, but ire iad mus auxions face uipon hint hefore ire went lu, muid 1, sUirh another assistant, had in- structions 1-o stand rendy beind tire scenes miti bot iron bars, in case of need. An instinct boud me, ansd toid Am- ati, 1-00, that 1home wonid ho need, Nero had been so unwiliiiiîg to womk, su rebellions, se disagreeable in grin, tirat alternoon, birat evon careless Aati bnci said ho shonhd ho giad ivien iris iigirb tumu was donc. A cny fron th1ie audience, a borri- dccl catch of ll breatbs. 1-len sirieks and screasirs, gave ns tise signal sud- denly. We spmanig 1tirte cage, and ivero ju nt ie. Nero, wibh omin- ous growls, had tire bamer dcown and bood, but 1-o tire proprietor who cculd not afford bu, iose 1-lic spectacle ofl Nero's clos emuesa liis bweusby inilaute's play. Tire hin as quiet again. 1, wiro led blus, couid pub bum blrough seinte 0fiis paces rend- tS/Isn Aratj's broken u'rve became evideut tise proprictur pproacired me ouitire subjeet of takinsg lus place. -T mas bu have tire hanalsomne saîary iiberto received hy Aati, and 1 ivas also 1-o bako iis nane, tire Train- o r tu take his uwu naine of Smith and to du my work. 1 > This was rough on poor Arati, as, >froin force of habit, we stili called hlm. Tire proprietor -,as a business >man and could not afford te do any- tbiug elso as ho pointeci ont. Heienl- >creased the salary of Arati's wife, huwever, and oflered tu givo tire >poor fellow more than ho bad givon Me. I dreaded the task, but though 1 was sorry for Arati, I essayod it. I coveted tbat salary, whiciî would on- able me tu realizo my lîeart's desire. I sbuuld ho able to patent my inven- toand to put it on tire market, ifor a very few montbs, I c,,nid dare this awful task of lion-play and nigbtly risk my lif as Arati bad doue for years, ln ministering to thre murbi d fancies of a populace dosir- ous of ejoying the spectacle of a life lu danger. So Arati and I cbaaged places and namnes, for ho took mine, oi tried to tako it, so great was bis dislike of bis owu; yet Jeliy was no botter. Arati's manner, hitherto pleasiug- ly patruntiziug, clîanged towards me f.ront the first nlgbt 1 eîntered Ner's *cage. Ris look was muruierous, and yet agonized, as 1 carne oui, and pas- sed bim as ho stood where once Lirad been nsed to stand holding tire bot bars. y Ptied uiexceodinqly, kuowing bis hitter cause to feel bis dograda- >tion, for his wife, now she was de- prived of bis salary a3 it had been, was known to lead hilm a direful 11f e at home. At iast, irowever, bis cun- 3duet grew so bad that 1 was roused 1and spoke su plainly birat blood was - UP Witir hotir of us, and fiont words 1we hlows. After that I neyer'spoke a word to Arati nor did 1lie bu me. Facir afternoon I put Neru tirrougir bis acb, entlcing hlm hy gifts of moat, and usiug tire whi1, less than >Arati irad used it, birougir I iad to LlaLy t upon tire animal somotimes wben ire was ngly, just bo let hlm f001lire iad iis master. One afternoon as I eritered tire lion-rooni 1 ireard an unusuai turmoil and roaring golng on. Thon ont, lu a great hurry, sprang Arati, wîtir a wild face and terror-filled eyes. 1 wondered wirat ire had heen up to, and eyed hlma keenly as ire rusired past. As I was opening tire door I caughb sigbb of iis face at tire foot olf tire stono stops, and was struck hy tire strange look ho mid. 'Arabi wIll , go mmd if ire keeps on," I sald half aloud bo mysoîf as I went uito tire rooni where tire roar- lug stili went on. 'I hope ire bas heen up bo no tricks With Nero bo make tire heasts ruar so!