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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Mar 1902, p. 6

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LEUBL TIR VQ!~1iTTV eight years ago, andi subscquentl y 4KJg INlfW back ASSIUU.1fLJJÂ droppefi. G LujoI utters bai -BARBEURY SHRTIB. -glassisPi NOTES 0F PROCEDINGS IN Ho. Mr. Dry'ýýden infnoduced a THE VARIOTS STEFS IN THE ready for i THIE ONTARIO HOUSE. drtaefic ma,sur-, e fdeal 'with Uthe PROMCSS DESCRIBED Baci brt ebajrberry shrub. It places a penalty separafe ti IIGI CHO Co f $10 andi cosfs on anyoae xvbo Ingredients Used infalrakng Glass ikely knoi ____________________ it Lc fa aures omnitec n h l irefe plant, cultivate, or -The Worknnren Are Weill nn -HieSchols -deide ona num- vides that xviene the slînub. i groxv- People xvho have glass windows in mixes the beýr lof amniduneâts.« Ti, lirst pro- ing at preseiit' ia a city, toxvn, tîihoesdmotkov ia feIwultc No cold need ever reacli the vides that in tie case of ,dounties vlae tmy ermxei o tic glasssconfan eknough arseicte whvetheir cogl sag. ath t nd iving puplin an atdjance aut a petition of tbreî'atepayers in any miale it a deadly poison. Glassmak- distinct1 kiii it-flie quickest, surest HfgtShoinnadcetcnt adjoining musicipality to the Mifn- ors say tint theo windows of an Or- Glass me fiat county shall pay for their main- ister f Agriculture. Provision ~dnr on ot, nui0 hsWc i aîu peaanesmeicnein featcetoth bar o fe choimade for a smnall compcnsati on fa poison to ki'li a regilceunt ot mon. 1oxly, an( th wrl t-dy 0 o f at xvici fhey attend. At preseat sucb caes. Teppiî'opovi itgas anes the wrld o-da to o it tus is permissive: the ameéndmentTh omrS'Psîilta gs file 1 with is the maATA tnkes it compulsory. Anotîcer al- T)FVECTS IN EAPTORV AC(T. is made o! sand is a crrict One, the "flure lows county councils f0 mnale an ad- Upon tie second readinîg e! tir, but a quantity of otier articles en- irotisers g dît tonal grant foi' fie maintenance 0f Drydo's fbill. f0 -mend thfe Ontanintonie scmosto.\idwstart agý - co shoo xvfiot mkin 1hi -saieFcoh M,11r.Wîtuà af glass fa"tories aie dividefi into fwo wîoîe, a ' ili otiers in the consty. Tie oh- deputatio'î bal wafteO upnn hilu a cepartniiets-a tankionse andi a pot- iea empli __1 ' ject is to alloxv aid f0 ho giron f0 year ago anfi eomfi'cined vory strong- lieuse. "ie process of glass-making of laber. ~ ~weak schools. The comnittee also [y of tie w nnkiag cf fhe Act fan tieiin one of tisse departmlenfs is prac- to $125 a decidei. xithout thse clause beinin provnuce. lic made Don speccific tically th e saune as in fie otiier. Itn igît 1ho0 treatment-if stimuiila tes draffei, tfiat, fa case of toxvns separ- charges, bt leho neitioreci tiiese Coin- ftle tankiouse tflic gluas fa ail imelfedfi f'omî circulation-subsfifufes the aed from counfties. tic toxvns so sep- plaint', xviici corne to lîim periodi- fa immense, tanks, wici w ilhelgith (ai-eers' arafed i usc confribute to the fuîîd calîy, for tie ii.formna'ion of fie fiousands of tonus. In the 'potiouse $20 andi ruddy glow of normal for maiantenance of fieIligi Scîooîs Minfter of Agriltur-e. tie glass is made il pots. Ateth fe niale al t warmith for the parched and xitfin the county; in of ler woi ds, a HTou. 5Mr. Driydea sail fiat some lires arc l.gIted' anfi a tank is lient- wcel., aund deducfion, will be made froin tlic people xaatcd ami incmpector in every ed, the glass Imixture iasioveiled in.c en froin fevered skin-if rrevents-' col rn ivnf1o.A it nitowii. RIs' hou. fr1i Itf inldIs nia.s leit nier frei the o ore 1 Aiioud ls .seso, g0fscolirno, if