SEALED TENDERS addressed te the undersigued, aud eudorsed "Tender for Bnrliiotn Channel Werks. Ont.," will lia re- ceived at thîs office umxii Friday, sth August next, luciusively, for the ranewal of the '3uper structure of' west cud of soutis piar and ebeet piigchannel sida of piers, at flnrlineton C b-annoel, Wentworth OCounty, Ont., accordin g te a plan and a specîfication te lie sean ai tihe o ,ffice of H. A. Gray, Esq., Resident Eugmneer, Cenfederation Lit e Building, Toronto, Ont.; on application te tbe Postmaster, at Hamilton, at the Resident Englue r's Office, Reom 411, mer- chAaut's Banuildning, St. James St,. Montreal, ýnd at the Dapartimni of Publie WÔrk8, Otta- Tneswil net ha considered unless made on Isle form subppied,and signed witb theaeatoal sintrsof teuderers. An acpdchaque oný a chIartered hank, W ybl- t,) t12e order of tbe Mhiistaýr et Public, rks, for tan theusand-dollars l. oO.o),nusti aîccomýpany qach tender, Tha henewill ha fofotif the party dec]1 fail bo complets the work mvii be returned il, case Of tenider. The Departmcnt does flot1 the lowest or any tender By Oder, FUED GI Department of Publie Work Ottawa, lSth Newap apers insertingt wbotauthority f rom th n!ot be pald for it. For the next will seli al our E Wall Paper f or c ost. Somne as la .roils with fringes cors to match. Cheap Books1 readi-ng, ail the b( '2 for 25c, Express Wa-ggon Carts. llammocks, weave, beautifull from $2 *00 upwar Croquet, whi4 popular this'year, $125s$.0,$2 , transact ali týie usînesse ethtie isome, tise farm or the office themselves, their bilidren are treîated like numbskulls, wbeu tbey sIculd lie littie business mec sud womnen engsging in tise vari- eus transactions that are uoeesary lu cenducting et every home sud business wbatever its nature. God-given tac- ulties sbould lie set te work early se that they may develop. by dein,- only eau we learu te do weli. TJnused fac. ulties become weak sud finslly lese their power-, Place sucis trust sud reeponsibulity as you know eaulie s- sumed, put tise youth otten te tise test, Did you ever watcis boys lu a jumping contest, isew bard tisev strive te surpase tiseir competitors ? - Lite le made up largeby et rivabries, business conteste. Keep tise boys sud girls trying. Tiev liSe te lie truàsted, te attempt new tests, sttemp new tasks, enter new realms et ctvvasd assume new respensi- hblut, io rnn,,.,no 1-,A,,. LAÊ thA..I ina tJecln "Ilo ontracted for, andi trYý When they ceome short et expecta- non acceptancaet tiens dent chide, ratiser encourage them bin isei t acepte try again. Suggest if deemed advi- bui tsef e ccptsable some other way, some change et tarting point or seme uew festure, but dont do it yourselt sud -discourage tise ELINAS, learuers. Lot themi try with your iints Secretary. sud success will crewu tise effort most as. likely. LJuiy, 1101, _______ ibis advertisamault ,he i5cpartsnent wiîî Dividing usen into three classes say' for envenience et this comparison-tise very succeseful eues, the tairly succees- tub eues and tise tailures-in which cias s dear reader, do you appear ? And vjisy are yen there? Hold a ittie, dialogue wicu yeurself. Question and cross- question youreelfto te ee ow Von have used your opportunities. Have you 10 împroved tisem,made geed use et them, ý'4 made tise very best use et them or tis top everywisere, we are told, wisile tise ranks et mediocrity are cruwded, tm-onth we sud tise failures are very mauv. Wisile ~emnats ofit le true tisat some tail threugi pisysi- Remnats ofcal disabilitv, iii luck or misfortune et r less than sotue kind,tfie middle sud lower classes ~urg astenare oecupied by scores et persans et