- Tricks! Little did I dreani of tire full devilry of Arati's deods. I gut half way up tire ruons wien a sigrt met my eyes that absoý-lntely fioze me' into ice. For theý most vicïons of tire heasts, tire most iutractable of tirntal, Maris, tire evil-natured lîouess, whose eubs bad heen romoved froiniber only that week-Maris was out of ber cage, tihe door of which I took in tirehrrra. n gae andhn Ilost imy nrv. bi ýth1at deatir was upon me, and loslng; my heaiýd as I saw tire heast croucr,' I flung tire contents of Nero's meat basket- full at ber, foljiluglber leap. Then I brned-a fatal tiung to do, but I was la a paic brougbt by tire sbock and tire surprise-I turned and rau back -Ito tire door, reacbing it mast la timo to irear thie key turn lu tire iock. I selz-ed tireiandie, sbook tire door, and screanied lu my torror, caliing wildly upon Arati tu come and open. Nover shahl I forge£ tint awful mo- ment! I'quilvor at tire horror of lb now! For Arabi hmd lost bis reason tViat day, beiug wife-goadod to bis îssad deed. Ro bhad loosed tire lion- ess and locked use ln with bier. Maris was eugaged with tire moat. Nero's horse-fiesir pruved my salva- tion. I1irad but one chance of safe- ty, whîch I seized oven as tire tbougbt came tint I was lost-bhe cage. With a couple 0f leaps I reached the emrpty cage and sprang withmu, drawing tire door towards me lever- isbly. Ail tlire cages sirut witir springs: caged like a beast, but safe. Thon I cuusidored tisat, sbould auy- une elso enter tire lion-rooni, that person would rua a toi rible rîsk. Tirougir1 I might shout my hnrdest, Maris would ho upon the intruder like a flash hefore hoe wonld realize wiiore tire voico camne f-ont. And I was supposed bo ho a lilu-tamer, yet tirere I was lu tirat oenini us po- sition! 1 irogan tu houl as I thought of it. Tisen Maris came up and stood lookiug at me with 10w growis wibir iip-iickings, with tail-lasirings, and I was very glad toeho wirere I was, I wondercd irow loug it- would ho befure tire rooni ias enlered. Thon ati was now opening tire barred side 1-at divided me f-;om Maris! "Ah! brave tamer, look after your liouess nowl" lie said, wîth inde- seribable maiignity; and thon I saw bis mad face as lb glared lu at tire bars. "Arabl, let me out! Lot me ot!" I Iept cryiug, but ire went away,i with wild,. mad laugrter, rusbingi STOPPED A BULLET. The accompaw-!ng eut is from the photograph of e. watch that was sent home a short turce ago froni Kimber.- ley, South Afrj<a, by rrivate Peter Flynn, Third K. O. S. B., to his re- latives at 19 Iligh Street, Maxwell- town, Dlumfries, Scotland. Mr. Flynn bought tht, watch fromi a comn- rade in Kimberley- who was short of mnonoy, lse lho skbould scarcoly have parted with it, foi in ail probability it saved bis life. l)oring one'of his engagements witli the Boers the watch was in the breast pocket- wheî eju it must have been face out- wards at the time,-oe bis khaki jack- et when it stopped the fight of a buillet, which firmly embeddod itself in its centre, penee.rating right tbro)ugh the works, and making a deep,ý dent in the back. from bils lips, And I heard Maris md(ve! Thn iiknw ino more. I came rouna lto ln myseif in safety out- sidle the Cage, with niany of the show people round me. It seemned that Arati had been met running out of the building with wiid cries of satisfied vengeance,.lHe was secured, and discovered to bc quite insane. Ile was babbling of what he had done. At once bis hoer- rified listenors rushed to the lion- roomu to find the boasts sttling down to quietness, while Maris, wbo had been badty burned by the mad- mnan, sat subdued in a corner of bier cage iicking ber wounded paws and rubbing lier injured eyes as she wbined wlth pain; and 1 was lying in a sensoless heap in the next cage, open to bors. Tbey fiung the par- tition sbut and got me ou t.. 1 neyer again entered a lion's cage, nor ever shall.