~~~still Mr. Fini wheeied his temperance to takeo his walk in order te bide bis nansiiledae ee thoroughadradlivUL£HiIK>'0J~Jlj ff of Sltenthetcoitr In soe waythe public heard of AA Isjrinkle the juice of one suiell leinon ile was stili making caustic obser- the strange mauner in which bie had IN , he ulpAAd hAwh en ia NOTES f vations on the ways of the world at been discoi-ered; but there was a egg aJba nî lleaJfayB ALzt~ .lf On XW heeIS , large, and holding confIdentli.l chats circumrstance couuected with bi ~Have ready one coftcecuptul of gran- LN FTH HMOK luit hs coffee-uru. career whicb nevcr became publi- 4ý HUDSON SAY COMIPANY TO HAVE ulated sugar bo7ilcd with half a cup- But bis coffee-urn w. ont bis only no, not even when bis nmarriage witb 4PTTON alwendo)ýdinwtr ou urne wns . lthe beautifTul Missuiof Trentitl l ios Sot ccuaecesTht WllBe ea cempanion, for, many improbable nuMiSndtats asbal wendrpof l wateotou peopretstoppecate tbhelucrand ters, caref lly hidden away in bistlsSr he alia lert eapecaeteqer l 8creain, beatiig rislval the xvlile. aadns IL Was uuariy tliree o'cloek in the man's acuteiess. truak, whichlî lad cbeered hlmi week The Hudson Bay Compauy bas about a si- thof that of 1887, whenii Wlien ail the ,irup bas beii coui- ConstableFaicLnh, ftn moraiug nd oi'i i amsble- Teew~01 a- on by week, wçithout once disappointing met no important rivalry in the nearly 400,000 were trapped in the sumcnd add one 1tapoonfu.l of gran- Roy-nl Iishu aud Josiahon Finia Youmematlhlm, ail tbrough the, long time of great fur trade of Canada since that streanîs. ulated gelatin whîrh las he b ars*usauay ho u grade to denis t. 0 on a oe - h ad t k n t Olii etstrugg ing-letters whiclî had only long fig t w ith its strnger Coin-. The beai er's Canadiaiî habitat is solvd ila a talesrponîîtll f wlt e ef e d w ".eîr ken îblgs te e 0 r nigheue 0f r. Fr s orniri 0f une message : -I am waiting fer petitoi, the North West COMnay, almost everywbero except ou lie Beat uil the iiiix une becuies coul Th ecepay.n-etcupia~ h quiet,"iie oneitrfcMr.laa toue e collee.youi. Struggle ou; fear uotbing." which ended eigbty-oie e ars ago. 1naked plains. lie is fouud as fair anid begiue ta th1ckei: iuei s'icad ýDt Feaeet deep disgust. lIt's more like a Not onceoliait they me ater that Since that tinie the ludlsoiî Bay forth as trees gruw, fronu the llocl<y lightly betwenChei tuer is oË Cake tes lu Caty Bos country churchyard thaii Londonî lie ias vei'Y pale aud shabby- uiglt irben lhe first knew lier:, but Cempany, îvbicb ahsorhed itseouî- bMountainîs te he Lbradr wast a-i, -ci, oiîuonlistehernd top.uss t ."ioeking, aud tluere was a piucb0d, Mr. Fini coutld laive told. hem once Petiton, bas centrolied the field, The hunten sets ]lis trap lu the auj- Orange Lnyer Cke. croem litiuur cessfiil as the rîeeswudhv M'. Fini bad a pleasaiit habit of shiarp 100h about bis face tbat told or tmmce a young lady, carefully thougb there bas been nu legal oh- niai's bouse or gets ii by uuglily Éibreeiquart ers ortla Cou f ) 0 taliugte lmnlf mllct us ~~-quick -eyed Mir. Finiclearly eneugh wrapped lu a- long cleak, huacorne stacle for mari yeans in the uay of SîîOOTîNc,ý 0f' SFI3AIIING. butter mviilitwo nups ut? sogur. 