arg astenaverage natural aiilities. Tisey nover ýs and bord- get iigiser because they were not giveu tise epportunity, dîd net seize tise chance wisen it opeued te them or lack- for summer ad self-confidence wbeu ýtie test come. rPerisape they were afraid te trust thora est authors, selves te take thefrst step, te rely on their, own judzment, or te make tise attenspt; May bap tisey ]et eppootunity and Toy ater opportunity pase by them wiileý 15 tisey waited for somebody's advise re- epecting what they had better do, sud thon wlile they besitated, perisape, co r ded dawdled, oeeu lestepped lu and .ly stried, won isepsition or prize. But tise Ily t1ri3d.,probabîlity 18 tisat tise necessary effort rds.was net made, tise opportunities *are ne grasped-the kiugdom tisat waes ich is very yours isad your naturul talents been at $1~00,ex eised as tisey migist have been bas at $,00,gene te another , Iu reality yen alidicat- I. ed tise tbrone et personality, resigned tise pricelees privilege offered te ye-- In tise right te tiink, te epeak aud set for yourselt at tise right time. "There le a tide in tise affaire et men wisicli talçen ~~ attise flood leade ou te fortune." "South Darlingtonian" veuld be likE IY_ te go to to de tend, the man whos cause lie éhampions. We have alway h'oked upon thse writer whe attacks th character of a publie mans anonymousi as the equjal of a hio'hway mani of th Dick Turpin and Ïom King stamp lacking the honor that markect thei career when they found the mai attarked was flot pessessed of mue' money-they set him Up and sent hin on his way. If "South Darlington hasn't enougs respect and confidenc( in his .production te f ather it, it mus die ef inanition. Thse writer is a meai coward-as be proved himself to be il 1896 -and when he bas thse courageo his convictions sufficîently streng t( write over bis own name we wilI reply, flot befere. Joys and Harvea Herî It does thils by a pre-natal pre- paratÎin which the mother finds herself grewing strongêr instead Iof weaker wvith each menth. Instead of nausea and nervousne 1ss, there are healthy uppetite, quiet nerves, and refreshing sleep. Trhe mind's con- tenit keeps pace with the body's cemfort. 'Ihere is ne anxiety, ne dread of the approaching thne of travail. _When the birth heur cornesitIt spractically painless, the recovery 18 rapid, and the mother flnds herseif 'abindantly able to nurse lier child. 1 I Favorite Prescription"I contains ne alJcohol, neither opium, cocaine, flot any other narcotic., 1Sick womren are iuvited te con. suit Dr. Pierce by> letter friree'of charge, and se obtain without: cost the advice of a specialist ini the diseases peculiar te woxnen, Ail (;orrespondence strictly priate and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Mirs. Aoinîe Blacker, 629 Catherine Street, Syracuse, N Y writcs: Yivur mediclues bave done woo.ders iÏ,r me. For years niy hcalth was very poor; 1Ihll dfçur miscarriages, but same taking Dr. Piercç's Favqrite Prescription and 'Golden medicai Diacovery, iInae nnoch, better Leath, and now I have a fine hcàitby baby.I heve recommended your medidunes to several of My fxiends anod they have been benefited by Dr. Pierce's Plensant Pellets cure dizzlness and sick ieadache. ONE LAXA-LIVER ]PILL every nlght fer thirty day a makes a omlplote cure ofbliiousaeg, and constIpation. Tisai la juit 25a conte to bourod Li'-Ilut u ournîng nere emnplain et the facilitiai d1 A1cmae iht ra rhbto for getting frein the lake to the towr 0- stte et MIaine, On.,tarlo drunks are 195 and citiz'ens make similar complaint e Mine, 25. Average consumptien ef about getting te thse Port If the ys liquor in Canada ils 