-London Tit-Bits. TRAINING THE SILKW.)1DI. Wfethods Adopted by a' Tribe cf South Amierîcan Feople. Ilow would you like to have a silkeu garmeut spun upon your body, direct froin the silk-worn t.o the fin- ished uroduct ? It ough lt to ho 4co- noiafor there wold Iho 1 n an-1 fcu er rnidiepenprofits to divdeakdit ouýht ogvests faction a&S to fit. But the chances are that yon would ho tickled to death, for, in or- der to accumplisb this resuit as it is done by. a tribe .of South Arnericah peuple, you wouid have te alilow the silk-worm to crawl over you, forthi and back, uritil thc siiken fibres en- veloped Yeu. The people who clothe themselves in silk in this rcmarkable mnner live f ar up tbe Amazon, a.nd are called the Silvas. They collect tbe eggs of the siik-wormn moth, and carry theni about in their boîts about their bodies. Thus the warmith of the body bips to hatcb the eggs. When the caterpillars come forth, they are not ailowed te leave the body, but are trained tu roam over it and miake it their homo About one minute of these crawl- ers about a white mann's body would ho euough te ticl'le hlm tu deatb, but the natives have thom-crawling about for twu months, a wbole axrmy of thoîn. Leaves are stuck upon the body for the worins tu feed up- on, and while they are,.foeding the riatives assist each- other lu placing the food upon tne body su that the Wvorm s will formn the habit of goiuig round and round while eating. After a sufficient poriod of feeding, quite naturally the worms want tu spin their cocoons. Iu this , how- evor, they are preventedby the outer shl'1icng desi royoc, beause if it formed it would spoil the silk. The catorpillars do not know what tu mnake of this for a time, but event- ually tbey concludo it isaîl rigbt, and tbey begini spinming the silk. This end attaiued the native is de- lightod, and they make the worms crawl about tlhem rapîdly, spinninig the delicate silkon thread as they go, each Wormi spinniug perhaps four thousand yards of shining filament Round the neck, and chest, and arms and legs tbey go, as thougb racing emeli with the other, and presently the work of the Worm is ovor. The transformation is complote. From a nakoed savage, the native is turuied into a perfectlyclotbed boing, with a gai-ment of silk thât in fit and appearanco would mako him envied of ovcry ballot dancer. The ox-Queen of Madagascar, wbo is uow in Paris, is a somoewbat ro- murkable wuman, and sume years ago voluntarily weut to the Englisli r-issionaries tu bo oducated. lier Maiosty, however, is a firmi believer1 FROZEN DAINTIES. To tire camuai observer-wbu eatî wbateyer is set bel ore hlm, provided lb is goud, asking nu questions-tre dilI1erojce betweeu sorbets, granites, frappesý, sirerbets and water ices seenîs as ir.consequential as tirat ho- tweeîî tweedledum and tweedledee. To the înitlated, bowover, tire is a considerable dlfferentlation. A waber ico is simply a lemonade or fruit juice aud water frozea wibh- ont stirring. Motion interferes witr tire clearnees. A sirerbet is a water !ce to wviicir white 0f egg or gelatine lias been added bu give it a creamy couslstency. Sherbets slsould hc frozen more rapidly than ices. A sorbet is frozen more like water !ce, neot su bard as a sherbet, and usuaily iras liquor added. A frappe is simply a half frozon ice. Its distiuguisiring characteris- tic is muslîiness. If liquor