'iA At a Dalkeypol'icîcr:e baby ii rSulc ~ O îîci' ~~ of the talc of seuil starvationi tuaI isi to hlm late ut night, rmerely te heur auY other cempany that miglit the beaccý,il nks oi titiet- cg al1k Ccutly elle0 ftepfoiîrnete îoleee <-1e totalk t.toild.uîi tuil of a customer %vho mas choose te enter the fun tracte ut? rit- lumai te 0f ue indffurerap 0fa ue uni sonIescrih sdgeel i u "Blest if 1 do't tbiuk lIliuerdly synewnl cogîzeiitoy xr lîbvadveyper-is \trhAncic. l 13 tîs iI hr.-py ffo srailiste î c iîdoNueitc n the old shop home," he added, vith b11the well-dressed Young sirel Lonîdonî Auswu-s. taof tioî pe otemol; gfu b teg oayeabunt hain that lutcretJice ofuitlarge s ait 't lge-ilnt her oliesarehwa bt a threateiiiug look at bis giaut irbo once stop ped at the stalat bbtth[ li There are fthive districtscli andin SilgoitiiClu advantages deriîed froin thue nuien- mords, Canda supplies oruly .50,000 whindc11it IL tî ni "fe-rn l'Il tai e you homie, sud sreocok ntemringulwthal OEw1T H ssi tl îitlsadt 00 lisalu.Eiiî ater AcdIbis tu the butter, sug- theleuguers "i ida rîgt bra e pfrodio u - og lady wbo liaitd glal O NADTECORONSJATION.ous possi tl li llS n O6-0 in sud eggs, beat lu thîce aud aI brss,le ou iu edfurold mou the I beu tif l re -bl e ym d ih s large concessions f terri- ictit?î i -iud x ends eeici e t on d la t p f fe r, t e t t y victim ie r teupt fe syupalb, "whît' the But -Mn. Fii ldnet turgutten the Llatters of Dress Which Excite In- toi-y, mbich embraces eue-tweutieth the lluit Of tjiiher, but the turi' in- liaip psd. ut fotî the gstiftfuyie. rotetntfrer lu e tesleap osnipthd, toîîlg u he bauufu gey-lueeys. Euroespeiuuuanbd iî' niveriiii The deatb a uoucdîeeu 900d of talkiug about the state of ilet, tho ugli hochad unet once rî-erred tencst in England. of ah the fertile lands lying within unuî' ho ilae luepr anl ouiy iîuirpoo uls uf Ukc g ". Sittfs e oitei ak. trdwinaCif Safattecr oi.the fer'tile beit freinthe lied îRiver tcm hfiusaaflicurc citgh. IBot liard tor sux ral ut L tyFeuuauahoCSi taevheiaciestî ihcote 'Û1d-eeinsir," Said M Fus ii 'lie ciloth0f "old for King R'd- te the Ror<y M\ounhins, bas lîcen Thfle skia of the diil<cst -i eiety of lili. , h aLe ii ILi'vr n us.l'un F nt ou h as mi' of Sionne street cal't take inrcisCu.ainrb s en osrnl nrncidtatl bý sîiei-îoxîîut,-î, Jesiasite ifh a ui th ii.c uiepeîuce lu tire heurs ? I shal .elle niglut te bis qocci' custome-r., u.und'sct-hetiîîrbeusbiîg e tonlyetieubcStcta11alet saci fx cuuioi kof O tei tefitl Biontadi'anortal chiuck il, thît's irlat 1 shallu."o "Ai-d bom's the îvorld heen uiu ne u s pî oîplto eh rsn un ui etepiSe lias thdbaubfle slî froaiter.bgh gsn Boa up 0f îilk un a cloeloft Ilu~s u-c ifth axuîtgs cf Oti aiided cier te the Royal Sclîool of entened the count. piIe. Otiien harieties cf the ite iue oerr. ti1 liiThet beecooeopte Cyo ils Itwsiio h