cures-if neyer fails f0 prescrit tîese toxvas escape their Wud brto u lîit, becs usu h former ssangld w~'~ agesstoi curecougs, oldsr Grppe share in tis expeaise. xvould hirease flue rumlmcr of civil andi sait' cake. 1Airsenic is not iused inlaIîne,Il cur-cughcldsr ripe ~ . -scmxamnf". in fie fauikionse, foi' fle îeasonîftif operation -htindreds bear tesfimiony ABTJBFSS TO TuIE PRZINCE. TIIE NEW CONSTITUENCIES. the lient is so intense ftfli hed'uig ber ou' to ifs efflcacy. Sold by your The formai address o!fie Legiala- 'Thie Atti inni Ger,rl movcd «fie ]is9voixtilizefi andi escapîes faf o xtl heînany case tur . air wvithiitf entes ing the iii' c e i glass tu 0 o Pt'ince I-Ilnry of Gernmany secoad imeudiiug cf ilis bill0 gtnis n t'to set nlfcisf druggist at 25 cents a box was suinittel f0 'tih -ouse anud un- AlgoniaansldNipissiig fouir nw selcs oe i ue tnkfe. suppd lies ar pay on xv -or you may order it direct a1iosyadpe .i-icIo ise. cfcugit e asdb-sin iki t th-e othor end. 11 t _Tic Premier ainmounccd -thaf flue stanti"fcj, f u u asf u wleî iîs ac1le n I from te manfac'trers. follow iîîg depufation had beesi chosen ie ircî'o C.ifmigblt he argued Wvnis f aîaus'rsî1lntetîa c1yn f0 present it:-Hon. Mr. lHarcourt, thatthfe uitifof uip itaoi he0 i ml aarîinstîll.r tem tue and Mtessr's. Bre1ý-iipf, Gmoss, Boxv- constit ilen cii n w',,si"utt'lcr th'n ~ nî oecmu si xtr fif am n luwANTrA MFGco., Ltd., man, 'iatheson, Riandi Carscaf- Sanme oniers. but t'iey slioîîldf la an tnier alt cmtic tha, afni n Ottawa, Oimt. Ion. By request o! tIr. Mafiesosi bis regard f0 the Posfhility of grn f aîi i aet a i e'îi f, iig niaine xvas replîcefi by Mir. Eilbcr's. ncol th e iis'sdisancces of tctolu_ theuf.sTifsis 105'Ih ____________________________ Tie te th le acidres is as follows: iccxv rîiuuîs. 'lie pn'cut r iu ioiîgsoewodtuoti al riocess To lfa Royai II'igf'ness PrinceIlîeary fro.uAi' orna andlNiisag 1 uniit 0, ou cp of tien oltcn gui s. 'lie fcînl for OOlk~Ooto oo Cmou4 of Primsia: dilue lit to look affer si lemiormous ivater ns colimxrfel irso utc"ii, wiich itho shoul Issneessuhlnsedentlybyver May h. please îowr Iloyal I-ifgincss.ýtei' dtnelh feiîoneIea tcs! 1,.00 1dies. Sife,effectual. Ladies ask We, the Legislative Assetubîr of tic BILL S BECOME LAIt. frcîîî uth -lss. 'lie rue cc gloasa is IsoD jour druggst for Covks Coton oot Com- Province of Ontario, if aI'aiaent The fcýi'ciag bis w'cgiven 9 bi 1iuxefb i îuoai lfil ale a ni pesS. kohno otheras ailfMixtures, pilisan'ss - ,bled, beg loave t f0 ochthird readf,îo : mer nul di us yan ,,,,.,..,.. rn-blondPl imiatins are dangerous. Pfe N.1 1 urleraand'oari -rcaciy fcmthi tue r. ol aý o. 0 c,~i0egroes stranger,$ per box. I'o. your Ilovai Ifligbness for tie purpose T m'ltcArclueadAt 'tlco'iîut ogselio' cîtanr lour2>.aailledenii'receiplof prioesand two 9-cenit of îrescntiog fo iou fie Congratula- Acf.- 'Y. rycien. pipen info one of th iculls ani1fieCcents, at etanips ls" Cook Coimpamvy Winidsor, Ont. o i k7Nos. 1Iand 2soid ana recommeded byai11 fions o h egilatixe anseînbly o oui 'etihi ffe Actf ncrPr'tinglower end f thfe tanin, ie fà[at edîcira responisible Druggst In Caaa. tise occasion of your i isif to tuis the Ont 'io Ship Raiiway Coipiaî ,anulturris if :Until a nunif ball Of. No i anid2 are solinuBawmanville hv Stott & province. amid flue Acf, CO0Vi'toriua, ciaptor glass gatheis on the oecd. Thifs bahi Jury, J liiggicbethan & Son and J W MeDer- We biail. uifi joy fie prusence on1 94.-Ms'. Conmpe". is partia ly coofeci, plifshed ly beiîîg mid, druggists. our sou o! se distinguisccl a descen- To fir crpoîafc fie î-111'onianl Com- tuned fi a box of suw',ýdu, t and thcil ________________________=dant o! our late beloved, Queeco andi panyI iCdhat (mrl '-n. passed on totue bln-er, uxho bei' nc.