is added to a frappe lb becies punch. Granites are fruits or waber ices frozen witliont ucir mostion and with equal parts of sait and ice, se as to enisure a granular texture. They are nut frozen bard. Smai] fruits or large preserved or candied fruits cu n s nali pieces may ire added just long enougir belore sorv- ing bu got bboroughly ciiled. A mousse i frotby mass-likq cream prepared by, froezlug wbipped croari witboub stlrring. lb should ho made a number of hours before nsing and paicked lui sait and !ce, using a greater pr-oportion of sait biran f or icecra. VAL1IJABLE RECIPES, Almntsd Faste for Cakes.-DemI tire -,hites 0fAltirree eggs bo a stIif frotir; gind) and pound very fsnely one pound 0 f besb almonds, and add to tiçscone pound of castor sugar. Lay tire jposte over tire cake, and lot lb dry ini a slow ovon. Te Clbean a Legirorn liat,-Stir e beaspoonfiul of powdered sulpirur labo bhe 3uico 0f a lenton. Brusir tis tiroronghiy labo tire bat wlirh a boobir brusir, aîîd wien dlean place lb under a tap and lobtbthe waber mun over bu freo lb from irte sulpirur. Dry lu tire air ou, of tire sun, Brushi over wîth tire whrite 0f an egg. Mixiug Salad Dressing. - Many h-ousekeeperis complalu 0f tire trouble they baLve uiiimlxing tire Frenchr dres- Sing. Fuit tire issgredieîîts (one tablospouaiful 0f vinegar, birree table- spoonfuls 0f 011, a saibapuonful, 0f sait and quarter birat amount of ntusbardl) imbuo a hottie. Cork bigirt- 1lyv' ,thon hak tire bbt vigorously for a few m7 inutes, and yon will have a perfect eitusion. Tis Is hy f ar tire mis way bu mix tire Frenchr dressiug. Fobbd Pol -Sce binly bwo pouds f tmuraw beef and ha tire suces wl l a rollg pini, srn - oves' tircm ao t a tm'po-nul0 poýwder' - au nspice, Popper and Sait to bat add a pîncir of cayenne. Leave,4 tirje meat ia a cold place witir t-he spices aniid buru it once or twice. Thon pince lu1 a jar and add only .inst enougi cold wmter bu cook lb. Tieý some parier over tire top 0f tire jar, co-ver with a saucer, and cook iu a very slow oven mll inght. Lot tire ment stand lu tire jar bihl cool, thon pound it te a paste, using a littie of tiegravy la tire process and addiug more soasoniug lb nocossmry. Place tire moat lu small jars and run a littIe- meited butter over lb. Tis wili keep for some time lu a cool pince aLnd wben served may ho eut ln thmn, delicate suices with a very sharp lkuife. Musiron)i Ketcbup.-Take a peck 0f freshir msirroonis and hall n pound of sait, plaice thons lu a deep pan lu layers withi sait sprinkled betweeu. Let lb stand sIîx bours thon break up tire mnslsrooms witir a woodou 6poon and aiiow thiron o stand lu t-ho cool fer ithree or four day, sl- ring dailyv. ,Ascertaiii as noarlyas possible tise quatlby -vof iquor there wili ho when straind, and bueach quart a io aquaýrter 0f an ounce Of ca1yoe, h' aill]nounice 0f auspice, quarter 0f anounace of ginger,' hall a teaspooni,,lul0fA powdered mace. Place ail in a jas, cover closoly, place in a saucepan 0f 1boLiling water and bul for three he.urs. Thon pour tire con- tents of tire j'ar into a saucepan and boll siovwiy for haif an heour. Pour tire ketchu'p into a, jn g and strain lu- 1-o surall hottios for use. Do not squeeze tise musirroonis and ho cure- fui bu eave allthe sediment la tire jug. Df3oor corkiisg tire hobbies aud covcrlng thent wîth sealing wax, add a 10w drops of bransdy buo aci. Ex- amine tise ketchup front time bo tume te sc biat lb is keeping well. Shonid lb forument, houl it np agalu wibb a few peppercorns. lVORTI-1 KNOWING. Paint madle witb turuentine is a. Tu Clean 011 Paintîings,-Takesom old potatoos, and pool carel. Af ber rubbiug tire pobato oyer tire painting (with very littIe wbe)a sUice should hocnt off anýd tir b-1 manor, the riglît accent, and the latent seuse of bumor wbicir give the true flavor to a Scotch story. "A womau," said Mr. Plattitooe, ecau t keep a secret." "Go on 1 ' said lttlo Johunie. "Teacher kep' me workîng on a wrotched suan, when sire might Lave told nie tire answer,."