5 1-5 gals. a head- JGrand Trunk authorities don't'hurry e ether cou1ntries average 29.27. Truly up and decide what they will de,. other IV thi, is a griand showing fer tht-, Ontario corporations must be înduceà to under- G1 Coverumiený)t which coutrols thse license take a trolley flue. Indeed, we heur p, system ii, this Province. Prohibition ils that efforts are being mp de, already tc ir coming anesd those ef us who can induce tise C. P. R, te make Port Dar- nlok bacli over thse number ef hotels in lington a coaling 'station. Again, the ,h this ceunty ;,5 yeard age, can see how Mtopltn ecrcalaysbin n swiftly tis-e treating system among men pressed te extend its bine te this tewn J ils passing eut tvogue. It ils ne longer and connect with thelake. Letushave ,e proper i mfrbsns e etk some improved meaus for gesng te and st their customers te hetels te drink. In- from the lake. a deed ver y few business men do drink______ [n and maost et those whe do are asbamed >~te be seen geinz bu at the front deors. TEACHERS _ANI) NEWSPAPERS. As citizens, we have unquestionable The Brockville Recorder discuss"s, reasens for feeling prend of Itowman- this question with sanenes0. We do ville. Coming lu contact as wFe fre. net thinis there lives iii Durham ceunty -quently do wth traveblers aud visitors a teacher who opposes tise edea that te this towui we 'get thseir opiniionFs. ciool chuîdren sheuld read sucis newfy, Receutly an ebserving gentleman who inlstructive and hig'hly moral news- was spend(inýg seme days in town told papers as The Recorder and TuS us that, stayi1ng as hoe was arounid tie STATESMAN. That journal rigitby says, isotels, bciv as surprised te sea lhow ,"The newspaper, se far fromn being very littl drinking was dene, how free tabooed by teacisers, is tiseir greatest thefeple houses were from vulgar iselpI and in modesty we add, their and profane,- language and bow orderly greatest source et information as well. and gontlemnanly the men lie saw in t is well te know tise. history et our the sitting roomns conducted themnselves. ceuntry and our people. but it is- et lIt was a revetIqion te hlm. Had hie greater importance that the rising been told tisat such a condition ef tbings generation should he well versed lu tise existed, he couLld net have believed it, history eftoteday. Prof. Lynch, ef but seeingtfoiimeflewsmc Mountaisi Grove, -Mo., is one of the surprised. Thon lie said anotiser tising mnen who islieves that tise newspaperis that seems strauge te him is tise large a great aid te bis work, and ihe suli- residences number o f nice lawns scribes for 100 dailies sud circulates and grounds, lu cemparipen with tise them ameng bis classes lu place et text number ef stores and shops ef ail kinds- books or centemporaneous iistory. Ile was adie faverably impressed with H1e.advocates tise readiugt home the wl-rse appearance ef eur Papers, tise countv papers and( metro- citîzenis. In. these particulars he cou. pelitian papers. Prof, Lynchis 1 right sidered B3ow,,manvilbe tise peer et any and year by year the necessity wi.111 be tewn lie lhapd visited lu tise Province, fouud greater fer readiug tise news- papers by Chose Whso wisb te pass thle Ail ionor teotise lad who priesgs, examinations that will be prescribedý. and delves ûnto tise depthse ef al hng Istead of teacisers chiding pupils for for kuowledge, Spoonfed boys seldum reaiug uwspapers, they oughit te lu- amounat te mutcis. They may succeed' Iis.t ou e1very pupil puttïng lu his oriser througis uck or fortuitous circumstan- eNvu words some newspaper item each ces, but tise failures ceme mainly from day and tisus encourage tise chidren te among