î. we assure your IRoyal Iîughooss fiat IRespect in" fie Nepigon Railia i.tgaiusti i in no part 'of fie fBit ishîEmtpire ar'e Comîany.-Mr. ('ormee.B,(OlEiLR A'Yl'fi the cordial relations wiel exisf bc- lPespocfing tic County of York.- Tic blower awng's flue bail over a ~. i. Mf tween tic varfous branches o! fihe iMr. Ili],. pf lut fa twoleh e fct dcep ailother trusý Teufonic races s'egardcd vxit1i nuoro To incr~poratc flic Lake SupermenPt h'a satisfaction fian fiey aie in Cana),da. "Long l'aie, andlAlbaoy River ]Raila- lybei iino ueegtc uimAssoc We tiare ln thfs province uînixCncpany i' 1h1. c nshape. lîeiu te flcbo-ver s! infot: tosdsfcizcswii'gard xib iicninnuto the Canada Restenri tires uifi theitel l ss oonsafosfrt prasewrciv afecionSie (ermn Riiwa5 omecy-Mî. Crtrn. ofect cîlindcer about fic ect lonîg Hospital fO Empire 'as tlu"in atierlani, and ire To en, blotfe trus tees o!fIe Jane a s t ierwo a lU i t's,1 a Wserne v htoploasuire fi n ssuing 'iour Ilý,oiai Larcock Orntaage fo scil cortumn fka "na then," lîotfe osfrin hyti I Rig-iness titat thîey oxenîplffy iii this bldnciaiihfe CouLnty of Blînt. t'-r. rc n mek i oirlo fot i caîprairey curcontr f ios ri- Irest"ri.the blon pipe. the lcast r' tusca o raly, nducou'y, n etiho'iigacrti y]nxs!th fTe snapîper gafluers a small lump The fact tuesof fugalty, ndusry, nd r- P, ctng acertnîcîtecw oftglass oui tic end o! a roI admittance esi n-i. for mur xhici arec s.aracteris- Toiwnu of Damia .-Mr. Pardee. and dexterously nuuîs a aarrc'w nb- witnm dcai tic o! lie race f0 which fhoy belon-o. IOETIBITION BTLL. bouî 0f tic stîlîf aroual tic cals of defay is1 As andias iu'spcsîeo!na- The Prohibition Referendunsi billflie ruiler, hotu at tlhe blowp'i"'ec 0HE Il INtP1aTaR0 F ticniality, your P'oîal Higlîness uili caine before tic Local Legisauue andatheflccosed cnd. 'Thle litte riu- ntur bc pleased fo 1I nnwVtlint une rejoice for ita second neadiog. Tic Govera- bous of snieited glass cool in a four tic doors oi DO S I f ine aclufevements of German lead-"met uiouneld thaf fin a teen de-' scconsd, w lien tluey, are reiioe, tai qnickly enslîip fa science andifreseurclh; -tint cided inaeacafei h bsi eii1 i rrwzn f l'sl'ie spieý uv e appi eciate niose lemeata of na- ofc' cavefoftea, la1ug aror ete o a1os 7 o ceIlistead of 50 per cent, o! red-bot gfa'-s arounxcitise roilers at in athe Mus, The original kidney specifle, for tionalsiciaracter tri w'iici the Cen- the. vote oîf tic coung ou tion, theuc cacit oacil. Tien, t-akfng a Thol tin-t usina Empire oures fa a large.uicsusre Goxennir ent statei-that ifýw' ho resumithica a soldering iroui, tic saal- ,many cureý the cure of Backache, Diabetes, ifs iîcî,îkterf ai proaperify, and w'e are 50 per remt. of th e total ivote of tic per u'ssbs it. for a mcomenut on ifs, to peur lfe- glhsd te, believe Èiat tise influence of laat goeeral elections, in 1TSS..The fereiceaaciiasîluien t hc point of it is tion s wori Bright's Disease and ail Uruniary thee o'xmis'c iathe councîls oý thec na- date o! tic rdfereniun isý. nof ipt moist ened uiti perspiraf ion, hce rimun Btoff Troubles. tiouîs tends to fie advanceudient Of defiuotely sctfleci, hui t txill tali e i on nrouad the rollens at the h edn fie lifgheît civilizafien and tic Dîb- -place coulel in ioueucîher, probahly icafol spot. The glass cracks acdind edn Dont ceetsrnehigjut s cry f ficbunau ~durmng Ctue firaf urcck. separafes as cleanly as fi f t t f lxha 11I have1 you get the We regret that your ]Royal IligliEECRC ALWY. diamnond, the blouvpipe is neaio mcdilkuîow'nulg oe god.Se yuge te euie es'official arrangemnents nili nofThE CTnEnt's hfL dclig whandi fie closefi cilindes' ms becoune a by meoans alloxv you to îîake an extendefi tour eefrerfu y agmoa rsi-rouler-a sheet of glass rollefi up fhe anlI1e ofthis couutfry. Wc turust, itoîrern, fouciby taPrmeref r- as" a sheet o! music, onîy a th thfat anotien occasion ntny be found vicies foi' fie nppofintmeuit of a Raii-l- tiEmous, roll, witlîout elges. 