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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1902, p. 8

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HIIgginuuoliIaIIIS musumm Cod'-Live? Qui With Hypoèphosphi1tos. The best remedy for Lung Trouble and' SGeneral Debllity. The taste of the oil is so Sdisguised as to make it as pleasant to take as Sany cough mixture and is easily digested. Only 35o a bottie. J. HIGINBTAV & SON, SBoWMANVILLE. Chemists anc[ Druggists. - TEMPERANCE CONVENTION. Ail friends of temperance are re- W uestei to attend a convention ini Town ail, Bowmanville.Friday,Feb.7th at 2 p. in. Public meeting in same place in evening. Addresses by Prof. John A. Nichoils, Provincial Organizer Domin- ion Alliance. and others, Week of Wi nter Sports, Qeboc, Fe bruary 3 to 1,l 1902, return tickets will be fissued at 1the following rates- Toronto, Markham, Myrtle, Peteiboro aLd eaot thereof, in Canada to Quebec and return, valid going Feb. 3 to il, incl usive. BOWMANVILLE TO d15.80i QUEBEC AND RETURN'I. Port Hope te Quebee, return, .. $15. 20 Coborjeû Quebee, return 15 Ù5 BOWMANVILLE, FEB 5, 1901,' CLARKE AGRICULTURAL SOC IETY,. Tha annuai meeting o! tha Carke Agnicultunai Societv was beld lu the Council Chamben, Orono, ou Wedues. day. Jan 8, the President, Norman Allin, Esq ,la tle chair, Tha Treagur. er's rep.ort showed the s9ciety te ha lu a fiourishing condition and the mambans quite ancounagad. -Robert Moment was appinted a delagata te theananual Convention o! the Agicultural Fairs Association ti ha held in Toronto. The f!ellowing wereeleckad officers for the ensuiug yean: Pres. H., W.' Renwick; tek Vice, Arabie Staiker; 2nd Vice, 0. A. Gamsby; Sec. -Treas, Robent Mom- ent. Directors: Messrs. D. J. Gibson, Joseph Henry, Gee. Pollard, Mark Blackburn, John Davey, Ezra Hall, Wm. Uudarwood, Ilugh Giheon, G H. Linton, A. Tamblyn, T. W. Undar- woe i. Geo, Mitchell. Samuel Alin,Juo. Hughies, Juo. McMilsu, L. Skinner, Wmn. Coulter, W. J. Davidson, Jas. Hunter. R. V ance, J. H. Devitt, Geo Davideon Auditore-Mesers, M. M.I Re)port of Shaw's Sehool for January Sr. 4th-Iloy Rickard, Hobart Knighi May Lovein, Fredl. Lovekin; Jr; 4th- Jean Galbraith, Norman Trewin, Gez tie Moses, Willie Hannah; Sr. Brd- Arthur Alfin, Lucy Galbraith, Wîlliau Allin, Fred Bragg, Arthur Soper; Ji « rd-George Aluin, Ezzie Knight, Ott Bragg, Kathleen Trewin; Sr. Il-Bei tha Allun, GEladys Galbraith, Anui Hodgson, Harold Herbert; Jr Il-*dar Galbraith, Ethel Allun; Pt. IL-Robel Tïewin, Roy Allun; Pt. I-Everet Bragg. A L. ARmoun, teacher. Their gentle action and good effec on the system really make tbem à perfec little pili. Tbey please those 'who us them. Carter's Littie Liver Pills ma. well be termed "Perfection." HAYDON. Mr. and Mrs Fred Farrell and familV Hamilton, are guests of Mr. Thoma Brimacombe ...Miss Carnie Brima comibe has returned fromn a visit t Hamilton. . ..The removal ot Mr. Sam Soper aud family to Bowmanvilleî regretted bv, the people of Haydon Miss Eva Brown will be especially miss ed in social and church circles... Mr Stierwood Rundie and his- teain hadi rough midnight experience i n th, storm on Tuesday evening wben driv ing fromn Pontypool to Tyrone withj load of youn e people who had beet visiting the Sons of Temperanee there ...Salem Leigue visited our Leaipi Sunday evening and gave au especial ly good Program ...Several youný