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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1902, p. 4

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Paint Protection You realize the necessity of protecting your house with good paint, but you do not realize the neces- sity of protecting yourself against poor paint. It al looks alike in the eau, but one kind cornes cff, the other stays on; one kind soon looks shabby, the other Ikeepu new. -VTe kind tbat lholds o on ogest, 1ka uw Jongest, is TRE SHER WIN-W1ILLIAM2 PAINT It Is the resuit of a quarter of a centur's paint-nxakîng experlý ece; the pro)duet of the largest paint factory in the world. We sell it. We are now showing a tuli uine of new shades. Asic us I,)r color cards. RICE&COSOLE AGENTS. Headquarters for c helf and Heavy Hlardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Furnaces, Stoves, Tiniware, etc. a t ROCK U(TTOM PRICES. Phone 66 One Door West of £"est Office. Noafew Bowmauxille peeple as well as those cf the surrounding conntry are afflicted witli lame bick and those pains and aches caused fi-cm the kidneys. At MeDermid's Drng Store vou can prreure a box cf Dr. Gihson's Fpinous Kidney Pilîs for 25C, whicb are gua-anteed to cure or meuev refundtd. OUR~ 25e a bot1e. Is quite tie caper te keep away the, chaps, -AT-- McD ermid 's ,D rug ,,nStore,,ý The PCaladiail Statesnl, BOWMANVILLE. MAR. 26, 1902 Rev. Dr. Carman writes: "Humanly speaking prohibition is dead." Is it any ^.onder onsidering the fanatical and iii- advised zeai ot its professsed champions? Mr R. W. Peabody, Chicago, bas been a subscriber to the Youths' Companion o& Boston. Mass , for 75 years. He is now j 1 years oid and recently visited the Com- panion office. His (3rder for the paper was one of the first letters lie ever wrote. Seeding A iii soon be the order of the day. Vý e have great faith in change of, seed and in using onily the very best seed obtaiuîab e Like begets like in nature, so the best seed is none too good. Farm. ers who have good dlean seed grain should advertise it It was stated in THE STATE SMAN of Jan. 29th iast in an editoriai on W' est Durham bye eiection that "it is said some persons came in from Manvers and voted"» We have reason to believe that there was really no grounds for such a rumor and we wish to unqualifiedly contradict it, in justice to ail concerned, The St Thomas Times has been pur- chased from LVIessrs. Eddy and W all1ace by a joint stock company, and on April i wiIl corneunder the managemet o! L. H Diogman, who bas been busi'ness manager of The journal of. that c.ity for WEST DURHAMV ELECTION. Great excitement prevailed in Bowman- ville yesterday over a unique, humorous, and withal startling circular issued ostensibly from Cartwright, as- it bears date: "Cartwright, March 24, 1902 " The unique feature is that it was presum- ably sent out by "IG. C Bonnycastle, Secretary," but secretary of what is not stated. The name of Mr. j.- H. Devitt is attached, but we have too good an opinion of him to believe that lie would knowing- ly attacli bis name to such a circular To give our readers some idea of its con- tents, bere is an extract: "You and your friends w h o are interested in good Governmnent and opposed to direct taxation, ballot stealing, ballot switching, balot stufflng, ballot burning and the frightful use of money fer the past six years, to defeat the willý of the people," etc. %Ne wish to informn you, from most reliabie information that the Provincial Elections will take place in Ma y next, and that the Machine is already organi!eing to again invade this Riding *-"' * we want to suggest that in ecd Polling Sub division a brizade of stalwart young men be enlisted to act as Mounted Police, whose dut y should bc to rid the Riding of thc machinýe men and boodlers of every description between this and the close of the poîl on Election day." Perhaps the horses to be sold at Orono next Monday would serve for the Rougi Eiders or Hillierd Scouts Probably the e!ection triai at Cobourg and the South Ontario trial were in the mnd of the writer of that brîlliant effusion. PERFECT IN4 ALL POINTS. WELLS, RICHiARDSON & CO'S "IMPROVED BUT P ER COLOIV" neyer tomrs butter to a reddish or bricky tinge. IL gives the true and rich golden June tint thîat is always mainained in hot and coîd weather. it does not taste the butter, color the buttermilk, and bas no Offensive smelil lKe other colors WELLS, RICHARDSON &CO'S "IMPROVED BUTIER COLOR" never becomes rancid, stale or sour. iis tthe cnly perfect color for making perfeet butter. At ail duggists and generai aealers. Il the chiîdren require physie noue acts SO rilce as Mller's Worm Powders; verv pleasant to take. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. No gift that you eati Fend an absent member of your famil', for 81 will be hlaI as much appreciated as T n E STATESMAN for 1902-52 reminders. Do not sufer from siei- headaclie a moment longer It is net neCeSSAry. Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure you. Dose, One pill. Small price. Smali dose. Smo.ll put. Mrs Charles, Smith of Jimes, Ohio, writes; I have used every remedy for sick headacie I couid lîear of for the p ast fifteen years, but Carter's Little Lver P'ils did. me more good than &I th@ rest. UIps and Downs," the mcntlyl maz- azàne pu 1lislied in Toronto under the ausýpices of Dr. Iarnado's Homes at 2.5 TELEPHONE 57 HEAL BROS e%ü. BOMNVILLE.I JOUSES FOR SALE -T'wo-sto]ry IO EASTER EXCURSION$1 -TO- WASHINGTON, D. C. Via LEHa>11 VALLBY RAIL1tOAD FRIDAY, MARCH 28 Tickets onlv $10 from suspension Bridge to -Washnto nd retura. Al trains via Philadiphaad Baltimore. Tickets Zood te return luntil April'7. For furtherparticulars eail on or a-d dress Ronv. . SLuwîs,Passenger Agent, 33 Yonge St.Bado rae ulig Toronto. BrdoTadBuing .1.1r M DR. LOW'on WORM AlYRUF ana a ,afe, tiing22 roomns. For termn anduirther pat. UR'flureanWielabe oUXRm epelc. c ÊciHr5 maPPliyfo Miss Eý7inzÂWaviE , Welln sueual ell on e elirc o aui,.1 ~9flet. BoimaivmzLuS, sr o ow' s, i- o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jT h a t's o u r b s n s . m en ts a n d ee ister n e --BILL SôTUPrý-P i-n-e a n d Hemioe-k Because we know they are sure te Jeists, Scantling and Boards. E N want Luttrell's JerseyCream Bread, rîMBER-Pine a nd Cedar- Square ~'Good wares make ___________OCjAIex. Lutt relH. Timber and Steepers,. quic maretL"__________________ FLOOPINO--Red and White Pn and quic makets'l prin ï-as C nie BowmANVILLE. 0-3w White Maple. Tremeamn 0nal aleWorks ... Sp.n C rn CILING and Wnîsco'rro-Painted TIieetmeasmny BOlIIa11s ilabî Bringing wlth it a demand for New J. S. Ru nd te's and Grained, Beaded and V-Joint, pairs sold ini 1900 as Good Work, Footwear. Ou 0mwGeeo, oe hilpe in 1896. Best MaterialsB a gainnale lCov'e Shipappe The alu of he rtitie esinsSwell Spring Styles Sm";Gr.LEs-Aîl grades, Native Pin are now in and we invite the public to n 4'r 9 n earadB ,RdCdr firtpar,,ikeu-vluu-el2 Saskatchewan a.nd 2 Goat Robes, Doozs-Gilmours'patent lumberhardA f.irstpairlilcethe vaue Prces 1eagonable, insoeet themn. dur specials la 2 Imitation Fur Coats, 24 pairs Lined wo n ieDosaigae ~~ of the last, stamlpedlon R <-ensFieFot1a Covereci Mitts, New Cutter, Grand prices the sole by the Makïers E R.B IlNSAIIJwL, T fv,.« ndSS, LN5 n OUDNS~GI V .. J i..L. ltn' adxoireg,[Cnaia] Bags, PalIpOr. EverybOdy eau al n our's and UtlUl5Manufacture. 15 BOWMANVILLE, ONT,. lCeîth and Toprou'd ; 1 loo"k at themn if You do want te burv, Screanedroav-H ard1f -1 1;c rýMOEA ' urethe-' A ndleavered. R. F lyîo" no bada r~-fesOne3 pOwd, r_ , IImoplement and Carniage EnolujMCCLELLAN & CO JO~N ELLYA. ~o1 Locl Aget ~' o'wde, 10 10 pwdr~25e, Paror 5hoe Streposize T, TIe. OpositeT. Td's sore, owmanlîle.> 3 owrnavf3M West End House. West End House,. It is the Oustom to BuyE SomethingNew for Easter * Dress Goods Bargains. 58 inch, Black and Blue Cheviots, pure wool, our leader, per yard $1.00 I 56 inch, Black and Blue Twill Serge, pure wool, extra value, per yard .75 44 inch, Fine Pure Wool Serge in ail the popular shades, per yard .50 Jus tae a Whiie out Visiting the Different Millinery Openings Jus tae awaik down to the West End Flouse and see our grand display of New Spring Goods. Wel will have all of our Prints, Muslils and Press Goods opened out for your inspection on Wednesday and ext end to you a cordial invitation to take a i ook through. Ready-to-wear Dress krs $2,75 buys a lack Lustre Sklrt, well lined throughout, ail sizes, Skipre ts $à 1<$3.00 buys a good Cheviot or Serge Skirt, in bine, black or grey coo2 .00 $4.00 huys a nicely tailed fiaredSkirt, heavy stitching, in either grey or black homespun goods, beautif ni fitters 4 .00 $4.50 buys a Grey Pure Wool Lustre Skirt, lined throughout with extra good linings, nice bang to them 4.50 $5.00 buys a Pure Wool Grey Homespun Shirt, made up in the la test style, flared and 12 rows of tucking, brush binding 5.00, Ladies' U nderskirts.- E </ ~ \ Black Sateen Underskirts, extra niee finish, one large and two small flournces 1.50 Y,1/.. Black Sateen Underskirts, a really beautiful Skirt, 1 large and 3 small flounees 1.75 ~JBlack Brocade, Farmner Satin Underskirts, 14 inch deep flounce, accordion pieating 2.50 .~ ...'~'~" ~-~'Grey, Pure Wool, Lustre Underskirts, deep flounce, accordion pleating, nice goods 3.00 1VERY SPECIAL for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 729 yards of Enbroidery, worth 7c yd, for 4 OTION DBPT-Newv neck ribbo nis, new beits, new ties, new collars, coilar frame,&, new lace points, Chatelaine Bags, Fancy pins and broaches, fancy belt pins. SEASTER GLOVES-Pewn, 's famous Swede gioves in several different shades of greys $1.25 pr. GLOVE VALUES-Pewny's fine kid gloves in black, tans and greys beautiful fitters $ 1.00 pr. KIGQUALITY FOOTWEAR-Ladies our spring line of Footwear is lu and we cau honestly say we were never better satisffed M'V with the way the goods turned out, New styles at low figures. John cflurry. 5 ~W e want your Procluce, Hig-hest Prices Paid. Will use you rigli..

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