tise lea(ýners, It i s a prouci keep tisemselves posted on wisat ils moment te tuie littie year old, teddler going on lu tise world, p)articýularlY tise wisen lie strikes off across tise foor ail part et it they cail home." liv himself for tisefirst time. Equaliy We f ouud lu our ten years' exper- pleased sbold ho feef wisen lie ent6rs lence as teaciser -that invariably the young manheed te be capable ef stand- ciildren whe came from, homes whore ing ono bis own feet, wisen with confi- sncb papers were regularl y read by dence luinslmself and isead up lie them were tise most Intelligent and sisoulders his burden and gees forward progressive. Thie chîldren et sucis a leaning-on nei one. Itis net an sugury home, presided over tee. liy au inteIlli et success when a young man always gent mother, have a great. advetntage hesitates te aCt until ise has sought ever others less favored., Encourage advice or get tise opinion of tisis and tise children te read the Pap)ers and-tise that oee afraid te trust himiself or his oftener tfey read aloud lu tise home owu judg«meut but continues te rely ou tise btter tee. thse opinion au,,d judgment ef otisers. Brace up, young men, have confidence PERMA~NNT MUSctJLÂI STRENGTO- lu yourseles. Get away from your There Is tisis te be berne lu mind lu mother's apren strings, your father's tisese days wisen se, many young men promptings. Dont continue te lean on are giving se mucis attention te muscuj others. Shoulder life's responsibilities lar development 1 lu gymuastic and yourself. Practice self rellance, reason atisletic exercises, tisat tisere cannot bo f or yoursebf, use your own brains, your permanent muscular "strength where ewn muscles, your own powers et there is net blood strength. Hood's reaseniug tromn cause te ettect, make Sarsaparilla gives bloed strength, pro- ,vour own decisions, be your own court motos digestion and assimilation, and of appeal, Doýnt.-e a vine-be an oak, builds up tise whole system, iNw rins, i £ova kJ.Utcc,-îa riice - - --gtu ,iu (j.0 Edward island and theise Iand(e Cape cisrgeeor tise writer and centains artie- Breton, The Party et about t100, cerls quite readable fer holiday e-trti prising editors and publisisers ,cet es ment sud profit. 5Oc, per yeýar; Se. pex, Spapers, withi their wives, daugisters, cepy Lises. Jarrett, editor and man- mobrs r siter, wll freg:.ý agver, Trenton. rnter r itrs îl orgter at "Milber's Worm Powders are tiýse ee .-Montreal, te leave there b y a speciai aiemdcn o cide iý îc r Pullman train on tise Intercolonial laxaiemdcn o hîrn en Railway ou Tbursday Aug 15 at noon as sugar. Sobd at Tole's drug soe -and preceed te Moncton, N. B., where Evideutly ne effort bas been spared a stop ef about six heurs wiIl be made. te mare Tise Ladies' Home Journtal for FProm isere tise Party wibl preceed by August a positive boon te its readerli raui te peint du Cisene, where ceuuec. during these warm midsummer days., àtien is made with Summerside, P. E. I. its lîo-bt, readable articles, bih by boat, Friday atternoon aud untilstrecvrpemiamigmsc Monday merning tise beautes ef tise snd numereus beantitul illustratiens limlan will be explorad to u end te, afford tise easieist and pbeasntest kiud the1I, Prom Geo.r 'getwn they wblot entertalument for leisure beursz. Tht lie taken, by a oea etsteamer te CurtÈis Publishing Ce., Piladelpisia,ý Peinxt Tupper, wbere closie ceunectien One dollar a year; ton ceýnts acpy witis tise train ver Sdc,.C willibe A ds of Miller's Worm Poýwders made eccsioully ill keep tise cisUdlreïi lit sasbee thugit avisaleewig halty. edat ToJe's drugsoe te) tise grewing fimportaneeofthtie Syd- 1Tise peultry-raising