'TIe fa ti for becornfng acquafitefi witi ticesua- way Couuuîniitfee, whiclî is to iave roller ta then rcady f0 go-tf0 flue any enterl ReibelIn~ tionnîl resources andi poîhicali mati- lteej otyo cvery locality thrcugh. tutions o! a country fo w'hirh irwe xiiixiespnioypuesocrted-fafnrloyo ings o!fnlt'ailumays uhici isulf Pro- rite flattener xvorks in another par't. A promnine giad ~iociai charters. The comiittee uilî lb xhr aelo'tcd lae oui Canads a oitiedupc he xvefor m you fon iîotwsb to heCmisile f u-t e uldeiug vnTe ons show cards ou trees, fencès, along roads and ail co-coec ue, n epcosplaces, asoc disiributiug' smaIi asveit:siug to asake Canada their futuire home. lic Wenlts, fie Attorney-Gcacral, ti arc heatefi f0 a tempcrafunc suffl-i sd "pilli. on ms nor Er'cl.Oprmnhn espectfully subunittefi on, beialf o! l Connaissioner of Crown Lands,,andciotosfeuhegasofatiyogra expenses, nacf f0 exceed $2.501 per day. lteady tce seîbyo tePo-pnar oir iisa. iy be rolled ouf ictri aheefs. A wioie domý empcymet te, good, honestf resiabe, insu. Noth LegslativeAsml ftePo-sohrMnses i xeec edtul. Write for full purticnlars, rince o! Ontario, series o! fine-cia y tables, placed i, a streauiousl3 TU EPIE EDCIE O. LednO T. RuIBb'.ES TO THE PRINCE. circle, ltke tic spokes cf a uvicel,' 'liTe Premier adled th fiat wxas a rem'olue f ic heovens,andifon thsese ofryus aten of sregreftnt fite Prince Yýou Could Look 1 ales the rollens arc flaffonefi. They A citizen 011 MY HEAD nxot have tic opporfuaity of intotlie future ansdsethecqondition inareeplaceuefi f0bocouueil' ha onsetgMtoe fHifEAD tla xhreto wiich your o hifnglect !hot andi then a cold I on is numn te study col sa nan o hi felo-colirynen oud sekrelefu I nloag tfuie fsido from ,end fo cal. llV SO may o! isiillow-ounfyuuxe lyuwou sebc threngh Tic contact o! the mon c fslue $ xveue sctfîed, and uricre fhey w cre u- cioui c t thea g7ood W 110W IT ACHES la prosperous, iflusfmafiag thaf citizen- a glass, xviidl is thea sfrnsgluteocd and offea ship, of flic îighcst onders' u n mÈ S ouf uposi thec table. The flaffeumer an opporti patible with national descent o! eV- 0, lias a nuiber f ilescf gee ben,'litssof rj 1woattached long Ianl ery kinfi. Referrng og 0the Germait l U piO wQ, utitilulogmo anis citizens fa Canada, flicPremiser sasi. 1 and ithteebillets, xviiîarc'ws "C f it fuv ree d fitupo ~Guaranteed ta cure Con- siaped ini sucli a maniner as tri do Atia fe Pr cedeont Up n eîn rasumptien, flronchitîs, th î-vonk -expecced of tient, lice ow neighbuors and feivor, peu'iaps tian ,u e s,,m a, and ail bing fechoquo foi T 'roubles. Cnresdeouglîs anddeolds in a dy. "irons" flhe softened sheet O! glasý-s Tiomnas on aiîy othes' race wore in a condition 25 Cents. Wiîhe te S. 5C. WE'LLS & CO., utli.i efcl itadsxoii elcni o! hleplesaneas. Toreosto, can., Icir fre trial hotie. uTiictbls e nfe fyitn ieounvolv e ticoSnai Mn. Witiney sais ihe joincd hecntily Tetbe nieteoe eovteSnt fi' fn exprcasisg fuie sentiments o!firci- Kr' Coe o e prfe ieBoo lcflatteoedrshect is cariel naay enceforyeý corn fo th ]Roal isier. t ws ad anofier rouler is brou gît futo we um're b3 cotouaclorthe Roduylbutsitn u uas s positioni befone tic flattener. As tic anmd necesu a 0f oniy f icir duayvibutef wh fo fiattenefi si"ets cool tluey anc lffel goed wenlc a peaur f rcef ea isto ui POINTED PARAGUAPHS. 