av iaeýo eh l talcspoiifuls ni cornstarcch Tepoi fDhuîa- el Mi' Piuis busine ss finit if CuStoiu1-sI"Oh, weil enouîglu 1"' suid thelAi-t Needlcîvoîk. Priacess Christian The iieits coules from Winnipeg,1 fox ureneit quite su 'luable thloigb a-lsiuuîisesici caie nt l hm b ceul tae bsYouagi.nîaî, quietly. etfSchiesuig-liolsteiiu is uesponsible flie headqtuioîcrs 0f the ceinpLjUynostli . uhiey are tle' jaet ofithe -ek n'"n'oe~. d lIsothtprstfsuîlx.Vysritr- lianes, .-topaud al, tote luMir. Firnilooked ut hbleiely. i' this iiiove, the school beiuug lier that au or guiiizauîioiî of Bnritish anduu fo-xts, w'hicîîi iiclii-e lso ccc, l. ie -rtl ttikn:taefonCuin r J ust theuil apaity Of bouug people, Peopîle irbo ure haîf staitcd i;idllpet hobby, Ilen protegees are tu Caliadiuu i liecostsu bus been formned and w hite, thie red beingil, larigost t ire d ul h rae ido rvn h rc î'uiîg ru inae sic1elleofsocial werishabby clothes cluî't eftei-i iork opoui the clulh a bold designî inito cnter the fui' truacsd huta uipîlsd hdn ioi 0.0 uo~iuect n ithlsumîi old. - - it; Caain ii iglit. speak oh the w eîld as tieatiiîg thein ctÂus. iYuoung Euhsucanîî C. R. de insuil, cai', iile 0Oiil buct 2000 straiietcîie o hewok M. eyed tenlScoiiully. "îell ectuog4." Quecii Victorna's coi onatieuu-robe Vandei uic, a feisoii forcatbnud sut et fox skiiis une sccrcd. uhcy cut, 01,niprc.d htweni llie mla 1liOitiycoinm]cea-d leceir lc uie Sid eut ii ht plctutrcs -ich tîcow dorît w s ,oinieatcd, is hiîc fashîlon, a relative cf Lord Fctbei-v, is ut are cciutglt fii Steel traps cm01J 1 iis t i ors' agenutsai-butlekn fr "f15 e adcouWeuitiy te eui'Il .Into 1t,,, otable'--ioiifuîls of thfliccuue . the sugar basin. "Itlîotlîtueu,-i -said tue ýouug mua1- mit a gorgeonts designt of roses, the bead of thîe enterprise, , utcli îu-oug ou- shooting. ilu, l8 8ove,. -I donNLein hirSefalttlat i-mnck a1 tui"hs.cuides ulso oui tractors nho kilom i 8,uO iiu h.ismc lln u tr ltwdelrecl ,uIgLtn scffîcielit te cîurries. silks 1-CIS u-dthsls ln knswr alei uiuuk-e a thick i.ing and sprecid ou1lte q 'î-ies. ILtiexctdhaauu cuite 10 us I -'is."The roiyal îislî ttîat Eîîglisb Ils hiejuts au-d outs of tbe husinuess. Ib te iiuuniibou- dîeppecl a iirfe w,00tuscfsoîemll etae lutfou one eio Mn Fiis u Caï't vi mouse te paiîît pic- ,iîll bc uuscd for thie corouistionwnas lis stric tbflatther-'iv'tl Cc.npiy elaten to abouth 13.000. Th(e lbi-iXcfreinone îuuuy g'iYxw.us a ull tt. paTueomun eDa ote'su-aiou o)'legfmchei hilietheiorad ilc ,-î-d ,I helped oui by theo codenit c1libllo Cet'tends fiist to cstcuhlisb a nuiuuubc-eroi ies oui uubbits aud is pat-ticuîianlvTe oi Cite trien ehoMi-. Pifil.Britisli silks leld for Ltce beiioit tiF Posts on hoth the ecnst auîd west nuuuîenouos luthe' regiot of C-reaCt WOIITll K\OWINC>sceal tatc ad tCeia lunhug lî ml aiec eu t te 'II1 ycig ci nc t him ith th le Quecu's fucsies' Iuiid. The sicles of Iltuduton and Jaîîîes 1ys, Sise ake. The slinis munI-i hoîîty xx misiii uc di ulpo 'iî' ource stul !Whbo mauts O u l.wois presideuil ireelte H-udcsoni