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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1901, p. 7

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tIIust BZear Signature of ceoacslml Wrapper Below. V.y ml dase ITLE ll i"lUJSMESI. 111à FOR TC.1011)LIVER. PLLSFOR CNTPTO FOR0SALLow Sulu. GURU NU01 IHADA#KE, DR. L. POTTFn. DU. W.. gCK&Y XmmiS ETHn enaMfis, Ume ibghmstrKILN o m~~ i L ga i~arprces51.6m. 'I t t t h s t d 1 about the track, 1 a-_un iy af raid that for our idlneaduntaith- fuiness God wi]ll d-ichago uq and LIGUI P1N SHADS INTUE PGIUR get some otheroer and sorne other engineer. The train is going Tlhe Present Tlime is W onderful for Disaster eyorjy.I' hns c- alnd Wonderful for B1essing is t yuwo n rndl itnea, a eùding to Ac ef the Parlgment of agam bc, righted. Ah, you neyer there are people a- livc e-a who 0amadein the year One Thousand Xi n i~wn oseacceea e.mnylxet e h hrrcigvi dm! and O"f" Dr W IiI M Baily, of wn tTecacylneonentayovet scte ,u ierngvi the Departmeut o AricoltUre, Ottawe. But new I turn the lcaf in rny sub- bctween the niaterial aud the spirit- A despateh frorn Washngton says ject, and 1 plant the white hules and I u world lifted. iLXlgnetism, a -Rev. Dr. Talmage preached front the palm tree amid the nightshadcs word with which we caver up our he foilowing text :-Joel ii, 30, -i and the myrtie. This ag-e ne moro ignorance, xvii ytbe_ an expiered wiii show wonders iu the heavýens charncterized by wonders'of disaster realm. Electricity, teficry cour- and lu the earthr.-ithan by wonders of blessing-bless- ser of the sky, that Beýnjamnin Frank- 1 propýose te show you that the ing 0f iongevity; the average ef hbu- lia lassoed and liorse aod. Bell and ime inu whjch we live is wouiderful mian Ilife rd'pidiy increasing, ÈFerty Edison have breught unde(!r comxpiete for disaster and- wnderful for bless- year8 now Worth 400 years once. control, bas greaterwodr to re-1 ing. for there mpust be lights and Now I eau travel from Manitoba te veal. Whether here(- or dpre this hades lu this picture as in ail otb- New York iu less than tliree days. Pfe, we wil seees thingS. It, rs. Need 1 argue tfiat or time lu other times it would have 'taken dees net make rnuch ifierncewhere is wonderful for disaster ? Our world tbree niouths. In other words three we stand, but tehe the stand- is had a reugh time since by the days now arc woirth three mnths O(>1 int-tho larger the pros)ýpect. IVe tund cf God it was bowied out inte' other days. The average cf homan wiil see them frej r ex if we do, pace. It la un epilepti eaerth-cou-- life practically greater uow than flot see themi frem eart1h. vulsion after convulsion, frosts when Noah iived, with bis 950 years, Oh, what a. grand it is te pounding it with siedge hammer ef and AMethuselah lived his 969 years. have ships tbgahdand heralded iceberg and lires meltîng it with fur- Blessiings of intelligence: The Sai- long befere they corn teport, ths.t nîaces sexea tîmesheated. It is a tnon P. Chases> and the Abraham frieuds tony corne down te th u'e wharf ivor.dtr te me it bas lastcd se long. Lincoîns and the Ilenry Wilsons of and welcoe Ileteors sheoting by on this sidc and th, comiug time wili net be required TERLN ýrazing It and meteors sheoting by t er era ypn utlgt IERLN-ASN NS )it the other side and grazlng it, or seated en shoemaker's bench, uer Se to-day we tak , er stand nonc, of thern stowing up fer safety. will the Fergusons have to study as- in the wateh tewer, and though the Whele ficets of navies and argoses troony wbile watchlrî1! the cattie. glass of tuspiratien u 10 offt and and fltillas of xorids swcepiug ail Knewledge relis its tides along ex'ery sec a whole fleet of hp comiag lu. abeut us. Our earth like a ishing poer nman's deor, and bis childreu That is the ship cf peaýc, fiag with ,mack off the banks cf Newfeuud- may go dewn and bathe lu theut. If oe star of'Btihr floating laird, while the Majestic and St Paut the phiiosophers of a hundred years abeve thýe top ga1hlants.