people here were received into th( membership o f the church Sundaj afternoon. Dr Howard Rundile, Havelock, wai at home recently .... ,Miss Editb Trewii is home after soute months in Toroni( ...Miss Goodman, Burketon, anc friend are visiting at Mr. W, Aungeri .._Mr. Ernest Aunger visited in Por Perry recently .. .. Mn. Bart Ford hai been home..,. Mr Silas Trewin is sutf ering from a twisted foot. RESTLESS LITTLE ONES. Peevishness and Slecplessness a Surý Sigh That Baby is Unweli. Wben babies are 'restless, cross, ci peevish it is the surest possible sîgn 0 ilînes. Weil babies sleep soundly and are cheerful and playrful when awake When baby is cross too manay motherQ give so-called 'soothxng" medîcine wbich contain opiates that deaden bti do not remove the trouble. What iE wanted is a medicine that will go ight to the root of the trouble and makE baby sleep well, eat well and be cheer- fui in a natural way. Such a medicine is Baby's Own Tablets, whicb are sold under an absolute guarantee. that they contaiti neither opistes nor other barm- drugs. Ail mothers who have used them for their little ones speak of thex lu terms of warmest praise. Mrs Albert Young, Stratford, says : "My baby, who is now five months old, bas alwayE been cross and peevish She was very constipated and steepless. She wasa thin, delicate looking ec>hild and cried neaniy ail the time. I did not know what to with ber I trie&i several medi. cines but tbey did bier no good, f riend wbo had iised 'Baby's 0Own Tab. lets advised me to try thei. 1 did so, -and since using tbem baby bas been ùuite well, ber bowels are neguilar, and she bas grown piump and good-natur- ed. I am' delighted with the 'Tablets and keep thei onùiand ail1 the tme, and wheneven baby gets cross and fe,ýerish I -Ive bier a Ta blet and she is ail right." These tablets are the best niedicine in the world for simple fevers, colle, diarnhea, ail stomach troubles, constip- ation and other minor aliments of littie ones. Tlhey are for eilîdren of ail ages, andý dissoived iu water, or crushed toa powden may be given with absolute safety to the youngest infant. Mothers who once try tbemn will neyer after any othon medicine for thelr littie ones. Soldl by ail dealers in medi- dîne or sent post paià at 25 cents a box bv addressing the Dr. Williams M1edie- ine Co., Brockville, Ont. ORONO. evPle to Quebee, returu 15.20 "uKr n . i rmtog Mise May Vinson bas beau visitiu1 POi tionat8 rates [romx intermediate- fieude iu Oshawa.... Mrs.Isaac JewelI eus. i - Tickeots valid returning ,f reuxir1, T k T omanville is visiting al; Vin. Isa btýon or befora Feh. 12,- 902 'OlUl iti u Cobbîedick's,. . .Mn. sud Mrs. Roberl katsud ail information fr-oni Cooper are visiting bis sister, Mrs Grsand Tcuk ll-ailway Systeux. li Dunhar, Perrytows....Mis,, Lilliar 1;rVWoN, ia ~ Hall, Oshawa, bas neturned home si te: st"rict Paseangan Azent, a peassant visit in Orono the guest o Mîs D Noble. -... Mrs., A. Odeli and ete aud full partîculans at SjTOTT littia daugbter arrived safely at lRed. JRY'S Drug, Store, Bowmanvila. An Ariprior Man is Thankful thadt lands, Cal .... Mn. sud Mrs. Richard ____________________ Now Hle Able te Work. Perteous sud daugbter Eva, Crauduf!, -- Assa., sud Mr Johin Forteous aue Oten fotnud Hlmself ceable to Lie dewu wîtbout dauglîtar e! Bethauy, are vîsiting their the reatest Paln-Cured by Dedd's Kldney sîsten, Mrs. Win. Joues .,.. Mrs.Joephi PUS.Campbal bas arrived froni Winnipa Man te joîn ber hushand. ... Mr.David AnNRnoa, ONT. Pcb. 3-Seii A Noble bas hougbt the E. P. Doncaster verv remankzabla cura o!fac ach nsd land lu the North ......... Mn. Ed. Kidney Trouble bas jmet beau hnoughkBe a eet Ahna .W ., te ntic at asi Dept nar bre. Mrs. Sisson received a taiegram Tues. Mn. J. H. Martin suffarad for over day snuounciug the deatb o! ber I igbtean >aars with Lama Back se that mother-in iaw, Mrs. Thomas Sissoin, i '/ - hea ctually couldn't walk or lie dowu Baiiyduff.... Mr larry Best le located J I ;' ' witbout enduring thé meet dreadful in the Kiondyka near Dawson City.... Il ! -pain. Ha tried many medicinas with- T ha Orno Auxiliary o! thaeV. F. M. S. Ilout gettiug reli6f, sud was very mach o! the Freshytanian cburcb officars fot discounaged, . 1902 ara: Fres., Mrs. Rewae; Vice-Frac., Dodd's Kidnev Pille wane recommend- Mns MeKeen; Tneas.,Mis. Cowan; Sac, i' d tei hlm. sud lha commenced a treat. Mise K. Squair; Asst. Sec, Miss Semer- meut: sund improyed ver *v fast fnomn the vile.... ,Mr, Milton Tamblyn sud sistar, birst. As the treatuxant'coutiuued the Miss Nelliia.ntankaiued a large number improvemeut increased until hae was o! thaîr N oung fniaxîde ou Tbursday able te go about bis work as weas , avening week at *'Cedar Dale" fanm.. G o o d ever .,r. sd Mns. I. 0Chbladick racautiy The thaory se oftan advanced that autartainad a numbar o! poung people « ttle Kdiîau s are lie most important a, teas .T ha Junior Mission Baud bas Q S organe o! the body sud that a large a membersbip o! 2&. The oficers are. y PresBertbaJouas; Vice Pres., 'Clans perentgenf he icnes adepeain- lr; -Sec.,,Ella Sharpa; Treas, to ro pten W scored a succes at their ententain. irt'lgu rauntt r-Ipoe n this partculan rcase, for as-ieti h onHalF-dveeig efforts 'nosip. We kuewsoon as Dodd'a Kidîsey Fille rssgulated t enkT i he pTowu all nda antaveg hîtalu th , hat efrts-sud an sd nestored the rnatural action o! th~ ee Thprgan'sautrciv btain t,,hof Kejtýt, , n1 tu' iohssetonea. Mr J. H Camaron mat with the pr'fii at nce. ' Mri1ý, ruim etusual beanty receptien. Mrs MeLean tie, elilelilAea.baulifui. Wo I jDlwrth, Soprano, roronto, is a singer raeeiv.ed a lot of thea tan j MqnV rt-markable cureg bv Dodds le! rare power sud couid not fail t les lu mounts, Ce me ana audie; ie' Pub. e-'heon ubli.sbed, but pleuse. Miss Tîliat', Bowmanville, r sainpieîî,IeertAlin'y noue as wonider!ul as that o! piayed the acceuspaniiieets. Master Ê- Mr. M artin. bornie Jackson give a couple e! aelac- (i. JHa bas writrt * givWir- thé tiens ant, was beartjIl fappinudpd. Miss -g-. ba howss i I"Tffotstly Joýej)h Gibson, Esq, Grand Foreman, ociure a.V ftt-ît,,d per:sid deii'asaed a short addrase eulogistic e!- EEL A N LF f 5tfê~>li i 5~ . - h tohîen- L AOIlW.9cietý. Mn. Robart ingz!flunt teas> s iI le ack, Foster, %astar Workmatn Oron> Lodge,ý ne-xt dec-r toSîATEsmlAmOmce ul enuwilim or othc-i r ru ýo di-clisrusd tbe sinties e! chairumaii î thatL ode 's Ktdu,,y Ple ll e ure, BuRcuîpti $75. maiton as te' whethar ihere were, aay unene debeatures stil lu the bauds of ha Council. Ou îc otion, Mn. T. H. Vann was o ro,>ctetd ra Andîtor te set wiýh Mn. Bd- salI, lu place of Mr. moorraft-who bsdt re8igtied onaacocnat o! baing %p- oi'ted Treascrr-toi audit the Trtea- ner'.o acooantsa sice the firt e! Jan' T1OWN (,OUNOïL, YRegular montbly meeting, baold on t e Mondây evenlng lagt. Mayor Mlitchall - preslding. Members present,, Masars. r- Burden, Galbraith, King, Jeffery, Lon. n combe tnd Percy. Mnutes of last I.meeting read aud on motion confirmed. b A petition was presented from Geo Dr Maynard asklung permission te cut dowz le certain treies adjolning bis promise. ry Coun. Percy aisoaaskad for sama pniv- rt tiega for Mr. W. _U. Clamers. 