ll-vCompuany lias 175 icutits ho $2. About 7,000) ivoif1csuil uhoin"St. Kcin'sobcd"ospladth coi, e " 'Otcouuus I ceud if Inuutcdeltheb"Nationaul Silk Associiitiouî,iniany etsbisîîeîts tSkiuus, iiosiy irom itlîe Nulb.w-st iabeoieibsitiaiulb Isekintecusteesrna- '1Oh, 1 i't-iil l iîke tii lave sonlu t,' lue said i encled tue exhlibition, anîd se d CInocf thîe ofiiassof the latter Territon . ai-e nom regaln0dc uil 1hlm ,tr uelntapi other lnnkepo ioi nsa muCe ÏiG t aitl ti ot sal !Suall we nly yocî don't cheose te '?"]o-1 t1ii hIc gi-eut ladies whbu iippeuueclho Coampany 15 noreito ubaie- id i "oiti eld for Iluis uciihialt. 'flue catioîn * ceslieu t Lull lî, tId it stop " h iiiOi' tOilIthe-l'oeine s aisesI ucîbo wantiis agaLI uui 11'or ii e iel s afleru vartdjnleuiyJ.M Cîklo Stop ked inlue cld nîsu.Londioi;for itside ast hi-col, thiat lîls nomlu0siuy r, ouhil Clssan. s Ltusinrost loualia Tliiuut oiisnenw-us'o -i; tIiou't diloosO te," said Lis fTiheu1sly lCu u alhi di'nea ihu îuîuosasjpste-eistî eOîVet fic(li10ectiba s i uls- ghl-g, odîdoraui n éCýYa lio's osrelfitcust t'ie-- itisit ilu, -gard to thîe lue sire niio- tundi ould glve I.Lecithe poî' ludiau becuise lie de- ingpnnl. ftei' il Culscuit of the mC-,llbei- V IlgTî eg.Cl thuî11 aigiuinoas tlet, chcils -ïel mhdi! ad-r Pn tostethdntasstfrteatn hvbn tfl h ioeo hiic iigîtn wcl d tsn-ly V i, n iuigc -'addi- iicel of the cccouianroee ppno cil A VEIIY IARID l"FISiS ie rîe1n Hsette" Sber--iff sotewoePryle Nxit 11h atîtinucelu iiils cii "l'ii i'île-imc l'uut. îis hou sronîîuîîîd îîcrbs inlîcJ i' les il .1,fillengbhoi aJjue Shîfc- 11lii bn te inoe u'î uuîot bphest if I mas't ii-t ixheuI ilsahul liiferlia itilut li pil efloy , -- ,îîî0dded. as a o-anwtureyitsbe cofîthuelîiîîself.faste.p 1 - -ctîîory o ]ilti eM'.Pn's astouiishiscut, 1Ru rhsi ha nsieo o-Stong point fiii Icvor 0f lte IHudson 'WChuto bc"cite, g l-t I i - Teif. ise" I TîtO a5. tuuiitcy tif c0rrnt ns and derT suddcnsiced efoe bt.yoii icne ne iOmali iIinte niowd ~i-id noya]liishes totehle cen- Bn cîpauytaIIle ialtsmo Ohi i fleaiusl. î:-Tuuheigauindw uîsl t-eu l Iol i-dhe-aii oRight ois Lrd Jste >Mr'. Fi-imas nDo t Laul flustcu diwomenotirg I'tracy, uiuiily î-nrtionîondens haveP Bompneyî-elicl bheilative ere Cg- iîîî filesud o bs uain iiul i ii tluu ocigi eaio.ul)e ted nue a- 'tghnitî atr fteRls ut tlis iîucusîî of uî'lvosîaycuat 9c sl11roudyliîeoui Itaceti milh tegetadLr of aidetscratneLords1 Justicesinftrntte.Cai'- lrlag.iictect, hue eftcîu boastec theyecuig mili. Panlsiaui du essiakers. .fui iithut lainetiu-îiaî rerso auJhe _n._sandpourthe____________________ tha l cil is teupernuue lotel-as hé "A couple f years go, ' said iMn.. 1_1_Te__ ______________of__________tutctlîhacîuheranIs ou en Iheus.nalho eheîsuent et? lnoluuud duTheug lIteLah- soictiiýe uedtoCai iscofe- Plii,-hyu-i ThdhrcOleiein Qens îuaes h or nothunteîs SUDply Most et? the fUrS. libntoiseicuerm f ixitut othcî'lass fI'reu-ichhapatyo t loup v Lieuthîcîuaîît.howi 1 Tes idan ndFenhhal-T gta ok nto abtte lopLeueiat stahl-nole d k s t r