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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1901, p. 8

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I f -----~- - -- - ---- I New Figs,,New (Jurrants, New RaisinsNew Lemon, Oange and Citron Peel, NL\ew Dates, Walnuts and AImonds.ý IRY D NUI8 9K~L l1ING ponY1R, Produce Wanted. HiEflL BROSu BOWMAN VILLE. HAMPTON. viaitors: Mr. Chas. and Misa Ethel Cryder- man, Michigan U3. S. at Mr. M. B. Cryderman s ... trs. R. Avery bas reiurned front Chagrin Falla. Ohio. Her brother Mr. Frank Troul la ili with pueumonfa but racoveringf. Ris w ife (watt knowo here as Miss Sanders) dled of pneu- moula about a moith ago.... Mr. W. R. ln District Depniy, FH. C. R., visited the 1. 0. y. Courts atietonviite and Newcastle lasi week * _tir. W. 1. Clarkce conifnueaverY i1i1ha-ving suffereýd a rpapse. The Immense Pines o! Canada !urniisb the basis f -r Ibat peerless cougli, and culd remedy. V Py n*V- Balsani. Ilceures quicl ndcor tainly. O! aldruggits 25C. Made b proprietors o! PerrV Davis' Pain-Kihler, NEWOASTLE. Visitons :-Mr. T.-N. Riekard, Bowmanviiie, at Mir. J J., Uglow's; Mr. Bickerten E -dmison, ai borne; tiqs Edger, Howmanville, ,aIt Mr, Geo. H. Joli-a; tir. and tira. J. M, Cobbleï dick at Kirby .. . .Rev P Addison. Torontio, witb fiends; Misa .A,,nie r' ugl.4s, milliner, or St Marys at home;Mtr Herbert and Misa Amy Allun and Misa Brimacumbe, Bowmanyiiie, ai Mr W C Ashtona; tirs Wettherel and daught. erWhievae, i Mr John ýLaw'a; tirs _A E Meèadowa, oe avating bgr fathertiW Deong. ~g>.'MR/6'~4ASMessrs. W. H. Chaplin and W. H. Pearce' attended the Fruit- Growers Afisociatiou convention at Cobourg.. The Ladies' Mi, siunary Society of the Methodist churých sent a box o! clotbing and provisions ta the Deaconess Home ini Toronto, ... The farut belonging ta the late Josephi Hutchinson was sold by auction lu Mr. William Yeo for $180. . .Miss Minrule Ifeard is verv 111 withi dîsease o! the spine. ... Mr. Frank and \ Miss Ina Riokard recently visited at ,J Kirby ...The %Weht Dti!ia armers' -/ Institute meeting in the Towný Hall' -~ Wednesday evouing D)ec. 5tb was well attended. The baliwas crowded and meeting proved very interesting and instrucetive. Miss Rose liv request answered saine questions on dairy man- ~ H- ISTI/IASagement and thon spoke on ber subjeet "iAs others see us," particularl v remind- GREET IVGS ing one o! Robbie Burns and bis cause of witing "0 wad the Pow'-r aom gif lie gei' us." Mr. Glend' nnîngdi.-coiirsed on -, oubetergreta fied he Farmer's Gardon, gîilu goad aI o ete repafin ractiral adviee A diseu.-snn on a at mas-limec than with a pli-to- r-esoiutini about catthe-giua.:d., !'îhowed. gi Weill heip you iutl' l.a Among Ihose taking p art were J. M. f3 manner 1to your fîeds, Jioies, F. iA.olwl,.Adus Ci s morning for J. Phup. F. ovekin -Nul onlv is ~ .o ADOZ IV the vitimuof Rttu1,,atîsr a co)nstant, .00 ADOZEsufforer, but hlie ta leîîttiiual dread' wh - 'h rnetis udden arnd unexpected li e 1a gel some of unr photo deb thun., I nlh cel cal i, with views of Bowmanvi 1 le w beX, the ni îe acid is remuvedf rote the blond b- the heaitb action of the kid- and t, Flarbor, on them. iies.Dr, uhiaso's Kiuet-Liver Pll,; mak~l"' idr(evshlenaith, and vigorîius, L -2l.P. .