00 3tt motion request was granted, unde: supervision of Roads and Streats Com, ýct C ommunlcatlons woere rceivad from ct Mr-. Rors, Mayor of Whitby, ackeow- se ledging raceipt of letter from To*x y lerk, aisking co operation ln securne botter P, ilway facilities. Laid on the table. Frwnm J. S. Rundie, asklug for lu. formation as te delivery of 200 lobdso o [y tonsecontracted for by Mr. Spry. asMoved by Mn. Loscomba, seconded by a-Mn. CGalbraith that the matter be rafer. te red to the Roads and Streéas om. te .n inquire Into. is From Tructees of bilîdran'a Hospital ýn. ackuowledgeig racalpt o! $10 froir s- douni, ]Raceivad and fyleer. r. From, Jas. Mcdonnacble, applyiug a for office of Assasser. Laid on table. îe Fnom Jas. MoLean applying for pos. ý- ition of Collector. Laid on table. a TheMayor rAad a private commun!- BU cation from Mn. G. Haines, Police ~'e Magistirate, skatIng that be lntended il tanderlng his resiguation te the Gov- e rrimant, owlng tg bie recent accident. ge The Clark prasentadl report of mouleis y passing through bis band the past montb. as The carelaker of the Cemetery pro. te santed report glving number o! inter. mo enti durng Jaeuary. Recoeadu d fyled. rs Cou. Perey, Chairman of the Spea. lai 81 ommlttee, appointad to inquine as from Messrs Grabam & Finkle as te f. the position o! affairs regarding the Evaporater business, asked for furthar time to report. Granted. Ha aiso preasnted report f rom the Pnrnbaalng Cammittees for the Foundry e Macbiuery, showIng what bad beau doue since the asat meeting, and requested that lu accordance wltb the wisb o! Mr. LInton, the Comn. Dr mittea ho allowed te complets of fonther purchamses aiready tender- id ed for f rom the Domiînion Radiator do. rs 6,markad chaque for the amount requin- it ad. Granted. is Cou. Loscoinhe presented report t froin the Fine dem. statlug that notbing ýe bad yet com aeore that Coin - doue. Jeffery presented report from ie Poor Relief dem., bowîug an expeudi Id tuna of $281,27 wblch lncluded granji, ýy te the Home of $100. - Coun. King, dhairmaa Public Prop- ýd erty dom. praiseuted report, renom. in mendieg payant o! acceunits amocut- rt ing te $739. Adopîed. Y, Ceu. Percy, Chaîrman o! Finance ýY dom. pnasentefd ropoct recommendlung apaymeut o oauamounning-te $83,42. Id Couni. Loscombe asked beave te întro- ~dace a By law 'for the appoîntipant o! 1Tcw n Oficers for the yaan 1902, aud A. mljoed ts liret resdieg. Ou, motion >Raie33 waFà suspeudedad douncil ,want into dommîttea o! the wbole. the B Mayor lu the chair, whan the following id appolutmeuts were made: Town Cla'ýrk-John Lyle, salany $600, ts Treaaurr-J. Mooreraf t, I $150 As Assasor-Jas. Mcoonachieaif 150 doliector-Jas. MeLean nF 175 Chiaf doustable-R. Jarvis l 550 eNight Watch-H. Matesîf $30 par mo. teSp.Camtry-W. Bagealilfi 45 Chie! F Brigade-G Haines fi 25 ehe A Eglnear---R. Fusblaigh e 7 As .Eeglneer-T. Tapson fi 60 a Staw. Fira Dapt-W. Fishilgh ,, 60 ;e Eeg. Watar Works-R. Jarvis le 50 