1 - a-paceot-a lngtraellig-rckfee-ifa-m toues up the wliole system f Di b f t fuTllt annor "nsdouwudnfhei ajuiold ri usuineTo1 foe snbm health and vizor. enr_"nd______________ajou-_____________Tl, or suni To roo 0 oufletDr ay on Friday?" "ot axe." "I1 s' eU lucu've itl f11deep iospi To roe o GUýtht r.ccn'f undersfand hcxv you eaux have craie - c' ýTh bjc * Cha,,es Olntment Is a certainctatepocrcTiobe 'Mama Idoat taitfix peploandI absolute cure for eac ani' faiLl inf sucit a siiîy snpcrsf trioriui-u oxygea, na whomae dll ac vrypian eo U every' form cf ltchingr, tin.""',No, superstition about if--'.cmise thti blood pIe," saad a litf le girl to lier mofier tobleedugnnd protrndin Pile, Snfurdny's pay-dyotNî\tRe-xý 1-lir cirafîr emorr one day "Wy nf, i cild2" manufacturer, haro gmaranteed it. ee te.. ýýcil us, und do lu'- igpsi one da; -Whyi,ý)tniy chld ??'timoniailusic hedaily press and ask yournieigh. ngpsi "Because you cea neyýer imake tfim ors whattheytfilaitoiit. Yen can use ifantI H-' l'le V ot 1510,000a year, amd prodnce aisy aasty cftée ffcctr. Cureaii es witî kiel ianydl eljaur mcney bacit if nlt cured. 60e abaf u y i coufat'"S c uuickancry.5cntali erix koe.Ihve ýaixvns f0lay ymycafslouiveou hcolde soU ealers OrED)MANSON,BÂTE & CO.,TosIato ho cn z'y 'atai dut dowa on bier stomnaci to say lieur Oh, ys- eams. But I Siriuldna'thgufe canhoi prayers. -' h ss ~ tin lite tri sec you sfarue'. Sol y F. Rogers, Enniskillen. _proccsses, t0 be melted. After the LITERARY NOTES. )ve finished their xvork, the inod1 boxes and is tben1V the market. Scribner's Magazine for Mardi Le- ,anch of glass-making is a gins another of its important fea'- trade -. A blower more than turcs for theolcurrent year-the re- Dws notbfng about gather- axiniscences of Daniel C. Gilman, a napper could not do the xxho for twenty-five years was pre- either, aithougli working tsiIat jhg Ffn ni vexsty_ - oFhWtY7~tter7'IVbi : TuS irst paper is iilled xvith good, batch, does nothing olse, atones -,0f sucli men as lluxley, flatteners and cutters ail George Peabody, Rowvland, the great roxva unions and are a scientist, Sylv ester, etc. Richard branch of theinaiistry.F'p- ie ie -eea d res.e H'arding Davis rnakes a new der -lie i i," veythngis ur infitio ad desit with the "fie s i,"exrytfn ~bcst success. Mr. Vanderlip's ar- id the glass moen and flîcîr ticles on the -Commercial Invasion" fixe liko lords; but when liave probnbîy callefi out more sc- ilsout mngtel thers and rionis discussion tliaa any Magazine go ampng nti th fiesarticles for a long timie. In, th-i ain. Glass iniakers, as a numiber the author deals particular- re botter paid the n w ork- l il mrcncmeiin i lyed fil any other brandi , landtirne and RtitoahiI B-loxvers make from $50 cEuglaîd, Frnce andei Rssia. lu xvweek, xvorking shifts of icontran rtiMl. Vaidroop's optia- urs ; szappers can make e i.t is an articl e Books ftd'xms 15t $30 a week, wîIli 1 letild'aan Enoc (o- wages ivili vary betwee petitin." By a csreful study of the trad rotesof flie ancient w orld Mr. d $40 xxeekl.. latteners Ad'cîns shows the groat danger of a the way from $25 to $50a rmnosuhvi!lextngc- 1 k «'istr tase', illditions groxving out of Anierica's 1$75 to $100 xveekly. This, supromnacy fa recent yoars. Tlhe is during the lire, andi tbe short storÎinefullude a taieo f a op îvhen the fines are eut-, 'intes' sîcriîî on the Great Lafres; i] a do lioit begia untilanauigAroak tyada s aie rsuiied n Spten- tale ef sentiment er'tifled "A 'dridal )ctober. And ifa agreat1Menry-Artistically this ,îîumber. es the end of the lire finfids ,,eroy.bttfà.I i e ih woich te nu ntflau. lsseries of paintfngs by Castign 7hih t lie nti fal. prfnted fa tint, show ing the life - ~'~ i long the uvater-fi ont of Londosn. 