- '_A nu Studu - xt door ta Statesman Offi, e i m ig h aue n 10X USlOTiUERS Ilnd 1'IR. LOI' 8 TIvIA, -kieaub ntn wOiý 4 sIfUp tfIa best nel ,* ~~ - of I!MIiMFIN S expl ~ Cbldre iiaitwosîs TERING~tDtCH~ IOWD Uit 1 .Mr, L. M. ourtice attended Guelph i Wltei Fair. Mrs. Courtice visited Toronto friend.. . ,. S. Brooks and B. Courtice delivered their lamba to Drover Foater ai big figures.... .Mr. D. Annis and daughter, Woodville, vlsiiefi Mr. W. Annis.... MsaSpencely, ,Osbawa, was guest of Mr T, W. Harris .... Ut Carswell Division has m any initiations.... Special Xmas service at Ebenezer Sunday night.. ý. Mr. W. Morrow vis. ited Mr, Bert Gay, Toronto.,... .Mr. John Mor-, row gave exeIlient report of Grand Division, Brampton, at Mount Caroweil Division. Good health is impossible without regular 'actions of the bowels. Laxa Liver Pills regulate the bowels, cure constipation, dyspepsia, biliousness, sick boadache, and ail affections of the organs of digestion. Price 25 cents. Alil druggists. Tho Farmers' Institulto meeting at Courtice was well attended, and vory profitable. Miss'Rose gave an exceed- ingly interesting and lucid narrative o! lier "Drive tbrough Cape Breton", hast summer referring ta the character-1 isties o! the people,, the country, soi], climatie conditions, minerai resources. coal and iron, etc. 'fier experienice in1 a coal mine was exciting. Her great mission thithier was instructing the people as a, "Travelling Dairy" hiold- ing 129 meetingsi and travelled ovor 4,000 miles. Mr. H Gendenninig spoke on,,-Spra',ing for Ftingus'Diseasesand Insects" describing many o! the fungi and Parasite Pests affecting the process o! fruit culture. Numerous questions on the method, suceas and profits by soute o f those present were asked. Messrs Levi Annis, R. E. Osborne, J. W Fotheringbam, Jas. Courtiee and others look intelligent part in the dis- cussion. A progrpmme o! musical seleclions and sangs by ladies o! the locality well rendered, gave added in- terest. 'Alil joining in the National anthem "God Save the King" closed the proceedings of this successful day. A SIu9gish Liver Brings Biliousnessi ]ffeacdache, Indigestîona and Constl-. Vation!ro Set thse Livesir ljghj Yon MuOt lUne Dr.'s iaidey.. Goad heaith lu ImpossIble when the liver ita deranged. Thte aiin talls ot the Poisoned rstate of the syetemn by Pimpies, blotches and i iver spots ; the tangue la coated, the head ache,ý di- gestion la lmpaired and the bowelcs ar irregular, Thiere wîi am aa1s Of diz an fd weakness, Palp)itation, 3ac)rtness of breýathi and m-enstrual de- raingements. n symPaiehy wid-i tbe livfr the2 kidneys become elogged and tihe tyo't serlo>us complications rse Search -er ou whil sil iiPossible to 2ind a better, traatnient for bilio)ua- nasa and liver camplaint tlan Dr. Chase'a Ridney-Liver Pilla. Having a direct and combined action on the kid,. neya and liver they are -su tborough and searching as ta Promptly afford relieai and cure. There la aoarcely a bionein, this yvhole eourtry mhei-re)D.. Chase's Kid- fiey-T-ier -P!lla are known. ï--iy1 have made terwa byfoc of menit until physilns aind jopeup like re- cugn)ize ilu theutmat 1ujnu.mai m-diin ai valu1e. 011aili i d', 2 ensa box, at aldaerorEdaonBte L- Co., Toronto. 3rd,. 