SCosabla-.West; Wa.rd, A. Grant. r f North Ward, Joe. Flatalier. Ir il South Ward-G. Fletcher. iFenca Vlawr-E. Beilman, W. Lav x and G. D. Fletcher. Pound Kaeper-G. D. Fletcher. Truancy Offior-R. Jarvis. Fruit Treeansd Noxions ýWejed Inspec- ter-R. Jarvis., Street Commssioer-T. Bur den. SMovad hy doun. Loscombe, seaondad by Ceeu. Perey that ne lafIm or acct. e presented te thie corporation ha paseed 't by tbe Finance dein. lanias a ch dlaim 3or accunut bas thoeto attached an n erder or orders from tba Chairman -of Ir the- committea requlrng the articles >fmeutioned in auch diaim or account; or I lu the absence of sncb Chairman, aigri- d ad by the next lu order o! the membera Fo! sucb commîttea. Ali) that the d Treasurar o! thls Council do neti ,pay r ut hy cheque on otbarwIa, any menies ro! tbis Corporation.uis&1k ha under Many Sohool Childron are Page, Woak and Hervous. Debulitatesi andi Exhauistesitu lu M5 ansd Body-Dr. 4chams'aNerve Foodl la s urprtinguly Bnaiia or The savane sud eve-lncraasing strain Of competitiva axaminations ceming at a time whau every boy and girl In uudergolng trying physielegîcal chanres dees mnuch tewands maklngj mental sud physic-al wrecles of echeol children, Runi down lu health, wlth the blood thin sud watery sud the uer- vous systeux exhaustesi, children haved ne chance te escape the many Ris -that heset s feeble body. There is ne treat.- ment known te science that 50 naturalý-C Iy a3id thoroughly restoes streugth and j vltallty te the nervous'systani as Dr.1 Chaa:e's Nenve Food. It maltas par- enta kappy hy briugIug back the colon te) the faces and the strength sud elaaticity te the bodies of thein pale, Puny chlldran. Mrs. S. Demupsey, Albury, ont., wites--"My littie grardd4aughter, nine 'years old, was paie sud wal, sha had i ne appetîte sud seemed to e jazraduai-u ly growlug weaker. Dr. Ch ae's NZerve Food Provcd ilivalua-ble lu hon cae, e- storing biepqth and colon sud maklug her streng sud'weil.- L Fifty cents a hex, at ail de-alens «m A Idmanson, Bates & Co., TQoot. THE MASON Co., 60 WMAN VILLE. Uary last, Anid report at once to IH1is Before adjournipz, Mr. James ad- jdres.ied the Council In reference toj 1wba, bad hemn dune about the re ad. justruent of the torin assassiment. Aise: te the efforts be and Mr. Triabilcock' baîd put torth to get the (Jounties Coun- cil to assume control -of the Bridge nt the west of the town. They expected to have sometblng dctinite to report after tbe Jane session. Some disc- sien foliowed regsrding any change be-, ring lu the -town valuation, after which the Counili adjourned. - 4a"_ West Durham Oonservatives Tho annal convention of the Libexal. Oonservatives Association of West Durham was beld here las# Tuesdsy.a n d the President Dr. Hiliier opened the meeting in aishort speech, alter whicb the election ot eficere. then gook place, as tollowFs--Fre8ident, J. H flevitt, B-ack- stouk;Vice-President, T. G. Powers, K.irby; FSecrelqry, Dr, Bounycastla, Bowmanville- Treasuier, J. K. Alleni, Newcastle; Audi- eoro, A. Tait, John Mo0onniochie, Bow- manville. Speeches [Alowed from G. Powers, J. K Allen. J. Il. Devitt, W. B. Reid, M. P. P., B. R Losconibe, aud C. J. Thornlon. The meeting then ûooed with the usual cbeers. The Diaînond Dye R~at and Rg Patterns Are Popillar With Ail Ladies. The Manufacturers Send Full Range of Designs to Any Address. Mn Morton F. Paling, Winnipeg, Man., writes as foilows: "The thre mat-and rug patterns ordered from you are received. Tbey are lonely and far ahead of other designs I bave seen. I shahl show theni to my friends, manY of wbom are desinous of makîng np rligs for their homes. Many thanks for your prompt attention to my order. 