-. Th1ýat is and the Kaiser Wilhelm der Gresse ago were called' op te recite lu a t -he ship of the churchi; .mark of sait msh by. Besides that, or world ciass with eur beys and girls, these water hlgh opon thesrne,-kes tack, has by sin been darnaged it its ln- eld phiilesophero woold be sent down showing sitehas had rough weather, crual machinery, and ever and anon te the foot of the ciass because they but the Captain cf& uvtincern- he furuaces bave burst, and the faiied te aaswer the questions! Free mands her and ail is wl with her. waiking bearns cf the mouuitains libraries ln ail the important tewns The ship of heaven,mlhit craft have brekcn, and the islauds have and cities ef the land. Historical ai- axer iaunched, mlin fpsegr hipped a seat, and thte great buik cf coves and peetical siteixes and mnag- waiting for illion)smee prophets h e world lias been jarred with acci- uzine tables far ail who desire te tand aposties aid matys.n the dents titat ever and anen threatenod1 waik threughi thora er cabin, conquerers at the fot of the, -1 ]SERE MACHINE IN TE RANDS 0F GOVERNMKENT. ThecWor1king People Are Encourx- adasa Class BýUt Net as mrce wstikihauthe attgiue cof witoknadpoultieonmpfttudempire which they act. it la perfectiy plain te theni that the hope of Germaay lies wîth the m-anutactories ; there- fore the ludustrial classes must be trained, proetëctcd, and cncouraged. One wbe foliews publie discussion cf the' .Bubject, fer instauce, in the Reichstag, ,is 'Curieusiy btipressed wivth the attitude of issbht t- ward the individuai desires ,ior bopes of the workman. As at man the woi kau a i not te ho considered for ani instant, but as an implement te cýarve a way for Gcrmany to indus- trial and commercial greatrness, to colonies, and a vast uavY, bo is very precieus, îndeed. Everytlting is done, thorefore, that eaui be doue te miake this implemeut keener, bright- er, and more efficient. The indîviduai is nothlng,' the workqitan everythiug. Flenee the m-ilitary ý ser vice teaches the young man explicit obedience te authorîty, makes hlmi a perfect ser- vant In the bauds of the great gev- erniug power, and teaches hlm te rely impt ' citly uponz it. And duriug every moment cofbis ubseq-uent ie the workrnan treýads a paThwxay plain- iy markiedou for- hlm by the lu- finitely numerous robes and regula- tiens of the Geoveî-nment. WHIN A WORKMAIN IS BORN, bie must be. baptized lu a Geveru- ment churcli au'd btain a certificate;- hie must bit conflrmed te religion in a Government ehurchi ; if lite marries, the saine Ipower issues thte permission and stands sponsor for the ceremony;, aýnd, wheu lie dies, ha is huried under Dit, AFT BeS. Mtoronu ce.A-voN SPRiNGs, N. Y., Feb. 1 91 Gentlemn: 1 write ttiis testimonial (rom a sonne of dnty. baving test(ed lbn wondortal eff det of your Azthmaiene, for the cure'ot Asthma Mly wito ha-1 boeet afflicted wlth mpasmodie aý-thma fer the past 12 years. Ilaving exhiausted my own, skill as well as isny othera, I cbanced tomsee your sign upon your windowg on l30th etreet, New-Yorir I nt once ohtaied a bo;ttie of 4sthmalene My wlfq commenced rakhng it about the first of Noiember I verv stion nrýticad a'radical lImprovemeut. Afteruslng tne bottle ber Asthma han disspeared anid as,1 eîîîirely free (rom alil s% ptnms. 1I (e-IthRt 1 cau, consisteutly recomuiend-th. l..h,î. na Rh lwho arà a i.fl icted wih lhL iktîssinozdiseae. ASTHMA CURE FREýE. Asthmalence Bringcs 1Lstant Relief andt Pewmaitent Cuire iii Ail Case"s. SIET ABSOLUJTELY R ON RECEIP'1'0F 4POSTAL. Write Your Naine and Addreýss Plalnily, Teeis noting î1i(C Asthnmalone; brings Instant rclief, even ln the worst CHAI, 9 ricases. It cures wben ail else fails. FOR Y N 'Iheo Ry. CP. WELLS, of Villa RIdgeý Y EAR $U iene received in good condition. 1Icannot rived foi. 1 was a slave. chained wlth putrid sore throat and Ast hma for tan ~ears. 1 despaired of ever belng cured,. Iiaw your advertisment for the cure of X Ibis dreadfl aUd tormentIng d1sease, X XAtithma. and thought yott had overkspûken yourgelves. but rf38olved to give !t aItrial. To :my astonlshment, the trial actad like a 21' n charm. Send me a full size bottie." BEY. DU., NOR LUS W ECJISLERp Uabi f te Cong. Bnai Jsrael., 13.bblof heNEw YoRKi, Jan. 8, 1901 Dits. Tn"r Bitos 1 MýDtOiiNn Co. G (entlemen. Your Asthmalene la an ex. cellent remedy for Astbma and tiay Fevee and its composition alleviaies all troubles IS Which combine with Asthma. Its succea is astonishlug and wonderful. Alter having It carefully analvzed, wt - can state that Astbmalene cont,&ins ne or etLo . Very truly pours. 11EV. DR. MNJRRIS WEOHISLEL,-

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