fladitIte w a de v h e prairies an J a hino nand i se t 1, getti g it over-- gr.w'cre difi'ereiîlly dîe'-seclthcii, sud tkeprti tecorenaticît crnuuuauO.tesuemhang h ol. T urîactcu ui'A i ai-oyr ueio îuîu ult SohosrtcdIe uty mitb oh u cdayeîgltynt ou." les. Thoy Lire uuuî Sittin~g up nightsth ok of j_ cfbe eofthhe uost aroquîalti, f10boîgmo cle sulîy geuuiuig oui'rcor(ut u mu îalOrxeut uooi-g41 o '. h u-ou- aids u? he (cuîyaf Lmenc.nu lîot-e)snets ande cf liste- ,belli last ci.u Lueîc, ud frsaigtîuity us ri, psittfeu' hiscolie. antIihcut iny t tenug whatfibe shahe of their curoryîîg utheimas iros e pelipb hutwr ard iituth m i.,Ibs t ii uCuiapeiiafrlt u'oe ilalI the tIlîe ilautloir velce, astu ieihclcai-vtelterusî tfheî c ro th rrt aJ lis ntidofft suising the od i i i i Wlng usomuBit hi ili ho afîi' lIte breefctoniuiing ? for traule. Coin is item usoitel neWlilnShuoes une tue large i!,the Qoocu VictoriaJhlo Nre a arilsabîoutn r. theuui f eîîOO5 Iblhe to~oeut bis ilote- , ian. niud etbes0 hî-eclout, butt fhuc busiuness sis ly on nt ioruiecluuuuia articl, ilis a mironld, sud îo ok ansd se asketch ef Mn. Pie fi uud ilmsi 'iomtlt ais ethantî-. ,oc ycars, cul ontdaiJ fîtderl.ui lIeasd.Cle yl Scitu elslomsadduua Iuislake !-lite suid lu a cenfidou-iu'l andhbencuen il boelbas ruine tethe kuon' ic ifiiitSiit< o bao' IeFi fMuseTîc -0ul", bis te r. eu'luuîc" lcOtOl silucrtrahnsanud unlîl sport the tu-a- ]calgeofuicheîCopanuy that uny DLeIUSLAt CLE. Ibsut"and flte i.id te hohtotGlute ei yl Sut Lc iie nFb.2 i thiue tu li us. tuse flcc h ,"the saltchMi-. Fuît is id aly ciloll sniî faui u h un bouto r rapper bas sold a p lt to 1uo eel uJ he hnlLah wu'eîîlIte sctrî as iuus~, I~u-~se ctheîîces iaatdavtheyslippiutug wilbelsucceedecu bistaîc th-iRn, thcoffec-ou. 'lirere's a lot of o'u 'ne tuethe chances are0 50tho une lluoin , oxcefut the ceîspauuy ' 0 gto liociemde ckes hLI Y irU i5ay seewi o cht oultud hav ilcî's 'us î yt he on su s o P iit eîey iet f h c c ouy x i oagents,the naine a ud description e? mdotfb n 11i ei o-a-i soied s he il e hni ui lte hs cu uu o a l 5 u c-x lcuu uîuy sc- uh e co d b aior, cît ict l 'esIl utel l ie îrenid o al'Il boy. If m ore hli le- lua ted t Ian t ua I f t e the offendi g n ativ e b s b e cs sen t to e venilig collatio n or co uapciy td es- s hOeci.igs un' a p uev c ts i . c ul In A fg h an c î î a g f 0 musscunet ofe-tl I tî aî oscihi tcovet h t of t? he fer-dîuie contingent. sr.Tércpsgýe riiuul I si norgn ie l ieadi ot e vu the tuont ibbef îny stuloform Arps thîedulniut Ie oueu-y post 0f the comrpauy ltat i hent leitrpsguciaeutnol I 5u îcu-guu atIuili u nSu fiaiu'1 du-ce mas likelyate i isil, sud ho bas sd-1auJ theneffne 0f sI-icciel t aheianduîuest utîntfctui e thuvu-u-gs eluont s eo Tîte unish Wolabootia, ClubTieas ut? o'chock la the in unig for pennuy 01s theufrote o at xxie be for Q eîiisholuse . oi c-oni, c ly ousd iîsif ouuuhilet,.lisoîl tId Deicr, ouee Cit Forupogaintu "Il ~~~~~ rin tuilaiffe, ucncbî hr' acttoebietuugltihestî fth cmai'ssuios I ushgfou ailr wcuk'-, yc t a es