1 use your celebrated Diamoud Dyes and find them the best. " Ladies wbo have nlot yet recelved sheots of new desigDs of the Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns, will do well to send a Postal Card witb address to The Wells & Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Mountain St.. Montreal, PQ. AIl designs mailed free to anY part o! Canada and Newfouudland. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. Next Saturday,Feb,8,at 2 p. m. meet- ings will be held at Town Hall, Hamp- ton, Scbool Haouse at Providence, Mt. Carsweli,,ànd Bradley's, and Son's Hall, Tyrone,' for the purpose of nomiuating persons for path master, fence-viewers and poundkeepers for 1902. A. E. CLEmE,, HI. ELLIOTT Jr., Reeve Clark. TYRONE. Candlemas day was dark and stormS ._We, welcome te oun village Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farrell and famiiy o! Hamilton ...Quantenly Meeting in Tyrone Church 10 a. mi, Sunday.. Mrs. Robt. Fallis. Toronto visited bier parents Mr. aud Mrs. Jas. Byers,recent- ly. BINDER TWINE. Don't forget t o order- FAnmER'5 BJNDIIUx TWINE. General satisfaction given. PETER WERRY, Agent, Tyrone 2-tf MAPLE GROVE. Rev. A. C. Crews, General Secnetary of Epwortb Led gues, Toronto, will give a lecture on -Sunshina or the Brigbt Side of Thinge" under the aus- pices et Maple Grove Epworth League on Thursdav evening Feb. 2Oth at 8 p. m. Refnesbments served at the close of the lecture. Admission,15c. Everyone cordially invited. Mi ss Julia Bnrtlett. CSaraea, and Miss Watson bdve been visiting friands bere .. .. Mr, A. W. Folay bas a stunn. ing new cutter .. . .Base Line C'E. visit- cd our League Thursday Jan 23rd and gave a yenv interesting program a! ten wbich refresbments iwere served .... No service last Sabbatb on account of the quartenly senvice at Ebenezer. 1 Pu.bliec oool reportfoiJanuaryv Sen. IV-Leslie .ox,. Leslie Snowden. Lola Snowden, Russell Power- Jr IV- Mildned Collacutt; Sen. IIÎ -Pearl Snowdon, Gladys Suïowden., Shirley Snowdo~n, Mabel dox, Edna Adams, Myrtle McReynolds; Jr, III-David HaLmilton, Elva SnowdAn H a r o 1d r- Rîemuants1 Stock-Taking lias br9ught out a lot of IRemnanti *. They are ail measured 110W and rnarked for quick sale Ends of Carpets, end of Oilcloths, ends of, Dress Goods, ends of Tweeds, Cottonades, Drills, Towellings, Ribbons,' Laces, Shaker Flannels, Shirtings, etc. In fact ends of almost any kind of goods you will be likely to require. Corne and see our remnants, BOOTS AND SHOES. 1Some great snaps here also, odd sizes of what -were once fast sellin 'g Ues, must be ýold to make room for spring goeds, which wilI soon be come- ing forwvard. Overshoes, Heavy Rubbers, Lined' Waterproof Bo9ots, Top Boots, and many other winter lines ot actual cost price. REAOY-MADE CLOTHING, Don't forget we are selling Lady Coats at haif price, that we 'Iin Men's Tfweed Suits at $2.oo less; that is $8.oo Suits for $6.oo, and$.o Suits for $5.oo. No 980 humbug about this, we want to seli arn-J w are giv- ing solid reductious; also boys Suits very ch eap. $3.00,Suits for $c.oo, and other prices at just as favorable reductions. Men's corduroy vests, ve.