- TIL'INUS WU1.RTf KNIIWINU< ~lJRlEERO1F TM-E TI{AIL BITS OF INF0FErATI0N WI-ICH WILL PAY THE PENALTY l OP YOTJ SHIOILD REAII. bing cont inued. As yuu gu on the ela;ther shOuld b-e wiped off witha Dvery eant, very soft, wot spunge. When the woi surf ace a bs e >tboroughly rubbýLed, tbe painting b sbould ho well wasbed with luke warrrn water, and thon rubbod with cotton wooi, whicb will remove all dirt. Finally polish by gently rub- sbing with a silk bandkercbief. DISINFECTING A ROOM. s Somietîmes a doctor orders a rouir -to ho disinfected and if this is not donc properiy it migbt as well nul ho doue at ail. ,Au exehange gives the fullowing directions: Soak twc teaspoonfuls of powdered gumn traga- canthin l a pint of cold wator for an bour, thon place the bowl in a pan.- fui of builing water and stir fre- qîîently until the gum is dissulved. Have iiewspaper cnt into strips about two incies wide and puste six thick- nesses together. Faste theso over rthe cracks of duors and windows, leaving the door by which you ieave the room to ho sealed alter the fumigator is lighted. If there is a firepîace lu the roula, it mnust ho cov- ered with sovoral thiekuesses of browni papor. Tbe guru tragacanth sis oasiiy rvashed off and doos fol 1discolor either pair.t or woodwork. E ATING FRUITS. Sickuess may be produced hy irre- gular and excessive use of fruits and vegotables but there is nu danger wben they are eaten lu proper amounit and regul ariy. Cildren are, as a rulo, exceedingly fon-d 0f frosir fruits and green Vege- tables, and if they are allowed the free and prudent use of wholesome rfruits and vegetables they wiii not eat' them ni uexcess. The greatest danger lies lu oating tirese foods when thoy are not lu proper ;ondi- tion. Select only tirose that are properly grown and riponed and of the fresir-1 est, otberwise thoy will excite dis-, ease. Nover consider perîshable! foods cheap xvbic,h are nut strictly fresh and sound. 3 PERSONAL POINTERS. Notes of Interest About Some of tire World's Great People. 1 Sir Squire Bancroft bas. perbaps, the most astonisiring menory amoug ractors. Ile is not ofily able to re- peat any part ire ias ever acted, but hoe eau rocal xactly when and where ho appeared lu any of the hundreds of characters lie assumed wbile on fthe stage. Perbaps the only living explorer wiro Is equallPy fmlir thcodr places of Uquatorial Africa zand tho[ "Land of the MidnîïghtSu, sM Paul du Chuaillu. The mysterlous fascination of tire "Dark Cotinent"1 lured hlm front an,-East African1 conitine-hnuse xwh'en lhowas <pite youg anl, and hoe was away four: yer, rcuruiing Nwitb a'live gorillaL as tropby. Thon ho111-weat far norttir, and biis fasciniation of maninerad kindness of heart won bîm bundreds of friends. Mr. Henry Richards, Wortbenbury, near Wrexbaln, Englanid, a rotired agrlculturist, bas attained bis lO2nd birtbday. Wlien over niinety- years of ugo ho sang lu the Wortbonibury choir, and was probahly at the time the oldest chorister in thre country. Iu bis lOOth year hoe received a con- gratuiatury lotter from the Queou. Ris ldost son is about eigbty.years of age and bis youugost descendant is but a few montbs old: There are 182 descendants of