fla i ouit oýeff stloExcl ielluýni sil l hesapecyur ls ncle Ie" jlly gond rofice IsuLiteîr iItne 0fjiod mop bîonlinet othe-ci ali l arbecs uue peicyoet.lItecoeplentte il Waciî lci. g su h bh ail ld the ci-lice geman lougthel.mostelcletopcicusofi.noxx-u.s.Ibeonthucalîlu of t epoomsibleo hot etilsteelct'pt ktlwie.iorouact, asisa nogil tiiontalceîîoghe atîci aslae "Is l 2 iîqcu-nodMu- Pi~cuîiuv lit'sthe gocilfcilut sketrch f Aîoltencornuiîon item utioun -r- ioep ou--igoodi e'usmil sîtrni t> e laycns, Cucaus ouie-bal Pounîîdut? t colisi ttiiuiilly xîeai. snd tutorieti. p oseJ gifh ushe cpelo it? iirdMr î wt tenaie i'llar asî cîl cisiiug lte thihutlit uîd skill et? de- by deling- îu'ulyontoî.bteu ld îuepuuul0lsue.a cT(->telit uuauis so mniafie, itan lielusît? of h1 elnît yLci. 'tiats ca olluu- Si'pishg-. -t g 'hsl's iîîny's;u"ioies,"saici Mr. I-gi iii rt.~ct ~ ~ IThuey haie Iruued dîoîîuuug, guns, sxsl1olt - Iln outisds-ustueyhpngcth tl~ oluc 4.J ooitecbe tihttî'e uuy eeu 5ukiug coaîcor ni. , ou-ile whîuclu mii be gorgeouîsly axesanud ollucuru-îcessary articlesut ~oniounce0f flouir, oeli.f.lt fgoci It elî, ighil 0105 suid iossy c'isii-gTehuudxilh e Ilixe ituitfo kty 1ea,yce w ýouldUit Lake Jit lae cî, us ' y ou ie' iund li cuiniusoeuu, azouîetliv itu'r nasuuab-iifig-ueureis ten-Ini udlr t utîesouuîtset uuu ic1ln. i theiîull.tcc l na-ir~icioiia tSt thn bui, _CetS y k. hle Royal Arm ngoldI, a-i auJ i-es se y utdouut 'ohi inîg uuuuudu-. Bout vigoî' siy a lu Ilihse iapluaseuit susile, a CordialiletIcennîeî hi ylreepn -Wiîshoul I net2?u1 u ia lufluttetîc wthelaboi'aloly uroogit goid ueil r Tho influeîîce of the Cmpnybluko iiirunid joIiy cake Panîs. To maneraund a culti- ahti uuiiîid, as u-diucgcs cfthue hcd h l u- - "Ilict's crue for loc,"scid acilluiii Jcc Sii.o p n k h iln i w ag al-lsbtas nprat go at ofdgi ieronfcftie piuî'y 1 Ii uus -Otl-a ~gocuî iuauty pîuiru nd cîît no - eiuîsps. This bibleis unie ofthIe per- isof core rygatnigths itigfi hi Atayrt,1sii -ujie ftîe pî'eiate mIte ld5ii-peuple; aud uîauuy ettheni mlîl cen- spoonfuis of xu'ohhgîouu-d Mocha, ai-d u îlresutro. Xciulybois, au--d il iuetu h e-o ,"Ps O ,'esiefny .usie frth istens lte oath-. hainiy hc ily to thiuuk a litîho ho- -Jutavclc u îpeec hes-lse ail toftiese if loti wililLakit-flic hiesu Guants tuf hile-e, îî'tbO 2 t akd , ilte foilioxi ug iiglit leh,ici utbî__ + fucte g andoauyrtlcn-colpt iebgli Ielo tiu lligeit painsu. 'fle gootibeallu by 'i e,," opl~il ,,,uî - îls uua.. 'coîu aIthue uisl etbeing buycoîted purcer liltluree quartoîs of uc ip- lauiîsecriunîîsuî o tulii- uii iîî. îeî-iuis w ith lufuîu, au-ici 'i oi-keda fui fbiigwtr lv inithe su-oe rietei-f îuu' i-cvr acii liu,1h b USI ADSEP y thie great cou'peahiou'Iich bas ehliu ao- Cr Co îeîy andturipîe air; thue otlvatedîuuiid by GORILLA ILSICEPR unie ~ ~ ~~Cnt~-u, keeuî so. o tuf elObletiit No s u up of popliOs, nori tu of 0 long becuî lîni' sole dpndeace. nut lt si ier su iy fr u în- cîiîg g ot be k a-d huLigu th alt f'nes liit tuuahehiesdiIicýtheJigeutt peuple. 