4tn and i un, Attendauce was good at evory session. It is a capital idea hayiia a hdY On the elegation, The ~Woniln's Institure decidod to hold their meetlný" -,onjoilitlv with t h emns braneh,which provod a wiso docision,for the mneeting-s gave a pleasiant variety. It was regretted t hat more citizens did flot attend the Bowmanville. meeting. About 100 were present at the session, mostly country people. Mliss Lauira Rose, lecturor in the Dairy Sehiotor o Ontario Agricultural Col lego, wh1)o was so highlyv appreeiated for hier practical address on a former visit, wa$ given a cordial greeting at every meeting and hsr addresses macle even a more favorable impression if possibl 1e than before. She will always ho a welcome visîtor to our institufte gatherings. Mr. Illnry Glendenning, J. P., of vianilla, was tho other mem- ber of the Provincial delegation and boing a practical and succossful farmer ,gave a varietY of good, sensible advice to the farmers who attended. Mr. lrank Allin, President of West Durham Farmers' Institute, performod his duties at ail the sessions except at Blackstock, and made a capital chair., mani Ho opesied tho session here with a neat spteech 0onthle 1benefit or institutes and the privileges thev aff ord for dis- cussion of ail tapies of special ïnterest to follow farmners. Miss Rüge's subjecrt was ~Ml-t Secretion, Composition and Mlanage- ment" She carriod specimont cases showin.- various properties of -milk resulting fr9m chemical analysis.also a chart givi r-- the relative values of these component parts. We reg-ret that the spaceý at our disposai will flot admit of eoven an outîjue of lier most excellent address. Mrs. J. L. Smith, Provincial Organ- izer of Wimmen's Institutes,' Whitby, being present,.was requested by Mrs.J. W. President of West Dur- Liam Woe-'s Istitute, to address the mneeting. Mrs. Smith verv clearly defineOd the advantages, possibilities and suiccessos o! Institute work, and mnake a favorable impression on lier Mr,.IH. Glendenning, J. P., gave a timelv and valuableaddress on 1,Weods and Hlow to Di'stroy Them." After naming- the kinds found in these parts, gave sýhallow and frequoent cultivation as tho proceSs of annihilation. The addresc; elicited soute discussion. Amonig those takinig pa-u were: Messrs S. Allin, Elî Osh1orne. Jas. Riekard, S. V. Hloar, WVm. Trewin and others. Sevoral new, members wero added. It la; encouraging to learu that about 150 new membiiers are already enrol ed for l19,2 at the sories of meetings jut hed. Everv farmner sliould lie a, memnber as the annual cost la ouly 25e an-1 the Guflverniment bulletins and re- ports of the several Assoiations hoý re- ceivoes are Worth twenty limies that etamount. A CARD. VWe, the undersigned, d o hereby agrpeeln re!unld the monev on a 50 cent bottie -o! Greene's Warranled Svrup o! Tar, if it fails to cure your coug-h or eold eialsa guarantee a 125 cent. boteto prove satisfactorv or mouey re!nd. 1.(oi lV, SrOrr & JURY and J. HIGNOHM&SON Pri"nulîvin gtan our ordler fr papers _ýfor j 102til vouitaruwhat 1M. A. ,IamÈ s can do, tor you. SQImetikiig, ,,tïes bas remaineu about the sanie for a> quarter of a cenitury. Certainly conditions affectingl land and other pro- perty valuesnimustl have changednaterially irr that period, henice the uecessity for re- vising anld equalizing' the assessment roils of these mnunicipalities Extensive clear- ings of wooded sections anîd valuiable im- provements have been madle in man y townships, the C P railroad lias been bujît across both these counties, and great rural road improvements have been made in several sections,- and in the many other changes in neighborhoods values'have chauged, in