this grand old man-uamnely, Il childreu, 66 grand- cilîdren, 97 groat-grandeildren, and eigbt great-great-grandchiidreu. Earl Russell, who durlng the last ten years bas bad considerable ex- porieuce in legai procoediugs, is tire grandson of Lord John Russell, the firs t Victorian ]Prenmier upon whom Sir John Tenniel exerciscd bis pencil, and great-grandson, thorefore, ,f the sixtb Duke of Bedford. The Eari, wbo succeeded bis grandfather lu 1878, is unromantîc in appearanco. A rather stolid, ruddy face is re- deemed by smiling eyos that look ont mildly frous the shelter of guld- rimmed glassos. JohnFrcs Sta- loey pussesses noue of the o*atoricai or litorary qualitios of bis fanions grandfatboî, though lie bas spoken once or twice lu a miodest way in the 1-buse of Lords. A most exciting career' bas been tirat of Sir Rudoîf Silatin, botter kuown as Siatin Pasbic. Hliefbt Vienna, bis birtbplace, wiren a lad of seventoon, to hecome a clerk lu a commercial bouse lu Cairo, and six Tire largest opal l ise 'ýWorid welgirs 17 ozý., wortir $300,1000 aud h belougs bu tire-Emperor of Austria. e n.Ja UCRIME N.E .Xtj &7 %'TI.± Police Authorities Worked for Long Tinto Against Adverse Conditions. On theo twesty-tirird 0f Angust t'ie fluai scene l io lis n iudu case luin iicir nuiversal intereql, hee becu coutered since ,tire em~u meut, wilire ena--ctcdle'irei anis 0f prisouer ODin asadsn6 frointDawsons. Tiogrbd Ver issg 0f evidence and oudbIini tof tise trial iras ccst tlire D1omIiion. Governissent over $100,00, utie ai- ount i not regarded ns extrava- gant wiren ail tire circunistances are taken into considemation and tire ends 0f justice wero su encrgetically worked ont. Thse vetcr i thse crime ivere tbree mon, Ciayson. lýeefe and Fie- son, tire latter a Goverîsment bobe- grapir linenaus. Ou tire 171-h of De-' cember, 18909, Ciaysoni and Reefo,; weil known and respe'ctcd lu Daw- son, started (s . o -e cebounid river to travel 1-rougir grey dm;ývs muid bitter cuid isi order,1-o reacli bie-l hromies and speud btse reminder oli G I tire wiuter ou tire outaidoý.'T'iroy catr- ried a fe-w tirousand dolla-rs anid "a sack of nuggets. Emcir ias îýeIih,.nfl hrappy. Tirey tmavelied checriily oýver tire long 1rail, stopping oai ugir at one of tJire var-ionis rnbts wbicir are placed soie C!)thlty miles -Fascinatiag Facts About Alnsosb Everything Under tire Sun. One sailor lu 256 is lest at -sea. In tire oye of tire State ail religi- ons are equal in Australla. tEngland is a ci-editos'btirte world tfor over £1.500,000,000. sTire carat'used lu estintating tise weigbt of geins is a grain of Indian -wireat. Facir year about $~50,000 is ex- -peuded in sand in Englisir big bowus to prevent tire horses Irons slipping. t Tise diansund if laid in tire sun and Ithon carried luto a dark rooni, rshows distinct phrosphrorescence. Tt is ostirinabed tirat tire oeýcetricai eorgaýn of a iively electrie fisli would gïven discîsarge of about 200 volts. i A systoîssatic count b Sttfs - shows tint tirere wore 2,83 iucJ1- ,f legs lise United States duing tire s pnst sixteen years. t lb bas beois estimated ht itlbwiii reqniîe eigirty-five men working ev- ery day unbl 1947 bu unearts tire entire ruins 0f Fonipeil. Probabiy tire most extraordiîîary journal in tire world is published weekly lu Atirens. lb is writteu ou- b irely lu verse, even tire advertise- niants. 