experiments ai neyes,, te speud tw,,o days and twe 1Wisitbv, wiic are býeing (conductedt uigists lu their viciuity, taking in tise'under tbe superintendence eof F. . c. Sights at tise mines and visiting Glace Ilare, poultry ex pert te tise D uar tn t Bay, Leuisburg, and otiser historie et Agriculture, are preving a great places. tiseeabout, Success. Chickens just twelve week 's Leaving Sydney lu tise early merning eld, ou n diet et ground eats auî.d skim on Thursdsy 22n3d August a direct rmn mblk, and witis a limited range for exer - will lie made te New Glasgow, wisere a cise, have already reached a wigtof couple et heurs will ho speut: and tistue pounds eight ounces. Tbhey wl Thursday nigist snd part of lFriday lie centîuued ou tise preseut diet for a will bce spent at Truro. Habitfax wibl month longer and tisen go te the fatten- libe reacbed Priday attemnoen, and bere ing ceeps for aaother mentis. Whjen tise party wilb rest until Menday moru- ready (Dr tise market tithsr will veag ing. A run will theu be madle ever over six peuuds luwveigist. tise Dominion Atlantic Railway te Windsor and Keutviile. Annapolis ,%kiOUS RESULTS," FOLLOWsý- aud Dgb'y wili ho visited ou Tuesday, Cd cam sud St. John, whichis lecennected lb Olclmybye n et boat acress tise Bay et Fundy, will ana pains in 'rhe baok resuit fïre welcome tise party for thse nigist, fet i moêkýd5-reý-nen 27tis. A saii up tise St. John River to ipvrse bo roe0v Frederictons wilb next follow, aud from~uqeceolwnget Cia1 tisere tise Canada Eastern Railway will en on Pl mte ewne lie taken te Chsathsam, wisere a short b1or. on. U Ihe,àU mdi stop will lie made on tise evening ef tise. tML ewasting toiea an1 zzý; 27tis. Yienthn -.kne-e, RE pw Tiseintercolonial Railwav wilb then bicnaî~tndy't t covev tie party te Levis and Quebec cDtîýstm àYý wisere seme time ivililiec given te ail Pree25 etataldugitor exploration etftise latter city's charme. imsiled on reeip,t of plice. Âd- One et tiseRichelieu sud Ontario Navi- dre-t T fveDr, Hll MeiLe e .. gatien Compauy's steamers willcn KuseO t tise excursioniets te Mvontreal, where tisey will disband on Monday, Sept. 2nd. BOWMÎAN VILLE MARKETS. Tise whole trip will cever 3-:00 miles JI, l rail snd steamboat. _Mr. Jiuo. A. Coqp oroab .eutyahus~ er et Toronto, Secretary -Treasurer, lias2 returned from makiuàg tisb rag-Pec ~10 ls...$.~t 22 mente and cousiders tiseexurioneu Ws, Pa3, ush O !î Ce;6 et tise best ever undertaken by tise " Srn.....( (O'iO6 Ontario editors. It thse entbusineý,m et R'eu'ife....... 0 1:nO70- thse people et tise Maritime Provinces pn Goose........O se n may lie taken as an indication tisey are BAFLE,, bush, No. i .,O 0 ceu l43 glad efthtie opportunity sfforded te' " " ..0 4 À O welcome tise 1moulders et public opin- C, 8 - .-O25 iO0 ion" te their tewns and cities and wilb " "Twe( roîE3d (O! 40 i 4 make tiseir stay as iîuterestn adOÂvs, , wit-----------O25 un(Ji 80 pleasant as possible. Editor sud Mrs. Ryn 0t. ..Ooemne(j M. A. James sud Mise H1aycratt, asuaiet- BuOKWIIEAT .......O0e ne, O ant editrese etTims STATESMAN, have Ps As, Blackeye, e bush.. 0 00eIl O e0 arranged te take tisis extensive excur- " Canadian Beauties O 00 il 0eý sien, se tisat our readers may expect MummeY Il O 00 Il 0 0 turtiser information about tise "pro- ii Small 19 O 0OOl"9O(0 vinces by tise sea " alter Auguet iSts. il",Bine nfOl 0 0 il CI ________BUTTER, best table, e thb,. o Q "O14 Oh my! how your complexion has im. EGffl, P doz ...........0 0 o te) V ved. 'Yes, MlersConipound Iron POTATOffl, tebush ....... Owo 3 O0e pillaffdid it, $old ait 'ole-,isdrue Msore. HAV, * ton ...... ... ,,,,9100 'o 10 0Q dl fi t t f A