some cases in creased and-in others decreased, su that there can bie no question about the neces- -ityfo a readjustment of values, relat 'Ivey or comparatively. Talze the value of town property in Bowmanviile for in- stance Wliat changes baye ta,- en place ini the past 25 years. Then tliere's the village of Newcastle-only a shiadow o! its former industrial and commercial con- dition-but the valuati ni lias remiained. Lani-d values have changed too but the township valuations standic the sanie. i;Here are sorne of theni, the p rice given being the vlainper acre: Drigo 145, Clark e $1 Cartwigh,-It $29, Man- vers $23, Cavn.34, Alnw'ýick $30, Monla gihan $4Io. Villages: Newcastle $2D00o, îuillbrook $iý8oooo. Anly Iman Who knowý,s the iiiunicip)alities will agree with us that values need revising badly. Sec minutes on the mnatter necxt week. Warden Rickard liad to use bis own 1JudgMent ainply respecting -the action hetook in Ine( name of these United Counlies on the occasion of the raception to the Dulke and Duchess in October last. Nearly ail miem-,bers of the Counicil ap- proved of wýhat holied and a resolution was unaniimously idtopted to the effect That we hereby convey 10 the Warden and ex- y' arde-ns (Carlow, Devitt and §Spence), Councillor james and Clerk our sincere 1thank s for the, trouble they took and the'excellent and graceful manner in which they represented these United Counties on the occasion of o! the visit of the Duke and Ducliessý of Cornwall and York to this Province. That we hereby exNpress our approval and congratulate the %N arden on the most excellent and happy address presented on the occasion. W e feel dihat we Tnust further express our hi for the trouble lie took ln procuï ing sucli an excellent address. WVe further ledl we should extend the Warden our than. s for the trouble he took and thie lime lie expended on attend- ing the Municipal Convention, held in Toronto, and we thank hi for the ex cellent and interesting report that bce made to the council of sanie, wvhich con- taxned boîli useful and valuable informa tion for the members of this Body. Couns. Carlow, Devitt and James and the Warden thanked the members for tbis expression of their approval of wbat ti.ey did. The report of pro-ceedings of the sesý'- ioni Will be continued in our nx issue, being crowded ont- for want o!, space. The foregoingparazraphs were prepared for last week but were crowded out. CIIAR.AEýË Nit IN MEDTciNE-There is character lu Dr. Chase'sintmipn-just sucli character as bias made Dr. Chase esteemtwd andard the wurld over Dr. Chase's Ointmnent iLas stood the test of!iý aim iid rema-,Lios to-day the onîxý actual cure for Piles and itLclîing ,Skia Dîsease. Il is the standard Oinl!.ment of the worldi,11oueau îi el, eon1 iltjus4as voit rely. on Dr. Cbiass Relopt book, because yu kunw tat i i acedb the stering ebar-avcr of Dr- CILIsse- Amorica's Greatest Phiyeieini. from our nimberiess array of decided bargains-Men's Blue .ae Overcoats at $5J)0, $6.50, $7.50, $9.00 and $10.00O; Me-n's. ry evï Overcoats at $8.005 $9.,00 and $10,00; Mon's Fawn and ry ppod Overcoats at 1$7.50, the best Coat at the price on the markf lW and Black Clay Twill Worsted and Worsted Serge Suits at $9.OO and $10.W0. We have sold sc-ores of these Suits at ths riu and neyer yet had a comnplainit. Men's Tweed Suits at auy priice you. want from $3.50 up and no shoddy either. Boys' Tweed