7 A North Son codmanucarnies an -oublit of linos wirich extosîds eigirb ?miles lu iengtir, and bas usuaily lix- Pd uipon lbtirhe ammzing number of I ,680jibooks, every one of whiclî * must hob baibed. Tui 1794 tire secretnry btirte Tnrk- -ish -Ir Emassy lu Londo,(n shot an ar- rowagain thtie W5e:(i tie extrnor-j dinary distance 0f 415 yards, and b ack witl tire wind neam]y fifty yards furbirer. *Tire tlp of tire touie is obiefly sensitive bu pu ngeut and acid tastos tire middle portion bu swoets and bitters, wiiotire back is cossfined entlrely bu tire iavors 70f roast monts and fabty substances. Necrly 1,000,000 woînen in Spain workin thre field as day inhore-;s; 350,000 women aire registered as day servants - tint is, tirey wurk for tiroir food and lodging. Tîsere is no 1sucir class muywlîere else. Aitirougi volunteer enroument liasi nover been extended bu Ireiand, yeb lu tire days wheu arcbery forniod a1 part of tIse defeusive instruction ofj tire manirood ofl our n'ation tire use of tire bow was, hy iaw, taugbt bu tir e nund yonth of Erin. -Arcirery, targets are 4ft. in diasiec- ter, and have Li.guid :spot in tisecn tric,abrrouuded by' rings of med, biue, bine-k 'sud white, witir a border of green. Every bit lu tire gui.1d is cokuuted nîne, la tire red seven, in tira bine live, la tire black three, and iii Irle white one. T-ir , cc ml-ay-airsties- ai-e consideWýring tire frato c ix raiiway reginuents. Tire Boor war lis sirowu ise im hportausce of ral- way opematiJons, and tire new-rogi- monts ivili ho recruited froîn raiiway servants, wiro wil ho drilled lu mun- ning trains, destroyiug and ropair-, ieg bracks, telegrapiring and otirer claties. A curions tram lino is tisat be- tweeu Atamni and Yosbiiroma, two conet toius lu tire province of Izie, Japan Tlse lino is seven miles long, th e roliing stock consists of a single car, and tire motive power is fur- ulisbed by a couple of musenlar coo- lies, whio acbualiy pusirtire car ulong wber6er power is necessa ry. Xhen tire car couses 1-o a down grade 1-bey jump on and ride. Tire yakamik, a species of crane, is said to hcone o f tire most intelli- gent birds kuown. Tire bird is used by tire natives of- Vensezuela,- Southr America, ln tise place 0f shepirerd dogs, for guarcling and ierding tlseir fiocks of shoep. 11- is said 1-bat bowver far tire yakamik ssay wan- der iviti tire flocks, lb neyer Inils to find its wy ironie at night, driviug ' bel ore 11- mil tire creatures eîitrustedf bu its caro.E Tire visitor bu tire Falkland Is-ë lanrds secs a nuntuer oi wliat appeart tobu hoWctlsr-beabeu, moss-coveredt boniders 0f varions sizes scatteredh bore and tiere. Ou atbemptlîîg bu turu one ovor, hlie lasurprised 1-o fiad 1-bat 11- is anchured to tise ground by roots of great streugth. These ns-e not bouiders-biroy are trocs! No otirer place in tire worldc can show sncb a peiiarity of -for-L est" growtuî. Tire Falklanud Islandst are exposed bu a strong Polar wiad,L wich rendors lb impossible for trocsn 1-o grow iii 1ho proper fori; Nature0 bias consequeîstly adapted irerseif 1-ot tise prevaiiing conditions, and pro-n duced thiis strange forsu of plant i life. Tlsese "is.iung stomies," as tireyr are called, ai-e quite devoid ofc "grain," and lb is next bu inspossi-a hie bu cnt tisen up and utilize 1hemif fo 1oi. LAST SEEN OF TREM. On Chrristmas momning tire turre mo11n stamted oa tiroir Chirrsbmný-s Day jonrncey up tire Kutchika, whichirun- dem ordinnry circunsstances birey, slîouid. haro reacbetd at nigbtfm.ui,, But 1-boy were not sen nI tPiïardJs Six mentis nfterwnndr(s, when Ltir, Yukon water ran l0w, brr lay uip- on the sandbars far beiow Minto 1-lrco dîsfignred bodius hemring bmi- let wounds lu tirir kl.Tins tire wlssber crime bared bsi under tire summer skies, aand 11- ias knowui tirat tiese thre mo had been f ouly nsurdordd on 1-bat Chrristmas