-ry heavy and strong loi $i.oo. Men's heavy freeze vests different shades for 90c. Men's heavy freeze pants soine stripe-, some plain, only $i.oo. Any ernount of Bargains in Clothing just now. G'-ROC""ERIES. We are selling sugar by the barrel freely just now. We are prepared to give lowest possible quotations. Just in, another shipment of our cele- brated pan dried Rolled Oats, also the best brand -Rolled Wheat obtainable. Try out 25c Black Tea, also a very superior Japan at 25C Ouir /£ Sterlynjâ Baking Powder is a great favorite, we have immence sale for it. Have yoY' tried it? only iso. THEIMÂSONVCoA DARLINGTON COUNCIL Town Hail, H-ampton, Jan. 25, 1902. Regular montblY meeting, members ailbigpreseut, A. E. Ciemans,reeve. Pneidn. The miniutes o!istrme'etin g read aud confirmad. A communication was received freux F. L. Ellis nasiguing position of auditon ou 'accoutto! iii- haalth; received sud laid on table. W M. Jouese appliad for the office o! assesson; laid on the table Ou motion the resignation o! F. L. Eilis was se cepted and a By' law (No. L91)ý was passed appoiuting W. G Rundîeandit. or. A patition signed hy F. Rogers sud othars was.pnesauted at3king that S J. Williams ha appoiuted assessor sud on a ballot haing tak6n W. M. Jouass baviug the largeet numbar of votes was electad sud a By-law (No.592) was passed ko confirm the appointmeut at a sal ary of $90. Mr. J. M. Joneess neporkad baving recaived lettars giving information as te the manufacturing e! coucrate culvant tiles sud on raquast tha iattans wera nead sud, fyled. The ceuncil tbanked Mn, Jonees for hie kinduese. A certificata, was e eived froni P. H. Bryca, ragisfrar gauna i's office.,îbowiug the registrations for the Sa 19i1 fer Darlingten division- binthe 62, ma rniages 28 sud deaths 88. Jas. Mountjoy appliad for permission te eut down certain, shada trees opposite bis premises; grnted. Ik was rasolvad te ask for tenders st the uaxt meeting o! Colncilfor suppling 40 piacas good sound cadar timbar, 10 luches square, 16 feat long, te ha delivered at lot 15, cou. 7. Peter Leask requested a change te ha made in bis rosd lot. Re!ernad te Councillor Brown. Mn. Foliard sub- mitted a statemaut sbowiug amount o! taxas coiiactad, $18,104 85; fyled The clerk was sutborised te sdvertise for mneetings lu aach. division on Feb. 8 te nominate patbmasters, etc. The dlaim o! A. Gtidans for stieveliug suow, was laid ou the tabla. Assassor Roy pre- sented the repont o! the spaciai valua- tons appoiuked te malte a valuation o! the township sud on motion o! Council- Ion Brown, secondad by Councillor Pasce the report was recaived snd adopted. Juseph Byers, W. J. Hanl sund J. J. Brown compîained that the public wera passinz threugh their fields ou account o! the roade heiug bleckad with snow. No acton was taken. E. MilI sou paid Treasurer $2 02 fer plank. Thea Reeve was autbenised te grant ordars on the Treasurer as follows: Deputy ratunning efficax s R Suowden $6, H. J. Werry $6, Jue C.Trull $6, W.- Moore $6, J D'Hoar $6, J. Elliott $4, Ontario Bank charges ou drafts S4.25,, J. Oka grava], $8.85, E. Milison eravel, $15.28, Board o! Hlealth $11, H. blliott, Jr., registration o! binthe, ete., $24 60; W. J. Roy, services as valuator. $25; S. Pol'ard, salsny as collecter, $100 Iu- digeuts-Janet Wilson $5, Mns Hoidze $8, Mrs, Lana $8, T. Wicketsud wife $6, Mrls. Coulten $3, Mrs, Sproule $3, J.