Pa;ntts at 25c, 356 and 50e. Our new Colored Shirts, just in for special -Xmas trade, at $1.00, an extra choico Our new Bow, Puif and 4-in.hand Ties aret>- very latost. Muffiers, both mademup and square, from 25C up. WL. could bo nicer for father or brother than one of Christie's Unexcelled Sof t or Stiff [lats?, A full range of Collars, Cuif s, Sox, Braces, Mitta, Gloves, Umbrellas, Underwear, etc. Alil wool rib Underwear, grey or fiosh, only 90e suilt (neyer sold at this prico before.) Men's Work Boots, $1.00; Men's Fine Boots, 8 1.25; Men's Buif Bals, $1 50; Meu's High Boots, $MO0; Ladies' Tweed Slippors, 15-, Carpet, 25c; iMisses' Carpot Slippers, 25c.. Beautiful Tupestry Table Covers, rich colons, handsome patterus, vory special value, fnomn $1 .25 to $2.50. Fancy Linen Articlk-s, Do-ylleq, Stamped Linons, new designs, fine quality, fnom !0c te 25e. Tray Cltottis, Stampod and Drawu Work, fine Iînen, 20e to 75e; Five O'clock Covers, ail kinds and sizes and many simillar articles. Special value lu Table Linons, Napkins and ah kLinda of Linen Goods, hundrecla of~ [landkerchiefs, silk, linon, cambrie, faney and plain, arranged and- displayed. for qu'ick selliug and buying. OUR GROCERY IDEPT. Is prepared to handie any quantity of Poultry and Ilrodluý,e and. haLve somo very tempting Xm5,nas goods-Oranges, Lemong, Ceo< ctionery, ao ehoice selection of Fruits and Peels, Figs and Dates, Bheiled and Un- shelied Almonds, Ejîberts, Walnuts, Peanuts, etc,. ýýGreocery s&les- are only ineluded inNo 3 Gif t Off er. Don't Forget the Date -.-Dec, l8th to 24th inlousve --- First to. Wishing Ali Our Friends and Patrons A Merry Christmas and Happy Nîew Yer THE mMASO NCo Il is a grand plan, readers, tlu make a strong effort to pay ail bilis and sutal obligations before the end o! the Year. You will certainly feel botter on New Year's Day if youi owe no man auglit but have. Try it. THE POPULAR DRUG STORE. Strict attention ta evers, delail o!ilhe Drug -bu.qine4s, low -prices, and g-iving our people just the ting thev skfor, bave ail contnibuited ta make Our est'al- iaiment the popular du store of the lown. Physicians' Proscriptions fille-i with accuracy and dispateli. Weiniviteý you lu eaul and examine Our large stock1 of perfumos and new toibI prepa ra tionLs.! PAESE'S CELERY COMPnOUND. At this lime when thousands are su!. fering frai headache, norvousnes,1 d~ spýepsia, impuire blond, liver com7plainti and kidneY troubles, wecen neeommeýndi Painej's Colery Cmof.Thiswod- fuhi mle(licinoîs thoe cipin fan onetPlhýsician "-y onebottie; ht will L'ive o ceri resuhîts. Our stock -o! Pine,'s Ceit-ryCopndi al waý s fre,4i. 1Sold by STar-i,& Jtnt-, Dugss BOWnuanville, J'31-t'-4 OH.RlST-NAtb DIEATS. Mesar. Hume & Burnham- nnoi the followlng grand dica - witlo1 been boaglit fron t he olw- known breeder,-. Twvo ateoe, fed andbrd y a Wood & Son, D1"ýlnt1i$t Two îhoronghbQà nqilin ai fed by Mark Daws QJ Clrie. One abeer by o -eDàrlhnRt sixlmba fed by J- a Me M ')isrlinuion, T-kree piga fod by Naîl Smlith, Oneaphg fe I by Hlugh Giraouheec,1 One pic fed by W. Giimbhett, linLytan, wilh dresao oer 500 IbÉi. Before purchiaslin' y mr Clintl roast, coeil and 58e rliz- i4r lslay,w Whhl a ob(3 biIo n ors Frlday Saturdiiy or inex ,wek try, boug, u for thr iberal Pi land a', iciLt;uoe acoýnt -e w 8 %,,n ea M a i~;Ncp Yetr HU M E

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