13 WOR~TH LIVING. Ladier the title "The leart of Erg- ]andi," .Johnî Cerbijn describes itFý ot have the frce usè of your pitrs.efaur1 extoba d legs. Drive out the rhen- tif ully illustrates aîîetber f lIrI iand fel thatl le- is worth Edith WhXarton's brief descriptions o"I fm. Lee, gardener, No. 793 the beauty of Nortbern Itay'-"Ia iý,retKinstnOnt., suf- the Pennine Alps " IWalter Appletn atret, ingsonClark bas another of bis effective il- years wàih rheumatsin lustrations for F. Hopkinison Smith's ders and nrms. Three bot-. siasl. Reuterdahl illustrates the Dr. Hlall's Jlheumatic Cure Lake storî andi D. U. Wilcox the 0' ill. hisgre*t Adirondack tale. The symlîolic .~vmanof ir. Tis re moinument erected over Ruskin's Lrilïer is put up in bottins grave is described in the Field of g ten finys treaf ment, 50 Art, and thero are poems by Miss drugigists or The Dr. H-all Scîîott, A. B. Faine and Robert. CO., Kingston, Ont. Bigs VHY YOUR HELP. ' The Mai ch inuinber of the Ladies' H omne àournal fa an admîirable ex- Urgd fr feipng he 'rc ample of a real 'home" miagazine. spita forConsmpties. rom the Leautif ni coxer, hi _Mr. pita fo Conanîtîvo. '. L. Taylor, to the veny lnst page letters bcing received by Sfr it is repiete w itli celiglul fiction Jereciith, Mr. Wý. J. Cage and and ltere. tfag articles. 'The ni cor opeas wfth tiho unique story of ctees of tie National Sanitar- '"The Senton Who R-uled INew York' nation, cnntaining contribu- Society," by W illianm Perrine, andi Lhc f urnishing of the niew Freo theîî cornes a reall trcat, anotîter or Consumptives fa Muskoka, "Lady or the 'Ii'cr ' story, by the ,y freeul easos ae gvensaine Stockton urlî gave us that î'e- fore fuoildrocson arted gien me rkable tale of an stery. 'rhis üone erk ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i sindb opee vti~ calleci ' uy îî'llonaHIunt." \1îltje lsalîle dclay. Blaiclia begins a series of unusual tinht so many are waitîng for articles, about birds and their "per- 'to the free hospital-toso sonalitie.,," andfI 'le Domisie la at lb a 'vrt if too gea a amus'ing story of Lis juîney îug nîayovettaL gr infaEurope 'xiti two conîpanloos. experfenced-is perhnps the Thon theî'e is the second installaient ut of ail reasons for openfng of Miss Port or's "'Ihose Pay s in Oid of the Free Consnmptiôn] Hospi- Virginia," and a page of pictures of "Eretty Country Homnes from $,400ý y- ~to $3,200." "l19us iloche" ils a. endidl record of the work dono, touciig story by K'xte Whiting koka, Cottage Sanatorium-the Patch, andi tie fourti part of "Tihe es effected and tlio many helpedItessels ia Chicago" shows us, somo c-s levidence that the Associa- miore o! the odd custonîs aad char- rkin alng igh lios. acteristies of the "Vsindy City."