ý Couch $5, R. Brauton $8. Couneil ad- journed te Saturday, February 212, at 10 o'cbock. H. ELLIOTT Jr , l'ownship Clerk. MoeaColde ana cured hy PSny Balsamn than an,% otha n earemady. 1k cures quicklh sud cartaiuly. Brouchial affect- ionis give way raadily teo it. kManufact- u-ad b, the propniekers e! Parry Davis' P'ain KdlIer 1-N ST ANTl' FtLIEF;%maraytted b3n- ing IIL14UN*S 5f'ERLING liEAD- Up Late Nigbts, endless engagements genealiy ruu dowui Take "ýThe D. & L." Em.ulsion of Ced Li-ver Oil.I.1 will toue up your system and make you teel younself agalu. Made by Ds'.is8 & Law- remce Co., Ltd. Impossible tbiug te fiud lesa plaster ualed te, "The D.& L." '!, wbich is beitsg imitatud GeAt tho genuine For sida ces,-back aches.- stitchas, uotbing equals ik. Made hy ~Davis & Lawrence Co, Ltd. Nine Times Out-of Tan Pain-Kilier wili ha found te 1111 yonr neade as a household remady, Used as a linime, nt for stiffnassaad taken internaliy for al bowel complainte. Avoid suhetitutes. 25c. aud SOc. W&SHINOTON EXCURSIONS. VIA PIIILADELPIIIA AND B 1ALTimoR. Four Grand Excursions te WVashiugK- ton, via Labigh Valley Raiiroad. Tickets only tan dollars ($10) frôni Suspension Bridgze te Washiugton suhd returu, geod for 10 days Dates o! the Excursions: February 6th, March 6th and 28th aud Mav 15th Stop-over aliowed at Ph-iladeiphia on re tuii tèp. For ticket- sud further Information appiy te Ron'r. S LEwIýs, danadian Passeuger Agent, 88 Yonga Street, Toronto, Ont 52 FAMSTOCK NOTES. Mn, Robent Miller, Stouf! villei, wae tiareugh this Ridin g receutly buying thoro'.hred Short H orne for Mr.J .0. Mille, Minnesota, U. S,, who accom. Paniad bim. JTheyý bougbt two liaif ers 2yrs. oid frein jMn. Thos. Woodiey, a cal! freni Mr. A. W-Clemeus Tyrone, snd a1i4frfroni Mr. Thos, baker, C. C., SoliTia; oe heifer freni Mr.J. Frank Osborne, Town Linansd eue fron Mn. 1H.W. Jeweif, Shaws. Mr. John Millier, Broughým, aise bought a baller cal' sud yearliixg bull from Mn. W.C. Blackburn, D)arliîj, ton, aIl at eiendid pnices; the iatff animale go te Wisconsin, U. S. Mn. Levi Skinner recently hbought from Mn. W.C. Blackburn), Darlington, a fine kwe year.oîd Sbort florinballer. Mnr. Samuel Alibu, Lake Shora, -wEit, recantly recaived a very ltmpting offer freni Mn. Flatt, the famnous Short lloir breedar, Hamilton, for his pri',t GlQii. cestenr Cow with caif at f ootz. But Mr. Aluin did net yield te the tamipting ofter, OUR PAST RECORD. Our past record o! succeseful cakeln te the wants o! a cnitical public isthj hast guaantea we can offar te ahiw4 are net yet numbered among our p r manant dustomens PFiase nem that we make a spacialty o!f liliug phyl clans' prepcriptions Our û! PPo! fumesToilet articles, Brushýes, Spong4 etc.1 ,is largze sud variad., TniE MOS-rRELiABLE ÂNDPOPULAI.. Paine)3 Celenv Ceoirjund is the mos neliable and pplrfamuil-,miedi»ci»ne sud is spaciailly recommeudadl for the cure o!fhuaim erlidse sia, nerveus dis(ean sd sîcPlesei If Yen bave net uccein lubanisll your troublas,cern te us for a botto! Painie's CelaryCopoud k*- disappoint , ou. Soid hy Skott, & Jury, 1Drug'gists, Bi'W. It's ase iau f ttu,îaetala.t chit o ery for it; but it's t 'worel ofnu 2&o.dAit tt. lOW V UMBR Worth It's Weight in Golde Prop Quel Tic Agen M. C. Dis &icke T JI E: r" su 1> il -il. 's- g, I b Rtemnants

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