0f witt luse are Maddened case Hs Mtr u-htioîs tuîîu-Slurel' utsldlo-is '--l4oxris il hhat t-'îve coie dom lupluinu, n îomdeî' ci morphine, says T11E PUR AŽIMALS FsUe hhls.cîtnoe rid.the rndtle~i- oah'uiu I h cuntTo i u-uind lof uilîu-hîe iI'luiaitn ltdis, tuuxi stan'dsi. c M-.['ii. til-cn o? ii utelcii.lut'uti. 5i gu-cnuhyouaeo1en retiadphlei Sbeste-îuifoaiuîg.Fut It c- OShiltifiukeItu-el tf î'rlite nei d lteas, e ut, aîtjilîin-iuitshe- io? se Mro ieek as suai't penen.il ais anddeuy c iouel0looks î-îîîunipuîc i sleetp-puoduciuîg pwe.aloîg hue shoreu's of Iluidson Day u-dmiîdana cocbebic udud iuuuhy sud. pisicullî? men iiauict lure lie lotuicîld qioie al iOif ltinu "witli suiuisuhe. 'fTtueiorst ti. reture tacufsugrs athe ticth uii-u- îr bînyTby îuneu o I beIcte elius llnt bu iilIehere asroueewonILI u at fueiciloisy îYounîg goutîcu n Bt- s li xilît inost people 's haudsiuin anJdlte hest is Suin-uuost nMuoios îuom li the Mactnsopiîhofofl nl hro orbsibebituindutdropu exaiiuie lanîut. iv adcult aiiiaisErpeuudli "feuils." ,îoull c ul a fol"srid fluc yung sfiie. Tlucnofou-o, il IS 055111 On- busm-iandi ilis said that prebably sacipicf înuîPk. Tiickeutn'lth lino If 100 u itbits ut? meh ou theur uid,,keeper. Tbhge lamskil-ltie x~lit euiu ud,0 coue unli9 i îcassgoieeiI lerstootuhu icpier sleepees siteult ubouttlunetlîinds oeth Ie enhine Catch tahlrspounf-uis of floui r u-bet--t a sie uit whliclittiuy ced-bu-omitspeks a figlul lastingtnuî uuuei ci î , yo. llad, ixij i- if I hoos~e ,to dio so, h-ilpîa's as iîuîn blecurs inthIle .iuiuhlioecoules froilI tIzrouon'1. Naîuncciy at x1h tl nil u iu anc scouitlue ied spidern is ah i-muk wbili thelokepîixast uu-hy tbu tiil u -)file cý,e-s tb i'. l !asPosil. . 1 xcv "'e -F 1IL t a heteouîcî-il edsa itlefusicin te ielionite lat.Tlenagld-h ~~O. ioi' ~~tsouti(l ttkihiu.Te îtttheu-'u-outlufor lulusI et? his fu-s. 1ten pouru-ovecuoeell betncg-g I uoitedt 5iS act. Ilili tifi s tui) of Inter. Flîii inquhi-iuugiy. hît i t l'un fit tot tfornonuoî ui heU si. îutirthiiiasstje î Iruusiuiuîc out f tuehc huotses. tliere is n lu ýoa1o iie icq auJ ndspî'ead hetirocalte layons. 'lo i athern uau'î matou'. soibîuîcugil tse- 'Te .famucîesgnic.msuui inguigluau.iui iauOof.0i hie stillutos, et of ipeuiItlhrto5rkcus iS ieau-t iltley caray .I'tiui i1,for tue Inrîber nuthulie goos iii ic theiciuug suir norm uosîten uOf a veral tinîcs feu-iualf saiiuute -ut 'L Fn'leois. Ilemse( tlt a the sdensu ?"uo1udeyco hcut nil l -itineauJneueu tli<tu sidirsai c f xx o uit u . b t u h iu bl c o u t . e . î î y d u t a s p s i i e lI t e m ic r o b e u u u if c l a i- c t h e f u r s . T h e p o u i d o fc f c t io n c y s i g r i ' t o L m , i i e e t t l h p d r r p c e , î n torned lis Leen oyes hcir o'a-.