- Mr. kingalon rigt laes. Bok's editor'f's is wrfttea under tbe xce loUters: Mr. Il. P. D-xvighlit ' tille "She Dasn't," andi deals fear- a con)tribution of $100, says : les'slx xvith the woinan xvho is afrafid lad special uppurtuniities of. to corne out andf do things ns sile Df the good that lias been donc ftisk they slîould lie doue. The of te Mskoa SaatoiumspeCiaf feature of tie editoî'fal sec- of heMusok Snatrimtien is Mr. -lam-ilton W. Mabie's tlîat it is oiîly right te, state first "Lfterary Talk." These tall;s lnt,.rdly possible te cosîceive o!fxviii appoar montiîly inreafter. OtIor rprise fa the Dominion more valulable articles in tue magazinie. support and encouragement." outside of the rogitlar departmnenis, I nt To.ronto manîîfacturer,wulio are :"- Fowv f0HavielaHomne WIIl ding," "Aiîaafined Silhouettes n, ,,1) that bis mnseshould not bho 0f ei' amles," and "The. Literary s enclosiag $50, says :-"ý I wish, Begictîer,"- a columa 0of advice il success, and on behaîf o!flice yoting xvîiters by Frankclinî B. Wiuer. muatyforwho yo ar soThe illustration s include anotiier of, ru' ty fnd racticaiywou rese the popular d 1ouble pages o!fs'olege ly ad pactcall wokin, Igirls-this tiîne "At 1-1erý Fun 'nd in sincere thanks. " Rer iRoom."1By the Curtis Publisil- s o! one of our iiortierai towns. fng Cempany, Philafiniphia. One 001l oppnrtunity from time f0 timo lar a year; teai cents a copy. ondifions fa Graveniurst, scalsi s'rutec :-'î We offen speak of 'orîs fa wlxie yo u are esugaged, wlîfle atGraveniirst wc iad xnity of secing s ,e eo!fite ,tie sainc. May Gd prosper oun noble m-erk isour siuteere rossley and Hunter, fie wcll- 3vangelists, fa scslding tîxeir S $5,, from. their home fa St. i NMew Yeau"s Day, say :-" We dont fiat if people could visit îrfurn fiat has beca fn exist- are, and hecome inîpressed, as )y osur vieuf, as f0 fie excellence sify cf the Institution and the r.itat is bei ng done, fiey would ist desirabie opportnuy and a h ave a siare in funising fhe Hospit al,. utters might Le largely muiti- cey aIl tellthe one ctory o!fite tnd helpfnl character cf fie idoptcd fo assist fie eonsump- ,lth. Thle new hospital draws ly fo cemplction. Witlsin a sif wiul be safo teo announce imca are eotirely ouf o! thc cri geaerously given by two! tizens. Fuurnisiing and equip- f immediate wrirm. Wbilst the [sel grateful for fie iearty re- n any w5a5 f0tictir appeal, elarger surn amustf iscecured io furnfsh and equip se fiat ,a be af once admiftcd. Con- ;large or smaîl, u'ill help to sud fie Lape is fiat tie ro- l e prompt. The surn cf $50 is a bcd. Contributions may c) Sr Vm. R. Merebîti Clief LLamporf AvenuepToronto; Cage. 54 Front Street 'West, or f0 fie National Trust Go., rreasurer, 22 King Street East, inal divers, .Who remnain .er froua txvo tr i fve am- f inie, ane accustomced, bc- .ergfng fieuîsolves, tri take i!rafions for ten minutes. ,t fa sa-ýid f0 bc f0 store sup it lin fie luag relis, but in cos'pusdles. Tis renders a ysuspension o!fite. breafi- île hy supplying tiecocrpus- an extra quaafity o! oxy- )excianged ciemically wf fi ýnie acid, producesi by v'ital "in fie bibood, ADVERISING FOR BUSINESS, The real reason for advertisingfs ihat the business man desires more business. Ife is intýerested ia getting that buiniess fin iz )st ay pos- sible. lie is axuste use news- paper space, or eircfflars- or biliboard-(s in order to give to hi-, business the ixhat ho is loing.It may bo he is entitled. It may be he is mnistaken in bis estinmate ni the imaportance of whigt hc is doing. It may beolhe is mistaken about the ixay in which bho goes about accomplishing it. Lut if ,the pl an is righit anîd bis exeution right loie ill win on mnerits. If the plan is defective and the oxecution perfect ho xviii have a given anîount of success as the resuit. 'l'le best returns corne froni carcfully tliougbt out niethods andi carefully cxecuted plans. The intelligent business man studios lbard te get the best combina- tion ini order tro insure the hest re- sul ts. 281 million quarters-I bat'is, onc- third of the w bole surplus of the world's wlieat-is required by Great Britain and Treland. ........ j "A good cause makes a strong arm-." The Makers know- ng first that every pair is worth itpiLd&e a f ixed val1ue, through -their price on the sole -$3.50.- $5.00,-in "The Siater She JOH-N HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent WEVWANT JIIn EVERY WEEZ DAY. 1000 MEN W\ANTED to IcaVe their rreasure for FaIl and Wintter Suits te be made up lit very latest strie and fit 'uara-nteed. XVe make me-n's anýd bi, >' tIiL equal te n and priceaor than; i'mw- . vîBrius vo-ur-r , o 1i1 c)the ýo beý pres,ed and made like newsit Ve keep samples of cioth-prices rigbt. JoHx T. Arr.IN, the fashionable tailor, IP,ýrly opp'oite S-r.,XTESMAN offiCe, BeW' manvlie.45-tf ,ocïCod Livor 011 (Trade Mark.) F ior Luflg Troubles, Severe Coughs, Colds, Emaciatioii, &c., &c. Few syetemns eau asirnilate pure 011, but as cembired iii " The D & L-", it id pleasant sud digestbe w 1h PfbuaiS y"- nP; W5ÎI4d solid pounde of fieeli; W iII bring you back to health., 1150c. andS1OObotIl DAVIS &LWe NUIC. Intd COUGHS. A 25c. Bottle for a Simple Cold. A 60c. Boffl for a 'i'eavy Cold. A $1.00 Botile for a Deepseated Ccvugh. f.~SoIdy s'! iruggits. f' Those who bave used Laxa-Liver Pilîsr. say they have no equai for reiieving ;ad any disease or- disorder of the stomach, liver or 'bowels. Mrs. George WiOiams, Fairfield Plains, Ont., writes as follows: "'As there are so many other medicines offered for sale in substitution for Laxa-Liver Pis I amn par- ticular to get tpc genuine, as thev far sur- passanythingelse for regulat 'ingthe isswels and correcting stoinach disorders." Laxa-Liver P'ÎIs are purely xegetable; neilber grîipe, wesenfo -een, are easy tu v ro'rn't ýo act. Latest Mîethoôd Treatmnt I GUARANTEE MY LATEST METHODTRÉAT-1 MENT tebaboesttiveccure fi'rali Chron- le, Prirate, Nerveuis, Dellecate. Bloofi, 5km., Kidncy. Lirer, Stomiaeh. Biasduer and Vo- mule troubles; se positive arn1lit fa a posi- tire cure fiat yen. can PAY WMEN CURED s0 yen, rua so nisit, a,3 Iacccpt no incurable case for trcatmesît. I haie 18 DIPLOMAS Certifleafes and Licenses, rcccired from the varions colieges, hespi taie and statcs,whicb tcatify te, my standingr and abilitice, 1 peýrfedically risit tic principal hocpitals, p)uitina' myseif in touclh wstb the latcot and mnost sejentifle treatinent. Remember aEsb time yosa lh you So me personally STRICTURE and VARICOCELE 'Iîou7ands arc trouhled andI do net knove it. If yen are in doubct as ta whuciher yesn bave eue or houh, eallandl sec me ansd 1 will examinc yon. froc o! charge. -If yu dai suot caîl write for question hlank, as I dati- cure yon witi my LATEST METHOD TREATMBNT at homre as weli as at mny office. I bave cured tiîousauds e! patienats euffcrlng f rom tic above troubles'at homne w'hor In eyer sui. v. lry case 1 accept 1 givc a uvitten guaran tce ta cure. kZ[DNEY and BLADDER Troubles, painfuil aud frequent urination, deîînic,, or string. ini urine, veak and acbfn uback suceumb te my LATEST METiIQiI TBEÂT1MNT in short tirne-no cure' ne pa. SKIN DISEASES Syphilis, copper cokircd patehes, czemis, dî'y and mnist fetter, serofola, psoriasis, granuuated cyelids. scalp discuses, p1mles, ail forms cf itchina' diecases sucecu te amy Latestt Mcuhcd Treat osînt la short time. Positivchy NO MVERCURY OR POTAS- SIUM USIID. I CURE OAil Chronic. prirate, nervous, delicafe. blood, skto. kidney,livcn, blâdderstomacb.- :omale sud rectal treubles. Cxi er send for symptcrn biaifer homo ftreatmeot. BOOK FitEE. If ours-9 a.m. to8Sp.rn. Snas1 . Ail1 NediCines for Canaiaýn 1Patient PhI:pdfoaWesr aaa 208 Woodward Ave ,D TR I 2 nrne ioxSroi 1 1

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