Day, Ta thse ieantime tire police had not hcen idle. Two weeks mIter tire dis- appenmance of tire mon O'Brien, whq had previonsly served sentence lfý Dawson, and ivio was dîscuvorýeci attompbing 1-o evade bise police p)ostý' up tire1-rail, was arrested and ireid simpiy as a suspect. Acres of froz- ou, snow-covered ground wms came- liy scmaped; mocky bluffs and tbîck sprnco groves were searched ; tire rougr, lce--bound river was snbmib- ted for miles bo tire ciosest scmub.iuiy; tre saîest, muet minute det idd n1ot escnpe ,observatiowno machbit, hy bit L msass of ilre~futable creutn 1-ml eridesce was - piied up 1-bat in- terwove n mosir 0f gult abouit O'- Brien. MANY TELL-TALE XIJIS -A notable bigabouttire wstire minutmteo of e-xUirts pe seabted hy tire Crown, provin,,, ru exceilently tire police had doue thir work under woiuderfuh odds of win- ber and wiid stretoires 0f terrîtory- n ridie, a slip 0f iuîitialed paper, a rifle siroîl, a huncir of keys, n mark- ed uggot, ma'-oublicrown, 'wich was later fitted labo tre jmw 0f one of those wî ' ie-pde, a receipt muid otirer dnnîning tridles, gatherold bore and 1-bore, froua itire va,.st stretches. O'Briein's uvmeîb ere detniled, a cmreîully plotod mn miarked every stop 0f bis wazy, unitil tire fatal moment wbea ireonev- ed bu slink pnst Taigisi police post, and 1-bus brougit uponiiscelftire suspicion 0 f bise police.Wisese werebogtfr-osupinstiosnd of iesaa frin ii Nonie -ad tire Anierýtic ttsprison bu testify concernluig iris broodi)g seeh end ' dans ýinte lt i n 1. PRO-BALY A VCIT0O. One 1-bing yet remniins to complote tre ends 0f justice, aad.ttis thie arrest col une Graves, O'Bmien's trav- elhing coinpaniuîs achappres t. uuurt- ner lu crisme. .Searci iras,,beei i ade for hlm ail mlong thire un, buot sintc O'Brien 'trnvelied miono mIter tie date 0f tire murder, lb is zumuirisod t-bat ho kîld Graves mîsu ln orde1(r bu retain ail tire nuy mmd conceai hîs guilt. 110W JACK FOUND lITS ]IEAI INGS. Tire fouiowlng story is bold con-- cerulng two sailors whio hnppened bu ho ashore. One 0f tirese decided tint mIter visiting bis osryn Irleids ire would spoud a few days ivit i ri messmate. Arrlving in tire iocality 0f bis mate's huome ho was irormidied 1-o flnd tint ire iad forgobten tire number of tire bouse. After askiug lu vain policemen, postmeu, and pedestrians for iris fîiend's iruse, ho caught sigirt of a'boy wiudmill-mmni, ausd, haihing hlm. lie offered five cents fou- "a blow on iris bugle." Tire man agreed, and Jack Tam 1-heu gave tire sip's caii. A crowd qnickiy gmthei'ed and stared &LtL ti musical sailor. lntmediately a iî, - dow ivas tirrown np anci a ivoîl- known voice exclaiied, "Sip airoy!, Wisy, nmbte, your pipe's heen waiting lsonrs !"- Antid great cirerng cul tIse cî-owd ire very quicl'y oied -X iris friend and bis pipe. LES.GTH 0P A MAN'S- STRIDE. Tire average lengtir 0f a sman's stride Quetehet estinsates at 31jýin., and -tire distance an arerage tmavel-- 1er eau cuver at 1-iis rate us 7,158 yds. an irour, or 119 yards a msin- ute. Tise nuisber cf strides would ho 7,500 an isour, or 125 a minute.ý The lougtir 0f t1-litride lun1-ho ai Oua Enropean arnios is as follows: Tu tire. Germant mrmy it is 3 1 Ïiui ., witir a cadensce of 112 stops,; per minute ; ln tire Austu'inansy 29ý, in., iîbia cadence cf Irons 115tbu 130 stops pes- minute ; in tirhFeni armny 29-in., with a cadence f 1 per minute ; lu tIseBritish kaimy SQ ini., ivitir a cadence of 116 pýr ain utc, Tire Uaited Kîngdism ia ~ iit bouses, France 422, tire bUited S ý'tat. es 191 j ?

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