- ,----'u tii lrygbi ectpr to lir forkcei, 'lie nd nGýt frs ofthe ackenie Rier bai cofoe analtahie. Thsi-iop 'iîîgwayospefeial taf--l momentsau'," ersaid Mr. Finii uuiluly-poeit uiîîcr îihis iuîîeuned 10 ai-o îsuaîîy veny fine ai-d aetu--e abe îîil'i Spd of h fotcate. v ioleair îmoius,;shoier tefoction fou' ulisepnamsohIi moungîfeit, e îud, nfîec s ygir sie "Ytuui wou'l utix ihicor -ihi Ciîourtýi' oi lient teuuh, seuttudpir't.lîan CtcoseCae aksic ,lîm ,,el iisse opceuu ot -auee? oiciuanudllt hte î uî fhoc xrî to tch br sdl, c f o. Iecnfulues s- ILt mul hoiîueustuug tb mention xîii loo a" i sd s- u iir O' S lo c io filo f sti îuuiu tfn tO is a o "lid, iitSin l otor toice e Nirxti,1hiilccnisicitco iltici cofoIinltiect I _a____ 'At pi c-cnt, nuy rild. youutcr douteai clbr .i wic hoolte s uedar aiila uutu-re îsiug.7 u iue mt tatîsl i Luondontixîulotvsei-s 1raurtiimhsIiatfiuie acstl ocg-10ohhuuueholsbo I-is ak i d-um ,eblsutuatd nilînaor Tcarieeisto te ooile oUndlifino yectncluf lve" il c 1il, ct îu ue-l o's l FRED IFAT TO CII1LDIEN. lyiynutCiumail's fui' tratie. Ilut polal Ioty au- wxol w-outiia trial. BraI 'I'iuoare iiuîlu'cedis etutls cf do- sud the genili s cysusl -f1 i brei'glIte.nilukuiaIaceirasrf nslvtuofeocggsiime inatepal-id yol-s - SnttehrŽuylhgsî, themuciaysoa'dsylulbeuu-l-theatteallon Ite showD_ bt-higniibc - s001ýLee, c ur caig I,îir utout-tuitauJpue c ilgtruugb thie catchu decllii dfrinu-iU gioiitflo Jorox 'i'uicu huele l agaWhiîi a It.blulu ouir'uiaii clurctr, wxul tiglitts li rouI, wlu hauve toucoucies tu coids 485,000 it 1887 ho 619,000 in _18941. cî-canter cclupfheol ts îaonl.an~duetdeu îtudusuiî leSt aobel rteîe i ep fehlîn y liu' aitdc ir i bd a t ru u'utheîî cbeultae Cet L t t ut1 uilsou-c hrocts, ant i iny ochIios Il is aely fo-i d iorth out hIe hti tatp tfstn c'a , o o ir o c - ia s t gt o. A qure u r m ri ea e m ue at o- g ir l y stt h enlk i ii l s i ee l o et ra lt a u f o r c e i , n g liptg- facegauudr.sA id horha n d Fsanootutbc glu-h niglu, xvic 1, lc tlîuui.s.lue scs uîum e ulutu are irritalebo xoulti hogrcatly beri it iad Ils laivorite hîuunt is fuoefler oîîe îîuuau-'îoî- of a Peuind stI în ay is 10 cui thle strilus jealouis, rad faiyJn-oxfu -orpotutynriltuiutsuî unatcue thlîuîli t'le day. iboeiited by thuecotiiied 1051 udi-1e oe fsileercnh sulîht-' foîsx eeed cuolh uetciaoitbasin, u id; ciwreriliipsilet îîuuc he o- deu ci-l- e lvias au tlS1itnlldthtirtf ,, -' ng.- -.Faîsutftr rbct .ir. l'uonof clous7..-eîuf fat icicsemîîc cuigosauoutîh ici-souu'ocl'ears, ut fsinly sururimpsssible __itiIa icouid huit c!ufu -u11,su-r--d 1 -d1t?1ec"1sti-'A -0îie-AI ---, .pod--ly i Mu-. Juuîuoîx mu Dy hui hne es cftle prt ItdhJoîlîtuuuilluhui uuuiîduxîenîlelti O tis Ilse Of îasfalinSronule isetif peiinsr hiOd rfo11vo1 raî,aihd i uiaIa-puu u-oeiui o îi o ps i lt sad."p thet Ine o c îIsyiorbaine' t nîu-uv Ithat a h'i just th--sa-ne as liait? mie years laîçu As te fur îsî top of Ii(,~ike hnium ý,VhQ kwu ? She, (10("nfguhtî. atisîs la Eu-glaud ]tmefl itis thmut a baha-Natuross josh the saînof aslAT ~Vhi utu , - 1 -io - - lno'-- 1 îih Ope1 neutuu uis yee'calsvuau olti hidiol." nery i aluabie lte rehuns nu-e sil laai ae bnatu as- Ntîegnsyumrigc AIEL NîI andl yeh Il las se %uImo Wmli 'ithis'I iuc- ua rlquile imnportant. The animal is tf-Isis ,re, tteu-are mauy housewives cold inl the finst chiily feeling thaI ol-FduI e bs 'l